The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 12, 1931, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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M f' ':,
piATTsnouni sna-wnny jouehai.
THURSDAY, HOV. 12, 1931.
j - 7
. - - ; r
n n ' n
ui u La u t
... 7 -T i
Beef Roast per lb .
Sirloin Steak, per lb. ...... . .
Round Steak, per lb
Pork Roast Boston Butts. Per lb. .
Fresh Picnic Hams (by Ham) Pfer lb. . :C g
Pork Sausage, per lb, v. . ..;.;. .i.'lC h i
lresn sut namourger, per id. . j . .t
Pure Lard, 5 lbs. for. . .. . .0 .,VA . . . . .510
Smoked Hams (half or whole) Per lb. . ,12 t
Bacon Squares, per lb. . . . . v.
Neck Bones, 4 lbs. for. . . : ; .
Saner iraut
Advo Jell, all flavors, 6 pkgs. for. .
Butter Nut Coffee, per lb. . .
Selox, large pkg. . .........
Bob White Soap, 10 bars for
Salmon, 1-lb. tall can '. . . . :
Peas, No. 2 can, 2 for .... . .
Flour, 48-lb. bag. . .
. . . . 370
Advo Pancake Flour, 32-Ib. 2 pkcr:
$3 Orders Delivered Free to Asy Pert cf tit Giy
10c Delivery Charge on Smaller Orders ' ' "t;
J fji' r
Close of t7orld trwght Earth
Wide Eejoicuis war Clouds
, r u -, Darken 1C31 '
t fj From Wednesday's Daily
the home of Mrs. Htrman Tiekottea,
with a very large nbmber of the mem
bers In attendance, a most delight
ful time provided xfpr the members
of the oittier. Aflef the business se
sion, cards as a diversion of the eve
ning, in which the prize was award
ed to Mrs. Joseph .McMaken, Jr. At
a suitable hour dainty and delicious
refreshments were served that added
H M 1 1 l i 'I-M-t-H-t-I-j;
Thctaxi VflJ Ccpany r
Abstracts' of Title
Phone 324
i 1
From Wednesday's Daily
H. P. Schutx of the Plattsmouth
Produce was called to Antiger, Wis
consin, this morning by the-message
announcing the death of his father.
E. A.' Schutz, which' 'Occurred atS
o'clock - Tuesday afternooteT "Thi
death was quite sadden- and came as
a shock . to the son.'- Mr. -Sehutr will
join a sister at Adams. Wisconsin,
and they will motor; home together
for the funeral. . " -
The friends here will extend their
deepest sympathy to Mr. Schutx on
the passing ot the Jored.. fathers
Instanad iio St
Eishqp Ernest Vinoeat. Shayier La-
; dacts Sector Into Charge of
' " Local Parish. ;
clense .
Searl S. Davis
Phone 9
- - i - - -
' "The Right rtererend bishop" 8hay
lef orhe Episcopar Diocese of. ffer
braska officiated" at St.' Luke's church
Sunday ' morning when - ihe j.Rev.
