The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 22, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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1 v-
THURSDAY, MAY 32, 1930.
uoer ..
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
; Jtv li t
For the Best
Groceries & Meats
We make it our practice to
ifurnish absolutely the very
-best goods at a price within
vthe reach of all. Highest price
-paid for Country Produce.
Union, Nebr.
Jack Roddy, the Union realtor was
, a .visitor on last Saturday at' Weep
ing Water where he was looking af
ter some business matters in his line.
Earl Troop and family of Platts
mouth were guests for the day on
last Sunday at the home of the par
ents of Mrs. Troop, Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Leach.
Robert A. Troop of near Mynard
was a visitor in Union on last Tues
day morning, and was looking after
. . . it
some business matters as wen us
visiting with his friend, George A.
Little Dorothy Moore, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wade E. Moore has
.been rather poorly at their home and
-every effort has been taken to give
the little one relief, which in a meas
ure was affected.
Frank Bauer and Jack Roddy were
over to Plattsmouth on last Friday
-where they were enjoying the fes
tiviUes of the opening of the big
Missouri river bridge to traffic, and
were also seeing the crowds.
Ira Clarke the barber was a visitor
rained, she got chilled and after Mr.
Faris had come to town she was at
tacked with a real case of croup, and
not being able to find Mr. Faris call
ed Mrs. Chilcott, a neighbor who
hastened to call Mr. Faris and also
hurried over to the Faris home to
find Mrs. Faris choking with a very
violent case of membranous croup.
Mr. Faris hurried home with the doc
tor and she was given relief and was
feeling better in a short time.
L. M. Reynolds and family while
on their way from Atchison county,
Kansas, their home, where Mr. Rey
nolds is in the postal service had the
misfortune to burn out one of the
connecting rods of their Universal,
and stopped here to fix it. They tele
phoned to their brother-in-law, O.
C. Hudson of Plattsmouth and Dr.
O. C. Hudson came down and took
them to Plattsmouth. Mr. Reynolds
returned Tuesday morning and placed
the car in excellent condition anu
went on his way rejoicing. They will,
after they have visited in natts-
mouth go on to Tama, Iowa, where
they will visit with a brother, II. E.
Reynolds and family of that place
for a time.
Woman's Club Serve Dinner.
The Woman's club of Union, on last
Tuesday served dinner for the Union
Ttnsines9 Men's club at the snow
house, and provided an excellent din
ner notwithstanding they were labor
ing under difficult circumstances
They will serve alternately with th
i.i rlips of the Methodist church, an
thus the hunerv business men of
Union will be fed. The dinner was
sure an excellent one on last Tues
Chatauqua In August. .
Tentative dates have been selected
for the holding of the annual Chau
tauqua, the dates being August 6th,
7th, Sth and 9th of August and as
good a time as could be selected for
the purpose. The dates as specified
might be changed, but later develop
ments will determine.
Will Make Two Addresses.
The Rev. W. A. Taylor has been
asked to address the American Le
gion at Wabash cemetery, and has
signified his acceptance of the invi
tation, and will address the service
bovs there, where he has a large
in Plattsmouth on last Tuesday after- I number of friends. He also has been
noon, called there to look after some I asked to address the boys at Nehaw-
ka following, and will also aenver
the address at that place at that
business matters and also was visit
ing with his friend Chas. L. Graves,
police judge of the county seat.
Rev. W. A. Taylor and D. Ray
,Frans were over to Plattsmouth on
last Friday afternoon where they
were guests of the Plattsmouth
Chamber of Commerce and were at
tending the opening dedication of the
new bridge.
Last week Lannie Meade disposed
of his restaurant busiuess to Noah
Parker the latter taking charge of
the business at once. Mr. Meade and
.family on last Tuesday departed for
Liberty where they will visit for a
time with their folks as the folks
both reside near that place.
President P. F. Rihn of the Union
Business Men's club suggested a ris
ing vote of thanks for the faculty
of the Union schools for the very
friendly co-operation with the busi
ness mens elbu in the furtherance of
the best interests of Union. The vote
was given with a hearty applause.
Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Rihn were
visiting at Plattsmouth on last Sun
day, going to attend the baccalaur
eate services of the Plattsmouth high
school which was held at the Pres
.byterian church, and also .visiting
Mrs. M. S. Briggs who still remains
quite ill since returning from the hos
pital at Omaha.
Phil and Bill, that is to say Hon.
