MONDAY. AUG. 4, 1830. PLATTSSIOTTTE - WEEKLY JOTTEJTAL PAGE FIYJ v w ?s Mf IJJ ii r 4 i " . PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. 3 tttimffEr "K & a a & OTA x hi. Z &&Jsi j&m 41 h Ei CLEMENTS & CO. Undertakers and Ambulance Service We solicit your kind patronage. O". er thirty years experience! iliss Olga Mary Hitchcock, of iavt lock, i--- visiting vith her grand pants. Air. and Mrs. L. Neitzel. I'red Deickman departed early last week for Dig Springs, where he will th visit with relatives and work - v. e ll. .Miss Henrietta Daiier was a visitor in Omaha for a day last week, where she was looking after some buying for the store. Daniel Kueter. of Alvo. was a visi i r in Munloik for a number of days during the past week and was doing threshing while here. y McDonald and brother, r.:;. it. were over to Lincoln on last Tuesday, where they were looking alter srm business matters. 3 ir. George Work and little Bon, l ()m:iha. were visiting for a few cays Inst week at tlie home of her ; -a rents. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tool. Henry Drockmueller, of near Wav- -ly. was a visitor in Murdock on last Mcpiiay and a guest at the home f his rnughter, Airs. J. II. Duck and iai'.'.iiy. Albert Zei'-nt and son Herman and v-iie and a grandson were all over to I'latismouth on last Thursday, they driving over to the county seat in their car. AIb of lu':t week vith her aunts, Mes- i -' dry. Still the crops for the extreme heat and dryness were looking very well. Mrs. Arthur H. Jones, of Weeping Waier and a sister of Mrs. L. B. Gor they. of Murdock, was a visitor at the Gorthey home for a portion of week before last and remained over until Sunday, when Mr. Jones came ami they with Mr. and Mrs. Gorthey and the family drove over to the Murray bathing beach, taking their supper along and spent the afternoon there taking advantage of the very hot day by dipping in the cooling waters of tiu beach and enjoying the picnic fuppor. aft--r which they returned home late in the evening, after hav ing had a line afternoon. Burial Vaults. We have the only self sealing buriel vaults, automatically seals it self, excluding water or any other substriiee. Wc deliver them on ca'.l to any place in Cass or Otoe coun ties. MILLER & CRUDER. Nehawka, Neb. i Heme from the Southland i Ilti iv Amirwert and wife, togeth er with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jo- ! ne-ph Dannie and their son. Joe. Jr., ! who have been sojourning in Kcii-! jtii.-ky. whore they lived when young, j I returned home on last Sunday and I are again in the harness at the store. I stature, was anxious to see Jesus. He was quite a prominent man and riiI. To overcome his handicap of st; ;t u re, he- found a way. Hearing of Jesus approach to the city, he shut up shop and ran out of the city, and climbed imc a Sycamore tree and was hidden among the branches, expect ing to see the Master unobserved. Jesus comes along and sees Znchus aid says: "Make haste and come down for today I must ebide at thy house."' Zael.aus received more than lie expected ; instead of a loetk at the l Master, h received a truest. This man j was convened! When? Between the llast limb of the tree and the g'-ound. The proof was lr.rnished at the ban quet made tor Jesus that day, in his house, liead his confession, his re solve and Jesus' reply. (Luke 19:1 lu.) Jericho, a phr-c- of pleasant mem ories. O. the joy of salvation. The ; religion of Jesus Christ manifests it- j self, not in a line creed and ctremon- ial and i on lessiori ; when it is genu-j ;ne, ii will bring joy to the soul and I show if eh' in activity in doing the I w 1: : oi c. on. L. NEITZEL. Ohio's Drouth