The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 11, 1932, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    EONDAY. JULY 11, 1932.
'Warren Alfred Ruekncll was real
sick the first part of the week with
a severe cold.
Mrs. Dora Leesley and Harry Lees-
ley were Lincoln visitors last Sat
urday morning1.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartsook spent
the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. Tune
Hartsook at University Place.
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. McFadden were
dinner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Marvin on last Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schuster and
son of Underwood, Iowa, visited her
mother, Mrs. Nannie Coleman on the
Dr. and Mrs. V. H. FcFadden and
son were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Mathews on last Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mannbeck and
baby spent the Fourth with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mathcs and Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Walradt and families
spent Monday evening at the A. E.
Leesley homo.
Mrs. Hurry Leesley was tailed to
Manley Thursday evening on account
of the illness of her daughter, Mis.
Mike Shethan.
O. E. S. kensington will meet next
Wednesday afternoon at t!ie Masonic
Hall with Mrs. Earl Stradley ar.d Mrs.
W. I. Miller as hostesses.
Mrs. Vera Sheph r, Mrs. Ren How
ard, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dyer and
Orville Stevenson were guests of Mrs.
Until Dyer on the Fourth.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Parks and fam
ily v.ere supper guests and spent the
evening visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Kelh-y on last Monday.
The King's Daughters Sunday
school tla-s was entertained Friday
afternoon at the Christian church by
Mr3. Charles Card, as hostess.
Mrs. Katie Woodruff returned home
Saturday evening from Omaha, where
she had visited her daughter. Mrs.
George She lib. rg, for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvill Saudee, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Sanehe and daugh
ter. El-ne, were vi.dters at the- John
Vant homo on last Sunday e vening.
Mr. and .Mrs. V.'. L. Hiilis an 1 .son.
L o, spent the Fourth visiting at Co-'
dar Hill, Wahoo ar.d returning heme
by way of Linonia D--ach ar.d Ash
land. M sdames Aaron Wright and Loui .
Wright were visiting with friends
and also locking after some shipping
in Lincoln on Wednesday cf last
Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Evans and two
boys f Chicago visited (or a couple of
days this week at the II. I). Hughes
Ik. n.e, Mr:;. Evans and Mrs. Hushes
being cousins.
.Airs. L. C. Marvin and Mrs. Jot
Kyles went to Plattsmouth on la. t
Friday evening, where they installed
the officers of the Rebekah lodge- for
the nert term.
Lyman C. Marvin was a visitor in
Plattsmouth on last Tu-sdcy, where
he went to look after some business
for the Village of Greenwood, he be
ing village clerk.
Mesdames E. A. Landon, Ella Mar
shall and Miss Catherine Coleman
were over to Lincoln Ia:t Friday,
where they were visiting with friends
and doing some shopping.
Dr. and Mrs. H. W. McFadden left
Sunday for their home at Maywood,
111., after having spent some two
weeks here and at Clay Center visit
ing their relatives and friends.
Mrs. Joe Kylcs. Dr. and Mrs. Wal
lace ar.d family of Lincoln drove to
Jennings, Kansas, on last Friday to
visit with relatives over the Fourth.
They returned homo Tuesday.
E. L. McDonald, wife- and so;?, Rer
trand, and P. E. ( r and wife
were over u Lincoln to the rodeo, as
were Den Howard and wife, and they
sure enjoyed the occasion very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Leoper, w ho
have been spending some time virdting
at the I). S. Rogers home, left on
Tuesday for Elk Creek for a further
visit with her mother, Mrs. Campbell.
Mrs. Evan Armstrong and Mrs.
John Vant visited at the Oscar Olson
Jicme on last Wednesday. Mr. Olson
is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Vant and
has been very poorly with rheuma
tism. Mr. Guild, who is in charge o the
electrical signal ami switch system of
the Rurlington at Greenwood, has
been enjoying a visit from hi; son,
Guy Guild and wife, for over the
Mr. and Mrs. Hal McNurlin and
family of Stromsburg visited ever the
Fourth at the Kay McNurlin home.
Mr. (Jus McNurlin. Watson Howard
and sens and Mrs. Myra Howard were
also guests.
