: I't AGE rous PLATTS1IOUTH SE1H - WEEKLY JOUBNAE THUBSDAY, JULY 21, 1932. The Home Store LVE conduct our storo ourself and eliminate all possible expense therefore are able to give you more for your money and the best goods. You do not pay other people's bills, for we sell for cash. We Welcome Your Business Union, Nebraska ALVO BIBLE CLASS 'Back to Farm Move Started P. F. Rihn and wife were over to Glenwood on last Sunday where they -r rt it thA hnmc of Mr. and The Alvo Bible class meets every Mrs. Art Evans who are very close! Sunday night at 8 o'clock at Stewart friends and there were able to meet I hall. J.M n TTimtPr who has been ill " is a real lesumony ior me tiaw since the first of the year. Mr. and when 36 people will come out as Many Who Migrated to Cities Dur Mrs Hunter make their home in warm a night as last Sunday was. ing Past 10 Years Return I I. I 3 a tttn I 4.1. Trt r:nicin7-o. nO'oro Mr TTnnfpr is tore e are very giaitiui niuecu iui iu i tne xaixu. i.-.v.. - - I the Burlins-ton railway good response from the people of Alvo. I The back-to-the-rarm movement is If the weather continues warm we on in earnest, realty brokers say. keeper for at that point. Mr. greatly impdoved. Hunter is now UNION TEMS. Enioyed Charivari Dance On last Saturday some hundred will have an electric fan to cool us Many young men who migrated to i off hereafter. We were glad to see the cities during the past 10 years the new folks out again. We were have returned to farming. Never and one couples came to the home of Phased beyond measure for the in- was there a more opportune time Met at Lincoln Sunday Dorothy Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Moore, who has been visiting in l oi k for tno past two weeks was brought home by her grandparents to Lincoln Sunday, where Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mcore went to meet them. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett L. Kohrell and gave this couple a very nice serenade and as a fitting recognition of the friendlv call Mr. and Mrs. Kohrell went to Dunbar where they gave a Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor were "a1" "i me "-"' y.iw. ...... I 1 11 it.. 1 f f ! All at thP home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. enjoyed tne evening 10 me i.mn Hoback. C. E. Withrow of Nebraska City was a visitor in Union on last Sunday and guest of his son, Elmer Withrow and family. Misses' Eeona Fletcher and Viola Acklf-y were enjoying a swim at the Murray bathing beach on last Sat urday night. Albert Kohrell and wife were visiting in Union on List Sunday, it being t!u birthday ef Albert, which was fpent with the parents of L. F. Kohrell and family. S. M. Taylor and family made a very weboir.e and worth while gift cf chickens and eggs as well as mi!k ta Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor which w:? thankfully received. Sherrii'f E. W. Thinigan and deputy Rav Becker were down to Unirn where they secured four young lads v.!i:.!i lli.-v In,-!; to I'lattsmoutli O'l . " ..., . Ir. G. II. Oilniore who is the fam- 1 ; v'lil t l l1 tail iu- L -'. . j uai-u Frans to I'to Methodist hospital terest the young people are showing, for the city man Avho has saved up a Let us keep praying that God will few thousand dollars to get back to reach the hearts of many folks dur- the farm, as there are so many won- ing tne summer, itev. it. it. urown aeriui Dargains oeing oiiereu, mem- (Radio Brown) has promised to be bers of Nebraska Mortgage Bankers with us for a service soon. association report I Galatians 1:9-12. Following is a report of sales dur- "As we said before, so say I now ing the past couple of weeks: again. If any man preacn any otner Boone County. Kospel unto you than that ye have Farmers State bank, Albion, to received, let him be accursed. Mike Molzyk. 