Ami MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1931. PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL URDQGK T Dorothy Ellen Bornemtier of Elm wood, spent the week-end with her friend, Dorothy Mae Go: they. Henry C. Backeniayer was shelling and delivering corn on last Wednes day, delivering the corn to the ele vator. Herman R. Schmidt made a trail er for his auto with high sideboards "which he used tor hauling cobs from the country to his home for fuel. Henry Eikenian and E. A. Lcesley were ov; r to Weeping Water Tues day of last week where looking after some Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Craig were over to Alvo 0:1 ia-st Monday evening where they were visiting with the parents of Mrs. Craig, E. 1). Friend and wife. Mr.-;. Mai tin Rol-on and ton, Don ald of Omaha were visiting at the home of her parents. Mr. ami Mr.-. Chaiiis Kupke for the g; eater por tion of last week. Gust St rich and Herman R. Schmidt v.Lit over to Weeping Wa ter ca lasl W-dut-.-duy morning where tJ;cy were call.d to look after some business matters for a short time. Mc?siv. r.r.d Mc-dames Emil Ktiehn and Eddio Craig v. ere over to Om aha last Sunday where they were veiling for the day with friends, al-o enjoying a fine dinner with their friend-". The members of the Mu-.dock lire department met on lat Tuesday as is their (c-jiin and a- there was r.o particular business they just visited for the evening and enjoyed a very good time. The lioyai Neighbors held a dance on February oth in their hall. They v. ere pierced by the huge ateudance. The money that is taken in goes to pay for the insurance and taxes on th'-ir building. The Royal Neighbors have each taken upon themselves a Capsule Friend. They drew nanus enclosed in capsules and each "friend" does a kind deed for her Captule Friend without l' tling her know who she i. This i (ausing quite a bit ct mystery as well as pl asing many. Mts.-rs. and Mesdames J. II. Duck and B;.;t Meiichau and Mrs. Fred Menehau, the latter of Elmwood, were over to Lincoln 0,1 last Tuosday Our Service Excels WELDING Electric and Acetylene Cracked Water Jackets Truck and Automobile Frames JAKES GARAGE Murdock, Nebr. some time before he will be in con dition to play the game he loved so well. Entertained Senior Class. Miss Ruth Neitzel, daughter of where they were Mr a;i( Mrg A j xeltzel. Miss Ruth 3 businc-::; matters. n,pmhfr of the Junior class of the Murdock schools, on last Tues day with her parents entertained the member of the Senior clas3 at a party at their country home and a very de lightful time was had as well as a very fine supper. Alvo News If old man winter insists on having Spring Let's Get in Harmony with a New Spring fiat An Excellent Farm Team I have a team (horse and mare) for sale, weighing 1,400 each, 9 and 10 years old, well broke. Edward Guil storff, phone 1320, Murdock, Nebr. j29-3tMp Kr. and TIrs. Gecrjz Miller Entertain Mr. and Mrs. George Miller enter tained at their home in Murdock on last Sunday and had as their guests for the occasion Mr. and Mrs. Guy Miller and family of Elmwood, Bry an Miller and family of Ashland and Mrs. June Fisher, a sister of Mrs. Miller who is vistiing from her home at Kansas City. Fred M. Prouty was looking after some business in Weeping Water on last Wednesday morning, driving over in his auto for the occasion. The basketball teams of the Alvo and Eagle high schools played at Alvo last week, with the result that Alvo was victor over the visitors by a score of 21 to 18. John Banning was called away to look after some business matters on last Wednesday and had Joseph M. Armstrong at the office to look after the business of the lumber yard. W. IT. Warner was called to Lin coln on last Wednesday where he had some business matters to look after and as well was visiting with his brother, Frank Warner and family. Delbert Skinner who has been farming on some of the Forman land northwest of town for the past year has concluded that he will not farm for the coming year and during the past few days has been moving his effects to town. Messrs and Mesdames Rufus Han sen of University places and Charles Relimeier there is some improvements Just have a look at the sparkling new dandies right hot by express! ONE GOOD LOOK AT STETSON'S NEW MITY-LITE and you!! tumble! $2.50 to well, come in and look. CWA Workers Escape Tayless' Payday Today Local Representatives of Civil Works Administration Receive Allot ment of $2,509. Fifth Warders Start a 'Live Wire' Club Thorny Road Shaped for Lob bying Group Irlcve Made to Tighten Regulations Governing- Attorneys Practicing Before Govt. Departments. tin- funeral