The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY, JULY 25, 1932.
Mauley News Items
Eugene Ault, of riattsmouth, was
visiting: with friends for a short time
c:i last Thursday afternoon.
George Boedeker, from east of
town, was delivering wheat to the
I.Ianlcy elevator last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Itauth were
enjoying a community picnic at the
Taker grove south of Keeping "Water
on last Sunday.
John C. Rauth was ever to Omaha
c.i last Tuesday with a load of cattle
which ere delivered by Al Ralston,
of Weeping Water.
The work of threshing has about
been completed in the vicinity of
Mar.!(-y and the farmers are pleased they have gotten this portion of
v orlc off their hands.
David Brann was a visitor in Om-ci-a
for a good portion of last week,
where he was spending the three i
i! ays at the heme of a niece, who
makes here home there.
Mrs. Elma Pearson, of Denver, was
spending the past week and will visit
longer with her mother, Mrs. Alice
Jenkins and also with other friends
cf whom she has many.
Arnold Schliefert and the family
were over to Weeping Water on last
Thursday evening, where they were
citending the band concert and meet
ing with their many friends.
Mrs. Rudolph Bergman entertained
at her home on last Wednesday, the
Members of the Royal Neighbors of
America, where all enjoyed the oc
ecsicn very much and as well looked
after the business of the order.
Biilie Potter and grandmother,
Ilrs. Darias W. Clarke, of Tlatts
Mcuth, were visitors in Manley fcr
a short time on last Wednesday and
wt re admiring the grotto and grounds
at th t. Patrick's church and par
ish house.
Miss Irene Reister, who has been
in an Omaha hospital convalescing
frcm a recent operation, was able to
return home last week. Miss Irene was
cared for by her mother, an experi-
Fred Flaischman and family, Antone
Auerswald and wife, John Gruber and
family, Frank Reister and daughter
Dorothy, Charles Voightman, Joseph
Wolnert. Venie Rockwell. Elmer
Johnson, Harry Hawes and wife and
Herbert Schliefert.
Fire Destroys Barn
Last Thursday evening, the barn on
the farm of Joseph Wolpert was dis
covered to be on fire and was con
sumed as there was no way of fight
ing the fire. The mow of the barn had
been filled with clover hay, which it
was thought ignited Trom spontaneous
combustion, as the uncured hay was
going through the heat period. Glen
Meisinger lives on the farm and had
some harness in the barn, but we did
not learn whether they were saved or
not. Mr. Wolpert carried insurance on
the property, covering the barn, but
nrnhahiv Itir'i fFieient to cover his
loss. Mr. Meisinger telephoned in and
a number drove out to the place.
en?.;! nurse, and received the very
Lest of care.
Tie Ccal Shed Bums
The ccal shed at the rear of the
stcre of Then. Harms on last Tuesday
afternoon was found to be on fire and
t5 s everything was very dry, it was
impossible to chet k the flames and the
shed burned to the ground. The citi
zens of Manley, however, responded
very promptly, all coming with two
buckets of water and working to pro
tt" t other property. It wa3 fortunate
th.t the wind was in the south, great
ly diminishing the hazard of the other
buildings. The fire was watched and
cared for until the danger wa3 over.
Give and Take in Basebill
Some time ago the Manley ball
team was over to Ashland, where they
played ball and were able to win
ever the Ashland team by a score of
7 to 5. Last week Ashland played
hero ard the score was reversed, the
L:itors winning by exactly the same
score. Well, ycu know, "Turn about
is fair play."
Attended Ak-Sar-Ben
Many of the people of Manley and
vicinity were in attendance at the
rp-n house which was given by the
Ak-Sar-IIen to the people of Cass and
Oioe counties last Monday night.
Among those going from here were
Did Very Clever Work
With the construction of the Man
w erlinnl huildinsr there were left
places which derearrd Thsmin Fen
some panel3 for later decoration
These panels were artistically
decorated with mosaic work concrete
with stones inlaid and with the many
ciinrs made a most artistic bit of
work. One panel contains the form
er school building, which wa3 con
structed in 1SS1 and which served for
a half century as a place of instruc
tion for the young people of this com
munity, in which the building was
shewn in miniature in many colors of
stone work and stands there a memor
ial of the service to education for the
fifty years and a testimony to the
very clever work cf Mr. Jamison. An
other panel was used to depict the
pyramids and is also a very fine bit
of work, while a third panel shows
an cpen book, which signifies the ac
quisition of learning and from it a
ladder reaching upwards, signifying
that by continued application to ones
tasks and to study it is possible to
climb round by round up the ladder
cf progress and fame, and also that
it is up to most of us what we make
of ourselves. When in Manley take a
peep at this bit of very fine work.
