THTJF.SDAT. PZEETTASY 1. 1S34. PIATTEHOITTH - TvEEHLY JOURNAL PAGE THT.EE I j north cf Xehawka, accompanied by I Cliarlcs R. Troon, of Piuttsmouth, I were in Omr.ha or. ilcntlsy of this I uock, whore they were locking over ,T , T , T . i the sur-r.Iv of feeders at the r-tock -vlr. nntl ZUr-r. Joan L. lounsr were' ' ... , . ! van's v ith a view to purchasing a visiting: in City lar.t Eat-,- , . , , , , , . ... , 1 jrooulv nuirber at this tune for p!a? urilay. looking inter some slic-pin? "imc; in their iccu yards. C. Vs. nneclikcr lo-.-kins arter r.o bvpinesf r.iatl?:.-; in Syracus? on Woman's CIcb Board Keets hrvr. -'s to he held at iNeoraska f lr.i t cdne?;.cy and was attending ' . , , , , . Cifv t '."- (T!.ur?dav), a meetin? e! the coiii'iHir.i'v vair hcid tncre. I ' , . . , ,. . , 'the il'stri. t bond oi V. omen s clubs T.ihy fiiv.:r:n. lsu;e ron cf Mr. ! , . . , . . , 1 io'cil r v.-:t.i the wiivrs ot the ins ane .ur. victor v.ehrbein, who ha.;' . , .. .,, , ,, I tritt Icr u.e- purpose vl laying plans l een r.u.te ill fren: an. cttack of flu,1 ; , , . . , , . . , th ('J-tr.' t convention to bo helc reported as Leir.s mini! better at this time. lr. C. II. (lilniore and son. John, of Lincoln, whore Jch.n is attending ;n i .;r"::t v.ih April :ird aiul -It;:. A '.rr-e i 1' representatives of i. h j ari'.-us o.u! :h.e distii t are ;t t! 'nivor:-:tv of Nehr:i:-k:i. vet-re Vis.ii!,rr i: "cn.a v. t:a (:;' -ted to be present. T!;o.-e attend tl'.k; from ',ehawi:a t.r? ray kect Friday, the; driviiip- over in their ruto. Key TVkiJctuuii Ik id hi? sale last r.ri nday a ml although the day war (cry 'o!d. there war. a lar"e ere-".', p.rc.-r-e!: t atul hich'.ir.c ;v:m spirited, all the rfood.; c-Verei hrlnirins right Etiiart i.ri"'. : r dove Tu her, 31 r. iZ. C. -. J. A. JIn-i' r. Tdre. l:;.bc ri He., d. I'.att.-r.ioutr.. pre su-.ut ot - r- v'f.:i:.-n'?. club there, will also ;.:tciid tl-.-y irectinjr in company with :ho ?'c:u.wka ladies. Cave IcliLtIu! Dianer Party Dick Hi: of P"attsn:ruth, can Mrs. Vi:as I down lesi Friday nirrht to tnkf- in the : ' t ' -"'"-' basketball game between the Nehaw- , i?.:-. at a di-nc-r party at her home. Sheldon entertained ka and Ofe teams and was phased with the playing ability shown, by the X e h a w k a tee m . The Xehav.ka high, school basket ball team enraged in a game, with the team from Otoe on last Friday evening. It proved to he a very r tne oeca-ion. and C. Prjllard t e ister of :rs. Prdiard. :'rs. Volford, ! "dr is i; o-. visiting he?e frtim he: 1 l.::..e in r-dj::ica;. :-, Tdr. and Mrs. M. M. Tut ker and Mr. and Mrs. Pen ' Olive, cf Weeping Yv ater. The rup- ited eor.ter-t. with tie in. me town; i. ... v. ..s a .c... . j.-..nk ....: vinrirr bv a score of 24 to 10. ;-.en lor ail. R. C. Pollard, manager of the X havka Farmers Oil ecmpany. va T'ndcr the weather hist Faturdav an:! Ti e ierrr. -T- Agricultural immmtor was eoiupelied to remain at heme, lie, in ike Nehavdm -chord. Mr. Italimar v. as feeling much improved by Mor- Tun in- been tendered a good position day, however, and bark on the j : h in l inf dr. l as asked that he he re r.gain. jieccd front his eoiitraet with thr Fhrddon rlitchcll and Marian Tuck- h"ols here and his re-ur-t has been cr were over to Lincoln, where they granted i y the b ard. To fill th ccn.r.lcted arrangements f"r Sheldon vac auey. the board has been able to to enter the University of Nehralm. ! ::cc -r'" " yir- Til- Vl :,Ir- TioU He will take a special c ourse of in-! "''' lo r the new p-si- r.tructim. requiring roue time f)'"'- hl I ineotn and Mr. P-e is new remplete. 