The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1932, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schlictemeier
cf near Murray, were visiting in
Weeping Water and were looking
cfter some business matters as well
ca meeting their many friends.
Otto Moritz who Las been making
Lis heme in Plattsmouth for some
time, waa in Weeping Water on last
Tuesday locking after seme business
matters in his line with the sale of
the Maytag washer.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Jones were
ever to Lincoln on last Sunday -where
they went to spend the "day at the
home of their sen. Clifford Jones, and
family and where they all enjoyed
the visit very much.
W. E. Maxfield and the family were
cut enjoying the sua on last Tues
day afternoon, when Mr. Maxfield
went out along the line of the tele-r-hene
to do some tree trimming and
tha v.ife end the kiddies went
rlcng for t'ae out of rteors and th
varni sunshine.
County Attorney W. (1. Keick v.a3
called to. Weeping Water on last
Tuesday to look after i?orae business
matters and was accompanied by his
friend. E. 11. Wescott. they meeting
their many friends here and also go
ing to Murdock to look after some
business matters as well.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson and
v.ife cf Lincoln Were in Weeping
Water on last Monday, coming to at
tend the funeral of the late James
Monroe Teegarden, and were accom
panied by. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fern
baugh, who also attended the fun
eral and as well visited at the home
cf Mrs. Fernbmish's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. G. R. Dinger: :
Mrs. J.'!. C:rlcy. who is at this
time at Pine DIuTfs .Wyo.. where
their sot:, Coorge. makes his hornet
ant! where she ha3 been for the part
two week
'assisting in the care of r
the wife f Mr. fiedrgeVpirJey. writes
that the patient is much improved
and able to be'up and out a portion
of the time and able to ride about.
She says the daughtpr-in-law is "mak
ing very satisfactory improvement
which will be gocd news to the
friends who are hosts in Weeping
Exnc:t3 tD Ocire Koir.2 Soon.. .
Uncle -Issae Wiles who has 'been
at the hcsnital in Orjsnl'for a nam-'
ber of weeks ar.d wheiQ.he hasupder
gene a number of operation, is sa1mBat aaken ill only last
ing gdo.l improvement' and vm'to
able rt return' home, the coming "week
which will be good nevs ' for ' this
gentleman as well as for. his. many
friends. : ' ' . .
Krs. Oliver E. Powers Dies.
Mrs. Mable Pcwers,' wife'of Oliver
E. Powers, who has been sick only
tinte .Friday, passed away at
their home in Weeping Water on
last Tuesday shortly after two
o'clock, having suffered from a ser
ious case of double pneumonia. The
body was taken to the llobson . fun
eral home where it 'was cared for
and prepared for the funeral .whl:-h
would come later. ' Mr. and ..Mrs.
Powtrs came to Weeping Water some
eighteen or mere years ago, when' he
beciime operator of the Missouri
Pacific here. They have made their
home here since and have hosts of
frfcr.tis who are pair.ed to learn of
the death of this excellent woman.
Mrs. Powers was one cf the very
best cf women, an explary wife and
mother, and was very active in all
things which was for the m better
ment ef the community in which she
lived. She wa.s besides one of the
vt ry best of mothers, a sreat worker
in the church and Bible school,, be
ing a earnest and sincere teacher
in the primary department cf the
Christian Bible lc'hooI. She leaves a
devcted husband uud four sons, be
sides m.ny friend3 to mourn her de
parture." The sons beinpr Tipton, 16,
Robert, 7, Richard, 5. and Kenneth
2. Besides being a member of the
Christian church, she was also a
member and very active in the work
ings of the Order-of Eastern Star.
lions Club Met Last Week.
The Loins Club of Weening Water
which is a very active organization,
looking to the interests of the busi-
Thaughful Service
WE HAVE eetablished an In
tituti6n for the purpose of
relieving the bereaved family
of burdens and responsibilities
which accompany the - passing
of a loved one.
Our knowledge and expsri
ence, 'in this profession assures
ratisfaction to the family of the
Elobson Funeral
Established 1308
ness of -Weeping Water and.' also : to
the social side, met at the American
Legion hall on last Thursday, 'when
they enjoyed a very fine program
as well as a social time and. good
eats. Sure the Kahn Bayery i fur
nished the pastry which .was sure
enjoyed by the large number of peo
ple who attended.
