The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 19, 1934, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    IICITTAY, rZEEUASY Id, 1934.
igaassired by lie PIatfsinistli Business Meo's Id liife
Pi N h q Si k M Bis
H & P s g si 4 si tss b a0 p
! -rl r-
;J lrij-?25Gcy9 ci5 may entes? this Isafeestiisg contest, except employees or amiISes o irms participating. It is simple to work and,
f hest oS all, scKaissts ya vfiiii scores weaderiKl BoEiar Bay Heristgs which Plattsmouth stores oer you. Ho strings to this prize oer.
i 1 AD NO. 1 p; AD NO. 2 g
$ b I
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,2 ' V Old ............... R
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irsv iwo rrizes win se yiwen
tn e v f. ia ia r" n - k r.a ai n w- t-j
nr Mir w vm a w ib
FIX these dates in ycur mind they cire important to you and us.
Plattsmouth stores have had no Doiiar Day event for some time
and each merchant is determined io make this one memorable
and worth while by ottering values that speak for themselves!
very Dollar is a Siroer-BoSar
Every Purchase a Suoer-Boost
to Recovery and Prosperih
To lift ihese ivo DOLLAR DAYS
cut cf the ordinary and make them
doubly interesting to everybody, the
Flattsmouth Ad Club has conceiv
ed this Big "A" Contest, in which
people may win a prize.
1 1.1 .1
our pencil and get uusy on inese
lules at the right.
&ds now. Read the simple contest
00 So SorlpS
00 "
true .
2nd Prize . .
Srd, 4th, 5th,
6t&, 7tls Prize . . Ea
and 25 Frizes of Admission Ticket to the Riiz
Theatre good any time you wish to use same.
IN IBIS PAPEE you tvill find 2S
di5cre-iit Dollar Day Ads by 28 dif
ferent merchants of Plcttsmouth.
These 8 ads are numbered 1 to
28. so yen can identify them.
In each ad yen will find some
word with a letter "a" that b of a
trifle different font cf type than the
ether letters in the word.
Find this word and write it, to
gether with the store's name in the
proper one cf the 28 blank spaces
appearing en this page. Do this with
every ad until yon have all the 28
spaces filled. Tut the name of each
stcie in the space corresponding to
the number on their ad.
This irregular "a" appears only
ence in each ad. Awards will be made
on the basis of accuracy and original
ity of presentation cf your answer.
Yon may colcr the page build it in
to any design you wish your own
originality is the limit.
Erirg ycur answers bearing your
name and address to the Journal of
fice by 6 p. m., Febr. 2S, 1934.
Decision of the Judges
will be Final
AD NO. 15
In the Advertisement cf
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 17
In the Advertisement of
--in 11 mill it
I AD NO. 18
I Wo 1 d
j Fn the Advertisement of
AD NO. 19
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 20
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 21
AD NO. 22
vv ord
In the Advertisement cf
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 23
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 24
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 25
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 27
In the Advertisement of
AD NO. 26
En the Advertisement of
mm j M upumjb I
AD NO. 28
In the Advertisement of
a ar.u o v. n.
I am e'.oinr; out at mlic Auction 1
en the old Williams iaim
south of Cedar Crwli ; S
Avest ol' 2.1ynard; 7 lr.ilrs nor
r-:ist of Wfi' Water, on-
.l)rsririii!is at 30:00 c't-locl: sharp,
v.'ith lur.rh rervt-d at i-oon by tl.o
Cie::lul- I.cdie;. the f-jllowins
tcrihcil rroperty:
Five Head o? Horses
'One extra pood flopp!" cray,
years olii, v. t. 1-0 0 lhs. ; Q:-v brown
hoivo. tacoth ino' v.t. 1700; One
Korrd l.or:.e, Fincoth mouth, wt.
1000; One lrown hone, cniooth
nioulu. rt. IGOU; One brown horse.
10 vt-ars old. wt. 14 CO.
