The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, December 25, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, DEC. 25, 1930.
Uni& n D ri m ant
Prepur d Exclusively for The Journal.
The Quality Moire
Wishes you a Very Merry Christ
mas and a Happy and Pros
perous Hew Year
As years come and as years go,
May our friendship ket:p increasing;
May we make each other happy;
Greet each other with a smile!
Then on that Great Day of Judgment
May our life have been worth while.
Telephone 29 Union
Phone 29 mm &
Frank Bauer and Jade Roddy were
enjoying a visit on last Sunday at
Lincoln when driving over to the
big town in their car.
The Union postoftice is closed to
day, as they like the rest of. the hu
man race are entitled to a holiday
and they are taking it today.
A. L. Becker was a visitor in
Plattsmouth and Omaha on la.;t Sat
urday, he having some excellent wood
on the market at both places.
George A. Stites. mayor i t Union,
was called to Lincoln on last Monday
to look after some business matters,
he making the trip via his auto.
H. V. Griffin on last Monday pur
chased a cow of E. E. Leach and an
excellent one at that, this making
two which they have at this time.
D. Ray Frans and Charles Dysart
were over to Nebraska City on last
Monday where they drove in the car
of Mr. Frans to look after some busi
ness matters.
Elmer Wlthrow and the family
were over to Nebraska City on last
Sunday where they enjoyed visiting
at the home ot" Eimer, C. E. Wlth
row and wife.
C. L. Greene who has recently re
turned from the hosital i getting
along nicely, but as yet is not sur.i
tiently strong to return to the store
for regular work.
E. E. Leach and the good wife
were over to Plattsmouth nn lasi
Wednesday where they were visiting
and where Ed was looking after some
business matters as well.
Earl Merrit and the good wife were
over to Nebraska City on last Mon
day, where they were looking after
some business matters and at the
same time were visiting with friends.
On last Wednesday T)r. W. W. Clay
baugh departed tor Urand Junction,
Colo., where he went to spend the
Christmas tide with hi? son. Bruce
Clayhaugh and family of that pla
Henry A. Chilcott and the good
wife and their daughter. Mrs. Elmer
Withrow were visiting in the county
seat on last Tuesday, where they were
also looking over the large stocks of
Christmas gifts which are carried
Herbert Roddy who has ben visit
ing here for the past three weeks, de
parted on last Monday for Denver,
where he has ben making his home
and will spend Christmas there. He
and the folks enjoyed the visit very
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton B. Smith have
been enjoying a visit from the par
ents of Mr. Smtih who make their
hor at Yuma. Colorado, and who are
to make a prolonged stay here as
well as enjoying the Christmas with
Mr. and Mr3. E. E. Leach were
spending Christmas at Nebraska City
as the guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Propst, and which mean
they are surely enjoying their visit
and also one of the very best dinners
The little four year old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Keene.' Victor, has
been very poorly of late and they
took the little lad to Nebraska City
to the hospital on last Tuesday aftci-
For the Best
Groceries Meats
We make it our practice to
furnish absolutely the very
best goods at a price within
the reach of all. Highest price
paid for Country Produce.
Union, Nebr.
Red Top Steel Posts
Bran, Shorts, Tankage
Gas and Oil
We Grind and Mix All Kinds Feed
Highest Prices for Grain
and Live Stock
Telephone No. 18 Union. Nebr.
vi. ;u- v-i-- -i.jrxiiZritL-..tZ- vCrt!
.-Ui-.; i
noon. John Armstrong with his car
taking htm.
W. A. Taylor and the good wife
were over to Plattsmouth on last
Monday where they were looking af
ter some busine.-s matters and at the
same time were visiting with their
many friends there and sure they
have many of them
Last' wjek Misses Nola Banning
and Louise Foster, who are attend
ing school at the Stevens College at
Columbia, Mo., arrived home and are
staying dining the holidays. The
young ladies are getting along very
nieely with their studies.
Business at the Clarke restaurant
and cafe is good and there is a rea
son, for they have an excellent one,
and keeps Ira away from the shop
a go "1 ileal of the time and he has
Mr. Barl Merritt, who is an excel
lent baker there all the time.
James Fitr'.patri.k and the good
wife are kept hustling to care for
the traile which comes to their place
of business at the restaurant. This
place with that of Ira Clarke and the
hotel makes Union very well served
I for a place to get good t ats.
