FAGS SIX riATTCnouTa - weekly journal MONDAY, SEPT. 28 1931. PcrCy Covered r"rnw t ! attacks a V V 1m H Hint t It If partly Or. T A. . Cl D. . Cjxtury Dependable Insurance ADMIT TOOK CLOTHES TO WEAR AT SCHOOL Chicago. 111., Sept. 25. Two coeds . frcm Madison. Wis., testified the nine hundred dollars worth of clothes they picked up in Chicago stores were Just to replenish their ward robes lor. school . days, and Judge Frederich Fairbank granted them probation today. Miss Violet Ihrke. Milwaukee, 22, and Helen Miller, 18, the latter of Fl-asantvi)le. Ia.. said they attend ed institutions at Madison but would not return there. ORDER DIVIDEND PAID ON CLAIM FACING BANK Omaha District Judge Hastings Monday entered an order allowing payment of a 30 per cent dividend on $140, 0S7 worth of claims which have been approved against the fail ed German bank at Millard. Both general and preferred claims are in cluded in the order. Nov. 20 was set as the date for hearing contested claims. DO-X BUILDERS ITA1IED H7 SUIT New York, Sept. 25. Isaac Scha fran and Jacob Thaler began suit in federal court Friday to have the Ger man flying boat Do-X confiscated on the ground that the owners, opera tors and builders infringer on pat ents. V General Motors Corp. is named as cne of the defendants. The suit, be sides demanding confiscation of the giant flying boat, asks for an acr counting of-profits, a permanent in junction against further infringe ment on the patents the plaintiffs said they hold, and damages amount ing to three times whatever profits the Do-X may have made. With General Motors, the defend ants named are the Dornier Co. of America, Dornier Metall Bauten G. M. B. H., Dr. Claude Dornier. Lieut. Clarence Schlldhauer, U. S. N., who piloted the Do-X to New York. Capt. Wolfgang von Gronau, and all mem bers of the crew. The patents involve the mounting of the propellors about the wing. Schafran and Thaler state they are joint owners of the patents. Issued Dec. 31, 1918, by the U. S. patent office. The complaint asks that the Do-X and all other aircraft of the defend ants In .which the alleged Infrange- ment has occurred, now in this coun try, he turned ove rto the plain tiffs or destryoed. No State Tax Undar Clscinar- garms Statute GUARANTEE FUND FORHED Thomas Walling Company 2 Abstracts of Title J. Phone 324 - Plattsmouth M-H-H-H-I--S- J- i r-i-:-!-K' 4- Paris (Saturday) The ministry of finance announced that a guar antee fund has been formed for the Banque Nationale de Credit and that consequently the bank is able to con tinue normal operations. The an nouncement said the situation of the bank had been examined by Finance Minister Flandin. the governor of the Bank of France and representatives of leading banks. The Banque Nationale de Credit is one of the five largest deposit banks in France. Founded in 1913 it has a paid up capital, of 318.000,000 francs (about $12,720,000). The bank's headquarters are a large and sumptuous new building and it has forty-three branches in the Paris district. AIRMEN ARE FORCED DOWN Fairbanks, Alaska. A heavy downpour of rain forced Cecil Allen and Don Moyle, California aviators, to land here at 4:35 p. m. five hours after they hoRped off from Solomon Beach, near Nome, on a projected nonstop flight to Tacoma. The avia- Senator Nenbauer, Author, Finds That Manufacturers Use No Foreign Oil. State Senator E. M. Neubauer of Orleans . stated after a visit to the state department of agriculture and state treasurer's office that S. F. 117, introduced by him "and passed by the last legislature, imposing a tar of 15 cents a pound upon imitation but ter, a law that became effective Aug. 2 had produced no tax in Nebraska for the reason that manufacturers of imitation butter sold in the state are now used animal fat and home grown vegetable oil in place of palm oil or cocoanut oil . or other oil im ported from, beyond the boundaries of the United