The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, March 17, 1930, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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, if-i
Greenwood PepartmeoiS
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Greenwood and Surrounding Vicinity
Miss Alpha Peterson, county sup
erintendent was a visitor in Green
wood on last Wednesday, where she
was visiting the schools
M. E. Peterson and wife were over
to Lincoln on last Wednesday, called
there to look after some business
matters connected with the garage
W. E. Tailing and Bert A. McEI-
wain were visiting and looking after
some business matters in Lincoln on
last Tuesday, they driving over in
Walter's car.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. McDonald were
over to Lincoln on last Wednesday
afternoon where they drove to con
sult a specialist regarding the health
of Mrs. McDonald.
Ray Fredrichs has added a new
fanning mill and grading machine to
his enuiDment for the handling of
the large volume of seed corn which
he is at thi3 time enjoying.
Mrs. Earnest F. Smith at their
beautiful home in Greenwood on
Thursday afternoon of last week, en
tertained the members of the Ladies
Card club of Greenwood and where
all surely enjoyed the occasion very
Mrs. Watson Howard who has been
quite poorly for some time is reported
as slightly better at this time. Mrs.
Howard has been not in the very
best of health, and while at times
much better other times her health
has not been so good. She however,
makes the very best of the health
which comes to her and keeps going
as much as possible.
At this time there is being done a
lot of repair work, in the way of
changes of residences, barnes and out
buildings, as well as new hog and
poultry houses, all of which is bring
ing good business to the Searle
Chapin Lumber company and keeps
Dewey Ileadley hustling the most of
the time. He has also been selling
much cement to the road crew "who
are to soon begin operations on the
Robert E. Mathews and family
(were over to Manhattan, Kansas for
'over the week end last week, where
.they spent the time making a very
'pleasant visit with Mrs. Belle Wil
son, mother of Mrs. Mathews, Rob
ert took particular notice as to the
progress the farmers were making
and found them much ahead of this
country a3 it was much warmer and
spring farther ahead there then.
Has Eight Hundred Chicks.
Watson Howard, who is in the
poultry business mostly for the pro
duction of eggs, he having well se
lected stock of good layers. He has
some eight hundred chicks and all
healthy and thrifty chicks, and will
expect to hatch some eight hundred
more, and from the entire hatch will
select the layers for the coming year.
The roosters will be used for table
and market. Watson has made a
very marked success in the produc
tion of eggs, many of his eggs going
direct to the eastern market where
they command a very fancy price.
Married at Omaha.
Mrs. Ada Gullion of Grand Island
and a sister of Mrs. E. A. Landon,
Mrs. A. N. Wright and Miss Cath
erine Coleman, who formerly resid
ed here but who has been making her
home in the west for the past nearly
twenty-live years, was united in mar
riage with Mr. Charles Dahlgren of
Polk, who is a prosperous farmer of
that portion of the country, the mar
riage being celebrated on March 5th.
Following the ceremony, the newly
,wedded couple came to Greenwood,
where they visited for a time with
the relatives of the bride here and
njoyed the visit. They then departed
for their future home at Polk, where
they will live on a farm and enjoy
the best which the world affords.
Entertained the Eastern Star.
At the beautiful home of James
and Margaret Greer south of Green
wood on last Wednesday afternoon
Miss Margaret Greer entertained the
members of the order of Eastern Star,
at a 1 o'clock luncheon, when there
was a most merry time and a good
afternoon followed by one of the
very best dinners possible. The ladies
of the order declared this one of the
very finest afternoons which they
had spent in. this beautiful country
home in years. They are looking for
Closing Out Our Wall Paper Stock at
We have a good stock of Brooders
and Poultry Supplies of all kinds.
Sweet Clover Seed, good grade . . $4.75 Bu.
Harness Supplies o All Kinds
As complete a Hardware stock as you'll find anywhere
Call and See Us
Telephone No. 82
the coming of another such pleasant
Enjoyed Fellowship in Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hudson and
Mrs. Travis departed last Saturday
and going via Plattsmouth and the
new bridge, and thence to Glenwood,
Iowa, and via Sidney over the newly
paved highway to Shenandoah where
they spent the Sunday in the magic
city, and enjoyed the excellent pro
grams put on by the broadcasting
stations. Of course to keep in line
they had to spend twenty-five cents
to see if the bargains were sure what
they were purported to be. They say
they had just as well have saved the
Oddfellows Entertain.
