THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1932. PAGZ TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUENAL Nehawka Mr. and Mr. Prank Lemon were t n.ioying a visit at Nebraska City an a movie talkie In the evening. Albert Anderson and the family were v'::iting for the day on last .Monday, the fourth, at Lorton with Mr:;. Andersons parent?. J. M. Palmer and family were spending the fourth at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Janus M. Dunbar at Auburn where all enjoyed the visit. Stewart Rough and th pood wife win- over to Crete for last Sunday ; the fourth where they were visiting at the home of I. II. Wilson i. ;id family. Alb-rt Wolfe and daughter. Miss Gladys, who had some business to 1 ..k after were visiting in Omaha ( :i Monday of this week, they driv ing over in their ear. Thomas K. Fulton, who Is better unc day and not so well another was not feeling quite so well with the ending of last week but was i.irrif better early this week. J.s-e (Jack) Tower cf I'lattsmcuth baa been assisting in the work on the Alfred Gansemer farm and is counted an excellent workman and one who ran at a!I times be depended upon. Most cf tli1 business houses cf Nehawka were closed frr o portion rf the d.iy and especially the after noon so that whoever desired could gi and spend the fourth 33 they de sired. B..edck-r and Wchrbein East, composed of W. O. P..?edeker and William Wo'irbein shipped two car 1 '(!.; of very fine cattle to the Chi tt' market, they going on last Fat unlay. L. I'. Murphy and wife of Council Bluff.' Wire visiting fr a short time on last Sunday at Gilbert Edmunds ami when they rrtt'rr.ed Mrs. Eim'sirr, mother of Mrs. Edmunds ;;n oMipniiteit them and will visit there for pome tirue. Marvin Edmlston, who has been making his home In Lincoln for come time past, came to Nehawka and will make hb homo here for a time. For the the past two weeks Marvin has been at Fort Crook where he wa.i in truiniv.g as a reserve offic?r. Cc-orire W. Rhoden ami the good wife, who are keeping house f r Ooo rire Trr.op as well as Mr. Rhodon working on the farm, were spending lar-t Sunday and Monday, the Ith. in Plattsmouth, where they were visit in? with relative;? ami friends. Guy Rood of Burr and the family were over to Nehawka where they wero visiting for a few days, re turning to their home on la.t Sunday but thrir little daughter. Coraline, remained for a longer visit with her grandparents. Nel Anderson and i f e. Mr. and Mr". Edward cf n.Tthwest Murray were guests for the day and a very fine dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kr.ul'C, the very pleasant day was made the more pleasing as Mrs. Km; lie i the daughter of Mr. nr.d Mr:'. C irsonuT. Miss L-iiinie McReynoIds, who ha;; ben making her homo at Lincoln fi r soii'.e time past and where she h.:s bc n attending summer school. came to Ncrawka on last Saturday Tiig?-.t ai d is visiting for a short time at the home of her brother. Mr. Alvi-i A Mclieynolds and where all a'- h'iirg a very fine time. M: and Mr--. Ken:irth McCarihoy W' re visiting at the h'.me of George? Ti "i p and wife. fr :;11 last. Sunday ml all enjoyed t'ie day spb p.dily. M sd i MCartiivy end Tr ion are si-ters. T!;e re; ..iipii was also made the i.i ire pleasant as Mr. and Mrs. Li.ei.ard I iyhrd w re there front IM.itt n: nIi. Mrs. ; ivlrd being also a sister of the other two ladies. Hr.r R-iral which is rom- p sed of the ladies f the neighbor hood north of Nehawka. met a v. last Frid iv at the li' iae of Mr. and Mr;;. Miller Christenscn where they look ed n the P:i:ines calling them togct! ' r and also enjoyed a very fno social afternoon. Mrs. Clsrist-in.-ien served a very delectable lunch eon at tho approptiate hrmr. All voted thier hostess a Royal enter tainer. Tlunman Nixon, wh ) was bitten by a coon which they were attempt ing to capture some three weck3 since, has been suffering from some sickness which it has been difficult to determine, and it was thought that there might been some taint in the blood from the virus frrni the teeth cf the coon. Thurrnan was feeling somo better and made a tri to Omaha but on his return v.-as feeling much worse and has been keeping to his bed since. Charlie R. Trccp and wife were out to rrt Im Thursday a.