The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 09, 1931, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY JTBP. 9 1921.
Cbe plattsmouth lournal
Entered at Postoffice, PlattsmoutL. Neb., as second-class mail matter
America's emppt. if it may be said
10 nave one. is economic and not
political, and its importance for our
There will be no solution of the
Muscle Shoals problem in the pies- i
R. A. BATES, Publisher
IndlMtn mnA imito tint . .1, i ,. . n ... . .
iiii session 01 i on g res . tW Satui-
the territories under the American : ... ,
. : -i i tic Luuirjcni . a i i ive.1 ell kill 1 in-
jjflag. But nearly If., 000, 000 persons j passe Responsibility for this l8-
live in territories and dependencies Native failure is charged to the lame
Subscribers living in Second Postal Zone, $2.50 per year. Beyond
60o miles, $3.00 per year. Rate to Canada and foreign countries,
$3.50 per year. All subscriptions are payable strictly in advance.
.uevun.i me Rumen oi me . ontinen- ; duck -conferees of the HouUe.
jtal I nited States. The government jReece and Mr. Fisher, who insisted
jof these possessions for many years on conditions which would h:ve witU
has been marked by confusion.
Two territories.
-out where the Sex be-
Talking picture theaters in India
now number 20.
At least the late year, 1930. was
enjoyed by the pessimists.
: o :
The revenue cutter service of the
U. S. Coast Guard was orga-iiz.-l in
If the Lucas and Xorris factions
keep on arguing who's a Republican,
nobody will be.
Some clouds are 10 miles thick.
That is the kind we want next spring
to prevent a return of the drouth.
Another gangster has been arrest
ed in Chicago. Probably for parking
his machine gun in front of a fire
Some people are born suckers, some
try to get something and some go
gaga when told the first payment is
only 2.
A man hates to see leftovers com
ing back to the table as much as he
does a bill collector coming back to
the front door.
: o :
Jobless men may restore normal
industry by disposing of apples.
That's the way Eve got the races
started to work.
The only thing that makes us pay
any attention to these flights to
China is why anybody would be in a
hurry to get there.
: o :
As inconclusive as a Wickersham
: o :
Senate is shocked to learn that the
Capital is wet.
Ripe blackberries were picked in
a garden at Barmouth. England, in
: o :
Cuban rioters, says a news item,
are setting fire to sugar plantations.
Razing c ane. as it were.
Really. about The only people who
through the War Department. The
remaining smaller island possessions
have been administered by naval offi
cials, but now are being transferred
to civil Governors under the Interior
Department. Samoa is the most flag
rant case ceded to the United States
25 years ago. accepted last year, and
ruled in the interim by naval officials
with no law to enforce save their
own views, whimsical or earnest.
Lacking a definite tradition of
Colonial administration and without
any thorough attack on the problem
in Congress, these territories have
would welcome an extra session of 'been parceled out to this or that de
Congress are Washington hotel men. 'partment or official, with onlv vaeue
lines of authority and with no single
person or group in Washington re
sponsible for their proper manage
ment. There is much to be done in clari
fying the position of all these de
pendencies. Are their inhabitants to
be citizens? If so. shall they enjoy
the Constitution we have here?
Should prohibition be forced on
them, as it has been on some and
not on others? Do requirements of
national defense demand that cer
tain areas remain under the War
Department, even though mainte
nance of order is now a simple mat-
,ated the plan of Government oper-
Hawaii and Alas- ation for which its author. Senator
ka. are under the Department of In-jNorrte, has battled for 11 years. The
terirr. The Philippines. Puerto Rico j obstructionists were denounced in a
and the Canal Zone are governed ! fierv sneech bv Renresentnt iv.
The sentiment ts rapidly growing
and crystalizing for the ruthless de
portation of those Europeans who
come here and begin to cry "Down
with the United States" back to the
old country "to be placed again un
der the bloody wheels of that
France wants to promote the sale
of cognac, and one successful way of
doing it would be start another war i
and invite the A. E. F. over.
