THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1931. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE THREE 0e plattsmoutb lournal j PUBLISHED SLMI-WEEXLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofi'ice, Plattsmoutb, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR IN FIRST POSTAL ZONE Subscribers living In Second Postai Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond 600 miles. $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries. $3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly In advance. India has earned her salt at last. :o: A high-brow is a person educated beyond his intelligence. :o: Apparently some folks get married just for the sake of argument. :o: If riches didn't have wings they would be unable to roost so high. : o:- The highwayman holds up other people in order to support himself. :o: No, Dorothy, a yes-man is not a fellow who always says, "Oh, yeah!" : b : In the Old burial ground of ancient Jehrico relics of the bronze age have been discovered. :o: Trying to keep down the running expenses of a car so you can keep up the payments on it. i :0: Al Capone says he wants to retire 1 permanently. Well the courts seem to be doing their best to help him. :o:- "India tied to Gandhi's apron strings. Headline. We are glad to know what that thing he wears really is. o : Most utrlmMi truffle hn7.:irds are taken on impulse; they are incident " - " . I ' , . . ..Ihorror and havoc of the earthquake to the procedure ot the driver at the j . . ! which destroyed Managua, capital of moment. 'Nicaragua. - on spaghetti, We have not yet been informed whether it is or by the yard. ad valorem :o:- The New York Stock Exchange is to erect a $10,000,000 annex. It will be known, undoubtedly as. the house that jack built. :o There is not much dancing merri- ment, however, in the hearts of auto-I ists whose cars insist upon waltzing i pn the slippery pavements. The theory that it takes six erations to make a gentleman has long since been abandoned. . Now it takes about six good days in the j ma rket. :o: The little principality of Monaco comprises only eight square miles. but it's not too small to escape the i current European vogue of establish- ing battleships. :o: Some one complains that p:ize fighters make more money than Sen- to ators, but this only shows ycu can do better waloping a man into dream- evanescent, fleeting, precarious and 1 Panama wateis, declares that sur land than you can by talking him to ! impermanent. craft are more formidable than sleep .;0; It will certainly be a good joke on j the rich folks when they get all the that the American school had to most valuable adjunct to the navy, money. Then they will have to give wait for a business depression to be j but insists that it should be recog the rest of us a start in order to recognized, but that is what happen- j nized as a material aid only, have the fun of taking it away from led and they will make the best of it The Admiral affairs that aviation us again. if they are more wise than proud. jcannot sink a battleship; that when the sun ike of an aerial bombard- $ $ $ $ $ $ CONSIGNMENT hWTim 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. and 7 P. M. to 11 P. M. Furniture Every Wednesday Automobiles Every Saturday Time Payments to Suit Hundreds of Automobiles thousands of Furniture Values. Always open for inspection and consign ments. Consign your furniture or car to us. We will advance money at once if you desire. FREE! FREE! Theatre Tickets Every Hour Electric Clocks every Furniture Sale Date De Luxe Rear Vision Mirror and Clock Every Automobile Sale Date Excellent Sale Pavilion Ample Seating Capacity mm sales cm?m 1709 O Street LINCOLN The Greatest Auction House in the West The prices of diamonds were cut in half In Amsterdam recently: The way of all fl;;sh! :o: Little is heard of the unwritten law any more. It is one of the few laws not violated. :o:- Once it was modesty, but now it ! makes a feJloW smile to see girls hide 'their pegs, because to show 'em's out jcf style! :o: Why is it that when a person calls a floor number in an elevator it sets off all other occupants to calling their numbers? :o: The trial and conviction of Bro thers is the "biggest frame-up" AJ Capone ever heard of. and Al has heard of some good ones. :o: A Zion City man offers proof that thn lrnrlrl IC flflt nincf ll'IVO htitin ll" ' . M-i r cr t f i , 1 1 . m t mp t 1 1 t ri o i n - l" jitution for which he works. -:o- Side streets used to be quiet be cause they escaped the heavy motor traffic, but there are no quiet streets since the radio came along! :o: At a distance of several thousand mUm ? tm .lift' intuit tt il'i 1 i 7t The statesman, by the way. whojmensely stiffen the morale of all is in the shadow of the white house! those in both the states and the na ln these re-campaign days may findjtion who have assumed the offensive later that it's equally shady in the ; against the great predatoty power 'tall timbers. :o:- Rubber wheels are going to be ! 