The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 30, 1931, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. KOV. 30, 1931.
II. W. Tool drove to Lincoln Tues
day night where he played with the
Shrine band.
Lester Thimgan. Eldon Eiehoff and
Douglas Tool were among the stud
ents home for the week end.
Mr. and Mr3. Emmet Friend of
near Alvo were callers on their
daughter. Mrs. Ed Craig Wednesday
Emil Kuehn and wife were over to
near Ulysses where Emil was look
ing after some business matters on
last Wednfsday.
Lacey McDonald. Charles Long
and V. O. Gillespie were among those
who attended the football game at
Lincoln Saturday.
Francis I'arish one of the teachers
of the Murdock school was enjoying
Thanksgiving day with the parents
at their home in Elmwood.
Several men attended the formal
opening of the concrete road at Ash
land Friday and saw Douglas Tool
playing with the Creighton band oZ
TLe nest regular meeting of the
IViir-quare Extension club wi!l be
hei.i at the tchool house op. Monday
tvn inc. Dec. 7, 1931 at 7:00. Mrs.
H. Y. Tool.
.ingtrs from the Murdo.k Evan
gelical church drove to S!:enandor.h .ad Mrs HeRry Monnig of Elmwood
were the guets.
day where he was present at a fam
ily dinner given by Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Newkirk and at which all the
family enjoyed a reunion.
The Happy Home Makers club met
with Mrs. Art Ward Wednesday, Xov.
18. Fourteen members were present.
The lesson was a study of ten mas
terpieces of art. Mrs. Ward has a
tapestry picture of spring by Corot
and this was one of the pictures un
der study. The next meeting will be
an all day affair, Dec. 9, with Mrs.
Louie Bornemeier, making picture
frames will be the work for the day.
Wilton McXamera of Fairmont,
was a visitor with his aunt, Mrs. W.
O. Gillespie and husband for the
past week, and with them on last
Thursday were over to Murray where
they enjoyed the dinner which was
served by the ladies of the Christian
church of that place. Mr. and Mrs.
Gillespie have now made it a prac
tice of attending these Thanksgiving
dinners every year and find them
most enjoyable and the fellowship of
the Murray people also extra fine.
The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Fred
Ituell Thursday afternon with eigh
teen ladies present in spite of the in
clement weather. A new quilt was
started and the fancy work well lined
up for the bazaar and supper which
were discussed but no delinite date
set for as yet. A delicious lunch of
chicken filled buns, date pudding,
topped with whipped cream and
cranberry jello and coffee was served
by the hostess. Mrs. Paul Mar.-hall
Sunday and put on ;k sui-reti program
over the radio which was enjoyed
Ly the listeners.
Last week the basketball team held
a session oi pratiiie aim nau oyei:
Joseph Linn of Elmwood. a painter
and paper hanger was a visitor in
Murdock last week, papering and de
corating the former bank building
house that all who might desire could ( where the post office has been for
ccr.i- ana see me practice ami n'nu;scme time and which recentlv moved
an idea of how the coming games j to the juniher office, and where they
will P- iaie now snuglv located. The bank,
Eddie Craig ar.J wife were over j is completion was moved
to tne nome oi .urs. iiaigs paieais, iuto bv Mrs iIatt Thimgan who will
use it for her cafe and bakery. The
place v.ill make an excellent place
for the business and as she is now
doing a good business it looks like
that business should be better in the
E. D. Friend and wife for Thanks
Mvir.g Thursday of last week, and
enjoyed the day and dinner very
A. J. Tool and wife with their
son, Douglas. who is attending
Crtighton university at Omaha and
accompanied by his sister. Mrs.
George Work were enjoying Thanks
giving day.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Xeitzel entertain
ed at their heme on last Thursday
for Thanksgiving dinner and had as
their guests Mrs. Dr. Mc Dei mid and
daughter of Omaha and A. J. Neitzel
and family of Murdock.
Some of the nearby teachers were
able to go home for Thanksgiving
day. but as they were compelled to
teach Friday thce living a distance
could not get away and get back in
time for their school work.
