MONDAY. FEBR. 22, 1932. PAGE SIX PLATTSIIOUTn SEIH . WEEKLY JOURNAL CO-OPERATIVE IPIK2IL&JL 8 lbs. Great northern Deans 25' 10 lbs Granulated Sugar 49c Cloth Bag The e&ggO, XJEnfitlG ctorc C H. MARTIN Phones 101-102 Free Delivery No More Buggies in State of Nebraska State Beard of Assessment Wipes Them Off Property List as Far as Taxes Are Concerned. Xo mere "thanks for the buggy ride" in Nebraska. Horse drawn buggies have been officially wiped eff the map of the state so far as the state tax commissioner and state board of assessment are concerned. It matter not whether the Yehiele is a single seated top buggy, a phaeton, herdic, barouche or any cf the many ether varieties cf horses drawn ve hicles, they are not supposed to exist when the county or precinct assessor ocmes snooping around the place. If they do exist the vehicles are sup paced to be worth noting except pos sibly an antique or curie. They need net be listed for taxation. State Tax Commissioner Smith has sent printed copies of his new tax schedules to county assessors. Formerly where there was a place to list "waggons and buggies" there now appears only 'wagons" under the head of farm machinery. He emitted buggies after consulting county assessors. But to make up for the Ios of one item the state tax commissioner ha? inserted a new and somewhat impor tant item, miikin machines and dairy equipment under the head of farm machinery. Each county must furnish its own printed schedules for county and precinct assessors. A total of 475, 000 for each of two forms must be printed by the counties. One form has to do with the listing of tangible property and a separate form is for listing intangible property and a separate form is for listing intangible property. Under the head cf tangible prop erty two new items are listed, one being electric refrigerators and the other electric washers and ironers. Pianos, organs and phonographs, for merly separate items, are now group ed with "other musical instruments." Yearlings, to-year-oids and three-year-old cattle, listed in three class es, are hereafter to carry as S or an H, and the average weight, the let ters denoting the number of steers or the number of heifers. Fat cattle wil also be numbered as to steers or heifers. The only change in the schedule for intangible property is that when one holds intangible as an executor, administrator or trustee he must state for whom he is holding it. DEALERS WANTED Reliable dealer wanted to handle Heberling Products in Cas3 county. Ercellent opportunity for the right man. Earnings $GG weekly not un usual. Write for free catalogue. G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY, Dept. 1710, Blcomington, 111. f22-2tw Wednesday to Saturday INCLUSIVE Leather faced Jersey Gloves, sale price 28c pair Cotton Flannel Gloves, sale price 8c pair Milk Bottle Caps, sale price 34c thousand Bushel Baskets, good grade, sale price 59c each Ever-Ready Safety Razor, sale price 33c complete with 2 Blades and a large, double size Tube of Shaving Cream Forged steel Nickle Plated Pliers, 35c grade. . .15c pair Barometers (2 only) extra special at $2.95 each A Reliable Instrument Tells you what to expect of the weather Ivory colored Enamel Teakettles, sale price . . . 59c each We are now Displaying and Demonstrating The Jew Radiant Day Gas Burner See this scientifically designed, automatically controlled gas burner in operation on ocr floor. The EADIAUT BAT burner is easily in stalled; fits your heating plant, is economical to operate and in dispensable to home comfort wherever natural gas is available; tem perature always constant, automatically controlled by Minneapolisc Honeywell thermostat. Built cf highly polished aluminum castings, all parts machined and fitted. Economical in cost and operation. No Jets; No Pilot; No Radio Interference; No Dack Firing; No Bricking; No Valves; No Noise Radiant Ray is sold on Small Down Paym't Dy Bestor & Swattelk Co. Plattsmouth, Ncbr. Earl Bennet has ben suffering with LaGrippe. Miss Thelma Weichel entertained the Double Four club Wednesday aft ernoon. The basketball game, Gretna vs. Alvo, was postponed cn Tuesday evening due to roads. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Waverly. The John Fischer family were en tertained by the Roy Leaver family at a dinner on Monday evening. The Sunday school play will be given in the near future, so make your plans to be sure and attend. Announcement later. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCartney en tertained their friends at a party on Tuesday evening. A very enjoy able time was had by all present. Paul Coatman was delivering some corn to the elevator which he placed in a bin when he was shelling, haul ing a load to the Rehmeier elevator on last Wednesday. Gerald Roeber has driven his school truck this week and has moved to the E. Hendricks farm east of town. We are very glad to welcome this family into the Alvo community. The young men and woman's class es enjoyed a party at the Archie Miller heme, Saturday evening. The teachers, Mesdames Nickel and Mill er served a delicious lunch. H. M. Wyatt, section foreman at Alvo is authority for the fact that Mr. Roy O. Clifton who was former ly located here is now at Thomason, which is a short distance west of Fairbury. Miss Calista Daugherty has re ceived very nice gifts at the showers at Greenwood, on last Saturday and on Monday, at the Grover Hill.- home. She again received very beautiful and useful gifts. W. H. Warner, better known as Billie, was over to Lincoln a short time since where he was visiting with his brother, Frank Warner and the family, as well as with Roy War ner, a nephew, who is employed by the city of Lincoln. Mr. Albert B. Stroemer, better know nas Xb or Abie, is a very ac commodating gentleman as he keeps the fikates sharpened so that he ycung men and women can now have their skates Bharp and enjoying the sport to their hearts content. Mrs. W. H. Wyatt who has been at Colby, Ivansas, where she went to visit with her daughter, Mrs. H. M. Mclntire where she enjoyed the visit very much and after having com pleted her visit there she returned home last Saturday, accompanied by the daughter who will visit here for about a month. Eugene ' Barkhurst was a visitor in Lincoln on last Wednesday after noon where he was to look after some business matters in connection with the store which he and son, Ivan, conduct in Alvo. The two stores in Alvo are both enjoying a very fine business and are pleased with the excellence of the trade which they are having. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson, the new operator for the Rock Island and the good wife gave a very charming party in honor of the birthday of their son on last Saturday when he celebrated the passing of his tenth birthday anniversary. The young folks enjoyed the occasion and all declare that Mr. and Mrs. Olson are excellent entertainers. Frank Plymale who conducts the farmer feed mill which is a portable one and with which he Is able to go to any farm and do the batch of grinding and not have the farmer have to haul the grain to some place removed from the farm and then haul it back again. Mr. Plymale Is meeting with a good business in this manner of serving his clientele. Relatives of Fred Wolfe received word of his death on Tuesday. He was a cousin to Sherman Wolfe and Mrs. L. Mullen of Alvo. He was a painter and did the painting on the house of Mr. Banning, but has not been able to do much work since that time. The funeral services were held at Wadlows funeral parlors at Lincoln Friday afternoon. His Alvo friends are very sorry to hear of his death. tidn avnd all who knows W. F. Born emeier know that this is right, for Billy is a good student of conditions and is a great reader and well knows the needs of the people. Herman says however that he is not aspiring to any office. Parent-Teachers Association On last Wednesday evening at the high school building there was had a very pleasant and. profitable meet ing of the teachers and parents of the Alvo schools with a very fine program and a sociable time which was well worth the time and care taken in the bringing about the gathering. Heavy Team Blind Bridles Extra .heavy first quality oak tan ned leather blind bridles, )3.00 a lower price (besides , the than catalog houses charge. Abso lutely guaranteed in every way. Made In Murdock. A. J. Tool. Does Hot Aspire to Mice. Herman L. Bornemeler whom dame rumor has had filed for nomination for the state legislature on the re publican ticket, tells us that that is a mistake, and it is not him that has filed but his brother, Wm. F. Bornemeler whom Herman says Hcld Meeting Wednesday. There was a very interesting ex tension meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ganr, which partook of an all day meeting, with a covered dish luncheon at the noon hour and at which the members were looking into the matter of painting and de corating and also were enjoying a very pleasant visit with each other as well. Feeling Slightly Improved. John H. Weychel, who has been in very poor health for some time and was for a time so he could not get out and had to remain at home, he being on a special diet tue most of the time, was quite a bit better dur ing. The last week and was able to be over to town on last Wednesday and was meeting and enjoying the society of his many friends. Lincoln Car Turns Over. On last Sunday evening a car bearing a Lancaster county license while passing along the highway some two miles north of Alvo near the Charles Godbey farm, the car turned over in the ditch and shak ing up the occupants, though not injuring them greatly. Some damage was dene to the car. Will Farm This Tear. Earl Bennett, who has been one of the drivers who collected and deliv ered the students of the Alvo schools and who has made an excellent man for the position.