Have Fine Time.
The Order of Eastern Star enjoyed
a very pleasant meeting a few Jays
since when they met at the Masonic
Temple and there listened to the dis
trict superintendent of the order In
an address whldh she gave' on "t ne
occasion. Miss Berniee Way, the d is
trict superintendent, was the 'guest
while here of the Eastern Star, who
made her visit" and stay here most
pleasant. 1
Given Wedding Surprise.
A short time since Peter Lund and
the good wife celebrated the passing
of their twenty-fifth -wedding anni
versary, their silver wedding, when
their daughter was also married just
twenty-five' years apart.' The" occas
ion was a quiet one and attended
only by the families cf the parties
and immediate" friends.' Now they
have many more friends as was dem
onstrated on last Sunday whert some
sixty of their friends came with
well laden baskets of good thing? to
eat and made merry for the evening".
They had as you can see, good eats,
sang songs, visited and played pin
ochle and on their departing,-extend
ed the wish for a Ian?
life for their . frjerids.
fnd happy
John Everhardt Bates. ,4-:
John E. Gates1 was: born n Ohio
near town of - Surrayville and when
but a lad came with hispa:rents to
Cedar Crock, where they reside d, for'
twtt, years, during'the years 18S2;and.
1S3, moving to 'Weeping' Wter-j in
fl884. In 18S7 Mrl Bates was united!
in marrlafre' to ' )jUss 'Sarali M?4g
and mqved.on the far.m southeast
Weeping - Water u where they
made their heme since. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Bales'e'arly united .with "fhe
Congregational church and evjTi re
mained devoted .'members and fol
lowers "of "the Lowly Xazerene.' 'The
union of. this.excUeKt"iaan &H1
woman was blessed l with tor.r chil
drr'n.'one dieing in infancy, while the
i others are Ames and Ernest .Batefe
I i ' T j -f i if. i i- i ui v t
of., pear j.ep:ng: ; Aetcr anu,Mra.
George. 6holl,i who resides In .tovrii
- . 1 - - - r r
week-' 4ft': iMss-tfcl a &dy at his ; hmcf
at T.nefgci. ox ;x yt-rs., l.u, mourns,
and -1 Q days,-- The 'funeral was held
at ' the 'Congregational church and
was coij'ffucted 6y the Rev, Ralph
Pinkham, the "funeral cared far by.
the " llobson' fnneral home and the
interment at the Or.Swood cemetery.
Produced a Good Play. -..
The 'American ; Legion placed vn
.the' beard last week "When a Fellow
Needs a Friend, both on last Thurs
day and Friday evening, the houses
being crowded at bcth performances.
The American Legion have thC'Te
putaticn of producing . good mirth
provoking plays and. when 'they, put
cn a cast all knew that it is one of
the very best. '
Opening a Success. ,
On the opening day of the Kahn
Baking Ccmpany, which was widely
advertised, there were 700 there and
they were given each two doughnuts
and coffee', mid all were, well pleased
with -the opening and weii satisfied
that this -firm is one of the best, if
not the very best in the state of 'Xe
braska. ., ' " -
. Obituary
James Monroe Teegaidea was born
at Lisbon, Ohio, January 1, 1862,
came to Nebraska in 1883, after re
maining here for seme eight yea,
Mr. Teegarden went to Canal Fulton,
Ohio, where on October 29, 1891; he
was united in marriage to "Miss Flor
ence Breese. Mr. Teegarden early
united with the Congregational
church and has ever been profound
Iy interested in the work of th-
church . and a devoted and earnest
follower of the Christ, whom he wor
shipped. Mr. Teegarden was superin
ftendenl of the Bible -school of the
congregational cnurcn tor many
years, The nnion of thts excellent
couple was blessed by the gift of one
son and one daughter, they being
Wm. Teegarden cf Long Beach, and
a daughter,-Mrs. Edgar Stickley, who
resides three miles south of Weeping
Water and their children, . Edwin
James, Grace Cecelia and" Harold
Gorden. Mr. Teegarden also, .leaves
three brothers and three sisters. Mr.
