The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, February 09, 1931, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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MONDAY. FEBR. 0. 1931.
We do trucking of all kinds.
Specials on Stock: Pick-up loads
to Omaha. 25e per 100 lbs.;
Full loads. 20c per 100. Day
or niglit service. Call No. 2020.
Murdock. Nebr.
Dr. L. D. Lee was called to Green
wood on Wednesday of last week on
professional business.
Mrs. J. J. Gustin is reported as be
ing quite poorly during the past week
or more with an attack of the flu.
Mis-- Eleanor Hal ting is the house
keeper for her grandfather, while
Mrs. L. Neitzel is having her vaca
tion. Mrs. Dr. Lee was called to Lincoln
to look after some business matters
for a time on Wednesday of last
E. If McDonald of Greenwood.
Nebr.. will pay you the high-st mar
ket price for poultry. Wednesday,
February 11th, 1931.
Dlller Utt and wife were over to
Mm lock from their home at Have
lock for a visit with the parents of
Mi. Diller Utt, for last Sunday.
L. Neitzel went to Cedar Bluffs
last Friday, with Mrs. L. Neitzel
and left the latter there for a visit
with her sister. Mrs. J. J. Martin.
Louis Bornemeier and the family
were guests with friends and rela
tives in Lincoln on last Sunday, they
driving over to the big town for the
Miss Vahle Hnynie of West Point
was a guest for the past few days
at the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Buell. where all enjoyed the visit
very much.
Medidith Weddell who is employ
ed at Red Oak. Iowa, was a visitor
at the home of his parents. W. T.
Weddell and wife for the week end
last Sunday.
Noble Buell. son of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Buell. who is a student in the
state university at Lincoln was a
guest at home for over the week end
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer H. Lawton
and the kiddles were enjoying a visit
for the day on last Sunday from
Grandfather and Grandmother M.
Sorsick of Lincoln.
Albert Theil. jr.. and wife were
host and hostess at a social dance
which they sponsored at the Mod
ern Woodmen hall in Murdock on
last Saturday night.
Frank A. Melvin and the family
were spending the day last Sunday
at the home cf his mother and sister
in Lincoln, they driving over to the
big town in their car.
Chester Elsman and wife were
pleased when the parents of Mr Els
man came for a six o'clock dinner
last Wednesday. The parents make
their home in Louisville.
Mrs. J. J. Martin, her son Roy. and
daughter Clara, from Cedar Bluffs.
Nebr.. came in for a short visit at
the L. Neitzel home. Mrs. Martin
Is a sister of Mrs. Neitzel.
John Amgwert and t lie family of
Lincoln were guests for the day on
l ist Sunday and were visiting wiih
their relatives and friends, they
driving over in their auto.
John Scheel and wife were over
to Otttaha and also Lincoln last week.
While visiting at Omaha they were
visiting with their son-in-law. ('has.
Hart and family and were looking
after some business matters at Lin
coln. Mrs. Bertha McCrea who makes
her home in the western portion of
the sate was a viistor at the home
of her parents for a number of days
las week. Mi. and Mis. Julius Reinke
Where all enjoyed the visit very
Mr. EL ft. Ganaway of Lincoln who
recently purchased the show repair
ing business of Mr. Pillsbury. arrived
last week and took over the plant,
and Mr. Pillsbury departed for Ween
ing Water where he will make his
home for a time.
Charles Schaeffer, the hustling rep
The undersigned will offer fax sale at Public Auction at Mur
ic Nebraska, beginning at IKK) p. m., sharp, on
Friday, February IS
7 Head Cews and 2 Heifer Calves, 6 wks. old
One Cctrber. 1830 Ore November, 1930 Two December, 1930
?re Ja Miry, 1931 will freshen February 25th. 1931
One to freshen about May 8th. 1931
They are aged from 3 to 10 Years
A 15 Bushel tacity Feed Grinder and Other Articles
including a Consignment of New Goods
from Art Bornemeier. of Lincoln
TE'IItS Su:ns cf $10 and under, cash. On sums over that amount,
six months time will be allowed on approved secured notes, bear
ing 8 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for.
W. T. Weddell, Owner
BEX YOUNG. Auctioneer
resentative of the Trunkenbolz Oil
Co.. was a visitor in South Bend on
last Wednesday morning where he
was dispensing gasoline, kerosene and
lubricating oils to his many custom
era in that section.
