The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 25, 1933, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    PAGE T0T7E
THURSDAY, MAY 25, 1932.
in ii'ii i m
. State of Nebraska, County of Cass,
In the County Court.
Probate Fee Book 9, page 355.
In the matter of the estate of Mary
Wheeler, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth, in said county, on the
2nd day of June, 1933, and on the
8th day of September, 1933, at ten
o'clock a. m. of each day, to examine
all claims against said estate, with
a view to their adjustment and al
lowance. The time limited for the
presentation of claims against said
estate is three months from the 2nd
day of June, A. D. 1933, and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 2nd day of June,
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 5th day of
May, 1933.
(Seal) m8-3w County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Order of Sale issued by the
Clerk of the District Court of Cass
county, Nebraska, In an action
wherein The Nebraska City Building
& Lean Association, a Corporation, i3
plaintiff, and Lcuis Keil et al are de
fendants, I will at 11 o'clock a. m.,
on June 19, 1933, at the south front
door of the Court House In Tlatt3
mouth. in Cass county. Nebraska, of
fer and sell at public auction the
following described real estate In
Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit:
Let 9 in Block 99, in the City
of Plattsmouth. and the east 14
feet of ot 4, in Block 10, in
Young & Hay's Addition to the
City of Plattsmouth.
Dated May 13, 1933.
Sheriff of Cass County
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tho County Court or Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Fee Book 9, Pago No. 365.
In the matter of the estate of James
Janca. deceased.
Notice of administration.
All persons interested in said es
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in said court al
leging that said deceased died leaving
no last will and testament and pray
ing for administration upon hi3 estate
and for such other and further orders
and proceedings in the premises as
may be required by tho statutes in
Buch cases made and provided to the
end that said estate and all things
pertaining thereto may bo finally
nettled and determined, and that a
hearing will be had on said petition
before said court on th9 2nd day of
June, A. D. 1933, and that if they
fail to appear at said court on said
2Bd3y fJuiOt1933vat ten." o'lot&
a. m. to contest said petition, the
court may grant the same and grant
administration of said estate to Rose
Janca or some other suitable person
and proceed to a settlement thereof.
Witness my hand and the seal of
paid County Court this 8th day of
May, 1933.
(Seal) m8-3w County Judge.
In the District Court of the County
of Cass, Nebraska
Elba Dcdson, Plaintiff
vs. , ) NOTICE
Stephen Hobson et al.
To the Defendants:
Stephen Hobson, Mrs. Stephen Hob
son, whose true name is Mary Ann
Hobson; Harry A. Kaynien, Mary
Jane Kaynien; Mrs. Hugh McRey
nolds, real name unknown; Mrs. Wil
liam McReynolds, real name un
known; Mrs. J. W. McReynolds, real
name unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
all other persons interested in the
estates of Stephen Hobson, Mrs.
Stephen Hobson, whose true name Is
Mary Ann Hobson; Harry A. Kay
nien, Mary Jane Kaynien, Mrs. Hugh
McReynolds, real name unknown;
Mrs. William McReynolds. real name
unknown; Mrs. J. W. McReynolds,
real name unknown; Hugh McRey
nolds and William McReynolds, each
deceased, real name3 unknown; and
all persons having or claiming any
interest in and to the east half (E'fc)
of the southeast quarter (SEJi) of
the southwest quarter (SWU) of
Section four (4), and the northeast
quarter ( NE V ) of the northwest
quarter (NW',4) of Section nine (9),
all in Township ten (10), North,
Range thirteen (13) East of the Cth
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You and each cf you are hereby
notified that Elba Dodson, as plain
tiff, filed a petition and commenced
an action in the District Court of the
County of Cass, Nebraska, on the
28th day of April, 1933, against you
and each of you; the object, purpose
and prayer of which is to obtain a
decree of the court quieting the title
to the east half (E1) of the south
east quarter (SEU ) of tho southwest
quarter (SWU) of Section four (4),
and the northeast quarter (NEi) of
the northwest quarter (NW',4) of
Section nine (9). all In Township
ten (10). North, Range thirteen (13)
East of the 6th P. M., in Cass coun
ty. Nebraska, in the plaintiff as
against you and each of you, and for
such other relief as may be just and
equitable in the premises.
