The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 03, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY. DEC. 3, 1931.
The Plattsmouth Journal
Entered at Postofiice. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
600 miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries.
13.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
War. after all. has its good points.
In time of war lawyers are not per
mitted to get rich serving the enemy.
Japan insists that she is not wag
ins a war against China. Kicking a
cripple who is down cannot be called
Japan intimates that America
should mind her own business.
Whether cr not we do so is our own
Many wailing editorial are being
written about football fatalities, none
of which are being read by football
players. Thy all know it is a dough
Why not turn the whole business
of law enforcement in this country
over to Will Rogers? He has a keen
sense of justice and is also handy
with a rope.
With memory still fresh about
what happened from 1914 to 191S.
China and Japan should not have
much trouble persuading other na
tions to keep out of their private
"Nothing, the old saw says. "isjweek: "Al Capone's Doctor's Nephew
sure but death and taxes." It is i Must Pay Alimorfy." Presumably to
rumored that some of the nation's
income tax collectors are beginning
to believe the statement only half
It's a dull day when a story does
not pass over the desk of the news
editor telling what happened to the
man who tried to climb over or un
der a barbed wire fence with a loaded
n-ir Ten rn,5r.HmtT,i nari !
good enough for an age that pro-' been indicted by a Kentucky grand
duced men smart enough to write ajiurF on two charges adultery and
Bible for hundreds of generations to
reverence and obey. Today 10 mil
lion laws are insufficient to make the
world behave.
"Making Steak Out of Wood Is
Possibility." says a headline report
ing the research work of a food chem
ist. Concede the possibility, yet
somehow or other it seems to us that
eating a steak of that sort would go
against the grain.
It is very easy for President Hoo
ver to have conversations and fix up
implied agreements with foreign am
bassadors. In spite of professed paci
fism and pronouncements on disarm
ament, he always signs up with the
side that has the largest number of
Best in Talking Pictures t
Friday and Saturday
Tom Keene in
Sundown Trail
More Action Speed Thrills than
ever seen in an outdoor western. Also
Chapter 10 of Serial. Heroes of the
Flames, McGuire Comedy and News.
Three Shons Saturday Xight
Adults, 30c? Children. 10
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
Warner Baxter and Lupe Velez in
The Squaw Man
One of the most popular plays ever
written. Rates with "Ben Hur" and
"Uncle Tom's Cabin." Was a great
stage success. Comedy, News Reels.
Sunday Matinee at 2:30
Matinee Prices Evening Prices
10 25c 10 3QC
Friday - Saturday - Sunday
New Adventures of
Get - Rich - Quids
William Haines Ernest Torrence
Jimmy Durante Leila Hyams
A 4-Star Special The biggest laugh
hit since "Politics" and a Master
Ccintdy with Wheeler & Woolsey.
Adults, 35 Children, IOC
not more frequently develop a party
j leadership and a national prestige for
Some folks in this world just have jtjie incumbent misht be variously in
to be naughty or wicked, otherwise j terprettd. It is true that many sneak
good folks couldn't feel so superior. ; trs jiave iacked nuu-h of being out
Living just to leeward of a party
with a stand of shedding maples on
Lis lawn is good exercise for any
man, reports Harry Wade in the De
troit News.
The facial paint that Al Capone is
using to obbliterate his famous scar
should work at least as well as the
whitewash that has been used so free
ly on his record.
Well, the joke about even the peo
ple who never pay having stopped
buying has reached London, and is
published in Punch, so we guess busi
ness is about ready to turn the cor
ner. :o:
Ely Culbertson certainly has made
a name for himself in contract, but
he's no Henry Ford yet. The maga
zines haven't started interviewing
him on subjects outside cf his spec
ialty. :o:
The height of something or other
in identification was almost reached
in a Chicago Tribune headline last
Mr. Capone's doctor's nephew's ex-1
mother-in-law's daughter. j
:o: I
One of the completest things in
modern art is the success with which !
a movie producer, taking a story likely msureei
"Susan Lenox." for instance. man-jther t un:il as6
ages to conceal the fact that a per
son named David Graham Phillips
ever had anything to do with the
Theodore Dreiser, novelist, has
syndicalism. Members of the grand
jury luny hiiuw a.11 auoui auuiieiv, t
X 1 - , 1 - ,
but it would probably be hard for
even the foreman to accurately de
fine syndicalism.