The I. O. O. F. of Greenwood who
are always ready for anything which
gives evidence of a good time, were
visiting last Monday at their regular
meeting night by some 28 members of
the Ashland lodge and following the
rearular business which was but
limited, they put on a stock judging
contest, and naturally their ideas
went to the different kinds or cat
tie. selections were made as to the
different breeds and the selection
lighting on A. .R. Birdsall, L. J. Wal-
radt, George Bucknell and Marian
Dimmett. As the committee of
kjudges passed on the contestants, they
gave L. J. Walradt 62 per cent as a
Galloway, Marian Demmitt was giv
en 73 per cent as an Ayrsdale, George
Bucknell, 32 per cent as a red polled
while A. R. Birdsall was accorded
99.7 as jersey and won the first rib
bon. Will Consider Good Roads.
The Greenwood Commercial club
will met on Friday, March 21st and
will have their guests the farmers
surrounding the city, and others who
are interested in the welfare of this
hustling city and community. At this
meeting it is expected to take up the
proposition of having the town line
running east from Greenwood gravel
ed and made into a good road and
furnishing an outlet from the new
bridge across the Missouri river at
Plattsmouth. The club will be en
tertained at their next meeting by
the celebrated entertainers, Ben
Howard, Phillip Reese and Charles
E. Calfee.
Making Beautiful Home.
Fred Ethrege who had to move
his home to accommodate the pres
sure of traffic is getting things it
fine condition about the new home,
and is working every day to make it
more beautiful and convenient as well
as a better place to live. By the time
he has concluded the work he will
have the home modern throughout
and will have electric lights and a
modern heating plant as well as wa
ter and bath, with hardwood floors,
thus making a very beautiful home
for himself, and probably room for
another. Anyway we are hoping.
Started Home Last Week.
A letter from Riverside, Califor
nia, where O. F. .Peters and son,
Glen, are at this time, and where
they drove from Greenwood and en
joyed a good visit and are ready to
return, they expecting to depart
for home late last week.
Curtains Studied by G ab
Mrs. Wm. Renwanz, Sr., was hos
tess to the Greenwood Achievement
club, Wednesday, Feb. 26th.
Curtains appropriate to windows
of different rooms and of different
proportions were explained by Mrs.
Fred Hoffman, assisted by Mrs. E.
Landon. How to make curtains, how
to hang them and appropriate shades
were also shown.
Plans for a local achievement day
were discussed and Mrs. Carl Hoff
man. Mrs. Floyd Grady and Mrs.
Ted Carnes were appointed ub a com
mittee in charge fo the program.
Mrs. Henry Tool and Mrs. Chris
Kupke of Murdock were out-of-town
The next meeting will be with Mrs.
Lulu Hurlbut on Wednesday, March
26th to study towels. Members who
were not present may have back les
son by calling for them.
Read the Journal Want-Ada.
tegular Prices!
Greenwood, Nebr.
Manley News Items
Frank Rau and wife of Utica were
visiting in Manley and at the home
nf Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rau while
Herman Mann of Louisville was a
visitor with his old time friends Jn
and around Manley one day last
Harold Krecklow and Otto Harms
were over to La Platte last week
where they were working at the car
penter trade.
Henry Peters and wife, parents of
Mrs. Theo Harms were visiting ror
the week end at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Theo Harms.
Mesdames Ray Smith and A. R
Dowler of Weeping Water were
sDendinc last Saturday with their
friend. Mrs. Herman Rauth.
Charles Gade and wife of Ashland
were guests for the day last Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Gade's parents.
Fred Flaischman and wife.
Teddy Harms any wife were visit
ing in Omaha on last Saturday and
were looking after some business mat
ters in line with the store here.
Herman Rauth and wife were
guests for the evening on last Satur
day at the home of E. M. Ruby and
wife, where all enjoyed a very fine
John Cran was a visitor in Omaha
for a number of days during the last
week and the business was looked af
ter by Fred" Lauritzen while he was
O. T. Leyda bought four good
horses at the horse sale which was
held at Manley on last week, which
he will use on his farm over near
Frank Davis and wife of Elmwood
were visiting in Manley for the day
on last Sunday and were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grover
Andrew Krecklow of Falls City and
wife were visiting here for a short
time last Saturday and Sunday and
were guests while here of August
Krecklow, they stopping on their way
home from visiting with Fred Kreck
low, a brother, of Council Bluffs,
who is very ill at this time.
The placing of the roadway be
tween the No. 1 highway and Weep
ing Water, in shape for the deposit
ing and spreading of gravel which
will connect Weeping Water with
Omaha on the north, was completed
last week and all that now remains
is for the applying of the gravel.
Surprise Mrs. Hawes.
