PAGE TWO PLATTSMOTTTH SEW - WEEKLY J0TOW1I THTRSDAY. JAN. 15 153! Nehawka Chester Stone "Wolfe and daughter. Miss Gladys. Mr. Frank Wolfe is departing this week for his hose in the west. Charles F. Hitt was a visitor in Plattsir.outh. called there on last Sat urday, to have one of the daughters .ir.g and lte'-u '" WEEPING WATER there made a most pleasant afternoon for her. They also gave her a hand kerchief shower. Mrs. Snell appre ciated the honor and responded to Mrs. E. F. Marshall was visiting the proffer of the presents in a mcst was suewi, . . ..... . ..Xl. r,f o -live ring corn which he raised on CT" .... ri-r i Pollard orchard, on Tuesaay of t iis week. Bert Reed was a business visitor i Kehawfea on last Saturday and v.aa looking after some legal business bile here. Mrs. L. M. Mc ey has been feel ing rather poorly for the past few eHut .but is reported as being 3ome better at this time Mrs. Hut has been quite poorly also of late and has been under the care of a doctor, and has been kept to her bed for some time past. Ritz Theatre Plattsmonth, Nebr. touching manner. The gathering ex tended to her wishes for a happy iife In their new home and many more Albert Wolfe and family wtr .. ajj 7aik,ng Programs Yen II Enjoy the home of his cousin of Mrs. Earl ; Wolfe east of Union, and who short- j 1 returned from the hospital at i with friends and relatives in Lin lecln on last Saturday. Hall Pollard of near Xehawka was a business visitor in Weeping Water such happy occasions.- c short time on latt Tuesday after ; noon. I Grandmother Metcalf is still veiy ill. and is being cared tor by .Mrs. Thornton who makes an excellent nurse. Bank Holds Meeting. The First National bank, one of the substantial banking institutions of Cass county end in fact of the Mtntp of Nebraska heir! a directors George Towle and family, and Mrs. mc.etinc at the banking house in Agusta Tcwle were over to .ebin-ka wnirur Water nn Tuesdav after- Oavle Sturm was shelling com at --.u Z V , ; . irnured m a wreck with his truck. FRIDAY - SATURDAY January 16-17 Omaha where he was for a while re- ' p i P-, ry ef City today to attend the funeral of nnon nf W(.Pk ravine treatment after havine been . ck Jones, Greatest Western Mar nrnmt noon or una eeh Harold Baker was a visitor ?n N'e Weeping Water on Tuesday after- . " Ur. i c nr.ttino nlAno TI if filv MDU' Word from Beaver City, where and wife removed some whirl: was being delivered elevator in Nehawka. ni-n" rr. Stru:h Or-;iria on 1 " Mont Shrade: sf.-n were .'onday of this week, where they i p.t to take a load of hogs for Mr. Troop. Albert Wolfe and daughter, Miss Clauys were over to Omaha on Mon day of this week where they were tailed to matters. that the crops were good there this season, and besides the excellent corn and wheat which was grown there, they were blessed last week with a fine bouncing baby boy, and both the young man and the mother are re- look after some business poneu uwug 7?:, T" is not feeling so bad himself, as to -rr Fi yd Fulton and the good wife -ni;t- Men Without Law and Episode No. 4 of TOM TYLER in The Phantom of the West Laurel & Hardy Comeriy and News The Biggest Show Ever Offered fcr 10 and 25c A Unique Way of Putting It. Poultry and flour made to show and on his return brought !' -" " l"l last wnir.'i w . u. Ditni-i aim ojii i..