TETTESEAY. MAP.CH 29, 1934. THE PLATTSHOTTTH EVENING JOURNAL PAGE THEEE ienawaa Arthur Campbell moveil to Otoe crunty. where he will work for Charles II:r.:;e:i far the sunnier. Alex C'nvupH!! was a visiter in ricusr.ioutli lart Saturday afternoon, where he was looliiarr alter some bi:iine-:; mutters for a s-hort time. Charlo:' II. Troop, o! Thit trr.iouth, v;;:s a visiter at the homo of his br.tr or, v. O. Troop, lait Monday 2n rninjr. ".riv!r..T dewr. in his car. Miis Helen Mac key, of M::rray, va? viitirur n Xehawha last Friday r.iul v as ritoridiiij?: the Jur.Icr clars lI:y Y-buh wa Ma??.! that n':rht. Mrr.. Fred Druc;-I:er and daughter, I);:.i!;y. oi Murray, were visiting in X.Iu:v!:a av.d attcr.dir.r; tbe play riv::i I y the Junior tla.-s on last Friday. Glen Puis, of FJntt.r.mUh, was r viitor i;i Xehav. ka. call In 3: on his fricn.'l. a;i'.l ;n wdi they vere attend in.'T tiie play which war. s-tagecl last Friday even in jr. M- r:--. Clto'xia Crer.nic r, residing e-a.-t t.'f Murray, v.as a visitor in I'latt..:r."Uth, where- she war. looking alter socio r.hrpplr.g and vi? it ir.tr with her mar.y friends. Hoy Waldo, of Auburn, was a vi-itcr in Xehawka. v.-he re he was at:rnd:ny: th.e funeral of his friend. Cllc Ftoll. and v.' as also visiting- at the h-,r.i." of his parent-;. Mr. Mrs. Stewart Itoua:!i were For members of the board of edu cation for the regular term, with two to he elected, the nominees are A. G. Cisncy, C rover Hoback, R. X. Pierce and J. II. Steffens. To fill the va cancy caused by removal of Frank Dill from the district, the nominees and li. B. Stone and Guy Murdoch. Gave Vesper Service On last Sunday afternoon at the auditorium there was held a vesper orvii v, ;::uler direction cl" Mhs Ruth Jefferson. Some splendid musical ur-.L'crs were rendered by the Girls' . i.d Ui y.-;' Glee club;: of the Xehawka :-:iccIs. There were a large number !.:c::ent to hear and enjoy the Eer-''i'je. August latrthers Passers August Lawthcrr, son of Mr. and Vrs. John hawtliers, late residents of Xehawka, passed away last week at a hospital in Norfolk. He was horn In this vicinity some 40 years ago, residing here until about 10 years when he removed to the north ern part of the state, where he has Leon engaged in farming. He was married during his residence there, three children and the wife surviv ing his passing. The funeral and burial was held at his late home in that part of the state. The many old friends here will regret to learn of his death. Time Death of Old j Resident of ! ! Weeping Water; Thomas F. Jamison, 76. Had Seen One of Prominent Men cf County j Dies at Rising City. over tc Chenev last Sunday, where they went to vh it with a brother, j bv.t found him away on a trip and ; so wore not able to see him. Mr.-,. E. M. Tu;kcr was a visitor! in Plattmcuth last Saturday, where j she was visiting with a number of j her fr'er. !s ar.oi at tha same timej 1 was looking after some buir.es- mat- j ters as we!!. i Dt.ruty ShcrlfT Jarvi.-. Lancaster; . end fatu.Hy were visiting in Murray la:r. Saturday evening and were at- Eies After Short Illness Gile Albert StoII. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fulton and II. H. Stoll. was born at Xehawka on September 10, 1007. He attended the public schools here and with his par- and Mrs. Albert Stoll, :nts. .vir. anti tending th.e dance v.