of th? late Wm. Doud, who was -killed by a train last Sat urday. Tii:- Koyal Neighbors lodge of Mur doi k is having a food sale on Febru ary 17. l'J" l. It is to be held in the McDonald store from 2:00 p. m. on. The Koyal Neighbors are trjing to raise ni.moy to pay their fire insur ance on their building. An invita tion extended to eve: yon e to atttnd. Received Bad Bruises. While Walter St.roy wa-s out in tre field looking after a cow and her new calf, a car came along which frightened home horses which were loose in the field, which in turn fri;-hten'd the horse which Walter was riding, which turned quickly, throwing Mr. Stroy to the ground, bruising him quite severely, but for tunately not bivakir.g any bones. While lu i.; rtiil ve;y ::ore from his experience he i.; getting on very well. Will Celebrate C2nd Birthday. Mrs. M. J. Craw ioi d, who was born in Indiana, hut who has been a resi dent of Cass county for more than CO year--, makes her home with her Hon, Robert, in Murdock. She will on Ma: eh lr."th celebrate the passing of her D2nd birthday anniversary. Mrs. Crowford i- feeling fairly well and with the aid of her wheel chair and the help of her son, is able to get the homework done nicely.. Remem ber, you, her friends, to give this wonderful woman and aged pioneer good cheer and renumber the pass ing of her natal day. Mareh 25th. 7. II. S. Meets. The W. M. S. of the Evangelical church had a great meeting Sunday afternoon. It was the annual day of prayer. More than forty were in attendance. While the men had a tpcial invitation to be present, none showed up but L Neitzel. The special offering amounted to over twenty eight dollars. Mrs. O. U. Miller con ducted the devotionals, while the president, Mrs. Wm. Ilikli presided at the business session. The meeting was a great success. Reporter. Young Lad Breaks Arm. While engaged in playing basket ball at the Murdock schools last Wed nesday Wesley Reicke fell on the floor of the gym with the result that he sustained a fracture of one of his arras. The lad wa3 ru hni to the efiiee of Dr. L. D. Lse where the frac ture v as reduced and the lad made as comfortable as possible. It will be Washington. A thornier road for lobbyists before government depart ments, the investigation of whom has brought intimations that a ring exist ed which sought to arrange for a di vision of millions of dollars of con tracts, is being chartered by adminis tration officials. The inveestigative whirl has cir cled about three p2rsons high in vet erans and . national guard organiza tions, and produced new witnesses before the grand jury Thursday to tell about the events that led to hold ing up the millions of dollars of con tracts for supplying equipment for the war department's motorizati--program. From other departments whence ioobying charges have emanated, there came a move to tighten U12 reg ulations under which attorneys prac tice. Most of those said to be in volved in the charges being investi gated by the grand jury are attor neys. Close behind the word that Sec retary Morgenthau was arranging for a conference with representatives of the New York City Bar associa tion to revise the standards for at torneys practicing before theasury, there came intimations from other departments that they might take similar action. Even before Secretary Morgenthau arranged the conference with C. C. Buvliugham of the New York bar looking to revision of standards for attorneys, the treasury head had tak en to himself complete control of the department's committee on enroll ment and disbarment of practicing lawyers. The order for this was promulgated Jan. 5, at a time when the government already had quietly instituted inquiries into lobbying ac tivities. While tre government was arming itself against future attempts to use undue influence in procuring govern ment business. National Commander Hayes, of the American Region, came to the capitol to conduct his own private investigation into reports that two men high in the legion were involved in the war department inquiry. Ay res of near Alvo were guests for the day and a very fine dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Armstrong on last Sunday. All en joyed the occasion. The work of the CWA which has been in progress at Alvo for some time was discontinued last Saturday and there will be no more work of this character here until such a time as there shall be provided more funds to work with. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wyatt, the forman of the track work for the Rock Island, with the wife and fam ily are enjoying a visit front their daughter, husband and family at this time. They make their home at Colby, Kansas. All are enjoying a very fine visit. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church of Alvo were meeting on last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. B. Stromer who was host ess to the society and where the ladies were entertained and where they did some good work for the church as well as being entertained by the genial hostess. Uncle C. H. Kirkpatrick, one of the oldest of the loyal inhabitants of Alvo antl one who has stuck with the town through thick and thin, in an endeavor for a better and livelier town, has been in very poor health during the past few weeks and is at this time kept to his home and bed a good portion of the time. Every thing is being done for his recovery and it i? hoped that he will be in his usual health in the near future. being mads and putting the home in such a condition as to add to the convenience, among ether things a i.ew- window being installed in the kitchen which is adding much more light where needed. From Saturday's Pally The Cass county workers of the Civil Works administration wiio had faced the possibility of a "payless" payday today, were relieved of the necessity of delay ia receiving their funds by the receipt of an allotment cf $2,500. The state offices cf the CWA had exhausted their funds for the pay roll use and had wired Washington asking an appropriation of S2S3.000 for the week's payroll for all sections of the state and late Friday were authorized to expend $200,000 for the use of the workers for this week. The notification was given the lo cal distributing officer, County Clerk George R. Saylcs this morning, that the funds had been alloted the Cass county projects and the workers would be able to receive their check! as usual this afternoon. Ther was a small surplus in the Cass county projects and which with the fund-; received today was ample to cover the workers in all parts of the county. EC0UI3 HEAP, PROGRAM Jlany Visiting in Weeping Water. Many of the , people of Alvo and north of town were over to Weeping Water last weclncstlay who re mej From Satur.iay's Daily w-re looking after the corn-hog loan 1 This morning soma :hiity-onc of as well as other business there. the Boy Scouts gathered at the Am 1 wican Region building where Scout Will Make ironift in Town. iui '";-v ,i?w'1 nun urrj"sl" LUl I a 1 . 1 ' a 1 Mrs. J. II. Weichrl recentlv nur- gamem: puice u: near u; me-s- th nmnr-rtv ,vi,,vi, bid iio- "age" of President Roosevelt to tire i.oy Scouts ot America, on the open lenged to J. L. Pilkington which she is having changed over and will when the property has been put in condi tion move to town to make her home. Secure Lower Rates. At a meeting of the city board of Alvo which occurred on last Tues day evening there were there as well Mr. R. E- Edmisten, one of the offi cers of the light and power company, also Mr. Scott MeGrew, also an of ficer, but located at Louisville. These gentlemen had been invited by the Honorable Mayor Arthur Dinges to discuss the proposition of the rates for light service. The matter was discussed pro and con and it was agreed by the representatives of the company and the council that the rates of the street lights which are eighteen in number should be reduced twenty-five cents per light per month which in the aggregate amounts to $54.00 per year and effecting thi3 saving to the city. Mayor Dinges and the members of the council feel that this sum, though inconsiderable, is well worth the effort of the civic body. VILL PRESENT PLAY "Dot," the five-act play will te given by the Sunday school of the Eight Mile Grove Lutheran church in the church parlors, Tuesday, Febru ary 13, at 8 p. m. Admission charged and luncheon terved. Come. f8-2tw-3td NOTICE I am moving my Beauty Shop to Omaha. Will those desiring a per manent make appointment. MRS. ZOLA LAU, Murdock, Nebr. Phone new3 Items zo no, 6. Tells of Experience. In speaking with Marcus Wesell the man whom the thugs beat, bound and left in the corn field in the cold and who only after much work and suffering was able to release himself and call for help, in a conversation with the writer, raid that the would be robbers had no mercy in their ef forts to obtain some money which he did not possess. Mr. Wessell while he will not have any money at home or in his possession will be prepared to give a good battle, for he will be well armed the next time. Mr. Wessell was visiting with his daugh ter and husband on last Wednesday who reside just east of Alvo. Got a Kick Out of It. Miss Doris Coalman, the enieient instructor of the Bushberry school, who has been