Mrs. Ella Marshall, who has; been
visiting in Greenwood for some time,
went out to Polk, where she visited
for a number of days with h'-r sif
ter, Mrs. Charles Dahlgren and hus
band, and where all enjoyed the visit
very much.
II. W. Dollarhide. who has been
working al the Wilkens barber shop
for the past three er four months, re
turned to his home in Lincoln on last
Sunday. Mrs. Wilktr.s will be at the
shop again now.
Liitlo Emory Mathews, ihe ten
yea r-edd son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E.
Mathews, who has been so ill with
threatened pleurisy and who had the
tonsilitis. is reported as being much
improved at this time.
El Darkey and wife, of Pender,
where lie is county treasurer of Thurs
ton county, and who are close friends
of W. G. Holt, of Greenwood, and
Guy Griffin, of Plattsmouth, visited
Mr. Holt and wife over the Fourth
and you may be- sure that all had a
good time.
Mrs. Jennie LaRue- and daughter,
Miss Gladys, of Lincoln visited here
or l.K Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Myra
Howard returned home with them and
visite d tin re until V, ednesuay aiui
noon wh- n she went on to her daugh
ter's. Mrs. Au-tin Fiul-y and visited
f.,r several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Foster and their
daughter Ko.e came e:ow a mmiu....
e vening to visit her mother, Mrs. Lulu
Hurlbut. over the Fourth. They also
vi.-ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hartsook.
Tkcv returned home Monday evening (
and Mrs. Hurl'r.tit accompanied the in
home for a week's visit.
Mrs. O. F. Peters' Sanilay school
.lass had a pie hic..-urp-r at the A. E.
Lcc.dey he;.:- on Tuesday evening in
henor of Gre ta V. .vtzel s mrtn.tay ami
also for Dai-y Hurlbut. who is leaving
for Falls City. The evening was s pent
playing croquet and tiny also en joyed
a I.ik
Mr. and Mis. Orvil Holland, Mr.
1 Mrs. (). L. loulauu am: - Irs. t.aii
,. , an i baby Linda lie 11 drove up
... ,
r,-.; i Te r- ka. ii:ma:s. en hi't v. est-,
1 ' ,
nv for eh - d'.v :.n 1 v.stlc.i at
U. E. Mathewj !i-ne. Mis. Partiey;
and baby n mair.ed f r a longer visit, j
On St:. day Mr. Ha. thy and son. Car-;
rtit oi Toi ika. Kans;.--5. dr-v.- up ami j
viI,- d until Tuesday i.iornir.g, win n
(bv all returned heme.
Shinre:?. Cav el He' vHicat
E. A."Lan.l..n. manager cf the
Far:r.-.:s Grain . any of Civ n
wi (-.i. on last Thursday sh.ii pod the
first ear of :av.- win -at v.l.i ii Was on the farm e :' .1. C. l.em' n
ft.d which yiel-l-d and bitshol.s
to t!.-' acre. Thfli was harvo.-te 1 by
a combine and immediately market
ed. Ilcrr.e frcrti West
G. W. H. It ar.d wife, who have
! e n spe tiding a montli in the v.--:-,:,
return.' d 1: e on Thursday i f last
week and report having h.ail an ex
;e!'.er.t tir..e while away. T!:y found
plenty r-f rain and . the ir ttip out
pa.-' d through abe.'Ut a mi!:- of snow
an in -h deep. Tiny re port a good
v, heat crop. with, corn fair.
Enjoyed Alter. ding Convention
Col." Phil L. liall ar.d wife were
spe nding the preate r portion of last
we'd: at Kearney, wis ere they were
in attendance al the state convention
of the of Foreign Wars, ami
as tiny were very intimately ac
tuaint' d with many cf the folks at
tending they sure enjoyed the visit
lie :,i th start to the finish. They re
turned home on Thursday morning,
v.e 11 pleta ed wilh their week's vaca
tion. Lumeel Both Hands
D. II. Ib a ih y, having some trash
to burn, made a bonfire in the yard,
end as: l is s 'ii, Jack, age live, vaa
cur! us. b - p'liif ;1 a pic. e of burning
iubb'-r fre.-m tl:e li;e which was biaz
a'.d i. ml melting and as he jerked it
from the ii:,., some adV-red to his
hand and the other forearm and wrist,
causing a very severe burn.
