PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY. AUG. 27, 1931. Nehawka Cecil Sturm was In Nebraska City Tuesday morning- J. J. Pollrad was In Nebraska City Saturday afternoon. Tatt Pollard and .Mrs. J. J. Pollard v. ere Lincoln visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sehoemaker were isi Nebraska City Monday. Clarence Hansen sold a ne v riy moutb coupe to Miss Unth Bogue. Supt. and Mrs. Stinibert returned Sunday from a visit with Mr. Stim bert'8 parents at Inland. Nebraska. Thursday tbe bless of lino held a renal m at Shubert, tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swengel, their class sponsor. .Mi. and Mrs. Tony Klimm of east Of Murray were looking after aome business in Nehawka on Honda? of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Allied Anderson and children of Omaha, arrived Saturday for a week end visit with Mrs. Al bert ina Ost. Miss li ma Longman, who has been visiting Miss Beatrice Chapman for the, past week, returned to her home In Bagle Sunday. Mrs. ftlelrin Sturm, Marjerie and .Simmy returned Tuesday evening from Lincoln where they had been visiting since Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chapman. Heat, ice and Verio Stone were visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kintner in Weeping Water Sunday. Allien Wolfe has been suffering quite a good deal from a very prev ious attack of rheumatism, but is re ported some better at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kttabe. left Saturday noon for Springfield. Illi nois where Harry is showing his Hampshire herd at the state fair. Alfred Gregory of Grant, in the western portion of Nebraska, was n visitor with many friends In Doth Nehawka ad -Murray late last week. Warren Hansen of Omaha spent the week end visiting his brother. Hr. Hansen. He was taken back to Omaha Sunday evening by Dr. Flan- sen. Mr. and Airs. Rohert McCoanaha, Mis. Robert Chapman. Beatrice Chapman and Verle Stone were at t ending to business In Peru Mon day. Mrs. Walter Wunderlh h anil Jack were in Fremont Tuesday where they met Walter W'underlieh. who is at tending the American Legion conven tion there. Charles R. Troop of Plattsmouih w;ls a visitor in Nehawka and was also looking after some business matters at a number of his farms north of town. Quinton Palmer, who has the past week been recovering from skin In fection Sunday returned to his posi ti. ii at the Iowa-Nebraska Power company in Lincoln. Lester Shrader and the family were enjoying a visit at the Knights Temp lar picnic which was held at Naaves nark on the aorth suie of Pkute ri ver Thursday of last week. Is bns ! Jrtr. atrrt Mrs. Aldron Qillnjan -f Nebraska City, who have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Mark Burton since las' Wednesday, returned to their home in Nebraska City Monday. Miss Ethel Albert of Lincoln, a former teacher in the Nehawka ,-lo..l. and her mother left Satur day for their home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin S'.r.rm. Mrs. R. C. Pollard. Virginia and PoRy drove to Shenandoah, Iowa Thursday where Miss Virginia Pol lard was a bridesmaid at the wed ding of one of her sorority sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolph and children left Saturday for Montana where Paul will show his cattle at the state fair. Following this he will show them at the Kansas state fair. Eugene Nutsman, Walter J. WUn derlicb and W. H. Krugcr were at tending iheAmerican Legion gather ing at Fremont during the week and more were expected to go during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sullivan were guests for the day on last Sun- a the t'ome of Mr. and Mrs. VictOt Wehrhein west of Murray and where they all enjoyed the day very much. Ml . Floyd Mosher and son of Lin coln and Mis. Alma Fensler and s:n, Richard of Louisville, Kentucky, ar rived Sunday for a visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Switzer. .Mr. and Mis. J. S. Rough drove to Des Moines. Iowa. Sunday where Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dane of Iowa City met them. After having dinner to gether both returned to their respec tive homes. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pollard. Vir ginia, Polly and Quinton Palmer were in Lincoln Friday. Miss Polly Pollard remained In Lincoln until Wednesday morning when she re turned home. Richard Hatt of Plattsmouih was a visitor at Ke home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 Troop for v. number of days ISs week and with them attended the Obi Se" lei's reunion on both last Friday and Saturday. Mr and Mrs. C. M. Cirri sW laser at tended a reunion of the Haynie fam ily at Tabor. Iowa, Sunday, at which one hundred were present. Grand mother Chrlswisser of Ptattsmouth also accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nutzmnn and children after the American Legion convention at Fienu-nt left for a trip through the northern part of the state. They expect to return the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Pollard Sunday announced Bept. 12 as the date for the marriage of their daughter. El !se to Taft Pollard Of Ashland which will take place ut the home ot the bride's parents in Nehawka. The American Legion state con- itti ' which was held at Fremont from the Bfrd to the 26th was at 'i aded by several from here. Among those then were Eugene Nutaafean, titer Wunderlich. Martin Ross, Mike Cisney. Bill Kruger and Tom Mason. W. 0. Trbop has completed the f;:ii plowing and is ready for aome ,ood soaking rains to mellow the Plattsmouth THEATRES RITZ Friday and Saturday Tom Tyler in a Fast Action Western God's Country and the Man Also Episode 7 of Serial, Comedy and News. '' shows Sat. night, last at 10. Adults. 30 Children. lOc Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Leila Hyams, "Reg" Denny. Charlotte Greenwood and Cliff Edwards in Stepping Out Also Fables, Comedy and News. Ban day Matinee, .2:30; Nite shows, 7-9. Matinee Prices iO 25c Evening Psicea 10 30c PLATZ Friday and Saturday Spencer Tracy and Sally Eilers in Quick Millions Comedy and Novelty Heels. Admission Adults, 30c Children. 10c Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Norma Shearer in Free Soul Selected Short Subjects. First show ing begins promptly at 7 o'clock p. m Adult. 35c Children. lOc ground before the seeding time tnes for it will no, do to stop sow ing Wheal for next year the price i will be much better. Fred DrUcker and family and Earl E. Oldham and family, the latter of 1 Plattsmouth, were enjoying the rodeo Which was held at Sidney last week they going over the last day on Sun day as well as visiting mr a snort time In Shenandoah. A. A. McReynolds and wife, their daughter. Miss Lamm, and Mis Gladys Wolfe and Messrs. Robert Black and Alfred Alford, were over to Plattsmouth on last Monday aft ernoon where Mr. Alford was hav ing some dental work done. V;n. Jourgehson and wife of Coun cil Bluffs, accompanied oy their daughter, Marie Ann. were guests at be home of their daughter and hus band. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Rhoden. Jr.. for the week end and where al! enjoyed the occasion very pleasantly. Wm. August. Jr.. of Lamar, and fhe family, arrived in Nehawka last week and were accompanied by his -i.-ter. Anna, who makes her home &lso in the west. They will visit here for a week or more with the relatives If Mr. and Mrs. August. Mrs. August was formerly Miss Esther Saint John. A reunion of the Buck family was bold Sunday at the home of William Peter In Avoca. Those of the 140 who attended from Nehawka were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. George Pol lard, Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen and children, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hansen, Fritz and Charlotte Hansen. Word was received from Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Burby, former residents of Nehawka, that they had moved to Covelo, California. This is a town of .100 population and is situated 1500 feet up in the mountains. Mr. Burby will teach all agriculture in the school there this year. While here he was Supt. of the school and taught agriculture. Mrs. Lula Ketch had as her guests the past week end Mrs. Stella Hessel, Mrs. Edith Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Pooi-. Miss Roberta Jones all of Grand Island and her daughter Miss Mary Ketch of Lincoln. Miss Ketch returned to Lincoln Sunday while the Others remained until Monday. Sun day they all attended a family re un'on at the home of Mrs. John Heebner In Weeping Water. Aboul thirty of the family were present. Amos McNamee and his mother, Mrs. Nancy McNamee of Union were also present. Nutxman a"d Noddleman, who feed cattle over on the river at what wa sformerly t'se I. N. White place in years gone by. shipped their cat tle on USt Sunday night, the cattle being delivered by R. D. Taylor and .''rank Frotter nnd F. R. Cunning ham, driving the third truck. Uncle C. D. St. John was along and as they went past the home