THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1931 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOURNAL GRAIN The Choice ofi the Master Farmer! The Year-Round Bin Most economical for small grains, corn (shelled nr ear com), rat-proof a rage or brooder bouse. KfrjKfcS INSURE Keep your grain in weather-tight, rat and fire-proof bins . . . Avoid shrinkage and waste while you wait for higher market. "They pay for themselves the first year," say thousands of satisfied users of Red-Top grain bins! "They are convenient, safe, and most economical." A 10c advance in the price of your wheat will pay for a 1600 bu. bin. PORTABLE RIGID Body sheets are strengthened by vertical corrugations and horizontal swedges. Roof is stiffened by raised box joints. Port holes above the door and in the roof enable Red-Top bins to hold the maximum capacity as well as filling direct from the thresher. Ventilating tube, steel door-board with sacking spout and hooks, and scoop board are standard equipment. Made i. sizes from 500 Bu. to 2150 Bu. capacity. Red Bottom Stock T. Ira Assure your stock of a plentiful supply of CXUMIISX RED ECrrTJWTAN Ctt -l TUN COLUMBIAN STEEL TANK CO., Kansas City, Mo., U. S. A. For Sale by: CI .mm LUMBER & COAL CO.. . Plattsmouth, Nebr. L. NEITZEL INDUSTRIAL NOTES v The following record of industrial 'activity jUsts items showing invest ment oi capital, employment of la-j bor and business activities and op portunities. Ihforniation from whlchl the paragraph are. prepared iS IRRhj local pa p-. u-11 :rlIVTf towns men tioned, and may be considered gen :;iliy correct. Sidney -Western" Public Service Co. will 'spend ?SO,000 improving lo al power plnnt tills summer. Rushville New tront installed at Blankenbiller Hi ug Store. Copenhagen Western Bridge and Construction Cd. erecting bridge on road two and one-half miles south of town. Neligh Max Kutschara and Ed. Hoffman erecting potato warehouse. Oshkosh North Central Gas Co. granted franchise to lay and main tain system if gas mains anil pipe to deliver gas to residences and busi ness places of town. Cozad Mutual Telephone stalling new switchboard. Co. in- Broadwater -. lived $10. 70S J a mes general Ful lan re-, contract for high school tistiintioii molding. of new Fremont ('oust ruction under way n new 600.000-bushel elevator to be owned and operated by Farmers National Grain Corporation. Tvkamnh lire. Henry Stanley and Mrs. John Bliss purchased Con Pence restaurant. Burt County ing pru t ions of Gravel Co. resurfac ITighway No. 73 ex- tending from Oakland to Blair. Tckamah Steward Hardware Co. tOO ved to newly redecorated quarters in building formerly occupied by A. R. Kokes Drug Store. Brady New pa vi n g between here nr,(i Maxwell opened for traffic. Doniphan Chester Bossen pur chased building formerly owned by G. A. Oanielson and installing ma chinery for feed grinding. Arnold Four and miles of highway West ing graveled. four-tenths of town be- Paving operations being rushed to completion M U. S. Highway No. 75 between Nebraska (1ty and Union. leshler Work under way on Sin clair nafhral gas pipe line, leased by Nebraska N itural Gas Co. 'to supply natural ga to this section from Wy oming oil fields. Plattsmouth B. C. Cohn purchas ed New Way Hamburger Castle, 6th and Vine streets. Madison Thomas M Curdy took over y for Chryslers, Plymouth and Dodge cars iu this district. We.! Point Natural Gas ystem from Omaha plans to complete build ing gas line to this town. Highway No- 8 .between Wisner and West Point being paved. Jr """"' BINS POPULAR SIZES 500 Bu. ..$75.00 1000 Bu. ...108.00 YOUR PROFITS water at all tunes ... no worry of leaks or caved-in side-walls. Made in both round i and round-end style with patent tube top, reinforcing triple swedges, and double lock-seam bottom. Murdock, Nebr. T . v m n n 1. E. Shaw and William 1 ': gheim opened grocery and meat market. Sidney Tint Construction eeived $30,850 contract for six blocks of local streets. Co. re paving Plattsmouth Enlarged, modern ize (1 and completely remodeled home of h wn-N. bi a-dta Light and Power p.,, formally opened to public. ; Red' rintid'- T'. L? 