Canon Petter wee instituted into the
rectorship of the- parish. Immediate
ly following' the processional hymtfi
the Well known "The Churches One
Foundation, the incumbent proceed
ed to the altar where the bishop
read the words' of: Institution, then
followed f a ;charge: of prayera and a
bJessiag was, pronounced, upon; tAe
newly inducted clergyman' who then
offered the appointed- prayers for the
effectiveness of his ministry and Di-
vine messing ipeate lanwpiiea
The bishop t preached,, updni tne fafn-
istry or reconciliation. He interpret
ed this Dtd S as, flat$ng tb Inter
national f elaTiDttshis and alslt to the
life of the family. He showed that
there is; afferent plafce ipr religious
influence to br!ig abdut lasting peace
among the natfons of the world. and
that the wort-dr the "ministry in
cluded the WhtiUt tafi2yt
lations also, the harmony which can
exist between pastor and people and-
Detween memoers ot tne family
means success in the undertakings of
either group working1-as a loya
united fe,itowblp... ... :
-T'he servtee waa'bftrughtto w efose
by the saying of a litany appointed
for the Sunday nearest, Armistica dayn
by the presiding .blsfrop. - s?V J
A well filled church greeted, the1
bishop and among the visitotawertf
the clergy of the local churches who,
were very cordially received r?r
Rome, Not; 8. 'Timestaned
stones that form the public buildings
of Rome are to gleam with a pristine
whiteness. Instructions for a clean-
ing up by sand-blast hare been"-issued,
the work to be finished by "be-1
tober, 1932,-the-loth anniversary of
Friday czd OaJar&y
our $ 1 .95 Dressca at
1 .t
S Prioir
Utility Felt Bc Flobr Maid, 24bS3. ,2f
"Step-on" Garbarje Cans, only . . . . . . C2'
White Japaned teel S V -
Swift's Toilet Soap, 4 lands, 7 bara. . .
Hot Water Bottles fresh stock. Each . 1 .C
Chocolate Peanut Cluster, per lb . 21C;T
Candy Bars, bifj value. 5 fc7, . .-v. C$
- South Side of 'Mali Circct
Th drizzlina- rain."' 'fitting set-c
ng! to' thM Armistice day anniver
s&ry, a recollection 01 xvxs, oom-in.
Franee and in,! Plattsmouth where
.f lwr ' man failed " to ' dampen
ardor and enthusiasffl of the arm
ed fbrces df the nation tf the rrennea
iiriti-n nnntrlatien' delirious WllD
. Vt. fAK'l a ' A a -a that
- jNOveiuuer 11, m.vm.o, j . -
th world Will always recaii iu
end ;of ' arnied' stHfe that" had since
lsH'"swetft "Europe with bloodshed
and death, .was. one that brougnt per
haps the4 greataat rejoicing inai any
day in modern history can recall.
"j ' Td those' who were in service, and
eancialiv- those in the A. E. F. tor the
naval forces in European waters, the
dav marked the end of the' Untiring
watch; that uaceaslng march onward
to' the front; where' death had swept
with shot, shell and gas the lines of
n'rencl-' Eneliah."- "Americans. 1 Bel
gians- Italians, Germans and Aus
trians. The ' sudden- - and dramatic
Collapse of the central powers had
come bo quickly that to the troops In
the field it waa' almost beyond belief.
- vAfter f four ' years- fcf !-Btrife,:''tben
peace." 'made ever city; hamlet' and
Camp In the allied natfons a scene of
revelry an reJoictng.-'Gone was'the
restraint of war time days, no longer
darkened cities, shuddering' for-fear
of airraids, but light.- light and more
light, great roaring : fires; ' blaring
bands, singing and dancing peoples.
Along the lilies which- in a few
months had! swept -eastward ' as the
great army that Kaiser Wilhelm had
sent forth, drew back nearer ana
nearer to their own land, the Amer
ican forces, completing their undy
ing vfctory of the Argonne, rested on
the hills which were the last objec
tive, holding the Sedan railhead, the
key to'ithe German 'transportation
system Under the range' of their guns.
The sentiment of 1871 led the Amer
icans' to 'withhold their advance into
Sedan that the French troops might
occupy " the city "where in ' 18 7 1 Em
peror Napoleon III had been forced
td surrender his empire to Bismarck.
Those troops -that had swept - for
ward to victory, found' but little of
the joy of the celebration aside from
the burden lifted.-that On the mor
row 'there was to be no more offen
sive'. 'no more of death on the battle
field but only the -thought. . "when
do we go Home.". A great' many of
these troops were in a few weeks to
take! up the long.- long' march for
ward1 to the Rhine, to rest for afew
months in-the Jotb and pleasures "of
Cobleos and ;the other cities and vil-
tasMj of tae beautiful. valley, where
etSTtnlngcastleSt'ilowiag'eteins .and
thfamou: Rhine wfne.'Were to "re
place the scenes of death'' and ruin. .