Out cn the Praim
That is the name of the free picture
show which is sponsored by the busi
n; ss men of Gree and to whic h
a - large and very much interested
crowd looked and listened on last
Thursday nigh at Greenwood. All
art- pleased at the good shows and the
g iod crowds whieh have come to see
Earl and Fd Stradley
Earl and Ed Stradley, who have
been in the west looking sifter get
ting their machines in r adinc ss for
the threshing season, have also been
called upe.n to make repairs on other
machines, and to; they are experts in
this kind of wcrk, no wonder their
service.! are in demand. They were
expected heme l:;:,t week, but if they
h not get to come soon tb y u'Ight as
well remain for the threshing season,
which will soon be on.
Great Vacation; Bij Fish Feed
That tells the- story in short meter,
but here is a linger account. Dewcyj10 recover saici (lent or any pari
........ ....
licau.ey. wite an, ..on, aaei., n-lL on
Thursday, June SOth, for Atkinson,
where they resided for two years
whiie' De wey was managing a lumber
yard there, and where their son was
born. Finding business rather quiet
just now, they secured some one to
look after the business, and taking
their trusty auto started for their old
home town and there enjoyed a num
ber of days visit with the former
l'lier.ds. On tne Fourth they went to Now a little explanation
will be necessary. Mendeville consists
cf a small store in which is located
the post off be and a house nearby in
whuii the store owner and postmas
ter and his wife reside, leu-ate d away
up on the Niobrara river not far from
the South Dakota line-. He that as it
may, there was a ball game staged at
Lhis village of almost no population,
and all the country turned out to see
the game, about a thoosand people,
and a good game it was with no one
disappointed in this re-spec t.
There they fished and with excel
lent lu k and were able to bring home
with them a large quantity ot very
fine fish. On Tuesday night, Mr. and
Mrs. Headley. w ho are both experts in
the cooking line n-i well as caterers,
eerv. d a very fine fish supper to their
I'. Ur.ds at their homo in Greenwood.
Vv'e v. t re talking to a numb- r who
vie in attendance and they say it
was the lust fish supper they ever
lu re v, o tlx re for the oina-
-i, n. E. L. MsDonabi and wife and
their S'U. F.erirami; L. C. Marvin,
wife and. their daughter, Helen, Geo.
Trunke-ibolz and family. E. II. Arm
strong pnd wife, Henry Armstrong
and wife. E. O. Miller and wife and
his father, Goedhart Vant and wife.
Mrs. Elmer Nickerson of Pap ill ion.
am; Anna r a so o l us eon, -w i-
, . . , v. .. ,
:;;o:a. ccu.mSiJ ot Mrs. ..ROor.a.d v. e.e
'in attendance ;-t the. Rock Fduus pie-
Mrs. Anna Fa so oZ Tuseon, An-
;;lo on July it::. Th. Ir father built
i be Naomi Institute in Rock Hhrn's
in the sixties, ar.d oi;d;i ted the
ci.i tio ro fi.r several years. A !
part of the building remaining there
yet. at i: r the cyclone taking all of t Iio
. eco- d r tory of the building. It was
ntito r.ti interesting pace for these
; women to visit.
O. E. M 1 JV.r.aH and wife of Mar
doe k. :pe:it ti;o 4th at Rock Rlufi's
;;:d vi'il.d 'tis mother at M tin ay.
Journal Want-Ad3 set results!