160 acres, $101.50 per For do I now persuade men, or God, acre. or do I seek to please men? For if I Enjoyed Gathering At the home cf Otto Ehliers and the good wife there were gathered on last Sunday a nice circle of friends and relatives who enjoyed the pleas ant gathering at the home as well as the very fine dinner which was f-erved by the good housewife, Mrs. Ehliers. There were there for the occasion Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Becker, Mrs. Mr.rv Havonridge and eni- vieve and Donald Becker. Butler County John Eberlv. referee, to Jack P, yet pleased men, I should not be the perine, 80 acres, $100 per acre, servant of Christ. I Clav County. "But I certify vou. brethren, that Rov N. Nelson et al. to Fred J. I v r T rt V. rncnnl wl.iVll -oc rvl-o oVt o,1 nf mp JOIlIlSsOIl, acres, per rtllt. ,. T ... i-reel j. jonnson, executor. 10 r-u- is not aner man. r ui i ,.e.L.,t-i .c- y reterson. 160 acres. $6S.75 ceived it of man, neither was I taught per acre. Dr. McCiou l of C aI:oriu.i owner of the office building where Dr. W. W. CIaI:uh oi'iccs. was in Union on last Monday where he was locking after some business nu tters for a short time. County commissioner E. B. Chap mrn. when he was going to Scicta w here he had the gang working pick ed up Daniel Lynn, Bud Fitch ani W. A. Tayior, giving these boys a ride ii th" country. John Fitzpatrick and daughter Mis 5 Lorn, und Con V.'atkins and daughter Tdiss Bessie were over to Murray whre they were enjoying the ball game as well as meeting many people at the Murray bathing beach. John R. Stine, a brother of both II. I). Stine and W. L. Stine and who makes his home in Flattsmouth. was a visitor in L'nion cn last Monday and Tuesday anil enjoyed a very fim visit with the brevthers ar.d as well with the host of friends in and about Union. Charles L. Greene v.r.s over to Omaha on last Sunday where he went to see the good wife who is convelescing rt the hospital follow ing her operation for appendicitis. He found the wife making good prog ress and experts to be able to bring her home this week. Joseph Banning and wife and their Ecn Liircan and daughter Miss Nola, as well as Mrs. W. II. Porter and Miss Pearl Banning were over to the J. N. Larch home on last Sunday. They took along a pi-nio dinner which they enjoyed under the cjoI shade of the stately trees of that beautiful home. Fred W. Young and wife and their son, Lee Young and wife, all from Seibert, Colorado, arrived in Union on last Monday morning and have been visiting with their many friends here during the week. They formerly made their home here and have many relatives and friends here with whom they are enjoying their visit. Miss Lola Fitzpatrick gave a very enjoyable slumber party to a number of her young lady friends which was most throughly enjoyed by each member of the party who also enjoy ed a very appettizing breakfast as well. The young Iadic3 were so well pleased that they are looking fcr a time when they can again enjoy such a delightful time. t Omaha where ho is to undergo an operation for appendicitis if after observation it shall bo determined the btst. Dr. Davis of Omaha has care of his case. it, but by the revolution of Jesus Christ." We are holding these Bible classes for the purpose of helping folks to have a better understanding of the Word of God. And to show men. women and children how to get to Heaven. This class has no connection with any church. I belong to the church of my choice, ensen, you join the church of your choice. Let us study the Bible together. V. S. DARKEY, Bible Teacher. E STANDARD BEARERS MEET SURPRISE FRIEND Mrs. Joseph Libershal .was hostess at a most delightful afternoon of cards . loiuiay, tne occasion lieing a surprise arranged in honor of