If PAGE FOTTK PLATTSMOUTH MONDAY, NOV. 17, 193C. JT-TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT T f GREENWOOD $ Col. P. L. Hall was looking after some business matters in Lincoln last Wednesday, driving over to the big city in his car. Woi. Copes was caring for rhe busi ness at the S. S. Petersen blacksmith shop during the absence of Mr. Peter Ben in Missouri last week. Mrs. R. E. Mathews has been en Joying a visit for the past week with her sister who has been here from her' home at Powhattan, Kansas. While E. L. McDonald and the good wife were visiting in the west last week Pearley Clymer was assist ing in the care of the business at the McDonald store. Mr. and Mrs. O. IP, Peters were en Joying a visit .it the homo ef their daughter, Mrs. Tiirye Lewi3 and hus band near Verdun, they going the middle of last week an 1 remaining until Sunday evening. George Tiuiikcn1!"!, wai cleaning out the sewer drains and getting them so that wheu the snows of the winter come weather tli ir.g tf the streets and that th roads w.ll be kept in beat OOUdition. With a smile of satisfaction A. I Jardine announced that lie had con cluded the picking of his corn, and getting it all in and under cover dur- Make Your Dollar COUNT Your dollar for the Red Cross roll call, which begins on Armis tice day will aid seme one who is very badly need ing help. You could not put a Dollar in a better earning position than to invest it in a membership in this great humantarian organization that accomplishes so much good all 7 sen who has been working pretty steady, as the paving gang kept him humping, and later getting the wag ons in condition for picking corn, has made him and the partner, Mr. Copes sweat during the warm days, but as work has slackened, Sophas with the auto tuned Just right, slipped away while the others were sleeping and went to New Hampton, Mo., where he is visiting this week with his old time friend, A. J. Stevens. Each year Sophas takes a vacation and spends it in Missouri. Official Vote General Election, Nov. 4th, 1930 CASS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Fathers and Sons Enjoy Eats. At the Father and Son banquet which was served on Friday night of last week there was a large rep resentation of the lads and the dads and they sure had a fine time and good eats which the ladies bad pre pared. Good fellowship prevailed and ever the world. Do it NOW, at the:all enjoyed the occasion. These meet beginning of this 1931 Boll Cau! ing are a very fine way of getting . tne men ant tne Doys closer together and working in unison. Standard Oil New Manager. With the resignation of Carl Hoi- Attend Second Degree Work, man who has been the manager of A number of the members of the the Standard Oil company in Green- L O. O. F. of which Walter Pailing wood, and who will farm the com- and Fred Ethrege were a portion, ie ani the consequent wet , " " "" " K. ..s a ww ' . at there wili be no Hood- ' bleenwo(1- a'son Howard has beono. F. at Havelock last week when iMetawfu upuu wosE-pi me inaiiage- tne degree team trom weeping wa ment of the company's business :.n ter, which is considered one of the Greenwood and vicinity. No better very best in the state, put on the m;i n could have been selected for this j work. This team will also put on territory than Mr. Howard for he is !Work when they will confer the sec- well and very favorably known at;d ond degree on four candidates for the OFFICIALS and PROPOSITIONS VOTED UPON -3 9 o (j a n a n TOTAL VOTE CAST 1343 AMENDMENTS For Assessing Stockholders Against Assessing Stockholders. For Paying Bank Depositors 142 69 88 Against Paying Depositors j 12 3 Referendum- -322 (Ves) ;112 323 (No) 1119 ing the very tino weather which han I '"'"' " . Z7 ,Y l luuse ul rmiuuauuiu. '''t , 1 ' I HI' H 1 J UCOl. 