Vanwji I V ji-;iri:i, tliirnt y
Ml in- Tc-t: ir.iK'.ir.j;,
(ti:nlin, tSt-ltniHka
No? iff- is h rt by give n, that on the
1st day i i AuguVt. A. D. i::52. at
.been o' h e I; a. m., at the funncr
J. .;;-. I.iv ry P.arn. at Tth and Main
'tie. !S. Isicateil (11 I.';t .". IJbu-1: '',
Original T'-v n of Phutsmouth. in
Plati.-r.iou'eh. Cass county, Nebraska,
'.he un leisigried will sell at public
r'ntion to the highest bidder for
One White Truck. Model 51. I
Motor No. G. R. 1 tJ G 1 2 , Serial
No. lfJatXi;
On- Whit- Truck. Mode l 51A,
now Motor No. G. R. 0S5; form-
rlv M-tor No. G. R. 15 4132,
Serial No. 1 1 7 1 0 :
one Wiiite Truck, Model 51A,
.Mntcr No. G. R. 15 11225, Ser
ial No. 1 irtf!f5;
On White Truck. Model 51,
.Motor No. G. R. R H7CG, Serial
No. 1 ! I d fl , including one A
I rame i pne ;
;n.- White Truck. Model 51A.
Motor No. G. R. Ii 10571, Serial
No. llTir.S;
One- While Tiuck, Model 51A.
Motor No. G. R. IJ 3e322. Serial
No. 1 170'ifi ;
One While Truck. Model 51 A.
Motor No. G. R. Ii 11223, Serial
No. lA'.i'J ():,;
S-vcn Pole Trailers, complete
with poles;
One Cat rpillar Tractor, Motor
No. P. s. 5!tc,:.
NOTICE is. further given that on said
1st day of August. i::i2. at 12: el')
o'clock p. m., at the lot at 11th rial
Timber streets, located on East half
nf Lot 2. RIoek 224. Original Town
rsf Plattsmouth. in Plattsmouth, Cass
county. Nel raska. the undersigned
will also sell at publi" auction to the
highest bidder for cash:
One Whit" Triuk. Motor No.
G. R. fd'ST. Se rial No. 11254a,
complete with Crane;
One Pierce Arrow Truck, Mo
tor No. 410G, complete with
One Fierce Arrow Truck, Mo
tor No. 2114, complete with
One Polo Trailer, less tires
eovcivd by chatte l mortgage executed
ord delivered by Gerry Transportation
C .. a corporation, by A. M. Gerry,
Pre side nt, to The White Company, a
corporation, on the 2 0 1 li day of Fcb
lirary. lfj.'!2. Said mortgage was duly
filed for record i the office of the
County Cierk of Douglas county, Ne-
I.itod:a. on the 23rd day of February,
i::"2. and filed for record in the of
fice 1 the County Clerk of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska, on the 2Sth day of
June, l!i."J2.
Haul sales will bo for the purpoae
of fere', losing raid mortgage, for costs
of sales and all accruing cc;sts. and
to satisfy the amount now due there-
em, to-wit: Nine- Tiiuiisaiid Two Hun-
ilro'I fteveie I v-Twn :i ml 4 I 0 0 riollnrt;
$:, 272.5 i ; that no suit or other
I prccee-ding at law has been instituted
I jii-Ss-.y Mortgagee.
Manley News Items
August Krecklow and grandson,
Louis, Jr., went to Omaha with the
truck Thursday.
Rusiness called Henry Osborne, the
agent of the Missouri Pacific to Om
aha on last Thursday.
Teddy Harms and wife and Teddy,
dr., were over to Lincoln on last Mon
day, where they were attending the
Eli Keckler was a business visitor
in Omaha and Plattsmouth last Mon
day, he driving over to both towns in
his car.
Fay Kestard, of Atchison, has
been visiting at the home of his
brother-in-law, David Iirann, for the
past week.
Frank Pankonin threshed some of
his new cutting of wheat which in
the test showed C2 pounds to the
struck bushel.
John C. Rauth was assisting Wal
ter Mockenhaupt in making hay dur
ing a number of the warm days of
the- past week.
Mr. am! Mrs. C. S. Milkr have
been enjoying a visit from their
friend-:. Mr. and .Mrs. M. R. Wheeler,
of Hay Springs.
Mr. rl Mrs. Antone Auerswald
and the' family were guests at the
home of Roy Sieinkamp for the day
on last Sunday.
Otto Harris, Ed Sheehan, Louis
KreC'kh vs. Jr.. and Herohl, went
swimming at the sanel pits at Louis
ville Tuesday night.
George Schaeffe-r and daughter,
Mi-s Carrie, were guests for over the
rk end at th- home of Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Pankonin.
