TETTBSDAY. APRIL 1G. 1931. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE SEVEN Hurra v Department 1 twrv it 'Bf lute-rest of itie t'noDio o' Vurrav nd "'irrounding Vicinity Especially for the J mm' Ke.ie Economy The proper care true economy. Of any machine is iav. how are your brakes: are they working? Ar.d the rotls hi ycur motor Does the battery turn the motor ever lilfe it mea.as business ? True economy is keeping tin machine in perfect condition. We are here to do it. Yours tor Best Sen-ice and Supplies Gas and Oils Confections ROCK CREEK Service S.Gost Chailes V. Barrows. Murrav Corner, Proprietor Nebr. B' nd concert and nlnte suvP?r Wednesday evening. April 22nd. at Lewis-ton Community Center. Price 36 cents. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Barrows were pt Omaha on last Sunday where they were guests at the home of a cousin of Mrs. Barrows for the day. Thomas Nelson was a visitor for a short time at Wyoming on Sunday where he was visiting with friends for the morning, he driving down in his auto. T. J. Brendel and the good wife were over to Plattsmouth or last Sunday where he was exiling an their friends. Col. M. A. Bates and wiie c.f that p!ue. Wither Hewitt i-. ieearaUBC hc in'erior of the home of Mr. and Mis. Otto Puis, and will also paint it out side as well which will make the place look entirely new again. Herman Reicke was delivering lumber from the Nickles Dumber yard to one cf hi farms n-":r WW - tag Water which he is to use in re- pair work and small buildings. John A. Da'is was shelling and delivering corn to the P. A. EUld elevator formerly the Farmer ele vator, the corn being deitreted by Frank Mrasek and Wm. rtervps. Richard Brendel was visiting f ir the day on last Thursday at the home of a sister of Mrs. "Brendel. they making the nip to Ri.-ing City in their auto, and enjoyed a very fine time. Ap-il 14 Word received by Mi-. J. P.-Jlouglus of Murr; ;. rf the 1111-- of her father. Mr. H. L. Ph arris, who just rwt'iuly vt leru-ated the.r gsi3-i wedding anniversary near COKJClR, South Iakota. Fred Nutzman of Nehcwka w.:: a business visitor in Murray on a day afternoon of this week, visiting with friends as well as looking after some business and at the sa'me time Bjl lllL purchase cf some clover seed. Rcy Howard was in town on Mon day afternoon for some materir ls for the manufafiure of sou e brooder houses for thc caring for some eight hundred chicks which they have at this time and are expecting t;. have more. John - Koddlemnn v:;ts shi; pl'is BCme very fine cattle to the ChJcagpS mark" ly this week th cattle beiiiR trucked to iPlattsmou'h icr loading by Frank and Earl Mrasek. They were shipped via the Burling ton road. Mrs. S;.m F. Dutta who has been ill for so long is reported as 1-einr; iuu h improved at this time and was able t: take a short waiV. Oul in the sunshine Easter and a3mm cooked the dinner on Monday oi th.is week. This is good news for their many friends Who are pleased at her taprovemeatii Frank M. ltfnirlfi of near Nehawha v.ri!- a visitor jp Murray on Monday afternoon of this week and was look ing -ifier some business matterf and also brought hi? sn;.. Dowel! Massie to Murray to catch the train to Oma ha, where he was going to ppend two days and n'uh's with his little nep hew. Randall H ba k. w' : is conval escing and who is expected home from the hosi ital the lauer part of this week. Entertainment Pot Next Sunday, It wasannn'tn"fcM some weeks since that the gospel team frcm the Firs; Christian church of Lincoln wonld give an entertainment here and a program was distributed announc ing ttie manner of he entertainment, but from some unavoidable reason. th y were not permitted to appear the date atinounced. antl fcdlow Ing that they h've had every dnt filled until now, and it has been ar rangtod that they shall come for tne coming Lord's day which v.ill be For Baby CMcfes Conker,- carrirs thou lately tiirccgh the CTitiral C.