W. B. Banning and Phillip F. Rihn
were over to Plattsmouth on last Fri
day where they were guests of the
Plattsmouth Chamber of Commerce,
and also were attending the bridge
dedication. They stopped at Murray
for a time to visit with their friends
as well as look after some business
Mrs. Lee Faris was quite poorly
during the early portion of this week
with a very severe attack of croup.
She had been working with flowers,
repotting them and as it was cold and
Visits Friends Here.
Governor Arthur J. Weaver and
Mrs. Weaver while on their way to
Plattsmouth to take part in the cele
bration of the opening of the new
Missouri river bridge stopped for a
time and visited with their friends
Mont Robb and daughter, Miss
Agusta, when all enjoyed the visit
very much.
Build Nice Furniture.
The manuel training class of the
Union high Bchool have been doing
soma very fine work under the in
struction of Professor Wells. The
class built two very fine dressing
tables which they took to the school
where they were on exhibition as
well asthe one which was displayed
at the post office.
Cultivators for Sale
One 2-row Case cultivator, like
new. Also single row Badger culti
vator in first class condition. H. E.
Warden, Union, Nebr.
Visit Friends Here.
Mrs. Bertha Fenn of Salina, Kan
sas, who has been visiting with
friends in California, and also St.
Louis and New Orleans, also came to
Union last week where they were the
guests at the home of Mr. Mont Robb
and daughter Miss Agusta.
We Offer You Some
Good Serviceable
Put in Fine Condition for
Good Service
1927 Chevrolet Truck with 4-
speed transmission
'1927 Chevrolet Coupe.
1927 .Whippet Coach
1926 Ford Roadster
1S25 Ford Coupe
We maintain a first class repair shop
and Authorized Chevrolet
Sales and Service
: Union, Nebraska
Has Narrow Esca3.
While Gilbert Hull who was driv
ing a truck for Ralph Pearsley and
was going through Omaha, he came
to a place where the police detoured
him, sending him a different way,
and as he was driving over a bridge
which was not safe it gave away and
Gilbert seeing that it was going,
jumped and was able to escape but
the truck loaded with eggs went
down, and resulted in a great loss
for Mr. Pearsley. The matter has not
been adjusted as yet and as the police
routed Mr. Hull and directed him
over the unsafe structure it looks
like the city should care for the loss.
. The Class of 1930.
On Thursday, (today) of this week
the commencement exercises are be
ing held, with Judge James T. Beg
ley as the principal speaker. There
are ten of the class to receive di
plomas and to go out into the world
seeking a nitch in the hall of fame
and service. They have studied hard
and have received good grades and
are well entitled to the diplomas
which they are to receive. Those to
graduate are Reba Doris Farris,
Dorothy Helen Watkins, Marie Ellen
McMahan, Pauline Smith, Donald
Wilson Harris, Rutheda Elizabeth
Dysart, Marcella Lorena McQuinn,
Warren Orison Pearsley, Doris Isabel
Albin, Earnest Raymon Ervin.
The Quality Store
Watch or a Special UI isvTfris
Space in the Hear
Telephone No. 29
Union, Nebraska
Dinner Party.
The home of Miss Anna Bauer was
the scene cf a delightful dinner
party on Wednesday evening, when
Miss Mary A. Chase was the charm
ing hostess to the teachers of Union
With appropriate decorations and
a delightful dinner, a happy time .was
had by all who attended.
The attending guests were Miss
Marbuerite Aura, Miss 'Ruth Moore,
and Mrs. Wayne Garrett. Miss Beth
Wilson, a former teacher at the Union
school, was unable to attend.
Miss Anna Bauer was the able as
sistant to -the hostess.
A very enjoyable time was had at
the Lewiston Community Center on
Wednesday afternoon when the So
cial Circle club met to have their
annual open house meeting. Mrs. Al
bert Young and Mrs. Sterling Harris
were the hostesses. An interesting
program had been arranged by Mrs.
Young, the topics of the papers given
by members being on happenings of
interest today. The club opened the
meeting by all singing "America the
Two piano solos were given by
Mrs. Dovie Asch, a very talented mu
sician of the community. A paper on
the London conference and world
peace was given by Mrs. Greeley Beil.
"What Should be Done About Farm
Taxes" was given by Mrs. Allen Ver
Current events were given by Mrs.
Ezra Albin, Mrs. Bruce Wolf, Miss
Rachael Kendall, Mrs. David Kendall
and Mrs. Glen Thompson. A report
of the Woman's club convention was
given by Mrs. Tony Klimm.
