The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 04, 1932, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Herman M. Smith of Nehawka,
was a caller in. the city Tuesday en
route from Omaha. Mr. Smith is
an expert in the installing of pumps
and has just completed a job of this
kind near Union. Mr. Smith installed
three pumps at the new filling sta
tion of the Continental Oil Co., on
highway No. 75, Just south of Union
in Otoe county. The new station is
located on the McCarthy farm and
was opened by F. H. McCarthy, one
of the owners of the farm.
Miss Beulah Thomas of Seminole,
Oklahoma, is in the city, a house
guest of Mrs. F. W. Kirkpatrick at
the Soennichsen home. Miss Thomas
made the tri pfrom Oklahoma by
plane and was met at the Omaha air
port by her hostess and friends. Miss
Thomas will spend some time here
visting with the Soennichsen fam
ily and enjoying a short outing.
x Thnmiic Wnllintr CVimnanv
? Abstracts of Title J
j. Phone 324 - Plattsmoutb j
The Missouri Pacific is announc
ing a change in train time which
was put into effect Sunday and which
makes small changes in the running
time of the trains. The following
changes have been made:
South Bound.
No. 104 9:45 A. M.
Xo. 110 6:35 P. M.
No. 112 12:45 A. M.
North Bound.
No. 119 6:25 A. M.
No. 109 1:48 P. M.
No. 105 9:15 P. M.
Train No. 105 will stop here on
flag only, whlie other trains are on
a regular scheduled stop.
From Monday's Paily
The farm home of Mr. and Mrs
John A. Stander, near Manley, was
made very happy last evening by the
arrival of a fine little daughter. The
mother and little one are doing very
nicely and the event has brought a
great deal of pleasure to all of the
members of the family circle. Mrs.
Stander was formerly Miss Lillian
Palacek of this city, a daughter of
John Palacek, Sr. The many friends
here will join in their well wishes to
the parents for the future happi
ness and success of the little lady.
CMOoi's Eton-do
Yeeli End Gpsdals
BUTTER Pure Creamery. Lb 1C0
Every Pound Guaranteed
CHEESE Full Cream. Lb 150
Nebraska Made American Cheese
Flavor Sweet Brand
or RICE KRISPIES same price
PEANUT BUTTER--Quart jar 230
Always Fresh
TOILET SOAP 3 bars for 200
Swift's Peerless Hardwater Castile
nEflL DnnQmns m fdeci heits
Steals Sirloin or Round. Lb. . 17c
Choice Quality Beef
Pork Chops, lean. Lb. . . . 10c
Loin or Rib Chops
Pork Roast, lean. Lb. . . . . 11c
Select Boston Butts
Beef Roast shoulder. Lb. . . He
Choice Cut Select Beef
Hamburger, 3 lbs. for .... 25c
Fresh Cut No Cereal
Pork Sausage, 3 lbs. for . . . 25c
Pure Pork All Meat
Sliced Bacon, half pound pkg. . 7ic
A Real Bacon
Bacon, lean wide strips. Lb. . . 15c
By Half or Whole
Lard, 5 pounds for 38c
Open Kettle Rendered
PLATE BOH J lbs, for 20c
GINGERALE-Full quart bottle 15$
PEPPER VzAh. package 200
Batter Nut Brand
SALAD DRESSING Full quart jar. .300
Windmill or Butter Nut
POWDERED SUGAR 3 lbs. for 200
Also BROWN SUGAR at same price
COFFEE Maxwell House. Lb 300
The Vita-Fresh Coffee
CORN FLAKES Kellogg's. Each. . .100
The Large Size Package
LAUNDRY SOAP 10 bars for. .... .220
Bob White or Silver Leaf
SOAP CHIPS Large size pkff 1C0
Quick Arrow or Crystal White
BROOMS 5-tie. Special, each. 270
A Good Quality House Broom
FLOUR-Supreme brand. 40-lb. baa
. - Every Sack Guaranteed -
Your Car
Public Liability
Property Damage
Recover Loot
of Murdoch Store
in Omaha Today
Laree Number of Articles Taken
from Bauer Store Uncovered in
Home of Gang.
From Wednesday's Daily
Prom the able handling of the
Bauer store robbery case by Sheriff
Ed W. Thimgan and the assistance
of the Omaha detective bureau, four
men are now in the Cass county jail
to face charges of robbing the store Cars, Trucks. Before you insure
at Murdock.
Lloyd Jewett, 49. Harrison street,
Omaha; Ernest Mosher, 3718, 3rd
avenue. Council Bluffs: Frank Mc-
Carty of the Commerce hotel and Joe
Miller, also of Omaha, are the four
who were brought here and to await
their trial.