-st fi weeks. It iz an appgtirtng OoanxaastSoa cf pure, pwcc uiain nnJ c on-cer,ir-'..d saratcry Butterrr Jc. scieatifici:'. .v combined acccrding to the original . . au NOW coctaiiu Y-O slraathr mixec la. Sam F Latti At the Farmers Elevator Murray, Nebr. J X. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE STATE 01 jjJuaay, Nebr. 578 in the Si ; t- Charter No. Ne- I.ra-ka at the close of bu.. April 11th, lMl. RESOUIU discounts . ES Loans anc 118" ,11.S 210.04 Overdrafts Bunds and acwriUas (exclu sive of a.li reserve! Judgments and Claims Banking house, furiiitiire and '.o.fi:. ;..:;; :.:. Id fixtures Other real estate . . Cash in Bunk and J ue from National am1 State Banks subject to ehe-ek.S 4 ((-,7 1 3,m!M IS Cheeks and items of exchange .... ! I". S. bonds in c ash reserve I total 821.18 ,793.50 58,188.11 .9304,541.83 LIABILITIES ; c-a-ital stork . $ 1 Surplus fund i Undivided profits (Net) ! Referve for Dividends, Con- -..ono.oo 7.O0W.00 1.7 -!'."7 , tinpencfts. Interest, Taxes. ' etc i Individual deposits I subject to cheek . $ SV::7.Y71 Time certificates of , deposit I73.f1."i i Casniers ehecka . . :10.6S ;lue to National 6c i State Banks .... 1S.0J7.1j rte-disconnts Bills pa valde I Depositors guarantee fund.. 4.8SJ.S6 ,r,t:..i9 none none :.4 4. 41 TOTAL . .$ :n :.:4i:: State of N-hiaska ss. i County of Cas I. W. :. Boedefcer. President f the al've named hank lo solemnl - sv e-ar Itbfcl thc above statement is a true and eerrect cop of the report made to the I Department of Trade and commerce. W. G. Bf'Bl'KKKi'. (Attest: President. ; PRIED 1. NUTKMAHt director. LEO.N'A EOEDEKE!:. Iirector. Sunsc-u d this 15th day fS.-al a?d sworn to before MM of April. 10H1. 1Z. 8L TUTT. Kotary Puldhi tSFy oomrn li sion expires Mar. 17. 193G. April 19th and will be at the ChHti , tian church in If array. Keep j ur , eye on this drte for you will miss a ; great deal if you fail to be then i and enj' y the excellent entertain i ment wnich will be provided. Entertained Friends Sundav. Mr. and Mrs Earl Dane aster find 1 the family entertained rt their home I in Murray on last Sunday and bad a number of their friends fVrf the 1 dry and for .the excellent dinner which was served. There were ther for the occasion: Everett Lancaster : rvly f .Nehn-'-k.i. hn Enn- Enga and family of Murdock. Jarvis E. Lancaster and family of eas-. of Murray. Miss Bessie Royer ar.d Mr. Curtiss Farris of Murray. Hold Excellent Meeting. On Friday of las week the Mur ray Woman's Club entertained and were entertained by some twei.ty members of he Women's Christian Temperance Union cf Plattsmruth i who put cn i retry wwthwhile pro i gram RBd n "rn were served by : excellent luncheon by the Murrav , ladies. A1! counted the meeting one of the -"cry bes and r. re rnuni'n; when thev ran meet together again in nice capacity. Entertain Woman's Club. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boedeker on Tu sd: y afternoon of this week the following Jive iMStSSnSsi entertained the members of the Mur- : ray ornan s club w hen they were treated to a most worthwhile pro gram. The hostesses beine Mesdames i C H. Boedeker, w. s. Smith, c. D Springier. W. E. Macky snd Chas. Bart own. Receives Car Load of Materials. Get 'rr- E Mlekles recoived a car load of steel posts, woven wire fenc ing, '"barbed wire and nails, on las Monday, the si ipTifi being m:d to rim but being for him partly and in part for the P'nsrer Itinfther eomnanr I Of Weeping Water, Paul Ward and iWm. Frizzle both with trucks Bran i Weeping Water were over on last Monday for their portion of the con signment which went to the Weep ing water parties. Both Messrs. B:n ger and Nickles saved much in freight in the