Harold Krecklow ha? been busy
constructing a chicken house for Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Han. having the foun
datiem completed last week.
Robert Wilce and family were
visiting with relatives, their parents
and families at David City for over
the we. k end and the Fourth.
Ilendd Kreeklow has been kept
bii-y the paut fortnight, doing remod
eling work on the Dowler house last
week and working at the AVra. Rau
v. : idem e this week.
August Krecklow and grandson,
Louis, Jr.. were over to Omaha last
Wednesday, taking a load of stock up
a.tiil on tht-ir return brought back a
load of merchandise.
Miss Maicr. of Louisville, was vis
iting in Manley with her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mocken
haupt. where both she and the grand
parents enjoyed the visit.
A. Steinkamp was assisting at the
hotae of his sons, Roy and Edward,
with the harvest, which was rather
hard on Uncle Adolph until he be
came accustomed to the heat.
The Rergmann store has added to
their stock a line of Wear-You-Wcll
shoes, which have added much to
the ability of this store to supply its
customers with all their ordinary
In the ball game last Sunday, Man
hy was winner over Waverly by a
store of 3 to 0. It was a very good
game. Yesterday Manley was to play
Louisville, but we are unable to give
the' re-Milt.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alberding, of
Manhattan, Kansas, where Mr. Alber
ding is attending school, were visi
tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Thoo. Harms for over the week end
and the Fourth.
Weikirg- cn West Ccast
A. R. Hill departed early last
week for the west coast and will work
in Washington, Oregon and Califor
nia. Mrs. Hill drove him to Omaha
in the auto to catch the western
Celebrate 15th Wedding Day
On Sunday, July loth, was cele
brated at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Rudolph Rergman, the passing of
their fifteenth wedding anniversary,
which was solemnized on July 11th,
li17. A most pbasant time was
had with their neighbors being pres
ent with them and sure good things
to cat. The change of days, which
put the celebration cn Sunday in
stead of Monday was in order that
those who desired to work were not
inconvenienced. There were many
very beautiful presents, tokens of the
love and esteem of their friends, for
this popular couple. Sincere con
gratulations and well wishes for a
happy and prosperous future were
aliio extended by the many friends.
Enjoyed Fourth at Grand Island
Fred Falisehman and family and
Chailes Gade and family, the latter
from Ashland, were spending last
Sunday and the Fourth at Grand Is
land, where they were guests at the
home of Charles Sinnard, Mrs. Sin
nard and Mrs. Falisehman being sis
ters. They surely enjoyed the visit
there very much and especially the
features of the seventy-fifth anniver-
(Continued on Next Tage)
AS I WAS PASSING ihe Ofe Oil Com
pany station the other day, a car shot
past me' and almost swept me off my
feet. And just then one of the at
tendants dashed out to see if I had
been hit, but when he saw that I was
all right, be just laughed
and said, "You have to be
rarefr.l around b.cie, for
v, lien we fill a tank with
Parco Ethyl Ca you just
can't, hold "em." I belie ve
it! There certainly seems
to be oceans of pep in that gas, judg
ing from the way that ear shot past
m-. Put gas like that in the old
bus and It'll surprise you with its
pick-up. Real service, too, at the Ofe
Oil Company stati
SUMMER TI.ME is also picnicking
time and if the picnic site is not too
far away it is not impossible' to take
along a hot dish, or even two. A pan
of creamed potatoes ar.d a hot meat
loaf may be taken from the oven just
before the departure and will be
found hot if packed carefully. In
racking picnic lunches,
be generous with the use
of wax paper. Each article
should be wrapper sep
arately. A wire corn pop
per is a convenient utensil
for broiling frankfurters y
at a picnic. They may be pi a feci in
this and held over the fire and shaken
around as they brown. Mullen & Sons
Grocery and Meat Market will be glad
to supply ALL the good things to eat
for your picnic from "soup to nuts."
And if it's something in the cold meat
line you crave, you're sure to find
just what you want at this popular
spells in the middle of the afternoon
these days? The best thing in the
world for that condition, so far as I
can see. is a good oi l fash
ioned chocolate soda at
the Mauzy Drug Store. I
have tried their chocolate
sodas made with their
marvelous chocolate syrup
ar.d one will work like a
charm. You try one and if it doesn't
work you're beyond all hope! The
folks at home would appreciate your
bringing home a brick of ice cream or
ices. Mauzy's have a special neopoli
tan biick ice cream that's a favorite
with everyone in Plattsmouth.