It is very distressing when your ;
child' teacher reports that your I
child sits for hours in school gazing j
off into space instead cf attending to j
his lessons. It may mean that your
child is
n It.nfpr:
it couldn't of
...... .
course, mean that the lessons he is
supposed tc get are poisonously dull.
Men's minds always work faster
in d'-pressiens. The result of new
ideas developed now will mean pros
perity to a class of far-sighted busi
ness men who are the quickest to get
them before the public. No customer
making force such as the automobile
or radio is visible at the moment but
hundreds cf new things are planned, j
And the possibilities for a new prod- i
uct that will sweep the country are j
Among the latest innovations arejmf)Ved bv the late Ttomas A. Edison
ankle-high radiators, aluminum ' for
framing tall buildings, imitation lava
for making interior concrete floors.
ueai-sui.inf; ru.s. smss u,i cu ; saw in vafhington. Herr Ludwig re
mak? "hung" buildings absolutely j port5; wa, "overshadowed" by the
all-windows. There arc now at lastldean of the United States supreme
two hung ouildings 111 .New lork
City, and one man has built m niels j
cf a house which hangs s-upt id.d j
110m a iaoricaieu sieei poie sti 'nf.ord j
bed rock.
eseaior 01 a nc ijpe j ccuntry ever has produced. Un-
cars operating separtely in the : ame ; doubtedly he ranks with Chief Jus
shaft is already in use, an auto: .atic j tk.e John Marshall in the brilliance
garage, operated by one man whojc.f ccnptitutional law. His tolerance
can receive, park and deliver cars,of other beiiefs and lhe compelling
without leaving the central cc Urol
room is already in operation.
Real wood which can be cut with
scisscrs and bent almost double vith
out breaking is offered in a new pro
duct which combines the texture and
attractiveness of natural wood with
the workability of heavy cloth.
The first pound of "dry ice" was
sold in America in 1925. At the end
of 1930 the total production was 30
thousand tons. Eighteen plants are
now- operating. Seattle ice cream.
packed in "dry- ice," has been sold in
Better food, better clothes, better
houses, more leisure, better ways of
living and of doing are realities be
cause of the geniu3 cf our change
makers. It is their high purpose to
see to it that the American standard
of living is the standard of the world.
Raymond Willoughby in the Na
tion's Business.
With the election of a new speak
er of the house, along with a change
in control of that branch of congress,
the speakership becomes a subject of
renewed interest. Ranking in impor
tance next to the presidency, the post
! might be regarded as a stepping stone
j to the higher office. Yet only one
i speaker of the thirty-seven who have
J served to date achieved the presi
'dency. The exception was James K.
jpclk. Schuyler Colfax was the only
j speaker to become vice-president.
I Just why the speakership should
standing statesmen, whatever their
qualifications for presiding over the
hcu.-e may have been. But among the
speakers there also were men of con
spicuous ability or popularity, and
some had both distinctions. The
most notable were Clay. Blaine. Ran
dall, Carlisle, Retd. Crisp, Cannon
and Champ Clark. Clay was in the
speaker's chair ten nousuecessive
years. The longest successive terms
were these of Blair.e and Cannon,
both eight years.
The closeness of the party align
ments at this time also recalls sev
eral deadlocks that have occurred in
the election of speakers. Although
the Constitution does not say that
the speaker shall be chosen from the
house membership, there has been no
exception to the rule cf membership
speakers. The rules provide that the
speaker shall be elected by a major
ity of the votes cast. Several time
it has been necessary to abolish this
provision and elect by plurality. As
no other business can be done until
the house is organized, deadlocks are
a serious obstruction. Yet in 1S49
there was a deadlock of nineteen
days, resulting in a plurality election
of Howell Cobb. In 1S55-56. after
133 ballots, Nathaniel P. Banks was
chosen in the same way. As recently
as 1923 there was a two days' dead
lock in the election of speaker while
ents withheld
change in the house rules was given
There have been rumblings cf pos
sible interference with the off-hand
election cf Representative Garner,
the speaker prospective. There has
been much unhappiness among north
ern Democratic- leaders because of
i the fact tht nearly all the important
chairmanships would go to the South
under the generally observed senior
ity rule. Tammany Democrats have
made an issue of it and have under
taken to enforce pledges of recogni
tion, presumably on pain of with
holding their support from Gainer.
