The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 21, 1931, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. MAY 21. 1931.
Murray Department
:'-epareri in the Interest of the People of Murray and irroundintr Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
It or Che readers ot . i.e
journal wir of my so
.rent or item of Int-erest In
vicinity, and will
nme to this office, it will ap
pear under this iieai. . i g. W
want all newsitema Eimtoh
We desire to announce the purchase of Barber Shop and
business of T. J. Brendel, which we are now operating.
We shall be pleased to have a call and get acquainted.
Have been in this business marry years and am quali
fied to do any and all barber work. The most careful at
tention will be given all work. Every courtesy extended
to the trade. Come in and see me.
0. Townseesd
The Murray Barber
of Rev. J. C. Stewart and Gussie Bru
bacher with a Majestic electric re
frigerator each.
Visit With Hallas Family.
On last Sunday W. G. Boedeker
and wife, accompanied by their dau
ghter. Miss Flora Jone and also by
Miss Betty Ann McCartey of Plutts-
I mouth, a sister of Mrs. Hallas, were
over to Shelton where they visited at
the L. J. Hallas home for the day.
Messers W. G. Boedeker and L. J.
Hallas also went to Litchfield where
they were called to look after some
business matters with Charles Givin.
They returned home late Sunday evening.
Presbyterian Church Notes.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
(Young people's meeting).
Wednesday evening prayer meet
ing at 7:30.
You are cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
I Food Quackery
Said to Menace
Flour Industry
Faddist Propaganda Is Put in Cate
gory of "Bunk" by Re
search Expert.
Seven Killed
when Fast Train
Strikes a Car
At The
Murray Con
Yon will find the veiy best service in
ail the features of the business car-
Wiggling the Piston
Is "Mt"
The vd-t:me mechanic used to "kig
gle" a piston inside the cylinder to
see if It was loose! But guess-work
has riven way to precision tools. We
lied on there. Repairs that are guar- work to the thousandths of an inch
p.nteed in every way. The best Gaso-lanfl the Quality of our repair jobs
line. Oils and Greases. And. say. the sh-vs ,DriV in and let us c::'
' , . , - nlain wnat we mean.
Roodt cool arm-is and confections!"
Corne and see
Miss Neva Lancaster Poorly.
Miss Neva Lancaster, who some
'ime since underwent an operation
for appendicitis, has been Buffering i pPrty cf Yguvp Iowa People Victims
irom wnat 's tiieugtit to he a-mesions n ,.,;j,
1 a UIV9BUIK .i l-CIll
from the operation but has been
causing much acute suffering- Mis;-,
Neva is ken' o ber bed and it is hop
ed tbat another operation may
Town of Calamus.
Chicago--Pood-fad "quackfl" are
the. successors of patent medicine
"fakers" and have done great harm
to the flour Industry, it tcM declar
ed here today by Dr. t. ('. Lochead,
addressing the twenty-ninth annual
convention of the Millers' National
Federation. As a member of the
Mayo clinic at Rochester, Minn., Dr.
Lochead has experimented with food
fads and found most ot thorn delu
sive. How the food fads have injured
agriculture was shown by the speaker
in quoting figures on bread consump
tion. Propaganda Baa been directed
D gainst white bread in favor of the
ro-igher breads, it wa; pointed out.
(Many people have tried the rougher
' :i ;ids and. not liking them and be
ing afraid to return to white bread.
have refrained from bread altogether, i
Dr. Lochead quoted one expert as j
asserting that "if Americans ate as
much bread per capita as they did ;
before the war, 125.000.000 addition
Calamus, la. Seven peraonsj five i al bushels of wheat would be con
girls and two young men were killed sumed. This would be enough to
Kills Large Rattler.
they sell.
Service Station
Charles V. Barrows. Proprietor
Murray Corner, Nebr.
A. D. BAKKE, Propr.
to us before, we gladly welcome the
uaugiuer 01 .wr. anu .irs. l,c ? ; eating its age.
Webber, which arrived last week, i
make unnecessary certain farm re
lief measures instituted by the gov
ernment." Countless years cf experience have
given most people Intuitive selection
of foods, "which is in the main cor-
the passenger. witne.-: - said. The .red," observed the physician. "Late-
mother and babe are
and both the
i i mi ii ii in i 1 1 1 i ii i nicely.
