DAY, DEC. 31, 1931. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUBHAL PAGE FIVE r .. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Hills Bros. Coffee, per 1-lb. can 42 Butter Nut Coffee, per 1-lb. can 37$ Karo Syrup, dark, per 10-lb. can Sugar, per 10-lb. cloth bag Advo Jell, per pkg . . Beans, Great Northern Navy, 20 lbs Cheese, American Full Cream, lb Brooms, good 4-tie, each Windmill Sandwich Spread, pint jar. . Dry Goods Department Crown Shrunk Overalls, per pair 1-?2 Men's Work Shirts, blue or gray CO Men's Union Suits, Winter weight 09 Men's Heavy Caps, all styles -95 THESE PRICES ARE STRICTLY CASH Produce Received Same as Cash Highest Price Paid for Your Eggs Tutt & BrufoacSner Phone No. 12 Murray, Nebr. Murray Prof. Smith was spending Christ mas with friends in Iowa. Wrnile Pullen was spending a part of his vacation in Omaha with his father. The Lewiston school gave a very successful box supper at the close of Christmas vacation. Harry Albin was shelling and de livering corn to James Schwab on Monday of this week. Miss Moore and her sister. Mrs. Hansen, were Omaha Tisitors a few days before Christmas. Be sure to attend the program at Union given by the Lewiston band and the -Union orchestra. Ben Xoell was a visitor at Omaha for a short time last Sunday where We will Kelp YOU IN ANY WAY that we can, we will x contribute to. your prosperity during the entire year, nd are now wishina you a most Happy New Year. MURRAY GARAGE A. D. BAKKE, Propr. he was gruest of friends for the day. The band holds their weekly prac tice on each Monday evening. Any one wishing to visit this practice is welcome. Harry McCullock was assisting Arch Pointer in the dressing cf a few choice porkers which he is putting in the barrel for the summer use. Walter Wood was assisting in the shelling of corn on Monday of this week at the home of Harry Albin. the work geing done by the Ritcher Brothers. Earl Carroll and family from near Papillion were spending the Christ mas at the home of the parents, C. E. Carroll, where all enjoyed the day very nicely. Dr. R. W. Tyson was a visitor with friends for the evening on last Sun day at Omaha, driving over to the big town in his car ana returning in the evening. E. S. Tutt and wife were over to Union on last Sunday afternoon where they were the guests forthe occasion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Leach. Will S. Wetenkair.? from west of Mynard was a visitor in Murray for a short time on last Mond ay after noon and was looking after some business while here. Vaclav Michlusky and son were over to Omaha for the day on last Sunday remaining over until Tues day for a longer visit and to look after some business. B. H. Nelson and the family were Christmas guests at the home of the parents of Mrs. Nelson. Peter John son and family, near Nehawka, where all enjoyed the day most pleasantly. P. A. Hi Id and the good wife were enjoying the Christmas day on last Thursday at the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Pred Lutr, four miles west 01 Murray where all enjoyed the day very ple&santy. On Christmas day, E. S. Tutt and wife were spending the afternoon and evening at the home of Julius Pitz and family, Mr. Pitz being bro ther of Mr3. Tutt, and where they enjoyed the day very pleasantly. Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Brubacher and daughter, Beverly Ann, were en joying a visit for the day on Christ mas at the home of the parents of Mrs. Brubacher. driving down to the home at the parents at Auburn. A. I). Bakke. the garageman. ac companied by the wife and kiddies. were over to Omaha on last bunaay where they were guests of relatives for the evening and after the con clusion of their visit, returned home. Will Griffin, the assistant at the Murray garage, was taking a few days off during the holidays and while he was visiting his mother at Decatur, the work was bing locked 'after at the garage by Jack Douglas. The two stores of Tutt and liru harlipr and Earl Lancaster, were busy the first of this week taking stock so us to check up and find out where they are as to the Past year and how they are to start the com ing year. The home of Frank Moore was the scene of a happy gathering Christ mas when all the family were at home. Also Mr. and Mrs. Claude Black of Kansas City and Mrs. Myra IIcDonald. Mrs. McDonald and Mrs. Black are sisters of Mrs. Moore. Lucean Carper and wife were over to Nehawka where they enjoyed the day at the home of his mother. Mrs. Gertrude Carper and where also a sis ter of his. Mrs. Paul Poppe and hus band or Omaha, were also present, making the day a very pleasant one. S. A. Wiles and wife of south of Plattsmcuth were in Murray on Mon day of this week and while here, uin chased for their home, a ru w Monarch range, of the Murray Hard ware company, which the company took up and installed early this week. Earl Lancaster and family were enjoying a visit for the day on Christ mas "at the home cf a