PAGE TT70 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL IIOliDAY, APRIL 1G, 1934. i 5 . " : t-.'i f she attsmoufh Journal PUBLISHED SEI1I-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBKASKA Entered at Poctoffice, Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PEICE $2.C0 A YEAS IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living "in Second Postal Zone, 2.50 per year. Beyond (JOO miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries, 3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strittly in advance. WASNDTG Tho world is full of people who de light in seeing a can tied to some oth er man's dog. :o: A bullet traveling at 2,300 feet per second wculd take over six years to reach the sun. :c: Sinca we learned that lions which formerly brought $1,000 can now be .ought for $150, we seem to have lost interest in owning one. : o : In discussing who won the war it might be kept in mind that the for kaiser .has lived to be 75 years old ar.d is still worth 160 million dollars. :o : It has been asserted several times that there won't be any fan dancers , r.t the Chicago lair this year. This compels us to inquire nervcusiy what they've decided to use instead. :o: The governor of Indiana says it costs the state $300 to keep a pris oner a year, which was the first in timation since the Dillingcr escape that Indiana ever kept a prisoner a year. :o: Napoleon was a last eater and this habit of eating fast and carelessly is commonly supposed to have paralysed him cn two of the most critical oc casions of his life, r.t the battles ol Borodino ard Leipsie. :o: Perhaps the man who went to Washington and whose car immed iately succeeding in striking the auto cf no less a reison than Vice-President Garner might aptly be termed "the boy who made good." :u: Almost every day since starting. on !:'i.V trip, : President Roosevelt' 'has found the fishing very pcor. Well, if the fish want to pass up tho best chance in their lives to get their pic tures in the papers, it's ther own nL'air. :o: Mary Garden blames Samuel In still for the downfall cf the Chicago opera, because he didn't know any thing about music. Well, that's been known to happen before in the case of persons who hang around opera companies. Too often the way of America with the criminal is to hunt, find, lose and then start hunting again. :o: Along with the dust sicrm, black snow is reported in South Dakota. Blowing off the Black Hills, no doubt. :o: Economics can be made ever so much more fascinating than cross words, as even the boys who get it up den't know the answers. :o: There are more motor cars than telephones in use In the United states. Naturally, as you can't ride by your neighbor in a telephone. :o: A nice thing about having a slow car is that a person can get in it and chase soma of these desperadoes without taking any chances of catch ing up with them. :o: A Detroit woman, describing her recent voyage homeward from the rhilirpiner., said, "I felt like a gang- This seems about a3 good a time as any for cur annual warning against the insidious ravages of that vague and subtle affliction colloquial ly known as spring fever. Just be cause tho weather is fine ar.d the again, just because the trees are bo ginning to bud and show leaf, is no reason for permitting oneself to lapse into a state cf comatose and futile that is, reverie is not thinking. There is, indeed, a. vast, if not fatal, differ ence between thinking and reverie. In the first place, thinking is not well, whatever it is, it is net reverie. People have to keep their wits about them even if it is spring. As Dr. My ers has pointed out no, it was Com missioner Wirt anyway, either Dr. Myers or Commissioner Wirt point ed cut that that thinking is not reverie. It is no picnic to think. No picnic Picnics are about duo again. Just be- CCLUIUNIST LEADEIt DGEGIi'T UKE ITZW DEAL Introducing Robert Minor cf New York, leader of the communist party of America and spokesman lor the real yard-wide communists at the NRA hearings in February what docs he think of this administration? Is it on the march to Moscow? Perhaps Mr. Minor is a poor judge oZ revolutionary tendencies. Perhaps lie cannot detect a red radical in dis guise. Perhaps a potential comrade in the brain trust would escape his trained c: e. Be that as it may, in hij NItA address ho spoke his mind freely, at tho invitation of General Johnson, and, if we are to believe him, the new deal is just another deal for caiitali::m. Hi:-: speech expand ed and emphasized these points: "NBA shews its class character I .n every step cf its operation ne- cause it is composed cf representa tives cf bi-r business, "which fights cause me v.etaucr m line cnu : eavug.iy agaiost labor on every coca birds arc sinking and tha bees buzz- iU:(l :utii!cssiy suppresses all at ing and th tulips tupliping what tempts to organize among the work is means is that one i? foolish just