The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 21, 1934, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1934.
fhellPlattsineiath Journal
Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmoutli, Neb.a aa second-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.60 per year. Beyond
600 miles, $3.00 per year. Bate to Canada and foreign countries,
3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strlttly in advance.
Some folks don't need a bushel to
hide their light under. A pint cup
would do.
Several pennies went to church
last Sunday,
car riding.
The dollars went motor
A divorce only gives some women
temporary relief. Most of them get
married again.
Literature happens to be the only
occupation in which wages are not
given in proportion to the goodness
of the work done.
Every now and then Jimmy Walk
er throws out a hint that he would
accept an invitation to return to
New York, but evidently the invi
tations thus far have not been press
ing enough
Camera's fractured ankle, which
so many regarded at first mention as
an alibi, really is fractured. The
farther that simple, misguided and
mishandled foreigner moves' away
from the prize ring, the more popular
sympathy he enlists.
Bible School
Sunday, June 24th
Golden Text: Luke 1:33: "Of hia
Kinuom there shall be no end."
A properly conducted review' un
der the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
should be of inesteemable value to
the Bible student. To reconsider the
material studied, fixing in tlje.meiu
try the moat pronounced evenXsuI
ladh lessonrywiH fastej in the mindr
a vast store of ..knowledge, on which
we may draw in time of need. May
we briefly give a summary of each
lesson. -
Lesson I" Confessing and Follow
ing Christ." Opinions differed great
ly regarding the person of Jesus
Christ, frcm O. T. prophets to Car
penter of Nazareth. It is very essen
tial what we think of Christ. Every
Christian should be able to say with
Pter, "Thou art the Christ; the Son
of the living God." As such we
ought to know Him, and obediently
follow in His train.
Lesson II "The Child and the King
dom." Shall the church survive,
then she must give proper care to
the children. See to it, that they, by
administering the Sacrament of Holy
Baptism, are consecrated to God, and
thereby taken into the visible church.
Now it isfurther the duty of the
church to bring them into a saving
knowledge of the grace of God, .be
converted, and in childlike simplic
ity follow the shepherd of their
Lesson III "Jesus Teaches Forgive
ness." The hardest lesson for any
man is to ask forgiveness of the one
he has wronged. In the model pray
er, we ask God to forgive us, as we
forgive other?, that is all the for
giveness we pray for and will not
get more. How few of His follow
ers can repeat this prayer. Take a
lesion frcm the Master: "Father for
give them, for they know net what
they do." Can we pray like that?
Lesson IV "Our All for the King
dom." Is it worth it? "Yes," and
a thourand times. "Ye3." Riche3,
fame, honor, popularity, are all for
thisUimc. and often will not last then
one can thoroughly enjoy them, but
the Lord's answer to Peter's question:
"Lo, we have left all and followed
thee. What then shall 'wo have?"
"Ye shall sit on twelvo thrcn's, judg
ing the. twelve tribes of Israel ...
Ye shall receive a hundredfold, and
shall inherit eternal life." Who could
wish for more?
I Lesson V "Christ's Standard of
Greatness." It differs very much
from what men call great. Even the
disciples had a wrong Idea of great
ness. God's idea is expressed In
tumble service. Whoever will ren
der service to God's saints, and" sut
fering humanity, 13 looked upon by
him as "great." See for example Je
sus, washing the feet of the disciples;
and Jayicgr down H,is life, a racsjR
for njny. Therefore tfe Father fcW
"Exalted Him, and given Him above
Senator Nye says America is lead
ing . the world in expenditure for
arms. Counting the gangsters that
is' unquestionably true.
The cotton stocking, like the ox
team, is a thing of the past, and also
like the old Model T. Fords they get
you there and get you back.
: ;o:
The demand on the government
mints for more small change would
seem to indicate that the children's
pig banks all over the country are
on the verge of collapse.
In this world it isn't the fellow
with the highest voltage who gets
along the best. It is the person who
is equipped with transformer to hold
his voltage down on the service line,
that serves most and serves best.