: o :
Major General Smedley D. Butler
In his New Year's day broadcast
i to America Premier Mussolini was
either kidding us or the people back
Chairman Wickershani says the re
port of his Commission speaks for it
self. Nevertheless it has many in
terpreters. :o:
A man can become completely ex
hausted discussing the Wkkersham
report and still not know what he is
talking about.
: o :
Word comes that golfers will dis
card plus-fours for long pants. These Jter? These and many other ones-
will hide their awful lees, if not ;tions have gone unanswered.
their awful games. The Bingham Commission has
:o: I mace a good beginning, advising
If you needed it badly, which transfer of three smaller areas from
would you rather depend upon for naval to civil authority. This in
relief. the President and the Red i quiry should be continued and broad
Cross or Congress? ,ened with a view to consolidating
:o: all the outlying areas, whether ter-
Another Americanism is boasting '
of good sportsmanship while doinc
all we can to harass the chief who
is trying to serve us.
: o :
Henry Ford says "the country is I
far better off today than it was a j
year ago." He may mean that it has
, fewer dollars and more sense.
of Mississippi, who. in his attack in
cluded the Longwort h-Tilson-Snell
machine as the dominating influence
in the background.
On Saturday, also. Mr. Coolidge
discussed Muscle Shoals in the Post
Dispatch. The management of the
property, he said, "demonstrates the
utter hopelessness of having any con
siderable business conducted by Con
gress." One function of the plant
the cyanamid process for making
cheap fertilizer has been rendered
obsolete, or superfluous, he remarked.
by science and the development of
domestic sources of supply. Insisting
it would be "a gross misuse of itB
powers lor the Government to go
into the electrical business, he de
clared with finality that "the thing
to do with Muscle Shoals is to dis
pose of its to private interests with
suitable restrictions."
The first statement of fact may
be challenged. There has been no
juggernaut car of oppression.
Senator Borah put it.
Sixty to loo acre farm in radius
of 50 or 60 miles of Omaha. Lee
Piper. Plattsmouth. Neb.. Phone
4 4 0-J R. F. D. No. 1
Job Printing at Journal office
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Account
St. Lawrence River at the interna
tional section.
That is the giant which has been
fettered so long by the selfishness of
private interests and the archaic
politics and doctrinairism of Wash
ington. St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
Senator Fess of Ohio, who is also
chairman of the Republican National
management of Muscle Shoals by (Committee, has interpreted Mi. Hoo-
Congress. or by anybody. The correct
word is mismanagement.
ver's message on the W'ickersham
committee's report to mean that the
Second, the familiar charge that president has an open mind on the
the cyanamid process is obsolete and 'prohibition question, that he is not
that Muscle Shoals has passed out of
unalterably opposed to revision, but
ritories or dependencies, under a
central authority and also unifying
.the conditions, legal and economic,
j under which these quasi-Americans
live and labor.
grahs the mike lone enough to trad- i
cast the information that he is in
: o .
Getting the baby to sleep is a hard
,job when she is about eighteen years
of age.
The Nankins; government passed a
i iav- which, if it becomes effective.
la the Wi eke i sham report tli Drys
the army and not in the apologising wil! gjve rhinese -yomen many of the 'see the sham and the Wets sec- the Analysis of the Ford bid killed that'antly acknowlerge that their h
the picture as a source of cheap fer- (simply to the form of revision pro
tilizer for the farmer, is contested, .posed by Mr. Anderson.
Senator Capper of Kansas has point- True or not. the Fess construction
ed out that, in one year while the is interesting. If true, such dry lead
Government's nitrate plants were ;ers as the Rev. Clarence True Wilson
idle, the United States imported more jand F. Scott McBride must be some
Than 1,000.000 long tons of nitrate ! what non-plussed; if true, the W. C.
of soda from Chile, for which it paid T. I", will have to reconsider their
$36,000,000 at wholesale prices. laudatory verdict that Mr. Hoover
Third, the conclusion that Muscle has made himself the outstanding
Shoals should be disposed of to pri- .champion of the dry cause to whom
vate interests. As the Post-Dispatch 'as such they have pledged their sup-
In the County Court of Cass coun-
ty, Nebraska.