tr3" to give up and stare out a v.inaov and dream cf the open road. w unman wrote aocut tne epen ic-u. state-, which are the most reaction "Afoot and lighthcarte;!, I take to the.nrv :wi Hi., rvjt vinl.rilv pn ! tei open road." lie would probably oj ar. thc mot decisively represented in a flivver now. "It's practically as ; j:1 va NRA." cheap, especially if one steps at camps j Al:(1 thij i3 to be cxpCcted be- 5 ce-r-. natue the announced purpose of the Furthermore, "it is not accidental "Y alt I t Vi-.t til ft l:if iiulncd-ios of I'm f'nitrr? the day President Roosevelt took of fice. Shall wo improve the system which failed, or shall we let it go and destroy itself? The end is not In doubt only tho method. The eld system, with its inevitable depressions and misery, is going to bo changed. The question is whether the change chall bo or derly or violent. Tho purpose of the president is to make the change slow ly and orderly. Business leaders who think they can save their skins by turning back have forgotten the les sons of history, remote and recent. New York World-Telegram. :o: THE TEST OF DEMOCRACY never tails completely. It cannot fail, for it point3 the nly way that freedom-loving people can go. Dayton News. :o: ADUTT INFANT ALISM ELAMED ON PARENTS or tourist homes thinkin; tainly something vastly different ! NRA to g:e the representatives and more important than reverie.. of business an opportunity for self- To think afoot and light-hearted one , m.c-r'i. nv.irr cmk-i-v! -ion cf ster-roses -there were so many beautiful in the stateroom." :o: The Exilona, on which Mr. In sull is to cruise back hoe, is a small freighter cf 5,0 00 tons, which would have floated easily on one of its distinguished passenger's stock is sues. :o: really should take to the open roa government. that is, to think properly one must! Ta short, "NRA shows by all its have something to think about, such j actions as well as by the composition as he birds and bees and read maps J CI- il3 leadership . . . That it is a measure of the government and of And -above all, remember Miis as - tIi0 employing class, conserving the these lazy, distracting, delightfully interests of th employing class and distracting, clays come ard go jstiiYiiig above all things to prevent dawn, noontide, evening jut Ls-J 'encroachments,' of labor against cap cause the birds and bees and and : -1." let it be emphasized again thinking j ylVm :,iiii0r j:3 probably surer than is not any mere expensive than go-;eVcl. ; the new deal is a sinister ing afoot unless in the mountains j device for taving capitalism in view where they haul the gas a long dis-J0f utterances this week by Chairman make- the heart grow fonder ; Taylor cf the United States Steel ccr- Thc forgotten man has been over- v.e repeat it: Thinking is not not ; poration and by General Atterbtiry, looked again. At any rate, Sarah necc :y to Bellum says she failed to see any men- j just bet-rut ie tho tion of him in Cornelius Vauderbilt's j and the bird.! are 'earn all the time! pike are striking' president cf the- Pennsylvania rail read. At the steel t orporatieis's stoek- .00 d thO i ftr i--.-f.-. f'!i-iiT"in T"T.-lrr list of administration friends and national labor bcerd will settle tb.c ; dt-.iared thet "the great ir.t'.uetrl: enemies. strikes if ti will use artiSeiol bait, j movement vh eh lir, been carried o (.cclidge used worms, v, o cant im-, thrcugh NRA has-been of service tc Wnen baseball was first played, p. .es it lipon ourselves, too much ihfere were two shortstop?, the av- thinking is net thinking is .is it or Democracy is being pilloried on every hand these days. Mussolini speaks with contempt of the corpse' of democracy and says it is on its last legs even in America, its last and greatest stronghold. The diita tors are generous enough to say that Perhaps democrat y n:sy have had some vahi3 in the eld iow-moring world, but that it will net do i:i the twentieth century. In the modern world, they say, you cannot depend cn the debating societies formerly called parliament.-,. Tho di rials- con- li that in the new, ccmnlsx world the ave.age citizen ct.iv.iut hepe to have an opinion on the ps'lticai, so cial and economic problems of his day. They arc bcycrid smu. be sides, you mue-t have re gvsmme nt that moves yukk'y and with decision. A for.- w.