Mrs. A. G. Bach, whose birthday occurred on July IStli. The pleasant after noon opened with a 1 o'clock lunch con and followed with several tables of pinochle at which a most wonder ful time was enjoyed by the mem bers cf the jolly party. In the play ing Mrs. William Distell proved the mot successful while the second prizo was awarded to Mrs. Thomas Svoboda. Tho remainder of the after noon was spent in visiting and in extending to Mrs. Bach the wish for n.r.:iy more such happy events. In serving Mrs. Lihershal was as sisted by her niece, Mrs. Frank God win, of Lovelock, Nevada, and Miss Anna Jirousek. The out cf town guests were Mrs. J. M. Carney and Mrs. E. F. Vobouil. sisters of Mrs. Bach, cf Omaha, Mrs. Elizabeth Rodgers, of Albany, New York, who is a guest here at the ho::!e of her daughter, Mrs. William Distell. HARRIED AT YORK The marriage of Miss Emily Gi ve nter, former I'lattsmouth girl, and Charier. Scdeise-k, of Omaha, occurred the past week at York. Nebraska, to wljieh city the young people motor ed from their home at Omaha. The wedding was very quiet and follow ing it the bride and groom returned to Omaha. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Civentcr, former resi dents of this eiiy, where the bride spent her younger yean,, going later to Brooklyn, New York, where she resided with relatives for a few years. She returned west shortly before the family moved to Omaha and has since mad her home there. The groom is one of the well known young men of the south ride and is at this time engaged in the grocery business in South Omaha, being located on West Q street. August E. Ilahlweg. to Eben Randall, 160 acres. $50 per acre. Cuming County. Herman Schweers to Gerhard II Schweers. 80 acres. $102 per acre Conrad Welding to Henry A. As- choff, 80 acres, $175 per acre. Fritz Groth to Wilhelm Brum Brummond, SO acres, $172.50 per acre. Dawson County J. D. Christensen to M. H. Christ SO acres, $100 per acre Dodge County Referee to Ferdinand Vodvarka. the Henry Studnicka from near Dodge, $157.50 per acre. Fillmore County. Hulda O. Benson to William E. Hall, 160 acres, $84.25 per acre. Frontier County Edward Beery to Glenn L. Beery, 160 acres, $42 per acre. Gage County. Martin estate to C. W. Martin, 160 acres, $110 per acre. George Barnard to C. C. Le Poide- ain. ICO acres, $iuu per acre. Hamilton County. Charles H. Hagemeister to Herman E. Kuehner, 160 acres, $71 per acre. Walter L. Wilson to Minnie L. Wilson. 160 acres, $100 per acre. Walter L. Wilson to Minnie L. Wilson, 160 acres, $83.50 per acre. Isaac P. Regier to Kornelius 1 . Epp, 80 acres. $142 per acre. Jefferson County. Elmer G. Sukovaty to Vaclav J Veseley, 160' acres, $125 per acre. Kearney County William H. Kennedy to Ocke Bun- nnjiv nftornnnn in th Tpth- odist Episcopal church the monthly meeting of the Standard Bearers was held. We had election of officers. These officers will noUtake office until Sep tember. Those elected were: President Irene Simons. Vice-President Amy Elliott. Corresponding Secretary Harriet Simons. Recording Secretary Virginia Trively. Treasurer Delta Day. Reporter Naomi Day. We talked of sending a Christmas box to- some foreign country- Grace Henry led the devotions ger. 160 acres, $59.50 per acre I -a i r- v t .a T- i An,v T'liintt hn,i th vArv intpr- wiiuam ii. ivenneuy ei ai. 10 ntr , tha Grapenthin, 55 acres, $45.50 per e had four visitors. They were John L. Laue et al. to William D Glenn Rhodes, Alice Wiles, Eugene Laue. SO acres. $S1.25 per acre Bushnell and Mildred Schnelzel. Madison County r.s.. o-,.,i Christian Kohlkof to Paul Kohl I knf 1 W nrrpQ S7ft nor nrrp oy irene Simons anu -Mrs. r.. it. v es- John n Punnt to Andrew Clock- cott. REPORTER. er. 10 acres. $75 per acre. Otoe County, Leighton I. Taylor, to Etta M. and Fred F. Lyon, 