Worst in History of the State Farm Conditions Pictured as Des perate, With Financial Aid Probably Necessary A this Will Attend Convention J. Tool, authorized dealer for territorv lor the Atwatr Kei.t bemn caks termer of Columbus A pietun- of desperate farm conditions in Ohio as the re sult of th- pnt three months' drouth called the worst in the state's his tory, was pointed brc Friday at a meeting ol farmers. b;?!ik-rs and in diistralisis with th Oiiio ciiamber of cou;merce. L. J. Taber. master of the National Grang". describing the 'routh r.s the verst Ohio ever haF eyyn ri.-rced. special me asures will be required to k"";i tin tl mor al of the farmers s- thfy will not up completely ::Tin throw the in dv try into : 'al ruin. Three county agri uJtur; 1 agon's ar.ticipf ted a.ctual sufej-Mig in sonie s.'.-tious tliis f.ill ;;nrt v.-ir.: r with tbe lirobabi'ity tlct public r -'i' f will be necessary. Nearly ril! kinds rf farn; crops not matured have been blight ed bv tl-e (rv wentlier. :md the cat- Br. A. H. Eombeok. 45. I-lembe Staff at State Hospital. Dies from Heart Trouble radios, will go to Omaha Tuesday of Kathevine Xcitzel spent part!ti;is week to attend a convention of Xebratka dealers tor this celebrated ilamev E. M. Gilbert and Chas. Xel-' Lne. The new models soon to te i : o:i. at University Place, returning ' placed on the market by this com-1 died on Saturday. jpauy will be demonstrated and e Judge V. E. Xewkirk, of Green-! plained in order that all may get a wed. was a visitor in Murdock early : thorough understanding of the im- last v ci 1: and was a guest at the prove nients that have ueen maae. This school ef instruction will place Mr. Teol in a better position to handle the line than if he had I Lit: no' attended the convention. industries rr? dieu out pas- rops. and in many water for the Jin Tl southeast rr Dr. A. It past t wo ye; a! tor t Ti : i'nd. ! to ;::e Hornieck. 4 5, is a donor at the insane , at iOI th? he state Lincoln. Saturday, August heart troul'le. lie; ore going :;. :e iiospitul staff. Dr. ytr most serious- sid:'!U tif the ''MTtion. said p. m. home of iiis eiaughter, Mrs. Dr. L. D. Lee. where they all enjoj'ed a very pleasant visit. The Alvin Dornemeier threshing rig which has been eioing a fine lot j of business during the past few weeks. La- completed the thrcr.liingi falling to tiit-ir lot and housed the j machine for the winter. ' The DilgriUis spent a Very profit- i ahic day last Sunday with the Con gregational church at Weeping Wat er, where the preaching service con ducted by Itev. I'inkham was an in si ration and a benediction. Changed Bail: tricks The EI::: w d band, wlii'h has a coodly number e;f musicians from Murdock as its members exchanged elates and places with the Weeping Water hand, the Weeping Water mu sicians playing at Elmwuod on last Wednesday evening and the Elruwood I lorn - bee k was lor r.-. me- time associated with Ir. C. E. Fry, of Lincoln, in a gc-neva! practice in the capital city. I'"or fifteen years prior to going to n de, the deceased was a pru-.-ii'-insr pl.'-sician in Murdock. He v.-a giad .satc-t! iron: the Lincoln mc d-; Cvilf iie. then a part of Corner i college, in l'JUK T)r. Hornbeck was born at Miami, Me.. Svpt. -5, ISSf, and came to Mur-j do. 1; in 15'i'J. j-taying here with his other, I. G. Hornbeck. while a:- r.:d pi: T!:ursc:av On last Saturday Russell Gorthey, iunovat ion was enjoyed by Mrs. L. 15. who attended the concerts con of Postmaster and Gorthey. celebrated the passing of; in.