-hi was held there and as well visiti.ig and greet ing his many friends. Mrs. Chio? S'oll. who has been vi-itirg v. i:h her .'i 'Ur, Mrs. V. O. Tror.p, wa- a vi.iitor in Idaltsmouth for a few i'ay-. returning to his sis ter's home on Monday meaning, and has be n v: -itlrg ihcre for the week. John Durman and family, who are at this time- making their home near Syracuse, were ovc-r to Xehawka. and Murrav. -.-. here thev were called , 1 on acciuui of the J. Tiire.n. whieli cc ary 2?.vd at ::ath of Mr.. C. 1 mrrcd on Fcbru- Mur- ITarcld Kimlcn and family and A!::cr. tie,, ana lan.iiy. 01 ziys. were called to Xehawka orracccunt of the serious illness and subsequent death cf Gilo A. Stoll, who has been mailing hiz heme with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 1Z. Fulton for soric time past. James M. Dur.har. of Auburn, to grther wit!; the family, were guests f v the day hist Sunday at the home; of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Palmer, of Xehawka. and were also mot here by in tbc r-he: Is at Johnson but was at j home over the week end for a visit! with her parent". j P. C. run:. i?:gham. wife and child-j ren arrlv d from the v. est last Fri- j day night, having driven, e ver five j hundred miles and were visiting for! over the week end at the home of j ft re moved to Wayside. Nebraska, where kr completed his education and where he resided until some two years ago, v. hen he returned to Xehawka on -"count cf the feeble health of his grandfather, Thomas E. Fulton, and ms made his heme here with the grandparents. Of late, the young man had been employed in the stone quarries, and 't was while engaged at this work that he contracted pneumonia, pass ing away on last Friday at the home f Mr. and Mrs. Fulton. The funeral of the young man was held from the Methodist church at N"-? bawl: a and was conducted by the r.ov. V.. A. Taylor, cf Union, with Interment in the beautiful Mt. Pleas ant cemetery. Gi!e was an exempliary 3-cuu.g man rr.d had a host of friends. lie leaves to metirn hii. departure his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stoll and the grandparents. Messrs. and Mesdames Thomas E. Fulton and II. H. Stoll, a I rcther Gilbert and sister, Mrs. Lo vlna Osborne and their little daugh .;r. II: rold Kimlon. wifo and their little ones. The entire community "rrrov.s at the untimely removal of this splendid young man and sympa thizes with the relatives in their less, lie was 2'j years, G months and 13 days old at the time of his passing. The death of Thomas F. Jamison, 76, resident of Vi'tcping Water for a period of fifty years, occurred on Saturday afternoon at 4:40 at Rising City. X'ebraska, where he had. been making his home for some time with his daughter, Mrs. John Pates. The news cf his death came as a great shock to the old friends over Cass county where he was well and favorably known, as he had been one of the active business leaders in his community. Mr. Jamison was a contractor and builde-r and most of the buildings and residences in Weeping Water and vicinity have been erected by him in his long residence in that city. He is survived by three daughters, Mrs. John Rates, Rising City; Mrs. Margaret Drendel, Lincoln; Mrs. Wil liam Kidder, Sarger.t. Nebraska. Mrs. Jamison preceded li?r husband in death sevtral years ago. The funeral services will be held at 2:30 Tuesday at the Methodist i hurch at Weeping Water and will be conducted by the Masonic locige of Weeping Water cf which he was a member for fifty years. LEWIST0N SOCIAL C IP. CLE CLUB EXEET EEESGS ACCIDENTS C. Steffens and wife cf j th.e- heme c Lett :;., and fcllowing this visite with a brother of Mr. Cunningham,! in On-.rtha. after w.nch they went to Mhseuri for a visit with relatives. C-nnies Verr Ensv The stone qr.a'-iies in this vicinity! are all very busy now retting cut ar'.