MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1934. PLATTSMOT7TH SEiH - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE jit mm (This is Ad No. 15) TO are or urn pennies and the Dollars will Take Care c Themselves WE OFFER YOU THE FOLLOWING EIOMEY-SAVING SPECIALS FOR WED. AND TKURS. M Omar Wheat Cereal . . The Regular 25c Size Package Peaberry Coffee, 3 lbs. . Farina, 3 lbs. Little Hatchet Flour . . 2k 55c 14c 1.65 A. G. Conviction of Lux Affirmed by High Court n i Free Delivery Service to All Parts of Town Irive Made to Bare All Inome Tax Returns close the operations cf corporations and individuals to competitors and work other injustices. He pointed out that all refunds in excess of $500 were made public annually. Meanwhile, word was passed to congressional leaders that the admin istration opposed proposals for con- RenrfiPT-tofiTro Psvnn-n T.endc TSol-.t stitutional amendments to make gov- an Amendment to Rev- i eminent securities subject to tax eaue Legislation. j aliou- Secretary Morgenthau was i understood to have so notified hair- Washieton. A drive to make all , man Doughon (d., X. C. ) of the ways income returns public was be-! and means committee, arguing that second day 1 it might interfere with the financing gun in th, house in it of debate the new 25S million dollar revenue bill. Efforts were made by a l0c cf members headed by I'atman k have the ways and means commitW offer the proposi tion as an anieBSment. Patman charaji that, thru secret returns, former Sectary of the treas ury Andrew V.. Mtflon and J. P. Mor gan and Charles "E. Mitchell. New York financiers, ha worked "fraud" on the government. The Texan said that if the returns ld bten subject to public inspection Mellon would not have sought the return of an SS. 000,000 tax refund; that Morgan and Mitchell would not have avoid ed tax payments by Uchnicai ities in the income tic law. "The government should not unlleet its rev enue in secret," he said. Neither should it grant rebates or refunds in secret." Rep. Treadway. a member of the ways and means committee, said if income tax returns were made sub ject to public inspection ti would dis- program treasury. being carried on by the STRING TO A RESIGNATION Washington. Ilobert W. Coflesh's offer to resign as United States dis trict attorney for southern Iowa is under consideration by the justice department, but Attorney Genera! Cummings said Colflesh's letter had been reierrcd to him by President Roosevelt. "It was not an out and out resignation," the attorney gen eral added. Asked to describe it, lie told news men "it was ana it wasn't" a resig nation. "But it was a very nice let ter," he reflected. Colfksh sent the letter of quali fied rerigantion to Mr. Itooevelt shortly after Lieutenant Governor K:ascht-I was indicted by a grand jury fcr alleged public works con spiracy, and simultaneously with Colflesli'.- announcement he would be a republican candidate for governor of Iowa. State Supreme Court Says Ee and Eurleigh Properly Punish ed for Contempt. The conviction in Saline county of Harry M. Lux and D. Ilobert Bur leigh of Lincoln, on charges of con tempt of court by aiding others in an attempt to prevent the sheriff from holding a mortgage foreclosure sale, was affirmed by the supreme court Friday. Chief Justice Goss, in the opinion, said that under the plan of government the judicial department may not lawfully be intimidated by threats, coerced by force or influenced by anything outside the facts and the law. He says it was timely and fjj fortunate for the cause of law and oruer that the unlawtul scheme oi the defendants was promptly frus trated by a resolute prosecutor and a courageous judge. The defendants were charged with fourteen others with executing a con certed plan and wilful attempt last March 14 to impede and obstruct the administration of justice. The affair at Wilber was one of a number where farmers and others sought to prevent sheriffs from seiling farms. Neither Lux nor Burleigh is a farmer. The crowd held the sheriff in his office lor about an hour, and was finally dispersed by the use of tear gas bombs. Lux claimed to be an organ iz erfor the farm holiday association. The court says defendants' legal rights were fully protected by the lower court and that the fact that a mortgage moratorium law had been passed early in March cannot be in voked by them, since there is noth ing to suggest their right or power to do so. They were neither owners nor liable on th mortgage. All in ferences from the record indicate that they were uninvited strangers, crashing the doors, who now seek to avoid punishment for their bad legal ; manners, lne court assumes mat Lux receded the heavier fine because he was more of a leader and organ izer of the raid than Burleigh, that the court did not abuse its discretion, and that the defendants were for tunate they were let off with fines. iMovieland Marriage ! 