You and each cf you are further
notified that you are required to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day, the 12th day of June, 1933. or
the allegations therein contained will
b taken as true and a decree will be
rendered in favor of the plaintiff as
against you and each of you accord
ing to the prayer of said petition.
W. A. Robertson. Plaintiff.
- Attorney for Plaintiff.
. ml-4w
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation in the State House at
Lincoln. Nebraska, on June 1, 193J
until 10:00 o'clock a. m., and at that
time nubliclv onened and read for
Sand Gravel Surfacing and Incidental
work on the Eagle-Murdock Patrol
No. 114, State Road.
The proposed work consists of re
surfacing 6.9 miles of graveled road
The aproxlmate quantities are:
93,110 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face. Course.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
at the office of the Department of
Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100 of his contract.
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this work,
the bidder must file, with his pro
posal, a certified check made payable
to the Department of Roads and Irrl
cation and in an amount not less
than One Hundred (100) Dollars.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
State Engineer.
County Clerk,
Cas3 County.
Sealed bids will be received at the
office of the Department of Roads
and Irrigation in the State House at
Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 1, 1933,
until 10:00 o'clock a. m., and at that
time publicly opened and read for
Sand Gravel Surfacing and incidental
work on the Eagle-Murray and Eagle-
Murdock Projects Nos. 153 C and L,
State Roads.
The proposed work consists of re
surfacing 15.2 miles of graveled road
The approximate quantities are:
205. S55 Sq. Yds. Sand Gravel Sur
face. Course.
Plans and specifications for the
work may be seen and information
secured at the office of the County
Clerk at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, or
at tho office cf the Department of
Roads and Irrigation at Lincoln, Ne
braska. The successful bidder will be re
quired to furnish bond in an amount
equal to 100 of his contract.
As an evidence of good faith in
submitting a proposal for this work,
the bidder must file, with his pro
posal, a certified check made payable
to the Department of Roads and Ir
rigation and in an amount not less
than Three Hundred (300) Dollars.
The right is reserved to waive all
technicalities and reject any or all
State Engineer.
County Clerk,
Cass County.
State of Nebraska, County of Casa.
By virtue of an Execution issuea
by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the Dis
trict Court within and for Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, and to me directed, I
will on the 10th day of June, A. D.
1933, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day
at the south front door of the court
house, in Plattsmouth, in said coun
ty, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash the follow
ing real estate, to-wit:
All that part of Lot nine (9)
in the northeast quarter (NE'i)
of the southeast quarter (SE'i)
of Section twenty-three (23)
lying south (S) and east (E) of
the railroad right of way; also
the south one half (S) of the
northwest quarter (NW) and
the north one half (N) of the
southwest quarter (SW'i), ex
cept the east one-half (E1) of
the east one-half (E) of the
southeast quarter (SB1) of the
northeast quarter (NE'4) of
the southwest quarter (SV4),
and all Lot six (6) in the south
west quarter (SW'i) of the
northeast quarter (NEH), and
the west three-fourths (W) of
the north one-half (N4) of the
northwest quarter (NW) of
the southeast quarter (SEi) of
Section twenty-four (24), all in
Township twelve (12), North,
Range thirteen (13), East of
the 6th P. M.. containing 215
acres more or less according to
the Government survey; also
Lots sixteen (16), thirty-one
(31), thirty-two (32), thirty
three (33), thirty-four (34),
thirty-five (35) and thirty-six
(36) in the northwest quarter
(NWU) of the northeast quar
ter (NE',4 ) of Section twenty
four (24), Township twelve
(12) , North. Range thirteen
(13) , East of the 6th P. M., all
in Ca3s county, Nebraska, sub
ject to all mortgages and liens
now on record
The same being levied upon and
taken as the property of B. F. Wiles,
Defendant, to satisfy a judgment of
said Court recovered by Plattsmouth
State Bank, riaintiff against said
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, May 8th,
A. D. 1933.
Sheriff Cass County,
mS-5w Nebraska.
Stewart Rough and wife were in
Plattsmouth last Sunday on business.
They later drove to Nebraska City.
Miller Christensen and wife were
over to Weeping Water .last week.
where they were attending the fun
eral of the late Irving Nelson.