John Fitchbom who has been
spending the last two months at Clay
Center with his daughter, Mrs. Ar-
j thur Howard and husband, enjoyed
'a very line visit and was rather loath
I to return. However, he desired to
spend Christmas with the folks here.
Churches pave programs at both
edifices, and they sure had good ones
and which were greatly enjoyed by
the different Bible schools, and fol
lowing the conclusion of the pro
grams all went to the municipal tree
where they had a second program
and treats.
Charles Atteberry has the garage
; well filled up now and is doing a
fine business. He just received a
largo invoice of new batteries which
he has on display and has sold and
delivered a number of them. The
cold weather is making it very neces
sary for all cars to have pood bat
teries for the cold makes the turning
over of the engine more difficult.
Many of the people of Union were
visiting n Plattsmouth on Wednes
day of th's week where they went
to look after their Interests in the
Farmers Co-operative Creamery, and
where some matters will he threshed
out. Those to go were E. E. Leach,
It. E. Foster. Ben Martin. Frank W.
Marti:-.. Arden Ruhman, T. K. Hath
away. Geo. LutS and W. E. Reynolds.
1 Miss Anna Dlrich, who a short
time since established a beauty par
lor in the Propst building reports
business brisk and that she i doing
well. This with the worl of Miss
Clarke which is excellent, nakes it
easy to get one's work dont in this
The town board of the v liage of
Union met on Tuesday erening and
looked after matters which had been
waiting for their action and among
which was the selection of a night
watchman, and from the way things
have been happening over the coun
try looks as if one was badly Deeded.
Loses Gasoline Twice.
John Armstrong has been keeping
his car so that any one desiring,
could come and pot what gasoline
from it that he had and they have
not neglected to do so. for now two
times they have drained his car. The
Inst time was Monday night, for"
when he went to use the cat' Tuesday
morning he found it as dry as a
Ibone. Not tl"e loss of the gasoline
i was the worst of it. but he cranked
and cranked for a long time before
; he discovered that the pas was all
;gone. It looks like some one will get
I in trouble when they come again.
i Spending Christmas in Plattsmouth.
Horace Griffin, anil the family are
spending Christmas in Plattsmouth
where they are guests at the home
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Griffin and where there will be oth
ers of the family circle and where all
are today enjoying themselves.
Christmas at Omaha.
Mr and Mrs. Jessie Pell who make
th Ir home at Omaha, were entertain-
itig today at their home and are hav
ing the entile family there for the
occasion. Mrs. Rachel Pell, mother
of Jessie Pell departed for Omaha on
, last Saturday and is enjoying a whole
Iweek's visit with her son and family.
Were Pleased With Santa.
Ray Frans with his car and Jimmie
as one of the chief passenpers and a
number of other little tots, enough
to make a car load, were over to
Plattsmouth on last Tuesday morn
I big where they went to see Santa
! Claus, and to enjoy the celebration
J of his coming. Ray relates a wonder
ful story of the large crowd of kid
dles who were there and wild with
I excitement. He did not know that
i there were as many kiddies in the
nounty as were assembled there.
The Municipal Tree.
C. H. Whitworth who is one of the
all around good citizens of Union and
a regular fellow when it comes to
helping along a good cause, is as
much responsible for the Christmas
treeas any one, and securing one had
it erected in the street between the
hank and the store of Ray Fahr
lander where it was decorated and
lighted and where on last Wednesday
evening a very appropriate program
was given. Many Christmas carols
were sung and on the crisp night air
made a most delightful feature of
the very fine rogram which was giv
en. A number of readings were giv
en and also treats which were pur
. based w ith the money which Mr.
Whitworth secured by passing a
paper among the good citizens of
Union. The doners were all the busi
ness men and many of the citizens,
the amount being $20.80, and the
following was how the money was The lighting of the tree dur
ing the time it remained in the
street was $7.00. Candy purchased
;it Mable Reynolds, R. D. Stine and
ltihn and Greene, $13.20. Present
tor Mayor Stites a dime, balance fifty
cents, was donated to commercial
Christmas At Home,
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Upton are to
day celebrating Christmas at home
and are happy in having their two
daughters. Miss Sarah, who is a stu
dent in the state university, and Miss
Vera, who is teaching in the schools
of Madison, home with them, this
making the entire family and where
;:11 sure enjoyed the Christmas cheer
radiating from mother's dinner table
and the entire home.