A famous dietician says breakfast
should be eaten in silence. That
system has been in force a long time
in many homes, where father gets
up and eats his, then mother comes
down and eats hers, and the child
ren come along the rest of the morn
ing, one at a time.
Lesson Study!
By L. Neitzel, Mnrdock. Neb.
every name." Phil. 2:9." "
Lesson VI "Jesus Acclaimed King."
This was one joyful day in the life
of Jesus. It was a gredt rally-day, of
all people that were benefitted by
His unselfish life. This was the pro
legue of the day "when the Son of
Man shall come in THHs glory" J.. upon the throne of His glory;
.aiwlibefcre-Ilim shall, begathered all
nattciis.v Matt. 25: 31, 32. "Behold,
He cometh with clouds; and every
eye shall see Him." Rev. 1:7. Bless
ed are they that accept - Him as
King now and here.
Lesson VII "Christianity and Pa
triotism." The disciples of the Phar
esees and Herodians were sorely dis
comfitted when Jesus turned the
tables on them: "Give to Caesar the
thing9 that are Caesar's, and unto
Gcd the things that are God's." That
is true patriotism. And Christianity
is summed up in two sentences.
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart. . . . Thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself." No
more need be said. i
Lesson VIII "The Future of the
Kingdom." In ths parable we are
taught that many people had a good
start in the Christian life, but by
carelessness and negiect lost out in !
the end; hence Jesus' .warning
"Watch therefore for ye know not
the day nor hour." J
Lesson IX "The Last Judgment."!
That is the day when all wrong3 will !
bo righted, when justice will be
meted out, and everyone will receive!
according to the deeds done in the)
body. This judgment is final. No ap
peal allowed. All will acknowledge
that the judge has dealt fair, no error
is made. The riglicous are ordered
"to inherit the Kingdom, prepared for
them frcm the foundation of the
world;" the unjust are told: "Depart
frcrn me ye cursed, into eternal fire
which is prepared for the devibj'and
hi3 angels."
Lesson X "Jesus in the Shadow of
the Cross." Sad and bitter hours are
awaiting the Lord. The sleeping dis
ciples, the agony in the garden, the
beray3l, the arrest, the unfair trials,
rejected, despised, led to the slaugh
ter bearing the cross Calvary.
Lessen XI "Jesus on the Cro,ss."
"We behold the suffering, dying Sav
ior, but i till Praying, his lat will.
Woman behold your sen behold your
mother the lamb is slain the blood
is spilled, salvation for man obtained
the debt is paid the middle wall
of portion is removed Gcd Is recon
ciledHallelujah. Lesson XII "The Risen Lord and
ho Great Commission." This is the
keystone of our religion; without it
the whole building would fall. He
lived by his spirit in Hia disciple3,
md they could do greater work than
He did; think cf the spread of Chris
tianity throuSi tjjetr Preaches; aJ
aaij Jif if UU xr;th. tjjepi .that live
In Him." ' Aliray, even to the end.
Matawan, N. J. Patrolman John
Flood, a rookies officer, was shot
down and seriously wounded in po
lice headquarters by a mysterious
man, masked in white, who opened
fire from his seat at the desk of the
chief of police.
Flood had been on patrol duty
near the borough hall which houses
the police headquarters when he saw
a red light flashing in front of the
building, signaling him that be was
From his bed in a- hospital he
later described what happened: as
he reached the chief's office, he said,
ho discerned in the half light a figure
in a hunting coat and cap, and wear
ing a whte mask, seated at the chief's
desk. The masked man immediately
opened fire with a revolver, and one
of his first shots hit Flood in the
head, lodging in the back of his neck.
Flood stumbled and fell but whipped
out hl3 service revolver and returned .
the fife.
Chicago. A soft answer from
General Johnson partly turned away
the wrath which a convention ot
grocers had demonstrated on word
that the NRA chief would not ap
pear on their program. Two hours
after ths National Association of Re
tail Grocers heard that General John
son would not be the speaker of the
day, as the program announced, he
sent a message of "greetings and
best wishes."
