PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL M0N APRIL 6, 1931- Alvo News M es dames Th.dma Contmaii aiu' Eleanor Coatman spent the week with the i a rents ol Mrs. Thelma Coatman at Utiea. Mr. and Mrs. Dinges were call d to Syracuse on Thursday of last week to attend the funeral service of the;r cousin", Mri. Andrews. Mrs. Mrbel Winn wS a visitor with friends in Lincoln on last Sat urday, and w;8 also looking after b m' shopping as well. Mrs Jennie Bousa and Sir. :t r-1 Mrs. George Bobnit' t of Lined: spent Wednesday and Thursday with the If. J. Nickel family. Miss Marie Stroemer, a teacher in the Lincoln Public Schools, is spend ing her week of spring vacation with her mother, Mrs. Herman Streamer. Henry Thomas who has been Slak ing his home with his friends necr Plattamoutb for the winter months, returned home last week and is Sgala at home to his friends in Alvo. Master Harold and Miss Nadine Idekerson of University Place were spending their spring vacation from their schools at the heme of Grand father and Grandmother. Mr. and Mm Charles God bey Of Alvo. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Appleman re ceived word that their daughter, M Marie Yoims. a teacher in the Lin coln schools, has been quarantined at heme an attack of murar. Mr. and Mrs. Appleman visited tr-.e'r daughter on Sunday of last week. On Wednesday evening Dr. Barker of Havelock. gave an especially in teresting Bible Study at the Stew; rt Hall. Dr. Barkley has been coming each Wednesday evening for sever! months to conduct these (lasses r.nd eonsiuerab'.e interest is being shown Uncle Thomas Stout and the go.d wife were called to Lincoln last week to look after some business matter. and also were visiting with friends Mr. Stout nor the good wife are feel ins the best. Uncle Thomas being kept to his bed a g.iod portion time. On Tuesday evening the Ar met with Mrs. Carl Host-now is a newlv organized club oi rh t Club . This w b i h meets weekly among the member?. Th time of the evening meetings is devoted to the different hand craft and many beautiful articles are be ins linished. Announcements have been received of the birth of a 7 1-2 pound on to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McEwen of Clay Center, Nebraska. Mrs. Mc Ewen was formerly Miss Pearl Fore man. Mr. McEwen is one of the Pain Brushes who broadcast daily from station KM M J at Clay Center. Eugene Barkhurst of the firm of Edwards tt Barkhurst was a visitor in Lincoln on last Thursday where he wen' to meet his two daughters. Mis Velma and Evelyn, who are stu dents of the Wesleyan university and to bring them home as they upending the .spring holiday at " he home of the parents in' Alvo." ".' ' " On Wednesday evening at 7:11 Mrs. Fairfield passed away at her home in Uni ver.-ity Place. Funen-l services were held at the First Mth odist church, with Dr. Fox ofticittin t on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment jraa made in the Vvy;ik; cemetery. Mrs. Fairfiehl was sur vived by a daughter. Mrs. Kelly of Lincoln, and a son. W. E. of Alvo. Four weeks prior to her death she suffered a stroke and during tin weeks of her Illness was cared for by Mrs. W. E. Fairfield. Simon Rehmeier, with the assist ance of John Coleman, were putting the elevator in the very best of con dition last week when the bu.sinec7 was rather quiet, so as to be ready when the business was ready. Tv.e roads was such just tiien that bol little was moving. The present 'r tiining price of both wheat and com restrains the delivering of the gr ilns, and also the selling of the same. Willi the excellent prospects for the wheat crop for this year does not i-'.- the raisers much hope of much higher prices and retards business in all lines. WHEN BABIES ia rrx n THERE sre limes when C I a k;iky too fretful or feverish to be sung to !;ieep. There are some pains a mother cannot pat away. But there's quick comfort in Castoria! For diarrhea, and other infantile, ills, give this pure vegetable preparation. Whenever coated tongues tell of consti pation; whenever there's any sign of blugishness. Castoria has a good taste; children love to take it. Buy the gen uine with Clias. H. Fletcher's signature L-n wrapper. CHEVROLET for April All rods and main bearings adjusted; crankcase and oil lines cleaned. 