f THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932. PLATTSMOUTH SE1H-WEEKLY JOUEJTAL PAGE FIVE Our New Location bert Young and Mrs. Royal were in (attendance at Mynard program Fri- IVe have moved cup p!ace of busi-'a' evening. ncss to the former D. C. Rhoden j Chas. Ellington of 0::ia'na, was at Livery Barn and with a force offending the picnic at Hock Bluffs, rren we are hurrying details and .. . . , e will te readv to care for all your- Mr' Ellingtons father was the first wants in the new place fcy the 'sheriff of t'a?s county, time this ad is read by you. Ccme j The Lev.iston band played at My and sea us in the new location ! v.ard Community program Friday fk 55 A P jevciiing and enjoyed the opportunity i 11a 1 I U3 I'.W I .11 1 41 IX I IWl til 41 . IV- organization. Mr?. Wm. Spore r was the guest cf Miss Kertha Xickles on last Monday when they attended the picnic at Ilcxk Bluffs r.nd there the ladies en joyed a fir.e lime. The picture show is very largely attended, not only from the Murray vicinity, but other towns. It shows that the town that is willing to ad vertise a littl? g(ts results. Harry Nelson and the family were over to the home of the mother of A. D. BAKXE, Propr. Murray .V 1 a :" i::u::s 1 Rock "iirr.Vcr attended t r. Ic on the 4 th. i SASPEESSIES fcr sale. Call Ko.1 IS. Hurray. Jlrs. Kenry C. Long;, i .Mr.. U. A. I'avis had tin usior- 1 adly. Mr.. n 1 I; v tv; .11 a:ul hurt her arm quite ter, will remain for some two weeks at the Tutt home. V. CI. Uoedeker was a visitor in Chicago last Monday and Tuesday, having departed for the big city on last Sunday with two car loads of very fine cattle and also a car of hogs which he accompanied to see the sal made. The cattle topped the Chicago market. Mr. Boedeker returned home on Wednesday. Milk 5c For Sale, qt. A. Young. 2tw Card of Thanks. We desire to express our sincere thanks for the kind services of our friends in and near Murray for the kindly acts at the time of the acci dent that took our wife and daugh ter when the wreck occurred. We surely appreciate the many friends i . .'lis. .fi.-on, .urs. l'etsr jonnson near our and their kindly sympathy in this hour of sorrow. We hope like . I v.. I : tl.e f, lia:;;M ai.d Mrs. Carroll at th i :grar.i at Myaard Fri- t Y'-iung is putting a new the K. U. Nickks house down v i : !.. t Ti: A. Sti'e- cf Union, was a v. Muiiay for a short time on ca v. Vai (I:; j.oerniwKa o.i i.:e u street read lor a : short visit on last Monday evening. Mrs. Homer Miller and son ami ?Hss Margaret Long left for Mrs. Miller's lu me in I'lainview. Mrs. Miller has l:cn spending several days in Murray with her sisters, Mrs. Sposer a?:d .Irs. Long. Chester Shrader and of Om- i !ah:u were visiting in Murray on both v Mh k'.uskty was a visitor inSuri,lay ilvd the Fourth, they being i-r the week end and also ; T.t ,i w0 nf Mr ..n.i Mr r',urlh- j George E. Xickles and wife as well A iier; Vernon is spending a as Mrs. Henry C. Long, vs at ti.,- Art Hansen ar.dj Dr Georse n. Gilmore and the Moore homes.. j f.iniily. James Latta. Mr. and Mr.-. Ma:?aret Hakr has b-en jy. L. Soyholt. Dr. J. F. Hreniitl and g the week e;:d with her ur-jwife and their son, Richard, were f-r.-.-y. Raker. lover to the Fourth of July cvl-hra- V':-. i: yal who is vi.-Isir-.a ' tion and pi.-nic which was held at ihi.-z ! ; - .,:? i:i Muriay is Rock Rlufl's last Monday, e -i.v v...V .n Plan-mou' i. j H L ivilis and family of Kan I'.ijvk Hatr-hery v a clown sas City, were visiting with Mr. and rt::r.her of different breeds cf Mrs. F.. S. Tutt and also J::li:i.:. R:tz I ns and did very well at selling r.r. l family of Flat tsmcuth for a short m. time. Mrs. Fallis wlro was formerly r.Iaigart: Mr-ore, Mr. and Mr--. A!-: Miss Ileln Ni:ns with their daugli- Maik Partridge, Ira Clarke and Family. a a 1 Mr-, tlr T.Isde a Ilerry Party. Mr. uv.il Mis. Harry Nelson and 'li e kiddies of Murray. Rasmus Jan-j.