'used on the dining cars in France, The only trouble with this is that I . r i;i 1 K ......... tne noisy eaier is -iiheiy w uetume conspicuous. Guam is to have a congress model- ed after ours, which means that Guam gen-(might as well consider itself elimln-J - ated as a possible vacation spot for , our president. I :o: Gov. Pinchot has undertaken the . job of refouning the official letter i writing of Pennsylvania, and in this I praiseworthy ambition he has out" : moral support. :o: Gcvernor Roosevelt, we read, "is amazed by his popularity with the Democrats." He should not permit it turn his head. Popularity with:jf the Democrats is a Mayfly, a bubble, :o: n is not especially cuiuiuiubuuii j i , either to painters or connoisseurs ! $ $ $ $ $ $ FRE NEW YORK IN THE THE WORLD OF NATURE POWER BUSINESS There is a convincing warmth in New York will invest $170,000,000 ,the air a sati8fyins freshnefl8 atxut in the generation of power on thejtho wjnd and a deeper. blue in the St. Lawrence River and distribution gky are cetain to WQrk some Of the product over State-owned lines wUh aU Qf us. u js qute uae to towns in Northern New York. pretend to B thoroughly so- i nus. aiter zu years, a oattie in which the example of cheap power I from the publicly owned hydro-elee-tric plants of Ontario has fought j sturdily upon the side of those who I sought economic parity for the Am lerlean side of the river, a project (even greater than Muscle Shoals has moved to consummation in one of the states while the huge plant which Uncle Sam built on the Tennessee River lies virtually idle in the re fusal of either Mr. Coolidge or Mr. Hcover to let the Government do what New York is doing upon the St. Lawrence. The end of the long battle in New iU..v !usl xu.u.v, a..u . c.omluct is most Interesting when na dramatlc. The Republicans, who first pi.epare8 to unfoUi her recurrent fought against any State ownership jcharm8 Smiles ,jght up lhe faces of and then sought to save the distri bution of power to private capital, were forced to surrender on all fronts. The people in the district which is to be benefited by the pro ject simply laid politics aside. They notified their legislators that unless they stood by Gov. Roosevelt, delega tions would arrive in Albany to see that they did. That ended the fight. The opponents of State operation had Struck at the last for a commission !fll:etl liy the Assembly, and the Gov- . i . T. I ernor serveu notice mat nniw cuu i j i ipower were piaeeu in nis nanus ne would veto the bill. The Albany cor- respondent of the New York Times, who has been consistently predicting that this is just what would happen, says that in the final surrender ihe Republicans opposed to the Gover nor's plan sat as silent as if their iep(i them , BLU "iem- I Tlio imiftaa.nee of this stirring 1 ne Mgmncance " wr" drama will be twofold. The impri- .,, . matur of the Empue State will ini- industry. It will also add to the s-ature of Gov. Roosevelt in the forth- coming presidential election. If doubt arose as to his being worthy to wear the family crest at Armageddon w.ien ne seemeu not to wnns aw he might to expose the corruption of Tammany, there is no uncertainty i 11 ( now as to his being another big jpame hunter. It was the power fight n Xew York that made Gov. Smith tjle Democratic nominee for President three years ago. When Roosevelt be came Governor it was generally re- COgnized that the power fight was to be njs tent an(i ni8 opportunity, He proVed himself indomitable. He risked failure rather than compro mise, and he won. : o : - THE BATTLESHIP FIRST Admiral William V. Pratt, Chief Naval Operations, recently re- turned from the fleet maneuvers in air cran, claiming inui iuu i w , iii .