Rtlr. F'"4" iLstcrical Society j hot VOL. NO. XT.TX PLATTS1I0TJTH, KE2EASEA, THURSDAY, DECEMEEE 28, 1933. HO. SS 3r0 Ml l-v A Christmas IS Marked by Many Fine Services Cliurches cf City Hold Services cf E canty and Eeverence for Birth day of Savior. Christmas day of 1933 was marked by many beautiful services held in the churches of the city and largs congregations were present at all or the churches to receive the Christ mas message of peace and good will and honor to the Christ child, whose coming had brought a great change ia the history of the world. The services opened with the Christmas program given by the Sun day school of the First Christian church, a special Christmas pageant being presented under the direction of Mrs. J. R. Stine and Mrs. Hal Garnett. A large number were pres ent to enjoy the occasion. The Christmas day was greeted by celebration of the midnight mass at the St. John's and Holy Rosary Cath olic churches aa well as the St- Luke's Episcopal church, where large con gregations were present to partici pate in the beautiful and impressive service that ushered in the Christmas season. The Sunday service at the First Presbyterian church brought the mes sage, "A Gift from Heaven," by the pastor, Dr. II. G. MeClusky, a very impressive sermon on the birthday of the Savior. Special musical numbers were given by the choir of the church, in the anthems, "The Joyful Morn," by Protheroe and "G Come to My Heart Lord Jesus" by Ambrose. The Sunday school Sunday evening pre sented a very fine program and pag eant that was participated in by the members of the Sunday school, a most impressive presentation of the Christ inas story. Sunday morning at the First Meth odist church was presented the Christ mas message by the pastor, Rev. C. O. Troy, in "The Man Who Failed to Find the Child," a very fine mes sage of revencc and worship of the child whose life was to atone for all mankind. The beautiful vesper serv- VISIT3 EJ KANSAS Fred I. Rea. manager cf the Iowa Nebraska Light Power Co. here, was a visitor ever Christmas in Kan sas, being exiled from the home here by reason cf the illness of one of the children with a contagious disease, i3 ceciucu to visit in ins OiU nome. He stepped at Hiawatha, where hL; mother has been quite ili and secured his son, Robert, they then going on to Lawrence, Kansas, where Mrs. Rea has been for the past several weeks and here the day was enjoyed by the family. Corn and Hog Grow ers to Hold itteesrag Friday j: VISIT AT. LINCOLN averett, eer oi Lass County, Dies Well Ejio-kh Resident of Hear Union Dies Sunday Following Illness cf Some Duration. Mr. and Mrs. James Yelick and children, Floyd, Theodore, Margaret, Richard, Robert and Jaae:, Jr., weir: at Lincoln Monday for the Ciirist- .:as observance at the home cf Mr. janu Mrs. Henry Leacocl:, Jr., the lat- n . TTT. , . ., , . ter a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. c Ccunty Wide Aie sting to He Held at , tu , ,,,, ,- nr i ri. r .he!:. Others attending the family d;r.- tn: ConirrrguiiGnal Cnnrcu tt ; , ViPUr- rcr Party were Mr. and Mrs. Ray- more ar.d Mr. and Mr-. Francis. Ye-lick of Omaha, as well as Mrs. Henry Lea cock. Sr., and eon, Ted cf Lincoln. Mrs. E. Cham berlain Dies at fu:;esal or ozu7 tayloe From Tucs:ay's fairy This afternoon the body of Onn Tyler, wa.4 ho; light to th:. city j Ofl X ft for interment in th- family lot at j inafca nOSDltailoak Hill cemetery. ;h- ycur.g :aa:;i passing away Sunday at Omaha. CWA Projects Bring $3,913.73 into the County i The death of George Everett, 12. prominent resident cf Liberty pre cinct, occurred Sunday morning at his heme southeast of Union, deatn following an Illness of some duration. Mr. Everett had been in poor health for seveial jcars and in th last year had suffered two strokes, one a week ago that Le la'.led to inl'y from. Mr. Everett was a member of one of the oldest families in that portion cf Cass county, his parents, John and Anna Everett, settling there in the fifties, the family migrating from Cass county corn and Leg jr rowers ate af-ke-.l to meet Friday, In-ccmbsr 23 at the Conrrregaiicnal church in Weeping Water, to elect from three- to f;v; merabcre. of a. county cc:rn-hcg j committee and to hear a general dls-i tussian cf the corn-he,:; program as it has been outlined by the iVderal men at Washington and the state coru-liog eomraittej. The meeting will be held at Weeping Water ar.d ..ill begin at two c'Icelr, I), i). Wairrscoit, county agent, rays. In the few da-3 before the meeting Mr. Wainseott will be busy making ! The young man was torn and tperit J t7:ll Enovra resident of the Com-ihi3 tcyhoo;, U re y.heT, LijS par, Latcrt Prrrcll fhows Iscrciie rr.uniiy l asses Av.cy Alter Ul- - r g eSj Cl j L -i . (T'itc fnr t-rc it nmr v. r, r - l- i ... cent years the family have r..