6-Cylinder 4-Cylindev $6 $5 REMEMBER YOU Must be Satisfied! V. Bryant !7 Main Phone 197 Attend Aurora Meeting. Herman I.. Itornemeier. who i secretary of the district for the Far mers Union, together with the twe j delegates. Messrs. Clyde Ward ot Bagls and H. L Scattergood, also of near Eagle, were over to Aurora on I last Monday where they were in at i tendance at the district convent'on ! which was held there. There were some two hundred delegates at the meeting and a most interesting time was had. Much interest was mani fested in the Questions which inter : ests (he farmers which were discus j : ed. Installs Electric Motor. Arthur Dinges who has had as i' Bource of power at his work Shop, for the past s gas engine, is exchanging it and inst illing an electric motor which will be Johnnie on-the-spot, all he will have to do is to throw the switch over and the work will he going on. Art who is an acconi prished electrician and that prince of electricity, A. 13. Stromer. will sie that the new source of power is installed to perfection. Visited ;i Few Days Here. Verle Kosenow who makes hi heme at Minatare, was a visitor here with his father. Charles F. Rosenov . and with the other members of the family for a number of days (hiring the past week. Verle drove in from the western portion of the state In his crr following the great storm and found the roads rather bad, it requ''--ing two days to make the trip. Verle tells of the severity of the storm which he says is very bad. Hcid Bake Sale. . The Girls Athletic dub of the Alvo schools, can do something else c sides. ..the matter of playing tennis and basketball. Ti.ey are cooks ami good ones at that as is evidenced by the X'-elient display of the cooker; which they had no display at their bake sale which was held on last Sat- : urday at the business place of Bd- ; wards and Barkhurst. Young men. look you are ing for a housekeeper. Spend Vacation Here. Misses Goldie and Doris Klyver. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klyy. r. who are students of the j Wesleyan university at University ! Place, were enjoying their spring va cation at tin' home of their uncle and aunt. Elmer Klyver of west of Alvo. Woman's Club Visited. The Alvo Woman's Club whi is a most live association as well as be ing very sociable and especially with its members, were over to University Place one day last week where they met with their members, Mrs. F. E. Dtckerson and where they had -M' excellent time, they having a vry worthwhile program and were enter lined most delightfully by their genial hor.tess. Mrs. Dickerson. Very Pressingly Friendly. Yes that just about tells the facis. and the other things as well rem:-, in frvrtsi i's i unsaid. Anyway a band of made their advent into the Otherwise (quirt little city of Alvo and with j their coming they pressed their friendship and :beir business which was telling fortunes n a number of the Inhabitants of Alvo, wanting to Ibrin good luck and otherwise to the citizens. Almost force had to be need to dismiss them, but they finally went. Is Kicked by Cow. While engaged in milking a f- daya since. Join p. Gonzales had the misfortunte to be kicked by a cow which objected to being milked.' The kik made Mr. Gonzales leg sore for a time but is reported as getting along nicely now. CU5TI3 TO TRY FOR SENATE Washington, April 2. Vice Presi dent Curtis had made no definite A rhion yet, but his present incliua ; tiou is to retire from the vice presi dency next year and stand for tha , senate again l'rcm his native Kansas. Probably no final decision will h? reached for some months, but th Vice president's closest friendB be lieve that he will "not choose to run" in 1432. Curtis stepped from the sen ate into the Vice presidency, and it would be an unique thing to sten ; bat k again. For experienced and dependable paperhanging and painting call or. J. II. Graves, 909 Pearl St., Tel. 905. m26-4t w Quality chicks at Brink's Hafeh Jcry, P!attmouth. m301d-2w Mauley News Items .Miss Dorothea Meisinger was a visitor with friends and relatives in Falls City for the past week. Fred Siohhuan was shelling and delivering corn to the Man ley ele vator during