-in' -inmnff 'llltfillVli ICS. h'iihous ""'"( He emphasizes that aviation is a ment chars away, the great armored j vessels of war will still be found fighting their way through. Unless supported by surface strength, he Bays, no air force, however power ; ful. can halt the slow, steady ad vance of heavy ships. The Admiral believes in dirigibles, and would like to have more of 'them, but avers that they are vul nerable, were so proved during the recent maneuvers. Too, he indorses the airplane car rier, such as the Saratoga and Lex ington. But because of their heavy armament, they equal any other sur- : face vessel when in action against j surface vessels and cannot be seri ously crippled from the aif. With all due allowance for con victions based in naval pride or pre judice, the conclusions cf this tried naval authority are most worthy of '!'sideration and respect. Owing to the marvelous and rapid development of the aerial fighting machine the day may come when its supremacy must be acknowledged and admit ted. But that day as yet has not dawned a fact which should have its weight and bearing on congres sional considerations touching the adequacy of the national defense. : o : President Hoover will be renomin ated in 1932 and Vice President Cur t s will break the established Repub lican precedent and also be renom inated. Senator Simeon D. Fess, the Chairman of the Republican Nation al Committee, said at his home at Yellow Springs the other day. phisticated love of city life, of bright lights and sparkling conversation and effete dviersions, so invincible that a re-created outdoors cannot stir new currents of feeling. Sportsmen and confessed lovers of nature, of course,' will rush for the open country with unmitigated ar dor. These merely have been wait ing through cold months for the re turn of the world of green leaves that they love. Their yelps of delight are to be expected as they dust off fishing tackle or rub oil into riding boots li test the resiliency of tennis racquets after long hibernation. It is the rest of humanity whose stern brokers whose business yester day was their only passion. A light er step marks the doctor's stride as he makes his daily rounds with inter mittent sniffs of a new and promis ing atmosphere. College professors are unlikely to look out of windows while they lecture, and wander a bit from their proper subject matter when they have seen a green bud beckoning through the glass. Men in cities. They are not at home, really. However easily they seem to adjust themselves to lives encompassed in paved streets and brick wails, lives of complex and artificial routine, lives hound up in abstractions, there is still another man within. There is a core of the athletic ani mal that breathes and runs and tests his strength or skill against the world of nature. That inner man is stronger than ever we think. Nature has rested for a season, and now is dynamic again. Men are preparing to rebel against the cities they have made, whether they know it or not. :o: Girls if you have it. you'd better start wearing looser hats. By "it" we mean "tighthaterins," and now under study by specialists of Johns Hopkins hospital. It comes from wearing hats which press against the brow and rupture tiny veins. This causes a red mark to appear and re main acre ss the forehead. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. In the motter of the estate of Fred G. Coryell, deceased. Notice of Administration. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court al leging that said deceased died leavii:. no last will and testament and pray ing for administration upon his es tate and for such other and further orders and proceedings in the prem ises as may be required by the stat utes in such cases made and provid ed to the end that said estate and nil things pertaining thereto may be finally settled and determined, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 8th I lay of May. A. D. 1931. and that if they fail to appear at said Court on said Sth day of May, A. D. 1931, at ten o'clock a. m., to contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Laura Coryell or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. A H. DCXBURY. (Seal) a!3-3w County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE In the Distrh t Court of Cass County, Nebraska Carl S. Foster. Receiver of ) the First National Bank of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, Plaintiff NOTICE vs. William C. West and Emily S. West, Defendants To the Defendants, William C. West and Emily S. West: You, and each of you are hereby notified that on the 3rd day of March. 1931. the plaintiff filed his nit in ihu n-stru t Court of Cass i county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which was to recover on two promissory notes aggregating 13 359 83 with interest at the rate I of S from Mav 20. 