Victor Thimgan was the first ob
ject which we saw when we arrived
at Murdcck on last Wednesday, on
top the bank building attaching an
aerial for the radio service which
they will maintain at the new cafe.
John Eppings and family were
visiting for the day on last Sunday at
.Murray, they going ever to enjoy the1
Thanksgiving season with their many !
relatives and friends and to enjoy
the fine dinner at the Christian
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Tanska. liv
ing on the farm northwest of of Mur
dock. entertained for Thanksgiving
day and had as their guests fne fam
ily of the parents of Mrs. Panska,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Bauer and the girls
at home. All had a very pleasant
The Four Square Club held its
regular meeting Monday evening.
Xov. 16th. So much interest was
shown in the lesson, it was voted to
hold an extra meeting on the eve
ning of Xov. 30, for further study of
other artists and their masterpieces
of art.
Kenneth Tool of Wahoo, was a
visitor in Murdock for the day on
Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Tool who
was called to Bridgeport on account
of the very serious illness of her
brother, Wm. Iddings, remained for
a time with the folks after the pass
ing of the brother last week.
Judge W. E? Xewkirk who has
been making his home for the past
few months at the home of his
daughter. Mrs. Dr. L. D. Lee was a
visitor in Greenwood on last Thurs-
is always SAFE
Beware of Imitations
GENUINE Bayer Aspirin, the kind
that doctors prescribe and millions of
usees have proven safe for over thirty
years, can easily be identified by the
name Bayer and the void genuine as
Genuine Bayer Aspirin is safe and
rare; it is always the same. It has the
unqualified endorsement of physicians
and diuggista everywhere. It does not
depress the heart, and no harmful effects
follow ks use.
Bayer Aspirin is the universal anti
dote for pains of all kinds.
Headaches Neuritis
Colds Neuralgia
Sore Throat Lumbago
Rheumatism Toothache
Aspirin is the tradexsark of Bayer
manufacture of nionoacpticacidester of
A. H. Ward and Wife Entertain
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ward enter
tained at their home for the day and
dinner on last Thursday, Thanks
giving day and were pleased with
besides the family, and Grandfather
Henry Bashman, they had Rev.
George Clarke and wife of Indianola.
and M. C. Keedy and family of
Fcund Weather Very Cold.
On last week Lemuel Mulliner and
wife and Miss Ruth Bauer who w-ere
over to Frazie, Minn., for an outing,
returned home and say that the sum
mer outing in a winter climate is
fully up to one's expectations and
that the air and climate was cool and
Come Again Club Meets.
The Come Again club met on last
Tuesday evening at the home of Miss
Mary Bornemier who is one of the
members, and worked on dolls and
doll quilts during their session. Their
next meeting is to be on Tuesday of
thi3 week and they will meet at the
Otto Eiehoff home, when Misses
Blanche and Marie will entertain.
At its last meeting, the local Amer
ican Legion post voted to permit the
payment of dues in installments of $1
each this year, for those who are un
able to scrape up three bucks at one
time. A new type of receipt has been
printed to take care of this install
ment collection of dues, comprising a
signed aplication for membership
and a receipt on which may be re
corded each payment. Those accept
ing this type of membership make all
payments to the person with whom
they file their application, and when
the $3 has been collected on an appli
cation it is transmitted to the adju
tant's pffice. where the regulation re
ceipt for the current year will be
issued and mailed to applicant.
By starting payment now on 1932
dues, old members will have time to
meet their additional installments
before the expiration date on their
stae and national magazines and
thus not have to miss any issues of
ihese publications.
The plan will be tried out this year
and if found to work satisfactory will
undoubtedly be put in action during
the period between November 1st and
January 1st of each year.
The annual membership drive is
now tinder way with teams headed by
June Marshall, and Dr. Taylor, and
preliminary reports of success of the
drive will be made at the regular
December meeting on next Tuesday
night, December 2nd.
Given at school house at Cedar
Creek. Thursday evening. December
3rd. "A Trip Through Yellowstone
Park." by Miss Marie Kaufmann,
also movie comedy. High class pro
gram and entertainment. Refresh
ments served. The public is invited.
