The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 23, 1930, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    THURSDAY. OCT. 23. 1830
Murray Department
Ptpaaid in the Intercut o the People of Murray end furroundine Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader
If is of the readen of the
Journal xuar at any social
event or item Of interest in
thts Tlclnlty. aad will mail
une to this office. It will ap
pear under this beading. We
want all newsltems Eimtob
Stop at the Corner
The place where the boys strive to
please you. We sell Gas. Oils. Auto
Supplies and Accessories and give you
r. al service. The very best of work
and couteous treatment at all times.
Confectionery and Cigarettes
Service St ation
Chas. Barrows, Propr.
Murray Corner
Wtlber Hewitt of Elfccreek was
date for the position of County Com
missioner, was a visitor in Murray on
last Monday afternoon and working
like a beaver.
L. A. Webber and Thomas Nelscm
were looking after some business
matters in Plattsmouth on Monday
evening for a short time, making the
trip in the former's car.
Mrs. O. E. McDonald of Murdcck
was a visitor in Murray with her
husband's mother, Mrs. Myra McDon
ald and also visited with her parents
J. R. Kelley and wife of Plattsmou-:h.
Wallace Philpot from near Weep
ing Water was looking after some
business matters in Murray on last
Monday afternoon and at the same
lime greeting his many friends here.
Gussie Pullson who has been ra
ther sick for a number of days is
a visitor in Murray for a short time again able to get out to school. He
early this week where he had some has been selling a number of very
painting to do. fine boar pigs and now is almost
J. A. Scotten who is serving on the jsold out.
f-deral jury at Lincoln was home for Lucean Carper and wife were en
the week end and returned to Lin- j joying a visit on last Sunday at Ne
co!n early Monday morning. jhawka where they were guests at
v,n iiipn nrf r.-,ri Parks hnth I the home of Mrs. Gertrude Carp-er.
Murray boys with the truck of Van,
are at this time delivering corn from
Council Bluffs to parties in Omaha.
Searl S. Davis is having some re
pairs made on a crib on the farm
wkiere Luther Wamuck farms. Well
it looks like he must have raised some
Rex Peters of Greenwood, candi-
Painting and
lkTO iob too large, nor
small. Let us figure on
your needs in Painting, Paper
Hanging and Decorating.
Murray, Nebr.
mother of Lucean, and were all -n-joyed
the visit very much.
Boedeker and Wehrbein shipped a
very fine car of cattle to Chicago on
last Sunday which was on the mar
ket 011 Tuesday and brought some
j very fancy price. They were entitled
to for the shipment was a very fine
Otto Wohlfarth of Plattsmou:h
was visitor tn Murray looking al
ter seme business matters on last
Monday morning. Ke was rustling
for the sale of a Model A Ford car
the celebrated car which has captiv
ated the ent're country.
Charles E. Carroll who has been
quite ill for a number of weeks and
too has been ken: to his home a:d a
(good portion of the time to his h-?d.
is able to be out and was down town
on Monday of this week, the first
time for several weeks.
John Campbell who has been feel
ing rather poorly for some time was
enough improved that he was able
to make some repairs on his wagon
box, to put it in excellent condition
Leaky Valves!
Leaky valves in a motor car mean
loss of power sluggishness money
wasted for fuel. Let us grind your
valves and remove your carbon with
our modern equipment. You'll be
delighted at the snap, pi k-up and
eager "go'" that will be restored to
your car at nominal cost.
A. D. BAILEE, Propr.
course prepared a very fine dinner
on each day, and all enjoyed the
lark nicely. The ladies now wish to
express their appreciation of the
very fine work which the men did in
tearing down the structure. The
materials which is excellent lumber
will be used for the erection of a
kitchen in the rear of the church.
The ladies again say thank you for
your kindly help.
of the New 1931 Line of the Wonderful
Instant Light Aladdin
Kerosene Niantie Lamp
TW p AlaMinA
Saturday, November 1st, at 2:30
Come In and Let Us Tell You About It
Murray Hardware Co.
Murray, Nebraska
for gathering corn, which is inter
esting the farmers at this time.
Dr. J. F. Bdendel reports the ar
rival via tiie stork route at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sweten of a i school
very fine young lady on last Friday
at the home of her parents near
Louisville. Both parents and the
little Miss are doing very nicely.
