i L PLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUBKAI THTTRSDAY, MARCH 20, 1930. PAGE TWO ( Nehawka Department! Prepared in the Interest of th People of Nehtwkfr and Sttrroandm Vicinity Epecia4ly for the Journal Readers. Sound Economy Docs not consist of Spending the Least pos siblc for what is absolutely needful in caring for Heavy Investments. When one has purchased expensive machinery, and much of it of a delicate mechanism, that machinery and that investment needs care needs to have a fair, square opportunity to make good the purpose for which it was made. Automobiles, Trucks and Tractors cost much in the initial outlay. Why not use best lubricants? Did you consider Pennszoil the oil which is outstanding in its purity and long wearing qualities? Costs slightly more and is well worth it, for it spells protection to your auto or other machinery as well as the smooth running, best execution and highest power. Costs less in the long run and always serves you best. nehawka Farmers Oil Company R. C. POLLARD, Manager Nch a v k;i, j .h-M-H-M-H-M-I-H-W V DAVID E. WYNEGAR, M. D. j riiysician nnd Surgeon j pi ion i ;s Itrsidcmc, 17 Office, C2 Nehawka, Nebr. !. Victor Weln beln and Tommy and I,U Tioop were visiting In Platts mouth for the diiy hint Saturday. K. .1. KntKcr was a visitor for the d.ty list Sunday nl tho home of fi lends and relatives In Nebraska Ctt. Mrs. C. M. Whitehead and thdv t' Kosa lie -wore visiting with frlomts in Nehawka uul vicinity for the past week. Mis. T. l. Kill ton has been feeling Vather pooily ot late and while keep ing gving has found that .-ho Is feel inn better for the tight. .V trawling library which has been established tn Nehawka has been do lus ; very good, business providing books for the reading public to read. Mai tin Uoss and the family were visiting for the day at Lincoln last GET YOUR Chicken Starter at the Nehawka Mills 1 os. wo make it for you as you want it. or toll you how to make it yourself. Printed Crepe A silk and cotton Crojc that tubs perfectly Pretty colors and designs -Lovely for Dresses 56 inches wide. Price, per yard, 75c Munsingwear Hosiery A new all silk Chi (Ton Full Fashioned 1 lose Only $1.50 per pair New Silk Ties, SI ;ptin and Summer Silk Ties Smart, elusive Patterns Only $t F. P.-SHELDON ESTABLISHED ISSS Tolpphono 14 Nehawka, Nebr. Nebraska Sunday whie they drove unto nnd enjoyed the day in their wonder- rullv. Albert Wolfe ws a visitor in Mur rny Tor a time on hint Sunday where ho was the guest of his friend T. J. niendcl. the barber of that hustling little city. Mis. H. II. tngwerscn who return ed from the hospital some time since has been showing good gains of late and Is hoping soon to lie In her for mer good health again. George Tate who la making his home at Union was a visitor for n short time in Nehawka on Monday of this week and was visiting with his many friends while here. i. Frank loinnii and the good wife were visiting with friends in Nebras ka City for the afternoon and even ing last Sunday, and enjoyed get- t lnfl caught In the rain Sunday night. : Lester Urcnncn was a visitor In Nebraska City early Uils week where he entered the hospital at that place where he underwent an operation for relief from appendicitis, nnd is getting along fairly well since 'the ordeal. Miss Mary Yost, who was taken to the hospital at Nebraska City about ten days since where she un derwent an operation for relief from appendicitis Is still there and getting along only fairly, but expects to be able to return home in a few weeks. IVan Nutzman, S, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nutiman. while riding a horse on last Saturday had the mis fortune to fall off, and fracture one of his arms which has made It in convenient. The young lad is getting along nicely, but it will be some time before it is all right again. Herbert L. Kuntt, the new black- : smith has installed a new welding machine, and with it a generator (which makes the gas to do the weld itng with. He is thus equipped nicely 1 to do all kinds of welding, and thus 'save much for the farmers in repair j bills. The work was so active in the .shop that he has had Thomas E. Ful ton assisting in the work. Wank l Sheldon and wife and Marion Tucker and wife were over to Omaha on last Sunday, they driv tng in their car. and enjoyed a very flue vitt In the big town, also visit ing while there with Henry M. Pol lard, who is recovering at the hos pital and where they found Uncle Henry feeling very cheerful. He is hoping to bo ablo to return homo in a short time. Albert Anderson and the good wife entertained last Sunday at their