Mrs. Harry V. McDonald entertain
ed a number of her friends at her
home in Murdock on last Tuesday
evening when the feature was bridge,
and enjoyed the evening splendidly
and as well the very fine luncheon
which the genial hostess served.
John W. Kruger received word
that his father, making his home at
Denison, Iowa, was very ill and im
mediately departed for that place to
be with the parent and to render
what aid he could during his illness.
It is hoped that Mr. Kruger will find
his parents greatly improved.
A. II. Ward and Henry Carson
were called to Omaha on last Wed
nesday where they were looking sif
ter me business. Mr. Ward brought
back with him a load of gasoline and
oil- for the station and. while Mr.
Carson Was also looking after some
business matters pertaining to the
Farmers Elevator.
Mrs. Zola Wooster, daughter of
Uncle John Ostblom who has been
visiting here with her father for some
time past departed a short time since
to accept a position as beauty cul
turist at Ogallala. Mrs. Wooster is
an accomplished artist in her line
and we are sure she will make a suc
cess in her new location.
Herbert Schleifert of near Ash
land is selling hs farming equipment
and will hold a sale at the home on
Saturday of next week, February
21st. Se ads in this paper and also
the bills which will announce the
things which will be offered tor sale.
Herbert was looking after business
maftten in Plattsmouth on last Sat
urday. Visit at Union.
Messrs. L. Neitzel and G. Bauer
v.-pve over to Union on last Sunday
where they were guests at the Bap
tist Bible school and the services of
the church following. At the Bible
school Mr. Neitzel taught the adult
Bible class and also delivered the
discourse at the church service. Mr.
Bauer led in the prayer services.
For Sale Work Horses
Two teams of good work horses:
One team of bay mares well match
ed. 8 years old. wt. 2850; one team
Of grays, 12 years old. wt. 2S50. At
Carai two miles north of Murdock.
Conrad Baumgartner.
j2 6-3tMp
This is Different Weather.
Postmaster L. B. Gorthey receiv
ed a letter the first of last week
when we were enjoying this summer
weather, the letter coming from his
n ether, who makes her home at
Broad-Albin, N. Y., and among the,
other things which the letter recit
ed was that at that time they were
having weather 18 degrees below
zero and with snow knee keep, and
a high wind prevailing. The letter
further said that the weather had
been quite severe and that when the
roads were opened up. another storm
would come, filling the roads so as
to make traveling almost impossible.
That is sure different from what we
are having here.
Elected Manager at Wabash.
At the meeting of the Farmers
Elevator company at Wabash last
week they elected W. T. Weddell as
manager of the elevator at that place.
Mr. Weddell has had many years of
service In this line of business and
is well qualified for the position
which he assumes. Mr. Weddell will
continue to make his home in Mur
dock and will drive from here to his
work there. In order to not have
anything interfere with his work-at
Wabash he is selling his fine herd
of Jersey cows which are excellent
Ol 88, The removing of this insti
tution the dairy husiness whicli Mr.
Weddell has maintained for so long,
will no doubt inconvenience many
Were Visitors in Murdock.
Albert Leis and wife, the former
a nephew of S. P. Leis and Joseph
Spader, second cousin of Mr. Leis, all
from DeSmit. South Dakota, were
visiting with Mr. Leis la3t week sad
on Thursday of last week all went to
Shenandoah where they visited at
the two broadcasting stations and
seed houses where they made pur
chases for their farms in the north.
They enjoyed their visit here and
also their trip to the Iowa town.
Do You Waut Good Tires?
We have them, 29x4.40 at $5.55
and 30x4.50 at $6.20. George Utt,
Visit Shenandoah Sunday.
On last Sunday Lacey McDonald
and the good wife. Mis. Harry V.
McDonald his mother, Bryan McDon
ald and Miss Florence Thimgan made
up a merry party who were visiting
at the two broadcasting statirns at
Shenandoah on lajst Sunday, they
driving over and going via Platts
mouth and Glenwood over the paved
roads, and while at Shenandoah en
joyed a very pleasant visit.
What About Your Subscription T
Your magazine and newspaper
business solicited. Your subscription
i to newspapers and magazines will
expire soon. I would appreciate your
i renewal. L. 15. GORTHEV.
Will Erect New Home.