James M. Teegarden was one of the
best citizens for the heme' town, ever
working for the gocd of the town
and' for all its citizens. Weeping
Water has lost a most able citizen
and worker for the town as well as
kind and ;lpving fdtter and'huiband.
Hl-passing leaves a place In -the-
home 'and the edhihtriiity'-WXDclt caa-:
not e asily., be filled.. JJbe Juperal tWAsJ
held' from' the: Cohsregat1onaVehtrfcnr j.
the! service tbeing cpnducletl ,bjr, the.
iter.- Kaipn nnKnani, pastor 4..nijr.
chutfett hWe, ' the dreJtipn ,of j th
funeral being in the hadspf the
Hobson funeraj heme and theJ t nf er
mentat the- Oakwood" temeter y. -.
. There will be a meeting .of cftf-
payers held at 'the Mynard tQgeiitat,
itT fcall ton ' Monday5 venfng.. Rtrcaf
21st at S o'clock. Fror. rl. J. i-niey
6Tfhe de'pdrfmenr of rural" ecotitnnles
of the stat uaivei-'siti, rirp;pf$3
ent and address the meeting. Prof
Filley Is one of nhe-best informed
men on the matters of taxation an7
government, fie willalsd etfeak'ori
the "question' of the monetary' -system
of the nation. Everyone fn the c'o'u'n-
tv who; wishes ts-in-1ted!to',attertd.Hdn.tfie highway ortlHt Mwrrajrvihas
There will be no admi.siorrharg3. -
'.' r
(Pwlitical ArfvertteimtV- J
l Announcements t
y. i - By ,the Candidate?
r r. '
For State, representative . ,
. I lLprebv announce myself as 'can
didate bn the deWoc'ratic' ticket t6t
noniiaatfdn f?r State R0feseTrat!ve,
subjeet to the will of-the 4rty. at tlw
primary .election. 12tb. I,thaja,k
all who may, see their way clear to
vcte tor me. ''Should 1 beisel'ead,for'
the position I win endeavor td look'o
the interests of the entire euisenry of
our state ami sse. that aj niateconom
iral administration be .had, anjl that
the-interests cf the 'farmeri the nier
chan,t' pnd the workman be strittTy
eafeguardod. n. . .- :.
GEO..E. Murray,
: (- i .
I; . it: i
For -Connty, Sheriff-
Cass1 Qountythe greater, , part foi my
lifetime and have made my, home .in
and "near Murray. If elet'tf'd ' to "the1
office, T VvWl 'strivei tisee'that thtT
Is a fir and impartial forcement-of
the law.
' . -'V I . rH'"'
For (iffnnfy 'Sheriff ' : 4 '
yl hereby rnncunce "niy1 VaffdWa1
far .BOTBinatiifcn : for- Sheriff ..lorn tho
deraQalie.t cket , -Pr, Uiia Tued a y.
A&rr- itm., l nave uvea , in, v'ass
eoury 'lor fortf 'ye'aS-s-'randfor
the fntoroorhc M 'bf MV lnxOi shoidd,. jelected,-, !- Willenftravor, tanr;
special j
W. H. PORTER, Union
: :
Republican . -
lox State .Rcpiesentative ,( , , ,
'. . I have filed for the nomination for
St$.te RepreseTitatlve of the Slxth'dis
trict. suhjict to the voters or the Re
publican party. I am a -dirt. farmer,
have , farmed , all my ,l,ife, was born
in Cass cqiinty arid have resided "here
all my life. ' 'Having spent my entire
life on 'the farm. L am 'qualified to
look af tar. the interest.of the farmers
whose, rights have .been given little
thought. I 'stand for a reduction of
taxes and for an' economical expen
diture of funds for the county, and
state.' I. shall be pleased.. to receive
the support and co-operation of. all
who believe' as I do on ecdnomie ques
tions. Primaries T arc-: April 12th.