teaching there for some ime, staying at home and driving back and forth to th3 school, one day last week when she was preparing to return home, endeavored to crank her car, which was one of the earlier models cf the Ford, only to receive a kick from the machine which caused a fracture of her arm. The member w as set and Miss Doris made as com fortable as possible. However she is compelled to desist teaching until the' injured member shall be better. Dur ing her absence Miss Cerbeling is teaching in her stead. ing of Boy Scout week. The president asked that the Scouts join in tho so liciting of clothing, bedding and fur- niiu:e to be turned over to tlis fed eral relief ag-.Ticies for die-position where needed. Walter Head, national president, also fpoke a greeting to the Scouts on tho onening of the great week that will bring cut the highest ideal of Scouting. The local Seout officers and r.i:r.i- orrs of the troop are preparing to at once take action in support of th3 President s appeal and will secure the necessary co-narration cf the lo cal federal relief heads as to the community neds. The- troop expects to have very r.ifmber i:. action in the early part of the week in this good work. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL EITJ0Y PIKCCIILE PARTY Bruce A. Rosencrans of this city was taken to Omaha Wednesday evening where he entered the Lord Lister hospital and expects to under go a minor operation in the next few- - days. The condition of Mr. Rosencrans is not serious and it is expected that he may soon be able to return home and to resume his usual activities at the Thierolf cloth ing store. Mrs. Glen Lewis Poorly. Mrs. Glen Lewis who has been in not the best of health for sime time past, with a turn for the worse, was taken to the hospital where she i3 being treated and observed, the obser vation being such as to determine just the mode of procedure to take in her case. Her many friends are hoping that this good woman may soon be in her usual state of health again and be able to return to her home well again. Making Repairs on Home. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon The undersigned wiR sell at Pub lic Auction at the Chriswisser farm, located five miles north of Nehawka, two and a half miles west and a mile and a quarter south of Murray, on Wednes., Fsbp. 24 beginning at 10:.!0 oYlorfc a. m., with lunch served at noon by the Murray Ladies Aid, the following de scribed property, to-wit: Five Head of Horses One black team horses, age 7, wt. 3,000 lbs.; one bay horse, age 0, wt. 1,300 lbs.; one bay horse, age S, wt. 1,500 lbs.; one gray horse, age 9, wt. 1,400 lbs. Two Milk Covs One roan milk cow. fresh by June 1st, and one fresh Holstein cow. 15 Head Brood Sows These sows are due to farrow about April 1st. Farm Machinery, etc. One truck and rack; one grain wagon; one John Deere gang plow; one Case 2-row machine; one P & O wide tread lister; one New Depar ture cultivator; one Jenny Lind cul tivator; one. 2-row cultivator; one walking plow, 1.6-inch; one 3-section harrow; one Deering mower; one wagon box; one sled and box; one extension elevator, 24-foot; one Sheldon cement mixer; three sets of 1-inch harness; nine horse collars and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of 10.00 and under, cash. On sums over $10 a credit of six months' time may be arranged with the clerk on notes with security ap proved by the clerk, drawing inter est from date at 8 per cent per an num. No property to be removed from the premises before settlement is made therefor. Mrs. C. M. Chriswisser, Owner. REX YOUNG, Auctioneer ELMER HALLSTROM, Clerk. One evening last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Neumsistsr was the scene of a delightful pin ochle patty. In tire contests Mrs. Jehu Lingle was the winner of ladies high score ,and Edith Gar.zel low score. Ervin Ganzel won high score for men and Louie Carstens low score. A delicious luncheon was served at a late hour. These present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Lingle. daughter, Eva May, son John, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neu- mcister, daughter. Rose. sons. Gil- vert, Gu5 and Irvin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neumeister, son Karl, Kenry Klimm, Mr. and Mrs. Omar Ottcns, eon Elisor., Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Gan zel, daughters, Bernice and Edith, and Mr. and Mrs. Louie Carsten, Jr. Residents of Extreme South Portion of the City to Plan Active Par ticipation in Campaign. That other sections of the city will have to step to finpass the fifth ward in the operation of their section of the