-:iufiij at Omaha. He is survived bv one brother, 12 Cbristmas Brings Zero to si Nebraska 54 e i Five Below Zero Eerlcheu This Moni' ing; as Cold Snap E -creeps Dawn from the laorthwcst. arrangements for th? meeting ar.d! letting farmers ever the county know! "With weeks cf balmy autumn about it. He expects to have several j weather prevailing through this part hundred men in and to have a good!of the west, the icy blast that swept reriresrtr.tion from each Lection of the'tlovrn froni the northwest, caused the county. j residents of this community to seek Herman Hanke, one of the state( the warmth of their home' over Sun-corn-hog committee members v.hoy and Christmas, lives at Ithaca, will be at the mcet-j Tne temperature this morning at iag in Weeping Water next Friday toS o'clock stood at five below zero, the give the views of the state corn-hcg coldest so far this winter ar.d weather comniiUee and to help in the selec-j tl'-at mad? a great deal of trouble for ticn of the Cass county coin-hcg com- j ear owners and drivers who were mittee. He will discuss what the caught unprepared for the sudden state committee feel are qualihca-;ciange. England and going to Utah with aj tion3 of the five county cemmittee-j A re-! Christmas touch was given large party of English people to join the ilorman colony then being estab lished in Utah. The parents later re turned to Nebraska City and resided near there for a time. It was while the family were living near Nebraska City that George Everett was born, April C. 1SC0. Mr. Everett grew to manhood on the farm near Union and had been j engaged in farming cn the old home stead cf his parents near the mouth cf the Weeping Water east cf Union. He was married to Miss Annie An derson of Nebraska City, who with six children survives his passing, the children being. Leslie, Ralph and Jchn Everett of Union, Mrs. Vivian men laying particular emphasis on' last evening when snow flurries v.ere the choice of men who are well ac-iin evidence in this section of the quainted over the county, who are! "ate. furnishing those who wished wholeheartedly in sympathy with thc'fr a white Chri-;tmas with their de emergency programs, and who have:'rc'' Ihotles of Howe. Nebraska, Mrs. ices were held at 5 o'clock Sunday IIarry Gobelman and Mrs. Roy Beck er of near Union. evening and largely attended. At the St. Paul's Evangelical thurch, Sunday morning services were held in German with a message by Rev. Pahl in German and on Christmas day the morning service and the celebration of the holy com nunicu. The Sunday school present ed their services on Sunday evening. Christmas night the choir of the chur h. under the direction of Miss Margaret Engclkemeier with Miss L. Mcisinger a., the accompanist, gave the beautiful Christmas cantata, "The Adoration" Ly George Nevin, one of the most impressive cf the Christmas cfTrir.gs. HAS CAS vTEICXED Sunday night while Herb Scliutz cf this city was returning home from Omaha, his car was wrecked at Avery and Mr. Schutz sufferer several re vere cuts and bruises. Mr. Schutz had taken relatives who had been visiting here, to Omaha to catch a train, and was on his way back to this city when the accident occurred. The wreck occurred on the level por tion of road before approaching the There is al.