PLATTSJIOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTEITAL r , (This is Ad No. 13) oollaek days W ecEaeseEay asid TMsrcday January 21 and 22 Hanging Baskets - Vases - Book Ends Smoking Stands - Waste Baskets Cnndle Sticks - Bibles Sandwich Plates Door Steps - Lamps - Cake Dishes FIcvcr Bowls - Alarm Clocks Incense Burners YOUR CHOICE OF i4BOVE ITEMS FOR 1 I ? i l P M f p N B t! N P p H l:1 h:ie.;.:i::::2.;:3::;e:::::S.;::e.:2-::3: ;:s..;:2::s: ;:a:::s::;2:i!;iz;;;::H::;:s:;;:;n:;::E:;;:B:::a:;::;BiE::::jB GREENWOOD T..I..I..I..I..I..I..1..1..K.. Bsfes Book & Stationery Store Corner 5th and Main Streets I H i 1 1 g g 2 1 a pi H HALT OLTATTA PGLIC2 PROBE 0:ns.I.a. The Cir.nfca. city council hearing into alleged "pr.yofTs" here vrill rc-convor.e "Wednesday morning. Between ncr.v end then each commis sioner will have the right to add names to the li?t of witntnees to b3 tubpoenaed by Mayor Tov.I. At Friday's cper.h.g res.'ion. Cliiof rf Police Allen was the only wit ness. r The chief, questioned during Lis time o:. the rtr.:i by every r.v.ri-!jt-r c-f t:-r council, nir.i::tci:::d no , Fv-r.aJ knowledge cf alleged pro tection "payoffs" and offered to re tire "if ai.y Kioriilie: of the council foils that n;y useiulrjoss has been impaired." His ofitr was not accept ed. Questioned about hi3 recent letter citing "unsavory rumors" and asking a hearing on the matter, Allen said that a former police morals squad itader. George Brighani, had charged in an affidavit that Allen had accept d $100 a week from a night club. Allen denied the charge. COXING TO NEBRASKA Washington. Roy Brewer, presi dent cf the Nebraska Federation of Labor, and Cecil Mathews, head of the state labor department, departed for Nebraska after conferences with Secretary Perkins on co-ordination of state and federal labor laws. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Anyone wanting manure may have fame free of charge at Plattsmouth Feed Yard. fS-tfd&w I William Leesley has been work ing for Cyrus Livingston, who lives some six mileB east of Manley, south of the highway. Henry Wilkens, the barber, was a visitor in Nebraska City last Wednes day, where he went to look after some business matters, making the trip in his car. W. II. Leesley, wife and a number of the children have all been feeling quite poorly during the past two weeks, but at this time they are feel ing much better. Dr. N. D. Talcott was a visitor in Waverly on last Wednesday after neon, where he was called to see a patient and where Mrs. Talcott also visited with friends for a short time. A. J. Weideman, cf Murrey, where he is manager of the Farmers eleva tor of that place, which is operated by the Frederick Seed company, was a visitor with friends here over the week end. Ray Frederick, of Murray, was looking after some business matters in Greenwood one day last week, driving over in his car to look after pome matters connected with the seed business. Jesse Olsen shelled and delivered seme of his corn on Wednesday of last week, reserving the rest for a future date, when he thinks there will be a greater demand and a high er price offered. W. M. Stearns, the auto mechanic who is in charge cf the Trunkenbolz Oil company's filling station, was as sisting in the cleaning up of the Watson Howard building for use as a place for the new Eible class to meet. L. C. Marvin, who was ill for so many weeks, is now stronger and has been carrying the mail for some time. In his weakened condition, it is a day's work for him, but with the ex cellent weather and the very fine roads, he is getting along nicely. While Earl ' Bright was chopping wood one day last week, the axe slipped and hacked a gash in his leg, which required the services of a surgeon to close. Dr. N. D. Talcott dressed the wound and Carl is doing very nicely, although it will be some time before his leg Is well again. John F. Wolff, of Flattsmouth, an appointee of the government to take the federal commercial census, was a visitor in Greenwood on last Wed nesday and was interviewing the business men regarding certain facts which the government is trying to collect from which to compile date for use in connection with the re covery program. Paul Straight was a visitor in Weeping Water on Tuesday of last week, whree he was looking after some business matters pretaining to the corn and hog leans. Paul Fays he was in Weeping Water some 20 years ago and had not been back since until his visit of last week. He finds the hustling city much better than when he was there the last time. the Methodist church cf Greenwood were in Lincoln last Tuesday, where they were meeting with the new or ganization which is a portion of the campaign cf the Methodist church In Nebraska to secure better attend ance and co-operation among the members of the various church orga nizations and auxiliaries. This is a ctate-wide movement and one that should be most heartily concurred in by all the members of the church interests. Moving Barber Shop Mr. D. Gribble, the barber, who has been conducting his place of business on the south side of Main street and towards the east end of the business block has leased the place where W. E. Newkirk form erly conducted his grocery