A. H. Ward and wife are to have
a new home In the near future, they
having made plans for the building
of a six room and bath modern home
j where the former home has stood,
and having had Frank Rouse of
Greenwood remove the old building
iwith the contents to a spot east of
! the place where the new building is
I to stand. The nw heme is to be en
tirely modern with bath and up-to-
date heating plant with water pres
sure throughout the building. Frank
Melvin the contractor and builder,
is to erect the house. As soon as the
former house is out of the way the
excavation will be commenced for
the new foundation and the work will
be pushed along as rapidly as good
construction will permit. The super
structure will be started as soon as
the foundation shall be in readiness.
Make Visit to Parliament.
The Weakens club of Murdock.
which seeks to see more and know
more of what is hanenning in this
world and believing it well to know
ijust what is going on in our mi
jon last Wednesday in a body visited
I the Parliament of Nebraska, better
i known as the legislature which is
composed of the House of Lords
the senate, and the house of commons
the representatives, and with ade
quate cars there were there to visit
'the session. Mesdames A. J. Tool. T.
IP. Johnson. Henry Amgwert. Henry
1 A. Tool. Harold W. Tool. Mrs. Una
MCHu&h, daughter. Mary Catherine
land son Edwain. Mrs. H. V. McDon-
aid. The ladies were the guests of
jibe legislature and learned in a way
i how the laws which so tightly bind
and still so loosely Blip when it is
necessary, are manufactured. They
enjoyed a very pleasant day as well.
Some One Will Have Nice Ride
Early last week there was deliv
jered to Mr. I. G. Hornbeck. the genial
land accommodating agent of the
Rock Island at Murdock, one of
very latest six coupes made by
Chevrolet. This is an excellent
and one which should satisfy
most exacting tastes and we are
ca r
jail who Mr. Hornbeck
I will enjoy the riding
j all invite
in the new
Clubs Have Meeting.
I The three clubs in Mrs. K. A.
i Kuehns' group were pleased indeed
(with the attendance of more than
i 200 persons at their Get-To-Gether
j meeting held in the M. W. A. hall
Monday evening to hear what clubs
tinder the Farm Bureau are doing in
Cass county.
Every number on the program was
fine. The splendid orchestra of the
Cllahan church, started the pro
gram right. The women's quartet and
duet gave us a sample of what we
MTOtild enjoy at every club meeting.
The twelve men from the audience
responded so courteously when call
ed to the stage and proved their
lability at a woman's task.
We were
l Helen Cole
l her trip to
gress w lie re
I in judging
honored to hear Miss
relate the pleasures of
the 4-H National Con
she won national honors
girls room furnishings.
The boys demonstrating their suc
cessful rope-making and knot-tying
were Milford Smith and Keithel Nor
' ton of "Weeping Water. These line
boys won at the State Fair.
Only one thing marred the pleas
rare of our evening and that is the
! fact Miss Cole whose father Floyd
I Cole and Keithel Norton, were for
Imer residents of Murdock and had to
I go away from Murdock to find the
i opportunity for their success.
Mr. Wainscot t and Miss Baldwin
; explained the charts that cover the
j work of the Farm Bureau in Cass
! county for a period of 10 or more
years. They held the attention of
jail and their words of praise for this
j reception of the work they are trying
to bring to the county speaks well
; for those in attendance. To loarn
i every citizen of Cass county was a
member of the Farm Bureau surpris
ed m.iny, as only one man there knew
j he was a member of this organiz
ation. We would like to see other
meetings of thlfl type in our com
i"Seien Letters to Seven"
Vll "Laodicea" Rev. 3: 14-22
This is the last of the seven
i churches mentioned in Revelation,
j All of them had their peculiarities:
I Ephesus, strictly orthodox; Smyrna,
; tried and tested in tribulation; Per
gamns. too tolerant against a wicked
minority; Thyatira. suffering under
; irreligious majorty; Sardes, in spite
'of her good reputation was spirit u-
ally dead: Philadelphia, known for
her blessed activities and success;
Laodicea, In self-satisfied and indif
ferent condition, to be treated as
lukewarm water.
This church has nothing commend
able. The faithful and true witness
knows all about her; he cannot be
bribed; nor trifled with. He know:;
all about us, nothing is hid before
that all-seeinir eve. God and man
are both impotent with an indiffer
ent person. Let a man oppose God,
if he is reasonable you can convince
him of his error; if indifferent, he
will not listen to reason. No condi
tion in men is more dispisahle than
being lukewarm, neither hot nor cold,
neither for nor against any plan or
purpose or project. In this case God
can only give advice to the church.
