PAGE FOUR FLAIFTSMOTTTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOuTtNAL THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931. For the Best Groceries & Meats SEE US We make it our practice to furnish absolutely the very best goods at a price within the reach of all. Highest price paid for Country Produce. R. D. STINE Union, Nebr. from all the departments of tbe mission fields and as there are many and most interesting reports to hear theTe will be no preaching. There will be communion given and all are cordially invited to be present and enjoy these services. UNION ITEMS. W. R. Young, deputy sheriff, was looking after some official business in Union on last Monday evening. Dr. D. E. Hanson of Nehawka was called to Union early last Tuesday nio-ning on professional business. Floyd Saxton was looking after some business matters in Omaha for a short time on last Tuesday after noon. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor were c-lled to Plattsmouth Tuesday of this week where they were visiting with Hold Gathering at K. K. K. The Hobaek family to the number of about forty enjoyed a gathering at Kamp Kill Kare on last Sunday, the occasion being a gathering in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yow ell and their son, Arthur, Jr. Mrs. Vowell is daughter of Mr. W. L. Ho baek and a sister of Mesdames Ray Bollman and Jay Austin. They en Joyed a very social time in the pleasant shade by the banks of the Weeping Water and also had a good feast while there. RItx Theatre Plattsmouth, Nebr. Doing a Good Work. Under the superintendency of County Commissioner E. B. Chapman the bridge which is near the home of Mrs. Nancy McNamee is being raised and a better and safer structure built, as well as the approaches to the bridge graded, thus making a very much better road, and one which will be a credit to the spirit of improvement of the county. This has been a very bad piece of road wav for some time past. Will Have Chautauqua. Union is to have a Chautauqua, and which will be held here for four days beginning on August 9th and friends as well as doing some snop- continuing until and including Aug FRIDAY - SATURDAY Wm. Boyd in Beyond Victory Most amaaing and thrilling picture of Wm. Boyd's career and Episode 3 of the serial, "Finger Prints." Also Comedv and News Reels. Three shows Saturday night Last at 10 Adults, 30C Children, 10c SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY Warner Oland - Marguerite Churchill -in- Charlie Chan Car ries On A mystery film that is different, also Comedy, Fables and News. Sunday matinee at 2:30; Nite shows, 7 and 9. Matinee Prices 10 25c Evening Prices 10 30c DESIGNERS FIGHT PIRATES ping Clair Easter and the family who make their home in the western por tion of the state are visiting with relatives and friends in and about Union and Nehawka. Herman Fahrlander and the good v Itt of Nebraska City were visiting in Union on last Monday, they be in?! guests at the homes of relatives and friends while here. Art Evens and family of near Clenwood who are long time friends of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rihn were guests at the Rihn home on last Sunday, where all enjoyed the occa sion very much. Elmer Withrow artd daughter. Sylvia, Frank Bauer and Punk and Depde were over to Murray 6n -last Sunday where they were all enjoying a dip in the very fine waters of the Murray Bathing beach. Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter, Mi-a Rachel of Lincoln, were visiting with their relatives and friends in and about Union, and where they enjoyed a most agreeable visit, they were here on last Sunday. Mr. M. R. Coad. a member of the official directorate of the Packers Na tional bank of Omaha, was a busi ness visitor in Union for a time on last Tuesday and was a visitor while hero with his friend, D. Ray Frans. James M. Stevens and S. K. Bor hon. workers on the paving were building a house on a truck chasis early this week to have a place for themselves and the wives to reside in which they were hauling the dry batch. Arthur Yowell and wife of Los Angeles, accompanied by their son, Arthur, Jr., were visiting at the home of Mrs. Yowell's father, W. L. Hnback for the past week and also at the home of Jay Austin and fam ily and Ray Bollman and wife. Misses Mary Roddy. Jane Robb, ind Nola Banning were guests of their friend Miss Helen Fahrlander ol Nebraska City on last Sunday af ternoon, where they went to enjoy the concert given by the Peru band which was playing at Nebraska City. With the moving away of the crew hauling batch the loading gangs and the sand unloading crews has turn ed Union into a very much quieter itv. The headquarters are located at Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Vfkley have gone down to