THTTKSDAY. APRIL 21, 1932. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN April 23, 1932 201A Radio Tubes .... 49c Genuine R. C A. Radiotron Heavy Duty B Battery . . $1.90 i Veyrlch 8 Mwray Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer attended Feeders day at Lincoln Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young at tended Feeder's day at Lincoln Fri day. A large number attended the calf club meeting: at Shaffers "Wednesday evening. A sister of Mr. Marcell was visit ing the family and attending the minstrel. J. II. Daker now own; a r.Kf new -rtl which p'ves an aided nleai-ure to his family. Mr. and Mr?. Earl Wolf of Union v ere visiting at th-j Hoy Gerking home Saturday. Mrs. Marions of Omaha, a friend of Mrs. Chas. Barrows, was visiting and attended the minstrel. Mrs. Myra Root of Casper. Wyo.. i. visiting at the Harry Todd home j!Td will also vi.-it friends in Jlur l av. Grease Eases Steering Does you car steer like a truck ss though both front tires were flat? Mo need for it. Grease will make it steer I i k 3 a baby buggy. Regular qreasinn will make it ride like a new car. Try it! We can do a quick job thorough, too. MURRAY GARAGE ' A. D. BAKKE, Propr. Bible School .Sunday. April 24th Afcram's Generosity to Lot Gen. 13:5-15. The Bible shows us man 33 he is. His true character is portrayed, be he cairn or sinner. The context to cur lesson shows us Abram when a famine vi.-ited this land of little rain, ar.d fevr rivers and streams how he. without consulting Jehovah, moved south into Egypt. This showed a lack of faith. But when in Egypt he real ized and saw trouble for himself, yes, he even feared death on account of Farai. who was a charming and beau tiful woman to save his life, we find in the record that he was the author tf an abominable and cowardly lie. He induced Sarai, who was in reality his wife, to tell the people' that she was his sister. God intervened' and Abram came out of Egypt richer in earthly goods, but what a scar was loft on his conscience. As he turns from Egypt, locating at Ectiid, more trouble looms up. The famine ha 1 left -the country in Lad 5-hape for their herds. The herds had increased and there was not pas ture for all. The herdsmen began to quarrel, each seeking'ihe best for his herd. Abram and Lot talk matters over. History repeats itself, and in few respects more frequently than in the discord and wars caused by the pressure of increasing populations. A tf'ijntry becomes overcrowded and rr aches out into the territory of its j.c ighbors. Comes the offer of peace. Abram might have told Lot to find himself anotiter location, but in his generos ity, he gives the-younger man his thoice. Members of the same family, r.eighbors. members of the same church these certainly are breth ren and disputes among them are pe culiarly shameful. Lot goes on a tour of inspection: he looks .to the. east from the mountain east of Bethel. There unfclded to view is a Wonder ful panorama. He beholds the rich valley cf the Jordan, and well water ed J. it is like "the Garden cf Jehovah." So he comes back to report to Abram that he had chosen all the plain of the Jordan. Abram had to be con tented with the hill country. Did Lot make a good choice? Subsequent history proves that he x-ade a sal mistake. In the first Uraba There will be a benefit dance for the Lewiston band at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Gayer Friday evenins. Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith of the Hanson Music store and Gerald Shrader of Omaha were visit nig with friends in Murray. Mr. and Mrs. John Perry is spend ing some time with Mrs. Perry's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Young. Mr. Young is not very well. O. C. Leyda was a visitor in Platts- mouth for a short time on last Satur day and was looking after some busi ness matters at the court house. Wm. Sporer was a visitor in Platts mouth on last Saturday, where he was called to look after some business matters for a short time at the court house. W. L. Seybolt, who is patrol man for the roads leading out of Murray, was looking after some business and consulting with County Commissioner George. L. Farley. Uncle Simon G. Upton, of Union, was a business visitor in Murray on last Monday afternoon, meeting his many friends as well as locking after some business matters. Uncle Charles H. Boedeker, who has been ill for some time, is show ing much improvement but Is still quite a ways from being in his form er good health as yet. Chas. Boedeker proved himself an excellent entertainer in the minstrel and in the rendition of the musical number "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" was a delight to his audience. Fred N'utzman, of south of Nehaw ka, was a visitor in Murray for a short time on last Monday and was Lesson Study! By L. Neitzel place he chose the 'world first" and the'kingdom of God second. First, he settled in the plaiu, then be crept a little nearer and pitched his tent "to ward Sodom." Xext time we hear of him, he is living in the city and is mixed up inextricably with the peo ple of that wicked community. The first false step leads on to connections unforseen, from which the man would have shrunk in hor ror, if he had been toid that he would make them. Once on the in cline, time and gravity will settle how- far down we go. This narrative iffords a plain instance of the great rruth that the sure way to lose the world as well as our own souls is to make it our first object. Who is not reminded of Psalm 1:1: "Blessed :s the man that 'walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor 'standeth in the way of sinners, nor 'sitteth' in the 'seat of the scornful." Lot did not take into consideration :he character of his neighbors. Verse 13 says: "But the men of Sodom were wicked and sinners before the Lord exceedingly." Here he married a woman of Sodom and raised a fam ily. Chapter 19 tells us of the end. He lost his possess'ons and his wife, and only saved his life. We turn now to Abram. He had only the barren hill country left, but he had God. One day he has a visi tor. Jehovah, who said: "Lift up now thin- eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and south ward and eastward and westward; for all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever." Abram chose the better part, God and his mercies. No one, in order to behold God's abounding mercies, need to remove from the place where he is. He may stand, as Abram stood, en a commanding elevation, or he may lie at the bottom of a pit, up to his shoulders in mud. like Joseph or Jeremiah, yet from that place, where ever It may be, he can get a glorious prospect of God's providence in all directions around him. ' It -is beter to have a rocky farm.j and God, than to have the valley of Sodom with God wanting. Have faith in God, he will take care of you! , REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Kebr. Charter No. 57S in the Statu of Ne braska at tlie close of business April ICth. 1932 Resources Loans and Discounts Overdrafts 670.55 S6.771.90 590.i0 Bonds and Securities eexclu- pive of cash reserve) Judgments and CLaims Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures Other Real Kstate Cash in Bank and Iue from National and State Hanks, subject to Check. . J 23.56S.03 Checks and items of Kxchanpe S6.51 U. S. Bonds in Cash Keserve f.,000.00 4.807.41 2S.649.r.C TOTAL, $231,160.54 Liabilities Capital Stock $ Surplus Fund Undivided J'rofits (.Vet) .... Hesei ve for Dividends, Con tingencies, Interest, Taxes, etc Individual Deposits 15.C00.00 7.00. 00 2,40 1.61 349.20 subject to Check. .