-::! Friday wicre they wc-nt to meet Mrs. George Troop who has been at the sanitarium at Kearney taking treatment for lung trouble and where she is making good progress, and hopes to be well soon. Mrs. George Troop returned with Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Trcop and will re main here for Borne three weeks, visiting with friends and then re turn to complete her treatment for the cure of the malady. Taking Vacation in North. Dr. D. K. Hansen departed on last Friday for the north and will spend some time in the fishing resorts of Minnesota and also will visit other points where he will enjoy the occa sion and will expect to be away for some two weeks. Whilo he is away his friend. Dr. Henry Cashbeer, of Omaha, but whose real home is at York is looking after the business of Dr. Hansen. Awaited the Opportunity. Yes. people knew, and his, friends as well knew that Thomas Mason, the polite and accommodating mail currier was married, and casually they extended congratulations as they met the blushing groom. This was not considered sufficient, and on last week one night a large crowd of his friends getting together went to the Mason home where they gave this gentleman and his winsome bride a real old fashioned charivari, with all the noise and fun possible. The sallies of the good natured crowd were met by the same spirit by the happy newlyweds and a fine evening was had. Returning to Home in Northwest. Mr. and Mrs. John l'erry who have been visiting here for some time past and who have been visiting at the home of L. H. Young and wife and Parr Young and wife and other rela tives visited at the home of Parr Young on last Sunday and on Mon day departed for their home in Al berta. Calgery, Canada. United Erethren in Christ. Otto Kngebretson. pastor. NKHAWKA CHURCH Bible church school at 10 a. m. Evening gospel service at S. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at the church. The Boys R. F. A." club will meet at the parsonage next Tuesday even ing, July 12. The Ladies' Aid society will be en tertained by Mrs. Schwartz on Wed nesday, July 13. Our mid-year Sunday school rally will be held on July 24. Let us plan now to attend. OTTERBEIN CHURCH Bible church school 10 a. m. Morning worship service at 11. Prayer meeting at the church. The Junior Christian Endeavor will meet with John Murdoch, Jr., this Thursday at 3 p. m. Next week they will meet at the church at 2 p. m. The Ladies' Aid society will be entertained by Mrs. John Murdoch next Thursday, July 14. Our mid-year Sunday school rally will bo held on Sunday, July 31. Plan to be with us on that clay. "Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage: be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee." 'Joshua 1:9. If you have accepted Jesu3 as your personal Saviour then the Lord is with thee. RAINFALL SCATTERING The territory south of this city suffered a generous rainfall Monday 'afternoon which extended into the ciise ui me cuy. i ne rain ai Murray was so heavy that it was necessary to call the baseball game retweon the Red Sox and Ashland, in the early innings. The rain seems to have been quite heavy in that locality and growing less the farther north the storm advanced. On reaeh- iiug this city the storm had diminish ed to a mere sprinkle. RETURNS FROIT HOSPITAL Mrs. George Troop, who has been taking treatment at ths hospital at Kearney, for several months for a lung trouble, has returned to this city and will visit here with the hus band and home folk.5? for some time before returning to Kearney. On Monday the members of the Stava family enjoyed a very pleasant pic nic and reunion in honor of the re turn of Mis. Troop, formerly Miss Emily Stava. AUBURN COUNCILMAN HURT Auburn, Nebr. Roy Thornburg. city councilman, was seriously in jured Monday when tho truck he was ridir.g in skidded and left the road. The truck overturned and Thornburg was pinned under it. His condition is critical. Sail Through The Summer with Blue Bird Shirts A new color, a new broad cloth a new shirt, at a new low price. Sing away the Blues with a pair of these Blue Birds Phil H'ffSce them in car East Window! LOCAL NEWS From Monday's Dally Lee and Etta Nickels drove out to Leigh Sunday for a visit at the home of their sister, Mrs. J. D. Wordeman and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Decker of Chicago arrived this morning to en joy a holiday visit here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Decker, par ents of Mr. Decker. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Morgan and family, of Hay Springs, Nebraska, are here for a short visit with the rela tives and friends and guests at the F. (. Morgan home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. King of St. Louis, are here to visit with John I utz. father of Mrs. King, as well as the other relatives and friends in this city and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Pollock ParnuWe and family of Lincoln, are here for a visit with the father of Mr. Parmele. C. C. Parmele and other of the old time friends in the city. Miss Leona Brady, who is now en gaged in tho offices of the Burling ton at Lincoln, was a visitor here Sunday to meet a number of the old time friends in the city. Ward Whelan departed this morn ing for Clarinda. Iowa, where he will