dual shipment. This will be sed fl to the consumer. I E;:'rr Partnership. Oeorge Nickles of the Murray lum ber company furnishing the lumber and tve members of the 4-H club do ling the work, eaeh member made an individual feeder at the lumber yard recently, the fo'iov.iftg in the roaster of the club which did the work with John Hobscreidt as the j leader of the club: Robert Wolfe. Rale Hansen, Eugene Nolte. Sidney Mother Nature's at Kef Best j in April, and you ought to be out ti'oying the countryside as it un- ! folds itself. But. ifs impossible to ''alee th fullest pleasure in these out- : ings unless ytmr car's in A-l work ing order. N0W of all times, have it fried J right dor the season. And, in all rlue modesty, we tan think of no I be-ter place to have that done than , right here, at the MURRAY CAR ACE A. D. BAEKE. Propr. Cook, Bruce Cook, Vers ile Pullen, Ethan Allen. Gwendolyn Hansen, Harold Lancaster. Margy Lancaster, Emil Hobsc-heidi. John Hobscheidt, Georpe Hobscheidt. George Thomp son. Ralph Timm. James Schafer. Jaiiu'i HesKeufh.w. Florence Schafer, Dale Wolfw .irth. Marion Wiles and John Roddy. Meets Wi.h Accident. Rarl M'-asek. while working on the road outh of Murray, had occas ion to cut some small trees to get them cut of the way of the work. accidentlv J ' ' " v mmm Men gashed his ankle and has caused this excellent ycung man to tak the fight a slightly bU eaesier as he is very lame over tne wound. He is game though, and is keeping the work done as he drives a truck. When he gels se;;te(i at the wheel he can handle the iob. but trettinir jta and out of the truck is some job. Building Garage. E Award Rruhacher of Plattsmouth, father of Gussie Brubacher, of the firm of Tutt and Brubacher of Mur ray, was in Murray during the eariy portion of thin week and working with the son Gussie, they construct 'ng a garage a the home of Mr. Bru bacher which Will make it very nice as it will provide a place for Gussie to keep his ear at home. Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. Mr. t)nd Mrs. H. P. Pharris cele brated their goV'en wedding on Thursday. Anril 2nd. at their home 1T miles southwest of Colome. S. D.. making the mrarttm R retl one by all t' " '-liiidren be'ng oreseiP to erify the dinner. Many gifts were received by 'hose parents. Those present were as follows: Mr. ?nd Mrs. John Phtir ris arid famiiy. of Long Pine. Neb.: Clyde Pharris and daughter. Aileene cf B:.yrd. Neb.: Mrs. T. E. Buek les of Omaha. Neb.: Mrs. Jack Doug las cl Mtirrav. Neb , her daughter. Mrs. R-h-rd Williams of Plitts mottth. Neb., and dausrhter. Rasa leene who is the creat granddaugh ter of the Phrrris family, also Mrs. Nellie Pharris and daughters, Ilda. Ogle and Irleenc. of Colome. S. D. The t'ay was enjoyed by all. Injured In a Fall. When Mrs. W. L. Sertoli had step ped out the re :r door of their home, in doing he" work .she slipped and fell from the steps, striking on her neck and shoulders, which gave this e xcenetit wpm;-a some severe bruises, and a!: ot. Ift 'i her up from her or dinary -h;Ti'rl-i-,!ii rrTTles. rlrm-v(-'. she i& titling along nicely as there were no broke", bones. Building: Fine Trailer. A. G. B;Jtk with the workmen art the Murray garage, hare been husy with the construction of a four wheeled trailer built from the chasis of a model T Ford a good one. this i and which makes capable of hold- ing a ten ar.d a half of E"raii! a-; : that weitrht of around to the finished trailer ther materials. Drop garage and see the in a few days. Sappy Hustlers. Happ; Bustiers held another interes' ing meeting at Lcwis f'ommur.ity Centei Wednesdr." na; with most of the members Tl very ton even present! County Agent D. D. Wainscott took charge of the meeting and gav the lub quite a vocabulary test. Mr. Rehmcyer. Mr. Lon organ and Armstead Nelson were also