KONDAY, APRIL 16, 1924. PLATTSMOUTH Sim - V7XEKLY JOUEIiAX PAGE TrTKETi Named in Hollywood Reconciliation Epidemic - x-: i i :-: i '. ... . j.:':-. . - ;, w -4 1 At: .. 6 .... .. " ccording to boulevard gossips, the doctrine of "first love, best love" is enjoying popularity in Hollywood just now. To prove their point they cite at least three cases of parted stars slowly, but surely, drifting to gether agnin. Kuth Chatterton. who divorced Kalph Forbes and married George Erent, is one example. With the break-up of the Chatterton-Brent idyll, gossips predict Forbes will once more lead Miss Chatterton to the altar. Then, too, although Harry Bannister has been reported engaged several times since his divorce from Ann Harding, the betting is that they'll remarry. The breach between Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks grows narrower daily. Trans-Atlantic telephone conversations, flowers and birthday greetings by cable, are straws that show how the wind blows with the bounding Doug and "America's Sweetheart," A Second Plan Proposed for One House Assembly b;,1 responsibility to be fixed more defin itely aru! assure belter government. Boelts thinks if the number is re-tLuc-'d below 100, the rize of the rrt-s- er.t state house of represntatives. it j public electric power plants feared it would a few years ego. Three L-onewhat similar propcasls appeared on the ballot, the one favored by municipal ownership force? end two make it easier for lobbyists to ! otners v.-men tney cuargeu were iu- the legislature. Both sc- tv.opPired by private power interests and Norris and Eoclts Both Have Pro posals to Snmbit to the Ne braska Voters. Nebraska voters may get a chance to vote on two schemes to give the state a one house legislature, but only one can take effect even if tho electors approve both. Petitions now are in circulation to place cn the November general elec-j It takes only a majority of the tion ballot by initiative the proposed ; votes cast on a constitutional am?nd constitution amendment of Senator ' n-.ent to place it in the Nebraska con- I chambers as a means of fluttering up ll:c legislative record and preventing ! people from knowing what really is : going on. Th principle cf a unicameral leg ilature will bo under fire from sev eral former legislators and other per sons interested in state government, who think the present two house plan prevents mistakes and careless legislation. differed just enough to make the en actments ineffective if adopted. The one favored by the municipal owner F.Iup forces, however, tarried and the oihtTa were defeated. NOTICE Norris, embodying the independent republican dream of a small, non partisan, one chamber titution, provided the affirmative ;j percent cf trie total cast j votes are legislature ! in the general election. If both From April 1st to Sept. 1st, my office will be open on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and closed Thurs day afternoons. FAUL T. IIEINEMAN, m2C-2mw Dentist. MAC Oil- FINISHES CRUISE , Hi . i;U lllT HLJ die vttU ill I U c I Sunnvvale. Calif. The naval dir- ruired manner, the one with tbej; ible Macon retumed from a four iargest number of affirmative votes would be effective. and also th counter proposal for a j 100 member body, offered by State! Senator John G. Eoelts, a Merrick j county farmer. Both sponsors look on their plans: as a means of getting the govern ment closer to the people. Ncrr:3 j r-rracir.g authority of municipalities; thinks a small chamber will permit! for construction and extension cf Faint & "Wall Paper at Gobclman's. 'day cruise with the fleet, mooring at its bare here. The dirigibl? took part This never has happened, but . sponncnj of an amendment for in-' in tho maneuvers of southern California. the llett on blue Book Beauties Scaling Movie Heights It is the "poor little rich girls" who are getting the "breaks" in the movies. In recent months Hollywood has gone social register with gusto. Among the society buds who are climbing the ladder of film famTare Elizabeth oung, cf New York; Virginia Peine Lehman, of Chicago; MerryFahrney, also of the Wind? City; Janet Snowden New York and Newport, who tired of being a princeis after five days akthe wife of Prince Caraylta; Winnie Flint, society wife of Gil Berry, All-American grid star, and Rosamund Pin chot, niece of the Governor of Pennsylvania. According to a studio executive, all these girls are winnfrfe sucl cess on their mente. It is pointed out.that they possess the appearance of breeding, biauty of face and fig ure and abdity to deliver their lines convincingly that are today essentia to film success Alv N ews Roy Stewart is repairing a well for Ralph Garland at Trairie Home. The Earkhurst store has started giving Green Trading stamps to their customers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Armstrong have both been very ill and confined to their beds with influenza, but are better now, although Mrs. Armstrong has net yet recovered from the mal ady as completely as her husband. John E. Skinner took Sherman Wclfe to Ashland on last Tuesday af ternoon, where Sherman had some business matters to look after. Archie Miller and wife were visit ing with friends in Lincoln and look ing after seme business matters as well. L. D. Mullen was called to Elm-vv-ccd on last Tuesday, where he had reme business matter:; t look after, and where he war. aI:;o renewing ac