Thanka for - your; -co-operation for,, a
business likje, legislature, and. foe eco-
. . .,s;ii j ...;:-c-;i
xox iOuniy onenn 3 h a
. .1 have filed for nomination for, the
position, of. County Sheriff .qii the re
publican ticket, subject" to th'tviri 6
the voters' of' my "partyVv-at the-'pri-'
marles April 12th; and' respeetfully
solicit the support and ;. co-operation,
w rf-i A lC
of all who desire. the best,. administra
tion of this office. I wasuorn in Cass
county,' have resid
ided here all my life
gagd In -farminTT-l-
was-formerly cn
also in business in .Union,and now as
Eociated in business w-ith
at Weeping Water Should I be nom
inated arid elected I shall 'end'eatdr to
make the best officer posSlbleThank
ing you for what yom may: do Ip: my
behalf in. this campaign,, . very
respettfully v
' A.' ft. TiOWLErt.
.' I : ' ' ' ' 'rn . .'Ii j
ccmrjorco commissidn ' TWninday-ei
nicd. , tiro ' 'petition' rof the-'Missourv
Pacific and Texas' &'-!Paeifi -l-tftlrdadsi
for recor.ijlderation of 'the-'eommis-Bion'd
order allowing the.S. P. to ac
quire; control ef-the- cotton-belt rail
road. ! "' ' ' " Jt' ' - ' ' ' "' ' i i .; t
, The" cbmmizsibh" Jan." ljs author
ized the' S. P.' to acquire1' control f
the St. Louis Southwestern railway,
also ' known'- as the ' cotton belt; and
incorporate If" in " Its' "system. fThe
Missddrf Paclfie,'-which 'runs : fromi
St. ; Louis : to1 ;Texarkaha, 'ftst.r and
other! point3 " in ' the southwest, vind
tho 7Texas & : Pcific; h '0b3idiary
which competes directly in Texas
with j the Sonthern -Paeific, -fought
the application of the . P. j
I , I I ' 1 -- ..1
neyH -T have filed for the office or County; very poorly' at iim iiome ana wnua
. iM '.J ;.).' J'-itiJ. 1.1 j! . - . . . ..
'ot r'"'1U, suuJfLl lu wisues ji ltlt? T everything hafcrwien .ftiT.a tirx tfu;
' v dWrtfrhfi" vYitri al f'JiT)flmarv! firti ' ' . . . . .....
save . .Aru IP , i h r-.! in Pientv -neniM wmair -qawonu.
qe. the Jaw.vinipartiaHy; wUh np !u,ja .nopeaMnai'sne w-e -it
friends to faycr o'.enemies ,io ricturp1 lme MiY'the'heat futOre
nJsn. i TnanK you Tor your sup- -imb' lnnrnvA MtM 'Siren o.'bu
nd co-operation? ...t-t?v- .. -..-.-tv i.Lr
ft". "
.fTCP i : .
Edward Murray laftd j O. Cisney
were visiting In.Plattsmouth and al
so looking after sonje -business there
cn last Friday. ,1;J;;w
John Chambers is assisting at the
TWoJfe: Cafe during, the time -which
tpr Mrs unarrest iT..itt. ;c -i.-c
Ray Whiteman, with thinld f a
number of his jeighbor$, -has ieen
storinje.;ht3 ; attnisaer'e. uppll ' ot " Icq
darhJ-tbe present iorpart of ;thiq
week.j ..l-icH;-': i.:-t ;...
D. b. Adam, whe-has-ibeea-ill-for
some time end -who1 Jiast heea dniprov
ing. with-each day,' is making --ad
tancep, though slow, 4smaking.datist
factory progress. - :
1. Wttner 'Perry who Hlafces his. home
ben very pocrly aroHa at the
hospital for a clrnic -ana 'Observation
?fdr d ishorf time
.1 1 i
1 J MrJ. C.'U. iTroc'of 'Plat'tKm'nuth
was ij-iking affer'scnie'-b3lhsfma1fc
ters 't Murray and also at the farm
north! of Nehawka whereWr. O. Troop
makes his hanie. J ' -'t" : -
' ' A'.' ;B.,:RtitIedge'Va a Visitor for
thc'TJast -week afttlth'hnie 'Of I M
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. RittiegM
cf 1 Frfrdland, Missouri, and -wlih-nlso
v!s;t: at other places Trt Hhe sfttrth(. J
' Mark''rJurton!ftnft wife -Sfere1 dve-r1
to'trfo'n and 'as 'e1 it1 Neferaska
City1 on 4last Saturday riigt," Adhere
at the latter place they we're attend-f
ing aj show a.1 the 'Overland 'tpeaf re.