-.. made. In the window of thla estab- braska City on last Tuesday after noon where he went with a load of poultry with him a load of feed. IBS the past week at the home of "522?rJM her srrandrriot'nr. Mrs. Martha Wet- Son, have three sacks of flour, witn 7rr ...v a f-ard on ton. saying, for the twen cf Mynard wore visiting for the af-' . ""V'";'".: ternocn on Ian Sunday at the home W Fjki? Ti Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregg of north In training two of her students who win iaii- pari in nit? nnioi ui mc M-I-N'-K contest or the association embracing Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska I and Kar.:-a. and which contest is to j enjoyed the visit very much. Mr. and Mrs. Turner M. McKin non of near Alvo where they are en gaged in farming, were spending a few days in Weeping Water, guests 3 Shows Sat. N:ght Last Oiie at 10 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H ty-four pound sack four pound heavy hen. lakes i.t Another brand and a forty-eight pound sack goes for a six pound heavy hen. while for an other brand a seven pound heavy hen navs for this. Now is the time cf Nehawka. Miss Donna Ross, the eleven year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. r -.- ltlifC ill for ifiP'tf- ti .-. ..c Kainr f-.t- tx? held in Peru some time in the ter at this time. near future. Tb? two. one a lad and Martin Ross, living sorth of Ne- one a iass who mrw w iwka was feeling not the very best ,ie contest are Lucille Hadley and m i , , j ... i ..r. ; Thomas Trooo. lor 11 iiuujutri ui ua-. iioiiiih nuuic- , - j. n:iri'-s lavjor hi ji:iaiia wu- a thing like the grippe, but is much or at this time SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY January 18-19-20 Spencer Tracy and Warren Hymer in a Big Special 9p The River Fables, Comedy and News Sandav Matinee at 2 : 30 Gorder. Mesdames McKinnon am, to figure when has so much hen flesh Gorder being sisters. Ralph Binaer who is attending the state university, was down for the evening on Tuesday night and was paid for sn much fine flour. Hdd Sale Next Week. The Weeping Water Variety store. Osca. Shrader who i was dressing n;s winter meat on Reduced Prices visitor in Nehawka on last Sunday ' - . . ... nnl wno-t rlitriticr . . T t V" -' T (it- nas neer. trouciea " 7 7" u V.L. A "WS rU -1 A fi foi the past week with l'nme of f:. and Mrs" ? B Stone. AdUltS, 2S Children, M be has been trying to fi?ht ami was telling oi a trip wnicn ne out. bat he Mill la vcrv boarse but made m the west recently and while ,i,iu. i; there met James M. Stone who with t- ... ..u.... ' - 'C- ! 1 . T. a hUtier, IBBuIJ uic ai i . where .Mr. Sf ne is rapiuiy regaining conversation with harge of the cine business matters. Lee Marshall of Denver, Monday of this week and on the fol- nis health In a conver i-iro. chcitoH onrt Hnvri .-om the physician who has eJ to the Farmers Elevator in Nehaw- .case of Mr Stone out there, he was ti-i tnai nv remaining uit-ie 101 ci ka Mr. Mark Burton has been rather 'short time longer that Mr J tiAnrlt' f T-r rr i cavnr ottftflf of infif v... v.,. i,nhnB0. t-..ic o-on- he had had for many years. Thi -1 l . it liars iixuuuiii) e. . - . v, ; .. exceiieiii nws lor iiie 11 icuus yji una M. Stone would have better health than s is WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY January 21-22 Another Double Feature Program Biar Stars in Bii? Pictures at this' time but not as yet entirely ; young man and his family well. Misses Lois Troop and Dorothy Yost were over to Plattsmouth on !ast Saturday where they were Many Attend Legion Meet. Many of the members of the Am- taking erican Legion of Nehawka. were in theii music le-orr- of Mis-; Olive Gass attendance at the district meeting wiio i a most elerer instructor on iwhich was held at Nebraska ( ity on the piano. Mesdames M. last Monday, and with their influence M. Tn.