and mar ket and moved his barber shop to this location. This puts the two bar ber shops right together and also makes a good place for both places of business. Eorse for Sale I have a six year old gray geld ing, well broke and a good worker, weight 1300 lbs. Also a Hinman portable milking machine. P. A. Sanborn, Greenwood. Church to Co-Cperate Some twenty women members of t- .1 t . - to ?1 (This is Ad No. 23) V-S S u u u . N Women's Bloomers Yoke front. Run-resist Women's Balbriggan Gowns Oval neck. JjJ'fj rayen. Per pair, 63c; 2 pair for J- Short sleeves. Values to $1 .25, at -as- Women's MunsingweEJ Hosiery Sheer Women's Cape Kid Gloves Blue, tan and fj chiffon, Picot top. Extra special, pair Mm a few biack. Values to $2.50, pair. ..... . mlL Women's Wash Frocks Tub fast colors. Rayon Gowns and Pajamas Wide range Sizes 14 to 49. Outstanding values at JL of sizes. Values to $1.35, on sale at mlL Women's Hem Bottom Panties Run-resist jH Fine Assortment of Ladies' Scarfs Values rayen. Per pair, 69c ; 2 pair for msL to $1.95. Your choice for only JL Clearance cf Women's Hats Values to Children's Wash Frocks Beautiful styles. $1 .95. Final clearance on all winter hats at. . . . JL Fast colors. Values to $1 .25 JL Will Conduct Bible School The Watson Howard building that was formerly occupied by the Weibke Cafe, has been cleaned up and re papered that it might be used on Wednesday nights of each week as a meeting place for the Mid-Week Bible class which is being organized and which met for the first time on last Wednesday. This class will be conducted each Wednesday evening by Dr. V. S. Eakey of Lincoln. The lessens will not conform to the International Bible school lessons, but will confine their study to the text of the Eible. itself. Eaby Girl Gladdens Eome At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ccmstock last week there came a bit cf brightness in the shape of a very beautiful baby girl which brought brightness and sunshine to the home, making the entire household happy. The little one and her mother are both doing very nicely and the proud father wears a smile all the time now. Both are Better Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Etheredge, both of whom have been feeling poorly and were hardly able to get about, are now greatly improved and Ere hopeful of being back in their former good health soon. Visited vi Fremont On last Wednesday afternoon, Clyde Newkirk, who is secretary of the Diamond Oil Company club, ac companied by Ray Churchill, went to Fremont to attend the district meeting. They enjoyed a fine pro gram and that was followed by a banquet such as is always featured at there district gatherings. (This is Ad No. 5) MEN'S Genuine Silk BY Famous Manufacturer Rcgulcr 35c Sellers 4 pair. SI Have Many Eg"jrs Set At the W. II. Leesley Hatcheries, two miles east of Greenwood, they have nine hundred eggs in the incu bator, which have been set nearly two weeks. In addition, they set an other thousand on Wednesday of lad week. This practice will be contin ued in increasing numbers so as to; have baby chicks coming on each ! week during the hatching season. Like the early bird getting thej worm, the early c hick makes the i pre fit. The Leesleys know how to ; handle the hatching business and : their early hatches should bring a' good return. j VISITORS IN THE CITY I-"r;-ni Satunhiv's :. i'y This moiiiinjT Mr. and Mr-:. Leon ard McLaughlin a.:;d family of Elm wood were i:i the city for a short time looking af;-?r rome bur.ines? mat ters and while h?re Mr. McLaughlin was a caller at the Journal office wh.cre h" enrolled as a leader of the rcnil-vcekly edition of the paper for the ensuing year. Mr. and Mrs. Mc Lr.ughlin motored to Omaha where they visited for a few hours with friends and attending to pome mat ters of business. f Qn All Whiter CcaSs BeatiSssS Fur Trim and Flam Tailored SgQTt Coats at Bargain Prices FASHIONABLE QUALTY COATS Now Reduced to $1.95 Ban I EXQUISITE QUALITY COATS Now Reduced to EXCLUSIVE QUALITY COATS Now Reduced to $g.75 $22.50 Special selling of one group Ladies Cotton Jersey Dresses, sizes 14 to 20, at 1-00 One group of Silk and Travel Crepe Dresses, assorted sizes, to go at One group of Silk Dresses, sizes from 14 to 44, at money-saving price, only $2.83 Shop of Personal Service, Plattsmouth, Nehr. S$ :1D SO rJ -7 L wk PIRi NTS m; .1 lim&u r mm Ifif ; In. 1 1 tLw" mA A X til 1 : 2z?vS n v$ III ''1 ' i '' PRINT FROCKS HIGH PASTELS SHEER PRINTS They are All Here ' AND The new Spring shades are Ec! Grey, Cyclamen Fink, Ehangliai Sod, Beis-e, Blues, ITttvj, Black and Hiddy Bice. THE EEW EFS.I1TG FAEEICS are corded and cuede cheers ; rcch and clocqte crepes ; sheer weel cver-prrnts ; prints and sheers, flat crepes and heavy sheers. They are Taxis copies ... they have tc be at this price, but the styles are correct, the materials are in vcjruc and the shades arc as ITEV7 as the Spring season -which is just peepirg arenrd the comer. The sooner you select enc cf these nev? frecks the better, because cur purchase vas limited by manufacturers' ability ( to deliver only given umcunts. Juniors Size, 18 to 20, $3.95 TO(f (f V The Chop of Personal Service t t V : V V V f V V It- t f f