the latter portion of last week. Miss Margaret Ueigmun who is at tending school at Omaha was spend ing the vacation the past week at the home of her parents. Andrew Schleifert and Fred Iteuter were blowing stumps and getting the roadway south of Louisville in readi ness for grading during the past week. George Ran who was spending some weeks at the home of a hi other at Utica, where they enjoyed the visit rery much, returned to Manlej early last week. Troy L. Wiles and family were j guests lor the day last Sunday and j for the very excellent dinner which was served at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Wiles. John A. Stander and family were j visiting for the day on last Sunday and enjoyed the day and a very fine j dinner with their friends Mr. and Mis. Herman Kauth. Phillip Hoffman of Plattsmoutn, who is engaged in the produce and poultry business there was in looking Man- ley on last Wednesday after business matters. Wm. Schrader and wife who have been vi -siting here for the past sev eral weeks from their home at Chalk beaute. North Dakota, departed on las' Wednesday for their home. A valuable cow belonging to Oris Schleifert with other stock was in jured last week and while everything was done for the animal she died, re sulting in a very loss to Mr. Schlei fert. Mrs. Henry Osborne was a visitor with her mother for the past few days of last week where they both enjoyed the visit very much, return led home the latter portion of last ! week. A small son of Mr and Mrs. Ed ward Murphey was quite ill for some time last week but is reported as be ing some better at this tune ana ti i hoped that he will soon be well again. Uncle George Bchaefer who has been so ill with pneumonia at the home of his daughter Mrs. Ed Panko nin. for the past two weeks, is re ported as being better at this time and was able to sit up a little last week. Getting Them Ready for Work. A. V. Stander who uses lots of horses in his farming operations and knows a good horse and how to raise , them, has some eight, fine animals coming into service just at this time and has been putting in some time recently in breaking the animals and getting them used to working. Ate Woikirg at Gf Ell Kockler and Ernes! ?shem Mann are at Oreshem in York county where they are engaged in road work, with Finest at the power plant, the trac tor, and Eli with the grader and where they are making an excellent I team. They are both very capable, i and especially in the positions they , occupy, and make a team hard to beat. Al Hill Very 111. Al Hill who has just returned from a trip which carried him to the Paci fic coast, arriving home early last week was taken ill. and was compell ed to take to his bed. and have the services of a physician. It is hoped he will soon be able to be about again. UNDERGOES OPERATION On Wednesday morning of this week. Theo Hiirmes the merchant cf Manley who has been troubled for some time past with a double goiter and an inward one, has at the Immanuel hospital for time where he has been having his health built up. on Wednesday un derwent an operation for its removal. The operation was very successful and the patient rallying nicely from the ordeal, but was quite ill follow ing. The friends of Mr. Harms are pleased that the ovdeal is over and that he is on the way to better health. Omaha - Syracuse Bus Line Starting April 1st Louisville - Manley - Weeping Water and Avoca DAILY ROUND TRIPS South Bound North Bound 0 :UU n. m. OMAHA louisville Manley W. Water Avoca 10:00 8:35 8:25 8:10 7:30 a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. a. m. 6:25 p. m. 6:35 p.m. 6:50 p. m. 7:10 p.m. Omaha Depot Millard Hotel TRIBUTE TO R0CKNE New York Thirty seconds of si lence in tribute to Kuuie Rockn.e, Notre Dame football coach killed in an airplane crash Tuesday, will be observed by the Coiumbiu broadcast ing system during the "march of time" program Friday night at 10:30 o'clock, the company announced.. FOR SALE Fresh Guernsey cows. Likewise & Polock, Phone 3103, Murray. Nehr. f26-4tY Journal Want Ads get the cost is very small. results aud COULDN'T EAT "For years I could not eat rich foods. They would fill me with gas and unbearable mis ery. Since taking ZINSEP I eat anything:. ZINSEP is a wonder stomach medicine." says Mr. V. McFhergon, Chapman, Jebr. Try ZINSEP today. It's GUARANTEED. At all drugrffists. 