Mrs. Pice at Hospital.
Mrs. Frank Pace who lives west of
Manlcy. was taken to Omaha to the
Lord Lister hospital on last Monday
evening, where she is to be treated
- d where Bhe will be nursed by her
daughter. Miss Fern Pace, who is
caring for the mother. Mr. Pace and
on were in Union on last Tuesday.
Recovers Stolen Coat.
A coat was stolen at Wyoming last
week and when the parment was
missed the fact was telephoned to
i'nion and Mayor George A. Siites
was on the lookout for the culprit and
soon noticed him going along the
streets and stopped him. The wife of
the owner of the coat identified it and
it was readily handed over as the
man who had perloined it was will
bag to get off his hands and to get
C me to Church Sunday.
This is the invitation given every
one not worshipping elsewhere for
there is no intention of pulling any
:ie away from where he worships,
are invited to come to the Bible school
at the Baptist church, and stay for
the church services which will fol
low. The subject which will be
treated by Rev. Taylor will be "Seek
ing the Christ." Better be there and
hear the masterful discussion of the
t pic. Good music and good fellow
ship. Miss Helen W arner
Hew Deputy flerk
of District Court
Announcement of the Appointment
Is Made by C. E. Ledgway.
The announcement was made to
day by C. E. Ledgway, clerk of the
district court-elect, of the appoint
or 'it of Miss Helen Warner, as the
new deputy in the office and who will
be the assistant of Mr. l-edgway
when he takes his new office on
January 8th.
Miss Warner is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Charles H. Warner, prom
inent residents of this city and
county, and she is now enpaged in
the office of Searl S. Davis as steno
grapher. The new appointee is a lady
well qualified for the position that
she has been called to and will make
Mi Ledgway a most eminently quali
fied deputy and one who will be a
pleasing addtiion to the office force
of the court house.
Mrs. Golda Noble Wiles, the pres
lent clerk, is retiring at the close of
her term in January and will in the
future devote her time to the more
pleasant duties of the farm home
near this city and the reins of the
office passinp to the present deputy,
i Mr. Ledgway.
County Judge Duxbury has been
enjoying a very nourishing business
in the marriage line in the past week
and two couples have taken advant
age of the approach of the holiday
season to seek weeded life. On Fri
day Charles Gentry and Miss Ada
Bonne were joined in the bonds of
wedlock at the office of the county
judge. Miss Beulah Edwards and
Arnold Sharp being the witnesses to
the ceremony. On Saturday Mary'
Minnie Hind man of Weeping Water
and Lee W. Easteridge, also of that
city, were callers at the court house
and had Judge Duxbury pronounce
he words that made them as one.
Miss Clara Wickman and Thomas
Svoboda were the witnesses of the
A few white Minorica young hens.
Call 1307, 4 Ave. Geo. W. Chase.
Tele. O.-j.t-W. d22-2tw.
Phone your Jo'o Printing order to
No. 6. Prompt service.
Dr. W. F. Kruse departed for up
state on last Wednesday where he
went to spend the Christmas with his
Otto Xabel, the baker at the Wil
liams bakery, is enjoying the Christ
mas at the home of his sister in Coun
cil Bluffs. .
Miss Evelyn Doty was a visitor in
Plattsmouth with friends for Christ
mas day. where she enjoyed the visit
very much.
Harold Hinds, James Elgaard, who
are students of the state university,
are home for the holidays and are
enjoying the visit here very much.
Miss Mayer, daughter of J. J. Mei
er and wife, who is an instructor in
jthe schools of LeRoy, Iowa, is en
joying a visit at home for the holi
jdays. Miss Eloise Pool, daughter of Mr.
'and Mrs. Clarence E. Pool, who is a a
leacner in me sctioois ot Alvo, is
visiting with the parents for the hol
idays. The sale which was held at the
late home of Mr. Detrick Keoeter on
Tuesday of this week was well at
tended and the things went at a vcry
fair price.
X. L. G-rub! and wife were over
to Omaha on Tuesday of this week
where they were visiting with friends
as well as looking after some busi
ness matters.
Mis. Ifayme ffillman and sister,
.Maude Hillman, were visiting with
friends in Omaha and also were look
ing after some business matters on
i Tuesday of this week,
j Elmer Michelsen and the family
.departed early Christmas morning
I for Blair where they are enjoying
i the Christmas holiday with the par
ents of Mrs. Michelsen.