R. D. Taylor and Frank Trotter
delivered three truck loads of cattle
for Louis Ross and one for Eugene
Nutzman, on last Sunday night.
Herman Wohlfarth, of Murray,
the road overseer, has been rebuild
ing a bridge near the home of Frank
Marler and now has the road in very
good condition.
' Mrs. Fred Drucker and daughter,
Dorothy, of Murray, were attending
the Baccalaureate sermon at the Ne
hawka auditorium on last Sunday
night, they driving down for the oc
casion. Clinton Parks, who formerly re
sided here and was employed on var
ious farms, but who has been away
for a number of years, returned last
Sunday and were visiting with their
friends here for a short time.
William and Chester Waldo, who
have been employed with the Ole
Olsen stone quarry, have resigned
their positions and left for Louisville
where they have accepted positions at
better pay and will work in the fu-1
ture. Their families will remain here
for the present, however.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Troop, of
Omaha, who had been visiting at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Troop,
Mr. and Mrs. George Bray, of Syra
cuse, stopped on their way to Omaha
and visited for a time on la3t ' Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
O. Troop, parents of Robert Troop.
Victor Wehrbein, who is feeding
large number of cattle, had corn
which he purchased some time ago
when the price was down and stored
it on the farm until needed, and this
week had the same shelled and deliv
ered to his feed yards. Frank Mrasek
and his fleet of trucks had charge of
making delivery of the grain.
Marvin Countryman, of Paxton, is
visiting with friends here and en
joying a vacation from his years of
study in the Paxton high school. Mr.
Countryman was a member of the
same class as the Japanese student,
Ichio Matsutuim, who has been very
successful .in the raising of fine pigs.
calves and .other farm animaUa and
has received considerable .-publicity
in the state press.
E. J. Kruger was a visitor at
Syracuse at the home of his son, Ed
ward, the second, and where he found
the good wife quite ill with a severe
attack of appendicitis. While there,
he acted as caretaker for Edward the
third, they being inseparable compan
ions, over Saturday and Sunday, and
when it came time for Mr. Kruger
to leave, the young lad, who is only
two years old, registered violent ob
jections to the departure of the
this has kept the local quarry oper
atlng at capacity production. The
stone here is considered very good for
all kinds of work and is much in de
little Patient Much Better
Little Miss Caroline Rood, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rood and
eranddauffhter of Mr. and Mrs. NelS
Anderson, who has been at the Unl
versity hospital for several weeks, is
showing good improvement and al
though she is making good progress
she gets very lonely at the institu
tion. Grandmother Mrs. Nels Ander
son was over on last Monday to visit
the little granddaughter.
Nehawka Schools Close.
This week witnessed the closing
of the school year in the Nehawka
schools and it has been a very suc
cessful year for this institution of
learning. The Nehawka schools have
ever maintained a high standard of
learning and are ranked as among
the best in the state, much higher
than many in larger towns.
Mrs. Steffens Improving
Mrs. J. II. Steffens, who returned
from the hospital at Rochester, Minn.,
some weeks since, i3 showing very
good improvement during the past
several days. She has been enjoying
sun baths of long periods each day,
which are very materially assisting
her in the return to health.
TJsing Nehawka Stone
The paving on O street was held
up for a short time on account of an
inferior quality of stone offered by
the firm which had the contract for
furnishing the stone and a number
cf car loads had to be rejected, thus
tying up the work for a while. Ole
Olsen, who operates a quarry here,
was called upon to furnish stone for
this work and has been supplying
what crushed stone he could, along
with his work of supplying stone for
rip-rap work to the government, and
Taken Suddenly Sick
Misa Margaret Ruth Pollard, age
12, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hall
Pollard and student in the Nehawka
schools, was taken suddenly ill last
Thursday and was hurried home from
school. As she did not show im
provement a few hours later, the
family physician advised taking her
to the hospital, as she was found to
be suffering from an acute attack of
appendicitis. She was accordingly
taken to the hospital, where an op
eration was performed and the pati
ent is now resting much easier and
on the road to recovery.
Enjoyed Picnic Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Adams and
their son were responsible for a pic
nic which was held at Morton state
park at Nebraska City on last Sun
day. The occasion was made the
more enjoyable by the presence of
the famly of Albert Anderson and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Chapman. The pic
nickers took their supper and re
mained for the-evening, enjoying the
supper in the park.
