THURSDAY, rEBPvTTAHY 1, 1934. PLATTS1I0UTE SEKI - WXEEXY JOURNAL PACE SEVEN ( 6. Id M lurray Murray Hardware COMPANY will Oil Your Harness for 85c Set SWEET CLOVER SEED We are selling White Blossom Sweet C!cv:r Seed at from $3.25 to $3.40 We Imve the seed and can furnish it v. hen you want it. We take your Theo Earkus i-iirv.ii2.jLd a piano this week. James .Smith was a Sunday visitor at the home o" P.ay Chrisswisser. Mrs. C. D. Spangler end son, Everett were in Nebraska City Satur day. The CAVA workers are putting in a cistern at the Lewiston Community rc?.ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gayer were ' order now tmd hold it until you want in attendance at the dance at Murray Saturday evening. C. D. Spongier, Glen Boedeker, Everett Spangler and Frank Scott attended the rale at Syracuse Wed nesday. Mrs. Curtis Farris and little son, Bobbie, are guests ur iuc remainder cf the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lancaster. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Townsend of Plattsmouth were visiting with a number of their many friends in Murray on last Friday. Charles Petersen, the barber, war a visiter in Louisville fcr the vet k end and last Sunday and was guest ol the parents lor the day. Charhs I.I. Read was a visiter ir. Piattsmcuth cn Tuesday of this week, called there to look r.lor some Luii ness matter; lor a short time. Business called Charles V. Ear rows it. We require 1 a bushel deposit. These Prices will be Higher Later Murray Hardware So Murray, Nebr. Recognition Spurs Soviet to Pay Debt curing some oak flooring which he is having placed in their country hone and otherwise improving the homo. Eiddie Very Sick. Little Martina fcpon r, the two year eld daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sparer, was taken ve:y se verely ill on last Saturday and has !u:on having a raging i'ever since, the temperature running up to 103. Ev d; thing is being done for the little Dscision by President on American Trade Policy Said to Ee the Only Necessary Step. Washington, Jan. 2S. The har monizing influence of recognition has aided negotiations toward the settle ment of the lC-ycar-old Russian debt question until a definite understand ing may be reached soon, some ob servers foreseeing it within a month. Involved are the 300 to 400 mil lion dollars in Russian debts due this country and Soviet counter claims be cause of American participation in the- Siberian expedition. Then, too, there are private claims which citi zens of this country have put forward. The parleys have progressed until it was said in authoritative circles Lost 20 Lbs. cf Fat in Just 4 Weeks Mrs. Mae West, of St. Louis, Mo., writes: "I'm enly 2S years old and weighed 170 lbs. until taking one bes of your Kruschen Salts just 4 weeks ago. I now weigh 150 lbs. 1 also have more energy and further more I've never had a hungry mo ment." Fat f'lks should take one half teaspoenful of Krus. hen Salts in a glass of hot water every morning be fore breakfast an S5 sent bottle j lasts 4 weeks you can pet Kruschen i it V C. TVirl.'O r Co.. nr jjrv 1rnn- store in America. If not jr.yfuily sat-j Schuyler Man Slain, Verdict of X-Ray Probej Reveals Pistol Bnllet Passed Through Heart of Bachelor Believed Burned to Death. 3 8 FPk 3 8 U i Schuyler, Jan. GO. County Attor- j ney L. F. Otradovsky Tuesday nrht H -1ft 8 said he Avas convinced William Hen esh, 40-year-old Schuyler bachelor isneu alter tne urst uottle money i back. fl, inS was murueru ant not uurneu to aeatn fin his automobile as was first sup-i -posed. COLOSAD0 CWA LiiiiliSED ' x"rE' Photographs taken late,tt Tuesday revealed a pistol bullet pass- j Washington. Harry l. Hopkins, cd through the heart and lodged near j civil works administrator, discharged , Hie spine, Otradovsky said. A cor the Colorado civil work- administra- cr s jury convened Tuesday after tor, Herbert Fairall. and tho entire Colorado civil works commission. He appointed C. D. Shav ver to be civil wo:'ks administrator in Colorado. noon, but