40 acres, $93.75 per acre Blaine County. Henry Vlasak to Frank J. Soldat SO acres, $172.50 per acre. William F. Matzke to Arthur W. Matzke, 80 acres, $87.50 per acre. Saunders County. David Flodman to John H. John son, 80 acres. $104.50 per acre. Frank W. Konecky et al. to Henry N. Bobbins, 160 acres. $160 per acre Scotts Bluff County, Charles H. Safford to Edith C. Pat ORGANIZE CLUB The Riverview Junior cooking club was organized at Gayers home May 31, 1932. Six little girls be came charter members. They are: Avis Sayers, Erma Sayers, Leona Baker. Alda Campbell, Betty Gayer, and Mary Gayer. They meet every Tuesday at Gayers and studied the lesson of the first year cooking pro ject. Next Tuesday they will have the last meeting and invite their moth- terson, SO acres, $132 per acre. ers. brothers and sisters. They will Seward County have a nicnic and achievement nro- William Beckler to William er Tt win i n i,n,i,i , ront I Langworthy, SO acres, $87.50 finish up. CLUB REPORTER. E. per Gst tho clop to lill flics at Our Store BLACK FLAG, POISON PAPER, SWATTERS, TANGLE FOOT AND FLY RIBSONS Rice Krispies, now, per pkg. . 106 Corn, Tomatoes, Peas, No. 2 cans, 3 for . 250 Potatoes, per peck 15 cmr cczo department Small size Girls9 Dresses, odd sizes. . . . 19c Rag Rugs, 24x47 in., special value, each . 27t Men's Work Sox . . . . 1C pair and 3 for 230 Water Tumblers, C for 200 ULZzi O Gcrccne Tenons Ilo. ZD . "Union, Nebraska acre. Stanton County. Christian Kohlhof to William PIONEER PASSES 8STH BIRTHDAY Kohlhof, 240 acres. $47 per acre. Thayer uounty tt m ? - a a y rr!.i Jnn OA Mis. Rachel Pell entnvP.l n hirth- nenry i leijen 10 ii. i. v W:i vn ? Count v. ler, jurs. A. u. rearsiey Sunday. Mrs oa nv n;a itP farm sold Pell's birthday was Wednesday, July at auction to William Riese for heirs 13th, but she didn't celebrate until at ?69-so Ppr acre, Sunday. She came to Nebraska witTI her father. Mr. John Erwin in the '50's. Tliey homesteaded the farm now occupied by Mr. John Larsh and Tho Plattsmouth friends of the resided there for many years. familv of Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Plimp Mrs. Pell is very active. She does ton. of Glenwood. will be pleased to au oi nor own work. In spite oi hearn that thpir daughter. Miss her advanced age she can still read Helen, is improving from the effects printing tne size of ordinary news SHOWING IMPROVEMENT paper type glasses. without the aid of RIVER AS SWIMMING PLACE A number of the more youthful devotees of the swimming sport are turning to the big muddy as their favorite recreation spot, rather than tne bathing beaches or pits. The river affords them more privacy than the more popular resorts and when they wish to swim in the "raw" they may do so without attracting wide spread attention. There is a certain amount of risk for the swimmers in the river current and only those who are experienced should make the ex periment of river swimming. Will Pay the Following Prices for THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Heavy Springs, lb. .130 Leghorns and Black Springs . lyv Heavy Hens, lb.:. . . 100 Leghorn Hens, lb. . 70 Roosters, lb. . . .i.s.-. 50 Cream .... 150 or More of her recent injuries. Miss Plimp ton suffered a fractured jaw and sev eral severe bruises in an auto wreck in Wyoming, while en route home from California. In the accident F. H. Raynor. Glenwood mortican, was severaly injured and his young son killed. 'LITTLE STITCHERS" MEET The "Little Stitchers" sewing club held a meeting July 15. at the home of Mrs. A. O. Ault. The girls judged the things they have made so far. The girls on the judging commit tee were: Dress. Bern ice Kaffenber- ger, Louis Gregg and Alice Franke; towels, Henrietta Oxley, Uelila Meier- dierks, Naeline Penton; underwear outfits, Ruth and Elaine Miller and Maryann Swanda. Their leader, Mrs. Cummins, served a lunch. The next project will be a chil dren's outfit and tho next meeting will be July 26th. MARYANN SWANDA, News Reporter. EIGHT KILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, July 24 9:30 a. m. Sunday Echool. 