Lawrence Race and Carl Buck of
T. J. Brendel was looking after Murdoch brought O. Townseud. the
some business matters at Plattsmouth uew barber, over to Murray on Moti
on Monday afternoon of this week. duv afternoon, and thus Mr. Town
driving over in his car. Send was able to go to work right
Koneri snraaer recently moveu 10 away.
here when their auto was struck by
a westbound passenger -rain as they
ilrnva rmtn :i ernssinir in rhe main
oumiay oeuiB a mie warm a- street of Calamus,
called a number of the citizens of ne car (lrove from behind an east
...urray to the scenic haunts of the bound freight train Into the path of
Missouri river, ana .ing 11111 seem
ed to claim the most ot tne Bunaay crossing is protected b a wigwag ily. commercially minded individuals
visitors, among wnom were H. j signal, a bell and a flagman. The (have appropriated certain food ideas,
Turt and wile. Roy Gerking and sipnals were working and he attmpt- exaggerated their importance, prom
family. While they were sojourning j 0f-, to stop the car, the flagman said. ulgated literature and amassed large
there. Mr. (Jerking espied a large j Five of the. dead, Martha Berner, fortunes catering to a cinet;mes per
rattle snake which he killed, it hav-jMedona Berner, Bernadette Berner, verted appetite which they them-
mg eight rattles and a button indi-i Monica Berner and Ai nold Berner, 'selves have helped to create for one
were sisters and brother. All were particular article of diet,
'from Toronto, la., n neighboring; "They have made the claimed pres-
Nehawka where he will make hi:
home for the present, having em
ployment there.
Clifton B. Smith of Union was a
visitor in Murray for a short time
a t'ew days ago where he was looking
after some insurance business.
George C. Sheldon of Nehawka was
a caller in Murray on last Monday
afternoon looking after some busi
ness for R time.
Wilber Hewitt was a visitor for
over the week end at the home at
Klk Creek, where the family are re
siding. "H. Kettlehut of near Nehawka was
a visitor looking after some busi
ness in Murray on last Monday af
ternoon. George E. Nickles and the good
wife were visiting for the afternoon
on last Sunday at the heme of Mr.
Lee and Miss Ktta Nickles of Piatts-mouth.
The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. j
George W. Rhorien of Plattsmouth.
will be grieved to know that both
el these excellent people have been
very sick an i kept to their beds for ;
the past week.
Joha Bates and the good wife, of
Rising City, were guests for the day
pa last Sunday with Dr. anil Mrs.
J. P. Brendel. where ail enjoyed a
very pleasant visit. Mesdames Bates .
and Brendel are sisters, which made
the visit more pleasant.
Van Allen was a visitor on last j
Sunday at his former home at Sidney.
Ipwa. where getting his friend, Roy
al Carpenter, they both going to '
Omaha where they enjoyed the air ,
races with the exception of the tragic j
end of "Speed" Holman. which they
deplored ery much.
?!rs. Sarah E. Young who has been
making her home for the p.s; win- j
ter at the Sold'ers and Sailors Home (
Getting Sone Better Now. town. The other two victims, Mildred ence or absence of a vitamin as the
T. .1. Jamison, who st;nie time ago Sard Walter Mumfrrd. the driver of determining fader a- the choice of
was injured by having some cement jtne car- were cousins of the Berners. jfood material res.-.rdicss of the pres
blocks fall on him and was visiting They were from Dewift. or absence of other necessary
at the home of his daughter. Mrs. I "1ne Of the girls' bodies was hurled , food constituents and In recent years
J. F Brendel for the past week, was jnSSinst the crossing signal and was (white bread has been attacked as a
so far improved that he was able to'0111 Sn Jdeces. The car was thrown jdeficient food, a useless food, even
return to his home on last Sunday. VTlZf'Z . , "!UM",'sr U , V ,'
and the bodies strewn along the right Dr. Lochead asserted that no one
of way. State Journal. , article of food contains all the ele-
jmer.ts desired and it r.hould not be
i expected to when a va ietv of foods
In particular he repudiated "the
Washington A request by Bishop statement of the ouacks" that two
Murray Bey Wins High Honors.