-oa. l-'red Snyder and wife of near Sweeping Water. Albert Johnson and ; mother. Mrs. Peter Johnson and Mrs. j Gertrude Carper of Nehawka and I M. R. Thompson and son of near i Weeping Water were guests for the dry at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Johr.s.'.n and family for the I day last Sunday, near Manic y on i highway No. 1. A very pleasant time v. as had by all. TI e Jh a Bible School Lesson Study! Ev L. Ecitzcl Hears Aunt Had Died. Word wa; received by Harry Nel so:i r.r.d fami'.v r.nd Lu-ean Carper iand wife of li e passing on la.-t Sun Ulay at her home at Wolbach. of an 'aura of Mr. Nelson. Mrs. Gustia jCail.oii. who had attained the ad- vann ed age of nine ty years. Togeth er with her many years and other j complicaticn.! was tire cause cf her :d. mi e. On Tu"-:day Just Nelson and . sister, Mrs. Gertrude Carper, and .laughter. Miss DaLene drove out to jV.'c'bach to attend C.:e tuneral. Ce- .i;it.-; the relatives here. Mrs. Carlson had a sister in Eoston. Cass County Cattle Command High at Chicago Two Carload of Whiteface Cattle of Boedeker & Wehibein Top Market at $8.75. The cattle feeding firm of Glen Boedeker and William Wehrbein, of Murray, scored another top of the Chicago market for two car loads of their whiteface cattle. The cattle shipped by this firm has always been in great demand at the Chicago mar ket and the latest shipment found brisk bidding. The cattle brought $8.75 per hundred, one of the best: prices recorded for several months. One car load was shipped to Boston while the other was sent to New York City. The firm also had a load of heavy hogs averaging 373, which brought $4.7 0, a good price on the market at this time. The excellent showing of the cat tle and hogs at Chicago speaks well for the products of the Cass county farms and the excellent handling of the cattle feeding by the Murray firm. CANNON OPPOSES PLATFORM Ocean Grove, N. J. Bishop James Cannon, jr. in an Independence day address, predicted a republican vic tory in November and told an aud ience of about fi.OOO that John I). Rockefeller, jr. plainly was suffer ing from an "inferiority complex" in regard to prohibition. "I am an anti-Smith democrat and anti-Chicago platform," said the bishop. The 1032 prohibition plank of the republican party pledges en forcement of the law end opposes itulification. The democrats in a dopting an outright repeal plank have assured the party cf no support from the many organizations anxious to see the rightful continuance cf the greatest social enactment made by any nation in any age." He said "Mr. Rockefeller Is sur rounded by lawlessness and the rotten and unspeakably filthy gov ernment New York City has had under Tammany for the past several years." I LOVE NEBRASKA Kx -Tlie Call cf 2-Ioses" ,, 3:li'-15: 4:10-12. ille ''1 ... t!'l I-:r;--is; T tiuTlitl.lu,; .St:: ct!t;i.:;. t(' 1- llrsr rrii'd we . Urih a;id da-! r; v .-cond ars. His r.y y. ars (". v I. ps his I i ritual resources for the ot lias . cm o the syml;d of Gi-d's mar tyrs of all ages, a vo:itar.t hope and -s is divided into ! i:i-';,Irati'' ,J f 'r ,!'e "a'! iini1 oppressed. Ct.! is still a consuming fije. lie de stroys moral evil with the crn.-uraing 1!; me cf his purity and power. He rill puts his (boson ones into the ii..ry furna e that their dross r..ay b-ir.-um-l and their g"M re. fined. As M .-c draws near the bush. God alls: 'Moses. Most s." Thus Jesus calls "Martha. Martha:" "Simc.r.. Sirnfr.:" "jf'aul. Saul." Promptly Moses r plies. litre am I." He is r ady for pel vic o. He must have made some impulsive ::;-.rt toward the bush, for the v.ie : we sttwy to.say. nr: v: ..:!: t r,r hi- people was' itnp-.;!--- a:il rot reason, cf I r c t aumility. of his own rot tin: will of God: taere-oll-d lame ltrhly. as all su;h are -:v.i-l to fail : was this: familiar with f t!