-o quantities of stone to bo used in river improvement work. They ar; making .shipment cf the stone to both Omaha and Xc-hraska City. f rom Wednesday's Daily The light rainfall of early this morning which was turned by the chill y east wind into sleet, freezing a it fell, made conditions very bad for travel either by car or on foot. The sleet caused a number of acci dents along the highways and in Om aha where the storm was much more severe than here. Drivers of cars found the sleet freezing on the wind shield: and unable to sec for any dis :ai;ce. North of this city a Ford was e. recked at the La Platte viaduct, kidding into the rail cf the viaduct and breaking a wheel off. At Om aha a street car and auto collision : ci'.h'd to the list cf accid- :its for the day. EEC 3 VEILING PE0M ILLNESS F.eszlts c" Vilk-e Caucus At the can: us held for the nomina tion of a-:iii'iates for members of the town board, there were placed in :n:r.ati". double the ruber to be fleeted, fi-wlt: Stewart Rcugh. B. E. Summers. Clifford Trotter and John H. Sieffen-. The voiers will scic t twj from the foreg-.ing list. Eerrtrribcr tte "Miller Burial Vault" is the cn!y el-"-Ecalins- water-tight p.ult made. Vault cue piece, lid one rieee. Seals automatically vater and air tight. Finely constructed of re inforced concrete. Will last forever. Do You Want the Remains Secure when Buried? ALL undertakers can snpply yon. Just ask for -Miller's Burial Vault." JAMES MILLER Nehawka, Nebr. IS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker at Union has been tli2 scene of considerable illness the past few weeks as the children have been suf fering from the measles but arc now recovering nicely from the attacks. Don, a son of the family has recover ed novv and it is expected to have him taken to a hospital soon for an other mastoid operation. Genevieve, a daughter, is also over the malady and will resume her school work soon. Mrs. Becker was at Nebraska City Monday where she was in at tendance at the Easley funeral. GEAiID CUST0DIAI7 HEEE From Wednesday's Dally Lute M. Savage, grand custodian of the grand lodge of the A. F. &. A. M. of Nebraska, was in the city today to hold inspection of Platts mouth lodge No. C. Mr. Savage had examination of the officers of the lodge this afternoon and at 6:30 a luncheon will be served to the grand custodian and the officers of the lodge. This evening there will bo an exemplification of the ritualistic work given by the local lodge for the grand custodian. Mrs. S. Y. Smith and Mrs. Arthur Reed entertained at the Lewiston Community Center on February 22. After th.e covered dish dinner the project leaders gave th.e lessen "Mak ing Old Chairs New." On March 20 the club met at the home of Mrs. Albert Young with Mrs. Meta F-ar.ni assisting. The usual lovely dinner was held. The busi ness meeting was opened by the