The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, April 27, 1931, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    riONDAY APRIL 27. 1931.
Charley Str.iy was delivering -wheat
to tlu Wabash elevator last week.
W. T. Wetldell is manager.
L. Neitzel was a visitor at Avoca
last Sunday, where he attended ser
vi ces at the Congregational church,
both the morning wort-hip hour and
th" Bible school as well.
Miss Martha Lau. who is employ
ed in Ashland wan a visitor at the
heme of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
E:i!il Lau for the week end last week,
returning to her work after enjoying
the visit here very much.
lfeean Henry Tool, John Gahe
meier and Lacey McDonald were en
ferine; Arbor day, not by planting
trees, but fishing in the lakes at
of Murdock, Kebr.
Charter No. 87s in tbe State of N'e
benaka ut ti. eloec of business
April lltli, 1931.
I ."fins and discounts ....
llondi. Sind .st rv.ri: t s (txciu-
i ive of cash reserve)
j Banking house, furniiuie and
Caxh in Bank ::tiJ
I Due from Xariunu.1
j and State Biuikf
i subject to check. 9 SC.CSf.3C
C!ifkt; ind items
of e.v i liaiifre : v ,7
8. 890. 00
. J..S4o.i5
home before their
know the extent
Ifeattw We came
return, so do not
of their catch.
Devoe Ostb!om, son of our market
m:in. John Ostblom. who has been
idling here for the past few weeks,
a . cpted the job of painting the ele
vnti r and also nailing down the loose
rr t;il. and was bustling at the work
on last "Wednesday.
Er. joyed Trip to East
Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Tool, who
were spending some ten days it: the
cast, they visiting at Washington.
D. C. and other places of interest,
and where Mrs. Tool was delegate
U ti e National meeting of the Amer
ican Red Cross, enjoyed every min
ute of the time they were away and
returned home Monday and were at Omaha by Kenneth and wife,
who drove over to bring them home
and not have them have to wait for
the next train, which would have
been quite a long time.
Capital stock
Surplus fund
Vndivided profits i Hi t
iiestrvi- for Dividends, Con
tingencies, Interest,
Individual deposits
abject to cheek .$ SS.CS2.ei
Time certificates of
Savings deposits . .
Cashiers elM Cks . .
Due to National &
State Banks ....
Bills pavahle
Depositors guarantee
:;.jt is
none 23X.C74.S2
i'und .
stnte of Nebraska 1
I ss.
County of Cass J
I, Henry A. Tool. Cashier cf the
above named hank do solemnly ewesjf
that the alwve statement is a t-rue
and oerract copy of the report made
to the Department of Trade and ( 'i Di
me rce.
Attest: Cashier.
CA!:L I. GANZ, Director.
mous price. Man's well being and his
ultimate salvation is God's greatest
concern. He did not spare any cost,
the best is only good enough for man.
God says: "I have loved thee with an
everlasting love."' In John 3:16, we
read: "God so loved the world that he
gave his only begotten son.-' The
best God had. And nothing h-ss wouid
satisfy the demands of the law. "The
soul that sinneth it shall die." "God
has no pleasure at all that the wick
ed should die." Since God has pre
pared a rich feast for the famished
soul that tries to live on the empty
husks, of the pleasures of the world,
which do never satisfy the soul hun
ger that only God can still, he in
vites constantly tor man to forsake
the wrong course and come and enjoy
without price the rich provisions of
His grac. Who can read Isa. 5 5:1-3
rind not feel the thrill of joy surging
through his Soul for the bounty of
Sod's grace? But do men accept the
nffer? Thanks be to God. some do.
All men could be rich in Christ
Jesus that are now "perishing with
hunger." .Luke 15:17.) Men ought
to be ashamed of the excuses they
offer for not accepting the invitation
to the banquet. It would be well for
men to heed the warning: of Jesus
(here ends the parable and J-sus
teaks direct): "For I say unto you
hat none of those men which were
bidden shall taste of my supper."