'Price plans to re sume drilling operations at oil well, west of town. lihatate -Legion and Auxiliary Post erecting new building. Nfcligh E. C. Springsteen consid ers establishing creamery at this place. Graveling completed on between Scotia and Elba. highway T)eshler $40,000 bond issue ap proved to supply funds to purchase Deshler College, and remodel and convert building into public school building. Superior Methodist auditorium Sunday school building redecorated. WoibadB -Ted Smith opened drug store in Bissell building. .Wallace L. local theatre. M. Teller took over Curtrs- Kempton -Fred Anderson Hardware Store. took over Steel & Olinger received $24,399 contreel for grading Ogallala-Roscoe highway for distance of six and iht -tenths miles. Bridgeport North Platte River bridge betweep this city and North port will be widened to roadway of 20 feet. Contracts let for completing Grain Growers Highway to Highway No. 81. Plymouth News. Mitchell R. H. Head Co. building r.ew state highway between Scotts hluff and this city. M natare C. V. Conklin Eaatstde Service Station. opened MadisOn James Holt, Jr. moved his repair shop to new quarters in building formerly occupied by James Holt, Sr.. on First St. Scottsblufl Carlile building. 1417 First Avenue, being remodeled for modern hotel. Tekumah Emmett Humpton opened auto laundry in building east of Dc. D. C. Scott's veterinary hos pital. Bridgeport Mr. and Mrs. Lewis took over Broadway Cafe, merly operated by Mrs. Rogers. E. lot Homer- Restaurant and unch toom opened in Mason building by Mr. and Mr;-. Will Collins. Progress being made op construc tion of Lynian-Yoder highway. AV'olbacb reopened In -Wolbach Hotel near future. to be Construction progressing on from Maywood to Hayes Center. road Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts and 11 kinds of legal blanks for sale at the Journal office. Nehawka Mrs. Elmer Stoll was in Murray Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs. Frank Lemon were in Lincoln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Rough were visit iner in Crete Sunday. Madison Stone was again visiting in Nehawka this week end. The Misses Velma and Elsie Stoll were at Murray Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Granville Heebner were in Murray Sunday afternoon. Neil Pierce and Robert Burton ere in Nebraska City Monday even ing. Mr. and Mrs. V. P. Sheldon and Elizabeth Jane were In Lincoln Fri day. , Frank Dill was in Calaway over the week end attending the funeral of his sister. Carl Dorr and Pro: Stimbert were attending to business iu Nebraska City Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Sumner of Avoca were visiting at the B. Bi Sumner home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollard and Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Ingwerson en-i-ved a picnic Sunday. Ralph Sturm drove down frmflha Suntlav to spend the day from w i i h Mr and Mrs. Andrew Sturm. Mr. Hansen of the Hansen Musi company of Omaha was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stone Sunday. J. K. Wood was out last unday doing a little fishing and was i Oi Bo lucky as he caugnt more than a fish. Melvin Sturm drove to Clayton. Iowa, Sunday to bring back his wife am' children who have been visiting' there. Carl Chriswisser. Car Dorr. Fin est Opp. Beatrice Chapman and Jane Sheldon were swimming Monday j evening. L. c. Todd of Long Beach, Califor nia, arrived in Nehawka Sunday JOT $ visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Sheldon. W. O. Troop was called 1 PlattS mouth on Monday of this week to look after some business matters for j a short time. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hohack and children and Mr. and Mrs. Dolbert Switzer had a picnic Sunday in Mill or park In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wood of Tal madge and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dunbar ot Auburn were visiting Mr. am1 Mis. J. M. Palmer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Poppe of Omaha were visitine Mrs. Gertrude Carper :j,timiav ..vcninir leaving earlv Sun day morning for Omaha. W. O. Troop and son, Tommy, were guests for the day and dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wehrbein. west of Murray. Walter J. Wu.iderlieh Was -ailed to Omaha on last Monday to look af- ter some nusiness matters, ne nnin i over to the big tow n in his ear. Maxine Steffens (eit Sunday for i Lofton where she 3 visiting Mr. and, Mrs. C. Steffens. La ei ne also left Sunday for Cook to Visit relatives. Mrs Albert Wolfe and daughter. Miss Gladys, was looking after some business matters in Omaha as well as visiting with friends for a while. W. E. Maxfield of Weeping Wa