n r-" PAGE EIGHT PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL 1 Uinter (gomes As certain a3 the sea sons change, costly fires will take their toll. NOW is the time to put 'your heatinq apparatus in good shape! NOW is the time to protect your property with -good insur ance! Let us show you how little it costs. We write every kind of good in surance. Duxbury & Davis Donat BIdg., Phone 56 KOID PLEASANT MEETING You'll enjoy shopping in Platts mouth stores. Don't be fooled by the so-called "greener pastures" of a foreign trading point! From Thursday's Daily Last evening the Catholic Daugh ters of ' America held their social meeting at the Knights of Columbus hall and which was largely attend ed by the members and their guests The evening was spent in bridge and pinochle and in th9 bridge games w V - . i . 3 1. uiss i.iargarei oconen pruveu m winner and Mrs. Baltz Moisinger in tho pinochle games. .- . The court had as guests for the evening "J.Irs. John Kubicka, 'Mrs J. G. Jeagcr. Mrs. Theodore .Ptak. Miss Margaret Scotten, Mrs. lioek. Miss Delaney and Mrs. Mueller. Tho occasion was featured by a fruit shower for the Ursulinc sisters who have charge of the school here. As the evening drew to the close dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Emmons Ptak, Mrs. F. G. Egenberger. Mrs. John Cloldt and Mtes Josephine Ilys. FUNERAL OF MRS. PETERSON ;Oed. Spseials IVORY ENAMEL WARE GREEN TRIM 6 Qt. Covered Kettles 14 Qt. Handled Dish Pans 12 Qt. Water Pails 45c each 1 to a Customer CHOICE OF ANY LADIES 98c Print House Dress Wednesday Only, at 59c Avoca Residents Organize Roosevelt-Bryan Club YEARLY REPORT OF McCON- NIHIE RELIEF CORPS NO. 50 Much Interest Shown in Meeting Last Evening and Many At tend Club Formation. Coming-Pancake Day SATURDAY, NOV. 5 Knorr's Popular Variety Store J Thomas Walling Corapany Abstracts of Titled Phone 324 - Flattsmoutb mi. The' funeral services of the late Mrs. Laura Peterson Methodist church tin Thursday aft ernoon were attended by a large 'group of tho old time friends and neighbors. The pastor of the church, Rev. O. O. Troy, spoke words of com fort to the sorrowing friends and relatives and paid tribute to the memory f tho departed lady, long a member of the church. During the services Mrs. E.- H. Wescott gave two of tlie eld and ' ot tne jaie)love, hymns, "How Firm a Fo at the First jt.on, &nd Jerusalem the Gol( ounda Iden." Tho interment was at the Oak Hill cemetery beside the members of the family circle who have prceded her in death. The pall bearers wera old friends and neighbor?. Dr. Frank Li. C'ummin3, J. W. Crabill, J. " Warga, L. R. Sprecher, Frank A Cloidt and W. J. Streight. Journal WanUAds get results! WOTILILErJQE For the Month End For the Month End Special Jeast One Otep Ahead WEDNESDAY TIIORSDAV FRIDAY New Winter Coats SATURDAY Qcal Fqr Sets! Fitch Racoon Caracul Mar Mink Wclf Dog Sport Coats v All Silk Linings All Interlined! 1 ff23k SV SrnM Fabrics j V7 and Colors WOOl" i i 14 to 20 CREPES ' jl I ' 3St05D This Special Also Includes Beautiful Coats at . y . .sl995 in Our Down Stairs Dept. A Special Group of Ladies & Misses Coats in Broken Sizes Values to $10.00 Our Challenge Price In Our Down Stairs Dept. Kiddies Coats Sizes 2 to 6 Fur Fabrics Chinchilla Wool Crepes $.95 . $g.95 Coats for the Miss of 7 to 14 years of Camel COCc; CtOOC Pile, Bunny Cloth, Chinchilla and Polo Coats " (j CASS COUNTY'S DIG COAT OTOIXE In the village of Avoca, last eve ning there va3 organized a Roosevelt-Bryan club. Tho first hour of the meeting was devoted to speaking in which was presented the excellent qualifications of Governor Roosevelt for the presidency. Hi3 broad visions of public affairs and his sound and expressed clan when president, to co-ordinate all the producing factors of tlie nation to bring back that prosperity which is eo essential to our people. Throughout the village there appears to Be a strong under current, that the only possible re lief to the citizens of the nation, is through the election of the demo cratic national ticket. The state issues were discussed