Willard Nelson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Nelson, who has been at
tending school at Nehawka for the
past two years and who was student
in the Murray schools before, where i Cannon for postponement until Sept. ikinds of food should not be eaten at
Rev. Robert E. Hanson of Beth- at Mil ford, and where she has enjoyed
any, pastor of the church at Mur- the stay very much is to return to
ray. was here and conducted the scr- her home in Murray about June ls.
vices at the Christian church last Mrs. Young, who is a pioneer of Cass
Sunday. ccuntv and where she has much
he put in his first two rears of high
school, graduated at the closing of
the Nehawka schools last week, win
ing the scholarship, having the dis
tinction of having the highest per
centage of the Senior class during
his four years of high school. Wil
lard is now seeking a place, where
he can earn what money he enn so
he can go on to school, which are
many that this scholarship entitles
him to select a course from. Wil
lard is willing to work hard that he
may earn money to go on through
the higher school as is evidenced by
the fact of his winning he scholar
ship. Here is to you Willard. go to
it and win.
20. of the sciate inquiry into his the same meal, thr-t proteins and I
uee of campaign funds was denied starches rail?' never be consumed to
by Chairman Nye of the senate in-gether. that frvlts and starch foods!
vestiKatin committee because the I aire incompatible, and that combina-I
statute of limitations osrainst prose
tions cf two er more kinds, of Starches
Had Fine Ball Game.
On Sunday the Murray ball
Van Allen was feeling pretty well. . to make this country the verv ear- I team plaved with the Omaha tenm
thank you. for on last Thursday he den which ir is. saw manv stnrTlinc i and while the name was verv titrhtly
cation in the case wr.ubi begin on
I Sept. 18.
"In view of hese facts." Senator
Nye wrote the bishop, "it wonld ap
pear that the committee might in-
i cur a grave responsibility if it did
inot resume its hearings prior to that
I date."
j The senate committee is investi
gating a complaint fhat Ihe bid.op
failed to ac.-ount for a major por
tfOfl of the $65,804 given to him tft
chairman of the anti-Smith commit
tee in Virginia in 1P28 by E. C.
Jameson. New York 'financier.
or two or more kinds of proteins are
Jextremely bad. In his opinion, this L-
"nll buf.k."
Employment for hundreds of dis-
lajbled World War veterans is being
i provided in the manufacture of
passed the twentieth milestone in experiences, and with the mnnv warm
his life's career, and passed the day I frlenda here is endeared to the citv
in his regular work and feeling fine. lQf Murray and vicinity. The manv
Donald McQuinn has been having frlenda here will welcome her return
quite a bit of trouble with sinus
which has been giving this bcntle
man trouble for the past few
Mrs. Philip Schafer has been quite
ill at her home west of Murray with
an attack of scarlet fever, but is get
ting along nicely and it is hoped
that she will soon be over the malady
and enjoying her former good health.
John Eaton of near Union, has
to make her home among them.
Getting Ready for Summer.
During the past few urm days,
the matter of refrigera'ion for the
home ln's been called to the atten
tion of the home owners, and to meeV
the conditions the en'erprising Arm
of the Murray Hardware company
hare been supplying electrical re-
ccntested the visiting team, the Un
ion Pacific team of Omaha, won over
the home team by a score of 4 to 2.
However, all enjoyed the game which
was a very clean and friendly game.
Murray Has New Family.