; ' Evereft' -' Lancaster 'mlG kviX&i a ad 4
their! achij Roy, weTever to-ftmahaJ
ch last Saturday fend 'arranged fori
the entering of thei'TJriiveysiy hsspi-
tal of their son. Roy1, vIto" will under
go an operation' there 'during this
week. X :M U lWl i'C. fVl. JK
Mr. L. 11. Young,-living a num
ber of miles 4torh-'of tcwia, has been
but is 'reported as fctairig -fdiJrhtly ira-
r roved:1 " "'. i rf shj 1
' Wm. -Chappei iirlrtgrwest of'Ne
hawka 6nTthe:0 tHeletioa'; has heel
.Lvery ill at hl3 I home and wnlW (he
fv.n v,A lwrtet' f-Uin rAX nlil irjll
V J. . i ..- . . . '
mains poorly' aha it fs ea're-lie win
he com'pelletl itrtremairi fna'A4veffer
sonjeitirriet l'- i.rv ici jisn
. .Mre.'"!! Op'SvMosWHhff hos
nitaliin OmaTra Ve?e W IsfeWivi-'
ipg .treatment and care, is reported
l ass'ljoivtng gfll AfrpVemeft 'aid
Mrs. ! Harold !raYd, "llVinfe -west 'xJf
Nehawka' 'when' the 'stbrtci ththe
asristahhe 'of Dt.' i. E.Harisohi wel
comed to tVe honfe a? very' fine1 'Sotr,
and the" rirtJi'ts" are! t Hart th"elm6'ther
and son are doing very' TtfcelyT5- v '
' , J,a me's 1 M Pal m" cr 1 a ntl 1 Robert 1 it
Chabmart.wcrd'"time,, friends of4 th.
late James' M.' Teegarden who pass
ed away 'on1 lastVriday,'' were' over
to Weeping 'Wato? t6 attend the fun
eral which' was held'bn fast Monday
afternoon, they drfvlng'xJvcr in the.
car of the latter." ''' ' , ,
Edwin Thrmgan1. "sheriff of Cass
county, was Woking after some busi
ness In Neh'awka.ahd 'north of toNvn.
1 As, well as. lcokingcafter tti'e ousine'sb;
Ihe was' meetine' with his' 'many
frt?S Vhih sepgro with
:ever-; day he is sheriff.Jand Tor ;wnjcn
juc, tti uKii'ii a canuiaaie;-t
.Jlr. .and .Mrs.' A. A.. Young were
oyer; ipOmalw, on .last, Friday where
thcx Iwer'e . ibcki'ng" 'after .some ',pusV
neap asweJi as accompanying Av.iuaru
J, Aliens, who was over to the big town
to ' Hve -. ;ca,J emoved(,,from,
leg wjii'cji .was. Iracturpd some yffks
smcej .Jp, ,is howeyei;. gc.VUng atonf
a i
!. m ' f -. t - i f
g-t; finstcrins Severe ,Infaryrtt
K 'On of Jas week" while Mr.s.
oojiis. rif.nucr .was. about. her. VfOjrK.
fctshcfme, fhe Elipjed.n ht?ot,ifefc
Wllirig-, aad ,in t.iloiag,. auffered. a
fctyrejc.auir M? f&qSe af
taken! to,tho'horitalaOniaha.wheri8
rae ThterstaTCKhff is .heiflgjcared Jorian(J,itrts hpelj
felMT't-ill be able tq,,reirfi Kh,onae, inj
due time !eatirelyvli,f,r?p.'the-jln1i
Jiiry MrhUb Is yecyepicus, i.tlh-
t uwxmie Ones' wc.' -,J
Th et wa -1 itt le ' ch1 Ed rei ; 'on 4 'a 'girt
and -the' 'other a troy ot Mr.' antt- Mrs.'