home nnd had an their gucBta for the Ocea nian Mr. and Mra. C. Kteffens of Lor ton, parents of Mrn. Andemon, and Mr. and Mm. Frank Horstman, the latter a sister of Mrs. Anderson, they 'coming from Syracuse, alao the fam Jllea of John II. StcfTens and I). SteT fena of Nehawka. A most pleasant day was ppent by all, they enjoying a very delightful ix o'clock dinner. Gets Truck Load Potatoes. Robert I. Taylor was a visitor at Pilfer on last Saturday whore he made the purchase of a truck load oT potatoes, which he brought to No haw. Theso potatoes are excellent ones and good for cither eating or seed. Violet Anne Waldo. Little Violet Anne Waldo, the ten months old daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chester Waldo, after Reveral days or very severe , illness died as she was Itin linonttnl l Omaha. he little ono had been given the hoHl of nursiner nnd medical care. .but constantly grew worse, and with the facilities which are at tho hos pital It was thought that the little one's life might bo saved. It was decided to take the llttlo one to th? hospitnl at Omaha early Inst Sundny afternoon nnd na they were Hearing the city a tire of the doctor's car blew out. A passing car took the little one and Its mother and hastened on to the hospital, but the death angel intercepted the hur rying car, and claimed the babe be fore they were able to reach tho hos pital. i Chickens Growing Rapidly. Rome time slnco, A. R Sturm pur chased noma nineteen hundred baby chicks and at the same time Gran ville Heebner got one thousand. IJotti gentlemen have done well on the growth of the chicks as they have many which are now weighing over a pound nnd nil doing well. George lopp also received a shipment of some three hundred this week. nnd they are getting started. Ijooks like there will bo plenty of chicks this year. Will Make Home in East. Dr. Norman Johnson of Lincoln, where he has been located for orae time In the practice of 'dentistry, and will visit for the day and a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Schlictemeler. when he will spend the time with his sister, Mr3. Schlictemeler nnd with his mother. Mrs. Mathllde Johnson, before his departure for the east where he will enter In partnership with Mr. Win. Kgan In tho dental business. Mrs. Johnson is 73 years of age and is making her homo with her daughter. Mrs. Schlictemeler. Mr. Johnson will locate at Kuthland. Vt. Present Wonderful Show. Last Saturday, having gotten the machinery installed, the first talkie was presented at the Auditorium and was listened to nnd watched by a large and very interested audience. The title of the play waa "The Idle Rich" and made a hit. There will be a play with each Saturday night and at such other times, as occasion seems to justify. Says Wonderful State House. For yea its Olaf l.undbcrg has sluck to business and has always been at his place and ready to serve. But last Sunday Mr. Lundberg and fam ily and Vomer lamdberg and family hitched up the reliable limosene, and headed it for the west, following the advice of the world famed Horace Greeley, and in the course of an hour and tlfty-nlne minutes found them selves in Lincoln, with the new- growth and changes of recent years. and as Mr. Olaf l.undberg has stuck to the business and not been to Lin coln for the past 11 years, he wa8 much surprised. However they wanted to see, and went to the state capltol, where they made a very critical examination of the building, which Is nearlng com pletion, and which is expected to be finished in the next 14 years, and found a most wonderful building. Olaf says that he could not see but the building should stand until it was completed if nothing happened unlooked for. XUwlcigU Products. I have the agency tor The celebrat ed Uawiclgh Products for the east half of Cass county. I shall call at all farm homes with samples nnd shall appreciate your patronage. The excellence of these goods are well known there are none better. 