of Unele Charles the trucks were speeded tin and he could not get off and so made a trip to market whether he would or not. However, they let him off when they came for the second load, .which was for W. T. Schlictenieier. but it was i one m the morning when he got home. Piiansi&iitg Heating Roofing Spoiiling Furnace Cleaning and Repairing Let Us Estimate Your Job Work Fully Guaranteed No Job too Large or too Small to Handle GEORGE HALL 712 Locust Street Telephone 674-J Plattsmouth, Neb. Eat Picnic Dinner at Des Moines. George Rough Dane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. pane of lowi City lvs been enjoying a visit for the past t'u'ee weeks .it the home of his grandparents. Mr. and MrB. J. Stewart Rough, and when 'be time came for tbe school to bein. hud to go home. It was arranged thnt the parents were to drive rrom their home at Iowa City to Des Moines where they would be met by Mr. and Mrs. Rough with the young man. George Rough Dane. There they ar rived about noon and as each had baskets of good things to eat they picnicked at a park and visited un til 8 o'clock, when they both re turned home, George Rough Dane- re turned with his parents. Enjoy Third Annual Reunion. At Epworth Assembly park near Lincoln on last Sunday, were gather ed the various members of the Sturm family, to the number of 120, where they enjoyed the occasion in true re union style. The Sturm family came to Cass county many years ago when the country was new and they have been instrumental in the welding from the raw prairies and forest! the excellent country which we are enjoying today. They seen many hardships during the early time which would put to shame the so i ailed depression of today. Then, when times were hard, they were real hard and not simply a depres sion. There were a large number from Nehawka at the gathering as well as many from other points In the state, a number of families from Kansas and a family from Colorado Springs. Colorado, named Miller. Among those to attend from Nehaw ka were A. F. Sturm and wife and their two sons, Victor and Ralph. Mrs John O'Yeiser and children. Henry Schumacher and family. Fred C Schumacher, Leo Switser and fam ily, Joseph F. Behrns and family, john G. Wunderlich and wife and their daughter, Mrs. Sadie Shrader. and son Gerald, C. D. Adams and wife and son, Berwell. and Mrs. Wai ter J. Wunderlich and the famiiy. Mr. Wunderlich was at Fort Crook and was unable to attend. Attempted Burglary. On last Sunday night. F. R. Cun ningham was assisting in battling cattle to the South Omaha market and while so engaged a sister of Mrs. i Cunningham, Miss Vallery. was Btay ', ing with Mrs. Cunningham, and dur ing the night they heard somoeoi e down stairs in the home as they were sleeping upstairs ami finally the footsteps came upstairs and they thinking it was Mr. Cunningham, spoke to him. when they found out it was someone else, they screamed and the intruder ran away and ob tained his car which was left near the Methodist church. The alarm was given but whoever it was. was able to make his escape in his car. Even during the afternoon on last Thursday when Mesdames Frank Shehlou and daughter, BSnb XUCSser were away someone pried open a door but the faithful watch dog frighten ed the would be hurglar away and so he got nothing. Only- a short time since the cellar of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ccpetihaver was robbed of some SO jars of canned fruit. Celebrated Birthday Sunday. Not that the birthdays came on Sunday for some come before that and some afterward hut the time was ripe for the celebration and so they had it at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson and enjoyed the oc casion very pleasantly. There were there for the occasion. Dah Ander son and family, Louis Ross, of near Nehawka and Alfred Anderson and family of Omaha. A good time anil good eats as well. Woodman of the World. The Woodman of the World of this portion of the state will celebrate at Nacves park near Lal'latte on the coming Sunday when they will have a very fine program composed of games, races, dances and many other amusetnents. Frank Lemon and wife will attend, as well as many other.; of the order. Charles Bates and Wife are also booked for the event. Attended Old Settlers. Richard C, Leles Denier of neat Blmwood, with the family were at tending the Old Settlers reunion on last Saturday and was meeting their many friends here for they have a large numher of very close friends i:: the vicinity