pres ident, rians were made for a party -larch 31st at the Community Cen ter for club members and tbn-ir fam ilies. Mrs. Hanni and .Miss Moore gave the lesson on "Care and Re pair of Walls and Floors." Some very useful ideas were given. Elec tion of ofi'hoers for the coming year was held .the fcllowin gbcir.g elected: Mrs. Karry Gobelman. president ; Mrs. Herman Comer, vice- president; Mrs. Charles Wolfe, peeretary-treai urer; Mrs. Meta Har.ni and Miss Mar garet Moore, project leaders; Mrs. Roy Becker, reporter; ?.lrs. Lee Faris and Mrs. Vance Harris, social lead- 1 ers. The March song "Merry Life," was sung, also several other songs of the : year. Several guests were present to, enjoy the meeting with us. Mrs. Lewis Eurbee was cr. roiled as a club i member. j The club will meet Anril 10 with ' 1 Mrs. Virgil Sudduth. NOTICE From April 1st to Sept. 1st, my office will he open on Wednesday and j Saturday evenings, and closed Thurs day afternoons. PAUL T. IIEIXEMAX, m26-2mw Dentist. CLOVER SEED Red and Sweet clover seed for sale. John McCarthy, Nebraska City, Neb., phene 5011. m22-3tw See Ticbail for Spadra Nuti Coal and Hard Coal for brood-! er stoves. Phcne 40, Platts-! mouth, Nebr. ! Improved 5 Acres At Auction Monday, April 2nd j AT 2:00 P. K. j Sale cn the Premises 3 Miles Southeast of Pfettsmouth I n--'r is a dandy five acre tract, has 7ccd five 10cm frame hcuss on brick; foundation. Vvrater in the hcuse. A in'l basement. GatEge, stable, heg house, chicken house, etc. Fruit and1 :hade trees. Tree, $5 in cash and' ether prizes. Don't miss this sale ! ; Terms Easy j WE will also sell three -work horses,! one 4-hcrse disc, HcCcrmick-Deering balance rider cultivator, like new;! cue boat built for motor, one alfalfa I seeder, Ccpper Clad range, battery ! radio complete, large baby crib, etc. i TEE1IS ON PEES0NAL PECPESTY CASH ! RALPH STOUT, Qwzer Wit. OOCMfl MT your TYQ1YL H hi 11 Mul Hinky- D swrts'm' A Far m vr r 7 , ? mny is funix i juv to oe ooitt y in deliciGiisness and economical in cost! Del Monte Fey. Sliced or Half PEACHES ?ac;:-.17c 3for4c te! Monte Sliced op Crashed Pineapple, Pears cr APRICOTS K0.2V-! Car. :19c 3 for Kuner's Garden PEAS Medium Can, IGc 1 C No. 2 Can - - - jL Del rvionle Cream Style, Country GentSemr.n c; Golden Santom CORN Nc. 2 Can - - 2foi Ad for Pkitsmcuth, Fri., Sat., March 30-31 Silver Bar TOMATOES Medium 9 I -A Can & iOf U 2 for 236 Dc! Monto Fancy Red SALMON l-lb. tall can, 196 K S C 3 cans for - - QjFQjP 2 for 25c rtxrv ;mk CampbeH'r cr V?.n Camp's Fork & Beans or Van Camp's Tcmato SOUP Med. Can 2 H J. Heinz Pure KETCHUP Large 14-oz. (fQ Bottle --- j.c Jun: ! Sim? in,,. - I'n !-' '.i:ftrr:!:i 'i r' J;-y Niivch. Cxt. Fancy Lge. Sizes IS Washington Winesaps Cdaho Rome Beauties - - ;ess Potatoes "iSi pSsri I. iritl- . 1 .ei:;.inc -il Kiier llinnrnula Knrly Oblixi, HStS'S'SSSS '-"Oe Solid Heads," Each - - - I'r: .ii. ( ri'; Arlxonn 1 ce li u 1 1. Weil Bleached California Chula Vista. Medium size stalk, each - 7ic h r"yaSSirS?13SC Fresh. Tender ZTevJi S4Qi Lori Green. LK - - - SSSBS 3lbs.3lc to lbs. Sc (irn;Tc N. '.. clln or Kr-tl fill". SlWlf.P SSk Solid Green Cas-WrGW flew Texas. L' 4 Fancy Frcs1 Texas f Larrc S'jnc' cs ------ L. Fare-.