-ir-j rn I1,--. anger cmasneu c; k iosk s-, w i n d o w s, , in Paris as a piotss-.;; of deputies that l.s.d L. cheap politics while Hi Americans; confer.; ihut at are relieved when ce.s.gses nch in irs, the benches, streets cf the i-su. c cn ; -keying r.e buncd. time:; they : r:-v - home It seems that too many of the kind of parents who looked fondly on their children in ringlct3 and vowed it was too bad that they would have to grow up, cherished tho wish in their hearts and brought that very thing to pass. Or so cays Prof. If. W. Haggard of Yale, who insists thre is a very definite tend ency in the American home to pro long youth abnormally and tlui3 re tard the maturing cf children. Is the college boy of 21 today a match for his granddad at the same age? Are bis interests and avoca tions those of a man or those of a answer themselves. The infancy, ad and youth of rjedern boys and girls are unnaturally prolong ed by fond parents who take from tie children as much responsibility as they can. Cf course, modern life dees not call on the talents of youth as life did in a pioneering society. Then, too, there is a growing care in selecting lead- v.crld ' T y erage shortstop at that time evident-! j ly net being much better than thejcr j3 average now complained about by; ilia mg league managers. : o : A good deal is left to the discre tion of the crooner in singing popu lar songs this year. If the crooner ha! no discretion, which is. f reque-nt- j 1.. 4 1,. . . i iy mi; iiicc-, ciu are iiieeiy cu iicai "heme" rhymed with "poem"; where as if ho had discretion he would ities." As, a. temporary me-asure li wai altogether in favor cf it; for i t not? Thinking Isor--is nc-t- -:o: had kclnc-.l the United Steel corporation arc) helped to stabilis business. General Atterbury thought th rogrnm bed been "forced tor N R s far," car railed over five time-," s?yr, a testimonial advertisement. Well, we .suppose if we'd survived such an experience we'd become a bit garrulous, too. But turning one's ; tho capitalist system, by raying: "1 car over five times isn't really much i think President Roosevelt, in many for a cautious eld family driver to rcspee but lie conhnneil Mr. Minor s tiUrKc. i Eiismeions, aoove an, as 11; its. true character as a life line for has clone a great job.' rnyme "poem" "heme' with ,with "hoem,' pome, and wiiich oi i brag abot. There! What I toll you:" cne : o :- course would make everything lovely. sio than Plattsmouth. Trailed Seal Vi'e;7Si can imagine the red Mr. Tdinor ex- Ko better town Tn v.r.Tc'r: io rc- claiming at these tributes to the ad ministration frcr.i prominent cap tains of American industry. Spring field Republican. :o: (rAI LOPING AMNESIA i 'Jl B 'if if L.m 1 pik ilk Mkm Oit memories are short. The win ter cf suffering and discontent is soon forgotten in the joy of spring. And jsrmctimos the religion we get under adversity brines backsliding cn the morrow. So perhaps it is rot altogether sur prising that manv cf our business leaders should nv w t o praying and ev crkir.g for the Vie strut tion of NRA, ! ee.iss,f-u:ation of tne truui-m-secur- j ifics law, junking of the stork ex i change bill, post p.oncment of basic ban7;ing and tax reforms and a gen eral retreit from the new deal. The only surprise is that the win ter is forgotten before spring is fully here. With many millions still un employed in the cities and most farm era on the property line, with many industries and communities yet un touched by the beginning of recov ery, the loss of memory is at least t smew hat premature. If we go back to the oil ways in business and finance it will be only n question of time probably a short time before wo pitch into an other depression.' This is not a mat ter cf guessing; it is cause and ef fect. The depression was not an act cf Gcd. Our system produced it, and will produce another unless the sys tem is made more honest and more c Trie rent. Cur experience shows that each depression ccine3 more quickly than and leaves the government te the president and his cerbi rct. We think we ar; mere apt to get ;ui.-::, deci sive and imtllisont action. r or JJ years every pre secretary cf s-iats Ims, user:- ccurt. National bsiles cf lawyers-, minsters, teachers, t-iite:.., vsrkers have urged it and v.-It bout doubt the majority of Am court. But bees, ing parliament senators .Itk c i : mind! have be n oh! action. It is cuch pro; brings critleb ret of ' r .or ods. Rut demoesa y i; ; not so es-ily d r:; dh iatos.-, thi ascd c .1 to dr. i is aiv;-: mar: eis in all lines, a care which calls for more and more schooling, and whirh set:; ahead the date when a youngster must think of taking on himself the responsibilities of ma turity. Just tire same, there is a tendency on tho pnrt of parents to regard their children as children, even af ter they have families of their own. This may be one of the causes of that 'adult infantilism" which cb-jnin(i servers say is the bane cf American Dated April 1 NOTICE OF FINAL, SETTLEMENT In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in tho estate cf Otto F. Peters, deceased. No. 2054. Take notice that the administra trix of said estate has filed her final report and a petition for examin ation and allowance of her admin istration accounts, determination of heirship, assignment of residue of r.aid estate and for her discharge, that said petition and report will bo heard before eaid Court on April 27th, 1934, at ten a. m. Dated March 30th, 1934. A. II. DUX BURY, a2-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of aCs3 Coun ty, Nebraska. To all persons interested in tho estate of David C. La Rue, deceased. No. 3007. Take notice that a petition has been filed praying for administration of said estate and appointment cf Wayne C. Garrett as administrator; that said petition has been set for hearing before said Court on the 27th day of April, 193-1. at ten a. in. Dated March 2Stb. 1934. A. II. DUXBURY. a2-Jw Count v Judge. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court cf Cass coun ty, Nebraska. To the creditors of the estate of William Douglas McCrary, deceased. No. 3002. Take notice that the time limited for the prp'-entation and filing of claims against said estate is August 11, 1 f 3 1 ; that a bearing will be had at the County Court room in Platts mouth on August 17, 1934, at ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of ex amining, hearing, allowing and ad justing all claims or objection.; duly Y. ken people do not grow up na turally (which means swiftly) they r.o-er grow up. Rochester Times Union. :o: I.IE27 WHO PREFEE TO W0EK FOP. A LIVING Pew thin; I trmn tne let ! could touch us more ter of a CWA worker alC-3w . 193 i. II. DUXBURY. County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE : t c : r such a ! r-r -I'' d in the Journal tha other day. ' TT- 1. 1 ... 1- - I. ITf.w.L I i.ti iias ueca ul v. ui n. u.i hi j iiu-n j j i reck project, out now the work ims ilirv! discontinued. Unless it is cem- k thiol ''Cltu' . yiLinj- ,to obtain a decree quieting title to whole expenditure of 200 thousand j the above described real estate In dollars will be wasted. Ahead of! plaintiff against all claims by or un der any of the defendants and can oe c. and it :-; fjur crncy is, I. needs and Stii, even u mil en ruler. The whole stir; ras been in t cracy. Like a through the v. tory. Greek c first to found men m : lv.: v. a.. c:t:;:en in which the govern nn agent and not th- masts cue SiOv.--rnc.v-a half dozen c to 5 raced ure that -ocsatie meth i an old idea "even as , Demo- :- ir- To Tne Dundee Mcrigags S. Trust Investment Co., Limited, of Scotlaud, and all pe-rsons having or claiming any interest in the Northwest Quar ter of Section Sixteen (IS), in Town ship Ten (10), North, of Rango Thirteen (13), East cf the Sixth P.incipal Meridian, in Cass, County, Nebraska, real names unknown: Notice is hereby given that Fred as p'ainti.T has filed in the District Ccurt of Cass County, Ne braska, his petition against you as defendants, the purpose of which Is him is cniy a return to county relief. But he wculd like to go brick to the :en i i ethers who worked with him feel this way, he writes. "Where will tne money corns- from? I'll take a chance on tnat. I know- plenty of ethers willing to take a Cl 'e' tiO1 CZ C. riO-j - v fctiuiio it in ia tuna c. o'en the- .1 it runs I V2iat the county rpsnds for our food ) and ooe cf his-!anu rent and other expenses can be - v ers rniong the ! deducted from the possibility of get- f.. Q..- f vq ; 1,1.1.1 Ivj. uui u Jit.. j-Viiu iiitu. "In case no money is ever made available, we at least will have th? I satisfaction cf knowing that a lot of nared and : was the lei a dem ocracy the individual, not the state, n:oney already spent did not go to edom is now is the prime concern. If; underlying philosophy is that the citizen devel ops as he sharts in government and enjoys the laiges.t freedom consist ent with the rights o theory cf sharing and 1": the basis of all popular education. Experience has proven that in tho long run the composite judgment of all the intelligent cilieen; of a state is wiser and more permanent than the judgment of even a who dictator. celing and setting aside, as having been naid and barred by the Statute job and work; three-fourth:-; of the,cf limitations, of the State of Ne braska, the mortgage made by Eli J. W. Pitman and wife, Anna Pit man, to the defendant. The Dundee Moi tguse & Trust Investment Co., Limited, of Scotland, dated June lii, 1SS2, filed for record June 19, 18S2, recorded in Book N, Page GS of tho records of ?aid county, to secure the payment of $1000.00. You may answer said petition in said court on or before May 7, 1934, or otherwise the allegations in said petition will be taken as true and a decree entered accordingly. FRED HEEBNER, Plaintiff. TYLER & PETERSON, Attorneys, Nebraska City, Nebr. m29-4w waste, and also will have the benefit of having our minds occupied in use ful anu much wanted relief from idle ness." There is net much we can add to the careless charge, "Oh, those fel lows wouldn't work if you gave 'em the chance." And we have known it was false. Here is a man who wants to work and sees that the work is needed. TIcrc is a man who will be glad lie NOTICE of Hearing for Determin ation of Heirship Estate of Ella Elsie Jcssup, de ceased. No. 300S. In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. The State cf Nebraska: To all