present at the meeting and gave a few words. It was decided that :he club wonM co (o Murrij Saturday and bui?:i theii self-feetlers which Mr. Geo. Nickles gave to each member. They met a the lumber yarl about 9 o'clock antl mrsi of them had their feeds huilt by twelve. After lunch. Mr. Smith lined the club up in front of Ihe lumber yard with their feeders' and took a picture of them. They marched up to the Hard ware' store where Mr. Nelson gave each one a hog trough and had their pictures taken in front of the store tth them. The Lewiston band played and each one was treated by most of the business men. Everyone enjoyed the day very much and appreciate every thing that was given to them. We know our pigs are going to grow faster tnan ever with the new feeders and ho;i luuiiha An Evening of Music. The Gospel team of 11 young men from the Linctiln Christian church will present a fine program of gosp 1 music Sundav evening at the Mur ray Christian church. The program will begi at 8 o'clock promptly. Dome and worship with us in the spirit of song and prayer. BAKE CLOSED ARBOL DAY T:ie Murray State Ba::k will not be open for business cn Anril 22. m r w Wednesday cf next week. Arbor Day. Plant a Tree. MURRAY STATE BANK. Presbyterian Churcn Notes. Sahbath school at 10 a. m. Morning worship at 11 a. m. Bh -.-ning service at 7:30 p. m. (Young people's meeting). V ednesday evening prayer meet ing at 7:30. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. J. C. STEWART. Pastor. 1 f ..i y or the readrni or tee Journal kDpr Of atj -Jf . vent or Item of Internal, Is i: vicinity, and Will mall lime lot.hih office. It will tj wtr unPer this ituiu want all riewf items Koitob - i Ritz Theatre Plattsmouth. Nebr. I BED AY - SATURDAY Maricn Davies in Her Crowning Comedy Performance The Bachelor Father and Episcde No. 2 of '"The King of the Wrd." Adults. 3 Kids, lOc SUNDAY-MONDAY-TUESDAY AMOS 'N' ANDY in Check and Double Check The Miracle Stars of Radio. Your last chance to see it. It's a Scream. Sunday Matinee at 2 : 30 Matinee prices 10-25C Evening prices 10-30c Father of Griffith in Omaha To Aid Son Wanted in Connection With Death of Officer Sulli van in Holdup Omaha Edgar L. Griffith. Hous ton. Tex., insurance s:.lesnian. has : arrived here to aid his son. William. ! seventeen, who is one of three I youths charged with murder of Po ' iice Officer James Sulliv;.n, in a fill ing station robbery here ten dfys j ago. Detectives are now bringing the younger Griffith back from i Stockton, Calif., where he was ar rest el last week. The elder Griffith liVmself served ! four years in the Nebraska peniten- tiary for murder after he had been cor.vieted of second degree murder in Kimball county. Neb., in 1925. Griffith war. tried on a cliarge of slaying a man alleged to have been friendly with his wife. The Griffiths, estranged since his Crial and prison sentence, met here Tuesday, and friends suggested thai a recowefliatiox might he effected. Stockton. Calif. Detective Ser gei nts H. L. Borowiak and W. E. Conley of the Omaha police depart ment arrived here Tuesday to return Iwflliam Griffith. sevent i. wsnted I in Omaha for murder it; connection with the killing of n police- pfflcer in Ja service station holdup tbere April i 4. Griffith was arrested t the home of bis grandmother hre las wck. The rflicers questioned Griffith but he would make no additional state ments. Last week Griffith admitted 'taking part in the holdup but Seat) firing any shots. The Omaha officers e::pc"t to stnrt their return trip late Tu sftav. State Journal. PURCHASES HAMBUPGEE STAND From Wfdnfsi'ftV1' OsSt The New Way csntle, hamburger stand, at the corner of Sixth and i Vine streets, has been disposed of oy the owner. Frank Freeley. to J. P Johnson and son. Walter Johnson The few owners took orer the hand1 itig