10 $ SOUTH BEND J. Ashland Gaaette ' ,T ----iTliTiTiiTilnTi-T.nT- Henry TuLin motored to JPapillion Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill and sons spent Sunday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and sons visited in Lincoln Sunday. Mrs. Emma Calder visited at the W. A. Jones home Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary McGinness and Mrs Hugh McNeSly were Omaha visitors Sato rday. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oarniele spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Dill. Mrs. Win.. Blum ami children 1 8 pent Thursday afiernc n with Mir Albeit Plum. Miss Mary week end at MiCinness spent the Lome with her father. T. Met! inness. Geors- Tuhn of Omaha spent Sun day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tuhn and family. Miss Frieda Tuhn and brother August, were Saturday evening caV ers of William Richards. Everal Alley and brother. Ralph Alley of ChalcQ, were Sunday visi tors at the W. M. Gather home. Fred Aughe of Ashland and sr.p. Everett of Washington, were Sun day dinner guests at the W. A. Jones home. Mrs. Frank visited at the Win. Richards Williams of home of .'her from Sunday Auburn brot her. evening until Monday. Miss Mary Carnicle was taken i tin- Bryan Memorial hospital in Lin coln, Monday, and was operated on for appendicitis. Mr. ami Mrs. Wm. Ilium ami chil dren v.ere Sunday dinner guests at Mrs. Ilium's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, near Alvo. Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Reinke and son, spent Sunday afternoon with Mis. Ida Tnieman and daughter", Blda and Margaret. Mis. John Sweeney and son and Mrs. Floyd Haswell and children A'ere Sunday dinner guests at the home of Wm Richards. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel. Mrs. Crltehfteld and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse l'idler were Wednesday evening visitors at the Oscar Dill home. Henry Tuhn motored to OmahA Sunday evening. His brother. Georg returned home with him. Willi-; Richards accompanied them to Oma ha. We are glad to report that Mr-; George Tkihigkn is slowly Improv ing. Mr:;. Thiman hi s been walking with crutcbts lor now abb- to walk some time hut without them ? short intervals. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haswell and .on, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schwar'z. Mr. and M.t. Homer Carnicle and son, Joe Petersen end Hazel Carni cle, suent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Carnicle and family. Mrs. W. B. Palmetcr passed away at her home west of South Bend Wednesday m rning. March 25, after an extended period of illness. Fun ral services were held at the home Tbursday afternoon at 1 p. m. The body was laid to rest in the Platts- mouth cemetery. Rev. Peter Pleet of Lincoln conducted the vices. Van ser- RASKOB POLICY HIT BY REE!) Washington, Aeril 2. In a solemn warning the Democrats to remain true to Democratic principles, for mer Senator James A. Reed of Mis- been I sourj Wednesday predicted the part some ' wmiM yu-iii tli,. .'inintrv in 1Q!l' is n - less it tries to "ape" thc Republican ; in an effort to cater to "big busi nes.7;." Without mentioning names, the j sturdy JefTersonian Democrat tonic a two-listed fling at the leadership ' f Democratic national committee I and the program proposed by him a' jthe recent meeting of the comtnit I tee here. I Reed asserted that the Democrat, should stand firmly against a tariff i and against any monopolies and I against any weakening of the Sb"r- man and Clayton anti-trust laws. He would have the Democrats make these laws leading issues in the campaign, as a means of restor ing the country to economic heaP'i So far as his own possible can didacy was concerned. Reed main tained his silence, although friends have been urging him to run. Striking directly at the program outlined by Raskob, Reed said: "If the Democratic flag is to be pulled down on any or all Democrat if: issues, it will have to be done by a Democratic con vention and not by a corterie of unaut horized gentlemen ." Reed declared one of