"Only a great stress of work pre
vented me from accepting the invitation,'-
he said. Boos had greeted
the earlier announcement, Chairman
H. C. Peterson calling the general's
refusal "Mussolini tactics."
General Johnson's message told the
grocers, who had heard from Presi
dent D. A. Affleck of Salt Lake City
that their recovery program was
bringing about steady improvement,
that even greater benefits seemed to
be in store.
Pfedras Negras, Mex. Thousands
were made homeless here in the worst
fire in, the . history of this Mexican
border city. The fire started late in
the day and threatened the entire
square opposite the main plaza. The
Catholic church and the residence of
Senor Garcia, the largest. in, the city,
were destroyed. The telenhong. ex
change, building arid numerous gjnal
wood houses were consumed. Failure
of pressure at water hydrants ag
gravated the situation. The fire rag
ed out of control into the night.
Volunteer fire fighters from Eagle
Pass, Tex., aided the local depart
ment but were unable to gain ad
vantage over the flames. Thousands
of refugees sent up wails of terror
and despair as their flimsy, tinder
like" homes went up in flames.
Chicago Sirens screamed, auto
mobiles roared and the Dillinger
squad, assigned specifically to get
that desperado dead or alive, again
was about its business. To an uptown
theater speed a half dozen squad
cars on the report that John Dillin
ger was quietly seeing a show. For
forty-five minutes every person leav
ing the theater was given the once
over. Finally one man was picked
up. He proved to be ju3t the inno
cent possessor of a Dillinger profile,
but was taken to police headquarters
for questioning. The man, explaining
his identity satisfactorily to police,
was released and went his way mur
muring something about contemplat
ing a lacial operation.
itw xorK rue uaily iCews says
the stork is expected in two famous
American- families, those of Colonel
Lindbergh and Gene iunncy.
Confirmation was withheld at both
households. The News says "friends
of both families made -no secret of
the fact that both arc laying in fresh
supplies cf baby clothes."
v.uiuni L.inunergn lias one son,
John Morrow, born after his first
child was killed by kidnapers, and
Tunney also has one son, Gene Lauder
Chicago Samuel Miller related
the sordid story of how he bashed
his wife, Sylvia, 39. with a rolling
pin, took her and hi3 three children
for an eerie ride and then left the
woman to. die in an alley.- "She was
a nagging wife," the immigrant ner
vously told Assistant State's Attor
ney John Boyle as he sat in a cell.
Distant pastures may 100k en
ticing to some, but not to thoso
who Iceeo abreast of the values
advertised eoh week in the col
umns of the Journal.
Memphis, Tenn. The throbbing of
the motor in the air mail plane from
Cleveland droned a requiem as the
ashes of John "Pat" Barron, co
pilot cf the. American Air. Lines plane
which crashed in the Catsklll moun
tains, were scattered frcm the plane.
The ashse were released as the Cleve
land - Memphis - Fort Worth plane
crossed the Tennessee state line. His
family held services in Memphis.
"This is the way Pat would want
it," Mis3 Lucille Barron, his sister,
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Hobart Ray Reasoner, de
ceased. No. 3035; Take notice that
a petition has been filed praying for
administration of said estate and
appointment of Elizabeth Reasoner
as administratrix; that said petition
has been set for hearing before said
Court on the 13th day of July, 1934,
at ten a. m.
Dated June 16th, 1934.
J18-3w. County Judge.
In the County Court of Cas3 Coun
ty, Nebraska. :
In the matter cf the estate of
Webster . M. West, deceased. No.
The State of Nebraska, To all per
rons interested In said estate, cred
itors and heirs, take notice, that Ray
mond W. West has filed hi3 petition
alleging that Webster M. West died
intestate in Cass County, Nebraska
on the Sth day of August 1929 being
a resident and inhabitant of Cass
County Nebraska and died seized of
the following described real estate,
tc-wit: An undivided half interest
in the East 30 acres of the South
;west quarter of the Northwest quar
ter of Section 2, Township 11, Range
12. East of the 6th. P. M., Cass Co.
Nebraska, leaving as his sole and
enly heirs at law the following per
sons, to-wit:--
Melissa -J- West, widow. Irwin II.
