THURSDAY. APRIL 23. 1931. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL Murray Department Prepared in tbe Interest of the People of Murray and Hurroundinfir Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader Economy The proper care of any machine is true economy. Say. how are your biakes: are they woiking ? And the rods in ycur motor Does the battery turn the motor over like it means business ? Tine economy is keeping the machine in perfect condition. We are here to do it. Yours for Best Service and Supplies Gas and Oils Confections ROCK CHEEK j Service Station Charles V. Barrows. Proprietor Murray Corner, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Wiles of Plattsmouth were visiting la Mar ray for a time on last Monday alter noon. Oscar C-apen of Plattsruouth has been assisting on the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wile- and getting the farm work moving along. Nicholas Friedrich was called to Nebraska City one day last wi ek : where he was looking after some bus- ! inrss matters for a short time. Frank Mrasek and the the other two trucks assisting were ovtr to ' Omaha on Tuesday with three truck i load-; of very fine hogs Irom Glen Todd. Everett Spmgler was a seller of j some very fine hog.-, having Trank Mrasek trucking some three truck loads to the Omaha market on Tues day of this week. T. J. Brands! and wife were over to Plattsmouth on Tuesday of this ! week where they were visiting v.i'h I friends and also looking after some j business matters. Thomas Nelson and James Va de departed on lest Monday going via ' Omaha, for Viriginia where they arc expecting to bring home a car load , or two of very fine horses. Arthur Troop of Plattsmouth was j a visitor in Murray for a short time aa last Monday afternoon and was lay king after some business matter. at the Nickles lumber yard. On last Saturday Mrs. R. P..' Nic- j kles and daughter. Miss Bertha, and J Mrs. Win. Srnrr were oer to Ne- I fcnupu citf MeVf DUeaVef callafS to lcok after some shipping. Edward J. Baedeker on las'. Sat- j urday. shipped a car of very fine iiogs to the St. Louis market which were arrivinsr os Monday and waxen brought near the top prices of the market. j John Nodrileman shipped saT hand of very fine cattle to the Chicago j market on last Sunday nigh, thev , going from Plattsmouth and were tracked to the loading place by ! Frank Mrasek. H. G. Manners of Plattsmouth was B visitor in Murray on last Tuesday J nd was engaged la some automobile work. Harvey is a good workman and I knows the in s and out's of The auto- J motive industry. A I ? Traced the heme of Mr. and j Mrs. Fred Svrhrader on Sunday, be j ing brought by the stork 'ind there was great rejoicing and it is report ed that all are doing nicely, and everybody happy. The Murray Lumber Yard office. has been trei'ed to a bit of the dec- .orative art. the work being den; b; John Frane was h;.. been painting the interior and say mister, it is looking fine and no mistake. Parr Young was attending Feed ers Day at Lincoln last week and en joyed the trip there very mack, and there met many friends and penpie Interested in feeding cattle and imps. The meeting was held on latt Fri- j day. Joseph Miller and the family r Mother Ka teste's at He? Best in April, and TOU ughf fee be out aajoyjng the countryside as it tin-' '-Ids itself. But. it's ;:r rtwsible to take the faliest pleasure in these out incrv unless your car's in A-l work ing ordt r. NOW. of all times, have it XtM ! right for the season. And, in all i Mr modesty, we can think of no he:ter place to have that done than right hero, at the iVBURRAY CARAC E A. D. EAKKE, Propr. mm All roads lead from somewhere and all roacs end some where. The road to success starts by an earnest en deavor to practice industry and econonry, and to bend one's best efforts to gain with each da)-. Spend less than you earn and you will accumulate. We are here to assist you in your systematic saving. Have a bank account and add to it as you can. Yours for Success The Murray State Bank 'TAerd No Substitute for Satety" Murray, Nebraska Grinding! Let us grind and mix your Poultry and Hog Feed. We do tbe job to suit you. Prices right Geo. A. Stites Grain Co. near Manley, were in Murray on last Monday, where they came to consult Dr. G. H. Giimore regarding the con dition of the health of Mrs. Miller, which has not been tbe beat for some time. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Clarence on the highway south of Murray the home was made happy by the arrival of a very fine daugh ter ul this happy couple and all do ing nicely and with the little one most welcome. All Enioy Fine Dinner. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sporer there was a merry .rowd as sembled on last Sunday consisting of the families of Martin Sporer and Chester Sporer and also Charles Sporer, making a house full and a fine crowd surrounding the dinner table. Consul-, s Her Physician. Mrs. Wm. Sporer a visitor in Omaha on last Friday where she went to consult her physician regard ing her treatment and was accont r.a; iicl by Miss Ben ha Nickles, Mrs. Slyra McDonald and Alfred Nickles. the- driving ever to the big town In the car of Miss Bertha Nickles. Feeling Effects of Fall. Mrs. W L. Seybolt who more than a -week since fell from the porch at her home and wes greatly bruised up. 's still feeling the effects of the fall very much. Fallowing the fall she was not so sore but .s the time went on her conditio?! became mere painful and she has been suffering a good deal of late. It is hoped by her mnny friends that she may soon be well again. Landscaping the Landscape. That is just what Will S. Smith has been doing for a number of day Pw . F.ffre he-ltaegoWen some good sized irees and dug a number of wells, for tbe holes where he set out the trees and with an abundance of Water, which he supplied by pl;:'-i--sr pipes to get the water to the roots of the trees, he is expecting to have plenty of shade where there was none last year. Take a glimpse at the layout weci of the store. They are locking line. Visiter1 Friends Here. On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Go. Moomey of near Wabash and Miss Mildred Butler, Omaha, were guests for the day and a very fine dinner whih waa served by Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel on last Sunday. Mes Brendel and Moomey and Miss Mildred Bulk;- were school chums together in the years which have iust slipped away which added much to the pleasure of the gathering. Visited Here Short Time. Louis J. Dallas and the family. wba so shortly niacb their home in Murray hut who but a short time since purchased a bank at Shelton, was a visitor on last Sunday at the home of his parents in Plattsmouth and or. their returning to their home Sunday evening stopped for a abort visit with their many friends in Mur- i ... . . Clicks I Cor.keyV carries t?'!m z 6eSy through the i .5 w" -: -. x ' I; 3T pf?tizinK . ajmbinj : .t! of S7 .. t . a . ir. nod con i centrsf-d sscnrM;nrrr.:U:..ntntificl I ly cos tia :'. accc as to tbs? original I Ccr. . s9. aji HP - - - j j-v i ' a any Mhad Sam F. Latta At the Farmers Elevator Murray, Nebr. h: - "fit PROGRESS I ray. Mr. Hallas is well pleased with the excellent business which his bank has been doing since he has been there. To Enter the Navy. Walter Allen was seventeen years i of age on last Saturday and had en i listed with the navy, effective when ; he should become seventeen years ; of age. and as the date was fulfilled and he wao expecting to be called at j any time he concluded that he would ! visit with his grandmother. Mrs. A.! , V. Althouse, who makes her home in Dearer, departed on last Monday' morning for a weeks' visit with the ; grandmother, fearing that ere he re- 'turned he would be called to the navy and v. u!d not get to see her , until he had served his four years. Sees the Ball Game. W. L. Seybolt, the dean of road makers, and who sure knows how they should be made and makes them that way. w:'.s over to Nehawka on last Sunday afternoon where he en joyed the ball game which was stag ed between the Nehawka team and an aggregation from Omaha, and which resulted in a victory for the Omaha team, the score being C to 2 !r. Their favor. Will Work With Dr. Giimore. That Dr. Giimore might be at lib erty a portion of the time he has interested Dr. L. B. Mover of Oma ha with him in the Murray practice and who is here and is sharing the work of the practice with Dr. Gii more and thi will allow Dr. Giimore to get away a portion of the time which he has been desiring to do. Surprise Their Friend. Or. Sunday, April 19th. Mrs. How ard Johnson passed her fiftieth birth day anniversary and the day was made most enjoyable when her sif ter. Mrs. Hugh O'Brien and family, and Joseph Miller and family. Wax Otte and family and Mrs. J. L. Breckenridge, all of near Manley. went to the Howard Johnson home of Sou til Omaha where the day was properly celebrated and the wish ex tended for many more such happy birthdays. Give Birthday Surprise. Mrs. Dan Horchar enjoyed a very happy birthday surprise party on last Tuesday when a number of friends and neighbors gathered at their