ter looking after the telephone lines i in and near Nehawka. was a visitor I in the city for the day on last Mon day. Herman Smith and Wife were visit ine with friends in Omaha for a short time on last Sunday, they driv I ing over to the big town in their i car. Mr and Mrs. Joe West of Lincoln I were here Sunday and brought Mrs. D. C. West, who had been visiting there since last Wednesday, back with them. Victor Wehrbein has just had con structed some loading chutes at the farm where he resides, for the hand ling of the cattle which will be fed on the farm. George Trook of Avoca was a visi I tor in' Nehawka for a time on last Monday while on his way to Omaha where he was looking after some business matters. John G. Wundeilich and wife were over to Plattsmouth for the day on last Sunday where they visited for the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sadie Shrader and son. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Murdock and Mrs. Delia O. Murdock, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Murdock, left Monday evening for i heir home in Arapahoe. Glen Rutlege and R. D. Taylor were over to Nebraska City on Mon day of this week where they went to bring home the new press and install it in the office at Nehawka. Mrs. G rover C. Rhoden was a visi tor with her friend on last Friday. Mrs. P. E. Tritsch over near Cedar Cioek where both of the good women enjoyed the visit very much. Walter J. Wundcrlich, D. C. West and V. P. Sheldon were over to Ne luaka City last Sunday where they were players in the tournament which was staged there for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pollard of Lincoln and Quinton Palmer spent Saturday evening and Sunday here. Hallecek Pollard who has been here Tor several weeks returned home v ith them. Frank M. Massie and wife of northwest of Nehawka were guests for the afternoon at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Grover Hoback and family where all enjoyed the visit very much. Grover Hoback and the family were enjoying a visit at Murray lasi Sunday where they also enjoyefi the ball game as well as taking a dip in the sparkling waters of the Mur ray bathing beach. They say it is fine. Work was begun Monday on the bridge north of the R. C. Pollard home. The plans are to raise the bridge in order that the water may have more space through which to flow. J. Miller is in charge of .the work. Marion Tucker who is a reserve of ficer, and as such as lieutenant is spending some two weelis-atitb at Fort Crook, and 4rJf tfc.U .ehich he i& away Cari fj0c4 Rob ert Burton have been seiued. to- as sist in the store. H. P. Onp arid wife and their daughter. Helen, of Lincoln were enjoying the d;y on last Sunday visiting at the home of John Opp and family, as well a with Grandfather Peter Opp who is convalescing fol lowing a severe; ypeli of sickness, Mark Burton and son. Robert, have been painting on the higft school building at Nebraska City and on Monday of this week Robteri stayed at home to work at the Sheldon store for a short .time while the father re turned to complete tfie work on the school. The baseball gante Sunday at Mur was probably the best game of the season and pia.ny Nehawka fans were there to watch the Fori Crook Kail beat the Red - Sox. 1 Among thote there vre:.- Grover Hoback, Albert Wolf. Q. M. . Chriswisser. Charles Hall. Chester Stone. Raipn narsh, Robert Carl Wes I; Burton i and Jim Mrs. MrVey, Marion Stone. Mesdames W. ter Lois, Win. Rhoden. who w O. Troop and daugn Gbrder and D. C. ne to have departed early last woeki fr a two weeks stay in eastern., Colorado, were de layed until Saturday when tliey le parted with their car, Mrs. Gorder driving. They will stay for some two weeks and vsit at Giwnt, Ne braska, Brandon, Nebraska am Otis, Colorado. Frank Ingwerse.n and son, Ralph and wife of Pawnee t'ity came to Nehawka on Sunday and visited with R. K. lngvers.