spend a short time in that city with the Roy James family, Mrs. James being a sister of Mr. Whelan. Charles Nowacek, clerk in the of fice of the BREX here, departed Sat urday for Sheridan. Wyoming, where he expects to enjoy a short outing in that city visiting with friends. David Hawksworth, of Detroit, is here to spend a few days visiting with his mother. Mrs. Catherine Hawks worth and his sister, Mrs. E. W. Cook, as well as with the many edd time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Topeka. Kansas, arrived Saturday for a visit here with Mis. A. D. Smith, mother of Carl and other relatives and friends. They will also visit a few days at Omaha with old friends. Bernard Galloway, who is taking summer school work at Peru, and Miss Lou visa Albert, a member of the August graduating class at the school, came up Saturday to spend the holiday with the home folks. The Elmer Webb family drove to Omaha Sunday to visit at the Feller home, going via Louisville to return to his home there Fred Drammer, a Lcuisville Scout who will be bunk mate of Jimmie Webb on their trip thru the south starting next week, and had been spending several days here From Tuesilay Iaily Mrs. Lena Droege, of Omaha, is in the city today to spend a few hours attending to some business matters and visiting with friends. Corbin Davis departed this morn ing for Lincoln, where ho will spend a short time there at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. Mary M. Da vis. Misses Virginia and "Trixie" James, of Clarinda, Iowa, are here for a visit at the home of their uncle, Ward Whelan and aunt. Miss Emma Dellart. Mrs. John Alwin, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Maxon and old friends at Los An geles and other sections of the west coast, returned home Monday. From Wednesday's raily Mr. and Mrs. Carl B. Whiniand of Hastings, who have been here visit ing at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. K:Drr. have returned to their home, while their daughter, Idaj May, will remain here for a longer visit at the Knorr home. TO MAKE HOME HERE Mr. and Mrs. Marion Duxbury and family, who have been making their homo at Oakland, California, are re turning to this city and expect to make their home here in the future. They are making the journey by auto and messages here to the A. II. Dux bury family state that they have reached Elkland, Nevada, on the trip east. The tact that they are plan ning on making their home here will be most pleasing to the many old time friends. ENJOY PICNIC PARTY On Sun "ay afternoon a number of the members of the Thierolf fam ily from Cedar Creek motored to this city to enjoy a picnic at Garfield park. The event was arranged in honor of a number of the relatives from I1H noi:;, who are visiting here in Cass county. The time wa3 spent in the enjoyment of the line picnie dinner and in visiting. The day was very pleasant for the event and it was en joyed to the utmost by all of the party. LITTLE ONE IMPROVING From Wednesday's L;ii1y Billy Marek, 5, who was injured Monday evening when struck by a car and knocked down, is doing vcj nicely, reports from his home state. The little one suffered a severe cut on the forehead, but there was no fracture of the skull or jaw as was at first feard. It is expected that with in the next few days that the lad will be over the effects of the in juries. ENJOY HOLIDAY VISIT E. O. Jones and son, Enos Gray Jones, both well known attorneys of Sioux Fall", FOuth Dakota, are in the city for a holiday visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Robert son. Mr. E. O. Jones is a brother-in-law of Mrs. Robertson. Mr. Jones and son are well known here as they have been frequent visitors at the Robertson home and their friends were much pleased to have the op portunity of meeting them. Journal Want-Ads get results! OFFICIAL PUBLICATION MINUTES of Meeting of the Village Board of Greenwood, Cass county, Nebraska, held on the 2Sth day of June, 1132. The Village Board of the City of Greenwood. Nebraska, met in regular session at the regular meeting place in said Village, on the 2Sth day of June, i:32. at the hour of o'clock, p. ni. The members of the Board present were E. A. Landon, CTiairman; E. O. Miller, Dr. N. I). Talcott and R-x Peters. R. E. Math ews was absent. ' Meeting was called to order by Chairman Landon. Minutes of the la.-;t metting were read and approved as read. Bills were allowed as fol lows: R. E. Mathews. $7.!0: John E. Turner. County Treasurer. $07. HO; Ashland Gazette, $10.65; The Kors nuyer Company. ?."?.(!; Andy Mays, $23. 