Plattsmouth Garden club, was in evidence lat evening at the en thusiastic meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pitz on high wa No. 75. There were a number of plans dis cussed and which included a tennis coutt for that portion of the city as well as a park or community center Tho members were all very- enthus iastic over the plans for the beauti ful fiower garden-; and the vegetable gardens which have been a feature of that part of the city. To carry on the campaign in the ward tlie following were enlisted to help make the fifth ward showing the best in the city: -Messers and Mesdames Anton Hula, Earl Schwen iiiker, Carl Ohlschlager, C. L. Pit man, Pa.ul Ambrose, J. A. Pitz, Jack man. A. J. Snyder, Adam Marshall, Max Bowman, R. II. Patton, Harry White. Henry Kuhman, Albert .vtokes, James Zoubek, D. E. Haley, Chailes Parker, John Jirousek, Roy Schwennikcr, Charlt3 Welshimer, D. T. Stapp. L. W. Morelan, Joe Adam, John Mataucek, Arthur Copenhaver, Ben Wile?, George Suttcn, John To man, William Dasher, M. B. Alien, Chester Wall, Albeit Altschaffl, F. Schackneis, Ed Gabelman, James Lancaster, Ike Gouehenotir, Carl Doolcy, E. L. Trively, Mike Hob schcidt, William Falk, Ernest Elliott, James Hiskett, W. M. Richter, P. A. McCrary, Mr. J. C. Coleman, Mrs. Eert Coleman, Mr. Paul, Mrs. John Wynn, J. L. MeKinney, Walter Brit tain, Mrs. Anna Harris, Mrs. Adaha Newton, Mrs. Richter, L. E. Yroman, Mrs. M. Craig. Manley News Item UNDERGOES OPERATION The friends of the family here will be interested to learn that Ernest Trunible, Jr., of Lincoln, was oper ated on Wednesday at the Bailey hos pital at Omaha for the removal of his appendix, being taken with a sudden attack the first of the week. The little lad was doing nicely at the last reports and it is hoped will -oon be able to be taken home. The Manley Elevator shelled corn on laEt Saturday and also again on Tuesday of last week. John Bergman and wife were guests of friends at Plattsmouth on last Sunday where they enjoyed the occasion very pleasantly. Many of the Manley people were over to Elmwood where they were attending a dance given at that place on last Tuesday. Herman Rauth and wife were hav ing their butchering done on Tues day of last week, they being assisted by Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stander. : Mesdames John C. Rauth and Walter Mockenhaupt were over to Plattsmouth on last Monday where they were looking after some shopping. F.-f !!i Tl'iii-Hlnys luiily Mv. a::d Mrs. George B. Mann were in Omaha today where tLuy spent a ew hou: s visiting with friends and locking after some matters of bu:i- ics.-. PUBLIC AUCTION IN SERIOUS CONDITION Cass county friends of J. D. Shra der, former resident o this commun ity, will regret to learn that lie is in s. rious condition at his home at Ila' wec.d, California, where he has been critically ill the past week. Word to the relatives here the fore part cf the week was to the effect that he had suffered a stroke and was un conscious at that time and in criti cal shape. That no further word has been received encourages the rela tives to believe that at least he is no worse. Ifis two daughters, Marie and Margie, both cf whom are r.ow mar ried and are assisting with the care cf the father. His son-in-law. Dr. Bay is in charge cf the case. AUBURN COMING TUESDAY The Piaitsmouth basketball fans are ct have the opportunity of see ing th3 Auburn high school Bull dogs here for a game on Tuesday evening at the high school. This should be a good fast game a3 Auburn has wen second place in the south eastern Nebraska conference, remain ing in a tie for first until defeated by Nebraska City last week at Au burn. The local quintet has had a rest the past week and will start a strenu ous finish of their schedule, having two games a week for the remainder of the regular playing season and then face the regional tournament at Nebraska City. The undersigned will ofi'er at Pub lic Auction at the P. A. Meisinger farm. S miles west of Plattsmouth, y mile south of the Cedar Creek road or. - BIczisfay, Fefor. 