From Thursday's Daily
Miss Jacqueline Davis of Falls
City, i3 here to enjoy a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Soen
nichsen. Miss Davis is a daughter
cf Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, former
residents here.
Alvo Mevs
joined by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falk-
ler and Mrs. Horriter, all of Corning,
Iowa. All enjoyed the visit very much
and returned home late in the evening.
Lester Frolich was a Lincoln visi
tor last Saturday afternoon.
H.irnld Wall, of Elm wood, has been
working in the harvest fields for thur ?inges and wife M.r- and Mrs
Attended Show at Den
On last Monday evening Mayor Ar-
Frank Cook.
Mrs. Marie Stroemer visited with
her friend, Lola Carr, at Beatrice, Ne
braska, several days last week.
Frances Ann Edwards returned
from her visit with her grandparents
at Auburn, Nebraska, last week.
Miss Anderson, who is an instruc-
C. D. Ganz, Simon Rehmeier and wife
and A. B. Stromer and wife made a
happy party that went to Omaha to
attend the show at the Ak-Sar-Ben
Court Hands
Down Lav on
Bank Draft
Purchaser is Buyer of Bank's Credit
and Funds Lose Trust
Happy Workers
We judged cakes at this meeting.
tor in the Superior schools is visiting which was very interesting. We had
her sister. Mrs. Barkhurst a few four kinds of cakes sponge, choco-
days late, angel food and spice,
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Stroemer and daueh- First on sponge cake was Josephine
ter. and Mrs. Frank Cook and daugh- Stewart; second, Katherine Edwards;
ter. Joan, were Lincoln visitors last third- Florence Roelofsz; fourth, Lola
I V, A 1 A . 1 T .
Thnrsdiv uueifr. on cnocoiuie rae, iieue
- -' i
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stone are rejoic- Peterson was first and Mary west,
ing over the new granddaughter be- Second. Angel food cake. Joan Cook,
ine born Julv 3rd to Mr. and Mrs. first- and La Verne Holka- second
ij.Wn.P nf California. There was only one spice cake there
L. D. Mullen and daughter. Miss and that belonged to Verna Vickers.
Nita, were called to Elmwood on last 11 was very nico-
Wednesday to look after some busi- We wiH JudRe Pie3 at our next
ness matters for the afternoon. u,etl...B, -..u a.i are
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer West and fam- to tMs Wltn Pleasure,
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roel- As some of the Sirl3 think the 4"H
.1 . It X 4 Via
ofsz and family enjoyed a picnic sup- lIUUS "tu ""l ytf"' 11 "aa "
per on the Roelofsz lawn Sunday 'e11 fader's fault. We sang some
-"""'b- I ....
The picture show which was given served by Mrs. Roy btewart.
From Friday's Dally
Attorney C. D. Ganz of Alvo was
in the city for a short time today
looking after some matters in the
county court in which he was in
terested. Attorney Guy L. Clements of Elm
wood was p.mong the out of town
callers at the court house today, be
ing here to look after some matters
in the county court in which he was
Miss Lelia Vroman of Ravenna,
Nebraska, is here to enjoy a visit at
the home of her grandfather. L. E.
Vroman and the other relatives and
friends. She will enjoy a visit here
for some time at least.
If you want to seTI anything,
try a Journal Want-Ad. The cost
is small.
Portable Typewriters
Regular Price, 365 Going at
Ycu could search the country over look
ing for a better bargain than this. Look
where you will only just remember these
are brand new and not rebuilt machines.
Only another month till school opens. Why not
pivo that studious boy or girl a typewriter?
tiuy it hero Wednesday for about half what the
same model sold for a couple of years ago
and 23 under- the manufacturers standard
list price today. Only two to sell at this price.
Many cth er special values for Gift Day, including an en
tire table of Gift Goods on which the price has been cut
20, 50 and even 100. Look them over Wednesday!
Ask for Your Coupons
Dates Book & Stationery Store
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
under the auspices of the business
men of Alvo drew a large and inter
ested crowd of people from the sur
rounding country.
The H. D. Richardson family, of
Kearney, Nebraska, are visiting at
the Alfred Stroemer home and with
other friends for a few days. They
arrived Friday afternoon.
W. H. Warner, with his several
machines, is making the threshing
fly at this time and is not losing any
time, for all the farmers are anxious
to get the work off their hands.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rehmeier. who
have been making their home at that
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, depart
ed last Sunday for Omaha, where
they will visit at the home of their
daughter. Mrs. Adolf Mogensen and
Miss Minnie Fetersen and daughter.