sister of Mr. Lancaster. John Eppings and wife cf Muruock. where they enjeyed the day very pleasantly. On Sunday the folks at Murdock returned the visit, dining with Earl Lancaster and family. Mrs. J. F. Brendcl and son. Rich ard, were enjoying a visit for the Christmas and a very fine visit which they had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bates and v.ife, Mrs. Bates being a Mster of Mrs. Urendel. ar.d were accompanied there by their father, Mr. T. J. Jamison. They re turned home on Saturday. Friday and Saturday EDWARD G. ROBINSON in Five Star Final The greatest dramatic achievement of the year a picture of newspaper life. ALSO Serial, Comedy, News Reels Holiday Matinee Friday at 2:30 P. M. Matinee Prices Evening Prices 10 2SC 10-30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday The Four Marx Brothers In Monkey Business The vear's screamin'est comedy. Bet ter than "Covoanuts." Also Comedy, Fables and News. For real fun. see it. Sunday Matinee at 2:30 Matinee Prices Evening Prices 10 25c 10-30 family, also for Mr. and Mrs. t. i. Wilson's 21et wedding anniversary, being on Christmas day and also their daughter Mae's 18th birthday. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson, Sr., of Cedar Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wilson and family of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs John Crump and family of Seiling, Oklahoma; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson and family of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Beins and fam ily of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beins and family of Plattsmouth; Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Wilson and fam ily of Cedar Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur rrunk and family. Murray; Mr William Wilson of Union: the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. F. T Wil-inn ;md family. Tim Hav va snent in visiting ad all departed at a late hour for their homes. ard medicines and those which are for general use. When needing these, drop in and see their assortment and get what you may be needing. The Give Fine Cantata. vniiriE ladies of the Presby- terian churcn. wnu uue u.m for some time the rendering of a cantata. "Merry Christmas" gave the musical on last Christmas eve. which was heard and enjoyed by a large number of people. Youne- Pecule Sing and Eat. The voung people of Murray of both the Bible schools, following the entertainment given at the "Presby terian church, joined and going to the resident districts of the city, sang beautiful Christmas carols u-hifh were appreciated by all the ,vt,iq Mnrrav. Following, the cirroK came to the library building where there had been prepared f them a very fine supper of oysters. Tom Tilson was shelling corn last Tuesday. T. W. Vallery and wile were visu- ine in Plattsmouth last Tuesday. Marion Worthan ana iamu axe visiting with relatives and friends at Dunegan. Missouri. D. C. Rhoden. who has Been poor- lv for the last several days, is mucu better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Rhoden and familv returned Monday from a few davs' visit at Breckenndge ana l.ock Springs. Missouri, with relatives ana friends. This is Mrs. Rhoden's first visit back to her old home in nine years. m Presbyterian Church Notes Sabbath school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Evening service at 7:30 p. (Young people's meeting). Wednesday evening prayer meet- ins: at 7:30. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. J. C. STEWART, Pastor. WEEPING WATER Bible School Lesson Study! By L. Neitzel Sunday. January 3. The Son of God Becomes Man. John 1:1-1$ Since the lessons of this quarter ;r-' a.: ill :ra;hi the Gospel of St. John, a :1 sketch of the writer mierht be helpful. John was the son cf Zeb'.ke and Salome, a sisttr of Mary the m :her of Jeus. therefore coiis in of Jesus. John's rirer.ts sus Christ, "by whom are all things.. (I Cor. S:6. "By whom also He made the worlds." (Heb. 1:2. These things faith the 'Amen.' the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the c reation of God." I Rev. 3:14). Jesus is the true Light, or Instruc tor. He wis this even before His incarnation, instructing man through rc-snn. throush conscience and were well to-ilo y-eoplo. fchey had liir- I through prophesy. But people whose d servants, by oc-upation tisherme-n. J..:n and John, are often alluded to :s the S-ns of Zebedee." and the "sons of thunder." John was the yoiinat-t cf the Apc.stles. but outlived th-m he alt r.e of vU the twelve. minds were darkened by Sin. did not understand or obey the instruction of the Word. Now comes John the Baptist, the forerunner of Jesus, whose mission was to point man to Jesu. the Sen of God. John ti e Bap- ( -;-d i r.-t-r.-al dea'h. Ab -ut his writ- jtjst j3 the first witness for Jesus, that i- .'. Ir. Philip Scliaff declare.-1: "Th- J the true light shines among all races . .