-kei and R. and hard work were doing all pos- C. Pollard were visiting with friends sible to make the gathering a pro- i:i Lincoln on Friday of last week, nounced success. Among those whe they drfribg over to the big town In were in attendance were Frank Trot- their car. they a! o looking after ter. Edward Woods. Marion Tucker. Edmund Lowe ard Marguerite Churchill in Good Intentions and the owner of a very fine roar door 'onductt-tl oy Air. ana irs. r-.imer Chevrolet sedan, which he will use Michelsen, who are preparing the to make his trips to and from Liu- room second door east from the place coin. Lis father, G. R. Binger and where they conduct their store now, Frank Domingo of the Nebraska itate will hold a special sale on next week, bank were using the car to make a commencing on January 22r.d, and trip to Plattsmftuth on last Monday which will continue for three days, where they were called to look after Following the sale with the comple tion of the changing and decorating where he of the store room, the business will hab made h:.- home for seme time be removed which will tie alter nexi past, was a visitor in Weeping V.'a- week. ter for a number of days during the past wjeek. Lee is a son of Albert Miss Genivieve Hobson Resigns Marshall, and came to visit the fath- There was a place in the teaching er. The visit was a very pleasant force of the Weeping Water schools one. Mr. Ma' hall also was visiting made vacant by the resignation of! with friends here. Coming, he was Miss Genivieve Hobson who has con- wiih another party and while they eluded to cease leaching, and which were coming they experienced a has been filled by the appointment of : wreck near Ir.dianola. and had to Miss Dorothea Dudley of Guide Rock, i make the remainder of the trip on and who has been attending school the train while their car was being at Peru of late. Miss Dudley began repaired. They returned on Monday her work this week, and picked up the auto at Indianola, j returning to Denver, their home. some business matters. I'ncle Louis H. Voting quite poorly at his home northwest of Nehawka for some time pasr. and has been receiving the care of the family I Vei ner Lundberg, has been and many others. Eugene Nutzman Dorothy Sebastian in Her Latest Ladies KSust Play ALSO FREE Cannon LinenFREE . . i To Every Ladv Patron TI: c. Lena Anna Brust Mis. Ellis Very Poorly. Mrs. George E'.lis is very poorly at the hospital in Omaha where she was Will Give Concert. Thp two hands, the Nehawka band physician but is reported as being an1 the iwiston band will on Tues- slightly improved at this time. day of the coming week, give a con- Lenry Ross and the family were rr,:t mi entertainment at the audi- v f ir- and lo klr:g after some buei- torium of Nehawka and which will i matters In Nebraska Oity on r,e an exccllent one for the bands S-.i'rrrday of hist -week. They d:cnre bolh are wu trained and at the same ore to the big town in Otoe county time contain many very fine musi to vi: it friend anil do their trading. cianf: Be sure an(i do not have the' P. v.. Hansen was enjoying a date cccnpied Tuesday .January 20th. visit on last Sunday from his parents j Mrs. Frank Brust, formerly Miss taken some time since. Mrs. Elli? Lena A. Towle, died at her home at I was poorly, and pome time since was Nebraska City on last Monday, after I taken to the Immanuel hospital at a hard struggle for her life from the Omaha, where she was to undergo an disease, cancer. Miss Lena operation for relief, but as her condi- A. Towle was the daughter of Mr. tion was so serious it was thought Frank and Agusta Towle and sister better no to attempt to operate un it Mr. Geo. A. Towle at whose home til she was stronger. The physicians Grandmother Towle makes her home, have endeavored to build her up until also a sister of Earl Towle. who has she might have sufficient strength lhilfl VPn 10 been spending the winter at Milwau- for the ordeal. She grew rather v V.illiU.l CII, v je(? wiV.. and Harry Towle of Long thru better and it was feared for her . , , wmmmm mmmm . Beach, California. Besides she leaves recovery. However she was repo'r- rj fi-fi th nrHoi thp husband, her mother and three sltgbtly " J ,-ons. ir.ev benia Lvle Brust of Den- ALL AT REDUCED PRICES Adults ror Job Printing. PUBLIC AUCTION ver. Colo., Rex of San Diego, and Vere of Nebraska City. Mrs. Brust :has been a sufferer from cancer for some time and has undergone two operations for relief, and it was improved die of the week. during the mid- Received Gold Medal. Vinton Rehmeier. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rehmeier. livine north west cf Weeping Water is the recip- J. ('. Hansen and wife of Omaha, and who were accompanied by a bro ther of the docor. Warren Hansen and aunt and uncle P. H. Hansen and wire of Omaha. Make Good on Sale. The day fine and the way was pleasant, so there was a large crowd nt the sale which was held by Au- The undersigned will s. 11 the prop- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gregg were over , brey Hopkins, five miles north or .e to Mynard on last Sunday where hawka, and that the buyers might they visit with their friends, jbe comfortable, the Ladies Aid of the Mrs. racob Smith. The lat- Murray church served lunch, and t-i being quite ill at his home in were abje to realize some forty dol th pla . He was much plea-ed ,,ars from thelr saie hich thev tnrn t.. have h.s friends come to sef. him V(1 h church, and were phased John G. Wunderlich and the good , tV . . . ,. ' ,, j that thev were able to serve so well, wrfe were enjoying a very fine day ' on Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. CI; yfen A. Rosencrans and their lit tle son were guests at the Wunder- throught until recently that she was jent of a Gf),d AJe,Ial which was giv gemng oetter. nut ouring tne time hi bv th wilson Packing com- civ ticimi i,uin- o PiTt.iif inptinn me cancer was eating inward anil rT f't,iMm Thr.moc art Win ?t the farm 3. miles northeast of l'ietrated the lungs which produced prf.sidPnti fnr his being the most out Nehawka; 2 miles west and 3 miles hemorrhage of the lungs which pro- BtaildinK member of a boys club in south of Murray and 9 miles east and ... UL uclu- ibc iuu w (he raijiPr of two very line batty mile south of Weeping Waier, Nebraska, on Goori News Of! the Wire. A message flashed from San diego licb home, atxl who were also joined early Monday morning, brought some by I. ester Wunderlich and his friend. ;:: - Lillian O'Donnell. good news, to the home of M.r. and Mrs. Henry Wessell, that they were Mrs. Joseph Cisney who has been blessed by being the grandparents of Tuesday, Jan. 20fh beginning at 10:00 o'clock a. n. . with lunch served on grounds, the following described property, to-wit: 9 Head Horses and Mules held on Thuntdav of this week from Nebraska City, and interment made there. Ear Towle Here. beeves of the white short horn va riety and also for the growing of the finest Chester white barrow. It will be remembeied that the stock of Vin ton was shown at the state fair, the Earl Towle who is spending the Cass county fair and the Omaha Ak wir.fer at Milwaukee, upon hearing Sar-Ben stock show at each place of the extreme illness of his sister, scoring high, and winning the prem M -. Frank Brust of Nebraska City. . inns in their class. Vinton sure One bay horse. 