home and properly celebrated the occasion, with games aid social coi. verseition und music. The happy day waa oh April 14th. and there were cards, dancing and followed by a mout deiigh'.ful luncheon. There were there for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Horchar and their little daughter, Mr. and Mrs. August Pet erei:.. Mr. .r,d Mrs. J-iseph Saforik. Mr. and Mr. August Soimoneit and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Loa as'er and family. Mr. and lira. Clarence G ary and Albert Bartlett. Presbvterian Church Notes. Sabbath school at 10 a. Morning worship at 11 ra. a. m. CO p. m. Evening service at 7:1 j (Young people's meeting). ednesday evening prayer meet ing at 7:30. You are cordially invited to wor- shin wrlth n J. C. STEWART, Pastor. ESCAPED MEN ARE HUNTED Washington Police officials aided by guards at Fort Humphreys, Va.. continued a search in the city and nearby area for two of four convicts who escaped from the District of Columbia reformatory at Lorton, Va. The other two prisoners were re captured within a short time of the break, but Paul Calvin Embrcy. tw enty year aid bandit, and Lawrence Sullivan, sentenced on larceny charge, remained at large. Blood hounds ;.nd pesse of armed guards Cram the penal institution hunted the tvo Tuesday afternoon. Embrey. Sullivtn. William Wright and Robert Wells fled in the auto mobile of John Bischoff. official of the ieformatory. farmer husband ol '.he slam Vivian Gordon, at work in the garage seised Biarhcff's car and They were when they raced awav iii It. WILL GIVE RECITAL I'ujnls of Harlan Wbisler will be presented in a violin recital Sunday, April 2G at 3:30 p. m. at Eagle's hall. Public is cordially invited. The pres ent plans for the program are as fol j lows: Herbert Neiaaa "Humorescnie" j Frank Nelson "Springtime" Alvin Johnson "Columbia" ! Pearl Tompkins "Daisy Waltz" Irene Anthes "Star Spangled Banner" jDuet "Endearing Young Charms" I Rachel Robertson"La Cinquantaine" Edna Mae Peterson "Melody in F" Piano duet "Tripping Ove;- the Lawn" Ray Rhodes "Trip Around the World" Wallace Terry berry "Bowl of Pansies" William Eers "La Sorella" Duet "Moonlight" Brers-Terry berry FOR SALE One roan Shorthorn Polled liag buil. Louis Friedrich. a20-2,d-ltw year- Journal Want Ads get resulta and the cost is very small. 1! IT any of the reaten 01 "tie Journal kdot of xu eoctU ev-tit or Item of Interest t'n this vicinity, and will mall I zno w tbla office, 11 will xu pear under this beading. We want all newie:n "'.ditoh Hit Theatre Plattsmouth, Nebr. FRIDAY - SATURDAY Geo. O'Brien in a Thrill-Packed Outdoor Drama Fair Warning Episode 3 of Serial. Comedy. News Adults, 30c Children. lOc SUNDAY - MONDAY Chas. Parrell with Mauree 0 "Sullivan in Princess arv& the Plttrafeer Ccmedy, Fables. News 1O-30C TUESDAY NITE ONLY Brcught Back by Be-qut for One Day Constance Bennett in Common Clay Your last chance Don't miss seeing it The best picture ever made. Adults. 30c Children. 10c FTBEPB00F JAIL IS NEEDED Raleigh, N. C. North Carolina Friday was hunting a fireproof jail for seven girls all who have a pen chant for setting things afire. The girls were inmates of Samarcand. state school for delinuuent girls, un til a dormitory burned last month. Then they were removed to the Robe son county jail and charged with arson. Early Thursday they set the jail afire. Little damage was done, but Bobeaoa county officials wired the state prison here they were bringing the girl here. N. A. Townend. execu tive counsel to Governor Gardner im mediately protested. 1 ' "Take them to the Wake county jail or to the Durham county jail." he said. "They're fireproof state's prison isn't. NEW AUTOMOBILE FIRM Arthur Blunt and Ray V. Bryant, well known figures in the local auto mobile circles, arc now associated to c her in the new agency just open ing for the Oakland-Pontiac autrm. a line of the best and most popular priced cars. The new agency will be located in the buHiing just west of the Egenberger st??fje and where the riew firm cspects,Co, able to stcrt in on their wofk Tq a few day-. The selling line will be locked after largely by Mr. Blunt, while Mr. Bry ant, one of the best auto mechanic: in the city, will have charge of th service department of the agency, the members of the firm planning on giving the public the very best of service in their lines. Legal and commercial printing: of .!! kinds at the Journal office. four Dress can be no Smarter than WHAT YOU WEAR BCUB A TU TTt True . . . too true! And the only way we know to keep the truth from hurt ing is to wear