PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOUBNAL THUKSJLIAX, UVTVULA 12. 193:5 HARMED AT COURT HOUSE From Tuesday's Dally This morning at the court house occurred the marriage of Charles Mc Neal and Miss Elva M. Dyer, both of Omaha. The marriage lines were read by Judge A. H. Duxbury and the ceremony witnessed by Attorney Thomas E. Dunbar of Nebraska City and "Cupid" Farmer, the official mar riage license clerk. GOLDEN WEDDING Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Dovey will celebrate their golden wedding anni versary on Saturday, October 14th at their home, 404 North 6th street: Satrrday, October 14th. An informal open house will be held on that date from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p. m. . All friends are cordially invited to call. MR A. 11f you are not already a HINKY-DINKY customer change over to this better store now and discover a greater economy. Del Monle Fancy Crushed PINEAPPLE 6C No.2V2 8-oz. can Little Sailor Imported SARDINES Norwegian in Pure Olive Oil Lge. Can First Prize Brand PORK & BEANS or Sliced Ho. 21 BEETS Can 9c 3 fcr 25c Del Monte Fancy Red SALMON 9 Offr Mb. Tall Can & IOi J3 FANCY PINK O for OP Lib. Tall Can - - L lJsr ,DC Ad for Plattsmouth, Friday, Sat, Oct. 14-15 Carnation, Pet, Borden's or Robert's MILK Tall Can -6' Kitchen Grand Wax or GREEN BEANS No. 2 Cans 3 for 25' Van Camp's TOMATO SOUP Can 5C 6 Cans29C CALUMET Baking Powder Free! 3-oz. Cake Baker's Chocolate 1-lb. Can - - 22 Special Carload Sale! 30 IIAGS V. . GUADE SO. 1 XEI1K. BED TUIXTMPII W)RVi)rKma 15-lb. Peck, 25c IT yJ liGU UAliU$2 100-lb. Bag - - - Lay In uprly for tlir wlaffr. Tkw nutntors ore exceptionally- Sue, larcr. cleau and offered at a real value. Large Size Heads, Ea l. S. Grade o. 1 Kxlra Fancy. California. Solid. Crip. (Br TOKAYS 0 I . S. Grade Mo. 1 Kaney Rsd California. iraipeSnfifflattSc & for SSc Florida:. Kiuest Cuulity. SrnldHnrrt Brnnd. jraimges Mt?&. 25c S-c SO Li. no. O m. Full Market aot O IDS 1UC Basket 3?3'- Extra Large, Fancy Colorado Well Bleached. Stalk - - - - IFSssans Haoonc fresh. . lb. 4c CntM from ynunj lork ShoulderM. Tender, Kcouomlcnl! Ave 5 to 7 Ib. MeQ teMdleo' Roast lb Sc Cliii'e I". S. Iiiopccted lieef. Klaext obtainable for oven or pot roaxt. FASBaTiaMiir Roast lb 7c Choic-i- lean center cntx. A real value. Very little niMte. ' ILaisalfe Legs . . . . lb; Hgc Genuine prln quality. Deliriou aervexl hot or Nlieed cold. IStosttoim SMftG . . Ib. ac Choice, 1 err 11 ruin, tlbtniuable In one ylece to roakl or In Ktraka. LassEfp CBqbds o?or lb. Sc Genuine Spriutc cunlity, rny tbiekut-MM. Uellcioun broiled. lf - Pslk CDqipg . . . lb. SSC Only eholee center cut, rib or lolu.or In ac ?Ieee for roatlnir- ' Armour'ii pure :rk. Rj.ttlmctlTe In flavor and economical. l'iierl h cafceM. ESQB Kinky-Dinky Brand. Mb. Pkg. A fine una lit y, Husrnr cured. Hickory