-n and family and also at the home of C. D. St. John, and during the afternoon with R. H. Ingwerson wepj to Omaha where they visited witii Charles Ingwersen who is in the hospital there. They found the brother some better ami is hoping that ne may be able to leave the hospital in a short time. Louis Todd arrived on last Sunday from Cos Angeles 'w here he has been making his home ,ft:r sme time. He Stepped on his .way in at Imperial, where he looked aTter some business matters and aim visited with: friends. On his : tfvi Ival be found L. j G. Todd visiting r.t W. T. Richardson and took him to Omaha to catch a; i lain tor Hapletqn where he is en gaged in driving a'- heavy tractor. Mr. Louis Todd -will visit here for a time and will with other rela tives in other places. Mr. Todd and V. P. Sheldon were over to Nebraska City where tbey played gok for the alternoon. Agaiaion Tuesday a party Deposed :jf Dr. .1 ). E. Hansen. Louis Todd. X. P. Sheldon and D. C. West went down and took the tangles out of a foresome. Golfers Enter Tournament. Four of Nehaw.ku's golfers enter led :h golf tournament Sunday at the j Nebraska t'ity Country club at which i there were oTr'-flfry entries from iowa,. Kansas, yn.l Nebraska compet n Wr the Awards Offered. D. C. I West after playing 45 holes came rHnrif with -tlAi oAnsolation prize v -.ndi vin a Vfcll fold. Ln th final rouQd he. was, pitted agaiinst an other N'ehnwk.'i C ilfcr. V. P. Shetrfon.' Tnt't IVvllard ahd " AVtvlter Wunder ' iici: were the .other, -entrees from tu re. Jo West; of Lincoln also went . ith them and played in the tour nament.' Many Visit Murray Beach. The Murray swimming pool proved la diawing card for many people from Nehawka Sunday. The following en jived a cool swim there: Beatrice Chapman. Da Leene Carper. Randell jf.witzer. Mr. . B . E. Sumner, Carl Chriswisser, Carl' Pierce. Quinton j Palmer, Carl Dorr, Halleck Pollard. ..Tarion Hoback; Billy Pierce, Jack Wunderlich. Marion Stone .Robert Hurtqn, Mildred and Gertrude Bur iton, Polly Pollard. Pauline Ingwer Isoh, Ruth CHiaphian. Verner Schoe laker, .Tear Hick-. Catherine Stone. lUpadeen Schrader. La Verne Ing wer ' -on. Elose Pollard, Jane Sheldon and Verle Stone. Received Wheat Subscription. Glen Hut lego oi the Nehawka En terprise received. vheat en last Sat urday, paying for it fiity cents per bushel, and was V. Lie to receive quite a lot of the finer cereal, and will also t-ako more as he agreed with some on that day. Hcncied r.t Picnic. Ernest Opp, who is here on a fur lOU'gb from the If. S. Navy, was hon rei at a picnic given by his class mates and 1'rietub at the Murray pool PViday evening. Some of the party enloved a swim befofi and afrrr the nfenfo. Those present were RSCltdel .-wi .er. Halleck, Pollard. Emii and Tnurmppd Nixon, Charles Rose, Bin firandt, Carl Clniwissor, Carl Dorr. Health If your feet burn and qmart and get too big for your shoes try our gift to your foot comfort- Iftterwoven Health Sox 3 for $1 ,lnt kwwwm Ruth. -and Beatrice Chapman, Pauline ahd L;. Verna Ingweison, Lucille H a d 1 e y, Verle and Cat brine :Jtoiie, Da beetle fQarper, Harriett Stone,. Polly Pollard, Leora Flesh man, Florence Melsinger, Mable Bames and Vnadeen Schrader. Are Installing New Press. The Nehawka Enterprise owned by Glen Rutlege. has purchased a new six column quarter two revo lution in wspaper and book press, , which 'he will install in the office land will discard the old one, which is slower, but. withal is a good press a ad has served for many years for the work which has been required of it. This win equip this office for UVkfcfi better veVvice and will save , much time in the work of the office km printing days. Both Mr. Rutlege and the father A. B. Rutlege are en titled to ttye veiy best of machinery as they have Both wr iked hard for the success wirien has come to their business. picnic a1 Riverveiw Park. On last Sunday the Hart Anderson family reunion was held at the Riverview park. Omaha, where they all went and enjoyed the day most isar'lv for thV had an abundance Ci good things to eat and they ate then) al that. They also enjoyed two j ball games which were played in the nark, and had an abund'' ice of things foi the kiddie to piny with. All saw the animals, and enjoyed the day from beginning to end. There were there AlherJ Anderson. Louis Ross rand Dan Ahderfcon and families of N.hnwka. A W. Hart, Raymond Hart, Bertha Hart, Anna and Mil 'dred Hart and Rudolph Hart and ' family of Weeping Water; Alfred Anderson nnd family and Howard Essewine and family ot umana. P''cn;c at Larsh Farm. A dumber of the people of Nehaw tr:i nnrl vicinltv of which C D. St. ; Johii and the rap.ily. R. D. Taylor j and family. Enprnc Nutzman and fatnily and.Cari Balfour and family, j where they had a very fine time. Fight to Save Dr. Tucker from Death in China Dr. Hcose. i'alls City, Asks U. S. Aid Brother-in-Law Held for Slaying Fals City. July 2 7 Dr. W. R Bor se