State ol Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate ol Joseph F. Tubbs. deceased:
On reading the petition of Clifford
W Jones. Executor, praying a final
set tlement and allowance of his ac
count filed In this Court on the 2nd
day of February, 1931, and for dis
tribution of estate and discharge of
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county, on the 27th day of February,
A. D. 1931. at 10 o'clock a. m., to
show cause. If any there be. why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three successive weeks
pii'-r to said day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 2nd day of Febru
ary. A. D. 1931.
(Seal) f2-3w County Judge.
has repeatedly said, no private inter
est has made a bid for the property
which Congress could justifiably ac
cept or any administration justifiably
The first offers submitted in the
early days of Mr. Harding were not
worthy of consideration. Then Mr.
port down to the last ballot; if true,
the editors of the United States and
the Washington correspondents will
have to confess they do not under
stand the King's English as spoken
by Mr. Hoover; finally, if the Fess
translation is correct, the Republi
can politicians who felt that Mr.
In the District Court of the Coun
ty of Cass, Nebraska.
In re Guardianship of Maxine Rose
Hanni. a Minor.
On reading the petition filed and
old (duly verified of Metta May Hanni.
. guardian of Maxine Rose Hanni. a
a" i minor, for license to sell the follow-
lowlng described real estate: The
east half of the northeast quarter of
Section 2. Township 10. Range 13,
east of the 6th P. M., in Cass county,
Nebraska: and it appearing that the
income therefrom is not sufficient to
pay the expenses and taxes connect
ed therewith, and for the purpose of
raising funds for the maintenance
and education of said minor, and for
the benefit and best interest of said
minor child, that said real estate
;hould be sold;
It is therefore ordered that the
next of kin of said minor and all per
sons interested in said estate appear
i before me at Chambers in the court
house in the City of Plattsmouth.
Cass county. Nebraska, on the 24th
day of February, 1931, at 10 o'clock
a. m.. to show cause, if any there be,
why license should not be granted to
Metta May Hanni. Guardian, to sell
said real estate for the purposes
above set forth.
It is further ordered that a copy
of this Order be published once each
week for three successive weeks in
the PlattBmouth Journal, a news
paper published and of general cir
culation in the County of Cass, Ne
braska. Dated at Chambers in Cass county,
Nebraska, this 6th dav of Januarv,
Judge of the District Court of
Cass county, Nebraska.
and Notice on Petition for Set
tlement of Accourt
In the County Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss.
To all persons interested in the
estate of Alfred W. White, deceased:
On reading the petition of Edith
Donelan praying a final settlement
and allowance of her account filed
in this Court on the 2nd day of
February. 1931. and for final distri
bution and discharge of Adminis
tratrix ;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said
county on the 27th day of February,
A. D. 1931. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to
wicker work.
A shine may not be worth a dime.
rights enjoyed by women in the West
ern World.
In spite of the efforts of Gov. Pol- ,
lard. Secretary of Labor Doak and One by one the rations of central 1 b"t it adds about eight cents to the
President Green of the Federation of j Europe took offic ial action to pre- pric e of an apple.
ianor me iig siriwe oi me coiion vent the shewing of the American- :o:
mill workers of Danville. Va.. not made film. "All Quiet on the West-!
only remained unsettled but increas
ed in violence.
Harness $45
Harness Oiled . $1
Wm. Scbmidtmann
Professor John Dewey did not seem i
ern Front." 1 10 geT xus l,lir party launched. Sen-
:o: ator Norris and the Progressives pre-
Al Smith says he feels sorry foi jferred to stay inside the apple of
The President, but our guess is that 1 Republicanism where there is feed.