111! A"fh ..: 1 , ... , K . . is,,,:: I .iS:f a IS- ::X' v- : .:! i Villisca Five Eliminate the Platts Storz Locals Lose Hard Fought Game by Score cf 21 to 14 at Glenwood Tournament Last Night. n (This b Ad No. 12) Head the Itcrs Below and Save Part of Each Dollar You would Otherwise be Called Upon to Spend This Week on Food Costs!, FINEAPPItE WHSATES Fancy Sliced, Heavy Syrup & Delicious, Ready-to-Eat No. 2.'z Size Can Cereal 2 Pkgs. 19c 23e fa -fl r?! 1 'J! t .a Tooth Picks Hegnlar 5c Packages, 2 for 70 Bird Seed French's or Sing- Song;, Pkg: ISC PeCrs Large No. 2y2 Size Cans 2 for 29C Toilet Paper Scft Crepe Tissue 3 rolls, 17 r-a France 2 Dcz. clothes Pins with3 pkgs, 23c orn Ley. Country Gentleman, ITo. 2 Can2 for H9C tOYAL JELL COFFEE oPFine Desserts True Butter-Kut, Kills Bros, or Fuit Flavors Pkg. Folgers Per Lb. 5c Sic ;aaKty Meats BEEF I OAST Per lb IGp PLATEBOIL Per lb St CHEESh Per lb IBc Wliole, per Ground, lb. 20c w Ised Bacon Exti-a Special r 5-Ib. Box - - L ..-1 1 1. J n F3 -1 1: 4 -a x. 1 Disdaining the usual movieland custom of eloping to Yuma, Ariz., : Busby Berkeley, noted screen di rector, and Jlyrna Kennedy, for merly one of Charlie Chaplin's lead ing women,, said their "I do's" in : Hollywood. They are shown lcav- ing the church after the ceremony. STUDENT W0F.S ULUZT Donat, Porhes, ! M S ttonrou: man is ikjiip.ed Omaha. Elmer Ilebner of Nor folk, was brought to an Omaha hos pital after he had been seriously hun iii an automobile accident near Wa terloo, Neb., early Thursday night. Ilebner was riding in a truck driven by Clarence Wickman of Norfolk. Near Waterloo the truck broke down and James Hall, Waterloo, mechanic, ?jegan work on it after Cares had been placed in position. Hall's car v as packed between he flares and Wickman's truck. A truck driven by Gilbert Otteman of Hooper, side-1 by savins: Brewer requested a delay swiped Hall's car and Wickman's 11 uck and then hit Ilebner. who v.-as standing near the front of The dis abled truck. Otteman was not in jured but several hogs in the truck were killed. Nebraska relief official got final authority from Washington Friday to furnish work relief for 1.072 needy college students and about that num ber will go to work next week. Jliss Lulu Wolford said applica tions had been approved to put 1, 072 students at work from seventeen institution?, but that none outside; It'Crary, g Ul til" t 1:1 t - cu -v. utia to work thi- week as far a. .-I.e knew. The university rt ported about twen ty of the 454 assigned i: Lad begun work. The university has i y far the largest quota, nearly hair of the al lotments aluady approve. Creigh ton is next with authority to put 120 to work. Other allctmtnts by col leges to date are: Wayiu Teachers seventy-five, Kearney Tochers, Sixty-eight, Hastings sixty-five, Omaha Municipal f.fty-six, Peru Teachers forty-seven, Chadrcn Teachers forty five, Nebraska Weskyar. forty, T.iid land twenty-one, Doane sixteen, York fifteen. Union fourteen, . Dana thir teen. SlcCook junior seven. Luther seven, and College of St. Mary, Om aha six. Application--- have not b-en received yet from Hebron, Seottsbluff junior, Concordia, Nebraska Central and Duchesne colleger. A dispute over semi-skilled wage rates on CWA work awaits the re turn of Boy M. Brewer of Grand Is land, president of the state feder ation of labor. Rowland Haynes, federal relief agent, answered in quiries from federal officials as to whether the disputes here with union labor reprsentatives had been settled From Saturday's DaJ'.y The Plattsmouth Storz basketball team after hurdling the first two games of the independent basketball touruamcni at Glenwood, were elim inated last night by the powerful and aggressive Villisca team, one of the favorites of the tourney by the score of 21 to 14. The locals had injuries to Forbes in the Thursday night game as well as Donat with his injured leg to con tend with as well as the well coached and efficient Iowa quintet. The locals were unable to make their shots good, altho they had many i opportunities and also suffered from j the penalties that were called on jtheni by the referee and umpire, j The decisions of the referee caused ; much dissatisfaction with the Glen- displeasure evident during the game as the Storz were repeatedly penal ized. Th Villisca team led 7 to C at the first quarter and were never headed in any part of the game as they drove on to a victory. The box score of the game: Platts. Storz FG FT PF TP Hummel, f 12 14 Knoflicek, f 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 C 2 9 14 Villisca FG FT PF TP Means, f 12 0 4 Roberts, f G 1 2 13 Kenworth, c 0 0 0 0 D. Roberts, g 0 4 0 4 Kenworthy, g 0 0 3 0 7 7 5 21 CWA EMPLOYS ALIENS