West, Frank O. West, William S.
West, Harry E. West and Clyde S.
West, sons, Mary E. Johnson, daugh
ter and Raymond W. West, son;
that the interest of said petitioner
herein in the above described real
estate is that, petitioner is a son of
said deceased; that more than two
years have elapsed since the death
of said Webster M. AVest and that
no application has been made in the
State, of Nebraska for the appoint
ment of an administrator.
That the prayer of Said petition is:
"Wherefore, ' -your ' petitioner prays
for a determination of the time of
death of said Webster M. West and
cf his heirs the' degree of kinship
and the right cf descent of the real
property beloEing to said deceased
in the state of Nebraska," and that
said petition has been set for hear
ing before the County Court of Cass
County. Nebraska on the 13th day of
July 1934 at 10 a. m.
Dated June IS. 1934.
... A. H. DUXBURY.
County Judge.
C. E. TEFFT, Attorney.
Notiro is 'hereby given that a PRI
MARY ELECTION will be held in
the several voting precincts , and
wards throughout Cass County. Ne
braska, on Tuesday the 14th day of
August, 1934,as provided by law for
the following purposes, to-wit:
For the nomination by each poli
t'cal party of one candidate for
United States" Senator for the bal
ancc of the unexpired term com
mencing November 6th, 1934 and
ending January 3rd, 1935.
For the nomination by each poli
tical party 01' one candidate for
United States Senator for the term
beginning January 3rd. 1935.
. For, the nomination by each poli
tical party of one candidate for
congressman from the First Congres
sional' District.
For the nomination by each poli
tical party cf candidates for state of
fices, to-wit:
One Governor.
One Lieutenant Governor.
One Secretary of State.
One Auditor of Public Accounts.
One Commissioner of Public Lands
and Buildings.
One State Treasurer.
One Attorney General.
One Railway Commissioner.
One State Senator for the Second
Senatorial District.
One State Representative for the
Sixth Representative District.
For the nomination cf two candi
dates for State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, Non-Political.
For the nomination by each poli
tical party of candidates for County
Offices to-wit:
Ccunty Clerk.
County Sheriff.
County Surveyor.
Register of Deeds.
County Attorney.
County Assessor.
County Commissioner, Second Dis
trict. Ccunty Commissioner, Third Dis
trict. County Treasurer.
Clerk cf the . District Court.
For the election by each political
party cf Delegates from each precinct
and ward to the Coqnty Conventions.
For the Non-Political nomination
of two candidates for County Super
intendent of Public. Instruction.
The Polls at said Primary Election
wfll bo open from 8:00 o'clock a. m.,
to S:00 o'clock p. m.
Witness mv hand and th official
eeal cf my office at Plattsmouth. Ne
br2k4. this isth d4V cf June
(Seal) ltdltw Cas3 County Clerk.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale Is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me di
rected, I will on the 24th day of July
A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said County, sell
at public auction to the highest
bidder for cash the following real
estate to-wit:
The South Forty-one and
84100 (41.84) acres of the
West Half of the Southwest
Quarter of Section Six (6) In
Township Ten (10) North, in
Range Fourteen (14) east of the
6th P. M., in Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of Doris Bur
bee, et al. Defendants to satisfy a
judgment of said Court recovered by
John M. Leyda, Plaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 16th,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
JlS-5w. Nebraska.
Critfnoi, Kroner, Connolly & Slrjkor,
Omalia National Hank Bid?.
Omaha, Nebr.
In the District Court of Cas3
County, Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Application
of Charles H. Gibson, Guardian of
Ruth Pauline Harmer and Rosemary
Ilarmcr, Minors, for license to sell
real estate.