of he business of "the place las I evening and were busily engaged in looking after the meds or their pat j rons Mr. ( reeley has been quite I successful in the operation of the ; New Way Castle and under his man ! agement the business has grown a i great deal. The new owners are well known in the city and should secure a real success in their business ven ture. WILL GIVE PLAY The E'srht Mile Grove Lutheran church Sundav school will gave a play. "The Old Fashioned Mother," on Tuesday evening April 21st. com mencing at S o'clock, at the church parlors. Admission, adults 35c. chil dren. 10c Refreshments. Every one cordially invited. al6-2tw-4td. SEED CORN Extra early white, red cob. shelled and graded. $2.50 per bushel. C. C. Barni.rd, Mynard. phone 4023. al6-4tsw. Brood Sow and Community SALE An offering of well bred, vac cinated Duroc Jersey brood sows will be held at my place two miles southwest of Mur dock, on Tuesday, April 28th. Let me know at once, if pos sible, what you have to con sign to this sale. 1 will accept anything but hogs. More Details will be Given Next Week Martin Bornemeier Cass County Farm Bureau Notes Copy furnished from Office of County Agent Wainscott hi. Mather's Day. Through a- :ti- of CouMI tiss, t1 second Sundav of AJp.y has been s up;, it as Mather's Day. Songs, read ings, lecitatic ns. sh.idow pictur e etc. effer nmry possibilities for an interesting program Honoring Tn thers. Extension circular 548, Mo ther's Day Progr-im, containing many of the above stti.fvsvions. ma ' be hd by writin? or .allirg at tne Farm Bureau office. Club Week Annouiccments. , Preliminary announcements abrrt jthe 1931 club week which is he'd on ! the agricui -ural college campus in Lincoln during the first week in June indicates that more than 400 Ne braska 4-H club members will at tend, according in information reach ing the Farm Bureau office. Eighteen club members from thi countv will attend the annual fes- itivities as trip winners. They in ! elude James Wail. James Schafer. Mildred Smith. Arnold Stohlman. ' Norman Gakemeier. Glen Henegar. Warren Fager. Ruth Jean McLenon, Clarice Hottle, Harriett McCarroll, j Martha Upton, Katherine McCarroll, Gwendolyn Slites. Edith Foster. I Frieda McCarroll, Genevieve Becker. Arduth Martin and Evelyn Sumner. During the time the boys and girls are at the college of agricul ture for the week, they will attend classes and be entertained. All will be housed in buildings on the cam pus and the club members will be un der careful supervision throughout the week. 0 In addition, educational excursions for the visitors are planned for eve ry afternoon. The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and agricultural col lege banquet, the University 4-H i club e vening and a trip to Omaha iare planned for the boys and girls. I Club Week was originally plrnned I for trip winners altho clubs over the state have been sending delegates in jthe past few years. 4-H. dubs In this I county are urged to send delegates to club week this year. Local lead ! ers are also invited to attend. Appli cation blanks are available at the agent's office. Many Attend Group Achievements. One hundred seventy-five members and visitors, attended the prroup i achievement programs held at Weep- ing Writer and Murdoch. Thursday 1 . and Friday. April 9 anel lo. In the group singing. Maple- Crove : Club from he Weeping Water group irnd Swas'ika Club from the Mur I dock group placed first. These clubs will s'ng at the county mixer with the winning clubs from the other T ur grodps. j Mrs' Vtn. ' Ost and Mrs. R. A. ' Kuchn. presided at these meetings. The Elmwood and Alvo gToups will hold their programs April IS and ! !). and April 21 and 22 are the dates i for the Murray and Louisville achi- i eve merits. What 90 Farm Records Show. Summaries for tve ninetv farm j record books completed in the coun- ; Ity for 1!"0 show very poor returns ; ' com pa red with 1929. The .