YOU CAN HAVE GAS to cook with
to beat your water to light your
house with even if you live miles
from a gas supply line.
Skelgas is the answer!
With Skelgas in your
home, you can keep house
with as much convenience'
as your ity neighbors do,
became Ski leas is a pure.
highly refined natural gas that burns
with a clear blue flame, does not
blacken your pots an el pans and best
of all is the convenience of Skelgas.
Nothing to do but light it. Iiestor e
Swatek Co. Hardware Store are the
agents for Skelgas in this territory.
They have the complete equipment
and you will he surprised for how
little it can be installed there's a
very liberal partial payment plan.
Ask Mr. Pester or Mr. Swatek for a
demonstration of how Skelga3 will
solve your cooking problems.
VACATION DAYS are here! And you
will want your clothes to be all ready
for wear when you start out on the
vacation trip. At the Fred
Lugsch Cleaning Shop
they are busy as bees
these days getting people's
clothes ready for trips.
You should see how they
clean white silks and flan
nels and hats. Summertime requires
clean clothes and lots of them. Fie 1
Lugsch will take the greatest care
pesaibhi with pleats, colored drcrses,
loosely woven materia!-, etc. Just call
ICG and their truck will be light ovr
to set your garments.
All the 4''' raiments in the vorlJ won't convince!
But good stores, geed merchandise, friendly service, and a sqaare
dcr.l ccnvi-:ccs every time. You havj these advantages in Platts
raotith and I hope you take full advantarja cf them.
THE WEATHER MAN played a ter
rible trbk cm the coal (balers las
winter. Rut ko. do you know that
he isn't going to piay tricks on you
this fall? You do:. "t! He's
.such a drceiptlr.l being
t'rat you just have to be
prepared lor your cwn
X'-i'Jr protest k-m Ry ordering
-if your winter's supply of
y t e :i I now, it's po. aible to
'avc money. Aral d.m't yui think
that's worth while? I'm no econo
mist, but y.'ii know what the famous
Orient brand of coal is! Now the
iltitig to do i to early and by
s.j doing u-ceive the ben.e-fits of com
plete h-at satisfaction this: winter.
The Hartford Coal Ccmpatty is at your
; e rvho.
"AN IDEAL PLACE to cntertai.i,"
re-marked a lady who was a guest at
a I cite on i .'.rty at Drown Y. Cafe and
Dining llo r.i. And that's just exact
ly what I had been think
ing when I overheard her
remark. Mr. Rrown is a
friend indeed when you're
planning a dinner party
or luncheon or in fact
a av kir.,1 of entertainment
where rcfre-1. meats ate served and
space reiuired. Th.,- next time you're
entertaining, talk to Mr. Rrown about
it. Rrov.i.'s Cafe and Dining Room is
the perfect solution for the problem
of entertaining especially so during
the ttummcr months.
THIS IS A SEASON of white clothes
and naturally white dresses call
for white sheas? which is one cf the
reasons Hie Fetzer Shoe Company is
A showing those delightful
ar.d i-barininr slirners in
all white, and in white
with contrasting color
trims. Right here in our
own city ci Plattsmouth
you'll find the season's
most popular shoe styles sandal of
fees, ties ami oxfords and the ever
popular opera pump. When you wear
their shoe1--, people are going to say
"Where did you get those good lock
ing shoes?" And you can proudly say
"At the Fetzer Shoe Company."