It is indicated that concessions have
been made to this particular group
cf claimants, and it is not probable
'that irreconcilable differences under
I . 1. : . 1. .1 ...... , , . ,.j 1 1 1.., 1 .
this head or any other will be left
for adjustment until organizaTion is
in order. But the senoirity rule is
going to be badly broken, if the dis
contented are to be satisfied.
To the swelling chorus of praise
for the character and work of Justice
Oliver W-ndell Holmes is added the
voice cf Emil Ludwig, the German
bio?rapher. In his iatest "Gifts of
Life.. Herr LUclwig sets down his
in,pressir.ns of various widely known
pM.s,.ns. including several Americans,
jje appC.ars tQ have been greatly
and Justice Holmes, whom he des
cribes as the two "best" men he met
!in trie I nited States. Everyone he
, court.
Thi5 is a per?onal jmpression. but
it 5? safe Q ?ay that by comnion ac.
tice Holmes is considered to
be one of the greatest jurists the
simplicity of his arguments have
betn among the chief assets of the :
court and the nation for many years.
There is something about his honest
ar.d breadth of understanding that
recalls Abraham Lincoln. His friend
ship is treasured by the men who
have it. In time to come, it may be
seen that the service and example of
Justice Kolmes were invaluable to
his country.
A Gainsborough landscape worth
$50,000 was bought recently by a
Chicago woman, described as the wife
of a wealthy hairpin manufacturer,
for $400. It must be all a matter of
luck. Anyone with a fortune from
hairpins should not be expected to
pay raore than $400 for a Gains
borough. :o:
Milk and cream for all occasions.
Call 39.
Poultry Prices!
Friday and Saturd'y
December 4th-5th
The company that bays onr Poultry
advises us that the Poultry and Pro
duce maikets never have been in a
wcise demoralized condition than
tight now, and their prediction is
that in ten days it will go still lower.
We have made an effort to
sell this poult: y as high as
we possibly can. and the following-
are cur quotations :
5 lbs. or over, lb. . . 12c
Under 5 lbs., lb. . . . 10c
4!2 lbs., and up, lb. . 13c
Under 4l2 lbs., Ib.. 10c
Old Roosters, lb. ... 6c
AH Leghorns, lb. . . . 7c
Cash or Trade
Plattsmouth, Phone 42
Tip your hat every time you see a
scientist or read about a scientist.
He may mean jiur Ultimate salva
tion. Over in Germany a chemist bus
been experimenting with pine logs,
and express-s the hope that ere long
juicy beefsteaks may be derived
therefrom. Not with a garnishment
of onions, mushrooms, or even French
fried potatoes, but a juicy beckst-ak
In Chicago another scientist is
conducting a series of experiments,
his end in view being i balanced ra
tion from one bu-Iiel of wheat that
will nourish Ue family for one week.
Great is science! It's opportun
ities are limitless.
One of these days, perchance, a a view to Tlwir adjustment and al
cciVmi :t wit I ci.niA nli.ri.- ami show ' lcv.ance. The time limited for the;
us how to stretch a depleted lank ;
account into
ready cash.
a million dollars
some suga;
Watson says he bought
stock in 192S. for which
he ga his note.
The sto.k now bsiXovember.
worthless, and consequently so is the
note. This interesting theory deserves
to be" extended into other lines as.
for instanc?. the man who gives a
series cf notes for a used car.
Somebody with a leaning toward
justice has acquitted procrastination
of the charge of being the thief of
and fastened the crime on
Fri-m Monday s Daily
Mi.-s Jean Tidbail. who i.; teach -
ir.g at Crete and her cousin. Miss j reel ir.g investment of tie funds in-A. Conwell. widow; Bell Conwell. wnerei)V 'a liens on the property
Florence Johnson, of Denver, depart-, the guardian's hands and the man- J W. II. Conwell. also known as Wil-therein after described was foreclosed,
ed Sunday for Lincoln. , ner and amount of moneys to be ex- liatii H. Conwell. Mary E. Jones andan,j ,jle undersigned was appointed
Miss Marjorie Arn. who is attend- j pended by the guar dian for the husband. A. J. Jones; George Con-; ypeCjaj Master of this c ourt to hell
inz the State Teachers college at j maintenance of said ward. ! wt 11 and wife. Obieaill Con well, also 1 said propeny ar,d execute said decree.