per sons interested in the estate, credit ors ar.d heirs take notice, that John Jcssup has filed his petition alleging Decision may for a time be imposed i 1:2:5 lja(1 v,01'b and be glad he has con- jthat Ella Elsie Jcssup died intestate on men, especially in surii emergen- ! tributed to the community's improve eies as war, hut a decision imposed ;,-,tlu' 1 11 "L b'utohuui from above is never permanently ac- j of u beyond what the county must cepted. Parents and teachers kr.ow 1 EPcnt for h5m anyway. this too well. Under dictators men Until we have made a place for cv- in time become more! and political j cr ni3:i r'- cannot feel weaklings and slaves. Men instinct-! cr J'-PPy anout tne way we arc said this bread- 1 meeting our community responsibil- :Iar education -Milwaukee J 0 u : n r I . :oi ivcly always move ti er and freer life. I always flourishes in a democracy, f democracy is fouiuK:! cn intelligent TI,n,lc,n,. ,- citizenship. Dictator ; al ways direct rr.outh packed roocistuffs arc. b co education or suppress it to their ad- Ing cop?nmecJ daily throughout vantage. j -,e rsi id die-west end south. Dictators usually emerge out of a ! . military state. Hitler rises out of a Sallkiill? iT & SALE I'russioume.l tjcrme: y. tne Germans 1 ave never known anything about v in Cas.! county, Nebraska, on or about February 22nd, 1929, being a resi dent and Inhabitant of raid County and died seized cf the following des cribed real estate, to-wit: Lots numbered eight (8), 0), Twenty -one (21) and Twenty-three (23) in the west half of the southwest quarter of Section seven (7) in Town ship twelve (12) North; in Range fourteen (14) East of tho Cth P. M., in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, according to the published and recorded plat thereof; Also all of Block three (3) In Townscrid's Addition to the said City of Plattsmouth. according to the published and recorded plat thereof: leavinrr pi hnr p.rin nrwl nnlir Viiro Stele c: Nebraska, County of Cass, jaw ths foiiovvinfr namd D&rsons. to the last, and each Is more severe than the last. Not many months a o a lot cf frightened business lead :vs wore cure that the capitalist sys fem in America wa3 done for. Their hysteria then was extreme as their loss cf memory today. But their hys teria, exaggerated as it was, never theless grew cut of the hard fact rec ogr.izcrl by them that the system can not survive- many mere such blow3 as the last. The issue today is the same as! rlish a repuolic l ad no rs- 1 hey have al- r.v virtue cf an Order of Sale issued rbove. In 1918 ;by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk cf the Dis- vitri, , ,o'; tioci i.e'irr witnin and lor tones Cnu-ty, Nebraska, and to me direct ed. I will 0:1 tbfi Etb (biv rf TIT.iv Ins have; never ! a.. D. 1334, at 10:00 o'clock a. m. of said day at the South Front Door of tho Court Heme in raid County, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for each ths following real es tate to-wit: West Half cf Section Nine teen, Towjnbip Twelve, North, Rerge nine, East cf the Cth P. M., in Cass County, Nebraska; The same being levied upon and taken as the property of.Janie3 E. I McLrinley, et ah, defendants, to satisfy a judgment of the Court re covered by The First Trust Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, a corporation, plaintiff, against eaid defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska April 2nd, ture. Men cannot be permanently ,A- 1834. t.. H. SYLVESTER. democratic processes vays been lulcd free. Germany tried to er'. but failed because publicans. The La been trained in democracy and the Russians are not intelligent encuo:h to ru'.a themselves. The present crisis in the liberal democratic move ment rises out of the fact that in many countries men'j ttomachs are empty, and when men are starving they do not know what they want. They are at the mercy of demagogues, emotional orators and men on horse back. Thi3 is one of those hours when liberal.! in those countries should ctand firm with faces toward the fu- J wit: failed many time3 before, but ita5-5w Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska. John Jessup, her husband; George Gardner, John Gardner, Leonard Gardner, JJary Allmon, End Jennie Sacs, brothers and rif ters of said deceased. That the interest cf U12 petitioner v in tho above described real estate is N--that cf an heir and praying for a determination of the time of the death cf said Ella Elsie Jessup and or her heirs, th? degree cf kind3hlp and the right of descent of the real property belonging to the said de ceased, in the State of Nebraska. It is ordered that the same stand for hearing on tha 27th day of April. 1D34, before the Countv u"3 cunty in the Court House at v Plattsmcuth. Nebraska, at the hour V cf 10 o'clock a. m. Dated at Plattsmouth. Nebraska, thi3 2Sth day of March, A. D. 1934. A. II. DUXBURY, a'"3w County Judge. I Journal Wart-Ads get resuJtsI