- H-. 1-rew?. and ! a! out with his royal reti-.- an Ilgypiian taskmaster his b-val Hebrew What' Are Srsy Llovii-g. A. D. I'akke with a number of per sons ars: ting are busy getting the new location in readiness and get ting the garage moved. They have a workshop arranged and also a parts room with a battery charging department and a work shop and they are making an effort to pet the place in readiness so as to get the stock changed and in readiness to care for the business. Take a peep in on the new place and see how things are getting long. HARD HITTING TEAM rll.-l and he .-low the Egyp ;d c .vrtil hlni wih sand. But ,-o-,:hi not be covered with .;;:r nr v. ,.i t,vi. i r.- :k.i ua e ;:i?k-r, the King has been , While the Murray Red Sox have iuen forced to combat the rain in ike pa:-t few weeks, they have show ed a real hitting power in the games thev have t. laved, as well as three prt sence of God. espec ially in God's !r , 1fl(, it rims a 'j u v In six games played the following s the s-tandiug: I '''.rlndf him- "D-nw nn rt'i 1u:ber- eemg. . " put otr t!iy sr.oes ... etc. n.c true Chri-tian wiil .humble himse'f in tire house. Gn-at teuls are reverential: I I: -'rah cxdaimc-d, "Woe is me"" John' fe ll at his fed. Moses hid l;i.? fa-e. j hvi Cod a -stirvd him that he was ,", . the Cod r.f his fathers. Further. lie! ;arrd. he is rejected ';s'-s that ne had heard the Svobcda 500 as.-i'res 464 3D2 375 . - . r .1.. .i t i:. . i . . ,. i ji'.m i ii:e opi;: ts-eu i.m i es liie d o- 1' a-t-: c:e'c-ctives are send. nr,. ,,!Tn. voses hears about I f'f thf ir 'iverance was at hand, 'r--,' hi- f'i--- 'lollows. His people ! "Cr-' 11 ow therefore ... etc."(Ch. . . I "-It'll Tl i w;is the tns.- t.fnie fr,- freedom: he is not i " laid upon mortal shoulder. "Who am a ;-e t : :;e i ; i ! v ! r his ta a-. ! La waiver. f r th- humblest station. In the Arab i.: : . rt. r." h arns the gre at lesson ' i' ( rsry. sic aufatness, en- c :::.-. . brav ry. In the Midianite-. 5 - . a klndr- l people, descend- ;.:-.:. :-m Abraham 1 y his wife K t ::;.!, a j.e. ,! that were r.ionotht-:.- i! . !: f in cne Gnl . Newman StO'u- Spidel Iierc-o Sthliesko Hopkins . Suavely The standing of those playing one 237 1S1 Swoboda. L. 500 Krejci 250 1. ilke Abraham' .i::g t a v.-el '. : . found Rebekah and Ja- f.-.tmd Ra'hei, j'r.svs likewise v.-itv. Zipp' .rah. at a well. I..-. .s a gn st in lh- home, ari:' s one of the st-ven daugh-f-.r i- rty years herds sheep, rniiv life was never congenial. tnj Krejci in one game. as s u ; tl .is i :-g wait f-.r his life's work? 'i i: i- ai d tho;i..'ht are needed to plan v. :--!;.- any course of action. Think cf tl. i'.ng years of John the Baptist in v. ;2d. :;. s of Judca. Remember Pan'.'- ;hn rears of r-tuJy in Arabia 1 ore .,. ,-a:i l.'is apostoli't labors. R- pe: ially r. member that our Lord 1 in,.--.:; pt tit thirty years in the car ; 'nter slu p in Nazareth and then I. that I should go to Pharaoh?" Both Lraiah and Jeremiah hesita'- In ihc fifl'-Ung department those ed to tako up the work to which Godlv,ho have an average of 1000 are plainly called them, pleading inabil-;Stone an1 J- Svoboda 5l six games it y. and were ansvvered as Moses was answered. "I will he with thee." VT.at a great promise! That is all we r.ved in order to succeed. It is the sam;- promise we have: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the worid." T all the objections of Mos5, God has an answer. By what authority shall I go to the people?" "Say "I AM' sent you." Endc wed with power to work mir acles. Moses finally consents to go. tv KIRK CiltM.C. I'reoitlent. ctwiilrntnl Kuildinir A Loan h Inlion. Onmlin. Nel.r. I love Nebraska. I know its cour ageous men of every race and creed. I have tramped its hills, its woods and its prairies. I have listened to its tales of valiant