(Lrke 1 4:14.) It will be a dreadful
day for all who reject God's plead
ing, to cotne home when the door
will be shut. (Math. 25:10.)
The nert parable will be "The
Piece of Money."
Joseph Ke'ky Very Poorly
Joseph Kelley. of Plattsmouth.
father of Mrs. O. E. McDonald, is
v, ry poorly at this time. Mr. and
rata. McDonald were over to see him
on last Tuesday and at the time
thej came away he was feeling some
better. The following d:y Mr. Mc
Donald was over to look after some
business at.d tailed, finding Mr. Kel
ley not feeling so well.
Btibscribi d and
this itth day of
( Sea!
re me
sworn t bef
Aprii. 1931.
L. B. I -. HITHKY,
Notary Public
(My commission expires Sept.
Seed Corn for Sale
We have guaranteed seed coin at j
the elevator for sale, in either white
or yellow. Price is only $2.00 per
fcn?hel.. Murdcck Farmers Grain
Mrs. Norenberg: project leaders,
:.'A Anna RIeeke and Miss Juli;
Zoz: reported. Mrs. Edgar Backeuu y
er. Then we studied the leaflet on
"Beautifying the Home Ground"
which proved very interesting.
In the group singing from the
Murdock group the Swastika club
placed first and will sing the
County Mixer. News Reporter.
Los Angeles
Shaken by Five
Second Quake
Damage Limited to Windows and
Eickcn China ware Populace
in Excitement.
WHl Make Home in West
Miss Elsie Deikmann, who has
employed in Omaha, where she
ha- been officiarit.g as trained
graduate nurse, was united in mar
riage with Fred Creamer, who had
ber nicking his homo with bis par
en bj in Oregon, but with the wed
ding they departed for Los Angeles,
where, r.fter arriving there, they have
concluded to make that their borne.
They write home that they are liking
the west fine and will make their
hem. there and we are certain that
they w-'ll make their way. The bride,
forraerjy Miss Elsi Deikmann, is a
vf-y accomplished your.g woman and
with much pep and go-ahendedn'ss.
they will, we are sure, make a coc
ci in whatever I'ne they may accent.
Gave Excellent Shew
The Senior class of the Murdock
schools gave their class play on last
Friday evening at the High school
auditorium to a well f iled and very
appreciative house. They gave a ren
dition of the royalty play. "Betty,
the Girl O' My Heart." They have
he-';; putting in much time on the
'day and the manner in whit h they
presented tht:r respective parts dem
onstrated how well they had com
mitted the lines and practiced put
ting the right expression into them.
lastv 1
Angeles An
five seconds
eart hcpir.kc
shook Eos
geiea and the suburbs, but with the
exception of a few shattered store
windows and some broken chinaware.
the result was chiefly to leave the
populace highly excited. The center
apparently was in the Santa Monica
bay district. Several store windows
fell in. plaster in offices and homes
was cracked and dishes broken. From
j offices, homes and apartments alike.
I people, disregarding the warnings of
earthquake experts, fled into the
I streets.
In Hollywood the shock was slight,
jbut it was mere pronounced in Eos
Anseles. Redondo Beach. Compton
land Torrance felt it almost as strong
Married at Glen wood. Iowa
Mis- Marie Deikmann and Carl
Anderson, the latter from we;t of
Greenwood. Is Lancaster county,
were over to Glonwood. Iowa, on last
Thtrr" wliere they were united in
r"arri:,Te and will make their home
on a farm m prefy house which
the grew, has prepared for their
abode and located some four miles'
west of Greenwood. The bride is a ;
young lady of ranch moral worth and !
many accomplishments and we nre'
afe they will make a success in the!
gume of life. The bride was raised
on a frrm and knows how to main
tain a home to the very best ad
vantage and the irroom who is a
fp.rrner and well accustomed to the
life on the farm places thm both in
a position to make a success of life.
Tlif Journal Joins with the many
friends of the winsome bride in ex
t -ndin? best wishes for a long, hap
py ard prosperous life.