Peru, who has been here over the j Said matter is assigned for hear-j known as Gilly Conwell. B. J. Con-and l(V virtue of the authority in me
holiday season, returned Sunday to!jnr in this court on December ISth.lwell. real name unknown and wife, : vested. I. Daniel H. McClenahan. as
her studies. !l931. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at which 1 Mattie Conwell. the heirs, devisees, I sueh Special Master .will on the 1 6th
John v.. Banning, one or me,
prominent residents of Alvo. wa in;
the city Saturday to spend a few
hours and attending to some mat- Rv the court.
ters of business. A. H. DUXBURY.
Herman Mann of Louisville and j (Seal. n23-3w County Judge.
brother, William Mann, of that same
locality, were in the city today and ' ORDER F HEARING AND NO
while here were pleasant callers at j " TVE OF PROBATE OV WILL
the Journal office. j " "
.Mrs. licorge a. .Mann, wno i teacn
ing in the schools at Clearwater. Ne
braska, who was here over the
Thanksgiving Holiday
returned last I
evening to her school work.
Elmer Sundstrcm of Louisville
of Louisville.'
superintender t of the Lyman-Richey
quarries at Louisville and Platts
mouth. was here today to attend to
some business for the company.
Edgar Wescott and his friend.
Harold Kube, of Buffalo. Wyoming,
who have been here for the holiday.
t . , -.., . . i
reiurnea sunua 10 unraa 10 re-
sume ineir siuuies in. ine s'iiie 11111
Charles Meade, residing near Mur-jmt
rav. in comnanv with his dausrhter.
Miss Evelyn Meade, winner of the
Better Citizenship award of the Ani -
erican Legion and World-Herald,
were in the citv Saturday afternoon
for a short visit.
From Tuesday'"? Iiaily
W. H. Heil of Louisville was in
the city for a short time today at
tending to some matters of business.
Attorney Yale Holland of Omaha,
was in the city for a short time to
day looking after some matters of
business at the court house.
Mr. and Mrs. William Baird. who
were at Denver over the week end.;der in the Plattsmouth Journal,
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. !
Harley Cecil, returned home this:
Mr. and Mrs. John Rummel and
son. Richard, and Mrs. Wm. Rummel.
returned yesterday afternoon from a
few days visit at Beaver City with
the Harry Hall family.
Dr. Einstein's oelitf that there arc
five dimenions has utterly discour
aged a woman of our neighborhood
who has labored in vain thus far to
reduce onlv two of hers.
.Wpnh r Afurnhv Mnrsrnre? t r -
phv, his wife: Bradford J. Murphv.
Margaret Murphv, his wife; Cath -
erine Wonder. Charles J. Wonder and
Erhai Murphv
i "..i. .. .. v ...
..:.. ti iinn-nhVsv -' t ! nhV
filed his petition, in the District Crurt
of Ca-s County, Nebraska, against!
you and others for partition cf the
SE1! and X - of the NC of Se ''0 Town-hip 11 Rarisre 1 ill
C-ts Coiirtv Nebraska- vou "are here -
t" -., " .
by required to answer said petition
on or btfore the 4ta duy of January.
" or te allegations in sai l peti -
iron will be taken as true and parti-
'.ion made accordingly.
El 0-4 w
The State of Nebraska. Cass Coun
ty, ss.
in the count v court.
In the matter of the state ('
Green deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court Room
in Plattsmouth. in said County, on
the 11th day of December. A. D.
1931. and on the 12th day of March!
A. D. 1932. at ten o'cl n k in the i -e-
noon of each day to receive and ex-
amine all claims against said estate. 22. in Section twenty-eight (2S(.i
with a view to their adjustment and : and Lot twenty-nine (2t). in Sec
alluwance. The time limited f. r theitbui thirty-three (33. all in Town-j
presentation cf claims against said ship twelve t!2. north ranire four-
estate is thiee months from the 11th
Ifh.v nf December. A. 1). 1 :i 1 . and the
time limited for payment of cents is
one year Horn said 11th day of D- -
cember. A. D.. 1931.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Count v Court thi:
10th day t
November, 1931.
it Seal nlfi-'w
County Judge,
NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2:th day'of October. 1931. against
1 yi ti and ta li c f you. the object, pur-
The State of Nebraska. Cass Coun- and prayer of which is to ob
. ss. itain a d-ciee of the court quieting
In the County Court.