The club had the pleasure of hav
ing eleven visitors: Mrs. Georgia
Creamer, Thelma Rhoden, Mrs. Major
Hall, Mrs. Victor Wehrbein, Mrs
William Troop, Mrs. Sack, Mrs. Dovie
Asch, Mrs. Arthur Crunk, Mrs. Susie
Strickland, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs.
Glen Thompson. Several of our visi
tors gave very interesting talks, they
being Mrs. Troop from Nehawka and
Mrs. Patterson, president of the
Riverview club.
Meeting closed by singing "Flow
Sweetly Sweet Afton."
A call meeting has been held dur
ing the month, at the time the fol
lowing officers were elected for an
other year: President, Mrs. Albert
Young; vice president, Mrs. S. Y.
Smith; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Earl
Wolf; project leaders, Margaret
Moore and Mrs. Allen Vernon.
The next meeting will be held the
last Tuesday, May 27th, at the home
of Miss Margaret Moore, with Mrs.
Allen Vernon as assistant hostess.
From Wednesday's Dally
The members of the Plattsmouth
club of the International Rotary
held their regular meeting yester
3ay at the noon hour at the Majestic
cafe and with a fine 100 per cent
attendance of the membership being
present to take part in the meeting.
The leader of the meeting was
E. H. Spongier and who had ar
ranged a very pleasing program for
the occasion.
In the discussion of the countries
of the world where International
Rotary actively organized, Harvey
Gamer discussed in a most interest
ing manner the Central American
republic of Guatemala.
-The members of the club had as
the chief feature on the program a
eery fine talk in the value of music
in the home, given by Mrs. E. H.
Wescott, who has been head of the
music department of the Nebraska
Federation of Women's Clubs and
also a leader in the musical circles
of this city. Mrs. Wescott also gave
two very fine vecal numbers that add
ed a great deal to the enjoyment of
the members of the club.
From Wednesday? Dally
James W. Holmes motored to Mur
ray: today where he visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith,
both of who are still suffering from
the effects of burns received ten days
ago when their home came near be
ing destroyed by fire. Both Mr. and
Mrs. Smith are still suffering a great
deal, Mr. Smith especially as his
burns were caused from hot varnish
that fell on his hands as he was at
tempting to extinguish the blaze on
some curtains in the kitchen, the
burns later developing an infaction,
he also has some severe burns on the
back of the neck. The most severe
burns of -Mrs. Smith are those on
the , head and also on the fingers.
However, it is thought that both will
soon i be , over the effects of the in
jury altho it will require some time.
For the Girl graduates yes we
can certainly show you a multitude
cf tilings. Fountain Pens, hand tool,
ed Purses and Bags, v dainty Vanity
Sets, Books, exquisite line of Box
Stationery (with or .without mono
grans). These are just a few, of
the many things you will find -at
IlBatesiBook Store.
. . to Introduce
this lS(eiv
This is not just a reminder; it 19
a -warning that only umil June 10
can you cash in on our amazing offer
of $30.09 for your old stove.
If you do not have gas. If you have
to make a coal or wood fire mornings,
or light smelly wicks, or generate
burners and fuss with fuel buckets,
boxes or cans, or wait for wire heat
ing elements to get hot, ihenyou are
just one who will appreciate a clean,
efficient gas stove.
Iu this new Skclgas Stove are ad
vanced features never before com
bined in any one stove; its impressive
beauty, easy to clean enamel finish,
over-size oven, sturdy construction,
' in fact everything a perfect stove
needs, combined with clean, efficient,
quick-cooking, safe Skelgas.
From one of two cylinders in a
beautiful cabinet outside your home,
Skelgas is supplied to your stove.
You have a generous reserve on hand
"To see that beautiful stove", said
one Skelgas user, efis to fall in love
with it." And we want you to see it,
too. Let us show you what hundreds
of Skelgas users have written praising
this magic fuel.
You, too, cau have this stove and
Skelgas. Payments if you wish. But
come in now.
t: , : -
j 3r Iv-v'' .
Hit---& r
ether on lop or lower
1 mpreiiire Bmautr. In rVlmimr white. A Om-Simm Dim. Lane
IS1' iV. trimmed in .oft, Uuc-Iinted grT. ' qnfluddioirpulTiib.fitkHmrT
.V ,nln8 ealT, wn
t?. -rG j TSI V 'f'in Porcelain EnammUd. Erery
l?I 1 ti" iv, Kl ' Prt. inio and out, fintahed in slUtenlns
J r' 'JrJ lorceJein enamel. A Ileat-Tisht Oren with pceially drajgncj
S i f PSfel inultion. Hock wool, te.Tily blanketed
-5 pV ""T-1--t f r.nrr to Clean. AH corner rounded. Damp
M XU A r',UT Sperd Tnp Burner, and Oi
Simmer Bnrner.EaperiallrdeiKnedtfriTii
and qniltrd, and dead air .pare,-keep
the heat In. Aboliahea old time over
heated kitchen.
siTinar 1 1 B"kifrom Cold Start. Pre-heating U not
hihe.ttooburnereiciencTknown.BIaek neeeaMry. UwU in same time aa pre.
vtarreltfin c Dime led.
heated otciu.