Otto Stranb Very Poorly
Otto Strnub, husband of the
former Miss Frances Theil. who un
derwent an operation at the general
hospital at On aha come time since
for appendicitis, and who. following
the ordeal was taken with pneu
monia, was very seriously ill for a
time, is reported as being slightly
better during the letter portion of
last week. It is hoped that be will
continue to improve and soon be
well r.gain.
Seed Corn for Sale
We have guaranteed seed com at
t!e elevator for rale, in either white
o velcw. Price is only 52.00 per
bushel.. Murdcck Farmers Grain
Bants Monica and small
amounts of damage were reported.
To the east, in Pasadena and Alham
bra. the intensity was slight. Pic
tures and lights swayed in these
cities- and the 'housewives' dishes re
mained unscathed. Los Angeles ob-
ed its best demonstration at the
jcity hall, a twenty-eight story buiKl
jingand the tallest structure in south
lern California. The peak of the hall s
'white tower moved back and forth
with the shocks, but no damage re
, suited.
Unlike the usual record of earth
quakes, there was a forewarning this
'time. The instruments of thefCar-
negie institute of Washington seis
imological laboratory at South Pasa
dena registered a disturbance an hour
before the earthquake was felt gen
jeraliy. State Journal.
Parables of Jeus
By E. N-itzol
-The Prodigal Son. Luke 14:ir,-
"Re cived Severe Ir juries
While working ut the farm a few
miles from Murdock, Win. Ean, Sr.,
pad the aiafuaiune to fall from the
wagon which he was using, sustain -:
Pic many severe and strains
and which (pith c few cuts about the
tod? have pla'-ed him in a severe po
sition to get around. .Following the
dressing of his ir juries by a physi
cian he was abb" to get around
though in a very painful way.
Swastika Club Notes.
Our last dot) meeting tor this year ;
mas heed Thursday afternoon. April :
Ifi'h. st 'he home of Mrs. Straich. i
The greater part of the members
Were present and we also had throe
visitors. Fir-t the secretary reid tiie
report for the last meeting and Btood
approved. N-'Xt w elected new c!:.
cers for the next year cf club v.crk .
which are as follows: President. Mrs. :
I" A Kneh" : v'ce president, Mrs.!
Fred Stock. Jr ; se: rotary-treasurer, i
l.'iss Meta Reickman; leader,
We do trucking; of all kinds.
Specials cn Stock : Pick-up loads
to Omaha, 25i per 103 lbs.;
Full leads. ZOc per 100. Day
2T night serv ice. Call No. 2020.
Murdoch. Nebr.
T!ip reason for Jeans to speak thh
parable was the exclamation of on1
of the guests: "Blessed is he that
shall eat bread In the Kingdom of
God." Of course he meant to say
'Thr.t privilege bekmcci only to us
Pharisees." Fr -m what Jesus had
said, this m-;n drew the conclusion
thai Jeus hud pointed to the resur
rection of the just verse 14). All
of this may hav been to set a trap
for .lest:. that he should declare
himself regarding: the resurrection.
The Jewish belief was that there
-ould be two resurrections, one for
the righteous, one for the unrieht
eens. The feast in the house of the
Pharisee was to trap Jesus: they
seed a man sick with dropsy in th"
rnom. whom they believed Jesus
would heal, and this being the Sah
l'ah day, they would accuse him of
'lesccrating the sabbath. Jesus know
inc thfl trickery of these people, was
ready for them.
pr;d the first 1 A verses of Euke 14.
BCatthew 22:1-14 brings a similar
narSble. Bu! in this parable we find
in5 "certain man" is God. The "many
bid'ien" are the rulers of the Jews:
the "servant" is Jesus Christ. When
the rulers refuse the invitation to
the fea;d i. e. to enter into Christ's
kingdom), the poor, the maimed, the
tiiiiitl and the lame the despised
'tnsses of the Jewish nation are in
vited. They joyfully accept and yet
i " hecause t - Kingdom
of Christ is meant to embrace all
mankind. Then Christ through His
apostles, goes out into the highways
and hedges ( i. e. into heathen lands)
Bid compels the Gentiles to come In.