19 beginning at lo o'clock, with lunch served at noon, the following describ ed property, to-wit: Six Head of Horses One team black horses, ?, and 4 years old, weight 2S00; One bay mare, S years old, weight 1350; One black hor;e, smooth mouth, weight 1400; One black colt, 2 years old, weight 000. Cattle and Hogs Three milk cows; Fou- heifers; Two i-alvcs; Two old sows; One bar row; Two gilts Fourteen fall pigs. Poultry, Oats, Hay About IS dozen chickens. About 05 bushels of oats. Some baled clover hay; Some baled wheat straw; Some loose alfalfa hay; Some loose prairie hay. Farm Machinery, etc. One t'aim fagon; One Avery stalk cutter; One P. &. O. wide tread lis- tsr; One Van Brunt drill; One P. T- O. two-row machine; One 3-sectiond harrow; One riding cul tivator; One walking cultivator, com plete; One Galloway spreader; One International feed grinder; One Her cules 5 horsepower engine with trucks; One blacksmith forge; One post drill; One keronene barrel; One pile block wood; One pump jack; 50 ft. garden house; One DeLavel cream separator; One brooder stove; One brooder house; One hog house; Two hog troughs; Fifteen steeel posts Fif teen rods hog wire; Eleven bushel Red Clover seed; One shotgun. Household Goods On3 power .washer; One kitchen range; One heater; One Grebe 5-tube radio; Two linoleum rugs; One kitch en cupboard; One table and three chairs; One lawn mower, and numer ous other articles. Terms of Sale All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Oa sums over that amount a credit of six months may be arranged with the Clerk of sale. No property to be removed until settled for. Special Administrator. REX YOUNG. Auctioneer. PLATTS. STATE BANK, Cltrk. Miss Anna Rauth of Omaha was a visitor at the home of her parents over the week-end last Sunday, re turning to her work on Monday of this week. 1 August Stander and daughter, Mrs. Albert Seiker, of Elmwood, were guests for the afternoon last Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt. The Farmer Elevator company held thsir monthly meeting on last Mon day evening at the elevator where they looked after the business for the grain company. Frank Rosenow wa3 a visitor for a short time in Manley last Tuesday, having been attending a sale east of town and stopped to visit his friend3 on the way home. The Rev. Father Ilarte was spend ing a few hours with his friend, Rev. Marcelle3 Agius, resident priest of the St. John's church of Plattsmouth on last Monday. Adolph Steinkamp who has been so ill for so long a time is now feel ing better and is able to be about and is feeling much better and for which he is very thankful. Mrs. Mary Heeney and Mrs. John Tighe, the latter of Norfolk, were visiting for the day last Monday at the home of Miss Mary A. Murphy, where all enjoyed the visit very much. On last Tuesday afternoon John Crane was ever to Lincoln where he was looking after some business mat ters and while he was away Fred Laurensen was locking after the lumber yard. Wm. Rau who has been quite ill for seme weeks still remains so that he is not able to be a,t the bank and work. His brother. Georse Rau. re turned from Utica to assist with the work at the bank. John Ayres of near Walton, was a visitor in Manley, accompanied by hi3 wife and while he:e were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt, Mrs. Ayre3 and Mr. Mockenhaupt being half brother and sister. All enjoyed a very fine time. Mrs. Frank Reister, who has been in the hospital at Omaha for some weeks and where she underwent an operation is reported as getting along nicely at this time and is able to sit up for a portion of the time. The many friends of thi3 excellent wom an are pleased at the progress which she is making. I. W. Jacoby, a farmer residing southeast of Lincoln and who was a visitor in Manley advertising his sale which is to be held in a short time, when leaving for home and was go ing south to the highway, was mak ing good time and was not able to negotiate the turn and so went into the ditch. As a result his car was damaged and he was bruised badly, but not seriously injured. Mesdames John C. Rauth and Wal ter Mockenhaupt entertained on Thursday of last week at the beau tiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Rauth and h.ifl nsj their guest3 the ladies of the Catholic church and where all enjoyed the gathering very nicely. They proved themselves most capable entertain ers. These two ladie3 will entertain the members of the Altar Society at the home of Mr3. Rauth on Tuesday, February 13th as well. Had An Excellent Time. The membei-3 of the Altar Society cf the St. Patrick'3 church of Man ley held a very intersting and pleas ant card party at the town hall on Tuesday evening of last week at which a large and very enthusiastic number of the church and the public were present to enjoy the evening. Pinochle was the feature of the even ing with refreshment's of ice cream and cake. VISIT ROTARY CLUB From Friday's Dally U. W. Knorr, Fred Lugscu and F;ank M. lienor, membecr of the Plattsmouth Rotary club were at Glenwood last evening where they enjoyed the meeting of the club of that city. The Plattsmouth eroun had a fine tima and met their many friends of the Iowa city.