-nas arranged to farm the coming summer and has re cently disposed of his truck to his successor, Gerald Roeber, who is now taking the work over and will con tinue the work which Mr. Bennett had in hand. FOB SALE 50 acres, 3 miles south and 2 east of Murray. All in cultivation. Alex Campbell, Plattsmouth, Nebr., R. F. D. No. 1. , t22-3w-sw If you want to sell anything, try a Journal Want-Ad. The cot is small. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, BS. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Flor ence Rosellia Patterson, deceased. . To the creditors of said estate: . You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Plattsmouth, in said county, on the 18th day of March. A. D. 1932 and on the 20th day of June, A. D. 1932, at the hour of ten o'clock in the fore noon of each day to receive and ex amine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 18th day of March, A. D. 1932 and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said 18th day of March. 1932. ' ' Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 19th day of February, 1932. A. H. DUXBURY. (Seal) f 22-3 w County Judge ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To Alice Shipley, Jack Graves and Clifford C. Graves and all persons In terested in the estate of Drury M. Graves, deceased: On reading the netftion of Ralph J. Nickerson, Administrator de bonis non, praying a final settlement and allowance of his account filed in this court on the 19 th day of February. ismz, and for order of distribution of the funds in his hands as Adminis trator de bonis non. and for dis charge; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested In said matter may, and do, appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun ty, on the 11th day of March, A. D. i93i, at nine o'clock a. m.. to show cause, If any there be. why the pray er of the petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons In terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks nrfor to said day of bearing. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and the sal of s4d Courtthls 19th day of February, A. Corn, Hog Day Held at Alvo. Attracts Many Annual Event Proves One of the Big Features of the Tear to the Farmers. Over one hundred people attended the annual corn, hog and poultry day held at Alvo, Wednesday, Febru ary 10th. W. Anderson of the Agron omy department, presented charts on the ten acre corn yield contest. Since the individual farmer can do very little if anything toward raising the price of corn, the best thing to do is to try to lower the production costs per bushel. The use of high yielding varieties and improved methods of cultivation are the big factors in cut ting down the costs. Both of these points were emphasized and illus trated on Mr. Anderson's charts. The reason that so many men drop ped out of the pig crop contest is be cause of disease. This is also true of many other farmers, said Ed Jan ike, livestock specialist from the col lege in his talk on the pig crop con test. Hog lot sanitation is the near est "cure all" we have for the hog grower. When pigs are kept on clean alfalfa ground they will have more resistance to all diseases besides be ing free from worms. The Corn Show was judged in the morning by Mr. Anderson. There were fourteen entries in the ten ears of yellow, twelve in the white and 21 in single cars. The following were winners: Single ear white 1st, Dale Kell. er; 2nd, A. J. Roelorsz; 3rd, A. J. Rcelcfsz; 4th, Elton Keller. Single ear yellow 1st, Ellis MIc kle; 2nd, Sam Jordan; 3rd, Vincent Rehmeier; 4th, Mrs. Lizzie Lewis. Ten ears yellow: 1st, Frank Tay lor; 2nd. Vincent Rehmeier; 3rd, Neal Lewis; 4th, Roy Stewart. Ten ears white 1st, A. J. Roel ofsz; 2nd, Frank Taylor; 3rd, Dale Keller; 4tb, Willard Christensen. Everett Gooding of Omaha, was a visitor in the city today to spend a few hours attending to some matters of business and meeting the old time friends. Journal Want-Ads get results! r3 i PI Feb- 24 EM NhMn S For New Spring Smart Hew Dresses o& Sillx and Sillx Combinations Never have we offered such beautiful dresses at these prices the lowest prices you ever dreamed of paying: for such lovely dresses. Jacket Frocks Two Piece Effects Sunday Nite Styles Printed Crepes Two Tone Effects Figured Tops in ii More Than To Choose From .95 2 AND $ .95 Sizes, 14 to 20 30 to 44 Values to $10 No Approvals No Ex changes All Sales Final New Spring HA1 More Than 200 to Choose From X Specie! For Dcrgdn $ Ccdsccdcy - . . Others at $1.95 - $2.95 Brims that dip turbin styles. The new tam turbin in Crepe Cellophane, Patent Milan and Criss Cross Braids in all the new Spring Shades Pgi8 ii zz3 Ccunty'o Lcrc-t Exclusive LcClzs Ctcro PLATTCmOUTH, RECilABKA re ted yA p p would make a good man for the posl- (Seal) f22-3w County Judge. T n .-V -i.Jl-Jl-Jl. .il.JUUl.iUl.41 4 ..-JiiJ.iJ3j a u oTixcrmv .