In th? matter of the estate of John
Cam; bell, deceased.
To the creditors of said e-ta'e:
You a:e hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court in
Plat'srn uth. in said County, on the
11th day of Dec- mbt-r. A. D
and err the 12th day ot March
A. D.
1932. at t'.-n o'ci"Ck in the forenoon
of each day to receive and examine
iall claims against sail esta'e. with
! presentation of claims against said
es'a'e is three months from the 11th
J day of December. A. D. 1931. and
he time limited for payment e-t dents
one year from said lltn day 01
I). comber. A. D. 1931.
Witness my hand and the seal of
isaid Coumv Court this
13th day ot
County Judge. ;
(Sealt r.lO-P.w-
of Hearing on Guardian's
Report and Petition
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the Matter of the Guardianship
i of Joseph Mauck. incompetent
1" au """
i matter: i
J Xotiee is hereby given that Paul F.
i Wolnh. guardian of said Joseph
-Mauc'K. ni-u nerein nis report 01 1
his said erua rdianship and hi peti-!
tion for an order approving said rs
port md previous ic-ports filed here-
in July 22. 1930. and July 21. 1 93 1 .
iand for the order of this court di -
time anv person interested therein
may appear and be heaid in refer-
: ence thereto
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
cs." . c . .. . ' .. . r 1
. - ' " -1 " - -
!" ,, . . 1 .1
... ' ' , V, . , .
On p -.dini- the ' , 'it rf h-t
r s" 'n l
B. Saxon picrrng that the !".- romei!?
filed in this court on the 27th day
of November, A. D. 1331. and pur
pcrting to be the last will and testa
ment of the said deceased, may In
proved and allowed and recorded ::s
1 the will and testament of Floyd
! A T . . I J - i. . . . . - 1 : . . . . .
' oa-.'il ueceteu, iuii siiri .... u u-
be admitted to probate at..! the
administration of said estate e
s granted to Ruben B. Saxon as execu- ,
!tor; j
j It is hereby ordered that ycu. and
all persons interested ln said mat-;
ter, may. and do. appe-ir at the Court- 1
ty Court to he held in and for said
county, on the 2th day of Decem
ber. A. D. 1931, at two o'clock p. m..
to show cause, if any there be. why
the prayer of the petitioner should
not be granted, and that notice of
the pendency of said petition and
that the hearing thereof he given
to all persons interested in said mat
ter by publishing a copy of this or-
semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three successive
weeks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and the seal of
said court, this 27th day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1931.
(Seal) n30-3w County Judge.
The State cf Nebraska, Cass Coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of
Byion Atkinson, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified, that I
will sit at the County Court Room in
! rlat tsmout h. Nebraska, i n said Cou n
!T- l,n th da-v December. A.
in - "21. ad "n, the 1-U day of
; March. A. D. 1932. at ten o cI-ck in
ithe torer.oon ot each day to receive
a:id examine all claims acainst said
est at e, with a view to their adjust-
i merit and allowance. The time limit-
ed for the presentation cf claims
against said estate is three months
from the 11th day of D-cemher, A. D.
' "d 'oe e nini.eci iur iu -
: menI ot' ih'-s is one year from said
, . . . .1... . i I i ...1, . 1 , . 1 1 1
.iii (Kit ii I'eceu.nci . i . i i .
Wi tress my hand and the seal of
. .: j . . .1.:. , i.i. l... . f
j 1 lullllJ iuuii mu oi
j November, A. D
, ,
County Judee.
:Man niww
In the District Court of the Couu
tv of Cass, N'ebra.-ka.