He said: "Compel them," not com
manding force to be used, but in
dicating that in the case of the Gen
tiles a more urgent and presistent
kind cf rreaching must b-? used, see
ing that they were under the power
of demons.
The excuses show careless uncon
rorn. not hardened wickedness. Busi
ness occupations, family ties and var
tractirns rre v leaded as excuses for
not taking God's summons seriously.
This supper has ect God an enor-
I'anama City An uprising, which
had been planned for three provinces,
was frustrated by the arrest of Capt.
Alejandro Ramos, former police of-
ficial, and former Judge Gonzales, it
eras announced by Francisco Arias
Parades, secretary of the department
of justice. Arias reported that forty
;.f i and much ammunition had been
seized in Ramos' home in Eos Santos
province, which was to have been
joined in the revolt by the provinces
, of Kerrera and Veraguas.
V it
I sV
r s t.
v, .
For Troubles
due to Acid
JUST a tasteless dose of Phillips Milk
of Magnesia in water. That is an al
di, effective, yet harmless. It has been
the standard antacid for 50 years. One
spoonful will neutralize at once many
tunes its volume in acid. It is the right
way, the quick, pleasant and efficient
way to kill the excess acid. The stomach
becomes sweet, the pain departs. You
are happy again in five minutes.
But lon't depend on crude methods,
try the best way yet evolved in aii tbe
years of searching. That is Phillips
Milk of Magnesia.
Be sure to get the genuine Phillips
Milk of Magnesia, the kind that the
physicians prescribe.
"Milk of Magnesia" has been the
U. S. Registered Trade Mark of The
Charles II. Phillips Chemical Company
and its predecessor Charles H. Phillips
since 1875.
"I have ne-ver handled a rcn p h that gay
such wonderful results as ZINSE1P. Not
one who has taken the BBSrye ui stomach
remedy that did not obtain immediate re
sults,' writes Mr. W. P. Connor, druggist at.
Woodriver, J'ebr. End YOUR niomach mis-'
ery. Jfs GUARANTEED. At all drupgiste. It
bill tor h ear
Beer Rejected
by the House
of Suit in Partition and to
Quiet Title
Josephine Timblin.
Alfreran P. T. Wiley et al, j
Defendants j
To the Defendants: The Bank of
Cass County, cf Plattsm nth, Nebras
ka, a corporation; Ceiia Bennett,
arlfe of Wiltiam Bennett; Mrs.
Georpe "W. Worley, first real name
unknown; Wm. H. Davis: Sarah E.
Davis; Jasper A. Ware; Hiram Davis;
I Mary Jane Davis; George W. Robert
son; Tnomas McCartney; A. M. P.
Whittier. Guardian of Frank P. Whit
tier; Prank B. Whittier; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives, and all other persons inter
ested in the estates of Marion S. F.
Wiley. Celia Bennett. Mrs. Georpre
W. Work y. Wm. H. Davis. Sarah E.
Davis. Jasper A. Ware, H! :m Davis,
Btary Jane Davis, Georpe W. Robert
son. Thomas McCartney and Frank
B. Whittier, each deeeaaed, real names
unknown; and all persons having or
laiminp; any interest in and to Eot
seven t 7 i in the southeast quarter
of the northwest querter (SE:4
NV,'1! ); northeast quarter of south
west quarter NE4SW'4); Lots
three (S) and thirteen ( 1 : in the
north wesi quarter of southeast quar
ter ( WN'i jSE ) und Lots four (4)
and cipht (Si in the southwest quar
ter of northeast quarter
NEU . all in Section nineteen (15.