-:o one brother, Claude Everett of Plattsmcuth and on sister, Mrs. Melissa Tyrell, of Union, to mourn his passing. The funeral services were held Tuesday from the late home and con ducted by Elder Higgins of the Lat ter Day Saints church of Nebraska City. CAES ARE LOOTED the time and ability to spend on the work at hand. Those committeemen must be able to present the corn-hog plan to other men In the county at community meetings, must be able to help County Agent Wainseott in es tablishing policies and setting up th.3 county orgauziation to sign up con tracts. The committee which is chosen will pick three men in each precinct to act a3 the local ocrn-hog committee. A representative of the extension service at the agricultural college in Lincoln will also be at the meeting to explain in a general way the corn hcg plan. He will probably not go inio as much detail as Mr. Wainseott will later in the community meetings. This man will, however, be able to Continued cold is predicted for this evening and Wednesday with clear ing skies and moderating weather In the latter part of the week, but the fine warm weather of the fall Las probably gone as winter enters cn the scene of action. rrom Tuesday's DsiMy This rncrnir.g at an early hour at an Omaha hospital occurred the death of M:s. Elmer E. Chamberlain, will .'known resident cf this city, who for the past jvar had been very poorly and for some time had been at the hospital where she was undergoing treatment. I'lia Florence Lohres, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn G. Lchnes, was born July 4. 1903, near Ct'dar Crei k, Nebraska, where s-he grew to woman hodo and received her education in the schools of that camniuiiity. Reselling womanhood she was mar ried to Elmer E. Chamberlain and the family continued to make their home in this vicinity for the years cf their married iile. The deceased lady leaves to mourn her passing the husband and twe small children, Shirley Louise, C, nad John Elmer, aged C; also the par ents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. J. G. Lohnes and three brothers and three sisters, El mer, Martin and Louis Lohnes of this city; Mrs. George Hennings of Cedar Creek and Mrs. John B. Kaffenberger land Mrs. Ralph Hilt of this city. The funeral services will be pri vate in accordance with the wishes of the departed lady and will be held on Wednesday afternoon from the Horton funeral home at Seventh and Vine streets. Friends wishing to take a last fare well may call at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lohnes on Wednesday afternoon. Prcj'ectj r.cd Alio in 1 PaiJ Out lo V7o:I:: Noah - payr: II? a; r.' Car J-'-vI- J. Tyler. Los Angt-les, ar.d two si.-tcr.-, j for th .t Mrs. Jay Foley, Omaha, and Mr. Clara Line, Lot- Ar:g:es. l.-.'h i r Chamber of Com merce to Hold Its Annual Meeting 21;t that thr. an the riu::i!.r f i-rLn wll as cn lb- rrr j.-c; way. TI.i. W" k tr.'.r were 2 ' J i:- r. ia the rour.fy en.; U d i:i tl .rty . :i pri'jetts an i:- r. r.t cf : t-r. i j--,-. m n in th v. orkirjr in l h i - i i- f on- . two ( : a i. ! air. :'. !n nmprcls v r Ir.i r-.'-. I Tir pay r -II for ti4. Coming of 1034 Wiil Bring Annnal showed ?u.M?.7 Catherine: to Kane Officers cf i entire county a; the Civic Group. pai. e f: ; I - t r i 't for the v,n k i rtvln'r -. Ti the cl rk v.a bury in th- t"t.'.,s The annual meeting of th? Platts-'of the rayrn. .-1 yv-rt-.I a; 1 mouth Chamber of Commerce will be. p. m. Satur-Jey ar 1 a? I .; r u; ua- neiu cu me urt iiiur-Huny in janu-'ui rrrra.i; cn an or u'- :' v.n- HEEE mOM CA2L? Richard Black, who has Deen lo cated at the Civilian Conservation Corps camp near Garden City, Kan sas, i3 home to enjoy a holiday vaca tion from the work of the camp in v.ectern Kansas, where the force of several hundred young men have been engaged in reforestation work since November. The governmnt granted the young men residing at a reason answer general questions fo rfarmers ! able distance from the camp, to en and give them an idea about the first cf the official rulings that have come out frcm Washington. ATTEMPT STOUE E033ETLY County Attorney and Mrs. W. G. The members of the police force, a::(i children w ere at Spring- ratitl.d and n.r: g:ru r.io;y to utli to the Chri t:..a c! i: ary, 1934. at which time the annual reports cf the various department arid committee- chairmen will be received ' fulness. and also the task of the election of In the lat vtr k in IMa't.-an-uTh the officers will come befoie the civic ( thre were 1HC n.f n r.rac ! in !!. body. jvaritu- ftctivitit;-. urawiac !! v. The dawn of 1SD4 offers the pros-jan increase rf th? tw. n-n a - r.'