10:30 a. m. German services. 8:00 p. m. Luther League. On Wednesday afternoon, June 27th the ladies aid will meet at the church. All the members will participate. TAKEN UP Holstein bull, close to 2 years old. Inquire C. L. Stull, Plattsmouth. CELEBRATE BIRTHDAYS In honor of the birthday anni versaries of Miss Ruth Janda and Loui3 Sedlak, a number of the friends arranged a very pleasant pic nic party in their honor Tuesday. The party motored out into the country and where a jolly time was had in partaking of the repast that had been arranged by the ladies. After a most delightful outing tho members of the party returned homo and with the wish that the guests of honor miht have many more such happy gatherings. Those who en joyed tho party were Eleanor O'Brien, Frances and Beatrice Krejci. Ruth Janda, Mary Holy, Louis Svo boda. James Holy. Alex Sehliscke, Ernest Janda, Loui3 Sedlak. Carl Speck, Fred Throckmorton of Den ver, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krejci. This Ad for Friday and Saturday, July 22nd and 23rd o at Hlatiliy-Binky yesa have an economical advantage over those who do not! $1.35 Ar IUIU 10 4 doz. crate Fancy Washington Lg. Baskets, 35c CANTALOUPES3for25c Extra Large Size WATERMELONS lb., 2c BANANAS 3FT,Rip? . . 19c ORANGES Mej. sire doz. 23c Sunkist Sweet and Juicy rT A ni?0 California HUE Malagus lb. 10c SALMON DEL IY.ONTE or COURTESY Fancy Red, 1-lb. tall can - -BRIGADIER or ROSEDALE Medium Red, 1-lb. tall can -HAPPYVALE or WESTPORT Fancy Pink, 1-lb. tall can - 2 for 35c 2 for 29c 2 for 19c SWANS DOWN Pillsbury's or Airy Fairy Cake Flour PKQ. 191 Del Monte Crushed PINEAPPLE No. 10 Can (so-called Gallon) 39c No. r Shredded Wheat or KELLOGG'S RICE KRISPIES 2 pkgs. 19' SUGAR GW. 10- Ib. Cloth Bag 100-1 b. bag, $4.39 Iced Tea Blended for a Delicious Drink y2-ib., io Lb. - - - 29' BEST-OF-ALL Margarine Per lb. ft(Q)C Casco Creamery BUTTER Mb. carton 17' P. & G. i lObars - - - & Silver Bar Peaches or Apricots, No. 2y2 can 15 Tick Tock Pears, No. 2y2 can 15 Challenge Brand Early Variety Peas, No. 2 can 10c? Bed Oak Sugar Cor No. 2 can, 2 for , 15 Tri-Sum Pure Apple Butter, Giant 3V2-lb. jar 29 Macaroni, Spaghetti or Shell Macaroni, 2 lbs 15 Cigarettes, all 15c pkg-s., 2 for 27 ; Carton $1.29 Prince Albert or Velvet Tobacco, 15c size, 2 for 25 ; 1 lb 89 White Bolls or Wings Cigarettes, pkg. of 20 10 Edgeworth Tobacco, 15c size, 2 for 25 Boll Bite Cigarette Tobacco, 10c size, 3 for 250 Bull Durham or Stud Smoking Tobacco, 6 pkgs. for 25$ Hinky-Dinky Sweet Mild Blend 3 lbs., 55; Lb. 3L91 VficadGsaiflB or Dcattcsrnut CaflOCl CeacSrag 1000 Island or Spread 8 oz. jar 15c, Pt. 23c, Qt. 39c CROWN JEWELL FLOUR A real good flour at a low thrift price. 48-lb. bag 73' WEaeatt Pops 2 pkgs. . 27 2 pkgs. . HQ 0 American, Brick, Swiss Pimento, Limburger, Chateau American, Chateau Pimento i 2 lb. pkgs. . . for 2gs SALADA TEA Green Japan or Brown Label Orange Pekoe irlb.,17 yo-lb.,33 VIGO The Better Dog Feed For Dogs, Puppies and Cats. 3 Cans FLY-TOJI Fly Spray V Pint, 33 Pint. 490 Quart - 89' Hinky-Dinky "very Bag Guaranteed 24-lb. 4SIb- QOA Bag 48-lb. WEante Effing Granulated Goajp FREE I One bar of Whit Kind Toilet Soap nlven in return for carton end from lg. size pkg. giving silk washing directions! Small Pkg., 8c Med. Pkg., 23c Largo Package - The Modern Vacuum Packed SDEIL R3(S)OTS A Delicious Blend at a Thrift Price a Ufa. rvns 2 flcp. & GOCDo aim, PURITAN Plain or Hop Flavored ' Can . Plattsmouth Produce Phone tho news to No. 6.