.1 PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 15, 1933. ROOSTER BOOSTER i r i I For Rooster-Booster Days i r x r..ii w o :.. o i C. No. 10, 'Gallon' Fruits, per can 29c Crushed Apples - Italian Prunes - Free Peaches Quantities Limited on These Item3 BLACK & WHITE For Rooster-Booster Days EARGAIN IN YARDAGE GOODS Your chance to cwn a lovely Summer Dress at low ccst. Yards and yards of levely high quality Voiles, Eatistes and other Summer Fabrics "I C at this one low price. Per yard AJw STEN.S FINE YARN HOSE Assorted OC colors. 6 pairs for LtOk SOENNECHSESTS For Rooster-Booster Days MEN'S ALL-WOOL COAT, PANTS Never were $ C Certainly will Cheaper PlO be Higher Boys' fast color Haynee Dress Shirts 75 Ken's fine Brcadcloth Union Suits 69 Ken's New Spring Silk Tie3 25 WESCOTT'S 1 For Rooster-Booster Days j 24x36 Congoleurn Felt Base Mats j GEORGE L. FARLEY Home Furnishings 120 Scuth Sixth St. Plattsmouth, Neb. For Rooster-Booster, Days McKesson Milk of Magnesia pints -39c McKesson Rubbing Alcohol PULL on pints -OZJC MAUZY DRUG CO. For Rooster-Bcoster Days j 12-qt. Dairy Pail 26 wmie unr auppxy jjrsis Razor and Blades Ever-Beady Gold Plated j BE5TOR & SWATEK CO. For Rooster-Booster Days 49 SPECIAL COLGATE'S Dental Cream 2 tubes 50c COLGATE'S Tooth Brush 50c regular total $1.00 WEYRICH & HADBABA Drugs and Prescriptions For Rooster-Booster Days BROOMS 4 tie 1QC While they last. On sale Wed. mornirg. Pink Salman, Mb. tall cans 10 Bed Cup Coffee, special, lb 1 19 Corn Flakes, large pkg 10 CLOVER FARM STORE We Buy Eggs Give Us a Call For Rooster-Booster Days Regular 50 and 75c Stationery 39 Lamps, $1.50 and $2 values $1.19 Vases, $1.95 to $2.50 values : 09 1 Shelf Paper, 2 folds Friendship Mottoes, $1 and $1.25 values 75 Pictures, $1 and $1.25 values 75 BOOH STORE dot) PLTTTF Ms H'7 H WEDNESDAY THURSDAY j I SPECIAL offered by each Store for 4 Nearest Guess on Number of Grains of Corn Rooster will Eat! - Trade at Bach's "Our Special" Coffee, 3 lbs 55 Powd. or Brown Sugar, 3 lbs 22 Early Einer Yeast Cakes, pkg.5 Pink Salmon, l-lb. cans 10 Macaroni, 2-lb. package 15 Pork and Beans, lge. cans .10 48-lb. sack Dictator Flour 95 48-lb. Gooch's Best Flour $1.15 A. G. BACH STORE Lower Main Street Rollins Hosiery On Sale Wednesday One Day Only 79c pair Bcllins Bunstop in Chiffon or Service weight sizes &V2 to 10y2 in all the newest shades. Our new Spring stock cf this beautiful Hosiery TQ for one day only at f C I 1 FETZER SHOE CO. i See the Fine New Frigidaire that uses no more current than ONE ordinary light bulb I JESS CTARGA Hardware Phone 400 7 1 "J IH TOflDE ML , "TBflBE ftsiW ' . - . 1 Co) (o) a FRIDAY Swat the Rooster! Send him to market. This is the time of year to get rid of him. From now bn he is a detriment rather than a help to your flock you'll get more5 and better eggs with out him. Here is your chance to get a premium price of at least 20 a found (good in trade at any store listed on this page). Round up the old roosters and bring' them to Plattsmouth. 