of Falls City is putting forth every possible effort to save his br i-ther-in law. Dr. Francis Tucker, who sh .v.a Chinese, hospital janitor whom he jnistook for a buglar. The Falls City physiciain has enlis ted the assistance 'Of Congressman J H. Moorhead of the First district, and the solon i being kept in con-i stant -touch-rth-trroceediiwis by the State department at Washington. Dr. Tinker was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1894 and soon afterward married Miss Em ma Boose of Falls City, a.sister of Dr. Boose. Both Dr. Tucker and his wife taught in Lincoln high school. Be Cttnlng interested in Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. work, the couple decided to become medical missionaries and matriculated at Rush Medical college in Chicago. Cpon their graduation from the Chicago college in 11102. they im mediately left for China. Their two oldest children, William Boose Tucker.21. and Margaret E. Tucker. 10. are studying at the Rush Medical college at present. They have two other children, Arthur Smith Tucker. 13. and FYancis C. Tucker. 11. Dr. Boose was graduated from the 1'niversity of Nebraska in 1S99 and from Rush Medical college in 19o4. Since 1905 he has been practicing in Falls City. FLAMES SWEEP THRU FARMYARD AT ASHLAND Ashland- $2,000 damage was done at the Carl Stander honin south of bere when fire swept tbe farmyard Saturday night. The fire was discov when the men came in from the fields. A- thai time, the grain bin, machine shed, hog barn, a straw stack, and pile of kindling wood were in flames. An alarm was sent to the Ashland fir-' department. Water could not be produced, and the left to burn itself out fire was Saturday nifriit. Early Sunday the wind chang ed and the fire threatened tne nouse and lamer barns. An alarm was again sent in, and t hij time water was procured ami the ti re extinguish- . ed The damage was half covered by-j nuiiMiirp ' uu I n sim'in oi inin wheat, and oats burned Tn the graiin bin. BURNS FATAL TO BEAUTY Greenport, N. Y. Miss Helen Walsh. Ziegfeld Fed lies"; chorus girl, l! guest aboard Harry Richman's yacht", died in the Eastern Long Island hos pital. Richman and Mark Helnnger. newspaper columnist, risked their own lives trying to sjp Miss Walsh. Gladys Clad, Wife df Hejlinger. and Virginia Biiidle whrtAre also in it'at f a 1. nr, ,v ; t ri 1 ithe Foliics,.w:ere sun in 'mi""- Miss Glad was siitteTing trom snoc k and MiriV H'ddle from burns whiih nhvsic ians said were noi serious. RichniRJi Jtnd HcHipgev returned to New York. . . ' STIMS0N GOES TO HOLLAND Amsterdam Secretary of State Stimson arrived here by airplane frorn Berlin on his w"nv to. London. He said he was "t i rod of .politics." and after tiiree or four na.ys in London hr in tended to "take a good rest." The rest, it was said, would proDaDiy ne in Scotland. He declined to make any statement .aiuiut uffaij-s in Gej-npny uoc Svh'efe hf vras to take flinrwr with the American leg.ition. Hexwill Lcross to England Tuesday. WEEPING WATER Efnier Miehelsen and the family vere visiting with friends and rel ; tives at Blair on lar.t Sunday, they making the trip via their auto. Bci L. Philpot was looking after business matters in Platts- louth on last Mouday. called f- see a number oi business there asso- i Sates. A. H. Oehlerking from nea dock was a visitor in Vcepi.., Wa ter for a short time on last Tues rj .iv find was looking after stmt; )usi ies matters while here. a oyer rt Hineer and the iu Iy we to Lincoln on last Blind . wh ' tl'cy ,weut to attend the nan V-'''" cert lirg wlncli was Kiven ny me w , W.iler hriinl to the metflbcl ' i be Veterans home near that Biaa. On last Monday morning JObn Day j,n-l wife and Dr. F. W. Krusc and daughter departed In their air." f r 'i he "north and will seek the eoolnesa of tlie lakes cf northern febmesOta, where they will expect to rem ' a fOf 1 wo weeKs. A. K. Jaminson and son hr' just constructed a shop in the i :. the new house which they are in; and will have it handy of ,ld ..en u in they shall have- completed the . tnre and are makina the he , be new building. A number of the members' of the 4-H club are spending son;, four lavs ot Camp Brewster nea : Qelie vue Joi n S. Williams with the car lock their daughter, Miss Hazel. Mamie Mie'ulsen and Clcta .rver to camp last Wednesday morn ing and will bring thenihome Sat in day. Alva Marshall and family of East . Lake. Colorado, drove from their home last week to Weeping Water and enjoyed a very fine visit at the i home of E. F. Marshall and other ; friends here. They will remain for a visit for this and a portion of next . wek and will endeavor to meet their ; m "iy friends while here. Mrs. S. Ray Smith at their home ! in the south edge of .Weeping Wa ter entertained the D Club on Mni i clr.y afternoon of this week where a f verv woith while program was cn Ijoved and a social hour which wfth jihe very delightful refreshments I made the afternoon a perfect one. Ml had much praise for Mrs. Smith as ;' entertainer. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bingr and their daughter. Miss LaVema, and Mrs. S. D. Litton, mother of Mis. Rtnger, were called to Wilber where they went to attend the funeral of their long time friend. Mrs. James Prokop. They drove over in their car and when they returned Mrs. louh- Prokop returned with them for a viit for a time here. George Olive and wife. Ben Olive and the family and Mrs. Emma Dif fenbaugh were over to Plattsmoui b on Monday afernoon of this wees where they visited at the home 61 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ieyda, and whore Mrs. Diffenbaugh who is mother of Mesdames Olive and Leyda will visit far a number of weeks. They all en joyed the visit over to the Leyda home and the very nice drive, not withstanding the very warm day. Home From Vacation. Rev. and Mrs. George I. Morey wtio have been away for the past two -weeks visiting in the north and pending their vacation in Minm ynta where it was cool and fresh, and where they enjoyed' the stay, re turned last week very well pleased with their trip and refreshed for the work of the church for the fall. Be nnies visiting and vacationing in the 1,01th they were able to stop at- a aumber o:' places wehere they .f r morlv ministered. Home from Their Vacation. Oscar C. Kinds and family and 'ounty Agent D. D. Watftscott and wife returned on last Saturday from 1 .heir trip to the north where they I Werc enjoying an out in e: among the I many lakes of northern Minnesota, and also where they fished and rested and enjoyed the cool weather to their boaTCs content, returned refreshed and invigorated for the work which is ever at hand in the homos and the offices. Pieparations for County Fair. The secretary, the president and the board of directors as well as the superintendents of the different divi sibnS' are- all busy In the perfection cf the appointments for the open ing of the county fair which will recur on September ltlth and wiW continue for four days. With the wonderful condition tif ihe crops tit the county the fair should be the best in year and it is up to ill to hustle to make the fair the very best Come, let's all get the matter goin;-. ,Gave Excellent Program. The Weeping Water band which is one of the outstanding music. il or ganizations of Hie country, went over to the Veterans hospital just east of Lincoln where they gave a most de lightful concert, which was for Hie members of the hospital. The veter ans Oil the hospital all enjoyed the THE FUNERAL HOME Modern conditions and stand ards of living have called into eing an entirely new kind of Institution for meeting a uni versal human- need The Fun eral Home. i Planned for the specific pur pose which It serves, it offers greater efficiency and greater convenience than was possible in the past. We are proud to be able to offer the eommtitilties which e --erve the use of such an estab lishment. Hobson FuneraU Home WEEPING WATER. NEBK . ( yei-yAne .concert .yhich,, was,fcgjven and also there were some put the matter half of Lincoln preti&fTt indj uree quarters of Lancaster county. re opine hi drew it rather strrdigly. Hoyever tbeie was a large crowd Weeping Water present to en Joy the very fine music which was. ilsparsed. Tells of Hard Hail. Peter H. Milder received a leXter! t om his daughter Mr. Martin Li .1 non of Siehert, lciling of a very iu vy and destructive ball storntl wh'ch recently isited that section 1 he country, and -which almost. utterly deefrnypd the arfva- i"ny l vc: lai nnjig ; whit h e ni ; a i-iec- . a B'.ii" with but a flight Wi v , ,, . mHPp. art ' irailjN A. New Elncksmlth Shop. . John E. Johnson, not .