Notice is hereby given that in pur
suance to a licenrc granted on the
ISth day of Juno, 1934 by Honor
able D. W. Livingston, Judge of the
District Court of Cass County, Ne
braska, to Charles II. Gibson, Guard
ian cf Ruth Pauline Harmer and
Rcsemary Harmer. minors, for the
sale of an undivided one-eighth in
terest, being the undivided one-six
teenth interest cf each cf said minors
in the following described real es
tate: Commencing at a point 5SC
feet north and G75 feet west of
the center of Section 1, Town
ship 10. North Range 11, East
6th P. M., Cass County, Nebras
ka, this being marked by an
oak tree post, running thence
north 14 degrees snd 02 min
utes west 437 feet, thence east
794.5 feet, thence south 423
feet, thence south 4 4 degrees
west 330 feet, thence north 61
degrees 40 minutes west 505
feet to the plare of beginning,
all in the SEU of the NWU
of Section 1, Township 10,
Range 11, Cat:s, County, Ne
braska ;
for the maintenance, education and
support of saUl miners and the pay
ment .pf, their debts, I will sell said
real estate Et public vendue on the
17th day cf July. 1934, at 10:00 a.
m. at the south door of the Cass
County Court House at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, to the highest bidder for
cash. Said sale will remain open
one hour.
Guardian cf Ruth Paul
ine llarmer ana Kose-21-4w
mary Harmer, minors. j
TO: Florence Gillespie and Orville
F. Gillespie, wife and husband, that
ycu, and each of you, are hereby
fictified that on the 7th clay of June,
193 4, The Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance Company, a corporation as
plaintiff, filed its petition and com
menccd an action in the District
Court of Cass County, Nebraska,
against ycu and each of you. Ap
pearance Docket 7, Page 6 8, the ob
ject and purpose of its action therein
stated i3 to secure a judgment and
decree ascertaining the amount due
plaintiff under and foreclosing one
mortgage made by the defendants
Emma Andrus, a widow, Harold G.
Andrus and Edna Andrus, his wife,
Florence Gillespie and Orville F. Gil
lespie, wife and husband, on or about
the 21st day of August, 192S and
recorded in the office of the Register
of Deeds of Cass County on the 9th
day of October, 1928 at 8:01 a. m.
in Volume 5 8 of Mortgages, on page
4 89, cf the mortgage records of said
county, which said mortgage des
cribed :
The East Half of the South
west Quarter (EM: SW'i ) of
Section Fifteen. (15). in town
ship eleven (11), North, of
Range Eleven (11) East, con
taining eighty acres, more or
less, subject to public easement
for highways as new located,
and was given to secure the pay
ment of a promissory note made by
the defendants, Emma Andrus, Har
old G. Andrus. Florence Gillespie
and Orville F. Gillespie, dated Aug
ust 21. 1928, payable to plaintiff in
the principal sum of $2200.00 and
interest thereon at 5 per annum;
that said note is past due and un
paid, and decreeing said mortgage a
first lien on the premises therein des
cribed and directing the sale of said
Dremljes In eatisf action of the amount
so found due In the event said
amount is not paid within twenty
days, and foreclosing each and all
of said defendants of all right, title,
interest and equity cf redemption in
or to said mortgaged premises and
for costs of suit and equitable relief.
Ycu and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 30th day of July, 1934, and if
you fail to answer cn or before said
date, the allegations contained there
in will be token as true and judg
ment rendered and decree entered
a ccnrif in frl V.
poration. By Fred C. Fester aid
H. K. Mattley,
Its At-
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To all persons interested In the
estate of George W. Homan, de
ceased: No. 3031.
Take notice that a petition has
been filed In this Court graying for
the probate of an Instrument pur
porting to be an authenticated copy
of the last will and testament of Bald
deceased and alleging that the same
was duly admitted to probate in the
District Court or Adams County,
Iowa, and praying for the appoint
ment of Searl S. Davis, as admin
istrator with will annexed; that said
petition has been set for hearing be
for the County Court of Cass County.
Nebraska on June 29th, 1934 at ten
a. m.
Dated June 2, 1934.