Admision: adults 20c, children 10c.
If Theodore Dreiser had stayed
out of Kentucky, we might not have
found out the true state of affairs
in th min regions for two years.
Now w fear it will take five.
From Thursday's Daily
Mrs. J. E. Smith of Omaha, has
been here for the past two days visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T.
B. Bates.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Knorr and chil
dren, Jean and Billy, motored to Fre
mont this morning where they spent
the day with friends and enjoying
the holiday.
The Misses Louisa Albert, Helen
Koubek, Margaret Engelkemeier,
students at the Peru State Teacher's
College are spending the Thanksgiv
ing holidays at their homes in this
city. Miss Ruth Sheliy of Felley,
Nebraska, is a guest at the Engel
kemeier home. Miss Shelly is the
Nebraska State Winner of the At
water Kent contest which was held
this fall.
From Friday's Dally
J. B. Farnam departed this morn
ing for Lincoln where he was called
on some matters of business for the
Miss Alice F. Eaton of Omaha, was
in the city Thursday to spend the
Thanksgiving holiday here with the
relatives and friends.
Madame Stranglen and daughter,
Miss Madeline, with Miss Clara Mae
Morgan, were here Thursday to enjoy
the Thanksgiving holiday.
Joseph and Robert Hartford, who
are attending the Iowa State college
at Ames, Iowa, are here for a visit
with the home folks over the week
Harry Meisinger of Cedar Creek,
overseer in Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct, was here today to attend to
some matters of business at the court
Mrs. Joseph Warga and daughter,
Miss Anna, of Omaha, were here yes
terday to enjoy the festive holiday
with the relatives and many old time
Mrs. E. A. Wurl and son, Robert,
are at North Platte, where they are
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hinman,
Mrs. Hinman being formerly Miss
Helen Wurl.
Mrs. Rex Young was at Omaha on
Thursday, where she spent a few
hours with Mrs. D. A. Young at the
hospital, where Mrs. Young is being
given treatment.
Harold Kube of Buffalo. Wyoming,
is here as a visitor over the week end
with his classmate and fraternity
brother at the University of Nebras
ka. Edgar Wescott.
Henry Hopp and brother, Fred
Hopp, both well known residents of
west of Louisville, were in the city
today ar d while here paid a pleasau;
visit to the Journa.1.
Miss Florence Johnson of Denver,
is here for a short visit with her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Tidball. Miss Johnson being a stu
dent at the" university of Nebraska.
Mrs. Ren Jackson and children,
Robert and Shirley of Mt. Sterling,
Iowa, are here to enjoy a visit with
Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mrs. Lydia
M. Davis and with Mr. and Mrs. M.
S. Briggs.
T. C. Kahoutek, who is engaged in
working for the Union Pacific at
Cheyenne, Wyoming, came in Wed
nesday and will remain here over the
week end, visiting with the relatives
and enjoying a short outing.
Cry as you may, you can't find a
gift that will mean quite so much to
your friends as your Portrait it is
Studio Open Sunday from 2 to 4
Rfcrarland Studio
Hampshire boars. Telephone 2210.
n30-4td-4tw MY HON WILES.
Read the Journal "Want-Ads.
r-T-Y'-V rr-Y--Vcr .yc rv -ryff -V -f
fc- jNwivvC-vJwv-W -Jfcfc-Jfc,-NC- sv -4.
FIVE DROWN IN STREATI I Ille highway ami overturned, pinnin
i them lintel ii at li. They were idati
: fied a Sam Hughs. thf rty-ciulit ;
Tyler. Tex. Fve persons drown-'Mis. Fan: Hiiuli. t went y-eigM : Kb
ed in Prairie creek, ten miles north i iPmlis. tbjity; Clan ie limbics,
of Tyler, when the automobile in;eir!)t. and Robert Unrigs, live, all
whicli they ere riding plunged off , residents of Wright City, Tex.
Celebrated 13th Wedding.