7 years old. weight started and driving all night and day knows the art of raising good stock 1600; one black mare, 6 years old, hoped to be able to see the sister of any kind, v. eight 13001; one hay mare, smooth alive. While he pushed the car to its mouth, weight 1400; two bay mares, utmost, during the night, the dis 6 and 6 years old. weight 2900: two was too great and he was not black mare mules, 3 years old, wt. tble to arrive at Nebraska City in 2 5"0; two black mules, smooth time to ;;ee the sister alive. He was FCR SALE :-;i-"Ming the past nearly a month in the west where she ha. been visit ing her parents at I'asedena. C all- formorlv IMm Velnia WpkkpII hut now I Bbe al visited with friends ; Mns Jcssie M-'.ler who with the hus- i!i uoa aageies ana at eu wnue sne.haml are ajso happy over the event v. mi'ie. :i h. t isney is 10 arrivt home on Thursday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Rough were over to Crete on last Sunday, a very nne eight pound young lady he riaiiebtpr of the'- dauehter. the O'-rndfather Wessell is pretty well pleased over the happy event. where they visited for the day at the I ne Of their daughter. Mrs. W: son s'.nd enjoyed a vers- pleasant time. On their return they stopped at Lin The Corn Will Grow. I", (i. Hansen living northwest of Nehawka. who picked his corn sev eral week aeo. placing it In a crib. coin where they visited for a little but fm some cause a slight nmount ot moisture got in the crib and on the corn. Mr. Hansen also butchered a few days since and after having smoked bis meat, went to the crib to hang it so that it would have a good . ,j place to air. found the corn growing nicety, so weorge win not nave to test his corn for he knows it will grow That is pretty well for De cember weather in this climate. time with a brother of Mr. Rough. George Wessell and wife are hap py, us well as Grandfather and Grandmother Jacob Weasel 1, all on account of the arrival of a very fine boy at the home of George? Wesse and son. the young man. his two little sisters and the mother are do-i-.j finely, while George ts doing tol- rabljr well. James J. Pollard and George Pol lard were over to Omaha on last Ge- 3 "Wev; Orm Shelby warren Munn who is a veteran very anxious to see the sister, but was denied the great boon. He visit ed in Weening Water, following the One red cow. I years old; one red funeral today. rrouth, weight 2G00. 30 Head of Catt! cow. .-. years old: one reel and white cow. G years old; one Holstein cow, years old ; one roan cow, 4 years old: one Guernsey cow, 8 years old; one Jersey cow, 5 years old. and calf; Mrs. Charles H. Gibson Birthday Mrs. Ben Gibson, sister-in-law of Mrs. Charles H. Gibson, knowing of the nassir.K of the birthdav anni- one red heifer. . years old, and cair ; v rsary of Mrs. Charles Gibson, pel one reci cow, .- years oin; one reu fected t'arl E. Bay - Sons will sell o"C '-of their 2 year old Registered Black Percheron stallions at the Theo Davis .farm. Sab- 2 miles south and one :mile west of Weeping Water on Jan. ' 20, 1931. They also have nt their stock farm, for sale at private treaty, some young teams of heavy draft ; horses." either broken or not broken, ' to work. PLATTSMOUTH'S BUSIEST STORE last Satuieav the bigg-: r.y em stcrc ha- had since epening-. It lack thr-h everyone ia Plattsrnotith buy .d at KINKY-DINKY. Below are a few of car prices for FBIDAY AND EA1ULDAY. Buy all vcu want n; linit SunAst Navels r r s ? a fcfcGiJ Per head Small Size M"q. Size Lares Size 2 Dczen 29 utzen. 39 Dozen 29 Solid, Crisp 7V2 Gaps Fspfliit Sfze 4 tor ZS 2.25 A DDI C4 Fancy WINESAPS 4 lbs., 29c. Bu. basket r. 1M k . . Can X Peaches FOOD PRODUCTS DEL K0KTE. Large No. 2V2 cans. Halves cr Sliced. 2 cans for. P-i Dozen Cans. i Pears DLL MONTE 3 AST LETTS. Very fine. Laige N. 21; size cans. 2 cans for Per Dozen Cans. 2.94 49 Pineapple DEL MONTE. Sliced. Large No. 2Vo size cans. 2 cans for Per Dozen Cans, 2.94 49 Apricots Spinach mm BEL MONTE. Large No. 2- ? size cans. Heavy syrup. 2 cans for. Pei Dozen Cans. 2.94 No. 1 size cans. 2 fcr. 21 No. 2V size cans. 2 for. . 49 33 HINKY-DINKY BEST 24-ib. bag, 73. 