' The writes; was not one of those
who had swept across the war beaten
fields or to journey to the 'land ef
legend and 'lore, but was domiciled
ta ' a nice ' muddy - camp under" the
weeping skies of France. There the
news came to troops ' awaiting ithe
call onward .to' the f rent "and Met?
aa almost happy' message and then'
came the celebration.1 A city of nor-'
maily 75,00-' French,; swollen with
some'tO.OeO Belgian--refugees' and
then- 50O,e00 ' Americans what a
town! As evening shadows fell, dull
care was thrown away, the iron dis
cipline -of war days was lifted a lit
tle, the 'command, "'soldier you can't
go In- there," was forgotten, - those
who perhaps were celebrating well
but not wisely; were forgiven by offi
cers who were one with the boys on
this gala -occasion. The Place de Re
public 'was the center' of activities of
the celebration- with a dozen Amer
ican -bands playing, great fires around
which there ; were - thousand? : danc
ing; sbttgs ' of all1 nations heard in
rejoclng. a "picture that 'cannot be
forgotten; " r' - ff' ' ! 71 ,: 4
I But then there 'was'the other fide,"
the heme where never more was to
come the sound ' of a voice so:- loved;
only a: picture a roedaf or a certificate-'
of some ' ''grateful govern
ment;' a grave lit -yonder battle field,
t ' memory '1n some French.' American
or German hdme of a 'sacrifice,' 'a place
never to"e" filled. ' ' e'.-v: .
; Today we pause. 'we gaze Into a
far distant land' where" two oriental
nations are girding for mastery of
that part of the world, a great em
pire, - a -well equipped and organized
as any- fit the world and 'as their
foes a people -Of peace' -but whose
rege, Nebraska, spent tneweea ena
at the home of Mrs. Martha, Vyeten
kamp of this city. - ' 'x '
Miss DeabenderXer is taking' nurse
training at the E. hospital ' at
Omaha. - ' -
People from this city who 'have
gone to the hospital for treatment,
may have met and: remember her.? .
L Miss Deabenderfer will graduate
next March. V , '. r .;"
l-v? r--:i
very much to the enjoyment of all in
attendance. . ' - v - . ' i , 1 -'
From Tuesday's Daily
,'An action v In partUfen ntitlei
Humphrey F. Murphy- vs. Joseph P.
Murphy, et al has been filed in the
district " court, i The ' plaintiff .'states
that 1 he has an undivided one-fifth
interest in 240 acres, of land in Cass,
county ...the 1 defendants - each also
having' a one-fifth share. It is peti
tioned, that the shares of. the heirs
be 'confirmed and that the property
be sold and the proceeds be appor
tioned according to their shares.- N .
-. ' . V. :
ttw If n Pnri?
$120,000,000 Worth of Hew Can
r X Needed? in CO Days Heans
Increased Employment
- . . . . VV, .
' Uetroit, Midi., Kov. 10. The Free
Press says the automobile industry
wiy , produce: approximately 1 Z mil
lion dollars' worth' bf ' new cars in
the next 60 days and that thereafter
production wiUroceed A aTireve
greater! pace." t ;
Operations during the next eight
months, the!p&periyB5a.ys, ; w(U be at
levels ranging upward from 25 per
cent above those ,of the past two
s. t f.
- j"The leanest " period of probably
considerably , more than a decade is
declared -to be definitely passed,' the
paper says, giving leaders of the
automobile business, bankers, econ
omists - and - business men of - other
lines as its' authority: v ,
"For immediate . needs, the auto-
YJ mobile industry will have to produce
Miss Irene Deabenderfer trHold- at" least 200 thousand cars between
now ana flte opening of the national
automobile show in New York, Jan
uary 9," the-' paper says. This figure,
it explains. Is based upon new car
requirements of. a four-car average
for each of theVSO thousand dealers
which, the paper says, is conserva-tive.-Woskf-Herad.