Kev. Fangborn Takes Vacation
The Rev. E. S. Pangborn of the
Methodist church of Weeping Water
and Nehawka, who delivered the Bac
calaureate sermon last Sunday even
ing, notified the congregation here
that he has ajjanged for another
minister to conduct the services, as
he and Mrs. Pangborn are spending
some two weeks at their old home in
Kansas, where he will deliver a ser
mon this coming Sunday. They have
not resided in that part of the coun
try for the past twenty years and
will surely enjoy their visit there.
Wins First Prize
Mrs. Louis E., August, of near Ne
hawka, was the winner of the first
prize at the Lincoln exhibition of
quilts which was held by Sears, Roe
buck & Co., at their Lincoln store,
and she is one of the three who are
having their quilts on exhibition at
the Kansas City exhibit of that firm
In the quilt which Mrs. August made
there were some 13,000 blocks, and
it was of the very finest quilting.
Are Holding: Revival
The Rev. Sylvester Sanborn, a re
vivalist and evangelist of the United
Brethren church, with the co-opera
tion of the Rev. Otto Englebretson,
on last Monday began a series of
meetings which have for their pur
pose the bringing in of prospective
new members for the church, not
alone of the United Brethren faith,
but that of any denomination with
which the people may desire to affiliate.
Surprise Their Teacher
Tho Sophomore class of the Ne
hawka school on last Friday, sur
prised their teachers, Mr. and Mrs.
Daehr, who are leaving for their
The strictest dramatic censorship
ever known was enforced in Vienna
during the early part of the nine
teenth century. One of its most ridi
culous restrictions prevented - stage
lovers from appearing in a scene un
less they were accompaneid - by a
Best Bood Lines and
Egg Producers in
We offer only the sturdiest, guaranteed tjaby
chicks from a heavy-laying stock. We guar
antee live delivery. Leave orders or mail to
Brink Hatchery - - - Plattsmouth
Ashland Hatchery, Inc. - - Ashland
JElmer C. Wild, Manager
home in Iowa, and will not return
the coming year. A very pleasant
time was had and the occasion en
joyed by the scholars as well as their
teachers who are carrying pleasant
memories as they depart from Nehawka.
Will Teach Again
Miss Marie Lutz, who has just
completed a very successful school
year at the Pleasant Hill school,
which she closed with a very fine
program and an enjoyable picnic for
the scholars and patrons, has been
re-elected for another year.
Delivers Baccalaureate Sermon
Rev. E. S. Pangborn, pastor of the
Methodist churches here and at
Weeping Water, delivered the Bacca
laureate sermon last Sunday night at
the Nehawka auditorium to a large
and greatly interested congregation,
including the members of the gradu
ating class, who had places reserved
for them near the front. Everyone
was greatly pleased at the excellent
address which was rendered by Rev.
Rev. Sylvester Sanford of Gales
burg, Illinois, who ha3 just finished
a successful evangelistic campaign in
Peoria, Illinois, will conduct services
at the Nehawka United Brethren
church all next week. The evangelist
is a member of the Interdenomin
ational Evangelical Association ol
Winona Lake. He has conducted
meetings in Chicago, Memphis, Wich
ita, Denver, Colorado Springs, Los
Angeles and many of the large cities
and has been in twenty states since
at 11.
United Brethren in Christ.
Otto Engebretson, pastor.
Bible church school 10 a. m.
Morning worship service
Sermon by the Evangelist.
Afternoon service at 2:30.
Evening service at 7:45.
The evangelist will speak, play his
musical instruments and sing at all
these services. Come and stay all
Services every night next week.
On Monday, May 29th our week
day Bible school will begin at the
txhool house at 9 o'clock.
Bible church school at 10 a. m.
Union service down town at 11.
Come to all these services.
The Social Worker's Flower club
mot Wednesday, May 24th at the
home of Mrs. J. H. Fulton, with Miss
Velma Fulton, assistant hostess.
Regular business meeting was had
and a program was planned for the
June meeting. A program was enjoy
ed by all.
A reading was given by Mrs. Mike
Kaffenberger and a poem by Shirley
Wheeler. Songs by Velma Fulton and
Mrs. Mike Kaffenberger.