$ 64.K95.CS Time Certificates of Deposit 12S, 410.47 Cashier s Checks 073.04 Due to National and State Banks 7.000.00 200,979.19 Re-Ciscounts none Bills payable none Contingent l: serve for De positors Final Settlement Fund 5.433. 54 TOTAL $231,166.54 State e of Nebraska "1 inty of Cass J ss. Cou I, Charles 11. Boedeker. 2nd. Cashier of tlie above naniui bank do solemnly swear that the above statement is a true and correct copy f the report made to the Department of Trade and Commerce. CHARLES II. UOEI EKEII. 2nd. Cashier. Attest: FRKP L. NTTZMAN, Director . W. t;. B i:DI-:Ki;i:, Director Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of April, 152. i:. s. tctt. (Seal) Notary i.'uLUc. (My commission expires Mar. 17. 1956.) visiting and conferring with -W." G. Boedeker of the Murray State Bank. Harvey Gregg, the carpenter, and his co-partner. George Berger, were dcing some altering and repairing at the Wilson elevator during the latter portion of last week and the fore part of this week. Administrator O. A. Davis of the estate of the late Samuel Latta. and James Latta. his ward, were over to Plattsmcuth on last Saturday, where they were looking after some business in the county court. The Mr.tsek Transfer company was hauling corn from the Hild elevator to the farm of C. R. Troop near Ne hawl;awhere the grain is being used Irt thfc,Tjocp feed lots to put the fin ishing touches on a bunch of feeder cattle. L. A. Webber is making some al terations. at t hV st ore which will per mit him .'.to, use the back portion of the building aa residence and thus mike him at home all the time and iar,1 him ffi'hetter look after the uutuiesa. Clause rloehn, of Omaha, was a visitor in Murray for a short time during the latter portion of last week, where he was looking after the re pairing of some property which he has here and which J. A. Scotten and his crew of workmen are now doing. Harry Nelson and the family were over to Nehawka last Sunday and were visiting while there at the home of the parents of Mrs. Nelson. Peter Johnson oncl wife, and were assisting in the care of the father of Mrs. Nel son, Peter Johnson, who is very ill at this time. George Thompson, who is a mem ber of the pis dub and who is great ly interested in the work has some six sows, five of which have recently farrowed and which now have seme twenty-five fine spotted Poland China pigs, all farrowing since March 5th, and all doing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Nickles and Mrs. Nickles' mother, Mrs. Henry C. Lcng, together, with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shrader. grandson of Mrs. Long, who make their home in Oma ha, were over to Shenandoah, where they visited for the day on last Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Kelsey, who are cousins of Mr. and Mrs. Nickles. The Howard brothers as Amos and Andy in the minstrel sure kept the pep up, and Diah or Maranda. or what ever the name of the part played by Mrs. Brubacher, made it strong that the "foot that rocks the cradle rocks the world," and Grace Kennedy, playing the flapper-singer, the tall one, the small one, the fat one, etc., in real life admired the tall one. Will Play Ball Again There was organized a baseball team one evening recently and they were able to get out on the diamond last Sunday afternoon, where they had a very fine practice game and which was greatly enjoyed; They will have a game for the corning Sunday at the Murray park and will provide a good game for all who come to see. Just who will be their opponents in the opening game is not known as NL G. Churchill Painter Paperhanger and General Re pair Work MURRAY - - NEBRASKA yet, hut you may rest assured that a ! good team will be booked. j Had a Fine Show' Directed by Mrs. James Marsell, the j young people of Murraj' organized, ! perfec ted and put over a very fine ! minstrel show, which was held in ; Murray on last Friday.aad Saturday : nights. The rlay was mirth provok- ' ing