I " u i
mmm rVif...-- " "inirti r." f - - "-il igMtM J L
'4.l5m. '."J" i.iimjU,a. I n.l1. W1M ll HM.IH u I IP WWJ V I. W V. J V 'W ' ' - l.Pll,H! HIilKaiMUIiulil HWMIWII null JMWHJ nil J im, I m.i.. .... i i minim nil I. I in ,
Lgtvl? :?iv:'r-u.-i-...-7.;-; ... ...r...- -, ., ,. .., -,.. , , I
om rr!':;'.y's I'iiiiy
Last iveiiir.g in
Ma&iey News Items
the ilcthouist
church par
tluw ?vt a aicntine party.
the Standard Dearer.-
The church
U L i i t . U All l v. V j 1 llf, t L 11
tine scai'or., and interesting;
Fay Ke?:tard, of Atchison. Kansas,
war. a gruest of his relative, D. Urann,
during the past week.
r . . i Til. 1 i i. c : 1 ..
. i, .. i...:.. . i . (jini'i o. Jkiii'Ufii uiiu me iii.mii
'rj v.-cll as anm-ins Valentine same.5 ,vcre fjeji"-" a very pleasant visit
! were played under the direction of I cn lu; t Sunday at the home of Ilar
i Kaihryn Armstrong. r-v L- Kruger and wife, of Tlatts-
Walter Stcinkamp and wife, of
igs. ; Plattsmouth. were visiting for over
Dainty ref rshments were perved i the week end at the Lome of Wal-
Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt, Mr. and j dies and Mr. Bergman for the gen
t,.v, nr-ror- ParmM tlemen. William Heebner was the
and wife, together with Ralph Keck
Alter the games, the large group
young people joined in singing
jar.d carried out in the Valentine idea.
The committers responsible for the
I siK-resr. of the party are: Invitations,
t Tvlargaret Yelick, chairman. Ruby
' Sutton. Juanita Welshimer; I ro
tor's parents, where all enjoyed a
very fine vis,it.
Mrs. August Krecklow has been
Quite pocrly for the past week and
s been kept to ner nome during
itctecn i.oruiom la-tle, Kathryn Armstrong chairman, ! that time. She is feeling some bet-
r i Ye gooi
ling -alv
arle Tompkir.; Refreshments, te
at rice Am. chairman, Naomi Day, I
;e Hugh:s, Pt.arle Tompkins; Do-j a ncv,
milk cows; Five yea
s. One good roan bull; j
Four head of stock cattle. i
nr?d Chiclzens i
rr., i m-.c'-irn b-ood sov.'s: Ore 1 'oraticn. Louise IUshel. Tearle Temp
Hampshire 'boar; Some good full , kin:?
siioiitc; V. bite V. yanttoiie pai-e.-;
T.ii'r Orninrrton r-ulic-ts: Whits Wyan- ;
dattc cocl.ore.r..
ler and wife, were over near Otoe on
last Saturday night, where they at
tended a card party at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Straub.
Iltnry Petersen, lormeriy of Man
ley, and who farmed in this vicinity
for a number of years, but who has
been located in Omaha cf late, where
he is. engaged in the live stock com
mission business, was a visitor here
one day last week, meeting his many
old friends and looking after some
business in his line.
Theo. Harms was a visitor at Tal
niage on last Sunday, where he went
to attend the funeral of the Mis
souri Pacific agent, a Mr. McGee,
consolation prize winner among the
men and Miss Mary A. Murphy the
consolation prize winner among the
at this writing.
Fa-rm Machinery, etc
Onw Deerir.g corn n:nuer;
md Shiela Covert.
Robert II. Cestor, delegate
Dec-. ir.c: g:ain binder; One hay load- I v.ass county i oung nemocrats ciud,
or; One side delive ry hay rake; One J to the state convention at Grand Is
diimp rake; On; gang plow. 12 im h; iand. has been named as a member
One single row lister; One P & O
who was quite well known in this
Andrew V. Stander has purchased j vicinity and was a close friend cf
Dodge car, which is claimed ! r. Harms. While there, Mr. Harms
by many to be the last word in a j also met A. II. Humble, whp was
inc tor ear and which is surely a very j agent at Manley for a number of
lister cultivator; One an r.runt
grain Iri!i; One broadcast seeder;
One 4-section harrow; One manure
jpreadcr; Or. Jenny Linil walking
cultivator; One riding cultivator;
One circle saw; One J. I. Case Wal
lonce r-plew tractor; One 4-hoIe Ap
pleton corn shtlier complete with
d ag; One S-row stalk cutter; Three
ju ts of farm harness; Two grain wa
por.r ; One rack and gear; One King
Hamilton g:aiu elev tor hoist and
jack, nearly new; One corn planter;
one Model T Fo'-d truck in good con
dition; One tank heater; One stock
hater; One flock chute; One buggy;
One fanning mill One bob sled; One
cai burring brooder stove; One
14x1 G brooder house, shingle roof,
doubl? floor; Five hog houses, three
"A" tvpe: Two bushels Argentine
of the committee on constitution of
the state organization. Mr. Bestor
with Walter Porter, George Lepert
and Joe Knofiicek, are delegates from
the local club to the state meeting.