In the contest making word from
"Mother's Day,MTs. E. Hutchison
won first prize and Mrs. Earl Em
berry consolation prize.
The next meeting wiJl be held at
the home of Mrs. George Mumm June
Visitors present were Mrs. Percy
Wheeler and Shirley, Mrs. Albert
Wheeler, Mrs. Floyd Fulton and
Mary Lou, Mrs. Jessie Smith, Mrs.
Earl Emberry, Mrs. CSuy Wiles and
Mary Ellen Kaufman.
If . &
4- y
The Mynard aid society will hold a
market and food sale at the Gobel
man store, Saturday, May 27th. Ev
erything good to eat from the coun
try, also some potted plants.
GET INTO BUSINESS for yourself by
selling needed Household Products.
Have opening in Cass county. No in
vestment except your car. For par
ticulars write S. F. Baker & Co.,
Keokuk, Iowa. m22-3sw
August. He is called the Three in
One Evangelist Preacher, singer,
Special service for young people
Friday night. Subject: "Give Them
a Chance." Everynody, old ana
young, invited. Special musical num
bers on the musical saw and har
Meetings will be held on Thursday
night at 7:30 to allow those who at
tend graduation exercises to be pers-
ent. Also at 7:30 Saturday night that
folks may attend the band concert
following the service.
There will bo three services on
Sunday. The evangelist will bring
the sermon Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. Subject, "He Is Calling for
You." Program and message Sunday
afternoon at 2:30, and the service
Sunday night at 7:45. Everybody in
Great patriotic program Tuesday
night in honor of Decoration Day.
Special patriotic music and patriotic
message; - - ' " w
The regular monthly meeting of
the Mynard Community club will be
held on Friday evening, May 26th at
8 o'clock. Program will be given by
the East Side committee, vaudeville
night. The Mynard community or
chestra will also play.
The Sewing Susans, 4-II club met
on Saturday at the home of Mrs.
Guy Wile3. The members voted to
have the dust cloths made first as a
part of their work. The next meet
ing of the club will be with Mrs. Guy
Wiles on Friday, June 2nd.
Three head Herford male calves,
7 mcnths old good ones.
m22-tsw Nehawka, Nebr.
H's Glover
Farm Store
Ve Deliver Phone 24
Clever Farm Q
Vacuum Pack. Lb JlC
Bran Flalies
2 Pkjrs. 15c
Peaaat Butter
ALL-NUT Rich Qt. Q
and Creamy Jar X JfC
Blue Barrel, bar
Health Scap, bar.
Fork & Beans
Plattsmouth, No. Zy2 can10
Clover Farm, 3 cans X7
Salada Tea
(Japan Green op Black)
32. 29c
Clover Farm O large 07
Pure Tomato bottles IC
Pineapple - Bananas
Head Lettuce
10 lbs. Sugar 49c
One Dag Limit Satur
day Only
2 lbs. Fig Bars 25c
Sioux City, la. Less than thlrty
ix hours after he had kicked Stanley
Blosevich, Elizabeth, N. J., to death
in a brawl, William Morris, negro of
Seattle, pleaded guilty to man
slaughter and was sentenced to serve
eight years in the Iowa penitentiary.
Buy Some Shirts
Now is a good time to replen
ish your stock of SHIRTS.
No doubt you can use a few,
and never before have you
been able to buy good shirts
at so low a figure.
590 - 790 - $1
On the Original Genuine 2 -Plow
ARM ALL with Farmall Tools
conditions have created
an emergency in many farming com
munities. So much field work re
mains undone that it will be impos
sible, in many cases, to get the fields
planted with horse-drawn equipment
in time to make a full crop. In the
face of this situation the tractor
farmer will enjoy a tremendous ad
vantage. In this emergency we announce
a special offer covering the purchase
in or
of the original 2-pIow McCormick
Deefing Farmall with Farmall equip
ment. Here is your chance to get
the genuine, successful, all-purpose
Farmall tractor that has revolution
ized row-crop farming.
This is no ordinary offer. To the
man who has been thinking about
the Farmall, or who needs one now,
this most unusual opportunity is
tco good to pass up.
This special offer will be open
for a limited time only.
phone today
A C5 TC7
Plattsmouth, Nebraska