1926 to August 1, 1926. and lu;- interest thereafter, and costs of suit. That affidavits I were filed for attachment and sar- nishment, and on the 4th day of j March, 1931.' service of attachment and garnishment was served upon Henry A. Schneider and the Platts mouth State Bark, of Plattsmouth, Nebraska, to recover funds in the possession of said Schneider ana said bank belonging to you. You are hereby required to answer paid petition on or before Monday, the ISth day of May. 1931, and fail ing so to do, your default will be entered and judgment will be taken upon the plaintiff's petition. This notice is given pursuant to an order of this Court. CARL S. FOSTER. Receiver of the First National Bank of Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Plaintiff. By A. L. TIDD, His Attorney. a6-4w NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Kath crine Karvanek. deceased. Notice of Administration. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court al- leglng that said deceased died leav- in.; no last will and testament and;11 "a-v OI -ay n on praying for administration upon her the 7th da' of August, A. D. 1931. tateand for such other and further at ten o clock a. m. of each day to irdeis and proceedings in the prem- , ' H ol ve anu examine all claims ists as mav be required bv the stat- ' ff a."ist sald estate with a view-to utes in such rases made and provided he1'- adJ"8t"irit a"d all"v a- The. to the end that said estate and all ti1m,e llm,ted or thf presentation of things pertaining thereto may bt, bairns against saul estate is three finally settled and determined, and l0"1 romhe 1st day of May. A. , . ... , , , ' ,1). 1931 and the time Imited for that a hearing will be had on said , 1!vtlinnt nf , ,ltc nna wamr trnm petition belore said Court, on the... . . n. . ' . m!i day of May, A. D. 1931, and if they fail to appear at said Court on said 8th day of May, 1931. at ten o'clock a. m., to contest the said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Searl S. Davis or some jthnr suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. A. II. DUXBCRY, (Seal) al.3-3w County Judge. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Etta Perry Barker, deceased. Notice of Administration. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said court al leging that said deceased died leaving no last will and testament and pray ing for administration upon her es tate and for such other and further orders and proceedings in the prem ises as may be required by the stat- :t(:: In sucb cases made and provided to the end that said estate and all 'judgment and decree of the District things pertaining thereto may be Court of said county, in favor of The finally settled and determined, and Standard Savings and Loan Associa that a hearing will be had on said tlon of Omaha, Nebraska, plaintiff, petition before said court on the Sth entered on the 14th day of March, day of May. A. D. 1931. and that if they fail to appear at said court on Bald th day of May, 1931, at ten o'clock a. m. to contest the said pe tition the court may grant the same anil grant administration of said es tate to Bernice Kiser or some other suitable person to proceed to a set tlement thereof. A. EL DCXBCRY. (Seal) al3-3w County Judge. LEJGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Daniel O. Golding, Plaintiff vs. NOTICE Sarah et al. Catherine Higley, Defendants ..'. , .-. tbe Defendants: Sarah Cather - ine Higley, widow; Martie Campbell and Campbell, real name un - known: James W. Higley; Helen Hig - ley, uiauys Harris and rtene nar- ris. non-residents: ou are nereoy notined tnat on tne 2'th day of February. 1931. tne plaintiff filed bis petition in the Uis- trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to foreclose iien of a tax sale certincate on the north 140 feet of Lot 11, in thelency of said petition and the hear northwest quarter or the northwest ing thereof be given to all persons quarter of Section 19. Township 12. Range 14. East cf the Cth P. M., in the City of Plattsmouth, in Cass coun- ty. Nebraska, and for equitable re- lief. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, j In witness whereof. I have here Bfay 11. 1931, and failing so to do, unto set my hand and t he Seal of vour default will be entered and iudgrient taken upon plaintiff's peti tion. This notice is given pursuant to an order of this Court. DANIEL G. GOLDING. Ev Plaintiff. a. L. TIDD. His Attorney. m30-4w NOTICE OF SUIT IN FORE- CLOSCRE Or TAX LIEN In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska J. M. Robertson, Plaintiff vs. Maud Berghahn et al, Defendants App. Dock. 5 Page 158 To the Defendants: The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep - resentatives and all other persons in- terested in the estate of Viola G. Smith, deceased, known : real names un- You are hereby notified that J. M. land Otto Scott, each deceased, real Robertson, plaintiff, filed a petition ! names unknown ; and all persons ha v and commenced an action in the Dis-Ung or claiming any interest in and trl t Court of Cass county. Nebraska, j to the southwest quarter (SW4) on the 6tU day of April, 1931, of section one (1), township eleven against you and others, the object, 1 1 ) . range twelve (12), east of the purpose and prayer of which is to 6th P. M.. in Cass County, Nebraska, foreclose a tax lien unon Lots 10. 