4). Total. $112.54. Bill from the City of Lincoln in regard to poles salvaged v." as read and clerk was instructed to write the engineer that the bill would not be paid until the streets that were cross ed by the pipe line were repaired and drained. Judge Cosgrave was in attendance and gave his opinion on the proposed contract with the Light Company. Motion by Dr. Talcott was made, and seconded by Miller, that the levy made for Water Bonds and interest he rescinded and no levy be made. Village Clerk to notify the County Clerk of the action of the Board. Mo tion was carried. Motion was made seconded by Talcott three and live-tenths be made for street li. by Miller and that a levy of (3 510) mills jhting purposes. Motion was carried. The Chairman then had submitted to the Village Board, the proposition of the sale of the Village distribution system and transmission line to tho Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Com pany. After a thorough discussion of the matter by the Village Board, it was decided to accept said proposition and it was moved by Trustee Dr. N. D. Talcott. and seconded by Trustee E. if. Miller, that an election be held in the Village of Greenwood, Nebraska, on the 8th day of November, iy32, for the purpose of submitting to the electors of eaid village the question cf selling to the Iowa Nebraska Light and Power Company the electric: dis tribution system in the Village of Greenwood, Nebraska, and the elec tric transmission line extending from a point adjacent to the Village of Waverly, to Greenwood. Nebraska, a distance cf approximately seven (7) miles, and that notice and proclama tion for calling said election be im mediately submitted for publication as required by the Statutes of the State of Nebraska. Upon the motion being put by the Chairman, the following Trustees voted "Aye:" E.'TT Miller, Dr. N. D. Talcott, Rex Peters. E. A. Landon. These voting "Nay," None. Moved bv Peters and seconded by Talcott that meeting adjourn. Motion ! carried. NOTICE OF ELECTION To the Legal Electors of the Village cf Greenwood, Nebraska: Vntlnp is bfrchv iriven that pursu ant to the action of the Village Board at a if gu'ar mee ting held on the 2Sth rl.iv of .Tune. i:.".2. for the nurnose of submitting to the legal voters of the Village of Greenwood. Nebraska, the question of whether or not the Vil lage should sell it:; elec trh: distribu tion system and transmission line to the Iowa-Nebraska Light &. Power Company and i'i accordance? with said action of t h- Village? Board and pur suant to the authority rixed in me as Chairman of the Village Board of the Village of Greenwood. Nebraska, y.u are hereby notified that said elec ticn has this day been called to be held on the Sth day of November, 1932. in said village at regular poll ing places. You are hereby notified that said election will be held on said date and the polls will be open sit X nYlock a. in. and will be closed at S o'clock p. in., at whuh time and place the ques tion of whether or not the Village shall sell it.-: electric distribution sys tem arid transmission line to the brarka Light and Power Company will be voted upon and question will be printed in full upon ; id ballot, together with ail terms rod conditions thereof. The ballots to be used in said letion. for said purpose will be in substantially the following form: NOTICE TO VOTERS: For an af firmative vote upon the following question, mark a cross (X) in the nquare after the word "Yes." For a negative vote, mark a similar cross after the word "No." Shall the following Public M asure bo Adopted? YES NO Shall the Village of Greendwood, Nebraska. sell its electric distribution tvsipn and transmission lino to the tmvr.-Wli'-.-ski Licrht and Power fv.miinr, v iind.-r the terms and con ditions as specified in the memorandum of agreement following all in ac- with the laws of the State of Nebraska coveiing said sale? Kemsiar-d-n cf Agreement IOWA-NKBRASKA LIGHT & PO W Eli CO M PA N Y and VILLAGE OP GREENWOOD, NEBRASKA This, centra t made and entered into this 2Sth day of June, 1H32. by and between Iov.a-N braska Light and Power Company, a corporation (hereinafter called "Company") ami the Villag" of Greenwood, Nebraska, a municipal corporation (hereinafter called "Village"): WITNESSETH: That whereai at a regular meeting of the Village Board hold at the regular meeting place on the loth day of May, lf32, (copy of minutes cf which are marked Exhibit G" jind attached hereto and made a part hereof) the Village of Green wood. Nebraska, made an offer to sell its electric distribution system and tiansmission line to lowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company for the rum cf Fifteen Thousand Dollars ( S 15.000.0') ) and. whereas Iowa-Nebraska Light ti Power Company has accepted said offer; NOW THEREFORE, in considera tion cf the mutual covenants herein contained the parlies hereto agree as follows: SECTION I Village hereby agrees to sell and convey (subject to tho approval of