the first duties of tho Democratic party is : drastic revision of the ."Hoover fJrnndy' 'tariff bill, which he sail' not only was robbing the American people directlv but was destroying American markets abroad and contri butiug to the world ecomonic depres sion. DEFINITE TRADE REVIVAL SEEN BY MUSSOLINI Rome, April 2. Definite trade revival are evident. signs nf Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy declared in an addicts before the assembly nf labor here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlos Hitt and Nicholas Klaurens cf near Nehawka. were in the city Saturday for a short time vfsitlha with the relatives an i friends and looking after some trading. LOCAL NEWS g'nim 'I'll ii isOh v Imtiv D. C. West, president of the V, of Mehawka". was in the ci(y toda to look after sonn matters of bus' ness and visiting with his many friei.ds. John McKay, assessor of Weepir; Water precinct was here today for a few hours to meet with the other members of ihe assessing force of the county. County Commissioner JS. R. Chap man of Union and County Commis sioner Fred H. Oorder of Weepini; Water were here today to attend the assessors meeting at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Weidman. who have been visiting at the Nelson Jean home at Donna. Texas, have returned home, Mrs. Weidman spend ing a few days here and Mr. Weid man going on to their home at Plain view to look after some business mat ters. Norman Dickson of Dallas. Teas. who has been visiting at I,im In with the relatives there, came in las; evening for a visit here with hia uncle. E J. Richey and wife and the many old time friends, departing this morning for Mt. Pleasant. Iowa, to visit his brother. Marion Dick - i: and frmilv. Mr Dicl-. on will return laler for a more extended visit here i Fnm Frnlav' DaJT Elmer Hallstrom, the Avoca hank er, was in the city for a short tin." today, attending to some matters ot business at the court house. Mr. and Mrs. Rue Hubbard, Mr-; Marie Duke and little daughter, Pat tie, of Council Bluffs were here Thursday to spend the day at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. V. T. Am. George Lamphere, who is now making his home with a daughter at Herman, Nebraska, came in Thurr, day and visited here over night with the relatives and the old time friends. B. F Danbaum, l ead of an inves tigating and adjusting agency i: Omaha, was here today looking a. iter some matters of business. Mr. Dan baum was former chief of detectives at Omaha. Mr. ami .Mrs 1 1 Pataskela, Ohio, are J. Hughes o here for a vi.-i' at the home of Rev. the latter o. s's'cr They are expecting the coming week. H. G. ilcClusky, of Mr. Hughe:; to return home From Saturday's Dally C. F. Wheeler, marshal of Louis ville, was in the city today to spend a few hours attending to some mat ters of business. Attorney J. C. Bryant of Ashland was among the visitors in the city today, attending to some matters el business at the county court. ffS SKE1XSAS T APRIL PRICE MEANS COMPLETE Installation ONLY si n Klitl I STOVE . . . $44.50 Skelgas Servic ing Equipment (cabinet and valves) .... UU.50 Installation . . IO.OO T0U1 . . $99-00 mmm uhhi wan $77 Mrs. .1 A. Donclan departed th's afternoon fbr Nebraska City whtie she vili rpend Bastes at the home of her sister. Mrs. J. 0. Thygeson and family. B. I. Clements of Blmwppd was in the it y for a short time today visit ing with the many old time friends and looking after some matters of bUSll ess. Mrs. Martha Buumeister and Miss Ann i Heine departed this morn!':?: for Lincoln where they spent tve Any visiting with relatives and In that city. Judge Paul Jessen of Nebraska City wj s herd today for a few houis attending to seme matte:- f buni BeSfl end visiting with his miviv trie id:; in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Julian McNatt. wot. among ti e visitors in Omaha tori'y. going ' 'hat city on the early Burl Ington train and where they wen Oests of friends. Mrc. Charles Taseler and little son departed thi:; morning for Omaha where they spent the day visP'ng srith friends and looking after matters of business. ?j Jei:s;e M. Robertson, w'-o been at Champaign, Illinois, f r past sen ra! weeks engaged ha cp educational work, came In