after viewing the body and the charred automobile, adjourned subject to call. The county attorney said he plan- Dne that she may be lestored to her to Nebraska City on lat Monday and! l'o::.Hr good health and that she may again on Tuesday he hr.d to gj to, be- as comfortable as possible during Cmaha to look after some i h-r illness. Dr. G. II. Ciimore and to::. Jrhr. Mrj. Heckles Very Poorly. With Miss Bertha Xickles at Om .l:a where she is receiving treatment :'or her health, and all her frinds pleased that she is making good im provement, the mother, Mrs. Mary Xickles at home was taken with an attack cf shingles which has given this excellent woman much suffering, li is hoped that she may soon b well again. of Lincoln, were visiting and look ing after some business matters in Murray and vLir.iiy on Ie.rt Satur day. Van Allen, whose care was dam aged some time ago has the wagon in good condition and is able to go to and come from his work now v. ith out having to walk. J. H. Faris. who has been ill for several months and while he is much better at this time i still not en tirely restored to his former good health. Ke makes frequent trips to Flattsmouth for treatment by a phy sician there. .Frank Rhodcn of Mauley and Ne hawka was a visitor in Murray on Monday of this week and was look ing after some business matters for a short time and as well meeting with Lis many friends. Word has been received that Miss Chloe Tanner of Yuma, Colo., vhoj gaged in working on a vacuum tank fell a year ago and broke her lag is j it exploded with the result that the in Denver for hospital care. Miss; genial mechanic received a very se- Bunday that a decision by Presidnt i Shawver will operate without an as-j Roosevelt on American trade policy ! might be about all that is necessary i before an announcement. Subjects Aie Interlaced. Debt settlement, credits to Rus sia, foreign trade policy, and closely i elated subjects are so interlaced at present that President Roosevelt must pull the proper string before the skein can be untangled. President Roosevelt has under con sideration two reports which have a bearing on future trade policies. Once from the foreign trade policy commit tee, made up of experts from the var- ?jp.ed to make a renewed and extensive sicuant commission. The Colorado' et ligation uuure caning me j un civil works herds were discharged for I h-cI: in session. He conferred Tues rppveving a project f auditing the!d' Jonn Hen esh of Fremont, books of the city of D.nver. One of I brother of the victim, who urged the members cf the commission ! Otradovsky to check on possible foul Ralph Mayo, Hopkin- said, was em-i May. ployed by the city to supervise thej Hcnesh was found dead in his project and is receiving a tree f rom i burning coupe on the highway seven 5aK UW I m M if- 4 LI vC To buy, improve or build a Home, resources are now made ava ilable for use of our members by our mem bership in Federal Home Loan Bank Monthly payment Build ing and Loan plan un changed, with easy month ly payment and low in terest rate. Sec Us cr Home Loans. I The iebraski mi MssoeiaiiGti Member Federal Heme Loan Bank a? SI (1 K t' ( i o J u u o o i t n o t) V. t 0 t fj H the city. EUTGFISH BACK TO L-UTIES New Orleans. Departing quietly by train. Senator Kuey Long was cn route to Washington to resume his miles north of here Sunday night by two farmers living nearby. They said they were attracted to the car by the fire, and upon finding Hencsh dead notified authorities In the car Otradovskv found the WYATT EASP IS EETUENIKG Wellington, X. Z. With her iron work rusted and her copper sheath ing scaned by ice floes, the steamer Wyatt Earp arrived from Little Am- with the Lincoln Ellsworth ious government branches, contains! senatorial work while his aides car- findings on general policy and tariffs. jarrel of a small bore shotgun, but erica all inflammable parts of the interior ! south polar expeedition. Referring to JOINS OMAHA FCA OrPICE Omaha. Ralph S. Pyre has hit the Regional Agricultural crrporation here to join the fore; cf L. Oscar Challman, general agent of the eighth dist:ict, faun credit administration. He is Chailiaan's first appointee. Whether Pryce will assume one of Lifts Geld Embargo. ried on his political battle- against; the old regulars of Mayor Walmsley, who last Tuesday defeated Long's candidate in the city mayoralty pri rnarv. Lena had nothing to sav about of the car were consumed. Friends tlie accident which resulted in crip-, the four executive positions still to Mr. and Mrs. Paris Entertain. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Faris enter-j lained at their home on last Sunday where they were host and hostess to a number cf their friends and rela tives for the day and dinner. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Copenhaver and family of Union. The other, from George X. Pcek.i former agricultural adjustment ad mir.istratcr, is understood to pro- a conference here Saturday in the pose the establishment of a foreign 'enatm-'r, hotel suitein which-he and trade export corporation, which lThic J- Burke. . old r.iar leader of would have power to authorize or! the fust ward, participated. Eurke. recommend foreign credit extension. Vacuum Tank Explosion. While Andre D. Bakke was en- who was criticized by Long in his mayoralty campaign speeches, des cribed the interview as "strictly personal." AID TO VETERANS' BENEFITS Tanner is a sister of Mrs. Wm. Troop and well known here. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis were severe. over to Murdoch on last Sunday where they were gueses at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. John Eppings and where they e-r. joyed the day pleasantly and a very line dinner as well. At Potter. Nebr., every house was rented and many turned away. The citizens were planning to build more, 0 goes the statement. Murray seems to be in a similar condition from the inquiries for houses for the first of March. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporter enter tained fcr the family on last Sunday, there being at the very fine dinner which was served their son, Charles Fporer and Chester sporer and fam ily. Martin Sporer and family were kept away by the little daughter Martina, being very ill. J. A. Scotten. better known as vere burn cn his faet. It was for tunate thr.t the injury was not more Will Furnish the !nsic. At South Omaha on February ICth there is to be a silver wedding an niversary which marks the 25th wed ding anniversary cf Mr. and Mrs Stephen Anderson. The Lewiston The treasury, by lifting the em bargo on Russian gold, barred since 191:0 because of the question of legal ownership, has made it possible for Russia to use- a portion of its 50 mil lion dollar annual production for pur chases in this c ountry. . aennigton. An adequate iria: The treasury also has lifted thej fcr the new regulations adding 21 ban cn Russian pulpwood and j million dollars to vc trans' benefits matches, previously ba:red on charges' rather than the passage of new leg- of Heneeh told authorities the Sehuy- Phing the expedition. Ellsworth said ler light plant fireman often carried i "the blow fell suddenly." "In an large sums of currency with him. hour or two," he said, "we would have He had taken Miss Catherine Von-jb-n in the air and the disaster would dra of Schuyler, rural school teacher, j -ave been averted, but in fifteen min nine miles north of here, to her utes five miles of barrier ice crump bearding house and was en route hack I and wo were unable to take off. home. She told authorities he was in It was the bitterest moment in my the best of spirits when he started I hfe, coming so near to success and the return trip. Miss Vondra was a! having it snatched fiom us at the neighbor of Henesh and he had been in the habit of taking her to the country on Sunday nights. Otradovsky said the bullet which killed Henesh was from a .38 or .4i3 caliber revolver. FUEIyIEE faxlly is hopeful cf convict labor production and dumping. SHOUT ZOUES to solve all