The Prisoners have denied the
fact of being implicated in the rob-
Missouri River
Menaces Roads
The change in the hours of the
bank closing which was effective
starting Monday and which will
lInOt Rl X 1 ! cont,nue for the coming thirty days,
IN CCll Dial 1 caused many to be disappointed when
they called at the banks. The banks
Cutting at the Bate of Six to Eight had advertised that they would close
Feet Per Day, Stream Now ai m- msieaa or me usual nour
Nears Lincoln Highway. OI 4 p- m- Dul mar,y neglected to
ii ecu me nonce ana came to me
The cost of insurance is small com- The Missouri river is again start- bank after the new closing time. The
pared with the loss you may sustain inS on a land reclaiming in the vi- early closing, however, will not be
m cinity of Missouri Valley, Iowa, and in enect on baturday and the DanKs
XJOtlCC J? QFXTiClTS Blair, now being a real threat to K'1" be open for business until 4
We have a special rate for Farm thf Linco1" highway and the Blair o'clock.
The river some time ago started BAIN A LEFESVAER
cutting on the Iowa bank and at the
rate of six to oieht ft nor Hav Tin q I The raIn that visited this locality
now brought the new channel of the Sunday wa3 real lifesaver to the
stream to within 187 feet of the croDS in tlils Part of the county and
Call, see or write,
Duxbury & Davis
Donat Bids., Phone 56
highway and where it is menacing one lhat w,n ereaUy aid the com
the approach to the Blair bridge on Pletion of the corn crop. The rain
the Iowa side of the stream. fal1 here was an inch and half and
Fearful that the river may cut came down steady from 3:30 Sunday
into the road and thus block the ap- raorninS for the greater part of the
The V C. T. IT. met on Mon.lav nroach to the bridffp. John I. Lonsr uy. me rain was general over mis
bery of the Murdock store, despite aftern00n at 2:30 with Mrs. C. C. of Missouri Valley, former Nehawka section and in action to the mois
the fact that a number of articles ,v tt , ith T1ipncinf, nnmher newsnnnpr man. hns tnken tho mat- ture it also brought a welcome re-
identified as being taken from the Lf the memDers in attendance. Fol- tcr up with the war department lief from the heat
store were recovered at Omaha. lowine the rtevotions. led hv Mrs. through the Lincoln hiehwav asso
The men were returned here last c A Troop, a most interesting pro- ciation
evening by Sheriff Thimgan ana gram was enj0 yed and tuc following The river fiows two miles south of
Deputy Sheriff Ray Becker.
It is expected to have the
The societies that comprise the
Patriotic Council of the city, the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion, American Legion, Woman's Re
lief Corps and the Legion Auxiliary,
will follow the custom of the past
five years and present an award of
$10 to the outstanding students at
the C. M. T. C. from Plattsmouth.
At the suggestion of Col. L. L.
Gregg, camp commander, the award
will be two prizes of S5 each, one to
go to the outstanding basic student
from this city and $5 to the outstand
ing local young man in either the
red, white or blue sections of the
camp. - i
This award will be made at the
close of the camp and the Patriotic
Council will take the Judgment of
the camp officers in awarding the
prize, the selection being made by
the officers in charge of the camp.
Don't forget your Friend on
Friendship Day, Sunday, August 7.
A complete line of cards Bates
Book Store.
Phone the news to Wo. 6.
gram was enjoyed and the following
papers read by the laides: the bridge, cuts back eastward and
men Mrs. G. L. Farley read "Our Tresi- north, running parallel to the high-
arraigned this afternoon for their (lential Candidates;" Miss Olive Gas3, way for three-fourths of a mile, Mr.
plea and in the event that tney pieaa "They Still Drink It," and "No Long states. V.'hen the cutting first
not guilty, as is expected, the Donu Drinking Among the Bonus Army:" started the stream was 300 feet
will be set by the court. Miller, one Mr- n B .Hayes, "My Views on Li- south of the highway but it has now
of the men, had his attorney here uor and the Law," a review bv advanced to less than 200 feet.
from Omaha this morning and who Henry Ford; Mrs. J. E. Wiles gave
is expected to furnish the bond for "The ISth Amendment and the Ara-
this member of the group at least.
At one point the river is within
200 feet of the home of William
Sctclull, a farmer, and who may be
forced to leave his home within a
From Monday's Daily
The young men who are to enter
the C. M .T. C. at Fort Crook for the
thirty-day training period, are to
leave Tuesday morning for the fort
and where they will be registered
erican People."'