O. Townsend of Murdock, who has
made his home there for . ome time
past, where he has been conducting
a barber shop for that place for the '
past four years and where he and i
hcn tin vino- .-m nita-k of n ni-on ft i cit i i irigera-.ion in me .Maiestie electric
and aa he is well along in middle Ufa
it has been thought best to if pos
sible to handle the case without an
Now ten days of age. but unknown
I ir f ri cur i vv fin i-:n o- t Kn rt-tt "-v
days they have supplied the homes
the barber shop of T. J. Brendel, who
memorial pppits for the America!;
Legion Auxiliary. The manufacture
o? he lit'.le red memorial flowers. J
ifhich the woemn of te Auxiliary
will sell throughout the country
within 'he hexl few days, hi now in I
urn b wins, several million or tne
f.cwers have been completed and
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Lubbers, the I boxed re?dy for shipment to Aux
former a brother-in-law of Mr. Bek- j ihary Units and manv thousands
ins and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bveska, I more are being turned out each day
ill of Omaha, were Tuesday for a few '' the busy fingers of the disabled
hours at the home of their friends. men.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Walters. The j The poppy making is being con
Omaha party was her to enjoy a; ducted under the direction of the
visit with Mrs. Marguerite Walters j Auxiliary this year In 31 states. The
Johnstone, tho widely known con- diulk of the flowers are being made by
tralto soloist, who is heref rem She; -j disabled men in government hospi
idan. Wyoming, for a visit with her jtala and in convalescent work rooms
parents. Mrs. Walter.-, has been very . maintained by the Auxiliary. The
one cent each for
produce and are lim-
to 300 flowers a dav
the family are highly represented as Uv winter and epr!ng with I workers are naid
being very fine citizens and one f her musical work as she is greately the flowers they pi
the very best of barbers, purchased demmad for conce!t and teaching ited to from 250 t-
work in the west, but has found a
will enter other lines, and came to Bhort timP to come a!,d enjoy a visit
u.ic.v um udqv, ulB1,,s lin the old home.
cuarge 01 tne ousiness nere. .iur-
. .?.''' ' v W fortunate in securtng such an
rTTrTTTTTTTTTTr i . levmllont workmor, in thia lino onrl
t jalso of having such an excellent fam-
ily locate here. Mr. Townsend was
j elected as a member of the town
I I board at Murdock at the last elec
tion and is a most trustworthy young
Coney'3 c-jrics en - 3 fd through the
critics Srst 6 weeks, ii ia an appetirinff
cc mv.:r2rioa r? our'-. weet tcrs n and con-
C sanitary B'
jntd BCCOCdlDS to the orig-rrnl
process. cm
KOW contains Y-O tinatAj mixtd in.
I vj com'
Sam F. Latta
At the Farmers Elevator
Murray, Nebr.
A ten minute hail storm can
destroy your entire efforts
for the year.
Prices of grain are low and
perhaps will be low for the
crop you are attempting to
raise, but suppose you lose it
all by a hail storm? In such
event one of my hail policies
would look mighty good.
Don't, take a chance with
some stranger and some coni
pany you don't know. See me
W. G. Boedeker
Murray, Nebraska
Has Nicely Appointed Home.
Luring the recent weeks Will S.
Smith hs had thai excellent work
man. Ralph Kennedy employed in
laying some h?.rd wood floors at the
Smith home and with the completion
of the same and other interior alter
ations and improvements, Mr. Smith
had the TeakoHer brothers come
down and sand the new floors which
were then treated, making a most
beautiful home v.nd which this ex
cellent couple are justly entitled to
for they sure are hard workers and
the best of cilizens.
to prevent them from taxing their
strength and to distribute the work
among as many mini as possible. A
total of 10,000,000 flowers will be
made before the work closes.
The poppies that will be sold in
Nebraska were all made by the vet
erans ft the new Nebraska U. S.
Veterans' hospital at Lincoln, open
ed las', fall.
The local sale of poppies will be
held on the coming Saturday.
f.o.h. Detroit, pint freight
and delivery. Bumpert and
tpare tire extra at tnall
Everything you want
or need, in a motor car
at a tow price
Beauty of line and color
Attractive upholstery
55 to 65 miles an hour Quick acceleration
Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes
Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield
Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers
Rustless Steel
More than twenty ball and roller bearings
Economy Reliability Long life
See your dealer for a
4S to 8630
F. o. b. Detroit, plat f might and delivery, Bumper and spare tire extra
at tmall eott. You may purchase a Ford car or truck for m small dowa
payment and on convenient, economical terms through your Ford dealer.
Valparaiso, Ind The defense
opened its fight to prove Virgil Kirk
land innocent of causing tho death
of Miss Arlene Draves last Novem
ber at a Gary, Ind.. liquor party. The
state closed after Dr. R. H. Harger.
