PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JO URN AX THURSDAY, FEBfe. 19, 1921 BIIlllllI2iilSlIIIIllilIIIIllllllliiEiifiiiiiili:sSltSilIilllllllliiSIfIlIlllllllllla Mullen's Market m HI 1 I PAftI WRT I iki iifj ill riii a m a a M m i i K .WW Libby a Fancy z1 2 Size Milk, Carnation or Bordens, 3 for . . 25 Value Milk, tall cans, 3 for 22t Salad Dressing:, full qt. jar 390 Bred Spread, pure fruit, 1-lb. jar. . .150 Prunes, 70-80 size, 4 lbs. for . . . . SANTA CLARA 25-lb. box, $1.25 a a Note the Low Price on This Item 7 5 r-&snm.. PIECE Gram QUm Plata wi n PMdwrl ONLY 49 a a a Eg m a a a a 1 1 Kraut, Colo, pack, Ig. 21 2 size can . . 100 Beets, blood red, No. 22 size can . . . 100 Starch, Argo Gloss or Corn, pkg. ... 70 Peanut Butter, quart jar 290 Lard, Dold's White Rose, 1-lb 100 Catsup, Snider's, per bottle 150 Pancake Flour, IGA, lg. pkg 170 Oatmeal, large,- Quick or Rolled . . . 170 Choc. Covered Cherries, 1-lb. box. .250 Bread, Betsy Ross, 24-oz., V2 lb.. . . 80 Soup, assorted, per can 80 Net just a One Day Special but Every Day Fruits and Vegetables Bananas, large, ripe, dozen 250 Oranges, Calif. Sunkist, 2 doz 350 Texas Oranges, full of juice, peck . . 490 These Oranges are Practically Seedless Jonathan Apples, 3 lbs. for 250 Apples, Grimes Golden, bushel . . . $1.95 Head Lettuce, Ice Berg, per head ... 50 Meat Department Only quality corn fed Baby Beef is sold in our mar ket. Our customers appreciate and know quality in Meat. Come here for your Sunday roast and get not only the finest quality, but low prices as well! Beef Roast, per lb 180 Rib Boil, per lb 150 j Pork Liver, per lb 90 B Pork Chops, per lb 200 Bacon Squares, per lb 120 jj Pork and Veal Hearts, per lb 90 H Spare Ribs, per lb 110 H Fresh Picnics, per lb 120 3 Cheese, Nebraska made, lb 190 I Black White j The Home Owned and Home Managed Store L- Telephone 42 EE fi!l!l!l!lllll!!llliil!l!H a EUM0RS QUEEN MAY WED London The Vienna correspon dent of the Daily Express says it is widely reported in Bucharest society c'rcles tnat Queen Helen, divorced wife of King Carol of Rumania, is planning to marry a Rumanian offi cer. Colonel Skeletti. The Express report is connected with the queen's adamantine refusal to become reconciled with Carol. She is reported to have written him that rhe will reject any attempt o his part to have their divorce nullified by court proceedings. The divorce was declared null and void by the holy. synod of the Rumanian ortho dox church shortly after Carol be came king last June, but it was ex plained that this mad3 it only moral ly nonexistent, as legal annulment would have to com thru the courts. RIVER HEARING AT YANKTON FEB. 20 Yankton, S. D., Feb. 13. Capt. Theodore Wvman. will be in Yankton Feb. 20 Tor a hear ing on the proposal to have the War department improve the Missouri river for navigation as far north as Williston, N. D., and to maintain a barge line on the river. According to officers of the Yank ton Chamber of Commerce, who are working on the proposition, it must be established at the hearing, before action will be taken, that persons would be directly affected by the barge lines must favor the project, and that there is evidence of suffici ent tonnage to warrant maintenance of navigability and a harps line. Prices are Lower Now! Our back's against the wall. We are forced to change our business methods. Modern times have proven that suc cessful merchants are selling on strictly cash and carry basis. Starting FRI DAY. Feb, 20, we are going to sell on Strictly CASH and CARRY Basis We have installed new equipment in our store building and we now have the most up-to-date MEAT AND GROCERY STORE in the city. We are able to handle a large volume of business and by having quick turnover we can pass on to you great savings on all your purchases. These Prices Effective Friday and Saturday, February 20-21 I jpn I Market Prices are Lower p I - LA If II I OUR PRICES REFLECT NEW LOW MARKETS I I OlK LOIIl Pure Home Render- I SIRLOIN and ROUND STEAK Per lb. 20c I For Roasting SrT jyhlte B FORK CHOPS Lean center cuts, per lb. . . 