In the musical portion of the aft
ernoon a trumpet solo, "Castles in wees u me cutting continues
the Air," was given by James Com
stock and with the accompaniment
by Cecil Comstock, while Cecil Com
stock gave a beautiful piano solo
mm i
Buying your Groceries and Meats at one place
is a distinct advantage Just one of the many
that you enjoy when you trade at Black A White.
Fontenelle Chapter of the D. A. R.
"A Beautiful Visitor." Mrs. Robert held a business session Tuesday aft-
B. Hayes gave a fine vocal solo, ternoon with Mrs. F. R. Gobelman,
"Plains of Peace." Mrs. G. L. Farlay the new regent, the object of the
and checked in. as well as receiving belng the acc.ompanist. All of the meeting being to organize the pro- 5
FIuy Iftarshmallows fl ghc
Strictly fresh. Per lb.
the issue of uniform, shoes and oth
er equipment that the student sol
diers will require. The boys are also
numbers were very much appreciated gram of the society for the coming
by the members cf the party. year.
At the close of th afternoon dainty! The committees for the year were
assigned to the different provisional , ... ... . .v ,i .i .m 12J
I companies anu men me camp me is
on. The infantry organizations win
bo taught the use of the rifle and
its care and other details that a sol-
'" From Tuesday's .Pally
uuubuuuj. i This morning at an early hour a
The cavalry force of the area is iarge group of the local youth could
trained at tort ues Moines, lowa, iDe geen hurrying around over the
while infantry and mechine gun city witn BUnary boxes and grips
v......b .o - "- ""- ana tne Droaa smne inai uenoicu mr1 T 0
ort sneinng, aiinnesoia. that thev were iroine to the C. M. T,
in addition to tnose nstea taiur- c The jocal contingent reached the
. I J. A,
aay as taxing me course at me camp. carnD amonar the first and spent the
T?nhrt Mnnn. nun nf t ho last venr 1 .1 ii , 1 I
- " uay in geiuiig betueu auu uuiuiicti -iTiJt5 Union v,riav
vtir!)ns vrill hn pnrnllpd at th r.nnn. 11.1.1 .1 r.i 11 . .t.n I
- lur me inirijr uay periuu nidi inc Pnrrppt TTca nf Fine
will spend in training at the hands
"JOLLY SmCHERS'' of the officers and non-commissioned
officers at Fort Crook. There v.cre a
at once start in on the course of
activities that will take up the time
of the society. The committees ap
pointed were as follows:
Americanism, National Defense
Mrs. J. S. Livingston.
Approved schools, Manuals Mrs.
F. It. Gobelman.
D. A. R. Library, Genelogical Re-
Mi nor.
D. A. R. Magazine, Ellis Island
G. Morgan.
Conservation, Thrift, Better Films
BUTTER Casco, quartered. Lb. . . 190
Made in Plattsmouth
ROLLED OATS Large pkg .140
Regular or Quick
PEANUT BUTTER Quart jars . .100
Boiler's Cocoa, the finest I c
One-Half Pound Package for only - - JUL jJC
The Jolly Stitchers met on July number disappointed that they were
29th at the home of Dorothy Halme3. unaDie to go as their applications
Only one member was absent. The were in late -j they had to de
business meeting was presided over pend on the fjiure cf some other
by the president. Each member an- student to appear at the fort, but
swerea rou can wun a statement there wero very rew v.ho failed to
telling what good 4-H work nas show up.
done for her so far. Plans for
achievement day were discussed and
are to be definitely arranged at our
neit meetlnc. From Monday's Daily
t, .iir,'0 uoDert Hartford is leaving lues-
Girl Home
Makers Mrs. Otto Keck.
D. A. R S.tudent Fund, Radio-
Miss Carrie Baird.
Real Daughters. Preservation of
Historic Spots Mrs. R. V. Clement.
Publicity. Xational Register Mrs.
H. C. McMaken.
If is tar lie Research, Sons and
Daughters of Republic, Finance.
Miss Pearl Staats.