Township eleven (11), North Ranee
fourteen (14), East of the 6th P. ML,
in Cass county, Ntbrask;:. real names
unknown :
To the above named defendant:
The Bank of Cass county, of Platts
niotuh. Nebraska, you are hereby
notified that on the 14th day of
March. 1931. the plaintiff in the
foregoing entitled action liled her
peti'ion in the District Court of Cass
ounty, Nebraska, wherein you and
h rs are made parties defendant,
''or the partition of the following de
ribed real estate, to-wi? :
Lot seven (7) in the south
east quarter of the northwest
quarter (SEN'W'i); north
east quarter of the southwest
quarter (NEViSWi;); Lots
three (3) and thirteen (13) In
the north 1 dt quarter of the
southeast quarter iNWV;SEli).
and Lots four ( 4 and eight (8),
in the southwest quarter of the
northeast quarter (SW'jNE1 t,
all in Section nineteen 19),
Township eleven (11), North
Range fourteen (14). east of
the bth P. M., in Cass county,
among tbe parties interested therein.
to-Wit: The plaintiff. Josephine Tim
blin and the defendants: Algeran P.
T. Wiley. Mary A. Wiles. Lizzie L.
Tenkins. Barah F. ?:rith. William G.
Wiley, Rom hell N. Hecser, William
A. Wood. Cha-lie E. Wiley. Addie E.
Park. Annette ML Ellington. Warn n
f Wiley, James C. Wiley. George E.
Wil y. The Bank of Cass Comity, of
Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Helen R.
Send, Rose K. Smith and Malvern W.
Ren !. nc ording to their respective
rights and interests therein, as may
he found, confirmed and decreed by
he Court, and that all defendants
named in said petition be required to
set up and assert their claims, if
any they have in r to said real es
T.te. adverse to the owners thereof
tnd that the same he considered and
ond::ded by the decree of the Court
in.! frvr equitable relief and for costs.
Ton are required to answer said
petition on or before the 25th day
if May. 1931. or your default will be
ante red in said came and a decree in ,
partition entered therein as prayed
For in said petition.
To all of the above named defend
ante except the defendant, The Bank
nf Cass County, of Plattsmouth, Ne
braSka, you and each of you are
hereby notified that on the 14th day
of March. 1931. Josephine Timblin. ,
plaintiff herein, filed her petition in
ihe District Court Of Cssc county.
Nebraska, against yon and each of
you as defendants, the ohjert and
prayer oS said petition being l qui t
title of sai.l plaintiff and her joint
tAn ante Of record in and to the fol
lowing described real estate, to-wit:
Lot seven (7) in the south
east quarter of the northwest
quarter (8B1(W); north
east quarter of the southwest
quarter NE1, SW'i); Lots
three 3 and thirteen (13 in
the northwest quarter of the
southeast quarter t NW ' J SE ) ,
and Lot four (4) and eight (S.
in the southwest quarter of the
north-ast quarter (SWKSK),
ail in Section nineteen (19). j
Township eleven ill). North
Range fourteen 14, east of
the fth P. M., in Cass county.
and to exclude you and each of you
frees having or claiming any interest j
You and each of you are further j
notified that you are required to
answer said petition on or before;
lidn day, the 2Mh day of May. 1931.
or the allegations therein contained 1
will be taken as true and a decree
rendered against you and each ofj
you according to the praj-er of said
Dated this 6th day of April. A.!
D. 1931.
Rains that controlled a series of
furiou3 forest firec in upper Michigan
and Wisconsin last week-enrl failed
to touch the Long Lake area aud the
tinder dry slushing burned rapidly. ,
Measure Ber.ten After Earlier Action
in Favor Margin of
Five Votes
Lincoln. Neb.. April 24 By a ma-r
gin of five vote, the hill to permit
Nebraska producers of near beer to
temploy a formula used in 24 other
! states was defeated in the house of
representatives late today.
Earlier in the day the house voted,
4H to 44. to defeat c motion for
definite postponement. The vote on
passage showed 4C members In favor
j of the bill ant' 4 8 in opposition.
Defeat of the measure, introduce;.
! in the senate by Senator H. K. Ea?
, ton (den:.. Omaha). w::s brought
; about by those who asserted it was
j a measure to weaken the prohibition
; law.
If passed, brewers would have fa I n
I permitted to make beer by retaining
j the alcohol for the necessary blend
i ing, with the provision for extrac
tion cf the alcohol before the bever
I age was placed upon the mnrket.
i Other liquids brewed in this manner.