' :J
Sunday a group of the young1 fadtes
employed at the U. S. Veterans' hovK
pital at Lincoln, chaperoned by Mrs.
Marie Trumble. formerly of this city.
motored down to enjoy the delightful
autumn day in a picnic party. The
ladies came with well filled baskets
and spent the time in .the-vicinity of
Rock Bluff, amid the hills, now beau
tiful' in the. glorious .colors of the
autumn' season. - v 5 . ,
Mrs. James Tigner of near Louis
ville, is at the Immanuel hospital at.
Omaha wheref: Ahe1 was operated on
four weeks a'go. Mrs. Tigner .had
practically four operations in one.
The patient; yr aabperated on by
Dr. Herbert bavis, has , shown k
Splendid rate (J improvement .. It J
Boned tnat she may soon be on tne
highway to complete recovery.
Battle Creefc Ruth Ann Merz. two
year old daughter of Mr. and Mrsi
A. G. Merz Of Battle Creek, died Sua.
day of. aTvnalady which baffled the
half dozen physicians attending her".
The attendants said the disease was
fvery peculiar, in that the girl failed
to respond to any and mil treatments.
She' became unconscious about two
Weeks ago and never regained con
sciousness. She is survived by . her
parents and ra-jilsten --Funeral serr
viceewUl ha hel 1 era Tuesday.
'1 ir.",i-r,'li y. i? I
f JonrsaJ Wart Ads brfngr reppi lwhoare In-jeed
i - pi . i i
New o& group of
clergymen of the National Lutherad
council today joined In a "call to
prayer"-4o tao Aaaerieaa, people for
divine", guidance through) the ecorf?
omJc crisis. ? 4 ..
ThechnrcnirieaslMl that the
prayers be co-incidental with Thanksr
giving services, to Inaugurate a sea
son of prayer during advent for those
- 1 ;,. ;., f) t training 'by Western' nations1' has
taught them the Use and- power 'of
armed force.' ,j' ; . -a i,
. Will otlr war, closing November
11, 1918,' be the last? We wonder: '
0PCRATE3 03II13:
- y ' I- ,r:l-:
Tuesday afternooh' at the St. Cath"
erlne'e hospital ' at Ortaha, 'Elbert
Kell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kelt,
of Murray, was operated on by Dr.
;pwyer. It, was found that the leg
of the- young man, injured some time
ago y a brul6e was not" doing' as
raelf as it ha& hbped,' the operation
disclosing- pus - had formed on the
Vbone of -the leg braised -in the acci
dent.' The operation was a very suc
cessful one and ft Is hoped will hasten
the recovery of the patieat. Mrt. A.
F. Seybert. of this city, aunt of the
young man aa ..well as his parents
and bFOtaers,kwere at-the hospiUl to
be with the young man and. left him
feeling as well as possible: ; -
i . TZ2, BALTi
Choice Pur Dred CheVtei C?hlte
boars for sale. See these boars and
tlaCoxrcsL IS
muz m
1 - - -
'" " ' " ,. .... i " - '- - - j r
- it'
3 r
when you can buy jjenuinc
- T. . ,1 a - r'
The World's Best Overall
t, - 1
- !
J v.
YOU KNOW Oshkosh B'Gosh over
alls ; AL W AYS cri; lyou
splendid uTid complete saUsftiqii
They are still the -same old reliable
Oshkosh B'GosK overalls that you ve
hnown arid worn and liked for years
and years-not cheapened in any way.'