of Murray. Nehawka. ami Union, as well as many relatives. They surely enjoyed the coming here very much. United Brethern in Christ. Otto KiiKebretson. Pastor. OTTKKBKIN CHURCH Bible c hurch school 10 a. m. .Morning worship service 11 a. m. Prayer mec-ting Wednesday niKlit. The V. P. S. C. E. will give an ice cream Socle! and program at the ot terhein church lawn Friday evening Auk. 2S. Come prepared to laugh. The Ladies Aid will meet on Fri day of this week instead of Thurs day at Mrs. F. Dills. Notice The fourth and last quar terly conference win be held at the Nehawka church Sunday evening, Aug. tO. Bach officer and member is expected to be present with a full report. Blanks will be furnished. NEHAWKA CHURCH Itihle- c hurch school 10 a. m. Brening worship service 8 p, m. Fourth Quarterly, meeting- will be held after the service-. Prayer meeting Wednesday night. The Junior C. E. will meet at Chappeii's Thursday night. The Boys Club will meet Saturday, Sept li at 3 p. m. for their next meet ing. We were glad to have a fine attend ance at all our services hist Sunday. We were especially glad to see a goodly numher come to church Sun day evening in spite of the storm. Let us continue in thai spirit of loyalty to Christ. "Thou shalt have no other Gods before me." Ex. 20:3. THE FUNERAL HOME Modern conditions and stand ards of living have called into '" ing an entirely new kind of In dilution for meeting a uni versal human need The Fun eral Home. Planned for the specific pur pose which it serves, it offers greater efficiency and greater convenience than was possible in the pas!. We are proud to be able to f offer the communities which we i seTve the use of such an estab- i lishment. , Hobsost Funeral 1 Home ( WEEDING WATER, NEER WEEPING WATER Edward Dowler was looking after some business matters in Omaha on last Tuesday afternoon. Business called S. Ray Smith to Plattsmouth on last Saturday and again to Lincoln OO Tuesday of this week. Chr's RasmUSSen was called to Otoe to look after some business mat ters on last Tuesday afternoon and made the trip in his auto. Mesdamea Gedrge Olive and Joseph Abrams were visit in?- With friends in Lincoln on Monday of this week and were also looking after some shopping as well. Arthur Rough and family, Rudolph Hart and family, were enjoying a rip whieh was frcm Wednesday of last week until Saturday where they visited with friends and relatives and s'w the wonderful ri'y on the (Caw river. A. J. Wilson Of Lowery City. Mo.. ". here lie hr.S been farming for some ;ime past, is now visiting at the hOme of his brother. Eli Wilson of near Cedar Creek, was in Weeping Water on last Tuesday afternoon looking after some business matters and was seeking to find a farm to rent as he wants to farm in Cass county rather than in Missouri. John J. Young, who resided over towards Murray, was a visitor in Weeping Water and was looking aft er some business matters for a short time on last Wednesday evening. Mr. Young and the good wife had just returned from Harrington where they resided for the past twenty years, and where they have been spending some two weeks at the home of their daughters. Mrs. C. J. Sears and Miss Gertrude Young, who also makes her home there. They enjoyed a very good visit hut found the country dry nd parched with no crops to speak of. The Cass County Fair. Remember tne far dates which arc September 1.1th to lSh inclusive and at the grounds of the Association which they have gotten in good con dition now, they having repaired the buildings and gotten everything : in readiness. Bring your farm prr- ducts to this the greatest fair Which has ever bee-n held in Cass county. Tin management of the fair have left nothing tftidone to provide a good fair and we are sure to have it. Bring the familv and enjoy the en tire four days and win a premium on something that you have thai is better than the other fellow. Marshall Family Enjoy Picnic. Mr. and Mrs. 6. F. Marshall, their son. Alva, and the family, and Frank Marshall and iami'y of near Wabash, and Sln ldon Marshall, Itay Leonard and wife and their two daughters, all journeyed to Nebraska City on last Sunday where thev enjoyed a very pleasant family picnic- with a dinner under the shade of the state ly trees and also inspec ted the Mor ton mansion which was known as Arbor Lodge for the many years prior to the taking over of the pro pe rty and making it a state park. Mr. K. F. Marshall and son, Alva, have just returned freni a trip to Youngstown, Ohio, the