smart, perfect-fitting Under fashions. We mean, Mun singwear Underfashions . . . for we knoio how beau tiful they are . . . and how beautifully thev fit the figure. Made of specially processed Munsingwear Rayon . . . soft, caressing ly lovely . . . they'll wear and wash and keep their fresh-complexioned looks for simply ages! So yon can see how economical and practical they are . . . as well as being very fash ionable. Ladies Toggery "The Shop of Personal Service" Plattsmouth f fjlPfW Fourteen New Laws Signed by Governor Bryan Loaf Bread Weight Measure Become Law for 3rd Time as First Meas ures Unconstitutional Among the fourteen bills to which j Governor Bryan affixed his signature j Tuesday was H. R. 51 by Ed A. Smith of Oma'a. standard bread ! weight law which is similar to the j laws twice before passed and twice declared unconstitutional. The Mil was siened in the presence of the in- itroducer and Trnnior Cone, who in- j ! troduced at a former session one of tbe laws that was judged uncer stitutional. The ether thirteen bills which will I become laws were: H. R. 442 Introduced by Frank , I J. Klcpping of Wayne. This 1; w I requires a visible placard in pla."s j where food is served with imitation butter or cheese. R. R. 144 Introduced by R. T I Jones of Scotts Bluff and Wiiliam Iodenee of Box Butte. A law auth orizing rural high schools which hare heretofore incurred Indebted Liess to issue bonds to the eter of G pr cent of tbe aggrgate assessed I ralnatioa of its aereral school dis tricts for the purpose of raising inc-i:- c 3 to pay su'-n moeateuneaa. H. R. 149 Introduced by C. R. "urrs of Furnas, by request. Th act amends the old law which re lates to nonpolitical nomination-. The form of the petition , nd ailldavit lis set out therein H. R. 176 tntradjuced bf Walter j jR. Johnson of Douias. T'.is law pro- i vides for the publication of a cumula tire supplement to the compiled st:.- -itutes of Nebr;,sk'' 1929; and to de- j Iclare an emergency. H. R. 4 3 Introduced by Ed A. i Smith of Douglas. This law sefs out specifically the amount o' fees the i county :udre is entitled to collect iin civil matters. H. R. 4 2 Introduced by Ed A. ; ' Smith of Douglas and Senator John . W. Cooper of I uglas. This law in- I vests the county court with jurisdic - 1 tion of trust estates created by the Willi of deceased persons: provides; toe the qualification, appointment and removal of testamentary trus- ! tees, and for the management and settlement o fsuch trust estates. H. R. 177 Introduced by Henry P. Hansen of Lincoln. This is a mo tor vehicle law which provides for rules of the ro:id for motor vehicles traveling or operating on roads, ave nues or b ulevards running within, rhru cr along the grounds of state, institutions thre is also a penalty for the violations. S. F. 124 Introduced by Arthur L TTaaiiiniill of, Burt. This act re-1 Cites to the pollution ot waters of -his stall- with substances injurious to aquatic life and provides that - r porations, cities of the second clats ii d vil leges may use, or continue to Use such waters for the purpose of disrharg:::,; refuse and vr sewage therein under certain conditions. S. F. 137 Introduced by H. G. Welleni-lek of Hall. This law pro rides i hat same officer of the bank or association make a Statement of the capital siock and stockholders which is delivered to the rounty as sessor to be listed and asse-sed by assessor as intangible property. S. T. 170 Introduced by H. G. !Wellensiek of Hall. This law defines ! huri; issociations; provisions are i herein set forth for the organization j and regulation of burial associations. S. F. 235 Introduced by H. G. J Wellensiek of Hall. Provisions are made in this section for the security of slate funds deposited in banks. S. F. 2 3 Introduced by John W. Cooper. Harry K. Easton. Ous A. Dworak. William L. Randall. James A. Rodman ;:nd Representative., Wal ter R. Johnson, K-rI Kehm. Harry A Foster, EL A. Smith, W. S. Jar dine. R. W. Sited, James Kuresh Erviii 2. R.miff of Douglae. This art relates the authorization of the establishment, maintenance and oper ation of a municipal university by cities of the metropolitan class, when! bv the electors thereof. : and provides for the management and control by a board of regents and jfiw 'onferring powers and imposing du- j tics thereon, and provides for the sup port thereof thru a r.pecial tax to be levied -annually, j S. F. 220 Introduced by H. M. WA N'eubauer of Harlan. Henry Peder- sen of Webster. C. W. Johnson of wm Cheyenne and Henry Behrens of Im Cuming. This law se's out ingredi ents when u.sed in