48-lb. . . 1.19 COFFEE DEL MONTE. Vacuum pack. 0J i-lb can. Friday or Saturday jU GRAPE FRUIT PRUNES I DEL MONTE. Finest packed. 8-cz.. lO: No. 2. 19 SANTA CLARA Med. siz; 2 pounds. 15 . 25 pound box. PURITAN NUT. Mcst popular brand. 2 pounds. 1.59 35 ?7ivTsEiirs MC'iro gram creamef:: .- , ii Ft; riday. Saturday. Per pound 25 Ocld's Sterling Smoked Picnics. 6-6 lb. av.. Lb. . 12V Dold's Sterling Sugar Cured. Half, whole. Lb. CflMp 1 WHiTE NAFTHA - jt'i Unexcelled 4y any. tO bdra. Cigarettes 19Vs 29 cow. years old; six rel heifers, 2 arranged V- have four k -nd young: Short- ,-u:iv- . f-m.m. (lisnis.i nn. plete surprise when she horn h1,s for ,roans an'' .Monal lsislution and R. C. Doug- a party to reiebrate tne IT : . , , ifiiauimauoH ana siau Off Carton. 1.19. 2 okes. . . IJ Ail popular brands. Carton, 1.19. 2 pkgs. FOR SALE years old; one hull. ?, years old; five event. A large number of her friends Three miles south 1 on-half mih red yearling heifers; two red year- gathered and celebrated the event . west of w pepmg ater. I hone 22.10. lin bulls: four butket calves. Six- moat properly and gave some very teen of these cows and heifers will nice remembrances, and also extend- brinjr calf. 75 Head Hampshire Hogs Twelve bred Hampshire gilts; six old sows; twelve shoats and sows; CO suckling pigs; 16 fall pigs; one. Hampshire boar. Farm Machinery, 'Etc. ing the wish for many more such happy occasions. In Honor cf Friend The Itoval Neighbors of America POTEST ADDRESSES LEGION MEETING AT NEBRASKA CITY aid. w. R. ii-.iiy. Plattamonth, ing commander, preside!. retir- Sweet clover and alfalfa hay for sale Also wood. Tele. 3K03. B Oilmour. tfv,- Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 12. Ac tivities of the American Legion t ine.' its organization were reviewed here and by the way, they are royal neigh- jtonight by Marcus M Poteet state ' Hfki-c: t a f-t- thnv 1 r on mnnv :nr.i?hlmrlv a'ctu -ttirfiiMfwH n Mir- district meeting of the legion One Hailor 2-row cultivator, new; rr n r u.i ,omuara t,- Overland 1-row rider: Badger l-rowichris Sncl,f who with the husband J e"ns' rider; Case 2-row machine; P & O fnmilv are tn remove to Sarnv!fiShi: He cited the formation of the vei- bureiu after a three-year the building of 71 million Thursday. tUy driving -.ami while Urn 8 el er. i we me n h ' lwidfl ,reaI listrr; narrow trea" ste"-: c-nnty with the coming of March dollars worth of hospital, for dis they er guests of the Internal if rial , . " "'l1'1-" "i?25" " "J I Avery corn planter. 120 rods wire: r,av u-ni MMM m labled, the adjusted compensation 1 been H. nmnnnv -r.v,. IwV. "KU HUSinesS IOI Ins the plant which Is an in- many years- and knows the ins mad ting place, and also wore ;t- ; "t?1. an'' ups and downs of corn tfng better acaualnted wtih the line- Celling, has purchased a new shell of farming machinery. Pr whrch hr h,as received and is now , . . , , , i prepared to do absolutely the very Prank Wolfe of Colorado, where ;,,est work p08sible he ha? been making his home fori come lime past, hut who has been visiting here for the past few we;k-. BOULDER DAM STATES was a visitor In Omaha on last Mod-I -crn-aT nwAir..0 rm j mm ii pi tf jy ii - O wr ftlfv m Avery corn planter. 