Miss Dorothy, who have been visiting
in Kansas, Oklahoma and New Mex
ico for the past seven months, return
ed home on last Saturday and were
pleased to see their old time friends
here again. They tell of the crops
being good there, but that rain Is
needed badly, i -
Roy Lever is pleased as is also his
wife, over the arrival of a very fine
nine pound son who came to the
hospital in Lincoln last Friday and
Alvo Camp Fire News
The meeting was called to order at
3 o'clock by the president.
The secretary's report was read
and approved.
Roll call found everybody there
with the exception of two.
We elected Mary West and Verna
Vickers to have charge of the selling
of candy and pop corn Saturday
Wc discussed several other things.
after which we adjourned.
For a while after that we worked
on our quilt, arter wnicn we were
served a mo3t delicious lunch.
Lincoln, July 20. The Nebraska
supreme court Wednesday aeennea
to retreat from its stand that tht
state board of equalization erred last
year in arbitrarily rdeucing assess
ments of natural gas pipe lines 17
per cent.
The "court overruled the board's
motion for a rehearing in the case
which had been brought by Attor
ney General Sorensen and Gage
Dakota and Saline counties.
The court also denied a rehcarin
New banking law was written in
to the records Friday when the su
preme court, in an opinion by Judge
Frost, acting as a member of the
court affirmed the action of the dis
trict court of Dawes county in liti
gation involving a draft issued by
the First State bank of Alliance and
which had not made the rounds of
the mails before the bank was closed.
The draft represented a deposit in
the bank by the clerk of t.'m district
court, who was custodian of funds
realized from the Kale of lands un
der an order of partition, and who
used a check on theco fund.; with
which to buy the draft sent to the
party to whom the money wa3 due.
The court says that even tho a de
posit made in a bank by a clerk of
th flic-trict court is made out of
trust funds which are known to be
such by an executive officer of the
bank, still, when the representative
of the beneficiaries of that trust fund
asks the clerk 'to. purchase a draft
in payment thereof and in response
he receives and accept-; the draft so
purchased, he becomes a creditor of
the bank and loae bin right to any
preference which he may have had
over the depositor.".
A purchase cf a bar.k draft, the
court holds, is a purchaser of the
bank's credit and a holder of ex
change, and as ruoh J3 entitled to
share pro rata with depositors and
other holders of exchange in the as
sets of a failed bank and in the de
positor final settlement fund, but,
in the absence cf spe-ial circum
stances, is not er.tltlod to have his
claim allowed as a trim fund. No
such special circumotanccs arc found
to exist in the case c.t bar.
Willi lilt; iiivriiici j KCliiuc uiun. iti; i, . . . . 0
in an action of the receiver of the
...1,. w u.c n Xebraska state bank of Norfolk
is nothing compared to Grandfather ! ingt the Bchool district Qf the city
Art Bird, who sure is really tickled
and why not, for the young man is
a very fine young American
On Friday evening of last week,
the family of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Frolich were enjoying a birthday so
cial for Mr. Frolich when more cars
arrived from Lincoln to help him rea
lize he had passed his 66th year. Mr.
Frolich lives three miles south of
Alvo and is able to work in the field
every day with his sons. We are glad
to know he is enjoying good health
Virgil Woods and Albert Fairfield
met up with quite an experience one
day last week. Albert was driving
Virgil's car and hit loose gravel, the
car being overturned and damaged
considerably, but both boys are able
to get around without any medical
care, so they are considering the ac
cident as very luck indeed. However,
they were somewhat bruised and lame
as a result of the mishap.
L. D. Mullen received word last
week of the passing of a cousin, Oscar
Ditmeier, of Gresham, and with the
family departed on Saturday for that
place to attend the funeral which was
held the following day. The cousin.
of pierce and the state. The issues
involved interpretation of the legal
ity of certain set-offs in accounts be
tween the bank and the governmen
tal units.
Continued reports from the South
where Cass county Boy Scouts are
spending a month, indicate the boys
are having a wonderful time with a
baseball game or two every day, fine
campsites and a touch of the genuine
southern hospitality for which that
part of the country has long been
They will be home around the 5th
of August, as now planned.