Gilbert - Edminston; iiard been Very"
sick at 'their home f Id ' "Nehawka and
ire still kept to' their bad and under
the care of the family fi&tor but afe
reported as being som'1etter. -
Charles P.'Kitt Very Poorly.
,Charle3 F. " lftr who "has been
.wrestling with Jheirn' for a numbe'r
of days, wasW keiUwk. Wla-st Saf
urday "anB whltT Tnjlff was" taen'"
very suddenly and serlfiuslv ill. and I
Vis 'takeVT "Ijome where' he Is stlllVeryj
fSRk8 :whd" :va5 working ' at'lUtf Yes-
taaraat, went home with the patient
and Is caring for him.-
-Ir Infant Died Last Week;
1 Mfsl-Jftine -M.i Palmer was at 1 Au
burn fir the 'past three weeks where'
ahe was nursing1 the daughter of her
nephew, Glen Dunbar, who had been
very' 111 from the after effects of the
flu, and who passed away last week.
Mrs. palmer returned ' home on last
Sunday. . .
..i.i'') ..-;. J r .
I : -The Tert Of Love. ' - '
Is the 'tffle'' of 'a play which is to
be' ''given by the- -Ameriran- ' Legion
and the Woman's' -Autillary and
which! is to be-staged at. the Nehawka
auditorium oir Saturday night of this
week.j IThe'eaat .of characters being
trt'embers cf: the American Legion, E.
A. Ntuzman, Clifford Trotter, Verner
Ltfndberg. . Wt ,H- ,Kruger, Melvin
Sturm and iRandeJl Switzer with -K-t?.'
'Pollard-adled .-. to , the. ents por
tion, while Mollie Pollard, Kathryn
Stbne Mrs. Tr-J-Pollard, formerly
Mfssc :E,lcis.e, Pollard, complete . the
bast.' j
, Fire Destroys Home.
'' Xast Monday morning about ten
oetockrrnre was" discovered at the
home ; of Mr. and Mrs. FrankpCgx,
fo' the home of A. F? Htwisn to call
for 'help, but beforelkjhkfislf mile
was' traversed the fireniilfklcd
i no enure nouse. lipare wawjBeur
ance on the buildinjp nla?etorq(gej
li V.! W. Rtraub, likaimtiUliil
f-hich belonged to Hi t04 1
ot jnsure(j
.etfets c We-
nine irou; any.wu uuw;(dp ineyjeiu
" .Tre VirfAr WaYirltA Til
f ne'en ery poorly for some time, still
rehfaf r.s conffl'r pl andf 'fer
befngj cared fi'iilttl JfitiiWilitoib.
Who' jnakes an excellent juvse,4Her
irA&hy, fr nds are l&lr.4sihvll
sdoh' ke in her former nlaith Vipifn.
' ' Eflard Murray who has been
niakig his home, nprthepf?N(e?hwk4
fcr 'aj number oi.jea3rs.andt kwitl b,e
tefmiiation of Ibease Pf)
LTi L- ' 1 1 . a ... 1 1 1 T.T T7 '
Countryman pUtr? (Which ' i i "hprt
(fistajice from tineilqrpiprjRiateLrt !-k-
Liking lkot& Wt&T -r
A letter fromj-Barfc-'fProoPiTriioris
located at MadlicivDeTn tnrthetnal
Zone writes tlfet'JIte 'is b'y' and is
liking the stajgiiinesuffrery
much. Well it ftdks tike he&5"m1ss-
ing'ihe March wthasT which'hasliv16
it most interesting Tor those who re
side' here. ,
'. V j Attending J. AXHeetj j
On last SuntfafvMesdafhes" Isidore
f-.Uw. x- 7'1 "r -'r;fu i
x uv.nci ui iicunna, v. miuui aim
E.l7. Wescolt of PaattefiTSVilSj fle-
are . attending Oim njeettnr ot . thd
Daughters of th-ff 'American--.Revolti
tion, Iwhlch Jhere thla-'weeJoThey,
stopped on thir way Wncoln, and
picken up anojeretegate rpm me
big. town. k - 3 f , i .
ji ' United retheji ;ia .Chjjst.; r.