The matter of better school facill-
I ties for the village of Cedar Cr ek has
been discussed for a long t:me ad
' at a muas meeting it was decided to
ihold an election, which was done re
leetttiy and at the election the prop
osition carried by a vote ol 4 in
favor to 17 against.
Bids are being advertised by R. M.
Stivers, iderk Of the board, i-r th
construction Bf the building, whhh
are. to be opened on May 15th. The
Beard of Education is BOCQJnosad of
R. M. Stivers, director; A. G. Kwa:ida,
treasurer and li. H. sleiaingur, EQod
erator, with L. W. Shiader an 1 Joha
M. Gauer comprising the building
sf !
l7f .
. -
Advised Ccre;ntrated
Fcrces of Revolutionists De
feated ir. Dr.
CHILDREN will fret, often for no
; arent reason. Hut there's always
Castoria! As harmless as the recipe
on (he v.Tpper; mild and bland as it
tastes. But iis penile action soothes a
gcter -icrc surely than a mure
Washind do
saying the revolut:
had collapsed
Hen lun tl m le,
a youngsl
powerful n
That's t
children's r
tiniest infj
need. In
friends of the bill s?id. were Import- j frcir jjle HTondnr
ed into Nebraska from other States l"iniTiHnnr
to the extent of nine million bottles
in 1930.
j OBsaha members of the bouse who
! sought its pessage for the benefit rf
brewers there, who claim they art
! unable to produce beer under exist
ing laws to compete with that made
in other states, contested vigorousiy
. to gain the necessary 51 votes. One
.-all of the hones after another eras1
j demanded, but six members declln
ed to cast a ballot. World-Herald.
Purchas e. N. V. The royal house
hold of Sir m was installed al thc
large Ophir Hall es ate of Mrs. Wfa
law Reid as Kinrr Prajadhlpok,
Que-'ii Rambaibarni and advisers of
i the oriental monarch completed thi
12,000 mile journey from Bangkok.
, The yc ung ruler, who has trav
. half way around the world to oh
tain medb-al treatment in Am N i a
: arrived at the little suburban sta: :o'
I of Scarborough Wednesday noon and
was driven almost immediately a"r
(Westchester county to the cpecious
; estate he will call home whii& in
j this country.
Earlic v. en rd had hex Q
the r volu: i. snlsta I. tl c:
:heir forces ai ChameJscoi
defeated aitvir 4S hours
Tnform; i ion re: civ :! !:v
depar.mtnt als'j indie
turn in Iht- situation
ment. Ministar Lay. ir
dlspal tl ed Thursday i igfa
eontii ued cairn , I -: h c
and said the "rebels fa
ed heir position cuisii.'r ' '
railway south of San I
have retired srestm rd."
the- rr.ilroad was oped its
iron; Puerto Cortes t a P
Tegucigalpa, Ho- durai
srnment isued a dcree
natic;;.-.! fufids at the i
executive committee for I
of wasrlsg war against rx
which revolted several C
the nor'heast. An
number of casualties
in several clashes be4
troeps :.nd the rehehi T"
Th ur.-(i; y. Governmc
noun;ed they had cap tor
ixto Carias, a reh I oJB
hew of General Carias, tfl
iritio: I party. Thr
was aturcd rear Ben
The elder Caries has
ent military and i"
Honduras for years.
The newepsper El Puel
ed further rebel activit! of this special
sdyl it may be gicn the
as often as there is
?s of colic, diarrhea or
disturbance, it is invaluable,
:d tongue calls for j ust a few dn ps
J oif constipation; so does nay
ion of bad breath. WhcssenSf
i don't exit well, don't rest veB,
e any little upseL this pure
le preparation is usually all
- r . -
.... rK
All tl
to use
in tin
urn 11 v
sci an example for
:.l departments to
The Ptate of Nebraska. Caso coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of thai t
Alexander Jardine. deteased. n ' '
To the creditors of saicl estate: 'edn
You are hereby notified that I will I me:
sit at the County Court room in
; Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
22nd dav of May. A. D. 1931 and on
'the 28th day of Aucust, A. D. 1931.