that populous city where they have estab lished an eating house and are kept basy most of the time feeding the workers or preparing the eats so as to be ready when they come. ust 12th. There ia to be a good pro gram with every day and when the ticket seller comes around be pre pared and with the price of a sea son t'eket and enjoy with the fam ily the entire series of exhibitions. The program will be in the large tent and everything to make it comfort able will be done. Ate Picnic Breakfast. Misses Helen Fahrlander of Ne braska City, was a visitor in Union for the day last Monday and had her two friends Misses Nola Ban ning of Union and Miss Jane Robb of Lincoln who was visiting here, as her guests at an early morning breakfast which was served on the lawn at the home of John N. Larsh. number of miles east of Union. The1 gi Is sure did enjoy the occasion and the early morning ride which augmented the appetite for the de lightful numbers on the breakfast bill of fare. The first Atwater-Kent Audition for Cass county will be held at Plattsmouth on Sunday evening. August 2nd at the First Methodisr church, the program opening at S o'clock. There will be some fifteen entries from all sections of the coun ty. The public is cordially invited to hear this interesting program. There hvill be no admission charge. At Hospital with Appendicitis. Miss Mary Chase, of South Omaha, and a teacher in the Union schools for a number of years past is at an hospital there where she has under gone an operation for relief from appendicitis. She is reported as get ting along nicely and it is hoped by her many friends that she will soon be Id her usual health again. Little Deede and Punk Nickles who are visiting at the Bauer home sent their friend a card expressing their sor row for her sickness and hoping for an early recovery. Visited at Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Porter were "isiting for the day on last Sunday at Ashland and were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Keedy, the ladies being sister and where all enjoyed a very pleasant visit. The occasion was made ttie more joyous by the presence of Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter, Rachel, of Lincoln. Are Giving Dinner Today. The LadiesJ Aid of the Baptist church are serving a very fine din ner at the basement of the church, which is to assist in the caring of the expenses of the church and also i? a get-to-gether meeting for so ciability and sure they do have good times. Missionary Meet at Baptist Church. There will be special services and a basket dinner at the Baptist church in Union the coming Sunday. Aug ust 2nd, when there will be reports PUBLIC LIBRARY NOTES t The Public Library is one insti tution which seems to have plenty of business. That more reading for pleasure and amusement is being done is shown in the circulation which this July, so far has exceeded last July more than 450 books, and this in spite of the excessive heat. The most popular books are as follows: Non-fiction Story of San Michele by Dr. Munthe, a famous Swedish surgeon ; story of the Five Year Plan by Qlin, the Russian at tempt to solve their economic prob lem. Fiction Graind Hotel, Imperial Palace, Carmen Ariza, Father, and Rome Trust in Chariots. Mystery stories also, still hold a first place in popular fiction. Many old favorites have returned from the bindery, have been repock eted, dated, and return to the shelves ready for circulation. Magazines have also been returned from the bindery and are ready for use. Miss Leonard has begun to make a new list of registrations. This will give the library a more accurate check of the number who are actu ally using the library at the present time. The Summer Reading club, com prising school grades 3 to 8 inclu sive, is holding up in interest. Of the 119 registered for it, 69 have completed reading of the required nu nber of books. The members have until September 1st to finish their reading. In Pennsylvania they are Impos ing fines on hitch-hikers. That ought to put a hitch in hitch-hiking. Paris A project for the formation of a "French Artistic Creators asso ciation" with New York headquar ters, to prevent piracy of exclusive dress and hat models in the United States, featured the second week of the fall fashion shows. The organization, whose formation was announced by F. G. Montabert, New York manufacturer, will be composed of leading members of the Paris Association for Protection of the Applied Arts in France, including the most prominent dressmakers. Formation of the association was prompted by the sale in America of false models and labels bearing the names of the greatest Parisian cou turiers for "ridiculous prices." ATWATER-KENT AUDITION MAN DROPS DEAD AFTER PREDICTING HIS DEATH Alliance