James Earhart has been hopping
to the matter of picking corn. He
has a lot of corn and he says the best
way to get it out of the field and
in the crib is to just go after it in
earnest and it will get done before
the coming of the real cold weather.
County Commissioner George L.
Farley was looking after some busi
ness matters in Murray on Monday
of this week. No he was not looking
after his political fences, but after
the public roads with which he is
charged. He does not have to run
for office this year.
Alex Campbell with his big saw
ing outfit sawed wood on last Sat
urday for Major Isaac Hall, and again
on Monday sawed wood for Mrs. Alma
Yardly and now these two homes
can keep warm during the winter
without getting out and chopping
wood in the snow.
Wm. Wehrbein departed on last
Wednesday evening for the western
portion of the state where he went
to have shipped a number of cars of
cattle which he has recently pur
chased and which are to arrive in
Murray on Friday and will go into
the feeding yards of Boedeker and
Wehrbein for feeding.
Reports from the bedside of Mrs.
Wm. Sporer who is convalescing fol
lowing her operation for the remov
ing of a cancerous growth is to the
effect that she is getting along as
well as could reasonable be expect
ed, and it is hoped that she will be
able to return home in a short time.
Her many friends are pleased that
she is convalescing so nicely.
John Eppings and daughter were
over to Omaha from their home in
Murdock on both last Sunday and
Monday evenings, going to see Mrs.
Eppings who is in the University
hospital and where she expects to
undergo an operation for relief of a
growth, which has been impairing
her health for some time. It is hoped
that she may be able to return home
in a short time entirely well again.
John T. Bates and wife of Rising
City were guests for the day on Sun
day at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
J. F. Brendel, where they were also
poined by T. E. Jamison, father of
the two ladies who is building a
school house at Manley. A very
pleasant day was spent by all pres
ent. The occasion was made the more
pleasant by the presence of W. L.
Hobson and wife and their son.
Richmand, all of Weeping Water.
Services Christian Church Sunday.
There was services at the Chris
tian church last Sunday, the Bible
school, the morning service, the
young people's service and the even
ing service. This made a busy day
for Rev. Robert E. Hanson, who
taught the men's class at the Bible
and also preached at bcth
morning and evening services as well
as participating in the young peo
ple's meeting.
Makes Purchase of Farm.
Wm. Sporer recently made pur
chase of a farm in the neighbor
hood of Murray which he considers as
the very best location for farming
in Cass county which is the banner
county of the state of Nebraska, and
there is no better land in any state
than this. The farm purchised is
that which has been owned by Roy
Howard and is a good one. the farm
consists of three eighties and is lo
cated very near to Murray.
Men For Your Votes.
The caucuses of both the demo
cratic and republican parties were
held in Murray on last week, and
the officers chosen for the voters to
choose from. The selection on both
tickets were excellent ones and it
now remains for the voters to take
their choice.
The democrats offered as their
standard bearers P. A. Hild assessor:
W. L. Seybolt. justice; M. O. Church
ill, constable; Herman Wohlfarth.
The republican nominations being
Thomas Nelson, justice: O. T. Leyda.
assessor: Green Picket, overseer and
M. G. Churchill for constable.
Building Good Farm Heme.
Earl Mrasek was busy on last Mon
day hauling lumber from the Nickles
Lumber yard to the site some two
miles southwest of Murray, where
Cuy Wiles ?s building an eight room
house, which is to be two stories and
modern to the last word. The con
tract is had by J. A. Scotten, who is
serving on the Federal jury at Lin
coln last week and this. The work
is being looked after during his ab
sence, by his coterie of very excellent
and reliable workmen.
Ladies Appreciate the Kindness.
It is weil known that the ladies
of the Christian church of Murrav
made pure-base of the former Wood
man hall, but which is now a thing
A Very Pretty Wedding.
On Wednesday of this week the
wedding of Mr. Charles H. Boedeker,
jr., of the Murray State bank, and
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boedeker
it Murray, and Miss Frances Stewart,
the winsome and accomplished
daughter of Rev. and Mrs. J. C.