and the outstanding administration of tho affaire of Nebraska, contrast ed with those of the surrounding states. The great savings to the people made by Governor Bryan since he entered that office in Janu ary. 1931. were related. How he! forced specifications for tubing in the roads that were being improved by the state from one specific kind that was patented, to several kinds of tubing equally as good, thus giv ing all contractors an equal oppor tunity to bid. Theretofore the fed erai government would furnish no money to that part f the road con srtruction a.s it considered the using of the patented tubing gave an un fair advantage or monopoly to th contractor who was interested in the making of the tubing. After the gov ernor had this 'change 'made, the bids were about one half the price of for mcr work and tho federal govern lent paid one half of the reduced bid, thereby making a saving to the people of the stale of several hun dred thousand dollars. This was only one of the instances enumerated wherein the governor had saved large sums of money for the people His strong business methods in let ting the large road construction con tracts, raved millions of dollars to the road fund and out or which hun- ureds of extra miles of road were constructed, gravticd and paved. Among the roads so built from thi saving was No. 1, extending west through Murray to Murdock and Elmwocd; also No. 50 extending from Omaha south through Louis ville, Manley, Weeping Water and Avoca in this county and on to the south line of the state. Without re gard to politics, the people gener ally of Avoca precinct appreciate the services rendered by our gover nor, and being -broad minded, will not forget that service on November 8th. Congressman Morehead was high ly commended for his courteous and business like method3 in office. Hi promptness in answering every In quiry about matters at Washington has endeared him to a large num bcr of his constituents without re gard to party affiliation. His stern rugged honesty and kind ways ha endeared him to our people in Cass county and bespeaks for him an in creased vote at the coming election After the speaking foiiowed the organization cf the club by selecting th 3 following officers: Dr. J. W Erendel. president; Georg3 Peters vice-president; Mrs. Emma Rawalt secretary and Max Straub, treasurer The club thereupon decided to have another meeting at a date to be named where a prominent speaker could be obtained. McConnihlc Corps hold their meet ings on the second and 4th Saturdays at 2.30 p. in. in the Cans" county court house, having a membership of 32. iRince mr last district convention in Omaha, we have lost two members by death and one by transfer. We had two covered dish luncheons, one for inspection and one for install ation of nevv officers. Presented one of our charter members with a 40- ye:ir service badge. Paid the per cap ita on tho two remaining members of Post N,o. 45 for the year 1932. We sent Christinas cards and flowers to our shut-in, also Easter cards. Paid out $7.00 for Cowers for sick and deceased members, gave $5.00 to the Associated Charities in Piattsmouth, $6.00 to the drouth relief in western Nebraska, 52.00 to the Grand Army fund, gave to the McPherson ceme tery, Southern Memorial, and depart ment convention flag fund. Paid $7.39 for flags for Decoration day. v. uvv m ii v v i in', i' ' ivr in. lyi : i. trained boys from Piattsmouth at tending the Citizen's Military Train ing Camp at Fort Crook. We remem ber our older member and comrades jn their birthday?!, nave made 182 visits to the sick during the year, and have helped the Grand. Army and our members in other than money to the amount of $27.00. Wc gave $2.00 to the Father Flanagan Home. We have received $15.95 from food sales, $9.50 from socials, and $8.50 from gifts from some of cur inactive mem bers so that we are able to carry on our relief corps work. .:4 v . f - w I:- nofj . -" - ' ' ' 1 MONDAY, OCT. 24. 