J4-3w County Judge.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, r, will on the 24 th day of Jul',
A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said
day at the south front door of the
court house in said County, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder
for cash the following real estate
The Southwest Quarter
(SVVU) of Section Twenty-six
(26), Township Twelve (12)
North Range Nine (9) East of
the 6th P. M. containing one
hundred sixty (160) acres. Gov
ernment Survey in Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska;
The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of John C. Lemon,
et al, defendants, to satisfy a judg
ment of said Court recovered by The
Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Com
pany, plaintiff, against said defend
ants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 16,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
J18-5w Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
By virtue of an Order of Sale is
sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
District Court within and for Cass
County, Nebraska, and to me direct
ed, I will on the 24th day of July
A. D. 1934, at 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day at the south front door of
the court house in said County, sell
at public auction to the highest b:d
der for cash the following real es
tate to-wit:
The South Half (S) of the
Southwest Quarter (SWU ) of
Section Twenty-five (25); the
South Half (SU) of the South-
eact Quarter (SEU) of Section
(2 67; and" the' Northwest Quar
ter (NWU) of the Northwest
Quarter of . Section Thirty-six
(36); all in Township Twelve
(12) North Range Nine (9)
East of the 6th P. M.' contain
ing two hundred acres, Govern
ment Survey, Cass County, Ne
braska,; The same being levied upon and
taken as the propert of John C
Lemon, et 'al, defendants, to satisfy
a judgment of said Court recovered
by The Mutual Benefit Life Insur
ance Company, plaintiff, against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, June 16,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
J18-5w Nebraska.
In the District Court of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
William L. Stine, et al, plaintiffs,
vs. Mrs. Frederick Wllks, et al, de
fendants. TO:. Mrs, Frederick Wilks, first
real name unknown; Permlia Jane
Greerson, whose real, true name is
Permelia Jane Grierson, Myra Evelyn
Rakes, Myra Evelyn Rakes Doe and
John Doe, her hsuband (Doe and
John Doe being fictitious, real names
unknown) the unknown heirs, le
gatees and devisees of William Albin,
deceased, whose real, true names are
unknown; William Clorrence andi
John Clorrence; John S. Irwin and
Laura Irwin, his wife, and the un
known heirs, legatees and devisees of
John S. Irwin, real names known, and
all persons having or claiming any
right, title, interest, lien or demand
in, upon or to Lot 10 in the SWi
of the NE'4 and Lot 12 in the NEU
cf the SW4, all in Sec. 6, Twp. 10
N R 14. E of the 6th P. M.,, Cas3
County, Nebraska, real names un
You and each of you aie hereby
notified that William L. Stine, Lena
Rakts McClain, Letha Rakes Keene
and Gallant Rakes, Jr., plaintiffs,
commenced an action in the district
court of Cas3 County, Nebraska, on
the 8th day of June, 1934, against
you and each of you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to ob
tain a decree of the court quieting
title to Lot 10 In the SWU of the
NEU and Lot 12 In the NEU of the
SWU. Sec. 6, Township 13, N R 14,
east of the 6th P. M., Casu County,
Nebraska in the plaintiffs as against
you and each of you and for euch
other relief as may be Just and equit
able In the premises, including costs
of suit.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, July SOth, 1934, or the alieg- ily.
ationa. of said petition will be taken
as true and a decree entered In favor
of plaintiffs against you and each of
you, according to the prayer of said
dwtyeR & u-sxa.
Attorneys fori Plaintiffs
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
By virtue of an Execution issued
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 30th day of June, A. D.
1934, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the South Front Door of Court
House, in said County, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for
cash the following real estate to-wlt;
An undivided one-ninth in
terest in and to the West Half
of the Northwest Quarter of
Section Four, and an undivided
one-ninth interest in and to
East Half of the Northeast Quar
ter. of Section Five, all In Town
ship Eleven, Range Ten, East of
the 6th P. M., Cass County, Ne
braska; The same being levied upon and tak
en as the property of Ralph C. Rager, ;
defendant, to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered by Searl S.