Al would be feeling a whole heap :o:
sorrier for himself if the election had j In Chicago a motorist pinned a
cone the other wav in '28' bandit against a wall with his auto
mobile and held him until police-
Albert Einstein learned today that came. So that's what drivers have
the scientillation of stars is just '.bad ! been practicing up for all these
seeing" says news item. Now to re-'years!
veal to him the fact that the moon :o:
isn't made of green cheese. Prosperity prophets of the round-
:o: jthe-corner school are somewhat wor-
A Zion City judge decided a case;ried over the failure of good times
by boxing with the defendant and jto return, and perhaps a clew lies in
lost. Removing the blindfold from a pithy apotheim Bruce Barton at
the eyes of justice, as it were, and tributes to an Eastern financier,
replacing it with beefsteak. .0:
"Red" Lewis. Nobel prize winner,
certainly can project his personality
through his writings. At least, a
large percentage of our population
see Red when thev read his stuff.
1 - . - : c .. . i V. . i .
r- j jo . 1 'it .., ...... UU cause. 11 iiuj ineie , mr
...u a,.,,,, .u i.iu.vh........ nau . idM m. cneu is wagon pf ... petitioner should not
was instantly charged with hope. , to the prohibition star will reluct-; he granted, and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all per
sons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi
weekly newspaper printed in said
county, for three weeks prior to said
day of hearing.
In witness whereof, I have here
unto set my hand and the seal of
said Court, this 2nd day ot Febru
ary. A. D. 1931.
(Seal) f2-3w County Judge
pretty expectation. It was shown i ness over the proposed prospect of
that Mr. Ford proposed to pay $5.- anc.ther candidate next year was pre
000,000 for property that had cost mature. And the Fess message may
the Government $90.000.000 or ' Itself be thus decided: Mr. Hoover
six cents on the dollar. Another .will be as wet or as dry as the exig
clause in the contract provided for a encies require in the rose-weathered
lease of part of the property for 50 June of '32.
There used to be an old saying.
"It's a wise child that knows its own
father." but the Milwaukee kids
won't have any trouble in the birth
column of the Journal they don't
print anything but the papa's name.
years at a rental equal to 4 per cent
of the Government's investment.
When those terms were explained in
the Senate by Senator Norris. after
the House had passed the bill an in
formed public opinion approved the
Senate's rejection of the proposition.
All this happened in 1924. A year
later Mr. Ford withdrew his offer.
Subsequently Senator Norris prepar
ed his plan for Government -operation.
It was a long fight. At last
the Senate was won over, and so was
the House. The bill went to the
President, Mr. Coolidge. in 1928; he
killed it by the famous "pocket veto"
after Congress had adjourned. That
official action, it seems fair to ob
serve, was in timid contrast to the
forthright, but unofficial, opinion of
Mr. Coolidge, the journalist.
'I am nothing but a tennis play
Thus says Helen Wills, the world's
greatest woman champion of net and
Quite true. Helen, but you are the
best in your line, so stick to it.
Don't make the silly mistake too
often committed by other world
celebrities and attempt to discuss
things you know nothing whatever
Gene Tunney discusses literature,
and thereby makes himself look fool
ish. Henry Ford offers advice on
every subject under the sun. and the
Dora Raney, Plaintiff
Ina M. Gidley et al.
A pp. Dock.
Page 133
To the Defendants: Ina M. Gidley,
Harry J. Gidley, Homer O. Reason,
Violet Reason. Harold H. Reason,
Bessie L. Hanson, Lars Hanson, Ger
trude Struthers. George Struthers,
Eleanor McCoy. "Walter McCoy. The
Unknown Heirs, Devisees, Legatees.
Personal Representatives and all
other persons interested in the sev
eral estates of Frank Parker, deceas
ed, Anna May Reason, deceased, and
10 Above Market Price
tor Your CORN, WHEAT
and OATS
in exchange for Baby Chicks or Cus
tom Hatching at our Regular Prices
Heavy Breeds $12 per 100
Light Breeds $10 per 100
Custom Hatching, 3c per Egg
or 5c per Live Chick
If you pay cash with order in advance, we will give
you 10 per cent cash discount from our regular prices!
Brink Hatchery
Telephone No. 631-W 18th and Gmnite Sts.
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
After a conference between the
President and Chairman John Barton
h Payne of the Red Cross, a call was
ln issued to the American people for a
minimum of 110.000,000 with which
;to aid tne needy particularly the
-: o:-
It has not yet been decided wheth-
er Robert H. Lucas of the Republi-
Ucan National Committee or Senator
S Norris of Nebraska whom he secret
jf Ijr assailed is to be kicked out of
place or party, but the fight waxed
n warm and interesting.