1932. glll.ill.l.Ii I mito& M WMUe H : Plattsmouth's Leading Cash Store M gj : g Sweet Corn, No. 2, 4 cans for 25 H Vanilla Wafers, family pkg 22$ H H Kraft Salad Dressing, jar 296 g H Kraft Sandwich Spread, jar 290 5j H Catsup, large 14-cz. bottle 106 s jg Tri Color Soap, 9 bars 296 g First Prize Kraut, No. 2J2, 2 for 15c 5j g Dill Pickles, full quart 15 H gj Raisins, new crop. 2 lbs. for 156 HI H Maxwell House Coffee? lb. 330 3 Pounds for SBc NAME PRECINCT OFFICERS Several additional precincts have reported nominations of precinct of ficeih. the reports being filed at the office of County Clerk George R. Sayles. In Liberty precinct the nomination by the republicans of Cal Snavely for assessor and Con Watlcins for road overseer have been made. ; The republicans of Louisville Lave placed in nomination P. A. Jacobson, veteran assessor, for re-elect!on,; W. H. Hoover for roa'd overseer and W. M. Huover for justice cf the peace: In Weeping Water the republicans have made the nomination cf Ray Haslam for the city assessor and Alex J. Patterson ' has been ' selected for the position of justice of the peace. BE MEAT DEPARTMENT Pork Heart. Veal Heart , Hojt Liver . . 3 lbs. for Werners . . . Frankfurters Pork Chops f1 2 lbs. for E5 .76 g . . 56 ri Fresh Cut Hamburger, lb , Bologna, per ring Sauer Kraut, A-l Wis. thin shred, lb. . 5 ANNOUNCES IIAEEIAGE Journal Want-Ads cost only a few cents and get real results! - The announcement has been re ceived in Cass county of the mar riage cf Misa Ida Gehrts to Guy Win nctt Lesh, the wedding occuring on Tuesday, October 11th at San Fran Cisco, California. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Cthrs, foruer residents of Murdock and the news of the marriage will no learned with interest by the friends of the bride and her family in this county. Onawa. Iowa, the home of Mr. mother. - Davis NAMES ARE OMITTED LEAVE FOR HOME On Wednesday of this week Mr. and Mrs. Frank SItzman and daugh ters, Lorene and Leora. and Mr. and Mrs. W. Ii. Davis end daughter, Alice Marie, left for their home at Imperial. N'cbraskd, after a two weeks visit with friends and relatives near here. Mr. and Mrs. Davis also visited at In the account of the very enter taining home talent play that was presented Tuasday evening at the Platz theatre, the names of two cf the talented young people 'who gave vocal solos were omitted. The:-e two were Mrs. Ray Herring and Herbert Patterson, who favored the audience with several of the hits of the per formance in the vocal selections. :0 OPERATE ON ACTRESS Hollywood. Stricken with abdom inal attack, Bettie. Davis, cxtress,' was removed from a motion picture set and taken to a hospital. Physicians aid they would operate Saturday to remove her appendix. Announcing the Opening o Ouv New Kiddies ICoroer Wednesday, October 26th SOUVENIRS FOR THE CHILDREN ROTARY GOVERNOR HERE .Pa. Stwle Piattsmouth, Ucbxv I Ym l-fl IVii 1M mi YUC lUfi VJL VJB YJS YJt IV YUb WE YJt YJ Roy Meyers of Council Bluffs, gov ernor of the nineteenth district of tho International Rotary, will be guest of the Piattsmouth club dur ing November. The governor i3 ex pected here for tho last meeting of the next month and which will be a Rotary Ann meeting, tho month carrying five weeks. Mr. Meyers Is the principal of the Thomas Jeffer son high school at Council Bluffs and this will be his first visit to the local Rotary club. Inproucd CO Acres on Pavement Electric Power Priced Right SEE SEARL S. DAVIS Exclusive Agent ft Star Brand Light and flexible for tiy growing fecL. JBQ5 Star Brand You'll like the service t3te children will get from this ppy oxford. r fi)e exercise spe cial care in fitting ' the feet of children . with the proper size and the right kind of shoes. r r This is of utmost importance, and ( the proper devel opment of your children's feet is assured when you trust us with this r problem ' a: I Star Brano A plain Patent Strap made over a wide; ,m5""t$i.8S Star Brano Children lilfp the smart ' design of this pretty Star Brand A lively pattern for the Junior Miss. $2.40 Star Grand Children's Shoes $1.00 - $2.40 'ftarCrand' One of our most pop ular sellers. $1.9f POLL-PARROT SHOES BEST TO GROW IN IR3K1DH