-'era?? labor and manage- meiht wage last year was S1.57S. af j ter all the expenses, depreciation, j jand 5 interest on the Investment I had been dedoted. Compared to thi: figure is p minus figure tif fl, 94X6 j for 1930. The average of the thirty i most profitable was $37.00. I The rate earned on the investment j j on the average of the 90 farms was j 1.37. The average for the thirty I most profitable was 3.19 and fori jthe thirty le.'st profitable was i 2.91. The highest farm in the group i paid 7.37 nd the lowest 6.63. The average of the 109 farms in 1929 mare 5 interes-. on the in- J , vestment. There are the chief reasons why Oass countv farms did not pav ps large s TBi'e o" the mve-me-nt in 193 as in 1929: First is tte lower prices received , for nroducts sedd. Second is the poor crop yield. Thirti is the 'shrink" in inveii- j tory. In the cae of number one. very 1 little can be done by one individual i toward raising the price of farm p redacts, however some have taken j advantage of the seasonal market i fluctuations, as. in the case of hogs j I he seasonal market is generally highest in September. Some farmers, ; j by the use of hog lot sanitation, were I tiiile to get their spring pig crop to : 200 pounds to six to seven months sind ha this wey received from nine to I ten cents per pound compared to six dad a half to seven and a half in I November and December when the j heavy runs came and the market i was the lowest. The case of the crop yields, of coarse, was beyond control because of the lack of moisture. The shrink in inventory was the loss taken cn livestock and grain from the first of the year to the last. Although this 1 might seem like a paper loss Itw as an actual one. If prices do not go be Ifiw the present level this loss will : not be taken on the 1931 books. In conclusion we might so that Cass county farms were not paying j 5 interest on the investment last j year. D. D. Wainscott, Jessie H. Baldwin. County Extension Agents, i FOB SALE Fresh Polk.ck, Guernsey cow Phone 3103. s. Likewise & Murray. Nebr. When seeking a gift for Mother's day call at the Bates Book & Gift Shop. A wide range of beautiful gifts that will suit any taste. Ask Carl Sonderegger APPIJE TREES 20c AND UP n'RAPU YilVES "Richared" The Delicious Apple Supreme Poiieiw 11 thf Sand qudllte ' flavor, tfxlure. size and thar of the common Deltrioug. But lias Ml id Md color which treat ly Increase attractive neat and tnarke; value Heady for picking about two weeks ahead of rtculir nellr-tout. See free book (or prices. c.- A.N D LP BARGAINS in Chin es-e Elms SS.0C0 Chinese Elra Heed! inc. now ready. Oct our price before buying Irani aeanu. THOUSANDS of PLEASED "Von aend sturdy trees, well r tamer than ordered." write Karl Sanaa. You. too. will be pleaaed '!. full Welter of ram Sonderegger Nurseries ZXl COURT ST. BEATRICE. NEBRASKA Missouri River Fishermen lo be Granted Relief Permission to Use Seines in Fish irj: in Stream Iz Advanced in Legislature. The Missouri river fisiiernien who have in the past made a very com fortable living in securing fish for the markets of the central west, have in the last two years suffered from the law regulations that forbid the use of seines as they have found it impossible to secure sufficient amounts of the fish to make the com mercial business a very profitable one. A relief is promised, however, by the present legislature in the Rod man bill, senate file 84. and which would permit the use of seines of two inch mesh or greater in their fish ing work in the big muddy. The past year has found the local fish market as well as othT towns along the Missr.uri. suffering from the (.