- Fresh Tender JL -3 Ca!ifcrnia, well filled Pcds. Lb. - - - 2 ! t.Vi A r.rv t t n t rt Mt t-, 1 Fancy California Strawberry. Lb. 7c DOLD'S UIAGAEA, Wliole cr Half II.!"n lini-Ml Skintiril x;.unr ciircc!. Mlr!"rj sinokcil. Lassilj hems $i. . . . TuIt-r uuil (letM'ioiiM, ISerc' z:i Ii!mi1 Smiiliiy 1 inner. mWmi& "ig lb. - 2 f'ln5i-- ! l-'tt? r-rnl:i ft t! riiiiliiy :rk. '!?i5t mill 1 li-iot: In l!mor. rlxo -ononiiriit. MBB MCa-SlS Shoulder Lb. 13 CliDirr -irn led lltrf, I . S. I :i leil rr .-n ir ! rjal. f'liuifp t'fulrr rll c;r loin, iu airy t lilt Luran ilt'ir')l. Ecund, Sirloin, i-Bone. Shcrt Cuts f2 'ln;- i'linlit. i:'II -ni ii.i .;, n! nr inrilf uny, ilroilcil, linnilnl '.r T'lin f-ri-t!. T7 LCEN. Genuine Spring Thin in fancy quality I,nml. Only chuictMt oflVri-iI nntl priced uiiiimiiuII.v ion. Cuts. Lb. - LX'yar Select center ruin from Dold'M iinsarn IlaniN In OiickncneM (o 1-nk.e cr try. Of cunmr flue quality Is anxurcd. liickury nmoked, Kii;;nr cured BaCOXl Kinky-Uinky, I Lb. PIcg. . . ilS and wrapped In cellophane. iLa2! 2 One Lb. Cartcns lfC Swit'l'x HM)fl pure SlUer I.enf lsrnud for Imkiiic. frying rr.d pantry t:"t. Powdered or Brown Sugar Mb. 71 3-lb. Carton 0 Eas 19c Casco Creamery Sutter Solids, Mb. OC Carton i-iiJ Onnrtered. SUe lb. Best-of-A(l Margarine Carton - 10c Jel!0 or Butter-Nut Jell Pk-. - SWAH3 DOWN CAKE FLOUR C r Packanc - - - Swansdown Biscuit Mix. Lo. nka. 18c ORTHO CUT FFEE 2-lb Can 1ST 1 ib. can . tac-,! A SWEET- A rn "i I H!iriiiF:rw o IDS.. 58C i n.-LiDttno y BfCrtNISS J'- Bar r,-u7. 1:1.1,0 !! m: I'Ki;. Qj-ZtTS. 6THSS 2 Pkgs. for 17c GENUINE EDG NOODLES the.'icd home mat ye fet? So-Tastes Soda or Oyster CRACKERS or Certified 2.lb Grahams caddy luC Del Monte Black or White Cherries, I7o. 2, can 1 25c Del Monte Crushed Pineapple, Ko. 10 "Gal." can 4Sc Tick Tcck Brand Pears, ITo. 10 4'Gal." can 45c First Prize Spinach. No. 1 tall can, 10c; No. 21-. can lEc First Prize Hcminy, medium can, Sc; Ko. 2 cans 5c Lai sen's Veg-All, mixed vegetables, Kediun. can 10c CALUMET Eaking Powder 4- cz. can. Vc 1-Ib. Q 5- cz. can. 17 Can xAiVi P.icardc Gueen Olives, 3-cz. bottle, Sc ; 6-cz., 23c ; Quart 35 Win Yen Sslad Dressing, S-oz. jar, 20c ; Pint, 15c ; Quart 2Sc Sclden Glov I-Iu:tard, quart jar ISc French's Wcrcestersliire Sauce, 5-cz. bottle 15c Everfcest Jlint Sauce, S-oz. bottle 25c Three Diamond brand Crab Meat, large can 206 Elue Sea Brand Mackerel, l-lb. tall can, 3 for 25c Wet Shrimp, per can 12c Fancy Blue Esse Pace, C-lb. cellophane b?-2; 10 c Northern Kavy Beans, 10 lbs., ?5c; 5 lbs 23c Kaccrcni cr Spaghetti, 2-lb. cellophane bag- 10 c Santa Clara Prunes, medium size, lb., 10c; 3 lbs 2Cc Chcice Mixed Dried Fruit, lb., 17c; 2 lbs 33c Choice Blenheim Apricots, lb., 2Sc; 2 lbs 37c Hammered "WSaeat Thinsies ToasSed Cheese Thins -kit ... SUPERIOR Dill or Sizr Quart Jar Welch's Pure GRAPE JUICE 24 lbs., SGc c Quart - - - - CLp House Vila Fresh SFFEE 3 Lb. C?5 0, 1 LT?. Can . SAP,4bars JL!fC SUPER SUDS Larcjo Pkq., 15c Two "o Pks. for . 15c IIIXKV-IJIXKV (il'A KAXTEKU FLOUR 5 lbs., 25 ; 10, 40 24 lbs., 936 ; 48 lbs... Crown Jewell, 48 lbs..S1.49 $-fl .69 1 OMAR Wonder FLOUR 10 lbs., E7t 4S-lb. Sag Ji, $ .89 DWAHFIES BREA!IFAST FOOD Ail Wheat Pkg. . JLS White King Granulated Small Pkg., 5 25c size Pk., 17 Large - - White King Toilet or -j Q Cocoa Almond, 4 Bars 19' The Delicious T C 2.,h: JJ. Can -VO;Z3 Hollywood's Famous Avocado TIssoe Soap Nature's Aid to Beauty Originally introduced as a 3 fcr 50c Seller 2 bars C