-pel f J .hn is Hie mos original, j and enliehtenei every man. whether The i:rst important, th- n.r.i-t ir.fiu- jjew (,r Gentiie. There is some truth Mtial tnk in all literature. It h ; jn every religion. John was not that si-np'e a.-; a child and suhhir.e. a- a j light, but reflected that light. "The s-rap'r. gertle as n lamb and bold as world knew Him not." in His day. ! n ens'-. d-p -is the sea cr.d hizi i and millions who live by the bless j s the h -Lvc-ns." ; ing- He so graciously showers upor Jor i vr ;c his Gospeel late i:i the J them, know Him not. i. e.. they ig f rt century, pcsibly at Ephesm. j nore Him. and treat Him as if He lie writes often "of what he has s"ii j did not exist. Some day all eyes shall :::id heard." Writing 2 long time ! Him and acknowledge that He is i irtr the ether Gospels h.:d beer. ; King of Kings and Lord of Lords, vritten .he supplements the other jjut what a blessedness to them that liter- with many occurences in the . receive Him! They receive power. ; :t"e of Jsu-. The prolcgue or thlthe privilege to become the sons of t .. -..-pel i J-ihn 1:1-1S coristiiute the God. As sons of God. they become r r:n ani et:tline of the whole Inc.k. ; . oirs with Christ. The devine Fon- Had A Kerry Christmas. Dr. and Mrs. G. L. Taylor and the kiddies of Plattsmouth. but formerly of Murray, departed on last Wed nesday for Shelton. where they went fcr a visit with their friends. L. J. Hallas and family. Mr. Hallas is in business there where he is conducting a bank. They enjoyed a good visit during the day. Mr. Hallas having to work and in the evening which were stretched cut pretty far they enjoyed some gatherings and did not get to bed until f ur o'clock. On the list dav. thev having to -start homo in the morning, they went to bed an hour earlier, at three o'clock. They report having a very fine time, and on their return stopped at Pal mer, the place where they formerly lived and here they visited with among other friends their friend Rev. Robert E. Hanson, former pastor of the Christian church of Murray and who is pastor of the church there and who is well liked by til. not alone his church but the churches of the city. He was deilverir.g the Christmas discourse at the Methodist church. Everyone had a gocd word for Rev. Hanson. Heturmr.g- From West. On Tuesdav of this week. Dan iir9r downed for Colorado Springs, going on the train, where he went to meet and to bring home hi sisters. Nora and Margaret, and Jimmie. his brother, who have been there for their health for some time, where the sisters have been pro nounced as entirely cured from their lung trouble and where James is much improved. They will all re turn here. Dan going to drive the auto back. They will all remain here for the present, the girls being cur ed, but after a visit Jimmie will de part for Kearney where he will re main for a time. Have Eoads Fine Now. The rainey weather was a trying time on the country cr dirt roads and with this W. L. Seybolt has had to battle and to bring out of the aw ful condition, usunble roads. The work was difficult and required hard service but at this time Will has them all conquered and in good con dition even if snow should come there would be a geed bottom for travel. It has rained since. ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Wilson enter- itained at their home in Murray on Sfundav, December 2th at Christina dinner at 10 o'clock, for the Wilson California is Suffering from a Big Snowfall One of Worst Storms Experienced in Years Hits Train and Air plane Service Halts. San Francisco One of the heav iest rain and snow storms in years left some parts of California flooded and snow bound Monday while train and airplane service over the Sierras came to a standstill. The storm was felt to some degree over nearly all the Pacific slope. An aerial survey of the Pajaro rivor vallev showed 5,000 acres of oo-, initnrai land inundated. The town of Paiaro was flooded to a depth ranging from six inches to three feet. At Norden, Calif., a point on the Sierra summit. 4 6 inches of snow fell, bringing the depth of the white blanket there to 181 inches. Wat sonville, Calif., was flooded with about a foot of water. Some residen tial blocks in Pajaro were inundated. At San Luis Obispo, Calif., four and onehalf inches of rain fell Sunday night, flooding lowlands. Paso Rob les also was partly flooded. Avalanches of snow, rocks and dirt at Eder, ten miles from Truckee, and another near Cisco, tore out several hundred feet of Southern Pacific rail road tracks and snow sheds, stopping trains on both sides cf the snow buried Sierra. State Journal. T e motto for St. John could only 1 the f-'ur mott marve-lous and i ; h-makir.g words ever written: The word b flesh." the other evangelists describ- the ger.cology. the works and - -d-; of Jesus. John goes back to the ".einnig." not the visible creaticn, '. ;;: into eternity, and shows the v.rt h that Jesus is the Son of God, i - x:stent with the Father, the word w; s with God. "living in His home." "he word in the Greek "Logus." huh gies us "logic." and means ...