-fleets of the law that is now in force and which has curtailed the activities of the fishermen in being able to supply the demand. One of the moves of the opponents Of the seining bill in the house was to require the giving of a bond for $200 by those who proposed to use .seines In their fishing activities, but this was vcted down, as it would serve to bar the poorer i lasses from being able to engage in fishing and from which they derive their living in the summer and fall seanefla. The measure is of a great deal of interest at Plattsmouth as well as ether river points as a great many of the local people engage in fish ing and derive a very fair income from it when it is possible to secure fish for i fie market, but with the seines forbidden the return to the fiheimen has not been as large- as in the past. AUCTION SALE! i:oo O-Clock P. M. Saturday, -at Valiery Sale Pavilion Fkttsmouih, Nebr. Live Stock - Implements - Harness Household Goods THE FOLLOWING MANY GOODS TO Household Goods Consists of Beds, Bed Springs, Mattresses, Pillows, Oil Strve and Oven, Chairs, Rockers, Axminister and Vel vet Rugs, Congoieum Rugs, one Davenport and Chairs. Kitchen Range. Dining Room Table and Chairs, Lamp. Dishes, Cooking Utensils, Tubs, Boilers. Carpenter Tools. Double Barrel Shotgun and man.- other articles. Live Stock We start the live stock sale with an 8-months-old police dog. Bring in your live stock. Small commission charge. Implements of AI! Kinds One new Rock Island 2-row narrow track seeder with Island 6-inch burr grinder, uine, harness and manv other articlt Anyone Wanting to List Goods in These Sales Call Telephone No. 92 Rex Youngr, Auct. Dr. O. Sandin, Clerk For his 1P31 FREE Garden Book, packed with valuable informi.tton and prices on fruit and ornnmental trees, flowering shrubs, small fruits and prapc vinea, also seeds of all kinds. Gu the benefit of bis 45 years' experience in the nursery and seed business. Quality witn low prices. Wrtte Today For Your Copv of New 1931 Catalog. TRuES AND I CUSTOMERS rise or Brinkly. today. Low Direct Prices No Agents CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The- subject of the Lesson-Sermon read at all Christian Sciene-e ihwcfcss and societies on Sunday, April 12. was "Are Sin, Disease, and DeatH Real?'' All the selections read go to SahoW that all discordant effects with mortals RBtnlt from their Ignorance of God. and that Christ Jesus' he-ring works were the natural outcome of his correct understanding of :.! an'! InteHigi nt obedience to divine law. One of the citations from the K!ble reads. "For God hath not gives us the spirit r.f fear: but of pe.v. r and of love, and a siund mind." 'part of one of the citation.-- read fro-. ' "S'ience and Health with Kev I Scriptures." by Mary Baker J'dd '(p. 472) is as follows: "All realit, lis in Gd and His creation, harm m Liens and eternal. That which H creates is good, and He makes iJl that is made. Therefore the oul : reality of sin. sickness, or death i ithe awful fact that unrealities e-n i real to human, erring belief, ui ' God strips off their disguise. T! : iarj not true, because they art- not of God." p. f. f. club :.:eets From Tuesday's Dailv The P. F. F. Club met last even ing at the home of Mrs. Frank Mul len, the ladies spending the evening in the playing of pinochle and Si which much pleasure was derived. In the awarding of prizes the first was won by Mrs. Henry Hitzmann. Che second by Mrs. J. P. Johnson and the third bv Mrs. Lon Henry. At be i conclusion of the evening tlainty re- jfreshments were served by the hostess that added to the enjoyment of the , evening. AGNES KNOFLICKOVA Teacher of Viclin imlio Oa Onk Si. I'lul t'liiuul h Pho:u Ncler. t:. i April 18 IS A PARTIAL LIST OF THE BE OFFERED IN THIS SALE: buster, one Peoria 1 1-foot grass attachment, one Rock one 2,2"b. p National ert- a not mentioned.