nmoked, Mtired Daroa. ''! Extra Fancy Minnesota RED GLOBES Bag . Our Mothers COCOA 2-lb. Cartonl 19c Best-of-AII Margarine 1",b 1 fir Carton - lvt Casco Creamery Butter 1-lb. no Carton - LOC Quare9C, 2-le lb. Fine Granulated SUGAR 10.,b. rA 100 lbs.. $5.29 CI. BanOC C. &H. CANE 10-lb. r 100 lbs.. $5 49 ci. Dan OuC Seedless HASSINS 2-lb. Eas 15c 25c ;1BS', Slt- 1 lhC 'i'ipl hlLu 8ltSD ( 1DS- 000 'L'l -U0W V 1-lb. : RJCHXtSj Bag Silver Leaf or Bob Whlto SOAP 10 Bars 23c 10 Bars al White or Om. Family, 10 bars PAG, Crystal White OQ Miller's CORN FLAKES, sm. pkg., 6c; lge. 2 for 19c BRAN FLAKES 3 pkgs., 25c OAT FLAKES Pkg., 9c SCOFIELD Whole Wheat Breakfast FOOD, 4 lb., 6 oz. Pkg. WHEAT OATO A Delicious Wheat and Oat Cereal Si2c-sy28c BUTTER-NUT Salad ssing 3' 8 Oz. Jar 15c iarwH? far FREE! C-oz. Jar Butter-Nut 1C00 Island Dressing with each Qt. B-N Salad Dressing For All Brand Peaches, sliced or half, No. 10 "Gal." 39 First Prize Narrow Grain Corn, med. can . 7 Y2 Emerald Isle Peas, Early variety, Med. can 10 First Prize Hominy, No. 21- can, 2 for 15i County Fair Brand Tomatoes, No. 2 can, 3 for . 25 Kellcg-g-'s Whole Wheat Biscuits, pkg. 110 Fost Eran Flakes or Grape-Nuts Flakes, 2 pkgs 190 Santa Clara Prunes, Med. size, 2 lbs., 190 ; 4 lbs 350 Choice Blenheim Apricots, 2-lb. cellophane bag 330 Choice Muir Peaches, 2-lb. cellophane bag 250 Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, 1-lb. can, 830 ; 15c tin 110 Union Leader Tobacco, 10c tin, 3 for 250 ; $1.00 Humidor 690 Mountain Grown 2 Lb Can 1 Lb. Can Green Japan Orange Pekoe, Yellow Label J-lb, 17 Hb, 33 -lb., 22 J-lb., 41 1-lb., 79 Thompson's rttff81 1-lb. Can - FINEST FLAVOR Nuance Dri&k a bunch of tfrapes daily Pint Bottle - 17c Quart - - 33c Gold Dust, STAR NAPTHA or RUB NO MORE SC Wash'g Pwd. Ig. pkg. 1L 3) VIGO Dog Food The !dcal Ration for Dogs, Puppies and Cats 2 Cans Hinky-Dlnky FLOUR Guaranteed 5 lbs, 250 ; 10, 490 $ 1 .79 24 lbs, 930; 48 lbs. 1 Crown Jewel Flour. . . .$1.59 OMAR Vonder FLOUR Wb. $ J89 b:98c 4 SS 25c HOVS AXD GIRLS AN INDIAN HEADDRESS KRKR WITH EACH 4 ROI.I.S PILLSBURY'S CAKE FLOUR, Pkg. .29c sniiiiniiniiiiiiiM a n m MJ9 m ma mSi 31 I THE NEV AMD IMPROVED MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE If this I.G.A. fWy Mixed BitenK Flew Isn't Mtiictory in vry wy, simply return the pclc age md we will refund the purcHut price. V' btclv'.ely euercntce yea Mtisftcti'on. Combiitafioti Calumet Baldng Powder Baker's Chocolate, 10c size COTH ITEMS FOR 29c Post Toasties Balloon Free with Each Package 2, pkgs. for 190 10 lb. cl. bag 54c 100 Ib. bag $5.29 PEACHES IGA Brand No. 2 Heavy Syrup Pack 2 for 29c APRICOTS Heavy Syrup IGA Brand No. 2l2 Tree Ripened Fruit 2 or 37c FLOUR IGA, Fully Guaranteed Per 4S-IB. Bag $1.79 BEANS Fey. Great Northerns 4 lbs., 19c RICE Extra Fine Blue Rose 3 lbs., 19c BUTTER Casco, Solids Per Lb. 23c Quartered 24c Lb. HONEY New Crop Fine Comb 2 or 25c Soft as satin white 9$ snow. Mad2 from same fine material used for cb:&rbcnt h;:pltc dressings and double sterilized. S3 3 rolls 23c a Maxwell House COFFEE 97- Per Lb. - - i. mustard irr 5 Full Quart - S Crushed HO Pineapple : No. 10 'Gal.' a 49c ? 