Davis, Guardian of Evelina Rager, in
competent, plaintiff, against said de
fendant. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 23,
A. D. 1934.
Sheriff Cass County,
To The Dundee Mortgage & Trupt
Investment Co., Limited, cf Scotland,
and all persons having or claiming
any interest in the Northeast Quar
ter of Section Sixteen (16), in Town
ship Ten (10). North, of Range
(13). East of the Sixth Principal
Meridian, in Cass County, Nebraska,
real names unknown:
Notice is hereby given that Hans
T. Hnnren as plaintiff has filed in
the District Court of Cass County,
as defendants, the purpese of which
is to obtain a decree quieting title
to the above described real estate in
plaintiff aga'm:t all claims by or un
der any of the defendants and can
celing and setting aside, as having
been paid and barred by the Statute
of Limitations of the State of Ne
braska, the mortgage made by EM
J. W. Pitman and wife Anna Pit
7vrn to the defendant The Dundee
Mcrtgage & Trust Investment Co.,
Limited, of Scotland, dated June 19,
1882, filed for record June 19, 18S2.
rercrded in Book N Page 6 8 of the
records of said county, to secure the
payment of $1000.00.
You may answer said petition in
said court on or befcre July 30th,
1934, or otherwise the allegations in
said petition will be taken a3 true
and a decree entered accordingly.
Tyler & Peterson, and
Moran & James, Attor
neys, Nebraska City,
Nebraska. j21-3w
J n tn o-h I". Ilrtlnnr, .Allorney
S21 Firt ationa! Bank Building
Umahn, fbr.
of Hearing on Petition for
Authority to Mortgage
Real Estate
Notice of hearing on petition of
J. Leslie Wiles, guardian of Isaac
Wiles, incomptent, for authority to
mortgage real estate of said ward.
The next of kin and all persons
Interested in the estate of Isaac
Wiles, incompetent, are hereby noti
fied that a petition was filed In the
District Court of Cass County, by J.
Leslie Wiles, guardian of Isaac "Wiles,
incompetent, on which the following
order was made:
Now on this 23rd day ef May,
193 4, this matter came on for hear
ing on the petition of J. Leslie Wiles,
guardian of Isaac Wile3, an incom
petent person, for authority and li
cense to execute a mortgage covering
certain real estate of said ward to
secure payment of a loan to be made
for the purpose of paying debts
against the estate of said ward and
for the further purpose of mainten
ance and support of said ward and
of his family.
It appearing that it would be for
the best Interests of the estate of
said ward that said petition be
granted and the guardian of said
ward granted authority and license
to negotiate a loan for and on be
half of the estate of said ward and
to secure payment thereof by execut
ing a mortgage covering certain real
estate of said wrd, as set forth In
said petition.
It Is Therefore by the Court or
dered and decreed that the next of
kin of Isaac Wiles, an incompetent
person, and all persons Interested in
his estate, be and appear in the Dis
trict Court of Cass County, at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, on the 27th day
of June. 1934. at the hour of 10
o'clock in the a. m., there and then
to show cause, if any there be, why
J. Leslie Wiles, guardian of Isaac
Wiles, an incompetent person, should
not be granted power, authority and
license by this Court, to borrow the
sum of Five Thousand live Hun
dred ($5500.00) Dollars from one
Will lam Sporer, for a period of 8
years at the rate of 5 per cent per
annum, and give his note therefore.
as such guardian, and secure pay
ment of said note by executing a
mortgage covering the Northeast
Quarter (NEU) of the Southeast
Quarter (SEU) and the South Half
(Sya) of the Northeast Quarter
(NEU) of Section Nineteen (19).
Township Eleven (11) Range Twelve
U) t..ass county, Nebraska, for the
purpose of paying debts due bv said
ward and by hig estate and for the
further purposes of maintenance and
support of said ward and of his fam-
It is further ordered that rnticn
of such hearing be given the next of
kjn of said waTd and all persons In
terested In, his estate by publication
in the Plattsmouth Jou rnnl as nrn.
vlded by law.
Ey the Count.
U1S1-3W .T.,rfo