Indiauapolis. In shorter working hours and better wages lies the sal vation cf all the people of America, declared Miss Frances Perkins, secre tary of labor, in addressing the con vention cf the United Mine Workers cf America. The cabinet member explained that islaticn was advocated by Adminis trator Hines of vfrvrans' affairs. Testifying on tlie Acrrictn Legion's program and ether amendments pro- j posing to liberalize the economy pro- i visions of the independent off ices bill.! Hines told a senate appropriations! subcommittee that -4SG.1J2G veterans' ! fin A'lcntc ) a r titon frnm ! . . . . . . V.V i 1 t . . . - I I V 11 L 1. .1 1. 1 Wl.l the compensation rolls between Junej CO and Oct. 31, 19C3, but that liber-j alizing regulations isrued since wcrel "sound and should be continued.' St. Paul. A new attitude of opti mism lervaded the Bremer family as they remained alert for word from the kidnapers of Ed vard G. Bremer. Walter Ma gee, friend of Bremer, who received the first ransom note within a few hours of the missing banker's last minute." The accident Ellsworth referred to crippled the airplane when a crack in the ice let the undercarriage down and damaged the wings. D0LLFUS3 PEAKS INVASION Vienna. Chancellor Dpllfui: voiced a ringing eleventh hour ap peal to Austrian peasants to rails around him and beat back an immin ent "general offensive" of nezls. Speaking to 200 leaders of the lower Austrian peasants' league, the chan cellor warned them that trouble was brewing on the nazi front on oil band under the direction of James j the income of the tanners and the Smith, will furnish the music. The j v- ages of industrial wor hers represent celebration will be held in a hall the great bull: of the buying power of the nation. Durir.g the depression which lias been secured for the occasion. she said, this buying power was re duced approximately 12 biliions. This A Birthdav Surprise ic:'n onlJ' f-'e recovered, Miss Cerkins At the home of Mr. and Mrs. James ! said, thru better wages and shorter! Tigner on Saturday night. Jan. 26, j working hours so that the wages will j came a number of 40 to help cele- hs spread among a greater number of ! brate Mr. Tigncr's 59th birthday an-; People. seizure, also hinted fresh develop ments in were imminent possibility. I abcut Jan. 20.. an(1 crpcaied to them to risk life axed limb in the defense cf the homeland. He demanded also be filled in the genearl agent's stall was not revealed. At present he is serving as special aeeistant to Chall man. With Mr. Ch-.ilman in Wash ington, Pryce is in charge of the gen eral agent's office. Offices of the gen eral counsel, personnel director, field director and comptroller on the gen eral agent's staff are still unfilled. Appointment of a personnel direc tor is awaited by political watchmen with interest, for the personni 1 di rector wiil handle the hiring and fir ing fcr the four banks of the FCA here. Two men mentioned for the personnel job aie John Byrne, prce tnt personnel man for the RACC and a Mullen selection, and Clarence L. Owen, assistant cashier of the Stock yards Xational bank. HITCHCOCK IS HOLDING OwK PUBLIC -AUCHQN&i "I am optimistic." said Magee "that we will hear something within the leckt few days. The appeals of ! Adoiph Bremer (father of the miss ing man) and assurance that the nsom is ready tor payment to tne oon as authentic word is re- cught to bring some results soon. As I have decided to quit farming. I will sell at Public Auction on the Ada Ferris farm 2! miles east and 1 Vs miles south of Murray, Nebraska, on Friday, Feter. 