Hiram Empfield rushed into a physicians office here Monday, yelled "I'm going to die," and ther dropped dead. Physicians believed r. heart ailment, aggravated by the in tense heat, caused the death. Emp field was a clerk in a c igar store ; has just been released from the Flts- here. Simmons Hospital at Denver where ne underwent two operations. LOCAL NEWS rfom Monday's la !ry Miss Hattie Griffin of Union is here for a short visit with her grand parents, Mr. and rMs. E. M. Griffin. Mrs. Carl Halter of Lincoln, was here Sunday as a guest of her sister. Mrs. Percy Wheeler and family near Murray. C. E. Metzger of Omaha was here Sunday to spend a few hours visit ing with old friends and enjoying a short outing. Judge P. James Cosgrave of Lin coin was in the city for a short time today looking after some matters in the district court. Dr. Carl F. Schmidtmann of Om aha was in the city Sunday for a lew hours visiting with the parents, Mr and Mrs. William Schmidtmann, Sr. County Attorney W. G. Kieck and Pat Reed departed this morning for Falls City where they were called to look after some matters of n ess. Deputy Sheriff Rex Young and and Constable Tom Svoboda were at M'huwka today where tney were called to look after some matters of business William Atchison and Richard Deles Dernier of Elmwood, were in the city today for a few hours at tending to some matters of business and visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. James Wooster of Sedalia, Missouri, are here for a visit with the parents of Mrs. Wooster, Mr. and Mis. Joseph Novatney and the other relatives and friends. Mrs. Dallas C. Young of Chicago and daughters, Margaret and Vivian arrived this morning from their home and will visit with Mrs. D. A. Young at the farm as well as with the other relatives for some time. Sheriff Bert Reed, who was in at tendance at the convention of the state sheriff's association at McCook, has returned home after a most pleasant gathering with the law en forcing officers of the state. Arthur Sleeth and Miss Carrie Sherwood of Omaha, were here for a short time Sunday en route to Ne braska City to visit with John Sher wood, who is suffering from a ser ious infection of the hand. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Fletcher, of Shambn, Iowa, were here Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mis. Roy Cavender, Mr. W. V. Fletcher being a brother of Mrs. Cavender. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and son. Kenneth, of Fort Crook. Miss Fern Eades and Miss Amanda Stecht, of Omaha, were here Sunday to visit with Mrs. D. C. Morgan, the party enjoying a picnic in Garfield park. John Bednecik and wife of Sheri dan, Wyoming, are here for a short visit with the old time friends. Mr. Bednecik resided here for some yeais and later was a member of the Fourth Nebraska, enlisting here. He NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE ; NOTICE In the District Court of the Coun ty of Cass, Nebraska. William Mangold and wife Lola Mangold; Ruby Mangold, single; Ella, tioek and husband. Jacob Pock; Edward Mangold and wife. Lottie Mangold; Alice Hughes and hus band. Perry Hughes; Oscar Mangold and wife. Hazel Mangold; Walter Mangold and wife, Mary Mangold and Winnie Dudley, widow. Plaintiffs, vs. Paul Mangold, a minor, and Louis Schiessl, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that under end by virtue of a decree of the Dis trict Court of Cass County, Ne braska, entered in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of July, 1931, and an order of sale issued by sai l court on the 29th day of JuTy, 1931. the undersigned, sole referee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the south front door of the Court House in the City of Plattsmouh, Cass County, Nebras ka, on the 1st day of September, 1931, at 10 o'clock a. ni., the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: The northwest quarter (NW) of section twenty three (23), Township twelve (12), north, Range twelve (12), east of the 6th p. m., in Cass County, Nebraska. Said sale will be held open for one hour. Abstract of title will be fur nished to purchaser; terms of sale 10 of the amount of the bid at time of sale and balance on confirm ation; possession to be given March 1, 1932. Dated this 29th day of July, 1931. WILLIAM G. KiECK, Referee. W. A ROBERTSON, Attorney for Plaintiffs. I j30-5w From Tuesday's Dally Herman Reike, prominent farmer near Union, was in the city on busi ness at the court house Monday. Clyde Rupe and wife, of Fairmont, returned home Monday after making a few days visit with Mr. Rupe's mother, Mrs. Dora Mark. Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor of Union were in the city for a short time today, visiting friends and look ing after some matters of business. F. B. Rys drove from Chicago this week to spend two weeks' vacation with his mother. Mrs. Anna Rys. and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Scott at Lincoln. Theodore McMaken of Tacoma, who has been here for several weeks to visit at the home of his uncle, J. H. McMaken and family, depart ed last evening for the west. Mrs. Mary Starkey and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jewell, of Carpenter, Ohio, departed for home Monday, after spending a few days with Mrs. Dora Mark, sister of Mrs. Starkey. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith of Flor ence, Nebraska, were here Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Bates, as Mr. Bates has not been feeling as well as he has in the past few weeks. Harry E. Graves and wife of Lin coln stopped here for a visit Mon day evening. They were returning home from Indianapolis, Ind., where Mr. Graves had been attending a meeting of the Typographical Union. Mr. and Mrs. .1. G. Meisinger and grandchildren. John and Virgel Uriah who have been visiting at Burwell, Nebraska, returned home last evening. They were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Comstock and family at Burwell and on their return were accompanied by the lit tle daughter of Mr. and Mis. Com stock, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger. B V De Announces over a coast-to-coast hook-up a great Seas al sale of the only genuine B. V. D. JULY 30th to AUGUST 8th, Inclusive All Sizes GENUINE B. V. D. Only - - 3 for $229 WESCOTTS Come, before Sizes are Broken From Wednesday's Dally James Perry of Coffeyville, Kansas, former resident of this city, was here the past few days visiting with his brother, George E. Perry as well as the many old time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ofe who have been enjoying a vaetion in Minne sota and also in and near Winnipeg. Canada, returned home last evening after a very pleasant outing. Deputy Sheriff Rex Young depart ed this morning for Omaha where he was called on soms matters in connection with the Banning-Bot-torft case that is soon to be taken up there. COZY BARBER SHOP The Cozy barber shop will be open for the benefit of the patrons on Wednesday evenings during the sum mer season. Best of service, and at reasonable prices, haircut, 40c; shave, 20s; shampoo, 35c; massage, 35s. ARNOLD LILLIE, j23-4tw. Proprietor. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey cows. Likewise & Pollock, Phone 3103. Murray, Nebr. Read the Journal Want-Ads. Only T$& JL J nk HFUL TIR E 17 THEN we advertised the fact that fire stone was furnishing uh complete tuxes of Firestone Gum-Dipped Tir- that not only met the price lint beat the pjulity nntj con struction of every grade of sped- i.r-.nd tires solo" by mail order house and Ofhettft, the mail order houses made rhjOTOUe pro tests to Better Business Burruis and made demands upon newspapers not to accept Firestone or our advertising. We cannot blame them for they did not want car owners to know that they could - J at no more cost, a better tire made by a leaaV ing manufactur.-r, hearing hi nn-ne and guarantee pliisoiir'rriaranleean. 1 o'.jr- rv i- '-. When car owners awakened to thbj fact, they came to up., compared tfu had cut from Firestone Tires and i ; :' brand mail order tiroc, ami w re lounde at the Extra v were f'i'r- ADVERTISING WINS! Ah a result, our business and that of other Fire&toiie Dealers throughout the country, increa'wd so fast that it nas leen necessary for Firchlonc to run their factories twenty four hour a day and Firestone sold more tire in April, May and June than in any like p-riod in tin- history of the company. In our advertising we do not make com parir'ma involving laboratory tests which fOU cannot ver;fy except in a laboratory Bejtfce? do we make comparisons of eon ptrnetion or ririee based en misleading classi fir lions such as first line tire, second line tire or third line tire v e do not make com- pi?.) oris to ro ifu-e and mislead you u to actual i.-ilue and terries we only make Statements and comparisons that you can vetiv for our -.elf in our store before you pawejsaes pc tire. Cent" in leday and get the greater safety, c!ra quality and extra values found only in Fi '.. ' Tire :. COMPARE PRICED Fire- Special Fire- ttom Brant? tto.19 OldPi'd Mill Cldlitli! ; Sue Typo Orde- T. . Cash T:'r Cash i Pr.M Piico Pries i Each Each PirPr. ,' 4.10-21 J.9? J?'-.93 $?. 4.50-21 5.60 5.69 2X.XC J. 75-19 .65 6.65 XS.50 3.23-21 8.57 6.00-19H.D. i (8plliC .40 11.10 S3.XO till' tr.'vil j grgCK eg gig yype 30x5-ij.o- U7.9St340 under Ifco Ut: ' '6.00-20! I.:'..