Last Monday was the fifteenth
wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Hawes, and a large number of
the friends of Mr. and Mrs. Hawes
gathered and going to the Hawes
home on .last Monday evening they"
made a merry evening for the popu
lar couple.
Found Good Market.
"At the horse sale which was held
at Manley last week it showed that
good horses are still good horses and
will bring a good piece of money.
One horse, a spotted fellow and a
good looker, nine years of age, sold
for one hundred and eighty dollars.
Mrs. Rosina Jung Dies.
Mrs. Rosina Jung, widow of Pastor
Jung, formerly of the Evangelical
Lutheran church, and who has been
for some time past making her home
with her son, George Jung of Mal
colm, died last week and was buried
from the Evangelical church. Rev.
Jung was pastor of the Evangelical
Lutheran church some eighteen years
since and was there when the church
building was constructed. Some 11
years ago they went to Nortonville,
Kansas and Rev. Jung died about
four years since. Mrs. Jung was 71
years of age.
Greenwood Transfer Line
We do a general business make
trips regularly to Omaha on Monday
and Thursday, also to Lincoln Tues
day and Friday. Pick up loads on
these trips. Full loads at any time.
Fort Pierce, Fla. Impounding two
guns used by Fred Brownlee and two
border patrol inspectors when they
killed Perle S. Thomas near here
three years ago, Judge Jefferson B.
Browne Friday said Jie believed his
action would "tend to prevent fur
ther commission of murder or mur
derout assaults." In entering an or
der refusing to deliver the guns back
to the United States government,
Judge Browne said he was taking
"judicial cognizance of the many
murderous assaults that have been
committed by federal officers and
others and the necessity of prevent
ing the same."
The judge denied a motion by Fed
eral Attorney Hughes for return of
the weapons, and in his order fur
ther set forth that he "has no assur
ance that if these two guns, .which
were used to murder an innocent
citizen, be returned, the war depart
ment will not wrongfully entrust
them to other murderously inclined
PlatUmouLb Wednesday, I,Iar. 19
Pedigreed Wisconsin Barley Seed
for sale. $1.00 per bushel. Call C. H,
KJrkpatrick, Alvo, Nebr. m3-3wM
- Earnest Hollenbeck who has been
living near Peru for some time past,
returned to near Alvo and moved
into his own place three miles east
of town.
Ray Parsell and the family were
in Alvo for a short time on last Wed
nesday afternoon while on their way
to Omaha where they were doing
some trading.
Ralph Clymer of Greenwod was
a visitor in Alvo on last Tuesday
looking after some business matters
relative to the sale of the Buick
auto which he is salesman for here.
M. R. Christensen who moved here
recently and will farm the Charles
Godbey place, come from York, and
will be in readiness to take up the
work as he is getting settled on the
The Pythian Sisters met at their
hall on last Tuesday afternoon and
enjoyed a very sociable hour as well
as looking after the business of the
lodge, and sure they did not forget
to have good eats.
R. D. Taylor and wife and Mrs
C. I). St. John of Nehawka were vis
iting in Alvo on last Tuesday, they
calling at the home of Albert Img
wersen and were also visiting at the
home of R. M. Coatman.
Ben Appleman shipped three cars
of hay to Kansas City last week, two
of which were clover while the third,
was alfalfa. The hay had been bail
ed and Coatman and Skinner hauled
and loaded the same at Alvo.
George Braun was a visitor in
Alvo for the day, accompanied by
Mrs. Braun, they driving over from
their home at South Bend, to visit
with Mrs. Braun's parents, Wm. Yea
ger and wife on last Wednesday.
A son of Ben Plymale while work
ing about the place east of town had
the misfortune to allow a team be
was working with to get the advant
age and which ran away with the
result that the young man had his
collar bone fractured.
The house which Ivan Ault house
is having under construction, is go
ing along nicely towards completion
and the plastering now being in
progress, and with that out of the
way it will not be long until Ivan
can get into the new structure.
Henry Thomas has been in very
poor health for some .time past as
it being found that he was not able
to care for himself he was taken to
a hospital for treatment. V. O. Mil
ler of Weeping Water came over and
got Mr. Thomas and took him to the
Mrs. C. D. Ganz entertained the
members of the Alvo Woman's Read-
ng club for the afternoon and lunch
eon at her home last week, and a
most pleasant afternoon was bad
with a good program, a social hour
and were entertlaned by Mrs. Ganz
in the latest and most approved man
ner. Barn Burns to Ground.