Stewart, pastor of the First Pres
byterian church of Murray. The wed
dirg linec were rend by the fattier
of the bride, the Rev. J. C. Stewart,
at their home which had been dec
orated for the occasion and present
ed a very pretty scene.
The young people are well known
by their host of friends who extend
congratulations. The bride is a gradu
ate of the Dunbar school and a most
accomplished young woman of many
excellent traits of character. The
groom Mr. Boedeker. is i graduate
of the Murray schools and also of
the military school at
Minn., where he made his four year
course in three years time. They de
parted for the east on a wedding trip
and are also to visit at Monmoth.
111., where the bride also attended
school. They will also visit in Chi
cago before their return. They will
make their home in Murray follcw
ing their trip, where Mr. Boedeker
will be interested in the Murray
State bank. The Journal, with the
many friends of the newly wedded
couple, join in extending best wishes
for a long, happy and prosperous
The following record of industrial
activity lists items showing invest
ment of capital, employment of labor
and business activities and opportun
ities. Information from which the
paragraphs are prepared is from lo
cal papers, usually of towns mention
ed, and may be considered generally
North Walnut street
Ford Service
at L ow Cost
Norfolk Plans underway
open Nebraska State Bank.
to re-
Ogallala Nye Furniture & Paint
Co. held first Fall Furniture Style
Hebron voted to construct annex
to city hall.
Odell Walcop-Bender Co. of Om
aha, purchased village water bonds.
Wymore Ivan and Slayton Lash
er opened plumbing shop in building
on lower main street.
Murray Jay D. Rising purchased
400-acre farm southwest of here for
$150 per acre.
Wymore Diessel engine arrived
for new Gage county Electric Com
pany's electric plant.
Gift Shop.
-Veryl Storer opened his
Edison Board of Education
spected new auditorium.
Qrinding valves
and cleaning
carbon . . . .
DRIVE your new Ford intc
the clean, well-equipped
shop tell us when you
want it and we'll have it
ready. One of thv best -vrr.ttr.ents you can make. You
will be surprised how much it improves the performance
f your car.
Geo. K. Feti inp, Prop.
north from Goldenrod highway to
ward Bladen, being graveled and
New paving opened from
corner to Nebraska City.
playground tare.
Meeting held to discuss
project at Lake Iflna-
Frenicnt Jfi.075
in District No. 4 2,
Belfview m hnol
Dodge county.
Kennard Messrs. A. J. Crier and
Joseph Kapius took over K nnard
Sealed bids will be received on Oct.
30 for grading and incidental work
on Lomoyne-Arthur project No. 94
B, Federal Aid Road.
(Political Advertising!
(Political Advertising)
Walthill Laying of mains for dis
tributing natural gas in village near
ing completion.
Plattsmouth United Light K
Power Co. tested out improvements
in equipment of Iowa-Nebra3ka Light
& Power Co.
Freshmen Given Initiation.
The members of the Freshmen
class of the Murray Mgh school were
given the customary' initiation on
Tuesday evening.
Presbyterian Church Note3.
Sabbath school at 10 a. m.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
Evening service at 7:30 p.
'Young people's meeting!.
Wednesday evening prayer mect-ir.g-at
You are cordially invited to wor
ship with us.
Bladen New
town .ell bearing
Bladen Interior of Meat Market
Leweilen Village Board installed
electric siren.
Troy L. Davis
Candidate for Str-j Representative
Republican Tscket
Your Support Appreciated
Hay Springs City Park Commis
sion held meeting to consider park
improvement program.
Hay Springs City Park Commis
sion held meeting to consider park
improvement program.
Eimereek D. S. Whitaker and
son, Everett, seeking for location for
cheese factory.
Snyder New St. Leo's
church building dedicated.
Elsur. West Cedar Valley ceme
tery grounds improved.
Scrih-icr Work on community
hall progressing rapidly.
Clay Center. Oct. 21 Tax reduc
ion was held foremost of the issuer,
involved in the current state cam
paign in an address by Charles W.
Bryan, Democratic candidne for gov
ernor, here Tuesday night.