Pointnig out to her wherein she
lacks. He gives her this advice in
Her wretched and miserable condi
tion, where she is poor, blind and
naked, to buy gold tried in the fire,
i. e. Faith, that will stand the test
of the fire of tribulation; faith that
will accept God's mercy and pardon
from sin; faith that will bring her
the righteousness of Jesus Christ, in
cleansing the heart from all un
righteousness and clothe the sjuI in
the righteousness of Jesus Christ as
with a garment; white raiment is a
sign of purity and cleanliness, godli
ness; the anointing of the eyes is
necessary, to see clearly the rich
provisions God has in store for the
believer, joy. pe;e. ktve. pardon,
grace that supplies all our needb.
The loving Saviour is still endeav
oring to gain attention, by rebuking
and chastening the imperiled soul;
which he does in fanifold ways: By
extraordinary means, such as the loss
of property, sickness, taking away
some loved one from our side. The
only way to regain God's favor and
mercy is by repentance; not only by
Sajrtag "I am sorry." but by showing
il in forraking the ways that dis
please God, turn to Him like the pub
lican, crying: "God be merciful to
me a sinner."
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Lau.
prominent and well known farmers
near Murdock. had the pleasure of
entertaining their children and
families at their home on Wednesday
evening. January 28, to celebrate
their 34th wedding anniversary and
;.lso the birthdays of their twin
daughters. Miss Felma Lau and Mrs.
Arnold Heil. which occur upon the
same date.
Another daughter. Miss Anna,
whose birthday falls upon January
2:th. always celebrates on the 2Sth
with her family, hut upon this occa
sion she was called away from homo
on a nursing case near Greenwood
and could not be present much to
the regret of everyone. All the other
children were present and spent a
happy evening together, a splendid
lunch being served before their de
parture for home.
Those present, besides Mr. and
Mrs. Lau and daughters. Misses Ella
and Selma. were Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam F. Lau and son. Eldon. Mr. and
Mr;;. George Kraft and daughter,
Mary Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Heil. of the vicinity of Louisville and
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kupke and daugh
ters. Verla and Evelyn, of Green
wood. Louisville Courier.
Sees Bonus Bill
Soon on Basis of
Increased Loans
House Member Asserts Congress
Leaders in Favor of Proposal
Lengthy Conference
Washington, D. C, Fch. 6. En
actment "within in days" of a com
promise plan to increase loans to war
veferans at a cost of approximately
500 million dollars w:iH predicted to
day by Representative Bacharach.
Immediately after making his
statement the New Jersey republi
can, a ranking member pf the ways
and means committee, conferred with
treasury officials on the legislation.
At the conference he voiced the
opinion that a compromise proposal
along the lines suggested by Owen
D. Young, chairman of the Genera'
Electric company, would meet wi:l
approval of all factions in the house
and senate.
Administration leaders expressed
the opinion the president would ap
prove such legislation. The an
nouncement by the New Jersey mem
ber of the ways and means commit
tee followed a lengthy conference
between leaders of both ptirties in
the house and senate. It was indi
cated they were in agreement.
The proposal probably would in
crease the loan basis on bonus cer
tificates to 50 per cent.
BLACKSMITH tooH and equipment
In well located power equipped shop
In northeastern Nebraska, for sale at
reasonable price to settle estate. Buy
er can lease building if desired. Ad
dress Box 285. Creighton. Nebr.
Booth White Minorca hatching
eggs, $4 per hundred. Mrs. T. R.
Jewell, Weeping Water, Neb.. Phone
Sixteen months old roan Durham
Manley News Items
Mr. Will Heebner was an Oman:,
visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mattis Baickein idgo
were Sunday visitors in Omaha.
Mr. end Mrs. John Murphy .spent
Monday at the Mrs. Charles Murphy
Mr. Robb s-nd family of David
City visited with the We! e family
this week
Ralph Welte and family to
David CP.y Sunday where tin y visit
ed relatives.
Mr. Paul
A. Tighe of Denial. .
several days last week
r, Mrs. Walter Mocken-
Nebr., spend
with his sis'.
M. I). Nelson
moving to the
where they will
and the family are
Thed Davis place
farm for the eo;:i-
ing yee.r
Miss Carrie Schafer was visitor
for tin- past week at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Edward, south
ot Weeping Water.