- -c '.enth iiirthclay anniversary, ana v.uh the many young friends who gathered for the occasion, enjoyed a very happy time. Mait TLimgan and party, who were e.ut in Colorado, at the place1 where he has his farm, and where they were looking alter the harvest, re turned iact week and state tnat al though they found many places bless ing at keeping Water on evening of last week. The people it both also saw a it was very i eel with pood crips they '. at many places where dry and crops were badly damagte George L. i ariev, countv ccmrais-1 sioner and also candidate for nomi- nation for Clerk of the District Court i on the republican ticket, together with Robert J. McXeaiy, judge of the ; mu::ic;;.a! court at Louisville, who is ' a ii2C:dati for r.omii.ation ior couti- j ty atterney on the reptibli-an ticket. '. v e re iiitervn wing the voters of Mur- 1 uoek ;U"! EIr-. ivood precinct. Mi. . ' Deickman. v. he lias been . employe': ;4i a hospital at Lincoln, , chert si;e was a nurse, wa a visitor! ; !,.,:;. i'. r over Sunday and after j i.;.v::ig : p?i t the week end with the I ! ;;.-. departed for Omaha, T.nere si:v i- to 1112 an important position in the: ..I-tliodist ::fi.-;.iial. Miss Elsie is an ae on. ii: iied nurse and will make! gout; m any position, However exact- Entertained Bible School Class On last Thursday at the home cf I I ustmaster am: .Mrs. l. B. Gorih-, . ! Mr?. Gorthey a. id one of her pupil.s. i i T-' i.-s I5h.nehe Marie Eikhoff, enter-; I tained the ciass which she tea h':.5. i ianci which cc-nsits of girls, as well; 'as the brys' class, which is taught : ; by Mrs. Otto Miller. A splendid time: ' war; haci. notwithstanding the very j ; warm weather. The Dible school at j j Murdock is progressing nicely at this i time with plenty ci interest and ai ou atteiicanct. ten d: rioiith.. he TI. II. H..r: homa. He met of Fort while Springs. Worth. college. Durinsr the summer i sj-e:.t his time with Dr. .beck, at Kingston, Ckla- t his w Worth. vc c tioning They were u gust Murr.. 11 Hague, Te::a-. in 1!!?, at Colorado larried at Fort I thj. sheep ?.nd hog i s-ri'iusly stricken by litres, short h:iy r: pl:-. res by nek ef imals to drink, pert of the state i ly affected. L. B. Palmer. Oliio Farm Dnrerti' frrnier? will be unnble to recottp il.eir losses uisder tlii-i-c years, and tint financial aid must be give:: th m based upon that ticeumptior.. George- Wilbur. Marysville. O.. abeer dealer and banker, said the Oino corn crop i- being reduced at the riUe cf uOO.'ntd bushels a day. Plans for relief w re begun a4 tin- meeting Frid'iy. Two coniniittf1"?. (;;n -n (fir;;: and finance, and the ot!iT consisting of repr-sr v.taiiv"s of ail farm, businers. industrial and la bor ageiici'-s are to be rppointed. cjnorts probab.'y v.-:;.1 made to prei'ereiuia! freight rates fn:- the communitb i; most af.ecteel to p r- i ir.n farrier there toh'iip nvf-wes j to better pasture's or to markets and I to bring in cheap t d. State-Jour-I nal. 14. H1S. Dr. IP rnbeek was a mtniber of e Kiln lodge Masonic organization En .v . d and a member of the inris Shrine. his vile. Dr. Ilorr.beck ; by two brothers. I. G. c-f Murdoch, and W. L. e.f Liinoln. State Jour- U. S. TO GAUGE IHSSOUSI FLOW !n S s. "!' lie is .-urvivc-iicrnije: k, Hornbeck. nal. CHAT.C-L5 SILKATING A -tjt-i; sugges- I t rcr:r Square Club Meets sun nier meeting of the Four ; re cluh was heici at the home of! Mis. H. J. Amgwert on Thursday; afterneion. j tici.s v.eie pivc-n members present. The next meeting will be held at '.io home cf Mrs. Louis Dornemeier, Wciiies;';.- evening, August Jth, at -' e 'e io, k. The project leaders are to be guests of honor. Fron r.otif: Iticha Mari .