Declaring the cost of state govern
ment had increased 500 per cent in
less than 12 years. Mr. Bryan said
the Republican party, "in control
most of the time, was chargeable
alone for 'the present unbearable tax
The present Weaver administra
tion, the former governor continued,
"is the most costly in the history of
Nebraska, and there is no hope of
any relief from the Republican par
ty." "Governor Weaver two years
ago, to secure his election,
promised the people a careful,
business administration, with a
reduction in the cos of state
government and a correspond
ing reduction in state taxes,
but he has broken 'hose prom
ises and has increased the num
ber of state employes by 50
per cert,-' Bryan asserted.
Lyman South
Main street cirid-
Stuttgart, Germany An unpre
cedented demonstration for and
against a play purporting to describe
the oppression and exploitation of
negroes in the United States Sun
day night brought out police rio;
squads here and caused the closing
of the theater in which the perform
ance was being given. The police
used their clubs on tiie demonstra
tors. The play is "Shadows Over
Harlem," written by Ossip Dymov.
Its opponents confined their protest
at first to catcalls and the blowing
of police whistles, but when the au
thor appeared on the stage broke into
pandemonium. The disorder spread
to the street and the riot squads were
called out, surrounding the audience
and closing the theater.
Ord $22,500 Motion Picture thea
ter will be built on site of for inn
Peoples Store, recently destroyed by
Paving completed from Burlington
overhead hridge west or Ashland
through to Greenwood.
Oakdale Work started on filling
station by Gurneys of Yankton. S. D.
Fred H. Gorder
Third District, Cass County, Nebraska
Candidate for Re-EIection
Democratic Ticket
Stands for Economical! Business Administration of Public Affair s
Red Cloud Highway
here, leading into Kansas
south of
, opened.
Plans being made to continue
Highway No. 20 west from Broad
water to Northport on ncrth side of
North Platte river.
Bridgeport Trail
pletely renovated.
theater com-
Blair Blair Canning Co. complet
ed canning operations.
Neligh Highway No. B to be mov
ed from Main St. to street one block
E. B. Chapman
Candidate r County Commissioner
Second Commissioner District
on Democratic Ballot
Liberty Frecir.rt Asscr.sor fcr two terms, also Road Overseer for
one term, and fully understands the duties of the Commissioners'
effice. Resident cf Cass county fcr the past thirty-five years.
Your Support will, be Appreciated at the
Coming Election, Nov. 4th
Murphy Company gravels six mils
of road from Ft. Calhoun to Wranch
Blair Colfax
street cleared for
Curtis U. S. Snyder sold his in
terest in Corner Store to his partners.
South Sioux City
Frank Lake.
-"" sold to
Niobrara Construction of spur
line of railroad being rushed to completion.
Grading project work to start be
tween DeWitt and Wilbur.
For Sale on gravel street, hcuse
in best of condition, three lots, g;ar-
Fairbury Reinhard Boeckner pur
chased Ed Jones quarters section of
land for $30,000, located three miles
north of here.
el the past for it has been razed to age, chicken nouse ana lots or truit.
;the ground. Twenty-eight members inquire at home 704 North 8th street,
of the Modern Woodmen of America i o6-tfd&w.
i donated their interest in the build-
ing to the ladies of the church and j Anselmo Victoria road ready to
on last Wednesday 15 men worked be graveled.
like beavers, and Thnrsday again '
18 men worked and the building was West Point Work started on new
entirely torn down. The ladies of , addition to light plant.
Arnold Work started on new hospital.
Plattsmouth Lyman-Richey Sard
& Gravel Co.. which operates pits six
miles from here shipped 10,000 car
loads of sand and gTavel from this
point in 1929, which is being exceed
ed this year.
To the Voters
of Cass County
I WOULD LIKE to meet you all personally before election,
but it will le impossible. I may see some of you! So, I
will take this method of informing yon that I have lived in
Cass county since 1883. have paid taxes over 35 years. This
is the first time that I am seeking a public office, although I
served as Clerk in the County Treasurer's office four years
for Treasurer Mike Tritsch and four years for Treasurer
Mia U. Gering. The past four years I assisted in the office
of County Assessor W. H. Puis, also part of these four years
in the office of County Clerk Geo. R. Sayles. With all this
experience, 1 sincerely believe I am justified in asking your
support on election day. Thanking you in advance, I am
Michael Hild
Democratic Candidate for Clerk of
the District Court
Six miles of county rod running j q