Herman Dell is the proud posses
sor of a new Plymouth betfan which
he purchased from the firm Of Hays
and Keith of Weeping Water.
Paul Flemmiug and the good wife
were visiting In Weeping Water as
well as looking after some- business
matter:-, on Wednesday or las; week.
Fred Flcischrann was ecdOBBUan
ied by the wife and daughter, enjoy
ing a very pleasant visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Qade at
Mr. Sad Mrs. John Prose h of Elk
horn, So. Dak., spent the fore p.irt of
the w.-k visiting the Vogler rela
tives, whi!" on their way home from
California where they spent the win
ter. Anton Auerswald and the family
wire enjoying a visit on last Sunday
at the home of an aunt of M.s. Auer
swald, Mr.-. Mileta. they driving
over to the big city for the day in
; heir auto.
Theo Tlormes was taken very ill
jon las'. Friday and had to be taken to
his home in a car. It is unusual that
Mr. Harmes ?res ill, but when he
does e !s very ill- It is hoped that
he will soon be well again.
Chas. Welde and wife of David City
were visiting here on last Wednes
day, and were accompanied by Per
nio Robb and wife of Ashby. they all
being guests at the home of :.?r. Char
les Griffis and Ralph Welte.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Cleveland
Rhoden entertained at their home
on last Sunday and had as their
guests for the occasion, Carl Rho
den of Omaha, and his lady friend,
who drove down for the day.
Joseph Wolpert and sister. Kath
erine. were over to Plattsmouth o i
last Thursday afternoon where they
were doing some trading and at the
same tim" Joseph was vis'ting with
some of his many friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grluis and
their son, Junior. w?"e called to
Glenwood, Iowa, on last Sunday,
where they attended the funeral or
:,n aunt of Mr. Griffis. Mrs. Louis
Scott, who has readied t lie advanced
age of $6 years.
R. Bergman and the good wife
were over to Omr.ha on Friday
evening where they went to look
after some business matters and at
the same time they brought their
daughter. Miss Margaret, with them
for the week end.
Fred Rue-cr and the family were
enjoying a visit on last Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Rue'er of Alvo. hey driving over
with their auto. They tell a jok- on
Fred about losing some of the family
out of the car as they were return
ing heme.
Enioyed Tine Danoc.
The Schutz orcheatra cf r.ear Fcrt
Crook, furnished the music for the
dance which was given at the Maniey
which was attended by a large num
ber of the pleasure loving people of
Manlev and vicinity as T.-eli as by
those or from many other places.
A most enjoyable time was had.
Trailers for Autos.
I have trailers in loth two whsel
ors and four w healers. Two wheelers
have two bitches. Come see theni.
Aug. Krecklow, Stanley, Neb.
M?nlev Hicli School Notes.
On Friday, latruary 9. 1931. the
j members of the Manley high school
;club elected new officers. They are
as follows: Chairman. Dorothy Ries
jter; President, Harry Walters; Vice
! President. Kula Pace; Treasurer.
jCnrl Vogler; Secretary. Eileen Shee
jhan; Tellers. Cl?r:i Keckler and Rob
! ert O'Brien; Librarian. Hernial!
Bergmann; News Report cr, Irene
; Riester.
Our former president. Lawrence
Kiser. has gotie back to his home in
The pupils took their semester ex
aminations. On Friday. January 16. 1931, the
members of the Manley high school
club held their usual weekly meet
ing. The time was devoted to di:;-
The New Shop
The New Blacksmith Shop is
Now Completed
Snrine- is ccming'. Better look after
I wnnr Tliccc Plnw T,Qvs an A flnltivatnr
Shovels now while ve are not so
busy and can get them out promptly
for you, having- them Out of the way
when, the spring rush comes. We can
serve you better now.
Remember, we are equipped to do
anything in the Blacksmith, Wood
Work or Shoeing line.
Anton Auerswald
At the New Shop
russing topics of health, particular
ly '.he evil.
Visits at Glenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt
I and children, Anna Marie and Billy,
i drove to O'enwood, Iowa. Sunday,
where they spent the day at the home
I of Mrs. Met kenhaupt's sister, and
brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
I Hughes, at the letter's home.
Hill. They visited With Mrs.
enhaupt'a mother and siste1
John Tic-he t-nd Miss Lily T
Su ii n y
Omaha, who re spending the win
ter WjiH "Jr. and Sirs. Hug'ief-. Mr.