!!. lotto En'geVretsop.Pastor '
'-aiile churA5Pnoi iVtf
;.-B-ening Qoypel rsp r r te-Ttt 7t 3ft.
j.-.Prayer meeting Wed. March 23rd
at. tltc narsonage.
.(.;Tiife Y. P. S. C. Kt;wil meet at
the ? Maeon home Thursday, March
24th. ,'-.,
iThc Ladies Aid will he-entertain
ed b Mrs. EngebretsonV'eneay,
March 23rd. All welcome,,
'.Tbr4e is a fountain filled wUh'blood
Dowri from Immanuel's veins'v:4'
rrAnd sinners plunged beneath that
.' oial flood
wl-jOfee all thciivutT"''starns;
j Ooine to thai fouDtainiandihave
n,t. dno -irni(firi ie' nrecfods
bldddl that flowed, from Calvary's
erwssi It's the only way to 5e saved
- Thfc second qugfetjy . .w 111
...... . i At HLr1.A'i'.lft,.t Cflt
31U ai II1C aM--I1UV l"uit.(i fJ.v.
mfat March 19fTr at Tccliek Ail
officials are urgetToi presentiv Vr
A":F.j Vannice of York, ill preside
-BiMe church sollOO10 a. m.
' Morning worjnip -eervjee ai u.
"Prayer meeting .Wednesday, March
23rd !at the parsonage.
r Thb Y. P. S. C. E. will meet, at
the li Boedeker hbme 'PrTday "night,
Ufarch 18 th. -
-The Ladies Aid'met with Mrsr
OhrfsIanson lastwsk. ' -Mrs. Davis
thfsweek and next week, Warch t24,
ihey Jwiil meet with Mrs." TV Dill". ' '
- Christ is tfeei.-heart of religion;
heiaton to Chrisijjs the heart of per
sbiVal; salvation. . '
' iio other wfeek ever gave to. the
w6Hd such new 'as the week trom
scutnwest or enawicaj'sru iuw :qre
had gained a good. icqwSify 'bet ore
it was discovered. yfi?eii' was made
Sunday tttRstter--Hfily week;
We are distributors for the famous
Rock of Ages granite. Largest stock
and lowest prices. Drive over to our
plant, southeast corner of Square.
(Slemvocd (Granite Werhs
Glenwood, Iowa
Chapter after chapter of the four
gospels are filled with the far reach
ing events of this momentous weeK.
All Christians should read every year
this connected story. Will not every
member of these churches begin to
day and read chapters 12-20 of the
Gospel of John?
Von Hindenburg
is Given a Heavy
Vote in Germany
ks Majority, However,' and Eun
off Hoction Needed Hit
ler Is Second.
1; jBerlin, March 14 President Paul
ya' Hindenburg, ;who appealed to.
lv:ydters to keep him at the head
of fhe nation in 'order that "civil
war -might, be averted lost by only
l'i8,453 ;vite3 iniyesterday's elsction.
IsuSlie vaso far ahead of every 6th-?
er candidate if'is taken for granted
iuttll rtidriwr whn t h nn t inn vnlps
again April 10.'?:::;
JJl 6at 18.C61.736 citizens cast
tlieirt ballots for, the present heJdof
the .state, instead Of the 18,830189
frsbdted to give him' - a majority.
Thus he lost out by' jess' than1 one-
LhftiVsjJer cent of the' yotfs cast.,
L;T,ie" rocet surprining- 'feature of
the election was the relative weak
ness of Adolf Hitler, leader of the
n?ii6nai , socialist fascists,1 who ; poll-
ea oniy n.ozs.avi votes.. ,imier
npieii naa counted on .many more
thanfJ.2 inillon ballots, and his lieu
epaptij were confident his; strength
would run froniT15 million , to--4b
r - (a.t. Survey of Resnlts.
TU flection .commissioner issued
the following preliminary summary
of the complete results:
Adolf Hitler (Nazi), 11,338,571.
Ernest Thaelmanri 'fcommunlst),
X932.Bi9.t? t n i J' -. r
--Theodore Du ester berg- (national
ist). 252.876; " . . '
t - Ou-tav - Winter
111,470. Titvv . .
i. Scattering. 8,645. .