quaintance with his friends. Roy Stewart was a visitor at Prair e Home, where he had some work to do on a well which he was sink ing. He did not get finished up with the work in time to return home that night and was compelled to remain over until Wednesday noon. Mr. and Mrs. A. 15. Streamer were in Lincoln last Wednesday, driving ever in their car to visit friends and look after some business matters. H. M. Wyatt is having the roof of his home covered with fire proof as hestcs shingles which he purchased r.f the Fanning Lumber company. R. M. Ccatman and family were visiting last Sunday at the home of his parents. William Coatman and wife, cf Weeping Water, where all enjoyed a very fine time. Simon Rehmeier and the wife and two boys, Frank and Fred, were in Omaha last Wednesday, where they visited with friends and relatives and looked after some business matters. They found the weather very blustery for their trip and were unable to travel very fast due to the bad dust storm. Mr. and Mrs. George Paul were visiting in Omaha last Wednesday, where Mrs. I'aul was having her eyes tested and secured a pair of glasses for the improvement cf her Msion. Mrs. Ralph Creamer was a guest .'or the day last Tuesday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Jewell cf Alvo. A sign painter stopped off in Alvo -rie day last week and found the Alvo hardware and Implement company md Elmer Rosenow both needing igns. The sign of the former was .-laced oil their warehouse while Mr. Rcsenow had his sign painted upon the window of hte place of business. R. M. Coatman wa3 in Lincoln a "ew days ago, bringing back a load ot roofing for the Banning Lumber "cmpany. He also made a trip to Omaha with cattle the latter part of the week. Roy Stewart installed a new wind mill on the farm northwest of town where Mr. Cameron lives. Auto Demolishes Buggy Sheriff Homer Sylvester was a vis itor in Alvo on last Saturday night, being called here by the wreckage of the buggy of Walter Collins by an auto which ran into the buggy, al most totally demolishing it and also injuring Mr. Collins. He is getting along very nicely considering his ser ious injuries and is able to be about some although he has his arm in a sling. 4-H Club Activity Alvo now has three 4-H clubs. The last cne organized a fortnight ago is a garden club. The youngsters are very anxious to receive their material and begin their new work. Will Have Streets Graveled The village board is aranging to have the streets of Alvo graveled in the near future and work will start as soon as the gravel company is able to get caught up on its orders and supply the gravel needed to do this work. Wen Over Linccin The baseball team of Alvo High school had as their guests a baseball tesm from Lincoln high, playing a very spirited game here, which was wen by the Alvo team, but our in formant forgot to give us the score. Meat Mosses MsaMn Science and medicine are proving that meat is a healthful food. The new knowledge will mean broader demand for meat animals, but prices can go no higher than consumer purchasing power per mits. PUT MEN TO WORK BCOST LIVE STOCK PRICES You can do it by selling on the PRIMARY market. When ALL stock sells there, buying competition will be restored. You'll get more money to spend. In spending it you'll heip make more jobs, create greater purchasing power for your products. Bill your future shipments to SOUTH OMAHA UNTO?T STOCK YARDS COMPANY OF OMAHA, LTD. Completes Business Course Miss Velma Earkhurst, who has been attending business college in Lincoln for some time past, completed her studies and v.-as given a diploma for efficiency. She was very success ful in securing a position immediate ly after her graduation with the National Labor Bureau as their chief stenographer and clerk, and i1? very well pleased with her new work. ie rersons Seized in Hunt for Barrow Treasury Calls for Bonds Worth Billion Dollars $4,000 in $20 Bills Is Taken, Eut Moves to Slash Intcr:st ty Hedec:n- Wantcd Dssperado Not in the Building. That Old Sagged Cap I know that old cap ef mine is quite delapidated: A fact my old friend Simon has often stated. He says, "You have worn it a dozen years or more. For the bill is quite ragged and the back is all tore." It is all I have, but I cannot complain For I've worn it in sunshine, in snow and in rain. In years. I have worn it quite a number in succession; I have worn it in good times, and also in depression. I know it is all torn, and quite cut of style, Eut I am inclined to keep on wearing it yet for a while. For what people cay, I do not give a rap. For there is nothing that gives so much comfort as that old ragged cap. It will do for a laborer, but not for some gents; And the truth of it is, it only cost me fifteen cents. It has lasted me now for quite a good while Even though it is ragged and all out of style. O. M. A. TWO rTTT,T,F,T) IN PLAiE FALL Akron, O. A private plane crash ed near Hinckley in Medina county and two bodies identified as those of Lester Krug, 26, and his young wife were brought here. Akron airport attendants believed the two were the orlj occupants of the ship, a three place cabin plane. Krug was a re serve officer in the army air corps and a former lieutenant in the air service. SEED CORN St. Charles, Red Cob, Reed's Yel low dent, $1 per bushel. Call phone 4022. C. C. Barnard, Mynard. a5-4tw-2td Hot Spring:?. Ark., April 1C. A police raid on the su-pietcd hideout of Clyde Barrow in an apartment house here today failed to turn up the T::-as deperado. However, it led to the arrest of Lix men and three '.vomer, ar.d th'.