9th PLANE FALLS INTO OCEAN Kitty Hawk, X. C. George H. Tomkin, Norfolk, Va., pilot, and Leewellyn Harris, an injured passen- Leginning at 10:30 o'clock a. m.. ?er v.ere rescured from the surf near nnersary, and sure was a complete,' une ci tne most Heated sessions of v 'cn perieo at noon n uie(,!f..e after their plane had nose dived All came with well filled' the convention developed when an ?,"L' mine;-, n'- iu:ioWiuS ce intt -n ,,.i ... (1, j.uiw.i prewnj, w-wn: 4 Head Horses and Mules One smooth month team of mares rurprise baskets of good things to cat and at j attempt was made to change the 'Odd" is finishing the new residence ' the midnight hour Mrs. Tigner served United Mine Workers' constitution so into the ocean. The lookout at Paul Gamiel's hill station saw the plane distress and notified Captain in of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Barrows at the! a bounteous supper to all which was Ins to permit its members to join the Hi-Way Cafe. When tlie place is fin- :h enjoyed. The main feature of f-ommunist party. CA73 CONGRESSMEN L03EY ished this will put Mr. and Mrs. Bar-j the evening was dancing, music be rows at home and thr-y will rot furnished by the Ealthozar bro compellcd to go to arid from theiri there of Mynard. Aiso card games of work and heme. This will make it j all kinds were played. All stayed much more convenient. ui;m a very late nour wnen iney sail', a as "hypocritical" anv leedla Messrs. George E. Xickles and! departed wishing Mr. Tigner manyjtion which would bar department of Glen Todd were over to Omaha on ! more happy birthdays and also Mrs. ficials and members of nartv national black and brown, wt. 2.S00 His.; one j Snow, who started with a coast guard smooth mouth spun of Mcllv mules, wt. 2,4 50 lbs. 7 Head of Catlle One Jersey cow; three red cows: crew for the scene. They arrived just as the plane struck the water and Surf man Beach am plunged in to res cue Harris. Captain Snow and others that they help cdush "the menace o Marxism." The peasants responded with a vigorous resolution of loyalty to Dollfuss. Dollfuss declared that Hitlerites were preparing a mam moth offensive. The fascist Heim wehr lined up with Dollfuss against the nazis. Washington. Gilbert M. Hitch cock's physician reported the condi tion of the former senator was "un changed." Earlier in the day the physician had said the Xebraskaii was seriously ill. but "holding his own." FIREMEN 0VEHC0IIE Peo:ia. Twenty men were over come by smoke and extreme cold fighting a fire which swept thru two Moors of the partially constructed brewery of the Premier-Pabst corporation. Washington. Senator Byrnes as- j ?ne "''f5 , "l"" n'ilk; cPe of the crew rescued Tomkin and later ... , . , jersey and Red Poil heiier, C months (ciir and 0avmer . . . PAJAMAS AND NIGHT GOWNS Cualbvu last Monday where they v. ere called , Tigner for h er royal hospitality and to look after some business matters. j entertainment. Allen V.". Lccnard was a visitor inj Murrey on last Tuesday and was re- j ErTed Fine Gathcurjtr. committees from lobbying for the ap propriation of government funds, and rid Old one rcan ball calf, C months ' thc Pne Two Hampshire gilts (bred). Farm Machinery, etc. One John Deere 2-row cultivator; TPJED TO TUNNEL INTO BANK Holbrook. Ariz. Dillworth Sump- yet would not apply to members ofior,e & riding lister; one John j terf socialist candidate last fall for congress. He approved the president's ! On Wednesday of this week the. desire to restrict the activities of per " , ;I-lics' Aid society of the Christian j sons supposedly able to influence gov LOSS I O'JF DraKeS VVOriv, cnurca of Murray held an all day crnmcntal action because of I their The efficer docs not say: Does your meeting at tne ctiurcn wiiere tneyi connections, but asserted "there is brake ' work?" lis says: "Von did not : looked after the business coming be- more danger in the political influence ttcp, but ran over the little girl." for the organization and as well en- exerted bv a live consrrr-tinn th.