25c ,SI.NS. - 15c 23c Salad Dressing Quart Jar RAISINS S lbs MATCHES C Box Carton HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for. ...... 15c GRAPES, Tokay, 2 lbs 15c CABBAGE, per lb.. ; : .3Y2c CRANBERRIES, 2 lbs. . ....... 15c ONIONS, per basket. . .15c and 25c CELERY, well bleached. 10c and 15c POTATOES, Cobblers: 12 lbs.. .19c PRUNES, Italian, per lug. . 85c Pzlm Olive SOAP 4 Bars Crystal White SOAP 10 Bars s - - 25c m . . 29c 1 Swift's Condensed a MILK IRC 3 Tall Cans - AUV I G A Brand 5S5 Pancake Flour 1 Qr B Larse Baa - r-s IGA Cove OYSTERS 5-oz. Ti . lie a a a a SALMON Pink 1-lb. Tall Cans 2 or 25c MOLASSES Aunt Dinah No. 2Y2 19c Can SYRUP IGA Maple Flavored 19c Each KRAUT Large 2Y2 Size Cans 2 or 25c LINICO PEAS Sweet, Tender No. 2 2 Sor 23c PORK-BEANS First Prize or Armour's Large No. 2 'A Can 3 or 25c PUMPKIN First Prize Full 2V2 10c Can PRUNES California Santa Claras 2 lbs., 19c SORGHUM Home Made Gallon 69c COFFEE DEMSTeATSQH A Blend for Every Taste and Pocketbcok I Blend, 29c G Blend, 2Sc A Blend, 21c A Blend, 3 lbs. for 62c This Coffee will be served all day Saturday. We invite you to try a cup. The I-G-A Blends are favorites in most Platts. homes. m fed B A DO OUR PART FRIDAY AND SATURDAY U. S. Choice Beef Roast, per lb lit Shoulder Beef Seak, lb 12J4 g Round Steak, cut any thickness, lb 2G A-No. 1 Rib Boil, 4 lbs. for ... 250 Circle S Picnics, 5-6 lb. avg., lb lit B Swift's Sugar Cured Bacon, lb . 140 H By Whole or Hair Strip Swift's Acorn Weiners, 2 lbs. for . 250 G Boneless Pork Butts, per Ib.. . . . . . .12J40 U Fresh Ham Roll, boned and tied. Lb. . . . 150 3 Armour's Fresh Pork Sausage, lb C0 Brookfield Sausage, 1-lb. carton 210 T : - " s a , ' : Plattsmouth's Leading Cash Store g llllllll!l!ISI!i!lllllll!2ll!!lll!!!!ira!llllllIiilSlllIllll MOVING TO NEW LOCATION Tom Slayman, who has been con ducting an open air market at Fifth and Main 6treet3, is removing his stock of vegetables and fruits to the 4- Thomas Walfiaf Company "f ? Abstracts of Title r Phone 824 - Platumouth Bookmyer building between the Clark and Trilety barber shops. lie will operate the business in the new lo cation in the future and where it will be under shelter and be possible to heat. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver York, of Chi cago, are here for a visit with the Dew family a3 well as relatives at Omaha. They were accompanied here by Mr. and Mrs. Wood row York, who have returned to Chicago after the short stay here. Improved 160 a. at $G5 an acre SMALL AMOUNT OF CASH WILL HANDLE SEE Searl S. Davis m