;and Ifrs. diaries Cowan . nd nor,
Charles, and daughters, E ' . Ther
: -.! ; : d Bi tty arrived from Ctlftrti r.
(South, Dakota, Saturday to spend
Sunday at the Hughes home. Mrs. Co
wan was formerly Miss Bessie Ti(;-".
'a sister of Mrs. Mockenhaupt.
I MiB. R. H. Patton departt ' this
j morning for Omaha where ites will
spend n short time with her SCO Hay
: Patton at the hospital.
Mrs. John H. HallStrom de; d
jthl:; raOming for Waverly whe.. she
Will spend the day there visiting Kh
friends for a short time.
Mrs. Frank A. Cloidt departed
th:; morning for Omaha wh?;e she
spent a few hours visiting with her
; brother. P. T. Becker at the hos
'pital where he Is taking treatment.
John Vitersnik departed this
.morning for Omaha where he spent
Ithe day visiting with his friend and
neighbor, Ray Patton. at the Nich
Dlaa Senn hospital where ho is re
covering from an operation for ap
pendicitis. rn i.irilnv'. ".', tl
Attorney C. E. Teflt and Oscar
McNurlin of Weeping Water " ere in
the city today attending to soni" mat
ters at the court house and visiting
iwith friends.
P. J. Vallery of Havelock arrived
it his morning to spend the week end
here with his many old timo friends
and looking after some matters of
! business.
Mr. anu Mrs. O. Hanneman were
passengers on the early Burlington
train today for Lincoln where they
will spend the week end with friends
and relatives.
Mrs. Edgar McGuire departed this
morning for Lincoln where she will
spend the week end there with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Janda
and family.
Mrs. Martha Baumeistr an 1
daughter, Mrs. John Rutherford, de-
parted this morning
where they spent the
with friends there.
Miss Catherine .land;'.
Shiftman df Havelock
and Mi.;s tola
returned to
'their homes this morning after being
'here in attendance at the Platts
I moutk-Havelock basketball game.
B. L Clements and son. Attorney
i Guy L. Clements, of Elmwood, were
here today for a few hours attend
ing to some matters of business and
visiting with friends at the court
Sheriff Bert Reed and nephew,
Lloyd Chambers of Roseburg. Ore
gon, were at Lincoln today wher
they spent a few hours attending to
'some matters of business and visit
1 ing with friends.
j Sandford and Harry Short, who
.have been at Omaha, called by the
! illness of their mother, were here
i Friday to visit with the old home
j friends for a short time. They are
I expecting soon to return to their
home in Illinois as the mother seem
! somewhat improved.
Red Clover seed for sale at
bushel. Myron WUes. Tel.
$1 per
as I am moving OH a smaller faim,
I must reduce my farm equipment.
! anil will oiler for sale at what is
known as the Ed Slocuni farm. 2
miles north of Murray, t miles south
Of Mynard, 6 miles semthwest of
Plat tSSBOUth, Nebr., on
i beginning at 10:30 o'clock a. m..
'wi;h lunch served on the premises.
the following described property.
Tr-wit :
Five Head Horses
One team mares, bay and black, 10
and 12 years old, weight abDUt 2Kti:
one team bay mares, 10 and 12 years
old. weight about 2600; one bay
geldfnfr. 10 years old, weight about
Five Head Cows
One black cow. 3 years old. to
freshen soon: one Holstein cow, 3
years old. to freshen soon; one Hol
stein yearling heifer; two heifer
calves, 3 months old.
Farm Implements, etc.
One Peter Schuttler wagon: one
I Diering grain binder. 7-foot; one P
'and O 2-row cultivator; one P and O
'lister; one J. L Case 2-row machine;
one New Century 1-row cultivator;
one ront disc; one roos 5 n. p. gaso
line engine; five seed corn driers:
two sets 1-inch harness; five-horse
cellars; one stock saddle: three hal
ters; about 2 bushel Red Clover seed;
seme bee hives and supplies; one
180-egg Buckeye incubator; one 250
egg Reliable incubator; one 1200
chick size Queen brooder stove; one
12x14 foot brooder house; some
household goods and other articles
too numerous to mention.
Terms of Sale
On Kums of $10 and under, cash
In hand. On sums over $10 a credit
of six months on bankable note bear
ing 8 per cent interest.