the f lectors of the Village of Green woo:!. Nebraska, under the require ments cf Initiated Law No. 324. Ses sion Law of Nebraska, lf31) and Company agrees to pan base the en tire electric distribution system now owned and operated by Grantor in Greer. word. Nebraska, including all poles, wires, orossarms, service con nections, meters, street lights, trans formers and approximately seven miles of transmission line extending from p .int cf connection with prop erties of Company adjacent to Waver ly. Nebraska, to Greenwood. Nebras ka, and all other equipment owned and rsed by Grantor in connection with the operation of said electric distributing system and said trans mission line under the terms and conditions hereinafter specified. SECTION II Village hereby agrees, upon exe cution of this agreement, to promptly call a special election in conformity with provisions and requirements of Initiated Lav No. 321, Session Laws of Nebraska. 1031; submitting to the el N octors of the Village r Greenwoou. c braska. the proposition of the salei of its electric distribution system and transmission lino to Company. I pon said election failing to authorize sale of said property, this agreement snail at once become null and void. How ever, upon said election resulting fav orably to sale of said property. Vil lage hereby agrees to. at once deliver possession "end control of property to Company and to immediately grant unto Iowa-Nebraska Light and Power Company, its successors and assigns, a twenty-five (25) year electric fran chise, copy of which, marked Exhibit "A", is attached hereto and made a part hereof and to adopt rate ordin ance, marked Exhibit "F", attached hereto and made a part hereof, regu lating rate3 to be charged by Com pany for electric service rendered to consumers within the Village of Greenwood. Nebraska. Village further agrees, upon sain election resulting favorably to the sale of said prep-rty, to at once exe cute with the Company, street light ing J.nd water pumping contracts for a term of five (5) years. Copies of which contracts, marked Exhibit "B" and "C." respectively, are attached hereto and made a part hereof. Village further agrees, upon said election resulting favorably to sale of said property, to at once execute bill cf sale conveying title to said electric distribution system and transmission lino to Company, copy of which, marked Exhibit "D . is attained here to and made a part hereof. SECTION III For and in consideration of the foregoing. Company agrees to pay to Village tor the aforementioned elec tric distribution system and trans- mi lime These all wool Bathing Sisits 5 -a 45 02? Men asid Women at T & are J'.tst RIGHT mis-don line the sum of $15,000.00, payable as follows: Upon the election authorizing the rale of above mentioned distribution system and transmissiem line result ing favorably to sale of said property. Company hereby agrees to assume full payment of principal and interest of outstanding bonds of the Village of Greenwood, Nebraska, as follows: 53,000.00 Greenwood water ex tension bonds dated July 1st, 1125, numbered serially from one il) to six CO), inclusive, bearing interest at the rate of ) 'i 'c payable semi-annually on January 1st and July 1st of each year. Due and payable- July 1st, HH5. but optional after July 1st. 1935; ? 12,000.00 of Greenwood wat er bonds dated July 1st, 1!25, numbered serially from nineteen (19 to forty-two f42). inclu sive and bearing interest at the rate of W'-it. payable semi annually on January 1st and July 1st of each year. Due and payable July 1st, 1945. but op tional after July 1st, 1930. All of the bends being in denomina tions of 5500.00 ca-h, numbered serially. SECTION IV Upon said election authorizing sale of aforesaid property resulting favor ably to sale of scitl property. Com pany agrees, for the purpose of re tiring tho bonds mentioned in Section 3 hereof, to at once deposit with tho cd commander of Nebraska Veterans Greenwood State Ban!: of G reen wood, j of Foreign Wars v.t one of the c los Ne. braska. the sum of One Thousand!; .io;;., .,. today of the organ D;;lla:s (SI. 000. 