(.';: by c.ret if: v. :--t K wis I : uclu c.rn- Tlie covrnment. studying water resources cf the Missouri river basin in Xebraskr, Ins established 14 sta tions in the ptate t-t measure water V. iv in tlie Missouri and tributaries. Until the iUll of 1!31 dirlly stag of tin- rivers and discbarge of the wa4er will be l:;-pt to form tbe b:isi': for determining tin- possibiiities ot navigation on tin- Misotiri and o-" Iloo-j control, irri oration, water power, city water suppiy and sewage elis-k..-;;' prr;eeis. The survey is b ing made as th" r suit of ;o--s:o-e of Mississippi rive-" rol leg:: iat'.oii. oy tnc g- - 1 survey in cn-epe'ratinn with rmv engineers. The stations c eV b- The ! !:t:i ial:'! by the respective ; i who oast Kuehn and the family, have been in the vest for the tv, t, m n.ths. where he has been work ing in Utah, returned home last Sun- c.c.y and i-j,ri having enjoyed time as well as eioing a line business. They found, however, after entering j .Nebraska, that the country was very ; Cities cf the Eibie 1 JERICHO A city located n- a very fertile valb y, surrounded by mountains:! very rich on palm trees, hence called: I "City oi i'" belonging lo the! tribe .f p.enjumin. First mentioned I in connc-er ion with "i .;.,iti I good jH, viewed the nromis-f) It.o from i iilourt Pisgah. Jctshuu's two snitsi re with a woman. Itahab. :ie the great ancestor e f Tben it was tlie first city Israeli ten the be- g- J tba lain had ."com l;icin in a Ti d i n g h i 1 foil;; fn action f ag:.'i . : Iiis Tlie par4! to have the ccttrt tl: re !T'y v. on v.-e--rt ehurg.-d visa k: tii n r- l-rouc'1!'' Clvc'e o ( urt is. Mrs. Curtis and . r nn.v- ci Clyde ( r-'t u iv s t in 'innty ind 'r c hling by C nee- at Fcl wile. s re turned in T;.'. matter liircrhed :s tn tl.e eu.-it ci v child between the fntb"-r and til! Drit 'urt i.-ch- ;is m" Ci' y is City ou; in of the anther. Missouri riv r a' Omnha. Mi 'ibrara r:ver u ar Gordon. Niobrara river near Valentine. Mi.j'ji" -ra river near Spencer. Piatte rivt-r near Iun-an. rinttt Middb Mo rib Leap river m-ar Aslilnnd. Loup river at St. Paul. Loup r:e-r near St. Paul, iver near (!c noa. E'khorn rive r at Wuterio. lie pulilican river at Max. river near Dlonmtng- W0P.ZJIEI7 GO TO KANSAS y the task of possessing the iy HIGHEST W0i$4 Brown tSiiimo ilk U. -vt'l;; Sen-ice Shoe &i -'J-t v, Best Leather Oak Soles Bc-ts anything in America up to $5.00 Save at least $1.50 LO 11 BROWN ESKIMO ELK" A'aJJed Couipo-blcS i -r? - t e i:',: "iin . -r - - - Wc cha'ienjtc ths world to niitcli this value at S3.C0 iiz TyJ-1 i.-Cf,. - 'Sr? 'l ""M f'V'i l0'ige(; j, vito oeca our Lord, conquere' ;:inning o! ; ::; promised land. He-e v : find the first college for prr.phe:s. See -Jd King -2:T, . It was ::t this place that King Zedekiah was overtciien ly the Assyrians, blinded ! 1 are; takeii prisoner to Dabylon. j1 Put the city is better rernenibered j ' 'en. a.iii ai-icii iieriornieci ty mir i Lord. J sus Christ. Here he opened! the ty-' of two blind men. (Math.! -':-!e-:; i.) Here blind Dartimoous rtteived his sight. (Maik H: 40-52.) ! -eur Jericho tool: Til:ire mi ineirtnc ! t..ct neens rejKating. A momentous question was answered lor all time, "Who is my neighbor?" The inci dent is as follows: A man went from Jerusalem dowr; to Jericho and was held up, robbed fiid beaten by a band of robbers, stunned and bleeding, he lay in the road. A priest and later a ltvite cane along, hut passed by. These r. ere the leaders and teachers of the Jews, but gave a poor example to their people when they did not give Rid te this unfortunate m:.n init t hated and avoided by the steipped. got of: gave the half dead man first iss and took him h;.ve imnn 1 e-v;;. nf the i,-. ' . i.ii Va i ;.: ci! v 1. 1" -ii nt r b- n I;ro:h- , . i 'i t af eat'c ' i : : jf the gv.eed : Cio.. work 1 . l i lie l:n . y i'-peliae ;v lor tb- gas L j r ma and nn'n.sns. T.'o- gr- of the mr-n iirt- idanmng on :' r g with th -, oe; ;-,.