7t5fo xjtzx fic3 tier o : ;
. . - ' - ' ' 4
V'xMrs. Martha J. Peerson, -who-has
been visiting for some time at several
points over theIstate has 'returned
home.- - Mrs.' -Peterson spent several
days at Grand Island, being a dele
gate from the local Rebekah lodge
to the' grand- state . assembly of the
order. Mrs. Peterson has for a great
many years been -very active in the
work of the Rebekahs in the state
and had the opportunity of visiting
many of the old time .friends while
at Grand Island. - She was met at
Grand Island by relatives and motor
ed to Norfolk- and Tllden, Nebraska,
where she also enjoyed a visit with
the relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Schutz and daughter. Miss Florence,
motored to.Tiiden Sunday, bringing
Mrs.' Peterson back home.
' m
i i
m m
1 m)m r. m
m m
i :
1 1
i !
a a
i :
Not just a few week-end specials nor a
lot of off brands such as are flooding the
market. All standard quality goods.
Did you see the Ak-Sar-Ben Stock Show
and all the high class 4-H Qub Daby Beef
- - on display? If you did, you know the fine
. , c . quality to expect here this week-end when .
we tell you that Black and White Market
v " has purchased outright a number of these
Beef Roast, 4-H Club per lb.
Shoulder Steak, 4-H Club, per lb. . . . 22$
Sirloin Steals, 4-H Club, per lb Z2$
Rpund Steak, 4-H Clqb, per lb C
Rolled Rib Roast, 4rH Club, per lb. . . 23
T-Bone Steak, 4-H Club, per lb.. : . .30$
Porlc Butt Roast, per lb. . . 'ti2$
Hiirif PbrW Roast, r.? . , .12
Harnburger, fresK cut,' "l6irfir! . . .Z$
2'n '-H c u Made froia 'Higliert Quality Beef ' ; '
Pork' Sausage, perlb. ; ;ii . . .
Conej Jland Frankfurters, 2 lbs. .'
Swift's Hams, small size, per lb..
7vfU?' p Half or.Wiole? j: '
Pcjrk Brains, per, lb.; .j. v: .
jVeal Hearts,- por lb. . - .
Ho lenlbsiifor. :';;)!
ri r: - : r . ii r
acon Squares', 2 lb.for
4 U
" X"'
1 jju
SJ?tou ajnmrhWr and
iGaccperJb., 2C- Dairy Maid, ZC
- . r
-I '
i !
QlerrircorinsiRjCd Rose, 2 lbs.. . .22
Navy Beans, 5 lbs., 25; 10 lbs. . . .45
.M ( j. "4 A ' 1 1 : Rncy Great northerns - '
Calumqtr Baking Ppwdcri- l-lb' tin. .
Soap, grift's VtHe, 10 bars for. .
Salmon, Rosedale, med. red, 1-lb. . . 10
Pbrft rind Beans, IG l&fyz can .'. .ICf
CtttbelFs Tomato Soup, 2 cans. . .12
Oatsi lSii; Quick or Regular. . .C
Cream; Cereal Breakfast Food, pkg. .
Mince Meat, IG A, per pkg . . .. .'.. 12
Pumpkin, - large 2l2 size can . 12
Primes, Santa Clara, 4 lbs. for. ... .22
Corn,' No. 2 Standard, 3 cans . . . . . .22
Tomatoes, No. 2 size'eans, 3 for. . . .22
Wisconsin Hand Pack ,
Frank's ICraut, No. 2lz size, 3 cans . . 22
Matches. 6-box Carton for. . 12
, Bnffaio or Comet
Selos, large size, 2 pkgs. for 22
' The We w Speed Soap'
Dod Qcoli Vllczz? Ecoo
Whet, prices are advancing, daily and Flour will be
higher soon. ' hay, in a supply now before , we are
forced to advance the price. It will surely pay you I
IGA, reyerf ; texk guaranteed, 4C-lb;. C2
Little Hatchet, 40-lb. bag; . ; V. . XC
White Daby, 40-lb. bag .... , . .CC
Cramiom 25c
Head Lettuce, Ice Berg, each 2
Celery, large size. Per stock . . . .12
! r
1 it . ' ' l
i s
: :
3 :
m a
: i
1 1
' ' ' "J--
' 1 - . , tVa .
II n