deeds which long ago drove the wilderness from Ne braska. In fact, I can hear on every breeze, the same echoes which rever berated then; echoes of endurance without complaint; echoes of happi ness through trials; and echoes of triumphant satisfaction In desperate battles with the prairies. We, whose ancestors prepared well for our comfort, may be looking too closely to observe how pleasantly we are situated, as compared with those whose labor ncr products, are now in demand. Agriculture will neither alarm nor betray us. We, enviably, are able to amply provide for our selves and to render an indispensable service to others. I am proud of Nebraska. I am proud of its blending of the rigors of the north with the sunshine cf the south, where all the necessities cf life contribute to the completion of our happiness. Satisfaction should be ours, as proprietors of these vast fer tile plains; pleasure should be derived in exhibiting to the world the beauty cf our landscapes; the bounty and variety of our crops; and the com forts of our homes. Nebraska was never more beauti ful than now. Nebraska never stood firmer in returning to its citizens the fruits of their labors. I love Nebraska. GOVERNMENT ENTERS HUNT r;i:ent history shows why. but net alone, Aaron must be spokes- ' nly three years in his public rain-i-iry which was to transform the world. At last he is ready to go to work 1 r God. S Gcd calls on him in his v.oi k.s'.. p. th0 d.-:--.cTi. in a flame cf man. Moses could have had all the glory, but lie has to share it with an other because he would not go Gel's way. T.Icses pleads that he is "not eloquent, slow of speech and slow of t ngue." Taul hud a good answer for tho Ccu int hians. s.iov. mg the way 'cf nere God works: "The foolishness of God :.; wiser than man; and the weak ness cf God is stronger than man. AGED IIA2T IN WEED PATCH Crcigh.ton. Neb. Tire clamor of crows IceT to the discovery of seventy-eight year old Chris Moser Sun dry in a weed patch more than a mile from his son's house which he had left Wednesday. He was in a weakened condition and was unable to explain how he came to wander away. John Ryan, a postman, saw the crows circling! and found Moser. Apparently he had I not moved cut of the weed patch ! since Saturday. A posse cf 150 neighbors searched for him Sunday and less thoro searches had been made during the week. His son is ,Rert Moser, who lives ten miles vest AVIATRIX MISSING Los Ar.gelrs. Mrs. Jacnne Axford Thomas, Los Angeles aviatrix, was reported missing from Mexico City by her mother, Mrs. Oma Randall, who told authorities her daughter Gcd hath chosen the weak things of the world in order to shame the strong." (Weymouth's New Testa ment, I Cor.: 1:25-27). Thus equipped, auilioriz d and as sured c f Je hovah's help, he ventures .inte nded to fly from Mexicali to the I'm-, the burning bush. The burning cut to perform a task such as no mor- Mexican capital the latter part of bu.-h was a .- mbe l e.f God's people. Hal man has ever been called to per- Jure. Mrs. Randall said Mrs. Though sarro.ir.d. d by the burning form. Under the severest difficulties : Thomas left Los Angeles June 27, f rees of tyranny, they had God in j and cbsiacles, he moulds three mil-1 traveling by automobile with two the mid sr. cf them, and could not be lizn rIa-iPJ. into a nation, whose laws Mexican fliers whose names fte did consumed. Thus tie turning tush are used ty all civilized peoples. 