-mth. for he has been for many a long year, net ben engage. i:i V'cc-ping Waitr. fpl a new black -in (he game bill who has: the line in some three ! a' his houi- years, nas opened a sn rr.r five bloc k.: south of (he Chris Bamussen store, where he N receiv- ;ing some business, nut on account oi .ne matter not being generally kii' wn and also the business bcitm father quiet !; is not at this time ranch crowded with work." He. hc'iw- lever, is expecting- enough business eottfhg his way in make a Vhtitig, and as he has been '.; BO vn fox pp U nr a time it seems thai he might I receive a share of the business In Jihis line. This hOWever. gives W, ep- Little''r' water tnree good siriitns ana more sm.ns in in any iner town iu the county. fiefuined from Trip. On last Saturday J. J. Meier and the family who have bi'cn away for some time nn n ttip to the north where they went to visit with rela tive and also to see the country and .M the same time to enjoy some of the cooler weaih'r of the north. They first rlsttai at rftcv home of a gistcr, Mrs. Meier, Mr. and Mi-. Geotge Clizhe. whlgh Is aboui bribes lion h of valentine, Nebraska, but in South Dakota. Atter visit ing there tf a time they went on north, passing tJiKiigh Whifefl Uivcr, S. D. and on t,o Thunderhawk, S. D., which "is just on the line between North and Soh h Dakota, where tficy veiled at the brother of Mr-. Meier. f3car Flamni" and family. They en Jpved the- .with -ejative very r.uuh fi t d iien went on west.'pass Snsr through Dead-wood.- Sp ni Fish iticl other towns rl the actrth west . Mr. Meier tells of diiving along when he wife says, well the hoppers must have eaten everything h'eie. as ana was looking to the' right, and as she. ".: lor king to the i unit fir. Meier was looking lo tiit tfiff Uu aaj ; it looks fine over hero and tjnning 'ifs head saw tbe country dev&startid in the right' -line on The ftffi rf WM looking film and witrt no damage lie rtplia Jf a Plaji e, wjifre, trve, hapjffB ent down through a corn' field eat ing four rows of corn and nof'tnofeei- iUi.-aiiiuikiuLi-i.iai .Uk: hi,-id,. I. realty enjoye'tl i he "Tup li'iTT sifriu ass county and Weeping Water iooked fine to them on their return. Fnjcyed Fare Picnic Sunday. The Hart-Afiderson Fa rallies which (hem their pic nic and which has be come an annual affair, met with well tilled baskets at Rivt-rview park just on the south edge of Omaha on laal Sunday, where about 70 of them en joyed the day most pleasantly. There were there from Weeping Water the Tart families and from Nehawka the Andersons and Rosses, while Omaha lurnis-ricd a good quota in Andersons and other relatives. They enjoyed i wd ball games, looke d at the ani tflas end -With the devices for tho kiddies to play and plenty of i'ient stands made the day muck, pleasure to all. refresh -one of Enjoyed Fine Time. !tfai : lllle:i Ilanney. Mrs. Maik Wiles and Mrs. Sarah Wiles of Weep ing Water and Mrs. Martha Wetten Icamp sf Plattsmouth who has been visiting hcAte. -.for the past week, gave Mrs. .1. M. Rahney a very pleasant surprise when they called at her hdUpfe Al mrtay of ibis wee k and tpenl ihe afternoon with social conversa tion and some very delightful things 10 eat. MISSION FESTIVAL AT TRINITY LUTHERAN NeXt Sunday. August L the an nual mission festival will be cele brated, at the Trinity Lutheran c iiiFch, two miles north of Murdoch. There will be two special mission seiwjoe: held with the Rev. W. Harms, president of the Northern Nebraska District of the Miaaoarl Synod, preaching the morning ser mon in German, starting at I O'clock, and the Rev. A. Saeger of I Malcolm will be the English speaker Jan. 2: 3u .o'clock in the afternoon. Free dinner will be served in i.- . the parish hall during the noon hour. Everyone is cordially invited to at- tend these services. . . G. A. ZfX'H, I'astor. DENIES SHE IS IN RACE Rockford. III.. - Ruth Hanna Mc -C'orniick, defeated by James Hamil ton Lewis in last November's sena torial campaign, announced Satur day she would not be a candidate for congress in the 1932 republican pri maries. Setting at rest several weeks of rumors, the former congTesswoman-pt-ilarge's declaration was made at a inciting of editors and publishers of jtlia Fifteenth congressional district. The congressional remapping of Illinois, wiping out the state's repre sentatives at large, barred Mrs. Mc ICcfnilck from seeking the seat sho abandoned to win the republican sen atorial nomination from Senator De- neen in the April. 1931. primary. Mrs. McCormlck's announcement WM no i .. -however -yu fndtfjetion she is thru" with ponticf. Jcumal Want Ads pay.