drugs, confection- Wj ! ery. ice cream or dairy products and Ug foods tlia- are deemed to be dele'eri j out to health it also deals with fjQ adulteration. EMBEZZLEMENT IS DENIED Pontine, Micdi. Willis M. Brewer, business superintendent of the state tuberculosis sanatorium at Howell, and lormer national vice commander of the American Legion, pleaded not guilty when arraigned to Oakland county circuit court on two indict ments, returned a few hours earlier, charging him with embezzlement. One of the indictments, returned by the special Oakland county grand jury, charges him with larceny by conversion from Oakland county of $5,000, allaged to have been tal in sums of $2",500 on March 19, 1929, and June 9, 1930. The oih r indictment charges him wiih embez zleing the same amounts at the same times from the American Legion chil dren's billet maintained by the Mich igan department, at Otter Lake. He s is under $10,000 bond. FOB SALE Registered Shorthorn bull, coming 4 years old. gentle, of milking train, S. J. Sprague, Nehawka, Pho?i2 1723. Berries and Fruit Trees are the Surest Protection From Crop Losses - - - SHORT Incomes resnlting from crop losses can be materially In creased by plaining' sturdy, prolific Berries and Fruit Trees from Son dereRpei. Here; you will find every thing you want in fruit and orna mental trees, flowering shrubs, small fruits and grape vines, also fruits of all kinds offered at low "direct" prices. Try to Match These Bargains For Price and (Quality Apple Trees 2K- and np t'lirrr.v lr IK' and op IV ar Trees 3Mc and up Concord Grape Vines Kc and u; 60. 000 of the popular Chinese Eire Seedlings ready. Get our prices before buying of ugonts. YOl RS FREE BIG NEW 1931 SPK1NG GARDEN BOOK "Write today for your 'REG Copy. Or drive over for a visit, lou'll always be welcome. Cart StnUtrtggtr U i wars in Hamhmta Beatrice. Jfebr. 4 itiirl LEADERSHIP TRAINING SCHOOL aid like to Inc ! their knowledge and enlarge their vis-ion ana become more efficient in Leadership Training ScAool! (carrying on their Christian work Where? In tbe Erangeliea church -vithin the crurcb. at Ifur dock, Neb. Wbaatt The first Knroll new! Please mail your reg five evenings in M;:y from 8:00 p. m. juration to the registrar as soon as to 10:00 p. m., r"d on Sunday frors ,, gibfe or by pi ore at your earliest 3:00 p m. to 3:00 p. m. convenience. H. R. Knoep, Regis- Wnat c ourses are offered? exurse : ;.o. 1, "The study c;i me Pupil. iText book to be used, "The Growth of Christian Personality. "Thif course will be taught by Bar. J. C. White of Lincoln. Course No. 101, i "The Life cf Christ. "Text to be used. "The Life of Jesus." Thi : course will be tn crarc2 of Kev. j. I A. Klein. Elmwood. Coarse No. 202, j I "Story Telling in Religious Eda 1 ion." Mrs. Etta Warner, Li Ln will toe the tearlier. Coarse No. 306, "Materials and Methods oi' Vocation- ! al Guidance." Rev. Nennerg of Murdock will teach this course. Is this school fully accredited? Tea I vtcia . i. wui t u ir i ra ii iiiTjii ut. tui 10 j 1 "'!! . . , . c , . 1 iterl fraVm TnlutMi'itirmal CoUBcil of Religious Education. Who is eligible to take a course in his school? Any one who is more :han sixteen years cf ago and who is Interested in hariag more efficient leathers in the Bible schools, and at Nehawka Auditorium Parlor, Bed Rsosn Saturday and Sunday April 25th, 26th 'Buster' Ksaton AROTONE xauanananLBnunnnnnN a marvelous new POPLIN shirt for Spring ARROW SANFORIZED-SHRUNK GUARANTEED FOR PERMANENT FIT Stylish colors blue, gray, tan, and green, with attractive hair-line stripes each with a perfect Arrow Collar attached. See them in our Booth at the Legion Building Wescott's Carl So nde regge r $153.42 the First Year from $22 Investment Edith Allen. Mc Cracken County, Kan sas, made this amount last year from 600 Raspberry plants. Ton can do as well. Pleased Buyers Tell the Story of Our Service If you could see the hundreds of let ters we have re ceived from custom era who are more than pleased with B O X Lt EI'. K' K stock and service, you would not hesi tate one minute. Street tr;ir Murdock. Ne br. A hand tooled handbag for mother is a fitting gift for Mother's day and one will be treasured for year? See the large and select line at the Bates Book & Gift Shop. S-p-r-a-y YOUR Orchard and Garden? WITH Sherwin Williams INSECTICIDES Cleaner Frait Less Scab Oft Less Rust Fewer Culls Thus Insuring Longer Life for your Fruit and Shade Tree. S. W. Arsenate of Lead S. W. Dry Lime and Sul phur S. W. PestToy S. W. Fungi Bordo S. W. Paris Green FOR SALE F Q- Frkke & Co. Store ' 9 Wmhbh IS HERE!