120 rods wire; f,rst and where they will engage in jabled, the adjusted compensation McuirmjcK mower; new Alasey-f tur- i farming The ladies nathered at the ls c,iigr-?sioii--1 n ikuh- ris mower; Massey-Harrls side deliv-homc of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Part-Mnp from legion work: told of a five ery rake: hay loader; 7-foot McCor-1 rege. where thev induced Mrs. Snell. ! million dollar fund raised to care ior cniHiren 01 cusaoiee. loimauc Listen The Music The Nehav.ka and Lewiston Band will give a Concert and Entertainment Tuesday, Jan. 2 Need help? Want a job? You can What does the New Year hold in store for u?" asks an exchange. I jet results in either event by placing tha Irargsnri vonr ad in the Journal. ialso like very much to know. Washington. Jan. 12. Counsel tor the six states that are narr of the Boulder dam pact Monday filed answer In tho United States supreme court to the suit brought by Arizona to restrain them from proceeding with the terms of the compact. The ';ites are California, Nevada. Ctah, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming. The court set March for arguments in the case. -at- THE NEHAWKA AUDITORIUM Amission, 25 c SHOOTING MATCH SUNDAY There will be a shooting match held on Sunday at the farm of Jess Terry berry, wpf! of Mynard. Match starts at 1 :.':. Bveryosu jgj invited Children, 10c to come and join in the match. nibk binder: new 14-hole McCormick- D'ering drill; Shroder corn elevator, 42 ft. long, jack and power; two John Deere discs; two high wagons; hog rack and wagon; hay rack; 3-sectlon harrow; broadcast seeder; bob sled; buggy: 2.r, and 4-bushcI Utility hog feeders on platform; Kx8 ft. "A" hog house; set of l'A-in. H. U. harness : one saddle; two sets of l-inch har ness: eight good collars; 20-barrel tank: Cowboy tank heater; No. 15 1 DeLaval cream separator; two chick en coops; several tons of hay, alfalfa and timothy and clover in barn. Many smaller articles not listed. Terms of Sale Amounts under $10, (ash. On sums over $10, six months time will be given on approved notes drawing S Interest. No goods to be removed from premises until settlement is made. Owen Willis, Owner. REX YOUNG. Auctioneer. WALTER J. wr.VDKRLlCIl, Clerk. a member of the order, to come and THE FUNERAL HOME M dern conditions and stand ards of living have called into being an entirely new kind of Institution for meeting a uni versal human need The Fun eral Home. Planned Tor the specific pur pose which it serves, it offers greater efficiency and greater convenience than was possible i county In tho tmut f j organisation ot junior baseball lea gues, and achievement in Nebraska of a state relief fund. Poteet declared that the major leg islative objective is the universal j draft, to take the profit out of war jand mobilize all resources, men, cap ital, labor and industry to serve with lout profit in case of war. Fred Witt. Nehra.-ka t'lty. was i elected district commander at the I meet ing here, with Walter G. Wun Iderllch, Nehawka, vice-commander. County commanders were named as follows: Dr. J. G. Mnir. Milford. Seward in the past We are proud to be able to offer the communities which we serve the use of such an estab lishment. Kto&soit Funeral Home WTEPINfJ WATER. NEBR. lit nnett, Lancaster Fred Liebers, county. Ben Olive. Weeping Water, Cass county. William Keithley, Syracuse, Otoe county. Department Adjutant Henry H. Dudley discussed organization and membership. dharlVs r. Beck out lined work ot the veteran.-' bun an. ' Sain Reynolds, Omaha, national ex "DEACON DUBBS" A Home Talsnt Play Given by the Lewiston Band Friday Evening, January 16, 1931 At the Lewiston Community Center PERSONS IN PLAY DHA.CON DUBBS AMOS COLEMAN RAW DON" CRAWLEY MAJOR lfcVDTT DKI TBRONOMY JONES ROSE RALEIGH M!;S PMILIPENA POPOVER EMILY DALE TRIXIE COLEMAN YENNIE YEN'SEN Otto Shaffer Sheldon Smith John Hobscheldt Ethan Allen Vernile Pullen Gewolyne Hansen Pern Frans --Rosem iry Fredrick Lei a Smith Pauline Smith SYNOPSIS ACT 1 A country auction. The Deacon arrives from Sorghum Center. State of West Virginia. ACT 2 A country wedding. ACT 3 A courftry husking bee. The Deacon takes a wife. Admission: Adults, 25c; Children, 150 The Money will be Used for the Band C2