-m. Jesus from the first to the 5..S! pleads for reason. John mapes j' C assertions concerning Jesus. In first he declares his eternal sub r.ce. In the second, his eternal '"'ceommunioii with God. In the trird. his eternal identity with God. Tars;; are perhaps, the deepest words v ritten by man. They upset all tue theories of 60 called scientist r-g'-rr.:r.g evolution. Verte 3 The universe was creat ed rv t're Father through the agenxy t the Son. "Fcr by Him were all ti-ings created" (Cal. 1:16), and Je- ship has no human origin. It is a free and supernatural gift from God. inward and spiritual, implanted by the H0I3- Spirit, and dependent for its maintenance on union with Christ (See chap. 3:5-8. "And the word be came flesh" verse 14. This coming in the flesh is the advent fact. It is the regeneration of our race. There is a new creSition. There is a second Adam. "Christ is a man therefore we can get to Him. He is God therefore when we are in Him the shield of His omnipotence is our de fense," says William F. Taylor. Who can describe the glory of "the only begotten ' The preface is con cluded in verses 16-18. Moses set be fore us mere commands, without changing oar nature, or giving cs power to obey them. Jesus Christ came to change our nature. No man hath seen God," neither has anyone seen gravitation, neat, electricity or magnitism. So force Is risible to the naked eye. God is the supreme force in the unirerte, bat Jesus says: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." (Jon 14:9). Enjoying Visit Here. Wm. Kidder and wife and Dean Kidder, all of Sargent, were visiting for the day on Monday of this week at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J-F. Brendel. Mesdanies Brendel and Kid der being sisters. They were accom panied by Grandmother Kidder als. Home From Trip. Lee Webber and Hiram Grubor, who have been away for the post three weeks and who went to Keokul: with their car and trailer, taking with them their boat, where they left the car and made a trip down tr.e river with the boat going far as Ar kansas and finally returning to iveo- kuk where they loaded their boat and returned home, arriving on last Sunday. Lace-Top Hosiery Is Simply Lovely! r Attend Funeral cf Cousin. Custer Allen, accompanied by his two sons. Van and Elton, were over to Sidnev on Wednesday of last week where they were called to attend the funeral of a nephew cf Mr. Allen and a cousin of the young man, Mr. Leon ard Allen, who was out hunting with another lad, they having treed a muskrat in a hole, which Mr. Allen was endeavoring to dig out and at the same time his companion as sayed to pick up the gun which was lying on the ground when the gun was discharged, the charge striking the young lad, causing his death. Geese for Sale. Live weight or dressed. Mrs. Al bert Young, Murray, Nebr. ; Enlarging Their Business. The enterprising firm of Tutt and Brubacher have recently added to their business, a line of standard drugs and medicines which can be handled -without a prescription from a physician, -which they will hare on band at all times for those who may need such goods. This will be stand- r They look like cobwebs . . .yet they'll wear with a will! They look luxuriously ex pensive with their lovely lace tops ...yet they're very inexpen sively priced. They come in the newest, smartest shades of the season. And plus their unmistak able beauty, there is the qual ity and perfec tion of details for which Mun s'mgwear Hosiery b famous. Ladies Toggery "The Chop of Personal Cerriee" Plattrrscuth BRIGHT SIGNS ABE SEEN r-hiratrrvTadprs in several of America's major industries consid ered the outlook for 1932 and pro nounced it good. The future of elec tric power production, banking, and oil production was looked upon as the best in several years. In addition, three economists declared in year end statements that the trend of business may be slow, but it will be upward. New economies and efficiencies brought out of the necessities of de pression have placed banking in gen eral in a strong position, it was said by Morris A. Schapiro of Monahan, Schapiro & Co., New York. He point ed out that consolidations, together with closing of poorly managed banks, 'regrettable in themselves, have improved the nation's financial structure. Oil producers have worked out their own problems in 1931, T. S. Kose consultant of the petroleum ex change, said, and left the industry standing squarely on its own fee. He referred to emergency methods used to curb production. The industry also was helped, he said, by failure of fields in Texas and Oklahoma to produce up to expectations. The elec trical industry was said by Harry Reid, president of the National Elec tric Power company and National Public Service corporation, to have moved steadily ahead in the past year. MOSISKY NOTICE OF CHURCH BOARD ACTION Pursuant with