T9UI vote, 37,660,377.
fiy virtue of an execution issued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the
-Distridt Court of Cass county, Nebraska, upon a judgment rendered
in said ccurt in favor ef Mary E. Mast against Ada Murray and
Edward Murray, I have levied upon the following described per
sonal, property 01 tne said Ada murray and dward Murray, to-wit:
2 two-row machines
1 gang plow
1 side delivery hay rake
1 corn planter
1 walking cultivator
1 walking lister
2 wagons
1 Ford power and Jack plant
1 wagon box
1 cob pile
1 push wagon
1 Pontiac 4-door Sedan,
1927 model
2 oil drums
4 mules, all black
1- mare
1 Brass seeder
3 heifers
1 calf -
5 hogs, white
1 hay wagon, including rack
7 tons prairie hay
1 saddle
1 harrow .
1 mower .
1 hay stacker
1 seed picker
and I will on the 25th day of March, 1932, at ten o'clock a. m. of
said day, at the residence on the North half of the Southeast quar
ter of Section 30, Township 11, Bange 13, being four miles west and
cue and three-quarter miles south of Murray, sell said "personal
property at public auction to the highest bidder for -cash, to satisfy
said execution. The amount due thereon in the aggregate being
$4,045.47, with interest at 7rc from March 1st, 1830, and oosts in
the aum of $302.90 and accruing costs.
Sheriff cf Cass County, Nebr.
Dated March 14, '1932.
In addition to Herr Hitler, Dr. Al
fred Hugenberg, leader of the na
tionalist party, was a disappointed
man thi3 morning. He had engineer
ed Lieutent Colonel Duesterberg's
candidacy solely for the purpose of
having votes to bargain with 1 the
event of a second ballot.
The lieutenant colonel's 2,517,876
votes, however, neither are needed
by Von Hindenburg to carry him
through the second ballot, In which
a plurality suffices, nor can they
help put over Hitler, for the com
bined national socialist-nationalist
strength totaled less than 14 mil
lion votes. Thus Dr. Hugenberg Is
left out in the cold.
No String Attached.
' Von. Hindenburg can enter on the
second ballot with no strings attach
ed to him and he may feel as hu
manly, sure of election as any one
can -be of anything in Germany In
these troubled times.- , J
.Analysis of the election returns
revealed tho intcrastlng fact that
Hitler rah behind Von Hindenburg
in all districts where the Nazis were
partly or wholly in, control, namely
iThuringia, . Brunswick' and Hessen.
He'also fell behind i'nUavarla, where
the fascist m'SVemcqt waB. born. '
'in only three of th"6n3t4oris"35
district" wa3 the' Na2i leader "ahfcad.
These were: the' rural -provinces' of
Pomexonia - and ; Schleswig-Holsttin
and :thefndustriald751rlct of Chem-Itt-ZwickAU.'
However, although Hitler's vcte
was not nearly so large as had been
anticipated, ' the fact remained his
party' gained 'enormously over the
J930 '.relehsfag 'election, when only
'6,5S'0,OobWotea',wer'Q' cast for' Nazi
Washington. A volunteer organ
ization 'oj vigilantes to prevent the
continuance of criminal assaults in
Hawaii was proposed by Victor S. K.
Houston. Hawaiian delegate in the
house. He made the suggestion in a
message 'to Governor Judd inHawaii.
"I don't propose a punitive organ
ization, but. merely a preventative
one," Houston sa'id. "'Ifs purpose
would be to patrol -the streets or
something of the rort to prevent fur
ther attacks on .women."
1 tractor plow
? disc harrow
J hay rake
1 disc harrow, 8 feet
2 riding cultivators
& rolls of cMcken wire .
2 water tanks
1 hand power drill .
300 white chickens (esti
mated) -..
1 hand corn shelter
1 Ford Coupe
Ail tools in shed, miscellan
eous 2000 bushels corn in crib
3 colts
1 horse
4 cows
2 white horses
5 sets harness
1 feed grinder
1 John Deere tractor
60 bushels oats
2 piles lumber
1 corn elevator, complete
1 binder
1 hay eweeo
1 stack Timothy hay in Meld.