'not know. New York. The United States government began a search by air and by sea for the little ketch Cur lew, long overdue in the ocean yacht race from Montauk Point, Long Is land, to Hamilton, Canada. With naval tugs and coast guard boats al ready searching the waters between Long Island and Bermuda, naval sea planes and the mighty dirigible Akron were ordered to aid in the task. Relatives of the Curlew's crew had appealed for government aid in the search. Lakehurst. N. J. The naval air ship Akron, equipped to fly the At lantic to Bermuda if necessary, went aloft to assist in the search for the missing crew Curlew. ('apt. Harry E. Shoemaker, com mandant at the naval air station, said the Akron would sweep the seas with her searchlight by night given favorable weather but would do her most effective work in the daytime. Commander Alger II. Dresel is in command. The airship will stay out three days if necessary and will cover most of the water between liere and Bermuda. SLAYS HIS WIFE AND SELF Red Oak, July 4. After shooting his estranged wife through the head Sunday night, F. A. W. Coonley, for mer station operator at radio station KMA, turned a revolver to his own head and committed suicide. Death was instantaneous in both cases, Dr. W. S. Reiley declared. Coonley had gone to the Harley P. Lunsford home where his wife was staying. She was alone attending the two Lunsford children. The deaths were discovered by Bertha Geist who went to the home to see Mrs. Coonley. Journal Want-Ads cost only a few cents and get real results! H!nky-Dinl;y makes it remarkably easy or every womsn to save evcscy time she shops, by selling her every item at a LOW price! SILVER BAR APRICOTS or PEACHES Tick Tock PEARS or 2 Vz Royal Anne Cherries Can NORTHERN NAVY Santa C!tira PRUNES 10 lbs., 29c -gc 5 lbs. - - IlSP 4 lbs.9 25c M IMI I M This Ad for FRIDAY-SATURDAY, July S-9 California, large square Caskets. Deep Red. 4-basket crate, $1.15. Basket 29c PLUMS rli A tj 4-baskct crate, $1.35. Basket CANTALOUPES Large size 3 for 25c SSUNKIST, Sweet and Juicy. fi n Medium small size. DOZEN - - - I J C Firm, Red Ripe 2 ibs. I5c ONIONS V.rtpr-c.!oTn.- 10c California, large square Saskets. OJ? Kellogg's Rice Krispies or SHREDDED WHEAT JT Package CROWN JEWELL FLOUR A real good flour at a low thrift price. 48-lb. bag 73' Del Mor.tc or Courtesy Fancy Red SALMON 1-lb. Tall Can SALE 1 1 ti y I. ii If tiiut uf ll!:T I'lHt!) mtiSi: nt r-tinlnr prtrr, H''. h1 crl r Itflt iuul like ncini- c 12 vi i: i I!I.I:M: for nlj 3s Value for 20c lc C end H Cane SUGAR 10-Ib. Cloth Bag 100-lb. bas, $4.29 ROBERTS' ! MILK Tali Can - - C P and G SOAP lObars - 9feC k23 KM CALUMET Baking Fowder 1-lb. Can - 25c Casco Creamery BUTTER l-lb. Carton Gold Dust Large Package -GOLD DUST Scouring Powder 3 Cans for - - Del Slcnte Crushed Pineapple. ITo. 10 can, "gallon" 43 Challenge Erand Eaily Variety Peas, No. 2 can 10c Silver Ear Tcmatces, No. 1 can, 7VsP ; No. 2 can, 3 fcr 25 Ilacarcnia cr Spaghetti, 2 lbs. for 15c Che ice Blenheim Aprlccts, 2 lbs 23c C & H Powdered cr Brovrn Sujar, S lbs 230 Tri-Siun Pure Apple Butter, Giant 3V&-lb. jar Prince Albert Tobacco, 15c size, 2 for 250 ; 1-lb Ply Ded Ply Spray, yrpintf 120; Pint, 250; Quart Certc, fcr making Jam cr Jelly, bottle Ccmmcn Llason Fruit Jars, Pints, doz., 690 ; Quarts, doz. Heavy Jar Eubbers, 3 pkgs. for 19c UncSerwoocI's SARDEK5S In Oil, Mustard or Tomato Sauce CAN - 290 890 430 250 790 100 Windmill BsitSesfc&taf Salad Dressing y2$J$S&ED 8 oz. jar 15c, Ft, 23c, Qt, 39c Hinky-Dinky COFFEE Sweet Mild Blend 3 lbs., 550 ; Lb. - 19' VIGO The Better Dog Feed For Dcgs, Puppies and Cats. 3 Cans Hinky-Dinky FLOUR Every 3ag Guaranteed 53c Sf . 8Sc H American. Brick, Swiss, Pimento or Limberger. y2-ib. Pkg. 2 pkgs., 2 IPs?! 4 P&g An M. J. B. PrCdust WStSi each 2 lh. can oS M. $ CaiSee Iwlo o M)o I lb. 35c 3 lb. 96c n L(o)G At mm vuyio 4 VbSl White King Granulated Soap Small Package, Cc ; Kedium Package, 230 Large Pkg. tt. o Car cf White King Toilet Soap. Just. Jgm. ft TlCSlL lsave end r ,2r8e pkg. giving direc-Wi(S BABBITT'S Cleanser 4 Cans PURITAN Plain or Hop Flavored C?an Fovt Howard ''"''-IT" VVater Crepe &$ TiSSUC pWVfsWVVhite as Snow ;,v--rv' J Soft as Dcvvn 3 fe, SSC BUDWEISER Best Woney Can Buy 3 lb. can, cjj)