1 ut wd:i, h vc!!, in the endj-aed in teaching Agiruiture ir give tiiis yuung man an ex-client ' t'-' ' " " ho.ds. the shirt being ac edueaticn. !rn-pi;d:ed in very short time and Key Creamer. W. O. Troon and. A. wdi h' ut any diiTioulty. C M.:st were ;:-vcr near Syra.-uso on ; a f..rm sale, frdir.g thit:gs i)rit a rery ;rr e. via en .v: : r. g Sdctlirg Ttoss. son of Mr. and Mrs. he ; Adr Iph J. Kess. entertained a large The rule at farm sales this year. Re:-: -nud e- of his young s-hrrd triends Your::, the Ph: t tsmouth am tioneer, ' : t the beautiful ceuntry home of liis was alio prec.ent at the sale meetirg ' parents on last Frlday ' The Lis many friends. j time was rnent in the playing of W. O. Troop and son, George, of various gamss. v.-'-th music and tc I i-iimax the affair ore of the finest do. All present en- ; ;::rci'0"rs imau; Ecrsenber the '-Ililler Hurial Yatilt" , ?s the iclf -sealing -vrater-tight ' Vault cue piece, lid ciie "ea io ever. in i an;1, ate luul in mi: kf I fi S i r I r I kr-rf a 0'i tjy t -c7c ,i '-rji Ate nr.j Revert Be:tcr Selccced r.3 oi Cii:b Some Tcrtv Attend j the Initial Tim formation c f a Cars ecuuty ! branch oi the Ncbrn: i:a Young D;in-' uccatlc clubs was carried out Tuesday ; when an c: gani::ation w r.s' -ci" -it d r.-'d the crab started on its ". i y to success. Ti'ere wore rem- f ;: ty in attend-1 ".n v at the m'ctii an.! which was' nresid d over by J. A. (';.y,vd!, loeul J attorney. ; Jehn A. Ekile-. c " :.::,e:dn, di.Uilcm rC?v EAIE BY A. G. Bach, phone 18, 19 11, k. VYUri, nil OO; to the group tne rarpose:: oi the or- - to I'.avo seme cricciieT.t music and!. also a fine tine at the dame, vhi'-h is given t- with the construc tion rf the Xthawha library. Petter got in the swim and do ycur bit for die library. received Ciler ef Umployment Miss Maurir.e Cisuey, the IT-ycar-edd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. (J. Cirr.ey, v. ho is a very clever musician a ad cspe: ially talented on the guitar, v.-tc- at Shenandoah re entiy. taking nnrt in a contest that was held there nnd was c fierce! a position on the pro gram? given by the Ear! E. May Seed 'ompar.y. cf Shenandoah. Miss Cis ney sa"g and played a number of cowboy song.-? and vas winner of one -,f the substantial prices in the on test. Si:e "nas not decided a? yet, "1 ether she will a egt the h sition tendered her by the Shenandoah concern. Yisitirr, in Sttnry Cr.ll"am.ia Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Hough le 'st TLnrtday free: Omnia, via tb.ej i.i'.n I'acific, arri arrived. ;:t their incot : ;:n be held ; c-:-l: nation on the west cotist Sundry i unv;;-;, liti: th tire.t i.i ti ;;;;; which k : w..i- in it:- : opo and has a lar;. number of clubs i i :n tne state. j The oh'ieers of the lub v. ere ! as follows: I Pi ii-: r t liohe: : I!. lie.;. tor. j Vice-Pet.: inert ; 'bcis Puiin. j Trearur.r IIcKrt Wl.vcltr. i Secretary I'aul Vatidervocrt. I The mattLr cf clewing two dele-: gates to th state or, v-nticn am Grand Idand, Fvh'uury 1C-17 wa: then taken up. Kei.'.rt Pe-ior, i'laits- : mouth, antl uc-orgv L.t pert, itoctv i LI I tiff, v.-ere named a- de legates, with ; an advi-ory group c: n.d uir.g of Joe; i-'nenicLh. Plat'snu tub. Waiter I'or-' te r. I lat'smouth and ilandd Immke. ! Lou'n'vilh . being m.n.d to also at- ;end the- c envt nth:.:. l-'odov. ing rvleeti ,.: of the delegates . i diseu : ion of the matter of local; dues war- made. Ti preposition was : cot voted on. how cv. r. a: It vas do-1 "idetl to delay the matter until more ! : onr-idf raticjti could is given it. j D.seu. -: ion of rn edt.ct clubs war! hen gone- into, the i cxnlain- ! i.