.' i. pects of much improved conditions in j The v. t k r rior the pay re t i. -! the next twelve months as th.' coun-ithe sun. c-f Jl.S.f jai l mi: t. try emerges further from the hard worker in t:: Piatt rr-'ith ;oj t-. years that have been the put of the The Platt.iMu'.h figure:- are :r.-!u: d nation in the past five years. in the fC.nr..TI tor thr rriic . The necessity of a live and active ty. organization lor the advancement ofj The cenrir.g week will r'--r ,r the general welfare of the community j women work, rs wl o r fr.,ar-J is necessary ar.d with th? rromie cfi clerks and ether wcrlfr v r t". the improing conditio:. 3 there thoull;coTi??ty on the pay roll3, bu' v h'.-:i.e- CELEESATES BIRTHDAY were kept busy Saturday evening in attempting to run to earth the per son or persons who were engaged in looting cars. The large number of shopper3 on the streets and the many cars made the opportunity for the sneak thieve3 to worn easily and some tight car owners reported articles taken from the cars as they were parked along the streets in the business section. The cars on the side streets seemed to have suffered the most as the opportunity to re move the goods was much better than on the main street. The taking of articles of wearing apparel as well as Chrir.tmas gifts brought a heavy loss to many who had just completed lor.? Avery hill, the car apparently getting beyond the control of Mr.!their Christmas shonning Schutz and finally turned over twice Altho llie pclice niaintained a pa-i-c-for. the progress of the car was trol alon& the strf.ets in th(j endeaTor flopped and the driver able to get;to jPff,tp iha mn,is out of the wreckage. The injured man was brought on to this city by a passing truck driver and the cuts and bruises that were sustained in the wreck dressed by a physician. The car was reported as almost demolished from the effects of its repeated overturning on the paving. they being unable to locate anyone. EJ SERIOUS CONDITION field. Monday where they were in at tendance at the family Christmas din ner at the home of Mr. Kieck's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kieck. Mr. Kieek found that the store of his father, the largest business house in Springfield, had narrowly escaped being looted by two robbers Sunday evening. Mr. Kieck has two men that room in the bas-emeut of the store and serve as watchman, one of whom is deaf and dumb. On Sunday evening one of tha men returned to the store after attending a Christmas service and as he entered the hardware store room he was slugged by two men and knocked out, being dragged back of a counter whers he was found several hours later. second of the watchmen returned and joy a ten day holiday and according ly several large trucks were filled i with the young foresters and they started for their homes. A large num ber were returned to Omaha and it was with this party that Richard came as far as this city. Henry Krejci, w ho is also at the camp at ; Garden City, remained there over the holidays to visit with one cf his friends residing near the camp. On Tuesday evening, December IS, Mi?, .dfa Perry and daughter, Miss Htine, gave a delightful birthday party at their beautiful home in honor of Granmother Pitman's Slst birthday. A cherry log fira burned in the huge open fireplace of the liv ing room, and a large bouquet cf red carnations adorned the center table. The dining room was tastefully ar rayed with a centerpiece of assorted fruits ar.d red tapers. Dr. G. H. Gilmore of Lincoln was appropriately seieeted to preside at the head of the table and dissect the 20 pound turkey. The guests included, the guest of honor, Mrs. D. J. Pitman, Mrs. Cath erine Perry, Mr. and Mm. C. D. Spangler, Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilmore, ' Tv- rv A 1 1 i r T i XTt nnH ?.Tr T .'i. J 1.....J.., lil.V th will be har.dieJ thruch the t.'- fic-e they harp net hen not!"- d. DO A GOOD TTC2E be tho greatest opportunity for ad vancement that has been possible in many years. In the selection of the officers and the formulation of the yearly pro gram, every member of the Chamber cf Commerce as veil as interested citizens fchoulJ be in tttcr.dar.ee at :iit3 of thc r- ,i .1,,. I Frank :.'