States. One of the largest co-operative creameries in the country is at Orleans, the home of Senator Neubauer. "The new law - was not intended as a revenue measure but as a pro tective measure." said Senator Neu bauer. "No tax has been received under it in Nebraska because tests made by the state department of agriculture show that manufacturers are using animal fat and home pro duced vegetable oils. While the law taxes imitation butter fifteen cents a pound it contains a provision de fining imitation butter or oleomar garine containing more than 60 per cent of animal fat or animal oils pro duced in the United States and con taining no imported oils or fats, for the purposes of the act, shall not be included in the term imitation butter for tax purposes. So palm or cocoa nut oil is now found. "Another effect of the law is a big reduction in the' number of li censes issued by the state depart ment of agriculture to retail deal ers in imitation butter. Last year the number of . licenses issued was .844. To date this year only 1,604 licenses have been issued, a reduc tion of 1.204 in the number of stores selling imitation butter." Under a- law different from the Nebraska law Iowa has collected from $25,000 to $30,000 tax on imi tation butter. Senator Neubauer said he had been, informed. .. Fin? may not valfc Cotter errcnge for taciiraicc?- novl YOU NEVER ENOW when fire may damage or destroy your home and wipe away your sav ings. It may be today or to morrow! NOW is the time to secure ade quate protection with a policy issued by the Hartford Fire In surance Company. Tour invest ment is then safely fortified with both sound indemnity and plenty . of dependable assets. Delay may be costly insure to day! Call us NOW. SEE Ssarl S. Davis Fern Loses tzd Lasds to Reed Varn Sales Tax Very Important Pennsylvania Senator Urges U. S. to Follow Great Britain's Example and 'Face the Music.' Need help? Want a JoM Tou can get results in either event by placing vour ad in the Journal. 3 OPERATORS JOI27 IN S. D. TRUCK LAW FIGHT Sioux Falls, S. D., Sept. 21. Trunk operators of Sioux City and Pipestone, Minn.', : joined in court proceedings Monday to declare in valid the South Dakota truck license law. The plaintiffs are C. E. Renaus, Pipestone, and the Han ford Produce Co. and Beacon Van & Storage Co. of Sioux City. . Charles M. Prcuty of Alexandria, la., obtalnedlaleniporary injunction against the state last week. The truckers contend the law vio lates the federal constitution in that it interferes with state traffic, is con fiscatory, constitutes class legislation and is a discrimination against them. Washington, Sept. 25. Senator Reed of Pennsylvania, after read vocating to President Hoover Fri day his proposal for a sales tax, said he believed the United States should follow Great Britain's example and "face the music." Reed said he believed that unless additional money was raised by tax ation the treasury's deficit would ex ceed $1,500,000,000. The republican senator called up on the president principally to con gratulate him upon his address to the American Legion which, Reed said, "apparently has killed the bonus move." "If the Legion does not bring up the bonus," he said "I don't believe it will ever pass con gress." i Reed said he was opposed to such J methods of raising funds as decreas ing the salaries of congressmen and federal officials. . -."To cut the pay of senators and representatives would make it a rich man's Job," he assert ed. "It would eliminate the poor man from public office." The Pennsylvanian said that ' if the proposed sales tax of of 1 per cent were imposed, it would mean a man with a salary of $2,000 would pay only $10 a year if he spent the entire sum on taxable articles. "Surely," he said, "people must pay something toward tQe conduct of government." There have been widely varying opinions of what action the govern ment should take to meet the