-g the i ttrpcf-e ami . tending of such j clubs. I A motion was t!o r passed that; 1 -a t one- r e roxt mc :: - ninm They will visit there fori ;ng was left up to r. :r pm-a:".- csc-cu-e time at the homo of their son. ,-,:ie:iitta t by the Ih r' ' r I Mont a I ti-- n Tbor . - i F.'-I'a. rnhterraa. w hrv Stewart. Jr..! t t,w.i- tm :".pe:dnt en d er t of s' herds. It i i 'iat trine their irtceaur. to return m t.ine to -. on: in th.cir garden. V.'l.ile they are . ay, James M. Palmer will lock after- business at the elevator. . d were O orge Jue I'ncliictk Sl?.:t Chairi Bereptior. Mrs. Vilas P. Sheldon, as the inii- isp of Sterling and 'tis parents aslial mover in an ehort to create a Themas Tulten Hzzh Better fund to askt in tlie cc.mpletion of the "cbawka library, and in pur 'dmcing the additional r.eed.ed mater- hegr-rt. Pock I'iui I-r le Pumke, Louisville. ! Tlie mrnihersp' the clnb is for i rth men and v omen and the age j are sot at sixteen to Thirty-five and lif- pt-tpore cf the- ;ul is to instill ! nto the young m : r. an J vomrn th; principles ot the democratic part; and to maintain an active unit for .he rid and advancement of the party ideal. piece. Ecaistut3istirLT vrater arm ;.f,., rusv ni fr r:r) lrp, Jc, at thic; ; .:ht of her f (dends t a attend a bene air tight, xinely centructei cf rz-. n- filing mudi improved and is j tea at her heme. Te ladies es iiifcicea coacrete. W:ti ia:t icrever. ; r,,,c, ;o -?e , :..,.ct t,.- ti.e jje -t te enjoy a most pleasant after- n V-,. tlT-j? f h ItTrjr-'r i.says he is e:-:pec ting to be out and uoo.i t.-aeaicr ana tne proceeds or I c.reu- d :n the near future. Secure when Buried? ia's for its ccmpb tion, has invited AEHA2vT3E TCH SWII-HIIN: I2TSI?.IJCTI0Ivr FOIL SCOUTS ai: rtahers can svvziy vou. rii:er s iar:r.l vaj.1.. lil ICr Lii A:sistirc; tl:-o littary There is to he a dance this evenin n:,.t, ucatf-rtum. wn:en. is rpemsoret .Arrangements have been'' made at the Y. M. C. A. ir. Omaha, for the : i certs per person wa; be nnnlieo nca re ivt? e Tarl hv en the building project. The loliow- j pp. ttsmeuth P.oy S;cuts at a very! week tliee e?rht ladies each en- nrm!-ii fV.rcrc T n.c tmvs tiring1 their own towels, thev will be ad-! liV J. "If yaa wstit your morssy to so Zi farther, here's my advice 'Dreak in new tires at this lime because cool reads toughen rubber ccld-cure it. Thus tires put on now will run about 30 9i farther than the same tires started off new on hot summer roads. That means you fiet 3& more mileage plus immediate non-skid saferv. At today's low prices, isn't that f.jsV-&iv3f?S rC, . t : n t :n n T,., '.''.gS'-.-tr. ttitain similar tees, inviting in eight d their iriends, or a total of C4, and i"-eo Muscatcerr, and v.dien j that v. add C m-iO mere to the fun, id you know you are going j y.dle the foliowi-i" week everj- one of the si-tiy-f ur invited guests is asked to arrange a tea for eight (invitations will be sent to many not living ir Xehawke. as guests.) The proceeds f rc i.i this third week would amount to ?T.1.2' and if the idea were car ried cut longer than that the figures would soon have the appearance of the annual report of government ex- Pii $PthiiHder btffamm. h srzass j,, ; ; , ti! Snoedway 5 S up A!I-Westher Less dlowcnc9 (or old tires K - I Quality within I $ Q 0 1 reach of all f UP V V Dependability fSV - ot