University of Indiana toxicologist,
had testified to finding grain alcohol
and nonfatal traces of wood alcohol
and formaldehyde in the dead girl's
stomach. Upon a defense motion,
JuJye Grant Crumparker dismissed
a count of murder by attempted rape
and ruled that the state must choose
to try Kirkland on only one of the
two alleged attacks in the third
The United States court of claims,
sitting in Lincoln next Tuesday, will
hear the controversy between Heber
Hord cf Central City and the govern
ment. Mr. Hord is seeking refund
of $4,000 income tax and interest,
amounting to nearly $5,000, which
was paid under protest. The tax was
OH a return filed for 1918, and Mr.
Hord compromised with the govern- Distribution of approximatelv
ment on payment of the tax and 100.000 catfish in eastern Nebraska
'interest some yean later. The gov- ! rivers and streams has lust been eom-
ernment holds that the compromise , pieted by a seining crew of the game,
deprives him of any right to re- j forestation and parks commission,
cvPr- Secretary O'Connell said Tuesdav.
Testimony will also be taken by The fish ramriiic ir. size from eitrht
Not by CHANCE., but because we have worked hard
to that end. Thrift is an acquired portion of our char
acter. You can have a competency by the care of your
earnings. Save the dollar while saving is good. You
T.viil have no fear of depressions or hard times. We are
here to assist in all that will make our community more
prosperous and happy.
The Murray State Bank
l nere is no aui siuuit iur uuitziy
Murray, Nebraska
Mrs. John Stone 111.
Mrs. John Stone, who has been in
P' "r health for some time past, was
taken to the Ifethodiat hospital at
Onr.ha where she is receiving treat
ment and where she is reported as
being quite a bit improved since her
going to this institution.
the court at Omaha Monday regard
ing claims of the First Trust com
pany there against the government.
to fifteen inches, were taken from the
I'latte and Missouri rivers and plant
ed principally in the Blue and Elk
i horn rivers and tributaries. In the
j former stream, the fish were placed
, between the many dams that mark
I that river.
Thirty days were required to com
plete the work, O'Connell said. Five
seiners comprised the crew. They
found the Missouri river low, and
Denver With one-third of th
precincts reported and about one
sixth of the estimated vote counted
Mayor Fen F. Stapleton was leading
in compilations made by both the
Denver Post and the Denver News, j were able to seine out more larger
each supporting different candidates, fish that had gathered in the holes.
Buys Farm Equipment.
j Sherman Cole, making his home
i northwest of Murray, was in town
i last Saturday and took three of the
i A type hog houses which are manu
i facured by the Nickles lumber yard,
i to his place to faciliate the care of
'his hogs, and at the same time also
i included a long feed bunk for the
dining room table for the very fine
! herd of cattle which this gentleman
j feeds. He aims to make it homelike
'for the stock of all kinds.
at 10:15 n. ni. Figures of the Post
on 102 precincts of 314 showed Sta
pleton with 13.S72: George D. Be
gOle 13.S62. Otto Bock, 12,834.
Other candidates, far behind, were
not counted. The news compilation
was of 125 precincts and gave Sta
pleton 17,076, Begole 16,107, Bock
All the fish taken
were channel cats.
for distribution
Chicago, May 19. Max Towle,
county attorney of Lancaster county,
Nebraska, and Sheriff Hansel of Lin
coln left Monday night for Lincoln
after continuance until May 25 of
Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Pugsley and . co nt . M nn rh.iroa
son .George, and Mr. Elton La throp : of participatir!g in the Lincoln Na
ff" Bayard. Nebraska departed for j bank d Trust Co robT)ery.
heir home this week after spending jT Thomas P. O'Connor, How
the las ten days with Mr. and Mrs. T tk
Bates Book and Gift Shop is ex-
J. L. Stamp.
T-v .. T-i.. 1 . . , l . l
elusive Dennison decorative supplies ' vhr" kn sRt .Lo.tim,
3 ; dealer iu this vicinity. iannual convention at Omaha.
ard Lee and John Hritt.
Journal Want Ads get results and
) the cost is very small,
Have Built Us a Good Business
This Year ... as Usual
but ... owing to the fact that
we must move to our new lo
cation . May ISth and May
25th will be our last hatches.
Phone Us For Special Prices
We sell only QualUy Chicks
True to Breed
Brsi&lc Hatchery
Telephone 631-W Plattsmouth, Nebr.