-n joyt.d a most pleasant day and fine in the influence attempted to b exert ed by a politically dead congress- Ilcvr Ab-nt Your Erakcs? Better drive ir ai;d have them tested dinner with their friends, the mem than to put it off until something , fce:r C)f tj:e Ladies' Aid of the Chris l as happened, nave tne entire car checked over. Better safe than sorry. muRRAY garage: A. D. EAKHE, Prcpr. Clover Seed White DIcsscin Sweet Clover 3.20 per Bushel (Bags Included) FREDERICK SEED CO. Highest llaxket Prices Paid for Grain Ccme In tnd Get Acquainted Farmers Elevsfcr.Qo. A. J. Wielcman, llazaer tian church of Plattsmouth. A very man. During the day a senate judiciary Err'reprrate program was had as well, subcommittee considered the advis All enjoyed the gathering, and the' ability cf drafting a general "anti- iadier- cf Murray extend a cordial wel come for another meeting iu the near future. T2AYLCR IN DANGER ZONE Chicago. Melvin A. Traylor, presi dent cf the First Xational bank cf Chicago, who is suffering from pneu monia, developed a heart weakness lobbying" bill, to cover the purposes of a number of specific measures which have been introduced recently. Deere disc. 16-10; one Emerson Go- Arizona's congressional seat, wa: was attemptin; bank. IIANING JURY IS DISCHARGED Kansas City, Kas. Faiiinr to reach a verdict after three days of obliteration, the jury in the case of 'srr.c Haning, Lincoln, Xeb., accused Saturday night that "places him in I of anon, was discharged by Judge the danger zone." Dr. W. R. CuD- Fischer late in the day. Countv At- bins caid he waf seriously alarmed at the development of cardiac weakness which places the stricken banker again in danger. torney White announced Haning woald be retried at the March term of ccurt. He was charged with hav ing attempted to burn a house he Journal Want-Ads gel results! w'r-ed here for 52,000 insurance. AE3IY AIE PLAN IS DRAFTED Devil r one 2-row stalk ci'ittpr: one H-sertion harrow; one IHC Cloverleaf ' "iven a sP?ntJed sentence of a year manure spreader: three sets of work 'and a day in state prison, by Superior harness; one IHC endgate seeder ; j Judge Sawyer, for attempting Sunday one John Deere corn elevator, com-to nter the First Xational Bank of plete: ore John Deere gang Mow;j Sumpter, who said he one Rock Lslnrd stirring plow; one; ' Deering mower; one Peter Sehuettler j sou"nt money to care for his invalid wagon; cue hay rack and running mother, pleaded guilty to burglary in gear; one wagon box; one grass seed the first degree, and was released attachment for drill; one Rock Island j rom CU3tody. He WSL3 captured by a jack; one S5-galIcn butchering ket- Patrolman early Sunday, who said he tie: one vise: one ret tans end dies: was attempting to tunnel into tbc one Queen brooder store, 1,000 chick size; ore IHC Primrose cream separa tor: one tank heater; one roll slat cribbing; one John Deere l-ho!e corn Fheller; one dirt flip; one bushel of Crimm alfalfa seed; some St. Charles white seed ccrn; some hay in mow; 50 hedge posts: two steel gates, 14 find 12 foot; .1C0 board feet of fir flooring; some pullets and other ar ticles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale All sums of ?25.00 and under, cash. On gums over that amount a credit cf six months may be arranged with the Clerk of sale. Xo property to be removed until settled for. Kenneth Fesris, Owner, i REX YOUNG. Auctioneer W. G. EOTTDEKER, Clerk Washington. A new five year ex pansion program for the army aii corps providing fo rincreased flying personnel, airplanes and equipment involving an expenditure of 118 mil lions is beins ' drafted by Chairman McSwain of the house military com mittee. McSwain eaid it would call for an increase up to 3,000 in planes fit fcr wartime service, an increase in offi- ! ccr personnel from 1,250 to 2,450 and an increase of about 4,500 iu enlisted personnel. Mm I ".i f " 1 ggan C4J' n 9s Ki - i..y v! 'e ' ' ' Yes ! . . . you can be pretty and practical at the same time . . . thanks to Mun- singwear. The new Balbn'ggan gowns and pajamas will keep you snug and warm on the coldest nights. And besides fulfilling this noble purpose in life . . . they have a world of stylo! We have a number of dashing one and two-piece pajamas . . . some cf the dearest gowns . . . and . . . But why not come in and take a look? Munsingwear Balbriggans were made to be worn . . '. nor talked about. Although they are the topic of conversation with smart women. 5 !B