11C UtlO - pi t ailed for so long. This sure haa been an exceptional fall for the get ting the corn from the fields Into the cribs. The police court of Greenwood was busy grinding out the justice which it is noted for last week. On Wed purchased a new truck which he will use in the distribution of the goods of the company. Will Occupy Calfee House. The two families of White and LOCAL NEWS From Thursday's Dally nesday evening two sessions were ncknell who have been making : jias heen here visiting at the home had one at 7:30 in the evening which "llu m,Il:e neal lne aeane cnapnijof her daughter, Mrs. Edgar Mc had to be rushed to get out of thejL,umber Co 's yards will in a short Guire. departed this morning for way of the second case whch was i tlme move to the house which wasiher home. iornieriy occupied oy U. Lairee ana Attorney A. L. Tidd was a visitor wife, and which is at this time being I at Lincoln today where he was called rennisiied and put in the best of con dition by that excellent painter, Fred Wolfe. to be held at 9 o'clock. Judge Arm strong knows how to mete out justice. Greenwood Transfer Line We do a general business mahe trips regularly to Omaha on Monday and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues day and Friday. Pick up loads on those trips. Full loads at any time, i FRED HOFFMAN. ! Visiting In the West For the past week E. L. McDonald to look after some matters of busi ness and visiting with his friends in the capital city. Earl Hoenshell of Nebraska City, was here last evening to spend a few hours with the old time friends and Referendum 324 (Yes) 325 (No) . Referendum 326 (Yes) 327 (No) NATIONAL TICKET United States Senator George W. Norris, r 165 87 78 129 201 to tO s o o to n a n 211 TO - o "I to to re ft 3 ft r DO to a -t to to -i g 271 66119 68 31 98 57 80 89 65 51 80 12', 47 86 72 116 81 125 62 94 72 372 149 99 91 140 90 172 3 4 a I i to ET n 282 103 78 59 110 127 89 209(117 801103 70 180 101 97 156276 203 62 12 127 152 cn o e 03 to o -t n ft s ft ihas been visiting with' his 'father in '"!T?B. 8hrt,.ouJinS. from his Home From Northwest. On Monday of last week Mr. and the western portion of the state. The father has heretofore been a rancher and has retired. Mr. McDonald was accompanied by Mrs. McDonald, they making the trip in their car. They work for the Burlington in to Otoe county city. Mrs. A. R. Birdsall who have been j roadg were fine and th gure enJ d visiting for the past three weeks in , tvQ fSr, .tt ine normwesiern portion 01 tne staie From Friday a Daily Oliver Harvey of Omaha was a Visitor li T 1 ;1 a t avtinfn(r pom i n o- were fortunate that the weather and (lown to aend the American Legion tall festival. Attorney C. Gilbert M. Hitchcock, d 1 112 63 90 j 68 Beatrice F. Craig (Pet.) 21 11 10 16 STATE TICKET For Governor Arthur J. Weaver, r 137 97'104210 Charles W. Bryan, d 205 114;162157 Lieutenant Governor Theodore W. Metcalfe, r 184 114 137 233 j James C. Agee, d 136 77105 1101 Secretary of State Frank Marsh, r 19011131135 233! L. A. Larson, d 134 84109 111 Auditor Public Accounts Geo. W. Marsh, r 1183 107122 216 Cecil E. Matthews, d 134 SI 1 1181116 Com. Pub. Lands, Bldgs. Dan Swanson, r 184 117il32239 John Thomssen, d 1 132 75108I105 State Treasurer T. W. Bass, r 1 1S9 1 104 130 220 118 1183 92 174 86 190 71 179 75 E. Tefft of Weeping Water was here today to spend a few hours, and looking after some matters of business. H. A. Tool, prominent Murdock Carl D. Ganz, Alvo banker and at torney, was a visitor in the city to day to look after some matters in the county court in which he was ap pearing as attorney. Harold Meyers, commander of the their principal place of visiting be- ing in the vicinity of Gordon and ) Gets More Work Now. Bloomfield. They made their home at John