boyhood home of Mr. K. F. Marshal and where they visited for some teh days and enjoyed the trip very much. All at the picnic- at Nehraska City enjoyed the gathering very mm h. Back At the Work. The Rev Ralph Pink.iam and the good wife who have been spending the past two weeks on their vaca tion in Missouri. Illinois. Iowa, Min nesota and South Dakota and seeing some- of our own state of Nebraska, arrived home- on last Sa urday night well pleased with their trip and happy to get bac k home again. Have Pleasant Trip. Wm. Jcduisoe. battel known as Hill, accompanied by he mother. .Mrs. Oscar Johnson, three daughters. Esther, Clara and Doris, were en joying a visit with friends for sev eral days at Kearney last week, re turning home on last Saturday night and having a very fine time while away. Girls Return From Trip. Mrs. Creda Johnson, Freds Baker, her sister, and Mjasef Ruth and Kdith Uannie and Blanche Little, who were seeing 'lie weat, driving their car. and had bee;i away for about a week, erere apprised by tele phone when thev could be gotten, of fie very serious illness of Mrs. Myron Baker, the mother of Mrs. Johnson and Miss Freda Baker. They hastened home-, and arrived only a short time before the pas.-ing of the dear mother. Well Satisfied Here. R. S. Shields, the new dry cleaner and tailor, who has established his place of business in the building where the Maytag Washer was for merly, and opened the business on last Saturday, August 22nd, and is i I well pleased with the business which j i has come to his place. He had in ! I stalled an entire new outfit of ma iichlnery and all of the latest charac ter and is doing some excellent work land is receiving a good business. He says lie is well satisfied with the I location, the ti.wn and the business I Which is coming his way. Will Make Nice Shop. John E. Johnson, who has estah lished himself in the blacksmith business on the south side, with the association of Ed Olander are to fix the building in which Newton L. Grubbs is located and on whieh Mr. GrUbbs has recently obtained an ex tension of the lease for three years. Messrs. Johnson and Olander will place a new roof on the building, paint it on the outside as well as on the inside and this wtll make the building a very nice place for the shop of Mr. Grubbs and me interior will be made white and thus afford much light for the work. Disposed Of Hardware Stock. Harold L. Richards, who was en gaged in the hardware business for seine time and who had a sale some time since, recently disposed of the residue of the stock to Omaha par ties and will now devote himseif to plumbing, beating and pump work. Mr. Hi hards is a very fine work man mi these lines and will be ready for any work anywhere in the coun ty. Mr. Richards is jibing the plumb ing on the new building of A. K. Jamison when he is building as well as installing tbe heating plant. Get Rady For School. There is but little time now to get j ready for the school whi' b begins t on Monday of next week, August ::ist. There is school supplies to provide for the kiddies and to see to j their wardrobe, and get them to school for they have been enjoying the fiu' of doors and now they must i go to work again tor this is surely work studying for the ilitlc ones for it is lfard enough for the grown ups. Mrs. Baker Answers Summons. Mrs. Byron Baker, nee Miss Mar garet Loretta Houseman, was born in Oliia in the town of Somersville. Marc h 1.1. 1869. and when five years of age camt to Nebraska with her parents and lived in Howard county, where the family resided there until with the husband. Bryon Itaker. they came with their family to Weeping Water in 1901. Miss Houseman was united in marriage with Byron Baker r,n February 28, 1SS6. Mrs. Baker was a most kindly woman and dur ing her early girlhood united Wltb the Lutheran church and remained a COUlinun leant until after moving to Weeping Water when she united with the Methodist church and has ever remained a verv devoted follower of ck a a A Jh. .A. Jk V V W V V 'V S: .aSSBBBBSSBSW -4tl .BSBfc. .BBBDsSW Furniture Stock At Auction First Sale Saturday. August 29th 2:33 P. M. and 7:30 P. Me The Entire Stock o FURNITURE, STOVES and RUGS located at 4th and Main street, Plattsmouth, Nebraska Better Known as the Coryell Store This Stock Consists o 4 8 new Wood Heaters ... 5 Soft Coal Heaters ... 2 Hard Coal Stoves . . . Kitchen Ranges and Oil Heaters . . . Kimball Piano, also Phonograph . . . Davenports, 2 Duofolds, Chairs and Rockers . . . Dining Room Furni- ture . . . Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Commodes, Wardrobes . . . Suit Cases, Ferneries, Magazine Racks T . . . Radio Tables, Library Tables, End Tables . . Kit- e)r chen Cabinets, Buffets, China Cabinets . . . Nearly new 1 Drop Head Sewing Machine . . . Walnut Desk . . . Felt y base Rugs . . . Wool Fibre Rugs . . . Good Electric X Washer and many other articles space forbids listing. -:- Come! Buy These Goods At Your Own Price - - A. S. GHRIST, Owner I Rex Young, Auctioneer AUCTION! An Auction cf 2 story brick, machine and b!ack:;:niiJi ihop at Mui Nebraska, on SATURDAY. August 29th. 2:00 p. m. An unusual chance to get into a business of your own, ai we will tell t- highest bidder regardless of price. We offer many of the best h I machines, which make it r'W ; m) 0ut the work with the least label. Munay iz in a vei .ich fanilng district and plenty of woik is obtainable. Come Prepared 3 Bid Buy at Your Own Price VAC MH&ULESKY, Gorier Shopen & Company. Sale Agetils OMAHA the lowly Nazarene. Mrs. Hi k was very active in church work r was always ready and willing t to a kind act to any one in need, ""his union was Messed by ten cb ' "en. Blanche proceeding the mot! to the other world some twenty irs ago. Mrs. Baker has been in ooor health for the past nearly I sty years and had to undergo a number of operations for the restoration of her health. The restoration v. only partial, and with the last c pel ition she has always had much tr able. During the last few years she has been ill a good portion of ;he time bul her conditions was not thought to be gravely worse until within the past lew days. Two of her children, Mrs. Creda Johnson nnd Miss Freda Baker had gone west on their vaca tion, the mother apparently as well when they left as ordinarily. How ever, the patient sickened rapidly and calls were given over the west to nnd them with they were ahle to do Hi time for them to return am! able to see and greet the mother be fore her departure. Mrs. Raker pass ed away on Sunday. August 23rd, a very patient sufferer for yiars and with a consolation that tTie Saviour was waiting over the river ro receive her into that world where there i no sickness, sorrow or death. The funeral was held from the Methodist church In Weeping Water, the dh- course presented by the flev. Oeo. I. Moray, pastor of her church. The interment was made a; Oak wood cemetery . The funeral wes In charge of funeral directors W. L. HttbBOn and Son. Mrs. Baker in her depar ture haves to mourn the sorrowing husband. Byron Baker. Mrs. George Bussell of Walhack. Robert Raker. Wee ping Water. Charles Baker. Who was here to visii the mother and other members of the family some two weeks ago. and returning to his home at Toledo. Ohio. Sam Baker, of Avoca, Mrs. Lawrence Johns on, Miss Kdna Baker. Mrs. Creda John 'W -w w Fcrke Bros.. The Auclioneets LINCOLN son, Miss Freda Baker, Byron. Jr., and William Baker of Weeping v, ter. Mrs. Baker was an active mem ber of the Royal Neighbors of Amer ica, Of which lodge- she w.i a char ter member and has beer; a member and worker in good Btantflng lev i"i years. Another Ne.v Business For 0; Weeping Water is to be cone alated by the fa t that sin bs ten another business house do this week. P. O. Sppak. a Jewc coming to Wee ping W ater Iron lerviile. Iowa, has secured a p lion of the nom which. i. eccu by Hans Johnson for bis cafe an I soft drink parlor. Weeping w welcomes this new business and ether enterprises. There is room for I this line in Weeping Water and ' are- certain Mr. Speak will make i success here. Hold Interesting Meeting. On lst Tuesday evening the ing Water Chambe-r el CoasBU I held the regular meeting at thl I. rel hotel with a very line supper . the regular Sleeting following in Whieh they looked after many th I of interest to the c ity. The-v had as their guests for the occasion, Bej ird Twadell Of lola. Hans:::: win is rtsil ing in the city with his unc le. T L. Davis. Mr. Russell Rugh. who will have charge of the store of fixtures and supplies for the natural gas plant which is to soon serve the . Wi ping Water, ana whose headquar ters will be at the I. o. O. F. build ing BBd also Mr. R. S. Sbilds, the pro prietor of the new cleaning estab lishment. Mr. W. L. Kobaon, presl dent of the Chamber, presided and D. I). Wainscott. who i- secretary , looked after the clerical erk. The Journal Job department ii equipped to turn out anything from calling cards to sale catalogs. Dr. 0. Sandin, Clerk X