the action taken by the official board of the Methodist church at the December meeting of that executive body, the general pub lic, members of the congregation and the various organizations of the church are herewith notified that the Sunday evening services are to be discontinued for the months of January and February as a matter of economy and curtailment of ex pense. This does not. however, ef fect in anyway the Epworth League service which will be held as usual. It -is hoped all may concentrate their efforts to make .the -Sunday momjng service of much greater influence and power. All will kindly Uke notice of this change in services. FC2 SALE Miss Acnes Rough was enjoying the Christmas day with her friend. Mrs. Mable Wiles. Mr. and Mts. Monroe Wiles were over to Lincoln on Christmas where they were enjoying the day wun friends and relatives. Mrs. Ed Mohr and daughter, miss Irene, of near Avoca. were umuub and looking after some business mat ters in Weeping Water on last Tues day afternoon. Mrs. Sarah E. an lies was prewm at the Rough family reunion held at Arthur Rough's and enjoyea me conviviality there and the excellent time which was had. Wm. Dunn and P. It. Miller were over to Omaha on Monday ct tnis v.-lirf thev were canea to too after aomp business matters, they " v ' - m making the trip via the auto 01 T 111 n n W Harrison Wade w&o nas neen - X. f ,)ivj va 1 u mine ill lor a numurr ui uu.o - ohio tn he in town early this week tetter but not as wen as ne i ue- : ,0 f heinir. hut raining which v . . w is good. Harold Baker is on the staff of the Weeping Water Republican since the extreme illness cf Miss Sade. and is making a good man for the position. , Mis Margery Wiles, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wiles, who i attending the state university, was home for the holidays and is depart ing for her school work again this Thursday. , Mr. and Mrs. George . Towle were over to Plattsmouth on last Monday where Mr. Towle was looking after some business and where they both were visiting at the home of Bert Reed. Mr Wm. Oussett has been kept to "her home snd bed for some time n spvpre attack of .lumbago which besides keeping her from her daily activities, is causing a great deal of suffering. . E W. Dowler was called to Lin coln cn Tuesday of this week to look aftr some business matters in rou neetion with the Dowler Brothers automobile business which they have in Weeping Water. Mrs George Olive entertained a number of her friends on Monday of this week at her home where all en-j-ved the fascinaaing game of bridge and a most pleasant afternoon as well as a delightful luncheon. Mrs Ben Olive was 2 visitor at the home of her mother from Saturday until Sur.dav. where she and her mo ther Mrs. Gertrude Wolph enjoyed the visit very much. Mr. Olive drove over cn Sunday evening for the wife. Mr and Mrs. Ray Wiles were host and hostess at a family reunion which they gave on Christmas day to the members of the Kennedy fam ilv and a large number were present to enjov the excellent time which was had- " Chris Rasmussen was a visitor at Audubon, Iowa, for a number of days extending over Sunday ana was while there of his sister. Mrs. Jens Petersen, having a very une visit as well as looking after some business matters. . Miss Bertha Woolcott was made very happv when the father present ed her with a very fine Baby Grand piano and Miss Bertha being an ac complished musician, the parents are amply repaid in the very fine music which she produces. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Tefft. who is a teacher in a school in Chicago, were enjoving a number of days visit in Weeping Water during the holi days and were guests while here at the home of the parents of Mr. Tegt. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tefft. ria Ruth Shannon who has made flher home at Hastings for some time -land who has been visiting during the holidays with her mother. .Mrs. tuna Shannon, and other relatives and friends, departed for her home in Hastings to again take up her work Robert WooUott got just what he has been desiring for his Christmas present, a r.ew bigger six Chevrolet, the present being from his father, which will furnish Robert a good means of transportation, the new car being purchased from the Dowler Brothers. Arthur Rough and wife were host and hostess at a annual family re all the Roughs were gathered for a social and frieudly visit and sure they had good eats and eeneral good time. Mr. ana airs. Rcugh entertain the gathering every second year. The members of the Weeping Wa ter Knickerbocker club had a very pleasant time when on Monday of this week they met at the pleasant home of Mrs. Bert Jamison and en joyed the very pleasant aiternoon and a very fine iuncneon mcu served by Mrs. Jamison. Olive E. Powers and wife were over to Omaha on Tuesday of this week, they being called there on ac count of some business matters which they had in hand, and were accom