-.!)-.- in K; orknn-n wnn re with the Fort Wo'-ih, hauling a' d :i;ir.:;i v woin; s or th.. Mis . .' i-.-jv:: g Ids of Gu".:i-gr-ut-r re,: continu--cn;s :.n Republican ton. Ft- nchman Little El lie cr- e 1: re ar Hamlet, river near Enciicott MIDSELTMAE SLTJED AT SUA ::e t hey bIling i - u : 1 an d ; pin nuing t "' is i-'-'C ' s ms .-art m on '.'i"i;'i 'be lines Cities .-ervice C(. lo nniig annth i or, of the v.e-c tii? v. oi-J- s o . t : whlcn ill SUFFERING FEOJI TYPHOID From Friday's; Pai'y FEVLH Mrs. Leila Miller Murdock," Nebraska Sa:n?.r:tai: Jew-, came i ; is ass. aid. put him on his to an mn, made an advance payment for his keep and promised to pay the whole bill em his return. This man was commended by our Lord to others to foilow his example See Luke 10 : Cc-37. ) P. in i idem The old time friends in this city i-iid vicinity of An bur W. Copen haver. will regret very much tee learn that Mr. Coper haver is in quite ser ious condition at th" Methodist hos pital at Omaha where he has been for the past se v- ral days. Mr. Copen liaver is suite "ring from an attack eif typhoid fever and which Las been a very difficult case and as the re sult of which the patient has giown quite serious. EXJCYLKG FISHING THE? City Clerk Herman L. Thomas with !Mrs. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Kalina, are enjoying a fishing trip in the we.sL pari of the state, motor ing out to the vicinity of Gothenberg and freim where they will go to the lakes in that tectior. of the state to try and iure the elusive hsh from 'lie waters o: ihe placid western lakes. They are n. airing th one of the m vst beautiful in- aut n and ;he lite of Jesus occurrer1 -das in th here. Jesus was cn hit way to Jeru- J'-'I'ig the salem, and the rumor of his coming! Lac! preceded Lira. A man, email cf expect to spend ; sport of fishing outing. trip via several and en- U. S. S. Utah. The body of Mid shipman Frances Worthington of Grover, Colo., who committed suicide while on leave in Paris on July 1, was buried at r-ea Friday as he had : e quested in a final note to his eom mand'ng officer. Since being brought on board the Utah at Cherbourg Thursday with an honor guard of thirty-six French marines and American sailors, the bodv had lain in slate on deck watch ed by officers and a guard of two mid shipmen. I FT-i. v 4 - . i . re ; I ilie enure fcniii ie; soiiuei, cers. midshipmen and men, in dress uniform, was mustered for the ser vice. The coffin was covered with flowers and wreaths and flanked by six pallbearers and guarded by two midshipmen. After appropriate music by the ship's band, the chaplain read the burial service of the Congregational church. As the coffin was committed to the ocean, three volleys were fired and taps was sounded. . J - ' :i ; .. r : tS"-' 'j . ov:v ::wv 'If , " ' ... it : , v . . , v .-; . .:ri,::-:M ' ' '' ' .'-Vii'-f ' - y, ' ::;i l-aMi'7'i'Vii- v- i- -H'-i.-.4 3Tr?-''i I 9r- r ' 1 ?-4- r : ip PUMP EEIGATI0N IN EUFTAL0 C0U2JTY Pufialn county fr.rrr.-vs have in-ve-ste-d in a crop ii. sural. ce1 in i ur n irrigation a hi'-h w-t on1'' v.r -ur ' th of a crop In tin- dry. s- n: yerrr-, hu: more tini:i doubb-.-- ih.i ' ct'i- (v r the- yield-; which tln-y ac!.! v-d. :.';..-. they sack ;h-ir wells. Pun.n d a j-i.-xiy - p r: -y. a-o. i- -w n-r.giin.m. .- -:.s m-'i.t only a ii rerog:iizv! as th safe.-! inves'nn j nun:ber of farmers in.-ti'liing t h :: i e'mpiy pump irrigation to a cor. i sid-rabie extent. The ffdinv 'tig j table, based on results c.iripi! d :.: j the- IP.tfi.'lo Cnt'.rty Farn. Durenu .!' I lice, ;i:.'