The barn on the Hollenbeck place
two miles and a half east of Alvo was
reported as being on fire and the aid
of the Alvo fire department was ask
ed. The boys who were on their
toes looking for something to do
were on their way to the fire in a
short time and arrived in double
quick order, the fire was well under
way when they arrived and so the
barn could not be saved. However,
they were able to save a large crib
which was in the fire zone and was
n emiment danger of being con
sumed. The boys proved themselves
able fire fighters even if the distance
was long. The structure will soon
be rebuilt.
Making Improvements in Home.
S. C. Boyles who some time since
purchased the Cashiner residence
property is having same placed in
excellent condition. John Coleman
doing the work. He will have hard
wood floors and other conveniences
of a modern home instituted.
All Had a Mind to Work,
fio it wn a t ii time that the
TRmplitpa return from their captiv
ity in Babylon, and they fcuilt the
temple walls, .the temple ounaing
and again made a Great Nation. Well
the ladies of the Alvo Methodist
church got out and raised enough
money to purchase the J. W. Bropst
place and after the place was se
cured, they sought to put it into the
best condition for habitation. They
siHlrori fnr what assistance they in
getting in the proper condition. The
building needs a new rooi, n mb
tn hp naintpd hnth within and with
out. The people all had a mind to
work and getting behind tne raou
came with what tools they wished
tn iiso ont nioon n mnf nn the house
and had it papered and painted,
Choice St. Charles Red
ReicT Yellow Dent
Seed Corn
Germination 80 or Better
New Bags FREE
Corn must suit you or
money back. Trice
per Bushel
Frederichs Seed
Phone S3 .Greenwood, Neb.
e vast resources and facilities -
that world leadership has given Maytag
inspired and made possible
MAYTAG genius is ex
emplified a9 never be
fore in this NEW Washer. It
represents the achievement of
the world's most skilled, sdern
tific washer craftsmen, in
spired and guided by prcv'uw
Maytag accomplishments.
Now, for the first time, yri
have a washer equipped with
a NEW one-piece, cost-olurn-inum
tub ... a NEW roller
water remover with cnclosel
positive-action, automatic
drain... a NEW quiet, life
time, oil-packed drive, with
handy NEW auto-typc shift
These and many other
NEW outstanding advanta
ges produce the greater effi
ciency of this, the latc3t
Maytag triumph.
TDK rm - for a trial home wah
J. "Ulic ing Jf k dowin.t
itself, don't keep it. Divided pay
ments you'll never miss.
Netvton, Iowa
Founded 1893
Permanent Nortli west rn K.utory
JSranHi. Maytap HulMInK 510
Washington Ave, North. Min
neapolis, Minnexota
which when done will make an ele
gant home for the minister and the
good wife. All credit to the ladies
for their hustling. Now they are not
wanting to take all the credit, though
much is due them and in this way
they want to express their thanks
to every one, to all who in any way
contributed to the slightest part in
the bringing about the wonderful
home which they have been able to
create for the church.
Will Give Play.
The Parents and Teacher Associa
tion of Alvo are to have a play which
they are to give at the high school
building on March 2Sth. Watch for
other announcements telling of the
play and be ready for a laugh when
the play "Beads on a String." It is
really said that it will be well worth
Enjoys Visit Here.
Mrs. Simon Rehmeyer has been
enjoying a very pleasant visit from
her sister, who was here last week!
from Marshalltown, Iowa, and who
with Mrs. Rehmeyer sure had a fine
time in their visit. On last "Wed
nesday Mr. and Mrs. Rehmeyer went
o Omaha where they accompanied
the sister on her way home.
Getting the Ball Park in Shape.
The Alvo baseball fans are getting
n condition for the season, and not
alone are the trimming up them
selves so as to be the very best when
the time comes for playing, but they
are getting the grounds in good con
dition for the playing as well.
PaM'o Vol low npnt f everv ear
tssiprii Seifid Corn. hiKh test, good
vigor. 12.00 at farm, $2.50 shipped.
Phone 4805. Union, Nebr.
Time rSaturday, March 22, 1930,
at 2:00 p. m.
Place Weeping Water, Nebr.
Property The Eller property of
Lots 5 and 6 and south half of Lota
7 and 8, in Block 33, Weeping Water.
4-room house, roomy barn, good well,
etc. '
Auctioneer Rex Young.
ml0-?w Administratrix.