V. W.
Clans Speck, et al.,
Defeiida nts.
ieienuani.. j
To the cjef. ndants: ( lau- fc-pecK.
i Des Speck. II Iwin E. Scort. Fieda
Scott; the heirs, d-visets. legatees,
personal representatives and all c-tlu-r
' persons interested in the estates of
' Edwin L. Scott, and Freda Scott, eai h
: decea- d. real names unknown; and
all persons having or claiming any
rerest in and to lct twenty-two
teen (14. east ot tne 'tn 1 M.. in j
' Cass County. N braska. being an!
island in ,if .Mis.-outi mvei, a.iu
commonly referred to as specks
, land, now known as Klumire's Is-
land, real names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that F. W. Klu-n.ire as plain
itiff. filed a T.'tition and commenced
an action in the District Court of
: c 1'i.nntv nr' C'n- Vein :i sk n Tin the
the Title to Lot twenty-two (22. in
Section twentv-eisrht (2s. and It
twer.ty-nine 29, in Section thirty-!
three (33, all in Township twelve;
1 1 . norm ranee lourieen m. easi
in me ion 1 . .i.. in c ass uiu:;ii, .-e-
bra.-ka. b'ing an Island in the Mis-
souii River, ani'. commonly referred
to a- Speck's Island, now known as
tvUismire s isia'ici, 111 pjainiin us
jsrain-t vou and each cf you. and for
such other lelief as may be just and
equitable in the premises.
Y. u and each cf you are further
notified that you are required to
'answer said netition on or before
.Mnday. the 2th day of December.
i;31. or the allegations therein con-
tair.el will be taken as true and a
decree will be rendered in favor of
the plaintiff. F. W. Klusmire. as
asraint vou and each of you accord
: ir.g to jhe praver of said petition.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of the Coun
tv of Cass, Nebraska.
Henry Trout.
James Oneal. et al..
To the defendants: James Oneal,
. Mis. James Oneal. first real name un -
1 known ; James O'Neal. Mrs. James
, O'Neal, real name unknown; Matilda
; legatees personal representatives ana
j all other persons interested in thejn
estates ot James uneai. -Mrs. Jame.vat the fIltra!u.e lo tj,e Court House
Oneal. real name unknown; James fn ija;t.-niouth. the county seat of
O'Neal. Mrs. James O'Neal, real name Cags bounty. Nebraska, at the u?ual
.-.- r 1 1
unknown; .uauiua .oiiweu. wiu-
ow; Bell Conwell. W. H. Conwell.
al.-o known at William H. Conwell.
iMary E. Jones and husband, A. J.iu-hich said tnr lins are foiecloed.
Jones; George Conwell, and wife,
jObigaill Conwell, also known as Gilly
.Conwell; B. J. Conwell, first real
name unknown, and wife.
j conwen. and g. E. Conwell.
i name unknown, each deceased.
I names unknown, and all persons i:av-1
or CIalmi,,B an-v n a"unue. and all that part of said lot.
Lots 5 and fi in Bl0'K 4' in the iving a distance of more than 140
ri. . IM.,n!.mnllt!. (-ass County. ,. ,K .......
- -
.-senraska. real names unknown. lraeo Avenue; (2) Lot 2S, an Outlet
You and each of you are hereby j to pjattsmouth. in the Southeast
notified that Henry Trout as plain-1 QUarter of the S-utheat Quarter
tiff, filed a petition and commenced j ( gE, o( ?Ei' ,. (3) ilt 33. an Out
an action in the Distiict Court orthen.)t to iiattsmouth. in the Southwest
County of Cass, Nebraska, on thej QUa,.ter f)f the southeast Quarter
2Cth day of October. 1931. aeainst (SW,4 rf.SE); (4 Lot 0. an
you anu eacn 01 you. ine c u jeci. pur-
pos-j and prayer of which is to obtain
a decree of the court quieting the
title to Lots 5 and 6 in Bloc k 44. in
the City of Plattsmouth, Cass Coun-
ty, Nebraska, in the plaintiff as
against you and each of you. and for
such other relief as may be just and
equitable in the premises.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before
Monday, the 2Mh day or i.ecemner,
1931. or the allecations therein con
tained will be taken as true and a
decree will be rendered in favor of
the plaintiff. Henry Trout, as against
you and each of you acocrding to
the prayer of said petition.
His Attorney.
117 a Journal Want-Ad.
In the County Court of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County cf Cass,
To all persons Interested in the
estate of Jonas Gunnison, deceased:
On reading the petition of Tressie
Fight Horn praying that the instru
ment filed in this Court on the 12ta.
day of November. 1931. and purport
ing to be a duly authenticated copy
of the last will ar.d testament cf
Jonas Gunnison, deceased, that said
instrument be admitted t
and the administration of said es
tate be granted to i'hiiip A. Horn, aa
executor for the State of Nebraska.
