MONDAY, NOV. 23. 1921. PAOE SIX PLATTSEOUTH SEIH - WEEKLY JOURNAL Mullein's Market Beef Roast Per Pound 313 c coGGooeocsoseoceooso Vcdnccdoy CpccSoDa Bacon, per lb 150 Sugar Cured Pork Roast, lb 15 Hamburger, lb 100 Pork Sausage, lb. . . 100 Pork Chops, center cuts, per lb 170 Sirloin or Round Steak, per lb 100 We are Taking Orders for Your Thanksgiving Fowls Our Pi ice is Right and Quality the Best Uneeda Soda Crackers, 2 lbs 250 Advo Jell, it whips. 6 pkgs. for 250 Raisins, seedless. 4-lb. pkg 370 Pumpkin, No. 22 size can . . . . 100 Mince Meat, bulk. 2 lbs. for 250 Bulk Dates, 2 lbs. for 250 Oatmeal, large package 150 Post Bran Flakes, per pkg 100 Paper Shell Pecans, per lb 300 English Walnuts, per lb PROTECT HOME LABOR A number of the residents here, who have been employed at various points, state that they are commenc ing to feel the pinch of the action of other communities in requiring that persons employed in their localities, be residents of the place. The attitude of other cities and business interests of their commun ities toward protecting their work men is one that should be followed here by the support of local insti tutions and home workmen, men who are living here and making a part of the community life. The work men on several of the projects in and near this city have been to a greater extent laborers that were not resi dents here, while many local men were idle and could as well attended to the handling of the lines of labor as well as skilled workmanship. In the stand taken many of the busi ness houses have taken the view that their patronages of communities That barred the Plattsinouth workmen be curtailed as a protest. occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Pornoff and daughter. Miss Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Busche and little daughter, Elizabeth, and Mrs. David Jardine. Louisville Courier. TWO YEAR SENTENCE FOR FORGING CHECK Alliance Omar Pace, thirty-eight, of Glenwood, la., pleaded guilty to a forgery charge and was sentenced by District Judge E. L. Meyer Friday to tow years in the state penitentiary. Pace admitted forging a $10 check. He has a wife and four children, and has been here about six months. PROGRAM FAMILY DINNER FOR DEPARTING SISTER Mr. and Mrs. John Busche gave a family dinner last Sunday in honor of Mr. Rusche's sister, Mrs. Mary Laudenschlager, of Palmer, who has been here on an extended visit. Mrs. Laudenschlager is a former Cass county resident. She has a number of other relatives and friends whom she visited while here. Her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Laudenschlager, of Palmer, drove down for her and were present at the dinner, leaving the next day for their home. Others present to enjoy the happy Rox supper and plate supper, Wed nesday, Nov. 25, at 8 o'clock at Lewiston Community Center, spon sored by Kenoha school, Dist. 8. Everybody welcome. MARY ELLEN VALLERY, nl9-2tw-5td Teacher. Do not forget that Christmas is but a few weeks away and accord ingly call at the Bates Book & Gift Shop to make your selections of the handsome Christmas cards for print ing or engraving." A wide range of prices j Thomas Walling Company Abstracts of Title Plattsmouth 4. Phone 324 v If M f Msb "prrcscs . Mj If Here' s the cutest, friendliest, gentlest little Shetland pony you ever saw. His name is Bimbo. We're going to give him away. Some lucky boy or girl will be the proud owner of this dandy little pony, saddle, bridle, and all -and he won't cost a penny. Let us tell you all about it. We're putting on a big contest for the children. We want you all to know more about Poll-Parrot shoes how well these wonderful shoes fit your feet how stylish they are the comfort that comes from their flexible, easy bending soles how they hold their shape, and the long wear that Poll Parrot solid leather shoes will give. We want you to know that Poll-Parrot shoes for live, red blooded, active boys and girls, have built into them the same smart style, the same fine fit, and identically the same all-leather quality and good value as Star Brand Shoes for Mother and Dad. Now about Bimbo. The very first time you have a chance, stop in at the store and jovi the Poll-Parrot Pony Club. It won't cost you a cent. Well give you a button to wear. That won't cost you anything either. Then you write us a letter and tell us, in not more than thirty-five words, why Poll-Parrot shoes are better shoes for boys and girls to wear. That's easy, isn't it? And, Children, that's all there is to it. The boy or girl who writes the best letter will be the one to-get Bimbo absolutely free. What do you think about that? 85) RULES OF CONTEST Tlil.s contest is open to all child ren umler fifteen vears of ape. It closes STt KIMV, Drrrmhrr lltth. and all entries must be Iiostmarked before midnight of tbat date. Name of winner will lie announecd and pony awarded at our store on Christmas eve, Thursday, Iecember 24th. No member of this store nor any member of his or her family will t.e allowed to participate. Winner nets complete outfit pony, saddle and bridle. See them on display at our store. f'nmr on. Iloy and (ilrlo l.r-V frnpi every one of you. We're know who'll be taklajc Hint bo Three jndces will decide on the best letter and their decision must be accepted as final. In the event of a tie, duplicate awards will be made. We repeat: It does not cost one red cent to join the i'oll-Tarrot l'ony Club anil enter this contest. It is not even necessary for you to buy Toll-Parrot shoes, but of course, if you were wearing a pair of I'oll-Parrots, perhaps it would enable you to write more intelligently on the subject, oth erwise It wont make any differ ence at all. tcet koIiik. We want to hear already icettlna; amlou to out for a eaator Dee. 23th. EC When You Join the We Give You 0a Wrtf,V PoU-Parrot Pony Cluh Button, to Wear. SOENNICHSEN'S Distributors o Gtar Brand "Poll Parrot Chocs Cor Children The Largest Store in Cass County Cass County's Big Dress Store OFFEH0 A rihainilksgiviinig Sale This Store will Close at NOON on Thanks giving Day 2 S$gw Wflflntteff 1 m auuMBM .BaBV .W phWKanW .P"kv aW. This Store will Close at NC0N on Thanks giving Day A Sale You Will Remember! Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday - Saturday Wonderfall Values .i : -T - . . The Seasons Newest Dresses at Values to $9.95 K)95 W5 (OJ Values to $5.95 Values to $15.00 A Hat to Match With Your Dress Canton Crepes Wool Crepes Sheer Woolens; Sunday Nite Afternoon Street and Sport Frocks. ... Draped sleeves, puff sieves, bias cut skirts. Black, Sai lor blue, Persian green, Spanish tile all the new wanted colors. ... Sizes 14 to 20 and 36 to 44. In Our Down Stairs Department . . . for the little Miss Gznart Junior Styles 2-piece All Wool Gucttcn HJfccccg Sizes from 2 to 6 Smart Little GuBEx HDpcggcs Sizes from 7 to 14 JIFFY KNIT All Wool Dresses. Sizes 7 to 14 $1.95 5mu? 'ffGnoGuEscGBvuDuG SaC Salle Style SImp Cass County's Largest Exclusive Ladies Store 9a P 0! P IT 1 "A 3 I B 8 S is ywii m iu iwi; f" 'u m mu n i - - - i