11! and 12 in Block 20, in the City of Plattsmouth. in Cass county, Nebras- ka, as evidenced by Tax Sale Certiti- ll" u " pennon anu commenceu cate No. 6617, dated November 7th, an action in the District Court of 1927, and issued by John E. Turner. h( County of Cass Nebraska, on the County Treasurer of said county, toi4t". (lay of APril- 1931, against you plaintiff. J. M. Robertson, for the!3 earh of you, the object, purpose sale of said promises for the delta- 'nd Pra'Pr of w-hich is to obtain a quent tax. s of the year 1 926. and also for subsequent taxes paid by pur- :"c lu " " chaser for the years 1927. 1928 and!tlon "e township eleven ( 11) 1929, on said lots. 12' JLl th,f 6 h Plaintiff asks for the foreclosure ' : !n,ass County; ebra9ka, in of said tax lien and the sale of said premises, together with attorneys' fees allowed by law. and for equitable relief and for costs expended. You are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of May. 1931. or the relief asked by plaintiff Will be granted and a decree of fore closure entered in said cause in favor of plaintiff as prayed for in his peti tion. Date: April 9th. 1931. J. M. ROBERTSON, Plaintiff. Bv W. A. ROBERTSON and' J. M. LEYDA. His Attorneys. al3-4w NOTICE TO CREDITORS The State of Nebraska Cass Coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of W. D. Wheeler, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court Room in ! Plattsmouth. in said County, on the Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 3rd day of April, 1531. A. II. DCXBURY. (Seal) a6-3w County Judge. SHERIFF'S SALE State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss. By virtue of an Order of Sale, Is sued by C. E. Ledgway, Clerk of the District Court within and for Cass county. Nebraska, and to me direct ed. I will on the 11th day of May. 1931, at lit o'clock a. m. of said day. at the south door of the court house in the City of Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot one (1) in Block one-hundred thirty-four (134) i the City of I'lattsmouth, in Cass county, Xclraxka The same being levied upon and taken as the property of Joseph Carl Warga et al, defendants, to satisfv a I 1931, and a decree and judgment of said court in favor of L. F. Holferty, Intervenor. entered on February 2 sth. 1931, against said defendants. Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 4th, 1 9 l BERT REED, Sheriff Cass County, Nebraska aG-5w ORDER OF HEARING and Notice on Petition for Set tlement of Account. In the County Court of Cass Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, Cass County, ss. To all persons interested in the estate of Robert R. Nickles, deceased: On reading the petition of Bertha i Nickles praying a final settlement land allowance of her account filed !in tnis Court on tno 4tn day of Aprii 1931 and for her uischarge as lsaj,i executrix j jt is hereby ordered that you and a persons interested in said mat !ter niayi and do appear at the Coun- tv court to be held in and for said I County, on the 1st day of May, A. D H931, at 9 o'clock a. m., to show : cause, if anv there be, why the prav 'er of the petitioner should not be ; granted, and that notice c f the pend I interested in said matter by publish 1 ing a copy of this order in The Platts- mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news- paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing. said Court, this 4th day of April. A. D. 1931. (Seal) A. H. DUXBURY. County Judge. MARTIN. Atfy. (HAS. aC-3w NOTICE OF SUIT TO QUIET TITLE In the District Court of the County of Cass, Nebraska. Phillip A. Hild, Plaintiff, vs. John Scott, et al. Defendants App. Dock. 5 Page 156. To the defendants John Scott, Mrs. John Scott, real name unknown, Isaac Coe, Otho Scott, Mrs. Otho Scott, real name unknown, Josephine Scott, Frank Schlichtemier, Ella Schlichte mier, the heirs, devisees, lesatees. 1 personal representatives and all other persons interested in the estates of John Scott, Mrs. John Scott, real jname unknown, John Scott, Jr., Otho Scott. Mrs. Otho Scott, real name un known. Josephine Scott. Isaac Coe. real names unknown. Y 011 a eacn or you are nereDy notified that Phillip A. H:ld as plain- j "V, . "l 11 . 