1 shall thank you tor what orders ou can give me. Chester Tlvbon. f2T-2tw. Will Hare Better Reads. Two sets of petitions have been circulated for the graveling of two I sections of county roads, which will (greatly improve the roads leading to nehawka and the main highways ad. ijaeent thereto. One contemplated. I the graveling ot the road leading south a mile front u street south of i Nehawka, and then a wile east, again ; south a mile and then east to the highway Nv T5 which leads to No braska City and also the north. Th cifcet iseettea ct toad is to nm tre-ru ;oae mil south of o drrct, and di 'rectly south of Nehawka, Vhore U ci- (i ' ; V - ' .. d .r i- v ... At Red Crown Service Stations and Dealers everywhere in Nebraska Jlends south to the eoXruty line, and thence west one half mile, ihus pro viding for gtxd roads in this entire section. Visits Friends in Iowa. Tor the past wef-k Mr. nnd Mrs, J. S. Rough were spending the dAy-s in lowa City. Iowa, where they en joyed the occasion with their two daughters and families. They er guests while there ot Mr. and Mrs Harold J. Pane, and Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Benson and family. They re turned home last Sunday, leaving low City shortly after seven o'clock, and made the distance. SfR ralte. stopping for dinner and IVAVtdtng about ten hours, arriving home at about six o'clock. Infant Dies at Hospital. The little near four months otd daughter of the liev. And Mm H. W Knoblock, which ha tcen so sick that s.h was taken io tho hospital at Omaha, passed away there tn last V'rlday, the remain being brought to Nehawka whev the funeral and burial was had on Utt SutldaJT. Td funeral rrvlc were conducted by the Ker. George W: Woavor of the Mynarvl lulled Brethren chuvrh. Vmtea rrieiut-ii XeUwU. Mr. and Mrs. JoKMtUk ct Oma NEW & ? IS the modern motor oil gredients. ha, where Mr. Melick is superintend ent of the Union Pacific railway, and also sister of Mrs. Henry Wessoll. also brother of Mesdanios V. T. Sehlichtemeier and J. Murdoch, were visiting in Nehawka for the day last Sunday and was guotd At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wessoll. A verv pleasant isit was enjoyed by all. Attend Funeral Here. Among those who were in Nehaw ka 1M week to attend the funeral of the late Nicholas Orrs were t Chapman of Ashland, accompanied by Mn. Chapman, Messrs. Chvis and ,1vhn Nutttman and K'mer liuhga of Aw as well as V-eaY fetl of F-acle and Albert Keil ot Urnnning and Henry A. i'hiteott and ife of ner lvnton. Card o ThanVs. We wish to opivss oir mot in tei thank to our. neighbors and kfrUhds Tor thov,oMvsfdcration r.t kindness dining: Ihe.V.inss and death ot our dailing baby. ' Words eannot opro?H out appve Clation of the kind w-ords, the vnv ptlet lir of mon4ly )tan. l.e dod of helpful KeiAice end th e- jtiUl v"Wr -Bev, afed Mv. H. IX ' KnobU-vk and Children. " New refining equipment and processes alone made possible the new Polarine with every desirable quality oil can have free from disadvantages previous refin ing processes had never overcome. The new Polarine contains less than half the carbon residue of old process oils has greater lubricating value deposits less carbon in the motor. The lighter grades of the new Polarine have a "pour point" below zero. The heaviestgradesflowatl7 below freezing. In stability and protective body at high engine heat the new Polarine sets new standards. The light, bright color of the new Polarine shows freedom from wax and tar in On all points of both quality and per formanceyou cannot buy an oil made by any process, from any grade of crude, at any price that will do more for your motor than the new Polarine. This new Polarine is sold at no advance in price. Consult the Chart for the correct grade. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEBRASKA A) 7 Ichittsku cJn.?itt( ton At U, B.. Churches. .V revival mooting began Monday. March 1 7th at the Nehawka church and will continue to March Seth. un- H'.er the leadei-ship of llr. and Mrs. 4H. A. Wheeler, well known union lOVSTtgTiiMs, Meetings regin at T.SP seach evening, lts of special rr.usiC land searching ropel messages. We,. jwant you to be with us as much as f possible. Bible Confertner. A week-end tlMo oentcrenoe w-.H be held in the Ottrrbein church be ginning nevt liiday evening at S p. tn. Kev. H. Kills Ivir.insper. v ioc pttvldeni of the Omaha l;blc In-f-litute, will be the speaker. Meet ings will be bold on FVi.isy. Satnrday alid Sunday nights. Sunday Tnorr.irsg and Saturday and Snnayarternoors at S "p. The followir s th- pro-gt-srn planned: rv;dA- night wtii the om ivvj, Stnd Saturday V. M "ttihle SMic SatAiay night "The Uo.v Spif-.t and llio lVicvev." Sunday morning "The Word Re voalo,i." Sunday V M ;Vie Smc.y." Suriaf ni.ht '"The of Re- xivl 4 ,Tkw ieur.g-f ope a t t:0 fwMe wnd ,eiv.ia iRxitntion ffora j pastor and people. Mr. l.ir.ir trr: j speaks Sr. various places ar.d h: j sages are a biesr-ing. H. l". KNORLXX K. I Ii:rc. Airrrtis? in the Jccrr.!' 1 iHarness Oiled i and Repaired Get resdy for Sprirf. Set ter have yotr K&;.ir.cry Kra;rs leered ani rra fcr ftjtrtirg Srinr xrc.: It doesn't pny to r&it he I$.t TniV.tte. t.n Ve 11 the ETXSXAPT TUdic Xene better ct the ir.arkrt, XVtc resonsWe, I W. H. Puis : not $ 1 rUttsot t 3f f K.