lowest cost mZa&&hmi ft mst i Liii&J)r mittcd to the po'l each Monday and Friday evening at 5e. or 10c if they ; nse the towel service provided by the j "Y." At the0? hours, a ewimmiug in- -trimtor is present to give assistance; to beginners and after a course cf a few weeks, every boy shoulu become , a proficient swimmer, thus enabling: him to qualify lor merit badges in that line as well as advancement to, tlie rank of fast (hiss Scouts. j Spurred on by the recent court of ' l enditures. The possibilities of the boner held here, all members of the local tror.p expert to make some r.d- 'h.ain tea are very grojt and we hope the ladies are able to capitalms on them to the extent cf aiding very materially in helping to finance the Xchewka library. With man-hours available to do the work, it would he a shame to let the p-oncsition lag for imk of the few dollars of material money required. SUPERTWSST CORD TIRES Guaranteed by the World's Largest Rubber Company Prices subject to change without notice and to any state sales tax Expert Tire Vulcanizing Good Used Tires United Brethren in Cbvirt. Rev. Otto Lingtbrc ti;on. minic-ler X E 1 1 A V,' KA C 1 1 U I :(' i I Iliide church sehtud 10 a. m. Young Peoples Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m. livening go -pel service at 7: CO. People's Popular Hi hi.- class Wcd-uc-d: y evening at 7 :o( Mid-week prayer meeting following. The Woman's Society meets at jAkinr. on. Wednesday, February 7th. Tito Pibie class was batiner claar on Sunday in the P'ble : chooh CITFItPEIX CHURCH PibF church rehoel 10 a. m. Morning wcr-hip service 11a. m. The Woman's Society will be en tertained by Mrs. Margie this week. Mid-week prayer meeting on Wc-d-nce-hey evening. The Y. P. S. C. E. meets at Euelah Pkillpeti's at the Murdochs on Fri day evening, Feb. 2. The Young Peoples class was ban ner class cn Sunday. "Blessed is he w hose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Psalm 32:1. ran. cement before the date pet fori holding the next district court at I Peru March 21st. and the opportunity of taking swimming lessons will be wel omed by many, this being one of the reou'remcnts before a boy can be advanced to the rank of a first class Scout. Arrangements will be made among local car owners ar, friends of the rer.utirg movement to transport the boys to and from Omaha on the two days cf each week when they can J have tt.e advantages of the "Y's" reg- j ular paid swimming instructor. LIGHT IrllLZ GEO YE LUTHERAN CHUKCH 10:?. English services. Semi-an-j nual congregational meeting to be' held in connection v-dth services. G?i Tuesday evening, February 111 i at S o'clock the Sunday school is gdv-J ing a play in the church parlors en- j titled "Dot," an old fashioned melo dram. GAVE A TilTE ITUZEER One of the contestants in the mu- i sical contest at the high school Mon-j day evening who scored one of the: successes of the offering was Miss; Margaret Taylor, winner of first place , in the low voice section for girls. ' Miss Taylor was cne cf the features of the program in her fine number, j A Nebraska Institution customers certainly notice their lower food costs in buying EVERY item at a low price! ij..-- pr WyTH d1 rCl Del Mcntc Fancy gz? FEARS Large I'To. 2V Can - !-Sc 3 for V"."'t . ' if. '-;ri-Ji:l,!-!5w-f, 'l'iin4, Tt!tui; CKru ' in- --tie i-!'.! Ad for Filch: y, Saturday, rebr. 2d and 3d jtirct Prize Narrow Grain CORN L ier g r:. 