E- Stradley who has the Gordon fnr some seven vp.hs ami were maintenance of the roads east of well acquainted with a large number Greenwood, and who has had to banker, was here today to enjoy a of people there. The time was put in rustle will in the future have some J short visit with his friends and also enjoying their visit, and they could more ot lhe same kind as the open- ; attending to some matters in the have rpmained much lonspr for ' ln5 CI new paving will require , couiuy coun something was doing all the time. itne oM D- L- D- to e maintained On their return trip they stopped at which has been returned to the coun Bloomfield where they visited ax the j1 and .alls to John to look after. . ent of the city schools, John Weath- i Tries Picking Corn. erhoKK and their dauchter. Mrs. ' On ioBr Tudov nnhoD r,,t Wetherhogg and the kiddies. The whn iik th. n.,t f ,i ... American Legion post at Weeping entire visit was one of muoh pleasure the i-om of his friend I ud Gusta- iWatei with Seward Day, one of the and they counted it much too short, fason v here thev two went after !active service men of that commun- Ithe matter of picking corn for the were here la.st evening to attend Makes Extended Trip. afternoon. They hustled and as the I tb&. r""V A,emonta nf VIm Fred Hoffman has traded ft his old ' TnThe city today truck and gotten a new one this time were enabled to get for the after- ltH t w-l th' it is a Speed Wagon of the celebrated noon one hundred and five bushels. fJJfS0 SSSLJSd Reo make, and one which will carrvi They put in four hours and five (c,0"rr Ji??? large loads in safety as well as make minutes in actual work, and Sopha lfi Prominent good time. Last week Fred took the , said that he thought the last fifteen j rebments OI inaI Place- household effects of Dr. W. H. Mc- minut es was sure a n hour long. Well Fadden to Chicago and went on over ! this matter of picking corn is nO to Detroit, where he secured a truck child's PIaV- Real work these farm load of Firestone tires which he de- ers are doing. livered to an Omaha house for dis- tribution. Fred is well satisfied with; Visitine- in Olrl Vinrnri On Sunday morning S. S. Peter- his new truck. Sacrifice I iSTS I Furniture at a WHILE IT LASTS Read This List These Goods Must be Sold Reclaimed 3-piece Davenport Suite, Parlor Heater, one Eadio, one 4-hoie Cock Stove, one Buck Rane. one Kitchen Cabinet, just like new: one 8-piece dark English Oak Dining Room Suite, one Walnut case Piano, one Victrola and large collection of Records; one Sew ing Machine, one 5-piece Breakfast Set; one 5-piece Bridge Set, one Electric Sweper. three small Oil Heaters, two Oil Cook Stoves, five Parlor Heaters, three hard coal Heaters, ten soft coal Heaters, five Kitchen Ranges, two Washing Machines, two Duofolds, two Davenport Beds. 20 Beds, that sell from $1 to $3.50. Kitchen Cab inets. China Cabiaets. 10 Dining Boom Tables. 50 Chairs. Rockers and Children's Chairs ar.i Rockers. Child's Cribs, Baby Buggies, Doll Cabs. Ironing Beards, End Tables. Book Racks. Clothes Hamp ers. Clothes Baskets, one new Electric Washer, glass door Cupboard, Commodes. Chiffonier;. Dressers. Vanity Cases. Library Tables, Con golenms. Couches. Floor Coverings. Kitchen Tables, Center Tables. Pictures, Mirrors. Hall Tees. Dishes. Jars. Pots, Pans and so many articles no time and space to mention. These goods must go so come in while the stcck lasts. Special low prices this week. Special Sale on New Furniture We take yonr old pieces of Inrnitare as part pay on new. We take you direct to wholesale floor, where hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of goods are always cn display. Alsc give you the special disconnts and assist m every way in making your selection easy. Let us serve you. Christ Furniture Co. Phone 645 Plattsmonth, Nebr. From Saturday's Dally Mr. and Mrs. Otto Sprieck of Louisville were here today to attend the funeral of the late Gottlieb Sprieck. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Heil of Louis ville with Mrs. Fred Wegener of that city were here for the Sprieck funeral 'this afternoon. Wilson Gilmore of Mt. Pleasant precinct, was a visitor here today to attend to some matters of business at the court house. Mrs. Martha Baumeister departed this morning for Lincoln where she will visit with friends and looking lover the capital city. Judge A. H. Duxbury, Henry F. iNolting and Anderson Lloyd of Mur i ray, were among the fans attending j the Missouri-Nebraska football game ! today. Attorney W. A. Robertson was at Lincoln today where he attended the Homecoming of the University of Ne braska and meeting the old school i friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Schneider j motored to Lincoln this morning 1 where they will enjoy the Missouri- Nebraska football game and visiting with friends. Fred L Rea, W. A. Tulene, C. C. Smith and C. A. Johnson were at Lin coln today where they attended the ' Nebraska-Missouri football game and enjoying a short outing. Mr. and Mrs. William Williver and Grant Mann of Morehead, Iowa, ar rived today for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Young near j Murray, Mr. Mann and Mrs. Willi ' ver being brother and sister of Mrs. Young. ) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rupe, of Fair j mont, have been visiting this week j with Mr. Rupe's mother, Mrs. Dora Mark. They all visited Thursday in j Nebraska City, and today they drove j over to Shenandoah to spend the day at the Field and May institutions, j Mr. Charles Vondran accompanied .them on the trip to Shenandoah. 279 19S 741 75 106I109I213I156; 87 80 118 122(116 63 '181 186'178 210 305 Charles Smrha, d 1127 S21109 Attorney General C. A. Sorensen, r 219137134 Grover Long, d jlllj 65 j 114 Railway Commissioner Hugh H. Drake, r !1S2 E. A. Walrath. d 1 134 CONGRESSIONAL TICKET Congressman, 1st Dist. Ralph S. Moseley. r 1 122 John H. Morehead, d 1211 LEGISLATIVE TICKET State Senator, 2nd Dist. William H. Pitzer, r 1133 781 85 198 J. A. Capwell, d i 191 117 ! 154 157 Representative, 6th Dist Troy L. Davis, r 1 194 ! 1 19 1 122 232 ; 125 Paul Schewe, d 128 731124:117 COUNTY TICKET County Clerk George R. Sayles, r 26 41163 Register of Deeds Jessie M. Robertson, r j 200 Lillian G. White, d 1129 Clerk of District Court C. E. Ledgway, r 194 Michael Hild, d 1 1 17 County Treasurer John E. Turner, r )223jl22;i66!220 157 J. L. Stamp, d 104 84 J 84!145jll9 County Sheriff Bert Reed, r ' 21 6 1 1 30 i 1 2 2 ; 2 9 8 j 23 2 Geo. H. Trunkenbolz, d County Attorney W. G. Kieck. r County Surveyor Fred Patterson, d !270141!197!245 212 County Assessor Wm. H. Puis, d Co. Commissioner, 2nd Dist. C. F. Harris, r E. B. Chapman, d Co. Commissioner, 3rd Dist. J. Rex Peters, r I 86 ! 100 j 170 137 Fred H. Gorder, d 1 237 1 103 I 95'222 Justice of Peace Charles L. Graves NON-PARTISAN BALLOT Supreme Judge William B. Rose 206!134143 2T.2 211 74 53 40 82 60 66 139 23 53 65 139 8 2 70 138 93 95 87 101 91 88 91 92 88 96 129 to (8 a S r-. to 1 TJ to n O to 3 r- to -! to -. B o c 35" 9 169 45 55 36 56 48; OS 222 102 43 63 71 64 86 Q p s m to r 3' 460 219 199 113 169 1371 95 59 58 97 to B to I p to n 172 80 196' 72 7911121256109 42 39 120 j 61 42 66 93 63 7 80 88 101 54 101 50 96 54 151! 