For three months of the year the
average Englishman does nut work
for himself or his family. Sir Philip
Gibbs has written; he works for ihe
i Government. In other words, taxes
I absorb 25 per cent of the average
Englishman's earnings.
, Readers of newspapers who loathe
sensational stories of brutality, crime
and sensation, should exercise the
same privilege they do with their
radio sets; namely, turn the page
Shoals has been costly. In 1926 the
Government, using half of its equip
ment, sold 428,266.000 kilowatt hours
jof power at 2 mills per hour, at a net
profit of $698,839. The Government's
profit for three years, ending Octo
ber, 1928. was $2,000,000. The pro
fit of the Alabama Power Co. on
power bought from the Government
and resold is said to be $46,000,000.
According to the estimate of Judson
King, the Government could make
an annual profit of $174,000,000 if
it sold all the power it could produce
at Muscle Shoals at the rates charg
ed by private companies.
It is a miracle plant down there
on the Tennessee River. A statis
tician with imagination has told
about the wonders it could perform.
It could dig a Panama Canal in 40
days. Thrown into the Mississippi
Valley it could deepen the beds and
raise the levees of the Mississippi
and its tributaries to prevent all
floods. It could electrify 3.000.000
farms more than seven times the
present number of our electrified
farms. It could light 6,000,000 homes
-more homes than are wired for
less he knows about a question the ' Stella M. Wright, deceased, real
names unknown, and all persons hav
ing or claiming any interest in Lots
1 and 2 in Block 10, in Carter's Ad-
more willing he is to talk. Go right
The scandalous inaction at Muscle on down the line and you will find
many others who have won fame in
some special line of endeavor, and
thereafter feel they are qualified to
solve all the problems of the uni
verse. Helen Wills has the right idea.
She will not cheapen her hard-earn
ed fame.
Anyway, if the Democrats get into
power in 1932 the Gann-Longworth
controversy will be automatically adjusted.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of An
ton Krajicek, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You axe hereby notified, that I
will set at the County Court room
in Plattsmouth in said county, on
the 20th day of February, 1931, and
on the 22nd day of May, 1931, at 10
o'clock a. m., on each day. to re
ceive and examine all claims against
said estate, with a view to their ad
justment and allowance. The time
limited for the presentation of claim?
against said estate is three months
from the 20th day of February, A. D.
electricity in our three most populous 1 19" time limited for par
ina. .hT7 t v j:.! , . . . i . . wui ui acuu ip out year irom saia
just as they turn the dial and satisfy istates of Nftw York, Pennsylvania and 20th dav of February 1931
themselves with the abundance of Illinois. A billion cubic feet of wa- Witness mv hand and the "seal of
good reading matter made available
to them every day through the col
umns of the daily newspaper.
ter can be dropped through the
gates of the dam every second three
times the maximum discharge of the
said Oounty Court .this 23rd day of
January, 1931.
(Seal) j26-3w County Judge.
dition to Weeping Water, in Cass
county, Nebraska, real names un
known :
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on January 27th, 1931.
plaintiff in the foregoing entitled
cause, filed her petition in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska,
wherein you and others are made
parties defendant, for the partition
of the following described real es
tate, to-wit:
Lots one (1) and two (2) in
Block ten (10) in Carter's Ad
dition to Weeping Water, Cass
county, Nebraska
among the parties interested therein,
to-wit: The ( plaintiff. Dora Raney,
and the defendants: Ina M. Gidley,
Homer O. Reason, Harold H. Reason,
Bessie L. Hanson, Gertrude Struthers,
Eleanor McCoy, Orville Wright (a
minor) and Lova June Wright .a
minor), according to their respective
rights and interests therein, as may
be found, confirmed and decreed by
the Court, and that all defendants
named in said petition be required to
set up and assert their claims, if any
they have in or to said real estate,
adverse to the owners thereof and
that the same be considered and con
cluded by the decree of the Court, and
for equitable relief and for costs.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 16th day of
March, 1931, or your default will be
entered in said cause and a Decree
in Partition entered therein as pray
ed for in said petition.