Honolulu. employment of aliens on CWA projects in Hawaii was au thorized by the local CWA commis sion subject to allocation of addi tional funds by the administration in Washington. until his return from Washington wheie he went for a conference call ed by Secretary of Labor Perkins. FOE SALE One us2d regular Farmall tractor. See Joe Mrasek, Plattsmouth. Ncbr. fl2-4tw Ileil District SS, Community Play, "Everybody's Getting Married." Pie and plate supper, Thursday, March 1, S p. m. at Glendale church. Adm. Sand 10c. fl9-2tw CONVICT YOUTH OF HTJE.DEE. Liberty. Ky. With national guardsmen on duty to prevent pos sible mob violence, a jury brought here from a neighboring county con victed Sylvester Warner, 24, of mur der and specified the death penalty. With Warner two other Kentucky youths, Houston Jeffries, 19, and Carl Hardin. 18. were charged with mur der after the wire-trussed bodies of John White, 83, and his son, Clay, 55, were found in Green River last De cember. Jeffries' trial is at bar now, and a third jury is waiting to try Hardin's case. MARRIED AT CITY HALL EXCISE TAX C0C0AKUT OIL Washington. House passage of the excise tax on cocoanut oil and sesame oil was regarded by Repre sentative Shallenberger as virtually assured. He said the ways and means committee agreed it would not move to strike out the amendment. The house agreed that amendmnts to the revenue bill could be proposed only b j-the committee. Tfcc22i Wallix Cempaay 'f Abstracts of Title ? J. Phone S3 4 PlatUmoutli X. m-7II"T-T"T-::- T.'!"I-TII' f Frills Dominant Note in Spring Fashions j 1 j i i ? yf 9 1 ' ? 1 Ti S -Si I ' " 1 - f 4 : 1 fTf ! i : :-? r if- 'jj I - i f - i- Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock at the city hall occurred the marriage of Miss Bessie Si dwell and Mr. Wal ter Hardin, both of Omaha, who were accompanied here by Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehy, who witnessed the ceremony. The marriage iines were read by Judge Charles L. Graves in his usual impressive manner and at the con clusion of the ceremony the party motored back to Omaha where they were tendered a reception by their friends. If ycu have somettiTng lo sell, try a Journal Want-Ad. CAM) OF THAKKS Most gratefully we wish to ex press to the kind friends our appre ciation of the many acts of kindness and the words of sympathy during the time of our bereavement. The generous and kindly acts will always be a pleasant memory of the good friends and neighbors. We also wish to thank those who sent the beauti ful llowers and assisted at th' serv ices. E. C. Harris and Jeanette. Oak Logs Wanted Walnut In exchange for dry cottonwood lumber. We cut and haul. L. D. Hiatt, Nebr. Basket Factory. 12-3w (This is Ad No. 22) rv? f Hi' ate HYVIS - PENNZOIL - ALEMITE QUAKER STATE - KENDALL In Refinery Sealed Cans for Your Protection mm ;c 1 2 h .4 (This is Ad No. 28) ONE DOLLAR will open an account at this bank. ONE DOLL4R deposited weekly to that account will soon accumulate a good sized balance. Plattsmouth State Bank in (This is Ad No. 26) Ycu would not call a veterinarian if your wife was sick why give your children "Ole?" There is no substi tute for butter. Ask for CASCO by name. For sale by your grocer. MADE IN PLATTSMOUTH Plattsmouth Produce Geo. E. Hetrick, Kar.s;er (This b Ad No. 16) One and One-Half Gallons of Bring Container Freshen Up Your Poultry Houses, Hog Pens and Bams for Spring I o II ' . o Try a ton of our Washed Nut Cord No impurities in it ! U . t . .11 i r l 1 1 I C fijit will pay you to see us Detore ouymg LumDer! c J0I1H L TIEB1LL phone 4o Good Lumber and Hot Coal v v I pxingatreetnsemblej XhTJZ&llGtgBgsi$ BeachJaoxfe. detfiof drSCtfeaent5on t0 !,?rin- fasiions these days and fashion experts are saying that the little flM lacM ?H f r?Sl U ny radlcal changes in silhouette will mark the new season. Dainty frills, ruf SarKf of I ci P ar treatments will receive the bulk of attention. Above are shown some of the LS ' as worn by screen stars. Double-breasted suits seem destined to be popular, in as tH t '5 i ,LWltw 0 fla Pockets and a cute watch pocket placed next to notched revers. such desi5?edyrZwi h - D b7 Jean Howard- Una Merkel reveals the latest in spring hats, a white chapeau designed in Ceke?al fabric and accented with fringe. Plaid bathing trunks are smart for the beach, sui u - Jrrancio Drae illustrates. The trunks are of red and white plaid with a dark rd jersey. re (This is Ad No. 27) We are Glad to Co-Operate with the Business Men's Ad Club in this Big OsElsr Bsy Event Wednesday and Thursday We invite you to visit our Cafe All new fixtures Booth ser vico Best of Food always Hotel Dining Room in connection! Particular Attention Paid to Parties and Clubs STEWARTS CAFE Located on North Cth Street In the Hole! Riley Building Phone No. 46