72 84 119 202( 74 229 119 98 202 77 22 j 181 66 152 202 142 252: 7G 90 2601146 119 j 1 72 62 j I I 86254,1291 123 '1761 snl 9o244'l31 153 48 44 31 61 59 52 60 51 47 52 91 54 5 70 78 69 i 3 to O -i o to 3 to cr - n a rs - to n I 0 a CO - O 1 a. sa o ri p? a c p 218 86 268 364 104 77 140 73 88 70 71 72 74 57 77 99 108 79 119 60 79 SO 11G, 132 121 111 158 82 157 65 38 21 85 51 62 51 55 42 60 i u o n 7T 0 I J 259 5" r r CO 3 o c r sr C "i to a to p 2931156 ft "3 to -I to p 105 109 49 49 95 84 61 99 56 64 97jl2l214 117 132 132 10 54124!168 108 42 96 89 122 80 52'126 103 110;130 247 89124109 I I 1111126 250 70) 102) 89 98 130 144 151 121 146 232 175 96 175 81 63 1 58 86 1 90 98 50 62 53 134 103 82 79 104 77 90 92 104 71 261 162 76 147 5S 253134 158 j 69 931249, 142 11911891 66 I 781234:116 124 187 81 48145: 69 168 71 143 2971145 184 116; 239 j 90 j 46 61 90 97 79 125 55 78 81 72 1 !2 81 1 8 8 120 I 10 1191 691 45 70!146 25311401164 296i223 261 167 143 86 237 148 87 96 100 103 197 187 96 117 240 207 2251159 104 Dale P. Stough State Superintendent Charles W. Taylor... John M. Matzen Ilzgcr.t Stale University Earl Cline W. G. Lewis County Superintendent Alpha C. Peterson 68 146 129 137 120 3 1 1 69 1 49 I I 104 9S191 72 1 18 115 100 149 129 163 114 90 97 85 103 97 88j247145 128 ! 188 : 68 153 139 108 52 98 56 102 71j260 64 146 179 I 372:181 106 113 1 9 8 i 65 ! I 731251 (112 14411791 83 78 74 66 89 60 67 77 43! 58 86 114 249 j 146 j 72 1581144 159 341 46 156 166 155 106 75 126 158 72 136 102 109 48 164 102192jl05 96 j 94120 200I2S5I227 120 43 81 82 62 87 162 24 136 121 123 75 78 62 103 87 31 70 65 58 55 60,113 155 51 185 29 134 185 176 83 133 80 138 3591171 I 61153190 jl57 113169 ! I I ! S9 173'182 125 82.162 I j 58 165,167 i 152 90 172 63 16 4 1 71 t 1 42 85 170 I I 68(1731187 136 80153 I 63 159;i46 141 87 190 80 122 189 129 131 156 55jl52:159 146 89 171 39 109 105 173 148 242 43 143115 167116 235 86,154 193 120jl04 150 I 164220 271' 62 172169j 156 92 182 : I I 95 150,1671 481109 109 ; 1 17 I 5111 19 93106 I 51 112 971121 49'114 98 93 193 106 151 82 19 17 52 64 42 75 62 39 63 82 8 113 43 10S 39 53 92 47 94 59 93 46 96 US 102 149 j 49 I 101 107 122 155; 40 I I 1:20 102114 1 18 158 :: t 111 120 123 115 101 126 74 91 1 a 117 146 152 791 118 189 194 97 43 95 94 42 72 79 40! 91 1081150 I 48(121 :s U! 3 76jl8S S3: r 128 F ' I i 112 113 157 76 61 85 60 52.164 S 7 1 6 6 j 99 122 102 120 145'1S0 168! 2 5 52 99 161( 28 189 127 253' 32 72 SI 105 I ' I 103il45202248 353:166 110 354170 i 257 142 184 66 I 202 44 2321166 121 73 76 48 185200 274 I I 189(200278 118255 1139 59I106 47 94!229 95 99148 97 r. i 95(176106( 61 731175' 74 54 S8 33 72 89,137 76 77 74 171 204jl37 97H11 19 li 41 122 17 1 111 124 111 28 56 j 90 114 153 76 20 41 47 66 42 61 45 56 3 9 53 87 6 89 57 100 37 99 35 91 40 96 38 89 41 80 60 1 82 1 461 56 1 84 79 56 90 56 p S3 P o 00 14 z a p 274 127 63 80 94 2 p OB 3 o c to Pi P 392 153 68 104 102 2 m 05 3 c 3 CO P i a i j 412 158 80 99 104 107 120 131 82 96 124 14 6 49 215 49 88105 84 9 12s 3141 102 211 199 62 113 117 206 164 1 S3 16 8 134(179 135 204 10 4 15S 247 147 204(187 107 156 191 174 78 26 46 47 49 74 102 30 37 75 114 57 2 n g 5 3 W g i 126 45 25 3 O H r 3 61 31 49 37 61 27 41 33 83 37 1 61 9s ; 118 184 189 5 1 137 1S9 211 I 8(114 165 158 5(13G(17S 222 10:122 177 4 j 125 1 166 I I 8j-98157 6 153 190 11 1081189 166 208 14S 230 181 3 152 170 205 ! I 9 102 180 186 143 179215 I 66 19 S 117 101 - I 8 287 199 194 mliso 90 169 66(137 j 105 J 35 147 12612571114 81 91 133 46 135 155(202 102 ! 105 161 212 78 1 49 63 62 29 1 130(199 129203 I 93 81 106 34 142 12 116 89 55 101( 88 104 41j 7 79( 113 7188(246 I 8(1211181 61134 169 13208 91 73 300 1 19 117 273 171 214 299 91 66 83 70 88 65 90 61 66 85 91 70 73 75 54 106 61 108 96 66 132 5(201236 111197(286 71 9 3 1931123 2271112 I 233 109 I 90 110 183! 38 1171 20 160159jl34 I 137(143 341 51 76 S7 75117 771 91 129 1 1661369 187 120169 ,215 1S5 94 183 99 64 47 55 50 268121 110 73 9 1 73 134 74 104 90 93 34 73 62 13S, 131 116 103 99 93 44 24 125 9 5 144 189 125 184 120' 67 281J105 265131 130! 40 72 41 67 44 65 49 61 49 63 45 71 45 59 49 49 64 61 54 76 39 11(202 288 31 65! 