lar Ding for a riait with the family and her faher. Hon. Jamet M. ertson, who is taking tieatmc: the Clarkson hospital. me has the lal ;vr ' r ib MAS EURNEI' TO DEATH Ui CAE Falls City. April 2. Harve Kim mel, well known Hiawatha (Kan.) oil man. was burned to dea'h Thurs day on the Falls City-Hiawatha high way when his automobile caught fire. Kimmel, brother of Jere Kimmel of Robinson, Kan., who was a can didate for lieutenant governor of Kansas on the democratic ticket, was alone in the ear. County Probate Judge J. M. John son of Hiawatha first discovered the Baming automobile. Kimmel was writhing in the ditch at the side of the road, his body a mass of flames. He was rushed to a Horton (Kan.) hospital, where he died three hours later. His wife, Mrs. Maynie Kimmel, lives in YVymore. Neb. RECORDS OF THOMPSON ALLY TAKEN IN PROBE Chicago, April 1. State's attor aey's detectives invaded the city hall Wednesday and seized all records of Daniel A. Serritella. head or' the city department of weights and measures, for examination by regular and spe cial grand juries, it was announced. Serritella is an ally of Mayor Thomp- SAVE emf $1 INSTALL a full size, beautiful Skelgas Stove during April at a lower price than ever before. The regular 855. OO "Skelgas leader" stove pictured above has been reduced to s I ! .."(). this month only, making a sa ing of 310.50. Or, the same stove with oven heat contro?,reduced to 854.50, a saving of $ 1 5.50. For the first time, you can install this enam eled, full-size stove with four top burners, utensil drawer, large oven and broiler aud secure the Skelgas servicing equipment (cab inet and valve equipment), fully set up, for less than SIOO. No other home convenience, say thousands of users, ever brought so much relief from drudgery at such a small cost, as Skelgas, the compressed gas which has mod ernized so many kitchens. Easy Monthly Payments You can begin using Skelgas at once at surprisingly low cost, for the payments may be spread out over a twelve month period. But you must act now to take advantage of this April offer. See Skelgas use it yourself. Come in now. SKEJLGAS tho C. fjfwff:3& Ry UbTEi AS STAJiOARO . X.DEaWaiTEHS' LABORATORIES Best or & Swatek Co. Telephone 151 Plattsmouth, Nebr. Omaha yracuse Bus ne Starting ist Louisville - Manlt Weeping Water and ca DAILY ROUNLrips Sc- tli Bound nh Bound 5.00 p. m. 6:25 p. m. 0 .35 p. m. 6 :50 p. m. 7:10 p. m. OMAHA 1 0 a. m. Louisville Medley W. Water Avoca i a. m. 6 8: 7: a. m. a. m. '. m. Omaha Depot: Millard te DELAY FERGUSON HEARI1 New York The hearing of Fra lin FriMism. New York attorney-, connection v.i'h the possession bonds stolen in the million dolli robbery i.F he Lincoln National ban, last September was' pos'poned until April 1 a ""e reeuest of the district attorney's office Assistant Prose u 0T Osrrfson sa'd he was co-opera' -ing in the against Fergusoi.. held on suspicion of reeeivfng a part of the Lincoln National bank loot ! with authorities at Lincoln and with Emory J. Smith, assistant attorney igeueial of Illinois. Ferguson was ar rested in New York City when he m tempted to sell some bonds which were stolen from the bank. At a hearing last Feb. 13, his bon was leduced from $15,000 to $7.." after he told the court he accepted the bonds in god faitoh. but that be then was satisfied they were stolen He said he did net know this at the time he accepted them. Authorities indicated that Fcrpu son was co-operating with them i' their attempt to locate the person who handled the stolen bonds, but declined to reveal the nature of their investigation. PR0TESTING WOODMEN GRANTED A HEARING Springfield, 111. Protesting Hod em Woodmen of America will have a chance to present their grievances against the head camp before an in surance sub-committee of the Illinois legislatuie April 11 at a meeting in the county building in Chicago. The committee wfll consider Representa tive McCarthy's lesolution asking for an investigation of fraternal insur ance laws and practices. tdw . If? STOVE REGULAR PRICE SOO APRIL PRICE . . $ 50 YOU Also . (his same stove, with the Thermostat (oven heat control) REGULAR PRICE $70.00 APRIL PRICE . . . 5U.5Q YOU SAVE . . . . 15.50 NATURAL OAS snsMMsswaMkjMHMsWisisvpi