- 15.35 13.33 -9.3 I under thstmul) I IS When 'the National Better Ku?irusc B reau realized thst their Bsll'n ."So. WAX v.a be ir: taken advantage of by '.r.ic - rtr '-rs t!i" i 3Ued a litA': t!n dated Jul.. I0tn e folio" ?: 't.; cji- iS -i'--lin o. 634 entitled 'Dcfiiil- . B r,f TVr.ris l.V.'d in h.': Tire -Industry' v.e piilj ? deKuJtloiM of Flrrt Lfae Second Liie Third lane Heavy Du?y end Super Heavy jOvty T:x-. "Oi:- defix. itlons poinffv?. cut, 'AlthoDgh ench manufacturer's or distributor's first Hue tire mr.y represent his i-.-i standard size 4 cr 6 ply tire, there is no! ncc esaarily any equality o" competitive first line tires us to materials., workmanship or prior.' This inlcrprptation tlso applies to cil lines of tirc : . c therefore recom mend that advertising to the consumer shall avoid the use of these terms f or the purpose of com parinTcompetitive products." 1 C M 1? A R E , psic e 3 Flrwfcmo FIrtltofl, P' Mall 8Mtinel Stz, 2 0ritr TPe Tire Cat ESS Pri Ea5" Each Per Pair i. 40-21 34-35 $4.35 S8.50 4.50-20 4.7a 4.78 .50-21 4.85 4.85 9-4 '.75-19 5. 5.68 XI. 14 .75-20 9.1 5.75 XX. 5.00-19 5.99 5.99 XX. S4 J.00-20 6.XO 6.10 IX. 94 5.00-21 .30 630 XX.40 5.25-21 7.S7 7.37 X4.5S COMPARE PRICES Firestone Firestone ' Ancnor Spe:ial Anchor ; Type Brand Type Super Mail SopMT ; " Heavy DrW Heavy Duly Tire Ou!y Cash Price Pric3 C.-.if) Price Each Each Pcr Par 1.50-20 98.76 6X&.7C 4.50-21 8.75 8 83 X6.96 4.75-19 9-7 9.75 X8.?C 5.25-21 XX.95 13.05 -55.30 ! 5.50-19 X3.33 13.35 S.$ 6.00-19 I4.?o 14-95 . 6.00-20 X5.2C 15.33 Z9.5C 16.50-19 X6.65 16.65 3Z.SO -KA"neeia1l ErenstV9 "2l.'e is made by a man ufacturer for distribu tors such as Mail Order horn . . oil companies and others, under aname I hat docs not identify the tire manufacturer to the public, usually because he builds his "best qual ity" tires under bis own name. Firestone puts his name on every tire he makes. Double Guarantee Every tire manufac tured by Firelone bears the name Firestone and carries Firestone's un limited guarantee and ours. You arc doubly projected. COMPARE PRICES Firestone SpM'J Firestone Brand Courier Courier Type ' Type Size - . Order , Cub Cull Price T'n Pric Each Per Pair Eaeh 30.310 S5-75 $3.75 873 4.40-21 3.89 3.89 758 4.50-21 4.45 4.45 8.68 Fi-,cne Service Ecslcrs and Service Giorss fs-re You Money and Serve Yon Better Plattsmouth Motor Co. Foul Sales and Service Plattsmouth. Nebr. A. D. BAKKE GARAGE, Murray MATHEWS & PETERSON, Greenwood TRUNKENBOLZ OIL CO.. Union DIETRICK MOTOR CO., Louisville ENTERTAINS FAMILY GROUP MANY ATTEND C. M. T. C. The home of Mrs. Mary Schneider at Cedar Creek was tin- seono M : verv delightful Katherlni of relative! and friends on Sunday when the en tertalned some thirty-nine relative and friends in honor of Miss li tli Crever of Alameda, California. M ie Cr ever has been on a tour of iln cast with three assoiiales in tl' school profession and on -St return to ihc west stopped ai Cedar Creek, visiting the community where her mother, the former Miss Carrlt Oroadheck. formerly resided. Mi '.'rever's companions are visiting ' various localities and the ladies all met Tuesday at Omaha and started on their Journey back to Call for The gathering Sunday was one that all enjoyed to the utmost ami visit int; and renewal in The enrollment for the Citizens' Mtilttsn Training Tamp which will be held at Fort Crook this coming month. Is expected to be one of the largest In point of enrollment that m been held there since the camps , are opened in the seventh corps ti ten. A number of the Plattsmouth vnuMfi men are already signed up and have taken the necessary examin ation for the COUrSe. The camp will (ford .1 month of good exercise, phy 1 anJ" mental training and with the necessary line of entertain- t ad sport to add to the interest of camp lire. The general slackness in employ P. F. F. CLUB MEETS The P. F. P. Pinochle-club met m Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Richard Beverage and with the members of the club all present to enjoy the time most pleasantly in t!-e fascinations of this game. In the playing the prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ray Herring, Mrs. Leroy Per kins and Mrs. Ted Eaton. At a suit able hour dainty and delicious re freshments were served that added to the enjoyment of all of the mem bers of the party. of old times ment and business has made the had a most delightful time. The day w.i ft?.- tu red bv a wonderful dinner served at the uooii hour and lat lumber going to camp larger than usual, the camp affording the young man tftS means of a thirty-day re- the members of the party enjeyee 1 creauon penon ana aifo mu-i aim the evening meal at the hospitable 1 I a h mere mentally and physically Schneider home. aiert. EIGHT MILE GROVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sunday, Aug. 2nd 9:30 Sunday school. Xo services. Sunday. Aug. 9th 9:30 Sunday school. 10:30 German services. II i-9-2td-ltw