Mrs. Isaac Reed has been rather
poorly from an attack of bronchitis,
which has kept her at home alfed for
the past few days. However she is
feeling slightly improved at this time.
G. R. Binger. J. J. Meier and ()s- :.r
McNurlin, were over to Plattsmouth
'on last Tuesday morning where they
had some matters in the county court,
they driving over in the car of Mr.
The new Ford garage have Install
ed the Standard gasoline at their
station and have just installed two
pumps, one for the high test gas
and the other for the white rose
Miss Bettie Wolcott, who is at
tending chool at Boling Green is
home for the holidays and is enjoy
ing the same with her parents and
also hi many friends in Weeping
i On last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. FYed
I H. Oorder enjoyed a Visit from Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Wessell of Xehawka
Alio drove over from their home for
the afternoon with their friends, the
Messrs. Henry Crozier and Jame.;
M. Teejiarden. rustling realtors, were
over to Nehawka on last Monday
where they had been called to look
after some very important business
in their line.
Elwyn Hunter and wife of Fort
Collins, arrived in Weeping Water,
driving, comipp to spend Christmas
at the home Of his parents. Elmer
Hunter another son and wife arrived
from the west also
Mrs. S. R. Smith
some time with her
L. Swindle, writes
for Christmas,
who is spendiug
sister, Mrs. John
that she is en-
joying the visit there very much.
notwithstanding the weather is very
cold in that portion of the country.
Miss Ethel Coat man. 22. of Elm
I wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Coatman. underwent an operation
at the Lincoln General hospital for
I the removal of a tumor. She is get
ting along very nicely since the
i operation.
Walter Cole and the good wife,
and their son. Richard, departed ear
ly this wek for Oshkosh. where they
are spending Christmas, they driving
and there will be three daughters.
; two sons and the parents which will
make a happy gatherinp.
The home of County Commissioner
; Fred H. Gorder was made h ippy on
!the arrival of their two daughters,
! Misses Dorothy and Helen, who are
; instructors in the schools of Opallala
and ho are spending the fid-winter
holidays with the parents at home.
! Hrs. Clyde Fltrpalrlck was a visi
jtor at the home of her parents. Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Palmeter of near
South Ftenfi on Wednesday where she
went to have the home warm and
comfortable for the mother when Bhe
arrived home from the nospttal.
Clyde Pitapatrick and the good
wite with their little daughter, were
over to Omaha on last Saturday and
Sunday where they went to visit with
the mother of Mrs. Fitzpatrick. Mrs.
W. E. Palmeter, who has been for
some time at the Lord Lister hos
pital. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Lit ten enter
tained at their home in Weeping Wa
lter today and are having their daugh
ter, Mrs. G. R. Binger and the fam
ily as their guests. Raiph Binger.
wlio is attending the slate univer
sity is home for two weeks also en
joying the gathering and tiie excel
lent ainner.
Homer Sylvester sold a now Model
A coach to Bert Coleman of Platts
mouth and with L. G. Hayes, one of
the new proprietors f the Ford gar
age hen, took the car over on last
Tuesday and delivered it. They drove
another car over and returned via
Louisville where they were looking
after some business matters.
The Boy Scouts of Weeping Water
and aceompauied by S. Ray Smith.
Oscar Domingo, Rev. Ralph Pick
ham, Ben Olive and Stirling Amick,
were over to Nebraska City on Wed
nesday of last week where they all
enjoyed the meeting and where ex
aminations were given for grading,
there being fourteen who passed in
the second class scouts and five ten
derfoot. There were many winners of
merit badges.
Miss Gladys Coatman, who is at
tending school at Ithica. New York,
and a student of Cornell College, ar
rived home a few days since and is
spending the holidays at home. Wm.
Coatman and the good wife will en
tertain at home for the day on Christ
mas and will have their daughter and
also their son, R. W. Coatman and
family for the Christmas dinner. On
the following Sunday the family of
W. W. Coatman of Elmwooil will be
their guests.
Have Pretty Christmas iree.
The committee and we do rot know
who they are, either who had in
hand the selection and erection of the
Christmas tree, which adorns the
middle of Main street of Weeping
Water, sure had an eye to business
When they made their selection for
they did get a fine one and with the
trimmings and liphts on it they pre
sented a very beautiful appearance.