and brought many a good hearty j lauRii, and also netted a neat sum for the merry crowd which put it on the boards. , ; 'Makes Purchase of Property ! Lu . can Carper, junior member of j the Murray Hardware and Implement company, has just purchased what j was formerly the residence property cf T. J. Brendel. find which Mr. and j Mrs." Carper will use for their home. The' consideration was $2.t00. Dr. G. H. Gilmore to Eeturn j Dr. (!. H. Gilmore-. who has -been j at Long Beach. California. . for , the i pas.t six month?, is to ret urn and take j charge of the practice from his office j in Mtmay, and is expecte d to arrive ! lata this week. ! Enters Partnership at .tails City Dr. R. V. Tyson. y. ko hai he en in Murray since the departure, of. : Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Gilnieue aud, thwr soru. John Gilmore, for California, i where the latter has betn nttend-ngj medical college, is to depart, for FallsJ City, where he will enter, into part-j nership with Dr. J. M.. Gre ene. Dr. Ty$ri has enjoyed a very lucrative j practice since corning to Murray sis.j months a?o aud made, many ,friencl5.1 anil regret to see hiai d part..-jTb-e i j corjh act ic-n offered himnafciFaJlrCUy wa$ very enticing-aucl(la'eT4.ha4- wcruJd barf ibeen "hardWt? pa? -hy.-w -be accil ted. and his friends .here- are all wishing him the best cf iak and won tirffied' success- in his cbon profes sion in the southeast Nebraska town;. Still Remains Poorly Uncle Don C. Rhoden... wb . has been quite ill for seme lime past and who has made a gallant Struggle with the disease and has -held his. own for many weeks, though not being able to tot scarcely anything still remains in a very critical condition and every attention is being given both in the line of nursing and care as well as medical attention. Home from the West Last year, M. G. Churchill and fam ily, and John Frans and family de parted for the Pacific coast and were residents of California for the winter, they making their home at Porter ville, where it was expected that the weather would remain warm cll-vin-rj ter. They arrived home last Sunday, j after having been in the west for j eight months. The cold weather that ) prevailed in that sunny southern j elim?, as frequently told of in daily j press reports, they say was the cold- j est spell experienced .there in more i than thirty years and; many oranges j were frozen and the tree: even killed i by the cold weather. However, there j was plenty of fruit there and the j packers nightly hauled out -on the j praiiie many truck , leads of oranges j and ether fruit, which they dumped) and threw away. Some of the orange I were small, others of irregular shape and many nice ones went into the uis rd that it seems could somehow have gotten into the bauds of buyers at lower prices than are now being charged for this fruit, as they say, "due to the freeze, ami shortages in supply." - - - Presbyterian Ciiurcii Jfotes. Sabbath school at Q a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. m. (Young people's meeting). Wednesday evening prayer meet inp at 7:30. You are cordially, invited to wor ship with us. J. C. STEWART, Pastor. Gets New Caterpillar County Commissioner. George L. Farley, of the First Commissioner dis trict, has niade a- trade whereby-the county gets a new caterpillar for use on the division centering at Murray, and which s-looked -aftr, by - that prince of roadmen. Will L. Seybolt. The old caterpillar has been traded in on the new one and the difference paid by the county, and thus the equipment for making better roads is kept up to a high state of efficiency, insuring against breakdowns and lost time. Remember mother with an art postcard for Mother's clay. It will be appreciated. Call at the Bate Book O t ' 1 . . . & Gift siiop and 100K over '.aeiriltr layjor, a itirnKcy, in tr.e nun - laige line. J 