Mrs. Robert Reed was hostess at
most charming bridge breakfast
Friday morninsr at 10:30. The set
tings for the home were in the sum
mer flowers which made a very
charming picture for the pleasant
occasion. In the Dlaying Airs, urn
Mnrtln wan n ix-r. rrlnd liitrh score. Mrs.
air. uumeier, was j years oiu ana ... , , , Thn
... . . W. G. Kieck second, and Mrs. Jonn
leaves a wife and some grown child
ren. Speaking of the crops there,
Mr. Mullen said the corn was not as
good as here and that rain was need
ed when he was there, but that he
understood it had rained since his
leaving there. He said the wheat was
very poor, but the oats were excel
A. Griffin, the third
Entertained Friends Sunday
Thursday afternoon Delona Doo
ley, five-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Dooley, was taken to
Omaha and placed " in a hospital
where she will receive treatment.
The little one has suffered from com
plications that followed an attack of
Mr. anu Mrs. hlmon Rehmeier en- scarlet fever and which has caused
tertamea at their home in Alvo last her a Ereat deal nt flnn0vance.
aunaay anu naa as their guests for
the day and the very fine dinner
which was served, Mr. and Mrs. Adolf
IT j-fc, 1 -n v
AeuM-ii. iu umana. rranK layior Washington. Secretarv Mills an-
ana wne, ci aivo; u. Kenmeier and nounced :tho treasury will sell 80
wue. parents oi oimon, uorotny Ken- million doars in nlnety-one day
meter or Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. treasurv bills to Mtrhest bidders
jaiis ourensen, oi umana. submitting nnia th federal
........... (3 ifivuuaia " - -
reserve banks un to 2 P. m. next
Enjoyed Visit at Logan, Iowa Monday. The bills will be dated
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bailey and July 27 and mature Oct. 26, when
their son, Kenneth, drove over to they will be redeemed at face value
Lcgan. Iowa, on last Sunday, where The money obtained will be used to
they epent the day at the home of a retire $51,550,000 of maturing bills
sister of Mrs. Bailey. Mrs. Rose and to meet other expenses of the
Bucharest, nan?.n;a. Sunday's
elections, in wfcich the rational
peasants' party won 77 of the 387
seats in parliament, may mean that
Juliu Maniu will personally head the
government to put thru an exten
sive program of cconcmlen and alter
ations in the taxation system, as well
Vcdnecday, July 21, 1932
AT 9:15 P.M., SHARP
Immediately following the Wednesday
Gift Night Distribution
There will be about 30 minutes of snappy,
fast selling. Everybody come. This home
of furniture that must be sold consists of one
3-piece Living Room Suite, one Wilton rug,
one Congoleum rug, one Radio, one Buffet,
Table and Chairs, two full size Beds with
Springs and Mattresses, one size Bed
with Springs and Mattress, one Cream Sep
arator, some Cooking Utensils, Dishes and
other articles not mentioned. . . . Terms can
be arranged on purchases of $15 or over
with a satisfactory down payment.
These Goods will be Sold on the Street
Phone 645 PLATTSMOUTH So. 6th St
REX YOUNG, Auctioneer
A. S. GHRIST, Clerk
as trade agreements to enable Ru
mania to market her products
abroad. The elections again showed
the truth of the Rumanian political
principle that the party which makes
an election wins it. The official re
turns showed 1,203,400 vote3 for the
national peasants' party against
400,000 for J. G. Duca's liberals, who
got twenty-eight seats.
The rest of the opposition consists
of fourteen seats for the Hungarian
national party, thirteen for George
Cratianu's liberals, twelve for the
peasant faction led by Nicholas
Lupu. and four for Gen. Alexander
Averescu's reoplcs' party. The re
mainder were divided among the so
cialist, national union and anti-Jewish
The national peasants' party an
nounced that immediately after the
convocation of parliament July o0
the cabinet will be readjusted. Xc
gctiations are understood already to
have been started to eliminate dif
ferences between the dominant party
and King Carol.
Duluth. A crowd cf twenty
members of the international lalor
defence, a communist affiliated or
ganization, fought with Shc-riir
Owens and a crew of deputies in
the courthouse here after the com
munists had become dibordt-rly in
asking relief at the poor com mission
office. Sam K. Davis, organizer, was
arrested. Walter Rutchart, deputy,
was knocked - unconscious by a
blackjack wielded by . a , member of
his own force.
Special Selling of id-Summer Frocks!
that will set a New Record for Underselling
F,ZSSES that would ordinar-i-y
?e!l for much more. We invite
your most critical inspection of
these no-two-alike models. You
can't afford to miss a buying op
portunity of this major import
er cr. One day only, July 27.
these dresses will win your in
stant approval. We bought them
direc tfrom an overstocked man
ufacturer at a big discount and
are thus enabled to pass the sav
ing on to our patrons.
You will quickly sense their Value in comparison
with Dresses you have paid $10 for
The Shop of Personal Service
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
Schee&ll, and where they also were government.