-vs the ad van tape of pump ;r; irntic-n : j With jrr::f---.ic:i e-orn proltice-d fin ; i-tt- p- ;o;oe,. i:ii i ii . ; sugr beets. ! 1 tons i.r-l without irrigation corn j pr;.dii-'d - b-i.; potafes t0 bu.; -ugnr is 0 ' n. . irrigr.tion in Dur-'ab' -'tin-j-y is nr. b asier and cheap- r than that a farm r in central Is- ru-kn can make. There arc i- w y ar : v.-hen th. rain fall in Euf-'alo county is .:unV l-4nt to pre.dutc bumpe-r crop? end as th- v is r. comparatively small noition f th- ei.unty "under the ditch.," pi-mrs irrigiitiou is t!i-' only safe ine.;:' avaiiabie for the farmer to a--ur-him If cf a good crop. Conservative estimaivs p:t'- tn." i.umb'-r 'if irri-raih.-n wells i- the couniy i-t in- present linn at Kuvh of t"-t v.etls is cap :I;Ie " ir rigating a'nout LZ arres of hind, t hu- i.; c IT.C'.ey ajins c-f l..rni Inn ! n. n (:::- that prn-iue-i C. I- - -twi'e at nun 1, as ; h 'ry lau.i fnrm c r fi :-ures frenn his lnn. Mosi. of -e y v :,.-- irri-ni-. d lane is - Innied to c-orn c-r p -t.n :n Lufinlo ccun'y. with si:g-r be. ts in many i -.- i n.. f -. -. i n -, i 1 1 , .'CTire .-as' half e-f the county, ap- ; --oninn ; ly (T.2.'0 acre s. is under il .ic! v.-it h'- wat' rb nring gravel. I Tii is grav I is r-.-uch-d at a eepth of l"oni te n to nv, feet over a large ;n.:t!'n of t hi- .-t-.ti' ami it may ne reaeii-d at a Vptb of thirty to lortv f-( t in any pic e. TL? p Tuh'ity of pump irriga- i :: in trie e-ounty has buiit up the Iniiu.-try e-f i-mtnllinir weiis. until i mi i viiin n! : c -rns in Kenrney .- , . .-, .i i j t..' t i . - ii; i tii huh miiiii -.i, i wl: il- two firm:-: are mulling pumps, i '. !; iv. fi'i.'i crt of ;ti u-'ting a n ou ,-i ; nil tkf r-uipment j for it i S'l.e-wc. This .Ines not i:i i . Iu do the pov.n-r fnr oyer; ting the i ; n; p. Tin e s: nf h- v. tils in the j county varies g-.-ea" iy, he.n ver, a ::'-n-n n- fnr as 1-. w as - i" nn-1 ranking third. Truck farmers also otl.ers expending as liigh as ?...tMiii. Considrenble l : ft" re nee is also s"-n in the cost rif tbe- power for tiprating the j umps. Ib-eeiit surveys -Low that th" average cost per act" :"' ; pumps driven with Tractor ij ?".'.S'.e vhile pumps driven with e lec tricity cost approximately !li.:i7. TL-se amounts include th" cost of labor e f distributing the- water on the' fields. Wh n a well is put down, the fh-'d which is to be- nerved by it is lir-a surveyed and the well located e :i tin highest point. From ibe- wd! tb main ditch is run along the- highest line of the tie-Id and irigaiion troni this is carried in e-xnetly as wh-n the water is supplied from an irri gation canal or ditch. Although the cost of pump irriga tion would be considerably greet r in sections of The- -ountry where- the water lift is greater than in Pufl'alo c-MUUtv, it is believed that the bi-lle- ! fit accrued from the advantage ef be ing able to give- the crops the- nec essary water at a critical tim would more than compensate the farmers for their initial cost of sinking a well. And once the weli is put down th- cost is nominal for the eiperation f-.r the few wet ks, or in some cases the few d-i--3, that it is necessary. Mrs. Waiter Johns on TT Worn by Losg Vijils. but Hiv Condi tion Net Healizei Gri-if Ij General. Washington, Aug. 1Mrs. V. ..l.