panied by Mrs. Joan Carter, proprie tor of the Laural hotel, who tad some matters also to look after in the big city. Mrs. Fred H. Gorder. who is a member of the P. E. O. entertained the members of the chapter at Weep ing Water to an afternoon at her home on Wednesday afternoon, which V9 in the character 01 a YilBFUnBRAL HOHE Modern conditions and stand ards of living have called into eing an entirely new kind of Institution for meeting a uni versal human need The Kun vral Home. Planned for the specific pur pose which it serves, it offers greater efficiency and greater convenience than was possible in the past. We are proud to be able to offer the cemmunities which we serve the use of such an estab lishment. Hobson Funeral Home WEEPING WATER, NEBB- constructed from the highway to his home in the field, and was at this time re-enforcing in places where it is worn some, as he desired to keep it in the best condition possible. Miss Bernice Wade Poorly. Mies Bernice Wade, the etfi:iei:t and genial reporter for the Weeping Water Republican, who has been quite poorly at her home in Weep ing Water for some time, is reporte d at this time as being very teriou3 and grave apprehension is had as to h r condition. Everything possible Is bein done both as to medical atten tion and nursing to win back her former health. Christinas at Omaha. John Snow, the baker for the Wil liams bakery, was a visitor for the day Chri.-tmas in Omaha and was guest at the home of his son, Fred Snow and family, remaining until Sunday when Fred, his son, and the family brought him home. Visiting- in North. Mrs. E. L. McCartney departed a few days since for Gordon where the is spending some ten days with her sister. Mrs. Earnest I'uruy. .Mrs. .Mc Cartney formerly resided at Gordon and her visit there will be of much pleasure as she has many friends iu that locality. Christmas at Byron Baker's. The Christmas day was celebrated with the proper Christmas spirit at the home of Byron Baker when all the relatives here were able to be at the home to enjoy the society of each ether and to partake of the ex cellent dinner and fellowship of the home. There were there for the oc casion: Robert Baker and family. Samuel Baker and family. Lawrence Johnson and family. Chris Johnson and son. besides the family at homo who were Byron Baker, sr., and the children at home who are Archie. Eldon and Byron, jr.. Jessie and Freda and Mrs. Creda Johnson. The pleasure of the occasion was increas ed because Mr. Samuel Baker wim has been at the hospital where he has undergone an operation recently was able to be home with the other members of the family. Entertained Workers. The board of the Cass County Agricultural Society on Tuesday aft ernoon of this week entertained th? cnes who by their work added to tho success of the last county fair which by the way was the very best fair ever held in Cass county. They were entertained at the M. E. church and with an appropriate program. They were also given a very fine dinner. This is appreciation of the interests which they took in the fair and the city of Weeping Water. Chevrolet Cebreiet. 1929. S15d, cash cr terms. Paul Vandervoort. 514 No. Eighth St. . . Enjoyed Weeks' Trip. J. M. Ranney and family returned on Wednesday of this week from a weeks' stay at Peoria and vicinity, their old time home. The visit was the Christmas present of their diugh ter. Ruth, who was the driver over and back. The party consisted of Mr .and Mrs. J. M. Ranney and their daughters, Ruth and Margaret. Christmas party and at which all the members present enjoyea tne occas ion very much. Sells Cafe at Louisville. Ed Bobbitt, who has been engaged in the restaurant business for some time at Louisville, where he has been doing a good business, disposed of the business a few days since and re turned to Weeping Water, moving the family, back. Plowing Last Week. Peter Spangler, living northeast of Weeping Water, was plowing during the early portion of this week, which is pretty &ood tor this time of year. He was also making some repairs on ltw i a roadway -which he some time since Grandpa Fitzpatrick Poorly. Grandfather John Fitrpatrick r.. has been quite poorly for some time past and while everything is being done both in nursing and medical at tention he still remains poorly and with the advanced age and delicate health it is difficult to resjore hi strength. Mr. Fitzpatrick is & I years of age. Oscar C. Hinds Better. Mr. O. C. Hinds, who has been sick at his home for the past two or three weeks and who has been kept in be'l during the greater portion of th'? time is reported as being some bet ter and on last Monday was able to be down town again for a short time, the first for some two weeks. Journal Want-Ads get results! and as Amos and Andy say: "You always give more than you git." Remember, though, if someone remembered you and you forgot, you've until New -Years to come back at them with a Post Xmas Gift- from a man's shop to a man I