7c lb., Scrip orc lb., Cash Scrip is Redeemable at All Stores with Ads on This Page! Plattsmouth Produce WE still maintain that your local Farmers' Creamery is one of the biggest assets to the farmer in Cass county! v We Aim to Pay You Full Market Value at All Times for Poultry - Eggs - Cream i Sillc Hosiery Get Belding-Corticelli Hose and Your Hosiery Problem is Ended You get quality, you get service, you get the newest shades and then you get complete satisfaction. Triced aa low or lower than any pure Silk Hosiery on the market. Per pair 49 - 69 $1 E. A.WURL Bring Your Roosters to PLATTSMOUTH Rooster Days begin Wednes day and continue to Sat. night. i' Bring Us Your Cream and Eggs HOME DAIRY Corner 5th and Hain ICE CREAM CONES All four days. 2 for 5c SATURDAY r dange ! Sponsored by ) King Korn Klub SATURDAY NIGHT Hot Orchestra Big Time I Payable in Cash j or Rooster j Scrip! - Lawn Chairs I Sturdv and comfortable. Easv cut to fit. Priced at only TIDBALL Lumber arid Coal Phone 40 Iowa-Nebraska Light & Power Company NEW G. E. Refrigerators QQ C A plus Tax and at p7JOU Delivery YOU CAN BUY ONLY GOOD AP PLANCES HEBE Cream of the West Bakery Offers a complete line of finest bakery products at -money-saving prices. Your Scrip is good here on all purchases at the Special Low Prices. NEW DAY-TIME FROCKS, $1 Take-OfT White Linen Collar for a smart Summer Frock of pre-shrunk Seersucker v X Plad and Check Gingham Frocks Smart Spring styles with white pique collars and trim dl to match. Wednes., Thurs., Friday, Sat 1 Two-piece Linene Frocks with separate Jacket and high neck line. Smart new Voile3 with Organdy trim and new Wheel Sleeve. Just try d one on. Our price is only : V 1 Some Stores Auk fl.ftS and Kvra $2.95 tor Thue PEASE STYLE SHOP For Rooster-Booster Days PEAS Tropic Brand. No. 2 can. I2V2 CORN FLAKES Miller's 2 for 19 BAKING POWDER BumXcrd's. Lge. can 21 HAMBURGEB or SAUSAGE 3 lbs., 23 PICNIC HAMS Over 5 lbs. Each 63 MULLEN O SONS Bring Us Your Eggs For Rooster-Booster Days Angel Food Cake Flour, pkg 18c Fancy Seedless Raisins, 2 pkgs 15c Salad Dressing or Spread, qt. jar .... 23c Beef Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs 25c Fey. Center cut Pork Chops, 2 lbs.. . ,25c RED & WHITE For Rooster-Booster Days l-lb. box Choc. Covered Cherries 19 Crockery Bowls; 7-inch : 9 Kotex, 3 boxes for 59 10-qt. Aluminum Water Pail 39 KNORR'S POPULAR VARIETY STORE - For Rooster-Booster Days GECUP SPBETG COATS Assorted S 0 .98 colors and sizes. vVery special at . Cm GB0UP LADIES SILK DBESSES Sizes 14 to 20- only', - Price $ 1 GROUP LADIES SPPJHG HATS CQ Good assortment. PriceJ.. n)& C LADIES TOGGERY For RooBter-Booater Days Home Hade Sausages Butter-Nut Coffee, Bologna or Liver- wurst, lb. -10 Weinerwurst, lb.12 Y2 Summerwurst. lb.20 Bacon, not sled, lb.!5' 3-lb. can 99r Shasta Peaches, lg:.15p Salmon, Pink 10 Clabber Girl Bak ing Pwdr, 2 cans10 For Rooster-Booster Days Wednesday - Thursday Friday - Saturday 43 lb. Cooper s Best Flour . $1.29 10 lbs. Sugar. . : . ..... .50$ Salmon, tall can 9$ L. B. EGENBERGER For Rooster-Booster Days ... PAY Y0UB, SUBSCRIPTION TO The Semi-Weekly Journal with Rooster Scrip and effect further savings. The special rate of $1.50 per year is to be continued until July 1st to give farmers a chance to "cash in" on rising prices of farm products. Arrears and In Advances. Ttie Plattsmouth Journal For Rooster-Booster Days 50c Gillette Razor Blades ; 35c Lavender Shave Cream Both for 40$ F. G. FRICIIE & CO. The Bexall Store 1 r i r Li J i r-i r