DILL PICKLES Full- quarts 140
v Happy Vale Brand '
SWEET POTATOES Lg. 2z can . 100
fflolgul Brand
PORK-BEANS Lg. 2J4 can, 3 for .200
Packed by Norfolk Packing Co. In Its
New Plattsmouth Plant
: !
m m
Libby's Sweet Corn
Country Gentleman. No. 2 cans, TWO for
The next
Each aftrenoon the residents along I as
Playclothe3," was read and discussed. u 1UI 1011 "llu "ia scatn 6tn street nave tne pleasure or
We Judged our sport dresses. Our lis- at ort IX"Pe. iwa ana WU1 seeing the gathering of a large array
Judging team, June Keil, Ellen Nora Pa a Bnort umo ume a.u of th0 pigeons and otner birds who
Meisineer. and Threesia Bierl. are Doonc antl Ames, Iowa .He expects come to receive the daily feed that
workine hard to eo to the Judging to iin his brother, Joseph, and a is distributed to them by E. A. Wurl.
contest in Lincoln, August 2. party oi irienus wno are returning i weil known soutn sixtn street mer-
ThB nnt mnetini? will ho held Ames. The party of students nave cnant. Mr. Wurl started this cus-
OLIVES Full quart jar 250
Whole Wheat APPLE PIE Lb. ... 190
A New Delicious Loose-Wiles Cookie
VEGETABLES No. 2 cans. 2 for . 150
First Prize Red Beans Otoe Lima Beans
8niders Fancy Red Kidney Beans
Hop Flavored
is g
Fels IJaptha Soap
Largo size bars. TEN for - -
at June Keil's on August 11.
Apples should be bigger and rosier tination
In southeastern Nebraska this year.
E. H. Hoppert, of the college of
agriculture extension service, said
the fruit crop of the southeastern
corner of the state had been improv
ed by recent rains and the fruit
should be larger. Orchardists raised
their estimate of the crop 5 percent
after the rains, Hoppert said. The
1932 crop, however, is not expected
to be as large as that of 1931.
Southeastern Nebraska will prob
ably market about 200 carloads of
apples this year. The damp muggy
weatner win aid dissemination of
brown rot spores, Hoppert warned.
The brown rot attacks peaches principally.
been attending the national chapter torn last winter when the deep snow
of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity covered the natural forage of the
which has been meeting at Los An-Jbir(g and he has continued thi3 feed-
geles. After securing Robert the Mng. The birds have become aware of
party will continue on to their des-the fact that in the late afternoon
there is a friend to remember them.
They will start gathering about the
usual time each day and perched on
The lovers of baseball In this sec
tion were disappointed Sunday when
the rain interfered with the various
games scheduled In this Bection. The
Murray Rod Sox, who were to have
met one of the fast colored teams ot
Omaha, as well as , the local Mer
chants, were compelled to take a day
off from their playing-. The players.
THE FIST of Folly forces
many heedless children
and some grownups to rush
across your path. Yon cannot
always avoid an accident
perhaps a very disastrous
Drive carefully but be com
pletely insured. This agency
tells dependable and com
plete automobile insurance.
Ton need this protection
telephone sday!
however, were able to enjoy the oc-( T,
caslon in motoring or In pinochle i'"r? J
and kindred oceanatlona th mAA 1 w
and kindred occupations that aided
to replace their usual pastime.
the roofs and windows of the adjoin
ing building will watch for the com
ing of Mr. Wurl. The birds have be
come so accustomed to his feeding
them that they will flock around his
feet when the feed is distributed and I
show no fear.
From Tuesday's Dally
This morning a large delegation
of residents of Elmwood predict and
the vicinity of Murdock were in the
city to visit the board of county
commissioners. The gentlemen are
among those who signed a petition
. I I M lkA
some montns ago asmns iur vuw
graveling of several roads in this
precinct. The road has not neen
all gravelled and they wish to re
new their request to have the work
done as soon as possiDie. Among
those in the group were George
Nickle, Fred Stock, John Gustin and
Charles Bornemeier.
Salmon is Cheaper!
H Pink Salmon, 1-lb. tall can 100 S
j Red Salmon, best quality, 2 cans. . .350
j Meat Department j
H Fancy Beef Roast, per lb 1G0 g
gj Shoulder Steak, 2 lbs. for 350 p
5 Hamburger Steak, 3 lbs. for . . , 250 m
fj Pork Butt Roast, per lb 120 5
s Fresh Ham Roast, lb 150 f
Full Crea mCheese, lb 1Q0 g
Flank Steaks, per lb , . 200 H
Bacon Squares, 2 lbs. for 250
Large Pork Chops, 2 lbs. for 250
Fancy small Pork Chops, lb 150 Q
Weiners, per lb nl
gj Frankfurters, 2 lbs. for 23d 0
Elcm tlnCo Cortege Chccco
Fresh Every Day TRY CORSE
Han't foreet your Friend on
Friendship Day. Sunday, August 7.
A cmnnlete line or caros uaws
Cook Store.
CccS Otero
Journal Want-Ada flat results 1 1 GEL. .!jL