FOR THE TAST few months mesh
hosie ry has been growing bigger and
better in popularity. First, there ap
peared a small conservative mesh,
very neat and gradually the idea
has blossomed until now we have all
variety cf "openwork" hes'en- from
to choose. An.l there's
no prediction where the
trend will lead except
that people like it more
and m.-re. The H. M. Saen
nichsen Department Store
has beautiful hosiery
the A!Jen-A Hosiery. They are show
ing medium sized mesh, and their
iace h signs are lovely and distinct.
too. Tito la"o and mesh effects, which
aiv s-!i prisln.gly durable, hava not
entirely sir-planted the sheer wipy
chiffons Mid dependable service
weights which are also shown in a
profusion of shades at Suenniclmen's.
as somebody of importance once re
marked. Certainly you'll find diversi
fication enough in merchandise to
make your : hopping intcr
eaiing at Knorr's Popular
Variety Store. I like vani
ty stores! You can usual
ly make your purchases
ill in one stop. At Knorr'r
Pepular Variety Store
they're having a nine-cent sale Oil,
jim everything imaginable' will have
a 9c mark on it. And, of course, that's
your opportunity to sh'-p for many of
those household wares that you've
bcesi needing. Mr. Knorr must have
had a grand time shopping for things
to show you people in Plattsmouth.
You shop at Knorr'r, during the Nine
Cent Sale and you'll have a grand
time, too.
IF Si LIME FROCKS are to be consid
er. ! a v.cafhcr baronn tc-r we're in
!'! a ( 'd summer. I don't know when
:"; r '.' l.-en a livelier or more prac fa.bri.- for summer wear than the
"Oijih she e;s" we r. a I about and
s- " .-.!! ovi r. Ail the very
nicest dresses are sheer
i. atcrial-s and they're t:s cool an they look,
too. The Ladies Toggery's
;''( ii cf smart summer
dresses includes a number
'A 'sheers" iti the tailored or sports
d re ai v.e 11 as in the dressy types.
You'il erijjy looking for dresses at
the I.adi s Topg-.ty their models are
all select-, d in perfect taste.
HERE'S SOMETHING to think about
it only recc-t.tly came to my atten
tion: 1 h j proet ::s of preserving or
eannlng foods has made suh foods
accessible to all people which former
ly were the luxuries of the rich.
Thri-ty housewives never overlook
the dl.-;day advertisements
of the Red & White Gro
cery Store in the Journal,
for they know that when
there's a "special" listed,
it's to their advantage to
stock their pantry shelves.
After all, canned foods are easier to
prepare there's no waste. The Red
White Cn:cery and Market are of
fering some rc;:l bargains this week
Rttter see what they are.
LIFE ISN'T WORTH living unless
you have a cotton wardrobe this sum
mer, since Fashion has decreed that
cotton is THE thing and If you've
been into Wurl's store re
cently you'll understand
why I'm mentioning the
cotton materials there.
Just think of all the at
tractive summer dresses
you could have. The de
signs are varied and new and the
colors are lovely most of them
washable, of course. I'd suggest that
you go down to Wurl's General Store,
select materials and then look thru
the Simplicity pattern book. Simplic
ity patterns are only 13c and have
such distinctive styles.
TWICE A WEEK wouldn't he too
often for mo to see lamb included In
the menu it's a welcome dish to me,
and also 'tis said to be the most eas
ily digested and very nu
tritious. A leg cf lnrab
.'etved with a tart sauce,
or well, it's a spec
ial company meat. A.n
ot her way to prepare the
cheaper cuts of lamb is to
have a piece of the shoulder meat
ground as for hamburger shape Into
patties (not too thin) and make a
frame" of strips of bacon, holding
them in place with tooth picks, and
th n fry them. And what 13 more de-
jiei .us than a ragout or lamb stew
with carrots. Plattsmouth people aro
fortunate in having such a good meat
market as A. G. Rach's. Watch their
ads (including one in thl3 Issue) for
money-saving values.
RE YOURSELF but be sure that it's
your best self with (harms enhanc
ed by the wonderful beauty work
done by the Etta Relle Rcauty Shoppe.
"TIj skill that lcad3 so many Platts
mouth ladies to this shop
with it 3 restful atmos
phere? and the competent
service of the operator
owner Etta Nicklcs. You
will like especially the
"Secret" line of tolcthie'S
marvelous beauty preparations for
every type cf skin. These summer
days vhen we're out of doors so much,
our complexions need extra special
care, and you'll find that "Secret"
beauty aids which M"iss Nickles
iecrmmends will be a great help to
you in keeping your "school girl com-pfsxioa."