5 ,1 Hinlty-Dinliy really brings down Evergreen or Pittsville Green or Wax No. 2 Can U I tii-M- Im-iiim rrc fclrlnlrMH mill en''r and ry lit'iicioiii. IUhiik t't (i:nl finality hi twice Itiim nu.o-.itit r I myt More, it will in.v oa t tiny I- "r ftM-re aii it rtn . t-LAVORiTE BRAND PranmEs2aa Large No. 2 Can . . t brforr la hltrv fi-n rtri inrcr (-mix ft flux-? it:ntk.iu -orn c: il'rrl -1 ii-Ii low irltrn. riual innlit.v otllx rt 1-' l- irit is nioi rtr-rr. FRSH, FLUFFY X Pound Glassine Bag . . . Westport Biand Fancy PIKK Salmon Tai?CaS 2 for Del Wonts Fancy Crushed Pineapple No. lO Cans, So-called Gallons Ea. Cclcrado Pinto Beans. 5 lbsi for Califoinia Baby Lima Beass, 2 lbs. fcr 'Geld, Medal Chick Eation, Self Fecciiag Carton, 10 lbs. Hiles. or, Clcros. per bottle Silver Leaf Laundry Soap. 10 bars for Babbitt's Cleanser, 4 cans Hinky-Dinky COFFEE If 3 lte.V5Se;'Xb.'--' I Casco BEST-OF-ALL Margarine Per lb. JC 2iU Per Small cans, 6.. 18c Doz., 36c Case cf 4 Doz., $1.44 VIGO The Cettsr Dog F,cod! For Dogs, Puppies and Cats. 3 Cans Budwetser MAILT "Bast Money can Buy" PiUcbiaipy's . Pancalte can, )v0 can, mm. 25e can . . cj) wwmm TEAR GAS TAMES CONVICTS Camden, X. J. Three convicts but received most of the effects him were subduel with tear gas when I pelf. Ruming thru a corridor, they tiny tried to club their way to free dom from the county jail. The pris oners are Harry Schwartz and Mich ael Quinn, charged with carrying concealed weapons, and Party Co.t anzo, suspecU"! burglar, all of I'hila- del phia. They crept up behind Wal-I rw . .. . . - ,' pen, felled him with sticks torn from IPMis is the way Cesides LOW nr-ices on your foods, Hinky-Dinky makes pcsj.i.:ie nn extra econcrr for every custo mer by scfiinp them enly r.cod "no waste" merchan dise. This rrr-r.s that everv purchase results in an editions! definite savir.n. Hinky-Dinky sells only feeds of fine ouality. y 2 This Ad for FRIDAY-SATURDAY, April 22-23 O A M A ?J A Q UfliyttLXiJ ORANGES g Extra Larne Size, Dczen, 2?c LESIONS Scnkist. Ex. laige size. Dozen 23c EIEAW2Z5P.1ES Fey. red ripe Louisiana:. 2 box.29c BALISEES Lanje bunches. Each 2c HEAD LETTUCE Lare sdHJ heads. Each Sc CAERGTS Izige California. 2unch 7i2c PEAS Eancy full peds. Per lb 10c POTATOES No. 1 Nebr. Cobblers. 15-lb. psck 19c Per 100-la. Bag, $1.25 ASPA3AGUS Eancy lenr green. Per lb 10c VVS 2Sc 13c 3Sc 15c 23C ISc Del Konte Ds Luxe PluniE. Ifc. 2Vz Eel Monte Sliced cr Cm&hed Pineapple. 3?o. can First Tiizz Nauow Grain Com. riedium can, 4 fcr 25c Challenge Biand Sifted Peai, IIo..2 canTJr;A-rj iOc . Silver Bar.Faney Tcmatces, Ko. 1 can. 7y2C', No. 2. 3 for.25c Macarcnia. Spaghetti cr Shell Macaroni, 2 lbs. for z. lI5c Creamery Enple Brand Rcya! Anne Cherries l Afiin lb. No. 21 can Fcr AH Cooking and uocs tor names 3 for i Doz., 72c Case of 4 Doz., $2.3 WMt King Granulated. Best For mmm Sm. phg. W&cat Fops A CeHcioirs New Ccrea! 2 gKgs. Sgc Rice Pays Adults and Children Enjoy It lb. 1r. torn "Safely O Sealed" c S2&. can, a wooJed bench and seized the keys. Taylor discharged a tear gas pistol. ctrui-k e!ov n Charles Healer, a jailer, and Harry Uickmore, a trusty, hut their cries attracted John IVitz, de puty warden. lVitz sounded the hircn and then net the trio with a. tear ;-a.s l airrifv as they readied the out- er ate. At the :ame time police- .J.... ..... ... .,..1 1 men ru:.i,iu it: huh uuihh ii mi .. and overpowered the convicts. your table costs yellow, eipe r Li Limit 5 lbs. to customer. Lb. J1 SUNKIST. Swett, Juicy. 1 Small size. 25 for 25c. Each 1C SUGAR gi GV7, lC-lb. Cloth Bag jt C c H Fowclered or brown 3 lbs., 23c can . -19c - 19c Superior Dill Pickles Qt. jar Windnaii! or Butternut Salad Dressing 1C00 Island or Spread 8 Oz. Jar ISc Pt.2jc St.39c wasitxng 1H ?C Med. pkg.nVLg.w Plain or Kcp Flavor Can FILLER'S Oat Flakes 'Puts Magic in Your Baking' 24 lb. &3 2b. 1C 4