Roman Dicz. The
another bat'Ie was
Jose Maria Refna
o. a" C.e.i.
fedfag fed
eral troops against another
at ten o'clock a. m., of each day. to merit of r.00 rebels n
receive and examine all claims ; Ferrera neT Chasnigi
gainel caid estate, with a view to
their adlustment and allowance. The
limo limited for the presentation of
claims againr.t said estate is three
months from the 22nd day of May.
A. D. 1931 ami the time limited for
payment of debts is one year from
said 22nd day of May, 19 1.
Witness my hand and the seal of
caM County Court this 20th day of
April, 1931.
(Seal) a27-3w County Judge.
cf San Pedro. State Journ;
it to tl
In the Dirtrict Court of Cass
County, Nebraska
Paul H. Gillan.
Ali.ia R. Waterman et al.
To the Defend ante Alma R. Wat
erman and Ida W. Wagner:
You are hereby notified that on the ij
ISth day of April. 1931, the plain
tiff filed his petition in the District
Court cf Cass county, Nebraska, the
object and purpose of which is to
foreclose lien of tax sale certificate
on Lots 5 and 6. La Block 10, in the
City of Plattsmouth. Cass county, j
Nebraska, and for equitable relief.
You ere further required to answer
said petition on or before Monday,
June 8th. 1131. and failing so to do. j
your default will be entered and.
Jndgscent taken upon plaintiff's peti
tion. This notice is given pursuant
to an order of this Court.
A. L. TIDD, Plaintiff.
His Attorney.
The eiy cf Or .' . I
board, have certainly tal
the right direction at t
cutting their annua! bt
tune of 87 thnoeshd clol'.'.rs.
the citj- of Omaha has dene can
tainly be followed by the sea
cities of the state Is esr
ly tbe time to reducp t: xes ha I
oossible in keeping with good CCi
and other uecccaci j ci.y cxp
Lures. The following is taken
the Omaha World-Herald:
"Greetings ana feiii : is t
Omaha school board! It !ias act!
cut the cost f th- important dc
ment of government under (ts ;i
vision. Fcr the coming school
its budget callB for 87 thousand
ilars less expenditures ti.: :i for
a. ...
tion to its
vlls afflicting our so-
a . i of commcii 1 1-
ool board."
juries r
divulge t
cy. The
ad farced Grsdy to
K place of his mor
. tund fC5 and de
as struck over the
!vcr and his skull
, physicians said.
Due roan Shorthorn Polled year-
g bu it.--Louis Friedrich.
'Thus it is desBonstrated that the &2&-2td-2tw
Iti the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of '
Amelia Helsel. deceased.
Notice of Administration.
All persons interested in said es-!
tate are hereby notified that a peti
tion has been filed in saicl Court al- !
leging that said deceased died leav
ing no last will and testament and
praying for administration upon her
t state and for such other and further
crders and proceedings in the prent
ices as may be required by the stat
"tes in such cases made and provided
to the end that said estate and all
things pertaining thereto may be !
finally settled and determined, and
That a hearing will be had on said
petition before said Court on the
22nd day of May, A. D. 1931. and
that if they fail to appear at said
Ccurt on said 22nd day of May, A.
D. 1931, at ten o'clock a. m. to con
test the said petition, the Court may
grant the same and grant adminia-'
tration of said estate to Anna Heiss!
or some other suitable person aud
proceed to a settlement thereof.
(Seal) a27-oW County Judge.
husbands wanted
who still appreaate
their wives!
F you are one and want to maK3
your wife believe you, take her a
box of candy now and then. You
may whisper "Sweet Nothings" in
her ear quite often, but nothing
"registers" like a gift, and candy is
always a welcome gift.
We sell a variety she'll be sure to
welcome Julia King's delicious
home made candies easy on your
pocketbook 80c the pound.
Biles Book and Stationery Store