Jumbo pop corn; Some household
goods and other articles too numer
ous to list.
Terms of Sale
All sums of $25. CO and under, cash.
On sums ever that amount a credit
of six months may be arranged with
the Clerk cf rale. N'o property to be
removed until settled for.
George Privett,
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer.
hue car for all purposes.
Mrs. Henry Osborne departed
early last week for Verdon, where
she went to visit with her mother
for the weke and to enjoy visiting
I with ner many friends there.
John Fleischman and the family
and Uncle Henry Taylor, of Louis
ville, were visiting at the home of
A.r. and Mrs. Fred Fahschman over
Sunday, where they enjoyed a very
fine dinner.
The scholars of the Manley school
hao a most enjoyable Valentine party
last Tuesday. A postoffiee was ar
ranged through which the exchange
of valentines was arranged and a fine
time was had.
Mrs. John Gruber, who has been
very ill for the past month cr more,
has been showing good improvement
during the past week and is able to
be up and about which is consider
ed as very good advancement.
John C. Rauth and wife, Mr. and i
years. Mr. Humble is with the Mis
souri Pacific at Auburn at present.
Hatertaiaed Altar Society
esd ames J. C. Rauth and V alter
Mockenhaupt entertained the mem
bers of the Altar society of the St.
Patrick's Catholic church at the
heme of the former on Tuesday af
ternoon of last week. The afternoon
was spent most pleasantly with card
games and social conversation and at
the proper time the hostesses served
a very delicious luncheon of ice
cream and cake.
Shewing' Improvement
W. J. Rau, who has been confined
to his home since December 31, was
able to get out of doors last Monday
for the first time and is feeling
much improved, although he still
has to take things slowly. His many
friends will be pleased to know that
he is now showing such good im
provement and trust it may continue
until he is fully restored in health.
A. Steinkamp, who has also been on
the sick list for a long time even
longer than Mr. Rau is showing
similar improvement, which will be
good news to the friends of this es
timable gentleman both here and
elsewhere, wherever he is known.
From Friday's Daily
This morning the fire department
was called to the residence on Pearl
street, occupied by Mrs. Earl Harris
and family where the i"of was found
to ba blazing, the result evidently of
sparks from the chimney. Th3 fire
was quickly put out but considerable
loss was sustained by smoke and wa
ter damage cn the interior of the
The property is owned by Herman
Waintroub of Los Angeles.
Clover Seed
White Blossom Sweet Clover
$3.50 per Bushel
(Bags Included)
Eighest Market Prices Paid for Grain
Come In and Get Acquainted
Farmers Elevator Co.
A. J. Wiedeman, Manager
Celebrated Passing of Birthday
Mrs. Edna Mockenhaupt enter
tained cn last Monday evening at
their heme in honor of her husband,
whose birthday occurred on that
date. Card games were the principal
form of amusement and the high
points in the pinochle contests were
won by Mrs. R. Bergman for the la-
Koyal Neighbors Entertained
The Royal Neighbors lodge enter
tained at the hall last Monday with
a good attendance and a fine time
being had by all. Card games were
indulged in to a late hour. There
were a number present from Weeping
Water. As a result of this activity
a neat sum was realized to be used
by the lodge in caring for its expenses.
WT 1
or JH
Known Relief
Demand And Get
(This is Ad No. 19)
Fourteen 8c Loaf
Wednesday and
Wentworth Bakery
Because of a unique process in
manufacture. Genuine Bayer Aspir
in Tablets are made to disintegrate
or dissolve INSTANTLY you
take them. Thus thev start to work
instantly. Start "taking hold" of
even a severe headache; neuralgia,
neuritis or rheumatic pain a few
minutes after taking.
And they provide SAFE relief
I It
does not harm the heart. So If you
want QUICK and SAFE relief see
that you get the real Bayer article.
Always look for the Bayer cross on
every tablet as illustrated.
above, and for the words .MR A,
ASPTRTM nn vnt Knttl.
or package.