91 10 199 215 222 !S0 287 29 6 133 79 178 219 I 136185 127 181 912371293 1711212 12 156 241 294 106 285 320 331 116 269 172 215 331 66 104 128 45 128 134 143 69 88 79 82 138 104 61 60 88 29 55 65 103 21 92 90 59 56 67 48 90 6,173 2,478 1,367 1.530 2,094 2,108 2.047 2.949 1,416 1.735 2,073 3,412 2,393 205 2,770 3,315 3.268 2,441 3,058 2,658 2.986 2,619 3,175 2,452 2.S90 2,665 3.277 2.526 2,779 2,706 1,956 3,905 2.353 3,433 3,110 2.679 4,728 2,935 3,048 3,498 2,247 3,027 2,933 4,409 1,640 4.394 4,654 4,673 2,663 3,044 2.392 3,485 1,088 I 87 9 174 195 218 101 6413 477 27 ( 40 891 64 31 33 1,214 63 4 114(158(171 79 48 2.745 53 5 1121133 131 64 50 2,142 67 7 149181 181 96 52 2,640 42 1 861 88 91 38 40 1,893 108 10j215287 293 137 97 4.714 II FAEM WANTED WANTED Cholera Hogs Dead Horses Cattle and Sheep C. W. Swingle & Co.. Nebr. City, Neb. Joe McMurray Aent PHONE 123 We Pay Phono Calls Am in the market for a farm. Give Sec. Twp. and Range and other par ticulars. Deal with owner only. Mrs. S. H. W. 1155 North St. Fran cis, Wichita, Kans. Guy Simms Second in Husk ing Contest FOR SATp Purebred 8horthorn yarling bull. promising individual. Rudolfih Hart. Weepiug Water, Telephone Wfl9 nl3-2tw. Harlan County. Neb., Man Runner up to Fred Stanek for the Championship. Norton, Kas. Fred Stanek, thir ty year old Iowa farmer, speeded thru a dusty Kansas cornfield Friday into his fourth national husking cham pionship. Stanek didn't mind th dust. He proved it by shucking a net load of 30.34 bushels in the eighty minute contest. In previous yearB he conquered other handicapa imposed by nature. The net load oif the Fort Dodge farmer, 2,123.; pounds. was380 pounds short of the national record established In 192Ei by Elmer Williams, the praying hus- ker from Toulon, 111. Guy Simms of Harlan county, Ne braska, took second place with 2. 075.6 pounds or 29.65 bushels. Theo dore Balko of Redwood county, Minn.r was third with 28.83 bushels. Raj Hanson of Cottonwood county, Min nesota, first in gross production, was awarded fourth place by the judge after deductioas for corn Ud,t tu ltM field, and shucks upav the. ears. The other contestants and the or der of their finish: Orville Welch, White county, 111., 28.41 bushels; Harold Holmes, Henry county, 111., 28.25; Glen Washburn, DeKalb coun ty. Mo.. 27.57; Clyde Tague, Guth rie county, la., 26.8; Lawrence House, Sherman county, Kas., 26.64; Harry Etter, Benton county , Ind., 26.61; C. J. Simon, Barber county, Kas., 25.34; Martin Christiansen, Kearney county, Neb.; Ellsworth Kapp, Andrew county, Mo. Observers estimated the crowd at more than 40,000 persons, the larg est ever to witness a similar event. Unintentional interference by the spectators, who brushed aside scores of special police that they might bet ter view the contest, cut somewhat into the totals of their perspiring heroes, who tossed the ears into an accompanying wagon. State Journal. The Journal will appreciate your telephoning news items to No. 6. See the Mo ore man Man. W. P. Wright, the Mooreman Min eral man is hustling on the job. Re member to phone him for your stock needs. He will be "Johnnie on the Spot" at your place to supply your need in thia line- n6-4tw. FOR SALE Just a few well grown high qual ity Chester White boars for sale. Farmers prices. Cholera immune. P. Q. Lepsrt. n6-4tw. ' 'mm ' i' " Try a Journal Want-Ad. Knit-tex Toppers THIS is ideal Knit-tex weath er cool enough for a coat, yet too mild for an overcoat. It's the coat you can wear right into the teeth of winter. Add to this its drizzle-proof and wrinkle-proof qualities its season after season wearing service and you will under stand why one hundred men in this vicinity have chosen Knit-tex $30 The Only Place You will Find Them in Plattsmonth is at lummiuiw jj j !