It is lure by ordered that you arid
an persons iiuti esit-u in siiitj mai'ei,
may. and do appear at the County
I j . . v. L.T.l : . . .... 1 f . ....
couii 10 lie neui ill ii:ni 101 uni oun-
ty on the 11th day of Dn ember, A.
' . . . , ... . ..
( u. ai ien oiim . u. m.,
siiow cause, u un u.eie in. nii mi-
prayer of the petiti. ntr should not
be granted, and that notice of the
iptndencv cf said petition and the
I h, jd-jnp theieof be i:iven to all per-
I .oi;! interestej in said matu r l" pub-
lishiiii; a copy of this ordr i:i the
Plattsmouth Journal a semi-weekly
r.ew.-paper printed in said county,
for three successive w tks ptior to
said day of hearing.
! Witne-a mv liatid. atnl seal or
jsaid ccmrt this 12th day of November,
A. D. 1131.
(Seal I nlC-3w County Judge.
In the County Court of Cass C un
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebiaska, County cf Cass,
To all persons interested in the
estate of Florence R(:ela Patterson,
deceased :
On reading the petition of Lillian
Maude Schoeman praying that the
i ,,.sf ,.UIU.,it fje(j in jj,- ,,,,t on the
I 20th dav of Novembi-r. 1931. and
j ,)urri,tinir to be the last will and
te-tamc nt cf the said deceased, may
he proved and allowed, and recorded
as the last will and testament of
Floien'-e Rosela Patterson, decea-ed;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, ami the administrat ion of
said estate be granted to William
Patterson as executor;
It is hereby ordered that you. and all
persons interested in said matter,
may, and do. appear at the County
Court to le held in and for said coun
tv. on the ISth day of December, A.
D. 1931. at ten o'clock a. m.. to show
cause. if any there be-, why the pray
r c
the petitioner should not be
grarted and that notice of the pend
encv of said petition and that the
j . - (ri K,r.iiM
not be grant
ed, and that notice of the pendancy
of said petition and that the hearing
thereof be civen to all persons inter
ested in said matter by publishing a
copy of this order in the Plattsmouth
Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper
printed in said county, for three
successive weeks prior to said day of
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 21st day of November, A.
D. 1931.
(Seal) n23-3w County Judge.
By Special Master Under
Daniel 11. McClenahan. Special
Master. 526 Little Bldg., Lincoln,
Public notice is hereby given that
by virtue of an ord-r if sale issued
out of the District Court of the United
State. District of Nebraska. Lincoln
j Division, and in pursuance to a de-
on the 12th day of September. 1931,
in nn action tti.rein nendincr to-wlf!
1 v-(, q Emljtv. wherein O. W. John-
j, js jMairitifT. and Carl S. Foster,
j rtpceiver of First National Bank of
, piatt smouth. Nebraska, is defendant.
(I.,V ,)f i)ei,iber. 1931. at eleven
- ork ln .. forenoon central time.
piaCe where Sheriff's Sales are made,
seJ, at ,,ubiic auction to the highest
i,i,.,1(.r fnr rash. the nrone-tv on
anfJ own and described as follow.
! (1, That part ,,f Sub-lot 1
of Lot .r an Cutlot to Plattsmouth.
in the Southeast Quarter of the
Southeast Quatter (SE4 of SE'4)
lying wi'hin a distance of 140 feet
from the West line of Chicago Ave-
j'-lh T-t i 1 i.r rri uur vm-
Outlot of Plattsmouth. in the South-
west Quarter of the South a-t Quar
ter SW i. of FEU : all of the above
described property in Section Thir
teen (13) Township Twelve 12
Range Thirteen 13 i East of the Cth
P. M. fn Cass County. Nebraska; to
satisfy first, the sum of $."C 90, costs
shown on order of sale, and the ac
cruing costs; second, the amounts de
creed to be due plaintiff with inter-
jeKt as get forth ln Rajd dt.ctf.e and
the Order of Sale, on the first, sec
ond, third and fourth cause of action,
and the surplus if any. to be paid to
defendant. Said parcels of land to
be sold separately to satisfy the costs,
liens and fees against the same. All
as provided by said decree and order
of sale.
Dated November 10. 1931.
Special Master of the Unit
ed States District Court,
District of Nebraska.