grow ing deficit. While Reed has proposed a sales tax,-several" other senators have suggested raising the taxes on large incomes. Senators Watson of Indiana, the republican leader, ' and ' Harrison of Mississippi, the ranking democrat on the senate finance committee, and Representative Tilson of Connecti cut, one of- the house republican leaders, have opposed any , tax revi sion at the next session. -. Secretary Mellon and Undersecre tary Mills have called the income tax too unstable to form a dependable base for the government's tax sys tem and suggested some form of ex- . A. G. BACH Quality Groceries Tclcp&oncs, 10-19 So. PacCx Store, 110 Santos Peaberry Coffee, 25 lb., 4 lbs. . . 950 Butter Nut Coffee, per lb 37$ Advo Coffee, 35 lb., 3 lbs. for . .$1 Large cans J. M. Pumpkin, 2 for 250 Large cans J. M. Sweet Potatoes, 2 for . . 450 No. 2 size can good Green Beans 00 Large cans Peaches, 2 for 350 Large cans Pears, each 200 Flour and Feed 48 lb. sack Gooch's Best Flour $1.15 48 lb. Dictator guaranteed Flour ..... .79 48 lb. sack Omar Flour .99 Bran, 100 lbs., 750 Shorts, 100 lbs. . . .05 Cracked Corn, 100 lbs 1.35 cise tax should be substituted. Treasury experts are canvassing all possible sources of revenue. What recommendations will be made to congress will be decided within a month or six weeks. Omaha Bee- News. MAN IS KILLED, BRIDE INJURED ON HONEYMOON Grand Island. Neb., Sept. 25. Stanley E. Goodwin, 27, of Wauwa tosa, Wis., was killed this afternoon in an automobile collision on the Lincoln highway one mile west of Grand Island. Mrs. Goodwin suffered minor in juries." . They were on their honeymoon. A piece of glass shaped like an arrowhead ' penetrated Goodwin's lungs, severed an atery and caused him to bleed to death. The other automobile in the col lision was driven by Ernie Ewoldt. Grand. Island farmer, .who' was cut badly also. Officers investigating the accident ordered Ewoldt to go to. a hospital. The Goodwins were eastbound. A relative, S. R. Goodwin of Lehigh, Utah, supposedly the father of the dead man, was notified. FREE SHIP'S OFFICERS WHO LAND RUM CARGO Panama, Sept .25. Claude Garon and Felix Legriguer, owner and mas ter respectively of the French sloop Quand Meme, were acquitted in Uni ted States district court here Thurs day of violating the prohibition law because they landed 110 cases of whisky on the dock at Cristobal in the American Canal Zone. It was brought out the defendants consulted port officials before unload ing the cargo, consigned to Colon in Panama territory. ? T T Y T Y Y y Y f T Y Y Y Y T Y Y f Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y S t Y Y Y Y Y Y X f Y v ... . 1 f W On Out lleim Floor for Tkis Event (5ote Direct from Factory coat bears the fac tory guarantee of first qual ity Fabrics, Furs & Linings. Palmer Coats Fashion Dilt Coats Dotty Rose Coats New fabrics, heavy Chonga Cloth, Centra Weaves, Diag onals and Rough Tweeds, lined and interlined. . Priced at 016.75 to C49.SO A I2at to riatch FE1CE3 during this sale. A small de posit will hold your coat I DOWNSTAIRS Cgijo Goto fn Clave? ( k now Pan (If (c Styles iij ym Specially priced III o- Jf for this event! v. m ON 0TTCL IIAIU- IX00B Small and Smart Tricornei, Derbys, Engenias, Turbans and Brimmed models Pasrc 02flx Allan A Full Fashioned Silk from Top to Toe Sheer Chiffon in all the new Fall shades. .Our special for this event. Pair 53 li to '7- - ' . i . Also a Special Group at $1.05 and 32.C3 E3VH CTmG C!?3(SnAIL0 Heavy Dbnfict Bath Robes 0HC3 All l7col Sweater Coats 0SQ5 Era sso on Our Main Floor CJ Smart new styles in Travel Prints, Flat Crepe, $ f Iain and rrinted bilk and Knitted Wool Jersey.,... & X Y f T T T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y J Y Y Y f Y Y Y ? T Y Y Sizes 14 to 20 . 36 to 48 Y Y Y C::3 C:yo lacxl Ec:!-:!vo Lci!:3' C::ro Ca? Cpcdal 2 EjTcccco f:r Dresses that are Outstanding Y in Style and Quality - Y Y