On account of the excellent proprams
which were had at the different
churches on Wednesday the exer
cises for the municipal tree were held
on Tuesday eveninp and with a good
program and the distribution of the
treats made a happy lot of boys and
girls, and who after their enjoying
this treat, were ready for tbe ones
which followed on Wednesday eve
ning at the different places.
Leaves Hospital Today.
Mrs. W. E. Palmeter. mother of
Mrs. Clyde Fitzpatrick. who has been
I in the Lord Lister hospital for some
time and where she underwent an
operation was able to return to her
: home near South Bend. The many
! friends of this excellent woman are
hoping she may improve morn rapidly
after having got'en home.
Hold Efficiency Meetings.
The Masons of Weepintr Water
held a most interesting and Instruc
tive meeting at their hall on last
Monday evening and had as their
guests some of the -trite officers of
i the lodge. There were with them
Luther Savage, grand custodian: Dr.
Riihard Walton, assistant custodian
and Mr Frye, second assistant cus
todian, all making addresses and also
giving tests to the different mem
hers f ilie Weepinp Water lodp.
and found them to have an excel
lent understanding of the principals
!of the order. Following a most ap
pitizinp banquet was served.
Shoots Hand Hunting.
Joshua Christian, the seventeen
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Christian, residing nine miles north-
jeast of Weepinp Water, while out
hunting, sat his gun against the
i fence and was attempting to climb
the fence, his hand resting on the
muzzle of the gun, when it accident
ally went off. shooting a hole through
i his hand. Dr. Stuttgart dressed the
member. The wound is a very seri-
ous one.
Home Folks Christmas.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Williams en
1 joyed Christmas at their home, with
their entire family, their daughter
I at home. Miss Vera Williams and
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Keickenberp of
Omaha, this completed the household
and where all enjoyed the occasion.
Municipal Program Tuesday.
The municipal program irhicfa was
held about the Christmas tree in
Main street, was held 01 Tuesday
evening and which was enjoyed by
many hundreds of the people of
Weeping Water and vicinity. V The
i program for the churches of which
everyone had one. were held on Wed
nesday evening and at each an excel-
I lent time was had. as the programs
i were given in the real true christian
' spirit.
The Growing campfire group met
at the workshop at the home of the
guardian, Alice Crabill. A short
business session was held and then
the work was resumed.
Wednesday. December 10th. met
at the usual place with Vive-Presi-Ident
Mary Jane Mark, presiding.
on Wednesday December 17th met
,at the usual place, the Crabill home,
i reports were received on the candy
and cookie sales and the members
appreciated the support of the pub
lic and the patronage that the peo
ple had so generously given.
The campfire has received their
new charter and the members are
very much pleased over the event.
Rachel Robertson, Scribe.
Prm Tuesday's ranv
At an early hour this morning
John Straka. who was returning
home from his work, had the unus
ual opportunity of witnessing a dis
play of meteors. He states that the
meteor first came into 3ight about
the center of the sky and swept
westward to break into a great blaze
of lipht and then disappeared into
the darkness. This was one of the
most brilliant that baa been seen
this winter.
Anton Bajeck returned home this
morning from Shenandoah, Iowa,
where he has been playing on the
programs at station KFNF at that
place. Mr. Uajeek secured a great
deal of recognition from the patrons
of the station and his xylephone num
bers were received with the greatest
of enthusiasm. Many requests from
Plattsmouth residents were played,
especially the Bohemian selections.
Media, Pa. Judge Albert Dutton
M ; Dade, of the Delaware county
court, Tuesday urged that the state
legislature pass a bill establishing
whipping posts in Pennsylvania
county seats as a means of stamping
out robbery and the crimes of vio
lence. Bates Book and Gift Shop is ex
clusive Dennison decorative supplies
dealer in this vicinity.
Men's Silk Sox 25c and 50c
Men's Silk Garters 25c and 50c
Men's Silk Ties 75c, $1 and $1.50
Men's Linen Kerchiefs 25c, 35c and 50c
Men's Dress Shirts $1.45 and $1.95
Men's Silk Suspenders 75c and $1
Men's Silk Mufflers $1 to $3.50
Men's Silk Robes $6.85
Men's Press Gloves $1.25 to $4.45
Men's Garter Sets 50c
Boys' Goggled Caps 60c
We Wish You a
I From Tuesday's Danv
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was here today to attend to
.some matters in the district court in
I which he was interested.