' Buff Orpington eggs. $3.00 per
hundred. Mrs. Frank Hogue. Mur
ray, Nebr. jnl7--tw
William Kriskey, Jr., of Omaha
was here for a short time today vis
iting with the relatives and friends
for a few hours, coming over from
Pacific Junction where he was laid
over on his railroad run. -
A 5 4,5 0 0,0 0
f .ft.-.r i.i.-1.:zffifarrfcj9
TUNE IN Maytag Radio Proeramt. NEC
LoaM to Coast ISctwork. WJt and 34 A.
ociated Stations. Monday tvc. 9:00
.T &00 C.S.T., 7:00 M.T. fcUO F.T.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Water Moritz
From Thursday's Dally
Jess Atteberry of Chicago is here
to spend a few days with his family
in this city and visiting the old time
Sheriff Bert Reed and Attorney
J. A. Capwell were at Weeping Water
today where they were called on some
matters of business.
Don Reefer oi Glenwood came
over this morning from his home to
spend a few days at the home of hi
sister, Mrs. Roy O. Cole and enjoy
a stay on the farm.
Mrs. J. W. Clarke of Chicago, who
is visiting at Omaha with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Robert Strehlow, came down
yesterday to enjoy a short visit at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. John A
Major John P. Sattler, II. A. Sch
neider of this city and R. A. Lues
sler of Omaha, are at Ottumwa
Iowa, today where they attended the
meeting of the Harding Highway as
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stewart, who
have been making their home at Far
nam. Nebraska, have returned to this
city and located in their residence
property in the south part of the
city, having disposed of their inter
ests at Farnam.
From Friday's DaJty
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Hild from
near Mynard were in the city for a
few hours attending to some matters
of business.
Attorney C. E. Tefft of Weeping
Water was a visitor here for the
day to attend to some matters at the
court house.
County Attorney George H. Heinke
of Otoe county was here for a few
hours today looking after some mat
ters at the court house.
W. H. Hoover of Louisville was
a visitor in the city Thursday after
noon where he spent a short time
looking after some matters of busi
Robert Hartford and Carl Keil
were at Lincoln this afternoon where
they enjoyed looking in on the state
basketball tournament that was in
the second round today.
Mrs. C. P. Emrick of Lincoln, who
has been here visiting her sister,
Mrs. W. T. Scotten, for the past few
days, departed this morning for her
home in the capitol city.
H. H. Herzog. county commissioner
of Otoe county and daughter, Mrs.
Clifford Livingston, came up this af
ternoon from Nebraska City to look
after some matters in the county
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullis. who
have been visiting here for the past
few days at the home of Mrs. Mul
lis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wiles,
departed this afternoon for their
home, at Gordon.
Dr.'and Mrs. R. P. Westover and
daughters, Janet and; Ruth, departed
this afternoon lor St. Joseph, Mis
i vv
For homes u-iihout electric
ity the Hay tog is available .
vith in-buiit gainlint motor.
Maytag Co.
Maytag Co.
souri, where they will visit with rela
tives and Dr. Westover attend the
Royal Arch Masons session Satur
day. From Saturday's Daily
Attorney Carl D. Ganz and John
B. Skinner of Alvo were here today
to spend a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
William Sheehan and Rudolf
Bergman, prominent residents of
Center precinct, were here tiday for
a few hours looking after some mat
ters at the court house.
W. K. Beggs, superintendent of
schools at Summerfield, Kansas, is
here to enjoy a visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Foster Patterson,
Mr. Beggs being a former schoolmate
of Mr. Patterson at Tarkio, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riester and
daughters, Irene and Dorothy of
Manley were here today for a few
hours en route to Red Oak, Iowa,
where they will visit over Sunday
and crossing the river here on the
new bridge.
It is better to have insurance and
no fire than to have a fire and so
insurance. I write for the Fanners
Mutual of Lincoln. "There are none
better, and rates are reasonable."
Kindly see or phone W. T. Richard
son, Mynard.
Grand Island The Central Ne
braska Sheep Feeders association.
meeting in monthly session here was
advised that its recent effort to have
lamb and mutton placed on the army
and navy menus had met with fail
ure. The sheep feeders had enlisted
the aid of Congressman Howard .of
Nebraska in their attempt to pro
mote the use of lamb and mutton
as a food.
A communication from F. H. Pope.
army quartermaster, which was read
at the meeting, stated that "for eco
nomic reasons as well as for the
purpose of maintaining the morale
of troops, it is considered inadvis
able to recommend that lamb or any
other class of meat other than beeC
be prescribed as the basic meat for
the ration."
Dr. Joe J. Stibal
Chiropractic Physican
Nervous Liver Kidney
Sun-Ray assistance for Ton
silitis. Sinusitis, Piles.