.allfix. h i ! rr a r; ; properly started forward on the wayj of further success in civic cxpansicn . in all lines. J Remember the date. Thursday.! January 4th, and the public library: auditorium as the place cf meeting. ! The committee of the A3-o-'n.3 i ir; Mra. r-. H. L. Tl.r n.a ar.d Mr?. Cliv? J-.r p.?on. Iav c-ni;;ple:d thtir w erk iih th" iri'oiitiin cf ih? n-.iL.-s bak" r:;u in this ha-I the fie o-ef-- r.i:T ci" t';r. resirl-rnts cf th" rity a .fl t! l',oy Scout.s. WESTIUN'S TER GUILD'S I CHEISOLAS PAETY- Tl.is year thfre wei La-kes. li-tribut-d as hundred ar.d c!gr;c-n ilif. work.- prr-ram I.avrr; c rjSiy-'icht again-: or.e ;-.?t y'i-r. th- 'fi 2 U ny i ne . ericinsier uuiiu ci ine ire. , ..... t l.r.nr.atirc th? r. e-.--ity n! -t m of the dirtru.u.if n e. fo.."turf . tcrtaintd at a Christmas party at . ... ... t i li ccinrr..tt ! t.(-!wUj f ex w-lTrli All-rc I n T t II o Clnlilt rr. a t hp -pressing their arpr;.t hostess at her home on Tuesday f v. n- , , ... ... . , . , ! Woman.? club. I re.-byieran t'.irrr First of all several Chris.tmas carols i . , . , L.i.t.'.' p run .i. i;u'i i! u.' r r' '. t he fnr.i t!i? DEATH OF JIILS. EOHFELDT The death of Mrs. Emil Hohfeldt, 70, residing south of this city, oc cuired Monday at the family home, death coming as the result cf an heart attack. Thc deceased lady has made her home here for the past sis years, the family moving here from LaVern, Minnesota. She is survived by three daughters and one step-daughter, Mrs. John Ketzel, Mrs. Gus Axelsen, Mrs. Violst Cragoe, all of LaVern and Mrs. Henry In the meantime theiWendel. Mlnden, Neb. Funeral cervices will be held on on his appearance the two robbers, Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock took Sight and left a large pile of from the Sattkr funeral home duck coats and other articles that NEW 5IETE0P0LITAII AGENT they had prepared evidently to load ud and make a getaway. The robbers Miss Cora Williams, supervisor otfled frcm the building, leaving their music of the city schools, is still overcoats as well as the crowbar, and quite ill at her home at Elmwood.I v-hich it is honed may give some clue I. L. Kocian, of Grand Island, has been designated as the representative of the Metropolitan insurance com pany in this city, expecting to move here in a few days to take up his suffering from pleuresy which has' been so severe that an operation was necessary to drain pus sacks that had formed and which has greatly weak- ened the patient. Miss Williams was taken ill at Baldwin, Kansas, and was in such condition that it was Im possible to have her moved for sev eral weeks and she has just been able to return horn. The patient is kept to the parties. ENTEETAIKED AT DLMUEE, From Tuesday's Daily Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Griffin was the scene of a very pleasant family dinner party when a number of the relatives were invited in for the fine turkey dinner. residence and take charge of thej under constant care and quiet and, Those who enjoyed the occasion were work. Mr. Kocian a married man and his family of the wife and two children, will move here within the next week to make Plattsmouth their future home. only the immediate family allowed to visit her. The condition of Miss "Wil liams is such that it will probably be many week3 before she can resume her usual activities. r. and iArs. Alfred A. Nelson, Oak land; Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Allen. Chi cago; Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen and daughter and Mr and Mrs. Griffin and daughters of this city. FUUESAL OF IUSS BRADWAY The funeral services for Ray Frans and JImmie. Rev. and Mrs.jre sung. Anna Margaret McCarty ' ".rl J. C. Stewart, Mr. J. V. Pitman and vas the Pianist for the group ii.fe- u . . I Thelma, Mr. and Mrs. V.'. S. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Tutt, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Perry anel Elizabeth. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Davis. The guests departed at a late hour jll wishing Mrs. Pitman many more happy birthdays. ATTEND FAMILY EEUNION Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lancaster and family and Mrs. Virgle Arnold of this city were at Murray Christmas where they attended a dinner party and re union cf the Lancaster families at the hall in that place. A fine dinner had been prepared and served and which wa3 enjoyed to the utmost. The remainder of the day was Epent ini visiting and a general good time un til evening. n . . .1 r 1 inose present ere. ir. anu .wo. tpers on tue tabJe anu a miniature Earl Lancaster. Neva and Florence lree -n one corner Lancaster, David Lancaster, R. A. J hostes3 S( rved refreshments Miss.Nole, Melvern Reed, Raymond Lan- . intr .ifl, tllo vm,. PnMn mg Later Mrs. H. G. McClu.ky told a Christmas story of western life, which was titled, "The Tree of Lif?," by Keene Ahbctt. Everyone enjoyed this besutiful and interesting story. A brief business meeting was pre sided over by Wilhelrnina Ilenrich-i sen. i a? to tho-e T. Hf irerr..-.: v..;.-) r..a.:e rm. r indi vidual dnr.atlor.:-. They also v. i-a n fhar.k th" v. ho asal.-trd In the pr raration t.ie ba.k.t.-. Jean an. I Marj-ri? Fi:fh. Mr?. Jol.n Wur-J. rli. h. Mr.-. C. Cotner ard t!. r..fr.;!r3 of h lit y Scouts who tl.-o asri-red li t'e - th- t: 1 trih:it inn The recreation began with Wil-j . " ..J Te person- furn. hla ijtiiiui.a uenriciu-en iu cnarue ui me . . - . , were Mc)iin s Harry Krut-r. games. Many game, were played and ; Uh much pleasure was ueriveu irom . i Eg nb rp r and :h? i lzi'n: ju.L U u mem. u V .-. J v.. Gifts of variou-i kinds were x-( changed after names were drawn and . verses Euitab?e to the person jectiv ing the gift wen? written. All tn-j joyed the verses as well as the gifts. tcr Corp ration. KNIGHTS TEIIPL.E 0 u ZWJJ CE At an appropriate hour, thc party Kri(,vts 1-.-.,,,. group proceeueu xo ine uii.ii.t; luiu, which was brilliant with the tal Enythe Bradway. whose tragic death j caster, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoschar and wuich wore dainty and delicious. Friday night had greatly shocked the Mary Ellen Hcschar, Mr. and Mrs. community, was held Monday after-! Harry McCulloch, Dolly and Kath noon at thc Sattler funeral home at Fourth and Vine streets. The service was conducted by Rev. C. O. Troy, pastor of the First Meth odist church, and who brought words of comfort to the bereaved family circle that has suffered the sudden death of their loved daughter and granddaughter. During the rsrvice Frank A. Cloidt .gave two numbers, "Wonderful Peace" and "No Night There.". The interment was at the eOak Hill cemetery in the west portion of the city in the family lot. crins McCulloch ail of Murray; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Karris, Mrs. Virgil Arnold, Freda June Arnold, Russell Arnold. Harold Lancaster, Margie Lancaster of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Epping and Emma Epping, Richard Epping of Murdock. ETTTESTAnJED AT HOMES The arr.ual Chri-!r.ra. ,!--r.r. re 2.ion corrrfrniruvry j wji ! M M jr.'Ijy '. morning at the Mason ir lo'.rc ro r..s here the officers c.rd r:i rut r coh ered to pffrr t! ir fnr-ts- t I'.u ft: srl cor.imar.di ry, .ricm ar. 1 th. v:ri'-u; Mas-or.lc bodies in th ci:y tui t:.e . Maponle Home. j The cbservanfo wa pre'le4 r.r-r .by Raymond C Cock, pn- cr r.r c -'It land the addrtr v.tr. by Ir. II. G. Mr- The Christmas dinner guest? r.t the1 Ciur-ky. who Fpok? on "The Chri? E. H. Wescott home included the mas. Spirit." taking as a part rf member!? of the famllv n.irtv. Mrs. addreM "The Other Wi-e Man." by Mae S. Mcrgai casion. jbers. "Sibnt Ni?ht" ai.l "It Cam- At the C. C. Wescott home there l'pcm a M: Jnis.t Ch ar." was a pleasant gathering cf the rela- j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campbell drives. Miss Alice Loui3e Wescott and Dr. and Mrs. J. L. MrKarron a- t Minatare. Nebraska, are here for a' Miss Mildred McGill of Chicago; Miss daughter. Jc.-hine cf St. Jci-rb holiday visit at the home of Mr. and; Alice Eaton of Omaha; Mrs. Maude j Mo., were here oTer Cliri-'tr-a a? Mrs. John Bajeck, parents of Mrs. Fricke and children and Marion, Join- j guests at the horn? of Dr. tr.d Mrs. Campbell, also at South Bend withjing Mr. and Mrs. Wescott for the R. P. Wetover. Mr. McKaricn U ers ui luc luuiiiy part, hijj. - ... - . 3. Morgan and Miss Clara Mtejr. Henry Vnl;kc. m being here for the happy oc- The Mroni" -.fartf t rf two r.ura- relatives. j pleasant Christmas party and dinner. r-Lter of Dr. Wtstover