Dated: January 30th, 1931.
By John M. Leyda.
Her Attorney.
To Albert Van Horn and wife,
Hallie Van Horn; Sarah Craig: John
Doe Craig, first real name unknown;
Paul Nuckolls; Rupert Nuckolls;
William Ezra Nuckolls: Bruce John
son Nuckolls; Allen Fowler; William
C. Hall; Charles F. Miller; Augustus
Bonhers; Jane L. Craig and Richard
Roe Craig, first real name unknown;
Daniel Foust; Mrs. Daniel Foust,
first real name unknown; the heirs,
devisees, legatees, personal represen
tatives and all other persons inter
ested in the estates of Mercy Isadore
Van Horn, also known as Mercy Isa
dore Vanhorn, Stephen F. Nuckolls.
Sarah Craig. John Doe Craig, first
real name unknown. Paul Nuckolls,
Rupert Nuckolls. William Ezra Nuc
kolls. Bruce Johnson Nuckolls. Allen
Fowler. William C. Hall. Charles F.
Miller. Augustus Bohners, Jane L.
Craig. Richard Roe Craig, first real
name unknown, Daniel Foust. Mrs.
Daniel Foust. first real name un
known, each deceased, real names
unknown, and all persons having or
claiming any interest in and to the
west half (WV&) of the northeast
quarter (NE'4 ) of Section five (5).
and the east half (E t of the north-
west quarter (NW4 ) of Section five
() and the northwest quarter
1NWV4) of the northwest quarter
1 NW14 of Section five (5), and Lots
seven (7) and eight (8), in the
northeast quarter NE4) of the
northeast quarter (NEVi) of Section
six (6), and that part of Lot five
(5) of the northeast quarter (NE4)
of Section six (6) lying east of the
road in Section six (6), and the
southwest quarter (SWV ) of the
northwest quarter (KW14I of Sec
tion five (5) and all that part of
the northwest quarter (NW) of
the southwest quarter (SW'4 of
Section five ( 5 ) lying north of the
public road, containing ten (10)
acres, all in Township twelve (12).
North, Range thirteen (13) east of
the Sixth P. M.. and Lots six (6) and
fourteen (14) in the southeast quar
ter (SEU) of Section thirty-one
(31). Township thirteen (13) North.
Range thirteen (13) east of the 6th
P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, real
names unknown:
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 2nd day of Feb
ruary. 1931. The United States Na
tional Bank of Omaha, filed its peti
tion as plaintiff in the District Court
of Cass county. Nebraska, against
you and each of you as defendants.
the object and prayer of said petition
being to quiet title of said plaintiff
in and to the lands in said Cass coun
ty, owned by said plaintiff, said land
being more particularly described as
follows, to-wit.
The west half of the north
east quarter (WVfe of NE ) of
Section five (5). and the east
half of the northwest quarter
(E of NW4 ) of Section five
(5), and the northwest quarter
of the northwest quarter (NW4
of NW) of Section five (5),
and Lots seven and eight (7 and
8) in the northeast quarter of
the northeast quarter (NEV4 of
NE4) of Section six (6). and
that part of Lot five (S) of the
northeast quarter (NE) of
Section six (6), lying east of the
road in Section six (6) and the
southwest quarter of the north
west quarter (SW4 of NW',4)
of Section five () and all that
part of the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter (NWVi
of SWVi) of Section five (5)
lying north of the public road,
containing ten (10) acres, all in
Township twelve (12), North,
Range thirteen (13). East of
the Sixth Principal Meridian;
and Lots six and fourteen ( 6
and 14) in the southeast quar
ter 1 HE V4 ) of Section thirty
one (SI), Township thirteen
(13) North of Range thirteen
(13) East of the Sixth Principal
Meridian in Cass county, Ne
and to exclude you and each of you
from having or claiming any inter
est therein.
You and each of you are required
to answer said petition on or before
the 16tb day of March. 1931. .
B Morsaman & Maxwall.
Its Attorn