2 Cans Carncbell's cr Van Camp J?OBK & BEAKS S5c 6 for 2C Garden Gold Fancy KRAUT Kg. QV2 Cans, Dcz. 1.20 Each 10' ( K II'CIiM VK.I.N sr. : irr am jik v 'i Lj w u inn! si7.i: -r, !;ri: i i,u:i;;: mzk -7. i-; . lU.-.rn - lHJT Dvicu - - - - 2 SWEET POTATOES Gibs..25c : . ;r.A: 4.. 1 5.(rtfi--inii I'rlo lUc-iiii 'inn: 4-r k ST.'.Mv stalk M2 . .4s 3.iT 7 ;! ii i;orn: Itll.M TV f-:.-:.-t rr:-u.-ii - ro A tTF Wi.c..t? L? YELLOW HIOKS ib, cCf 6 lbs. 25c I . . ri-u- ?.c. 1 I.arv: I tnli LETTUCE large Solid Eoads. each CAULIFLOWESS, Ib ICC Vi'iIO- I'JilJ 'vnri'.'lv. tm&TS or Carrots "lL5z ( !!-. I'iih 'iuili : fr-iii ji'uiii; nhuiililirM, ! i- Him. rMTHcr 4c BEEF ROAST shoulder, ib 8c 5c ri! i'Vr. full ilnir I-fccf r ou-.i : fx rn. SPARS RIBS, Ib SlIM'Il. (I'lM'lT. l.l'.U..-'! Wftll clri'UMlllS HAMBURGER, Ib l-"r ?-riu'iiil f-iii.i Ik-m v. li-nti ll'-cf. lOO1 pure ICt ti. ini.-j'; v;t loin or in .il I !.. PGRK ROAST shoulder. ib. 5c 7c ROUND STEAK, lb lc f-"iri I M'fili. I . S. it:i!-I mill I uwjir-i'leil Ilwf PORK STEAIC, lb 10C M?--ii from l-ji.i. triiilcr ISu.xtuu Ii:(k. ifn!iM l cr; liMIt- tone. SCLEHGBEEFniB.ib 4c ! om. IcihU r : si.-.i it v . l ine ;r kiiihik or vifh cr".ii. B ACOK BACKS, Ib ICC I'mn-v n:jfr -fir) iisiiilaiy SMift A ., for k:iiM):ii!U T trilii. Kc.:r:o Onick or Refralar I for 2ic GATS . p . rAG. De! (VSonte or Advo Sa-iriCJK ciiiiicC FANCY K2TK, 2 fcr 23c l-lb. Tall Cans 2IAMO Assorted JELL F!avor5 6 pkgs., Crsco Creamery SUTTER l-lb. Carter.. 25 C$'-f ri-7, "to lb. Best-of-Ail Carton - i Ginger Snaps or FIG BARS 2 lbs. jfc Bdccr's Premium Chocolate Va-lb-Cake 19c ?ai Drand l-Ib. IO. 2-Ib. Jar - iev t. Jar - teA PalmoIIve, Camay Hatk-n'r, Kirk's or Whits King Tcilet SOAP, 3 bars iiC BSACAR02? I SPAGHETTI n-Ib. Cellcphane Sag JL So-Tastee Soda cr Oyster CRACKERS or Certified GrSL2-iCacluy s-ib. tn. SPECIAL 2c SALE LIPTON'S GREE JAPAN TEA Get TWICE as FAuch for Only 2,c fcrc Mb. Pkg., 59c I'lty nny Mir- I,ksr.. pt niu.liiri fir uul;- !t- more. l i- ?;K0 Slbs., 55c- BROCM3 Crcd Quality, C Tic with fled Handle &CyC Each dt M. J. R. Junior COFFEE Mb. Pkg. - E'L'TTER-KUT Sssc DrsssiKg 1C03 Island or Re!:sh 8-cz. Jar, 1EC EC. Pint, 22c : Quart - SUGAS 'nc Crenelated IC0-lb. ba-, 5.03 IC-Ib. Clctn Ss C & H Pure Cane IPO lbs.. S5.C3: 10 Ibr.. 3--. RGSSAK BIEAIi in Co r.nd Pkg. A Whoin Grain Cereal of Wheat, Ryo r.nd trTh Flax VAU3C M F R "Safety ill. J. D- F;4 e,-'Aa Eest Grind for Percolator, Dripc!ator or Pot Can CbC Can C Can .&$C ;'rfH-v4 PACKAGE u lbs., 25; 10, 49 $ .79 24 lbs., S3i ; 48 lbs. I Crown Jewel Flour. . . .$1.53 Eel ZJcirte Crashed Pineapple. ITo. 10 -Gal." can 496 Oceana Pitted Cherries, He. 10 "Gal." can 49c Vale Brand Elackraspberrier;, No. 10 "Gal." can 49e Ccuty Pair E:end Toniatces, ITo. 2 can. 3 for 25c Hc-dy Pr-ad Peas, No. 2 can. 2 for 25 C Fuic Strained Honey, 5-Ib. paH 33 c S"oilhem Ilavy Beans. 5 lbs., 10 lbs 45c Fancy Bine licse Eice, S-lb. cellophane bag J.Sc Santa Clara Prunes, :ned. size, lb., 20c; S lb3 29c California Apriccts, lb., 15c; 2 lbs 220 Choice California. Peaches, ib., 14c ; 2 lbs 27c Frince Albert cr Velvet Tobacco, sm. can, 2 for 2Sc: l-lb C3 Union Leader Tobacco, 10c tin. 3 for 22c; $1-00 humidor GDc Ball Durham, Stud, Buffalo or Duke's Tobacco, ph-., Sc ; C fcr25c V7inss cr Twenty Grand Cigaiettes, pkg., 2,0c; carton P & G, Crystal White cr Omaha Tamily 3ILVER LEAF. 10 bars.19c ft. ; VCi VrT.l?PV4'HkiiVlEfivry 24 lbs., $1T 48 lbs., SjT, Gilvervrare illustrated cn Coupons in any size Sack. GOLD MEDAL Flonr T3S IT Eest The best cccks uso it be cause it is scientifically "Ealar.ccd" 24 lbs. 9Sc 43 lbs. . L 4