H;irrv Tlmmnss. nf F:ills Cirv was
here over Sunday as a guest at th
home of his brother. Herman ..
Thomas and family for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Franzen and
family of Omaha were here Sunday
to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
If. S. Briggs. parents of Mrs. Fran
zen. Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Hudson depart
ed this afternoon for Kirksville. Mo.,
where they will spend the Christmas
season with the parents of Mrs. Hud
son. George A. Kaffenberpor departed
Sunday for New York City, where he
will spend the holiday season there
with his daughter, Mrs. Charles A.
jSpacht and family.
E. B. Hickman, one of the super
lintendents in charge of the pipe line
I construction, came up by plane Sun
day, accompanied by his little daugh
ter, from Kansas City.
Mr. and Mrs. James Markham. who I
have been visiting here at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Vincent, de
parted for Strawberry Point. Iowa,
where they will spend the holiday
Otto Seiennichsen. who has been
spending a short time here with the
old school friends and associates, de
parted this morning for his honi"
at Scribner. Nebraska, after a most
pleasant stay here.
Herman Mann, one
of the well
central party
in with his
known residents of the
1 of the county, came
dauphter. Miss Wllma, from
home at Louisville to look after
business matters today.
Charles EL Heebner. former coun
ty commissioner, of near Nehawka.
j in company with H. F. Btoll, well
; known resident of that locality, was
in the city Saturday and while here
were callers at the Journal office.
From Tuesilav's Daily
R. J. McNealy. well known Papil
lion attorney, was here today attend
ing to some matters of business.
Mrs. Jesse D. Root of Omaha, Is
here to enjoy a visit at the homo of
Miss Olive Gass, an old time friend.
Sheriff Bert Reed was at Omaha
today where he was called to lock
after some business matters for the
county for a short time.
Mrs. K. O. Lyman of Vail, South
Dakota, arrived here Monday to visit
with her mother. Mrs P. A. Young,
who has been quite poorly for the
past few days.
Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor of
Union were in the city for a few
Christmas Greetings
To Our Friends and Patrons
We attribute your friendship as a most important
feature in our success, because of which it has been
profitable to be in business and a pleasure to make
our home here. May your Christmas be a happy
one and the coming years be prosperous for all.
Weeping Water Variety Store
Elmer Michelsen
CVil ... - -
Ks M i
Merry Christmas
'hotirs Monday afternoon attending to
some matters of business and visit
: ir.p with friends.
! William Atchison, of Elmwood.
was in the ciy today for a short
time, visiting with his many friends
.and aiso enjoying the excitement of
the Christmas shopping.
W. G Boedeker of Murray was
here last eveninp to supervise the
loading two cars of siock for Chi
''ago which were brought from the
Vehrbein & Boedeker feeding farm
ear Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGuire de
parted this morning frr McLean, Ne
braska, where they wll spend the
Christmas season visiting at the home
of their daughter. Mrs. William
Becker and family.
Mrs. J. A. Capwell and little niece,
B mnie Jean Henrix. departed Mon
day for Weston, Nebraska, where
they will spend tiie holiday season
with the parents of Mrs. Capwell.
Mr. Capwell will join the family
Mrs. Albert Glauhitz departed this
morning for Omaha where Mrs. Glau
hitz will visit with her husband and
return home to this city with the
husband who has been a patient at
the St. Joseph hospital and recover
ing from an operation.
Charleston. W. Va., A denial that
the Standard Oil company of New
Jersey had the exclusive right is use
the name Standard was made in com
mon pleas court here Tuesday by
counsel for the Standard Oil company
of West Virginia in an answer to an
Injunction suit brought by the New
Jersey firm.
An injunction wis granted by
Judge Morgan Owen more than a
year ago. restraining the West Vir
ginia company from perfecting its
organisation and from doing busi
ness under the name Standard. The
Standard Oil of New Jersey con
tended the organization of the W.
Virginia firm would cause damage
to its interests and mislead the pub
lic. In the answer the West Virginia
concern denied that the New Jersey
firm was the sole owner of the cor
porate name and pointed out that
there are Standard Oil companies in
several other states besides New Jer
The offices of Dr. O. C. Hudson
in this city will be closed from now
until after Christmas. The public is
urged to make note of the fact of the
closing for the remainder of the
try a Journal Want-Ad.