On last week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Mills was appro
priately celebrated the passing of the
thirteenth wedding anniversary and
a large number of their friends were
present to assist and also help enjoy
the occasion. The evening was made
up of musical numbers and songs and j
games oi an Kinds oi wmcn car as
predominated. There was also plenty
of good things to eat and all did full
justice. Among those who were pres
ent were A. H. Ward and family, Al
bert Thiel and wife. Herman Boiler
and family. E. F. Brunkow and wife
and Clifford Richardson and wife.
Mcst practical gift you
cocld hay for the Boy or
Girl who is musically in
clined. Violins, Banjos, Guitars,
etc. carried ia stock and we
can get here for your in
spection and approval any
thing you want from moder
ate priced up to the mcst ex
pensive instruments.
Let us know what yon
have in mind and we'll give
you a price without obliga
tion. Comets, Slide Trom
bones, Horns. Drums every
thijrg ia .Musical instrumenW.
at money-saving prices. '
Dress Up Your Packages with
Seals, Tags and
Dress up your packages with Denniscn Seals and Christ
mas Tags' We have the complete Denniscn line, includ
ing Wrapping Material of all kinds. A few cents spent
on ycur packages in this manner will lend distinction to
your giits. -whether they be costly or inexpensive articles.
Golf Clubs. Bags and Golf
Ealls make a very appropri
ate gift for the Golfer.
And for the Boy, nothing
will please more than a Foot
tall or a good Catcher's
We have these items and
scores of ethers in the Sport
ing Goods line.
Prices cn these goods are
much lower, so if you want
tc make Dad happy or reg
ister 1000 per cent with the
ycurg Brother, let us show
you what big values we can
effer this vear.
( P
i rc
J. C'!
The Christmas Season is not far off
ease and at the same time get the pick
furnish you with anything you can b
in fact the "Gift Buying" season is here
of good clean stocks. Plattsmouth mer
uy in the larger cities, at a lower price,
right now, if you want to shop with
chants are all well supplied and can
quality considered. Shop at home!
Cigars (All Brands)
and Cigarettes
The Universal
Fountain Pens and
Pencil Sets
For a real lifetime remembrance,
let us suggest a Schaeffer (lifetime
guarantee) Fountain Pen. We have
them in popular sizes for Ladies
and Gentlemen also the com
plete Pen and Pencil Sets and the
Desk Sets. All pens over $2. name
will be lettered in gold FB.EE.
Box Stationery
or Milady
Everybody uses Stationery. Select
it now, and we can print any mon
ogram you wish at small cost.
Thte Bates Book and Stationery Store
was never better prepared to serve you than right now and this season our line covers a greater variety than ever.
listing but a few of the many feature values you'll find here. Shop early and avoid last-minute rush.
Space forbids
In this line we are the leaders in Cass county, and this
year our stock is even mere varied than ever before. We
advise early selection from thk complete stock, and, if
you wish, at a small additional cost we can print your
name on the cards you select. Ask for prices on this
special printed service.
This year we are showing a great variety of the Lotus
High grade Glassware, and at prices that will really
surprise. These make splendid gifts.
is Finer than a
Good Book
We have the most complete line
of Books in the city. All popular
copyrights at 75 and the regu
lar latest sellers at $2 each.
A complete line for the kiddies,
as well as for the Misses and
Many articles in orr stcck have t?cr. at a very
close margin in fact some lines will cany no prcSt at
all. especially the Hand Tooled Hard Bas for ladies ard
Misses. These goods are all maiked at 25'. reduction,
and cur stock includes all popular shapes and sices. Ycu
will do well to see these early.
Hundreds o2 Other Items
Shoppers in search cf "just the right gift ' will find the
answer to their perplexity by spending a half hour look
ing over our stock for it includes everything.
Do not fail to visit our store (located at corner of 5th and Main) before your make your gift selections or your Christmas card purchases, for vc
couldn't begin to tell you in a whole paper filled with descriptions of the complete stock we carry. Shop NOW before the grand rush starts!
Bates Book and Stationery Store
Corner 5th and Main StsM Plattsmouth, Kebr.