- finding of about four thcu-and doilars in $20 bilk?. Th.f.y were held for investigation. Police said aft: r questioning them that they apparently had obtained th? money legitimately. The women said they were wives of three cf the prisoners. As the police closed in on the place, two men and a woman with a C-month-old baby ran out, entered a car and sped away. Police overtook the fleeing car on ing Fourth Liberty Issues Draw for Numbers. Washington. Tho treasury called l.l'OO billions in Fourih liberty bonds for redemption next October in a Second administration move to slaf-h public debt interest chanre-. Secre tary Morgenthau drew from a glas:5 jar to select the serial numbers cf the bonds called for April 15. "1 don't know whether you've ever seen this before, but here goe," Morgen thau smiled to newsmen as lie grasp-' ed a paper cylinder. The result was that holders of the 4U percent Fourth liberties whose bonds have serial numbers ending with an S or 2 will be noti fied that their securities are due in the middle of next October. A treas ury announcement indicated they ... a highway, arresting the occupants v.ouiu nave an opportunity 10 x--vho gave their names as Bill H. ' change these called bonds for later Thorne, 42, of Doming, X. M., his wife and baby, and Clifford Kell, 2C, of Julia, Tex. Those arrested in the apartment! house identified themselves as Frank Montgomery, S7, cf Ainarillo, Tex.; Jess Grover Eutts, 41. of Huntsville, Ark., and his wife; Guy Taylor, S4, of Little Rock and Alexandria, La.; Andrew McDaniil, 18, cf Hot Springs, and the wife of Krell. TWO HELD ON INDICTMENTS Fargo, X. D. Two persons were arrested here on indictments return ed by the federal grand jury investi gating allcgd levies on salaries of relief workers in North Dakota. Ac cused in the indictments, and under arrest, are R. A. Kinzer and J. A. Kinzer, father and son, of Valley City. Kinzer formerly was executive secretary cf the federal relief setup in North Dakota. The indictments charge violations of federal statutes covering demands on federal em ployes. The grand jury began its inquiry Tuesday. Federal officials had indi cated the investigation would be made when they recently removed Governor Langer as head of federal relief activities in North Dakota, charging relief workers had been forced to contribute to the support of an administration newspaper. The governor denied the charges. issues of government securities. The new call was made just as Morgenthau announced that the con version offering of C 4 perce nt 10 to 12 year bond-i for Fourth livertis. called last October for April 15, and for $244,234,600 in C percent note:; maturing May 2 totalled fl,021, 000.000. Of approximately a billion in Fourth liberties called for this month, exchange subscriptions came to Ti7 millions. At the lower interest rate this means an annual saving of near ly S millions. The 22 4 million dollar exchange of notes for bonds that pay an additional cne-Iialf percent, how ever, increases carrying charges near ly $C00,000. COITTICTED OF EEEEST Independence, Mo. Samuel Wood of Fresco, Calif., formerly a mem ber of a quorum of twelve of the Church of Christ, was deprived of his robes of priesthood in a resolu tion adopted by the general assembly here. Churcli officials said his posi tion as a member of the priesthood was declared vacant on the basis of the report of a court of three elders which convicted him of three charges heresy, open re-billion against the church's rules and regulations, and unchristian conduct in quorum session. Journal Want-Ads gel results! THE MOST KNOWN TO SCIENCE . Now Embodied in a Soft, Fluffy-Dry Face Powder "--. "".. For centuries the world's leading skin specialists have encouraged the use of Olive Oil. Its healing, soothing and softening properties are praised by beauty experts everywhere. .. Heretofore, it was necessary to use Olive Oil in liquid form to get its beneficial effects. But now fhis precious beaury-aid is blended in a soft, clinging face powder known to millions of users as Outdoor Gull. Because of its unique Olive Oil base, this powder frees the skin from dryness and roughness. Keeps its texture firm and supple. MaJe in America Women everywhere are using Outdoor Girl Face Powder in preference to any other brand. Try this different face powder today. Its 7 smart shades blend naturally with any complexion. The Good Housekeeping "Seal of Approval" is your guarantee of purity and quality. Outdoor Girl Face Powder and other Olive Oil Beauty Products are sold by leading drug, dept. and chain stores in 3 sizes 10c, 25c and $1.00. If you want to sample five of the most popular preparations, mail the coupon. for Miss America oat .r.;Yf'j.-!- . t..u a tin:.. : . ..(- , . ' . j -;-""';"i: -i: :- - ':-X:Xiy:M 'i& ' ::-: ' "yxvy.-.-. .:9vw , ''y-' :; '- v".: ' : ' . :. yx i OUTDOOR OLIVE OIL FACE POWDER v.. Y-.',--f T3 - y : -yy iy . -'.? '. f fKame 4 Crystal Corporation, Willis Ave., N. Y. C Dept. 105 I enclose 10c to cover postage and handling. Pleaae send me your Outdoor Girl "Introductory Sampler" containing liberal trial packages of Olive Oil Face Pow der Lihtex Face Powder Olive Oil Cream Lique fying Cleansing Cream and Lip-and-Chcck Rouge. y I Address State-