00). Said sum of One ; . . . ' Tlu usand Dollars ( 1 1 .0.i'0 ) tn be lzatlor- 3 l'vlah a,li;uaI h "te e dclivered to Village, by said Green-jcarr.pment. wood State Bank 0:1 the next bond in it was the fii. i time in the his- ter. st date of above mentioned hemds. cf the Nebraska oigat-izatioa whir-n dale is January 1st, 1933. On! , . , , this date Village hereby agrees to!11 re-elcc,:on has occurred. pay sr id sum of One Thousand Dol- Lincoln will ctertaki the vetcr- lars ($1,000.00) to the Cass County ians in 1&33. Troasurer for the retirement of two (2) bonds of Five Hundred Dollars (S500.00) each, this sum to be the first payment by Company hereunder. Com nan v further agrees to pay One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) or more cm January 1st of caih year thereafter until above mentioned bonds to th total amount of Fifteen Thousand Dollars (?15,000.00) are fully paid. SECTION V Upon said election authorizing sale of aforesaid property resulting favor rbly to sale of snid property. Village shall deposit bill of sale, franchise, street lighting contract and water pumping contract mentioned in Sec tion 2 hereof, with the Greenwood State Bank of Greenwood, Nebraska, in accordance with terms of escrow agreement marked Exhibit "E". at tached hereto and made a part here of. It is further mutually agreed by the parties hereto that when the wat er bonds and water extension bonds of the Village of Greenwood, describ ed in Section 3 hereof, have been frlly paid, both the principal and in terest, by Company and said bonds have been canceled and delivered to Village, that above mentioned escrow shall bo released and the bill of sale, franchise, street lighting contract and water pumping contract delivered to and become property of company. SECTION VI Company hereby agrees, upon as suming control and operation of dis tribution system and transmission line as provided in Section 2 hereof, to immediately put into effect resi dential and commercial lighting rates and commercial power rate as speci fied in rate ordinance, marked Exhibit "E", attached hereto and made a part hereof. Company further agrees upon as suming control and operation of dis tribution system ami transmission line to assume all liability incident to and in connection with the operation and use of said system and to main tain said system in as gcod condition as when received by Company from V'Uage, regular ar.d ordinary depre ciation excepted. SECTION VII Company further agrees to assume a Te:i Dollar ($10.00) deposit now owing each electric consumer by Vil lage, the total amount of which de posits it is mutually agreed is One Thousand. Two Hundred and Eighty Dollars ($1,280.00). SECTION VIII This contract shall inure to and be binding upon the lessees, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the par ties hereto have executed this agree- We are distributors for the famous Rock of Ages granite. Largest stock and lowest prices. Drive over to our plant, southeast corner of Square. Gleiwood (Granite Works GSesiwocd, Iowa VVVAAAAVVWVVVVVW 9? swim' ment cm the day and year first above written. IOWA -NEBRASKA LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY, By L. R. KING, President and Gcn Witness: eral Manager. W. R. McGeit'hin, Contract Manager VILLAGE OF GREEN WOOD, NEBRASKA By E. A. LANDON, Chairman. Board Witness: of Trustees. L. C. Marvin, Village Clerk. K. A. LANDON, Chairman, Board of Trustee: of tho Villain of Green wood, Nebraska. ( S-al ) Hall is Again Named 11 of Stale V.F.W. Resolutions Adopted Ask Jets fcr Zucn A Bonus Payment Not Possible. I Kearney, Neb., July 5. Colonel Hail of Greenwood was re-eleet- Flcrence Smith of Lincoln chorrc-n president of the date iliary. Other officers of tho veteran: wai aux- or- gn.nization are Major Henry Jess of Fremont, senior vL e-commarde-r ; Herman Mattr-o::. jr., of Kearney, ju nior vice-commander; II. Anderson cf Fremont, quartermaster adjutant; Dr. E. V.. Erman, of Omaha, depart ment surgeon; Frank Major of Kear ney, chaplain ; Simon Simon of Om-:" aha, Judga advocate, and Bruce New Ion of Omaha, member of the council cf administration. Officers of tire auxiliary are Lydia Bcldon of Omaha, senior vice-president; Mrs. H. Strong of Alliance, junior vice-preddent; Dorothy Ben son of Lincoln, secretary; Celia, Grossman oZ Lincoln, treasurer; Mabel Robinson of Lincoln, chaplain, and Elizabeth Pcrrin of Fremont, conductress. A demand for bonus payment leg islation was renewed, but somewhat modified- as compared to a previous stand. The convention unanimously approved a resolution asking con gress that if the full cash payment of the bonus can under no conditions be made to all world war veterans at this time, steps be taken immed iately to provide employment for all unemployed veterans, or immediate cash payment to those who are with out employment and have dependents to support, and to the disabled vet erans in need. Other resolutions adopted include one asking for a survey of compen sations and other allowances paid veterans of all wars, with a view to "harmonizing and standardizing payments" and putting them "on equal basis without decreasing exist ing awards." World-He raid. PENSION FOR WIDOW Paris. Under a bill approved by the senate the widow of Paul Dou- mcr, who was assassinated in May. will receive an annual pension of 200,000 frans (currently about $7, 500). Journal Want-AcJs cost only a few cents end get real results!