-r Johnson died today after a bief ill ness. Weakened by a loiig vigil at the bedside eif a son. the wife oi the vet- " fell dden loi- GEOCZHICS AT LOW I EVE in Washington baseball plcy FOREST FIRES ARE WORSE Missoula, Mont. Flames continu ed Friday to sweep thru sections of the Selway and Cabinet forests de spite the fire lighting efforts of sev eral hundred men. On Martin creek, in the Cabinet forest, more than 2, Od 0 acres have been scorched by a blaze which was but six acres in extent Thursday morning. Two hun dred men already on the tire lines will be joined by additional force-s from Missoula and Coeur D'Aiene. The Coolwater creek lire in the Selway, started by lightning, spread in cne day to C0; jicres to become one of the most troublesome areas in the northwest woods. I Legal eni commercial printing ol Per Job Printing call the Journal i all kinds at the Journal office. e ill two days ago after a head motor trip from her husban; mer home at Coffeyville, Kan;. At firat it was thought that a long rest would enable her to recover, but her condition became serious yester day while her husband was at the base ball park preparing to lead hi. second-place Nationals against tbe league-leading Philadelphia Athletics. He was called by physicians, and re mained at tbe hospital until the end eearly todjy. A growing mass of flowers at the Johnson home gave evidence tonight of the wide sympathy with the man who as "the liig Train" became known from one end of the country to the other. Among them was a wreath from President and Mrs. Hoo ver. The game cf the Washington team with the New York Yankees on Monday was postponed to permit his teammates to attend the funeral. The two were married when he was at the pinnacle c? his fame, 10 years ago. Mrs. Johnson was 36 years old and a eiaughter of former Repre sentative E. E. Roberts of Nevadad. She became acrjuainted with Walter Johnson while living at the same hotel at which the Washington base ball team stayed, and being an ath lete herself, they soon became fast friends. In her high school days she was captain of the basketball team which held the Nevada championship two years. Surviving are- her husband and five children. Only th eldest child. Wal ter, jr., who is 14, was told of her death, which occurred in the same hospital in which he was confined with two broken legs recently. World-Herald. Chicago Thrifty housewives whose big job lias been to make both j end- meet should be having an easier 1 time of it row, even tho hubby's pay i r, r check has been affected by the drouth. ! Doth groceries and meats are at their lowest levels in several years, j separate statements issued Friday by j the institute of American meat pack-i ers and the Chicago retail grocers and butcher associate n disclosed. j Examples cited included strictly j fresh eggs, now retailing at an aver-; age of cents, compui cd to 4'i in 1 !(' ; coffee, now "D wheie- it was, 4it four years age; potatoes Z cents a peck instead cd Tn; butter, 4.j in-; s:eaei of nl; extra ianc-y green beans; at 10 cents a cpuni which sold for; 2o cents a lew months back; and; f'c-h peas down to 15 cents from "5 cents a pound. The meat packets said beef is from one-fifth to one-third lower than a year ago. depending on the grade and weight. Dressed lamb prices are from to S." per cent lower than last year, but pork prices Lave held steadier generally. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grape fruit are not much cheaper, because, the statement said, the in dustry is well organized and able to maintain a fairly level price range. Tbe mayor ef Keene, N. IL, in voked the old blue iaws to put a .;!-. to baseball games on Sundays. The players invoked tbe same law; to prosecute the mayor for plea.-.ure : ding in iiis motor car. o itnes ror f r f t V t Hot, sticky weather is hard on work dcthes buy the bsct 3rou can get you viil get mere iTniies for yotir clothing dol lar. We sell and feature the following: Carhartt Overalls. . .$1-75-52.90 Oak Brand Overalls $1.50 Security Overalls EiS One Shirts 51.00 Other Work Shirts 72c-S5b Hanson Gloves f t Y t Y t X