- kr Vcb r
t -. ry i
is .a At is
am d TT . T T n . a u a -
tom-Wt. Control. Newest, .turdict 1 7 .T. ''r"'?ulM'7 a ,ooa' "P"
!TDe of valve "e repniaior, men go aoonf
meal time, and find the food perfectly
cooked. Appeal to women who like to
eave time and who want to do other things
than cook ail Hav.
4 O Self'Sunaartinm Omr Rnrlim SnmiMti
Bfimtint Porcelaim Drip Tray. I am atrons enoush to hold no loaded
dripping from cooking. oven rack.
3 Roomy I. tenmil Drawer. ETerythinp you 1 M Speedy Broiling Oven. Broiled food are
need i within reach. Save Ton mile of ibe cpirnre delisbt. Food nerer fat-
, 4f?;-3yJ epced.
i vf; 7 Slain Jfe.i
iM Sj 1 Catchcall
tep each year.
oated or hard to diiret. Perfect for cook
ing steaks, chop, bacon, ham and fiah
-I JT Sturdy Cray Iron Leg, fully, enameled
I v Made of beat grade gray iron- Legs am
typical of the tardy const ronton
tbroaghQUt.tlSo flimsy sheet irqn or light
eel part usedC Only uneat gray iron
,ao'l 20-frange Armco CBameling Modi
nsed throughout.
fXATlttSt. GAS
PSattsmoutlh, Nebraska
Chicago--The Tribune says that
an enormous air right development
that may rival the "loop" as a busi
ness district is planned. Present
plans, the paper savs. are to construct
70.1 acres of streets and sKyscrapers,
completely serviced with gas, water,
electricitv and ntVii- ennvpnipnnes Oil
a virtual table built over the tracks
or tne Illinnia ronfm railroad.
Bounded by Grant park, Michigan
avenue, the flhlnaim river and the
lake one of the most desirable areas
in the metropolis the district would
be one of the show places of the city.
oamuei insun, the Bancamerica-aiair
corporation and Field, Glore & Co.
have Jointly submitted a proposal to
lease the invoK-ori air riehts from
the railroad, the paper says, and pros
pects for an agreement are reported
as excellent.
Make $2.00 per hour and be your
m boss. Sell the famous "Stop Me"
ilk hnrrlo ar t nraot i om and.
iH l L H v."--
Everyone buys two or more. Act
1CK. -Write M white. Box 4 87,
Alliance, -Nebr.
Always sometMne of interest ia
the Journal-: Want Ad department.
Oklahoma City. The wild Sigmon
Xo. 1 gusher, which blew in out of
control last Friday in the south Okla
homa City oil field, was spouting oil
high over its derrick late Sunday.
Oil operators estimated the gusher's
production at 20,000 barrels of pet
roleum daily. Workmen Sunday
night made preparations to choke
down the flow by means of a special
valve control. An estimated gas pro
duction of SO, 000, 000 cubic feet a
day, operators said, was being emit
ted with the oil.
Beatrice. May 16. The sum of
$2,500 has been raised by subscrip
tion by J. L.. Schiek of this city for
an airport here. It is planned to
lease an SO-acre tract with the priv
ilege of buying it later. A booster
meeting will be held soon to put the
project over. '
For the athletically inclined grad
uate a tennis racquet ; tennis balls ;
a baseball glove and all kinds cf
ether sporting equipment can be se
cured thru the Bates Book Stone.
Large ize maps of Cass county on sale . at Journal office. 50c each.
Are Very Busy Now
The farmer is late planting his corn. Wet weather has
retarded him. There is lots of work now on the farm.
Take advantage of our excellent service at "Your
Creamery" in caring for your Cream and Milk. You
busy wives, we can help you in your daily tasks. Bring
your milk and cream to "Your Creamery:1' Your crew
of workers 4will care for the work there. Always in the
market for Poultry and Eggs at highest market prices.
Telephone 94 Plattsmouth, Neb.