Kenneth Ferris,
REX YOl'NG, Auctioneer
On Monday, February 3rd. the My
nard Home Makers met at the home
of Mrs. Elbert Wiles, all members
being present.
Our county chetrmant Mrs. Gayer,
and ur gr;up chairman, Mrs. Hall,
were Kuests for the afternoon. Pic
tures were taken of cvlub members.
The meeting was then Bailed to
order by the president-. A short bUS-
... ss meeting wp.s rein. I nen our
runt hooks
were looker' over and
The project leader then
( ha-.-ge of the mooting giving a very
iiterestiii"? lesson
"Kitchen Cui'ery,'
on selection of
knive. . graters.
(sharpeners and i in
op. i ere were -v:-
After the teascm, Mrs. E. H. pang
lei gave a Very interesting repor on
the "ore .i.'z-'! Agriculture" meet
ing that was held at Lincoln.
The song of the month, "Juanita,"
was sang, accompanied by Mrs. Hall
at the r.iaro.
The next meeting will be held at
the afynard rjomaeuattjr hall. March
3rd. It is to be an all d. y meeting
to which the husbands are Invited.
At the el m of the afternoon, Mrs.
Wilts served rery dainty and delic
ious refreshments which was very
much onjc.yed.
The State of Nebraska. Cass coun
ty, ss.
In th County Court.
In th matter cf the Estate of
Robert Troop, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
Ycu are hereby notified that I will
Fit at the County Court room in
Plattsiuouth. in said county, on the
Cth day of March. A. D. 1931 and i n
the- Itb day of July. A. D. 1931. at
ten o'clock in the forenoon of each
c'ay. to receive and examine all
laims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is three months from the fith
day of Mar. h. A. D. 1931. and the limited for payment of debts is
on- y;ar from said Cth day of March.
Witness my hand ami the seal of
said County Court this 4th day of
February, 1931.
(Seal) ft-Sw
County Judge.
The Slate of Nebraska, Cass cuuu
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the Estate of
Viola G. Smith, de eased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are hereby notified that I will
sit at the County Court room in
Plattsmouth. in said county, on the
' th day of March. A. D. 1931 and on
the r,th day of July. A. D. 1931, Si
nine o'clock in the forenoon of each
day, to receive and examine all
'laims against said estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against
late is three months from
said es-
the 6th
day of March. A. D. 1931.
and the
time limited for payment of
d ' ts is
one year from said 6th day of March.
1 '. 3 1 .
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 4th day of
February, i931.
(Seal) f9-3w County Judge.
Stat.- of Nebraska, Cass coun-
ty, ss.
In the County Court.
In the matter of the
Tlio-. ias Troop, deceased.
To the creditors of said
You are hereby notified
sit at the County Court
Estate of
si ate:
hat I will
room In
Plattsmouth, in said county.
Mh dav of March. A. D. 1931
on the
and on
the fith day of July. A. D. ItSl, at
nine o'clock In the forenoon of each
c'ay, to receive and examine all
t'aims against, said estate, with a
view to their adjustment ami allow
anoe. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against sai d es
tate is three months from the Cth
day of march. A. D. 1931, and tin
tiii.e limited for payment of debt I
on ? yar from ::aid 6th day of starch.
UltnSSS my hand and the seal
said County Court this 1th iay
February, lilt
(Seal) f9-3w County Judge
Notice Is hereby given that Frank
M. Pcstor, William A. Swatck. Cyril
Kallna and Charles K. Bestor have
organized a corporation to be known
BS Bestor &- Swatel: Company, with
its principal place of business at
Plattsmouth in Cass county. Nelra
ka. The general nature of the busi
ness to be transacted by said corpo
ration Is general hardware business
srlth right to buy and sell real estate
and stub kinds and classes of prop
erty as may be necessary in condui t
Ing its business. The authorized cap
ital stock is $30,000.00 in shares of
the par value rf $100.00 per share,
of which $24,000.00 is subscribe i
and paid at the time of said ora."
zation. Said corporation commenced
business on the first day of February.
1931, and continues for a period of
fifty years. The highest amount of
Indebtedness or liability to which
said corporation shall at any time
subict Itself shall not be more than
two-thirds of its paid un capital
stock. The business of said corpora
tion shall be conducted by a board of
four Directors and the officers of
said corporation shall be a Pr iient.
Vice President, Secretary and Treas
urer. Dated this 3rd day of February,