1 ' (iiuwiiiu, cx n ci f-y (i 1 110 1 y 1 1 a 1111 i of you, and for such other relief as may be just and equitable in the premises. You and each of you are further notified that you are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 18th day of May. 1931. or the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and a decree will be rendered in favor of the plaintiff, Phillip A. Hild. as against you and each of you according to the prayer in said petition. PHILLIP A. HILD. Plaintiff. W. A. ROBERTSON, J. M. LEYDA. Attorneys for Plaintiff. a6-4w NOTICE OF REFEREE'S SALE Dora Raney. Plaintiff j App. Dock. 5 v. Ina M. Gidley tt al. Defendants J Page 133 Notice Is hereby given that bv vir tue of an Order t-ntered on March 25th. 1931. in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, In the fore going entitled cause, I, the under signed, C. A. Rawls, Referee, appoint ed by order of said Court, will, on the 4th day of May, 1931, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the south door of the court house, in Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate: Lot 8 one (1) and two (2), Block ten (10), in Curt, r's Addi tion to Weeping Water, Case contiiy, ebraska. Said offer of sale will remain open for bids for one hour. Date: March 2Cth. 1931. C. A. RAWLS. Referee. J. M. LEYDA. m30-5w. Attorney. NOTICE OF RALE In the matter of the estate of Mag gie Pailing, deceased: Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Hon. James T. Begley, Judge of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, made on the 28th day of March, 1931. for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at the Pailing homestead adja cent to the Village of Greenwood, Nebraska, in said county, on the 23rd day of April, 1931, at 2 o'clock p. m.. at public vendue to the high est bidder for cash; 15r of the bid to be paid in cash at the time of sale and the balance of the bid to be paid on or before confirmation and deliv ery of deed, the following described real estate to-wit: The north half of the south east quarter Sec. 32, Tun. 12, Sorth Range 9, and the north east quarter of the southu-est quarter of Sec. 20, Tu p. 12, Sorth Range 9, east of the Gth P. M., in Cass county, Xebraska. Said sale will be open one hour. N. D. TALCOTT. Administrator of the Estate of Maggie Pailing, Deceased. m30-3w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Cass County, Nebraska Daniel G. Golding, ) Plaintiff vs. NOTICH Cornelius Mahoney et al, 1 Defendants J To the defendants: Cornelius Ma honey and wife Mary Mahoney; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons having an interest in the estate of Cornelius Mahoney. deceased, and Mary Mahoney. deceased, real names unknown; John Doe, real name un known, and wife Mary Doe. real name unknown, and all persons hav ing or claiming any interest in Lot 3, in Block 50, in the City of Platts mouth, Nebraska, real names un known: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of February, 1931. the plaintiff filed his suit in the District Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to foreclose lien of a tax sale certificate "n Lot 3. in Block 50, in the City of Plattsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, and equitable relief. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, May 11. 1931, and failing so to do, your default will be entered and Judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti tion. This notice is given pursuant to an order of this Court. DANIEL G. GOLDING, By Plaintiff. A. L. TIDD, His Attorney. m30-4w LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Can County, Nebraska Daniel G. Golding, Plaintiff V8- Mrs. B. R. Gwinn. real name unknown, et al. Defendants NOTICE To the defendants: Mrs. B. R. Gwinn, real name unknown; Gwinn, real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal rep resentatives and all other persons having an interest in the es'ate of Mrs. B. R. Gwinn. deceased, real name unknown, real names un known; John Doe, real name un known, and wife Mary Doe, real name unknown, and all persons having or claiming an Interest in the east half of Lot 10, Block 15. in the Village of Elmwood, Nebraska, real names unknown: You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of February, 1931, the plaintiff filed his petition in the Dis trict Court of Cass county. Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is co foreclose lien of a tax sale certifi cate on the east half of Lot 10. Block 15, in the Village of Elmwoo'!. Cass county, Nebraska, and for equitable relief. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before Monday, May 11, 1931, and failing so to do. your default will be entered and judgment taken upon plaintiff's peti tion. This notice is given pursuant to an order of this Court. DANIEL G. GOLDING, By Plaintiff. A. L. TIDD, His Attorney. m30-4w Advertise regularly persistently, for that's the way to get results.