17VzC I The choice 3 to 4 lb. cuts LARD SPARE RIBS Meaty. Per lb. lOc j rom sjth fnd of 5 lbs., 53c 10 lbs., $1.05 I WEINERS Our usual quality. Per lb. IV2C I edd late"8 PER POUND BOLOGNA For that luncheon. Per lb 15c I per pound IOV2C I PIG HEARTS 5 pounds tor 25c B mmj (our Lunit) I LIVER Choice small pig. 3 lbs. for 25c 13V2C F PICNIC HAMS 8 to 10 lb. av per lb. 14c Beef Roast Lean Shoulder Cuts 13 pound Plate Boil 3 pounds for . . 25 pound Sausage Pure Pork-Ef Special pound Bacon Squares Gem Mild Sug. Cure 12c pound Choice Lamb Leg, per lb Choice Lamb Chops, lb. 20c Choice Lam bRoast, lb. . j . . . 20c Choice Lamb Stew, lb. 10c flour Sunkist Brand 48-lb. Bag tor $1-19 PURE SUGAR 20 Pounds for $1 With $1 Meat Order Only (Our Limit) Early June Peas, 3 No. 2 cans . . . 33c Carnation Milk, tall, 3 cans . . . Oxydol, large pkg. Macaroni, Noodles, Spag., 4 tor . 25c CRACKERS Iten's or Independent 2-lb. Caddy 25c OUR PRICES Throughout the Week will Provide Real Savings to You Long Horn CHEESE Full Cream, Fancy Per Lb. 19c SALMON TALL CANS Three for 37c OLEO Fresh and Sweet 2 Lbs. for 25c SARDINES No. 1 Can Special 5c eaa YEAST FOAM From Now On 5c each PORK and BEANS Reg. 10c 'Value, now 7c can COFFEE (Santos) A Hi Quality at 20c pound Monarch Prunes, No. 2 can . . .20c Blackberries, No. 2 can 15c ' Peaches, No. 2l2 can 19c Apricots, No. 2l2 can 19c Pineapple, br. slices, No. 2l2 can. ...... .22c Peaches, No. 1 can 14c Preserves, pure fruit, glass jar 23c Matches, 2 cartons, 12 boxes jF." .25c Cookies, fey. assorted, 2 lbs 45c OOJOOOOOOOCOOOOOC COMBINATION DEAL No. 2 cans PEAS 30C No. 2 cans TOMATOES 25 No. 2 cans HOMINY 20 No. 2 cans CORN 30c No. 2 cans GREEN BEANS 30 10 Cans ($1.35 value), $1 12 2 2 2 2 OSOOCOS4 Butter Nut Jell, all flavors, per pkg 5c Olives, quart jar 33c BAB-O, per pkg 14c Mustard, quart jar 19c Frank's Kraut, No. 2V2 can 11c Bulk Peanut Butter, per lb 15c Toilet Soap, 3 bars for 10c P & G or Crystal White Soap, 10 bars 33c Palmolive Soap, 3 bars for 21c Cutting Prices on Entire Stock Cash Prices Our Motto j Corn TOMATOES i Cut Stringless Beans Hominy 7e per can NAVY BEANS Great Northern, 3 lbs. . . 19c CORN STARCH 3 for 25c GLOSS STARCH 3 for 25c HEINZ CATSUP Large size bottle 19c WINDMILL CORN No. 2 can, 2 for 25c RAISINS 4-Ib. pkg.. 37c OATMEAL Large 55-oz. pkg 16c COFFEE HOLLAND HOUSE or DEL MONTE 35C per pound .'OOCOSOCCOSOCOOQOOOOCCOCOOOCCOOC'QOOCC- 8 90S APPLE BUTTER Quart iar 21c PORK AND BEANS No. ZV can, 2 for 27c DILL PICKLES Quart jar 23c PANCAKE FLOUR 4-lb. pkg 20c PICKLES Medium jar 1 15c SALAD DRESSING Windmill, pint jar 23c Bulk Sauer Kraut New Barrel per Lb. 5c SOAP FLAKES Quick Naptha, large pkg 19c DWARFIES Per pkg 21c WRIGLEY'S GUM All flavors, 3 pkgs. for .10 SPINACH Luxor brand, large 2Y2 size can 20c MONARCH COCOA Fine quality. Per lb 25c TANGIER BRAND SOUPS (All flavors) can 7c FL0UR5-lb. bag . .17c BEETS-No. 2 can . . 8c BUTTER -Cream 'y, lb. 25c The old method of doing business is forgotten. You're welcome to inspect and patronize rMatts new large store. We Deliver $3 Bfl Mk 126 South 6th rr MULLEN & SONS